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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 4, 2024 2:50am-3:36am MSK

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with the selectors of major festivals , but for him it was important for balabanov, well, he wanted, yes, yes, it would not have been important, well , somehow he wanted it in a simple way, he somehow appreciated it in his own way - this is attention , despite the fact that at the same time he didn’t give him a penny, as if he was sitting, well, he didn’t like any events or go anywhere.
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and even strengthen and emphasize them, in order to further frame these wonderful people a little, somehow the energy disappears with age, and cinema is energy, i always said that after 50, make films.
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sports, that they somehow found him, managed to talk to him, talk to him, i’m actually here, so i understand that i, of course, we also work as best we can, well, what ’s it called, memory, or something like balabanova, yes, and i, of course, everyone who with respect, with some kind of even respect, yes, does similar work. we continue the conversation, this is the life of the wonderful podcast , our guest is producer sergei silyanov. i must say that i practically didn’t know him, the only time he invited me to the premiere, not the premiere, but he was at this screening of the film morphine, yes, since i wrote a biography of bulgakov, maybe they told him, i don’t know how, but in any case, here i was on morphine and i caught myself with very strange feelings, when i... this film
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, because, well, let's say, morphie was based not only on this story, but in general on the notes of a young doctor bulgakovsky, in principle, the notes of a young doctor from my point of view, this book is very bright, very a joyful book, yes, this is a book about how a person overcomes all the hardships and adversity life, this is a book about victory, not about defeat , so to speak, the book is lighter than dark, this is my perception, the film is so, well, creepy, and yet i really liked it, so i had...
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the majority he made films from his own scripts, but in some cases, he took other people’s scripts, and you had something to do with all these things, well, that is, you told him.
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for others, there may be something else for us, maybe, but we definitely don’t know how to do it, and he, of course, i didn’t want to do anything, well, the so-called flow, well here comes the script to the studio. i watched them , first of all, from the point of view that lyosha, that is, he himself did not want to write any scripts, nothing, uh-huh, here ’s a blind man’s buff script, but i tell him, it’s a bad idea to make a comedy, he read it, he says, well, yes, so let’s all the roles be played by very famous actors, he says, come on, and he took off the blind man’s buff, yes, well, and yet this state did not go away.
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which is good, by the way, there is a certain percentage of viewers, quite such, probably not very small, who are considered the best balabanov’s film, it doesn’t hurt me, because it’s a melodrama, because it ’s a feeling, because it really doesn’t seem very similar to galabanov’s other films, as we already discussed here, serezhin’s morphine, that is, serezhin’s script, well, maybe it’s , i don’t like these speculations , but i started talking, i’ll say, perhaps it was... and part of this, like such a duty to a friend, comrade, perhaps, it seems to me, for a little bit it was present there, that what here is the script by sergei bodrov, here it is on the screen, here is another topic that intrigues me
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balabanov has always attracted and even somehow intrigued, and this is the yakut theme in his work, in his destiny, and this film, the tragic story of the film morik with the death, and... actresses and of course the film kachigar, yes, where this yakut theme sounds, but how did it come up with him, why i also have something to do with this, it was before karmadon, that is, they lived and worked vigorously, yosha came up with a lot, but nevertheless, well, always some high-quality, interesting ideas are always valuable, and one day i came across a script, scripts with... conveyed by eric paezatian script based on seroshevsky's book the limit of sorrow. i began to read it with some skepticism, but when i read it, i realized that this was some kind of really powerful story. balabanov had questions about this script, and balabanov then
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wrote it, so to speak, anew. siroshevsky is a polish son who wrote a great work yakut and he is like that. i studied yakutia as a scientist, and as a fiction writer, i also wrote several stories, and i gave it to lyosha, i said, look, it seems like something interesting, well, i read the fuse, as they say, really wanted to do it, and that’s how the film kachigar was born, no, that’s how the film rek, yes, who is tragically a very strong actress tuyaaraeva, was born. filming died, naturally, we stopped, then balabanov, at the request of dmitriev, the head of the state fund, because at the request, even he loved balabanov very much, and he edited this one from
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the material that was shot, such a yeah, such a film that has , in my opinion, it still has such a separate artistic meaning, but... of course, this is not a film, in its entirety, and then these are echoes in the film kachigar, yes, of course, some kind of internal rhyme worked inside balabanov, there was also a story of high lak, yeah, at the very end, i meant, yes, that’s misha scriabin, mikhail scriabin, he was one of malabanov’s favorite actors, a yakut actor from the yakut theater, there are 200 of them in georgia
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. what would you like to say about him? a film that is prophetic about itself? well,
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yes, well, well, then there’s no point in talking about cinema at all, i think there’s no point, at least for professional people people, art critics , film critics, film experts and so on, yes, but i am not one, not the other, not the third, i am a producer and a viewer, there is a film, i have something from it... i try to preserve the sensual rather than the rational in myself, too, that’s why i haven’t gotten tired of making films since i was 14, i don’t get tired of communicating at all, it’s not burnout or anything, it’s definitely not about me, because it’s based on these subtle energies that i like is happening.
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and what kind of song is this? dear friends, creative podcast is live industry on channel one, with you as always, presenter elena kiper, producer and video director, and roman karmanov, general director of the presidential cultural fund. and our guests are the president of the computer sports federation dmitry smith and
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e-sportsman, dota 2 player, evgeniy pogrebeshny, hello, hello, so regarding e-sports, firstly, the audience that is watching us now, i think, most likely this treats it as something generally quite distant, cybersport, or or thinks that it is a person, who sits at the computer , and how does it differ from gaming, because when a person just plays, he has fun,
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well, at best, without harm to health, and sport arises at the moment when a system appears, a training system, there is a team, there is a coach, there is a sleep regime, a wakefulness regime, there is a training regime, there is a nutrition regime, there is physical psychological preparation, that is, naturally, strong teams have sports psychologists and... even in the standards of sports training for esports physical activity is prescribed, because the phrase in a healthy body, a healthy mind - these are not just beautiful words, i myself was once a world champion in starcraft and i know how important it is to be in physical shape, because when you come to competitions, the environment is different, water, food, everything it’s different and the tension is colossal, but before there wasn’t such a lot of money as there is now, but the honor of the country that you...
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was gone for a long time, and esports, yes, arose from the desire to compete, and you want to compete according to the rules honestly, so then the rules appeared , judges and... sports appeared? it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times, when a person is told, he always perceives something of his own, some analogies, when a person comes and sees,
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how were we able to convince that this is exactly what it looks like, we actually are used, showed a demonstration. it turns out that dmitry and i are the same year, generally speaking, it turns out that he promoted sports and developed it, and evgeniy, he already appeared when it was already a sport and... for evgeniy it is a sport and this is a given , but it turns out that now there are quite a large number of young people, they believe that getting into e-sports is the same achievement as professional football, hockey, and so on, and where did the desire to get into e-sports come from? , what were you going towards, uh,
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or also from gaming, at first for me it was just leisure, that is... when i was still little there, i studied right there in the sixth grade, just like other children, it there was something new, at that time i wanted play games, that is, i hung out there with friends, returned home, uh, computer games , like all children, it was very interesting, over time - interests changed, uh, but at one point i realized that i was better at it than others, that is, i played there with friends, with other people, and i beat them. because of this, i wanted to somehow become better, then the first quarrels with my parents began there, when they said, you spend too much time on the computer, they limited me in this, at one point it’s enough when i’m an adult was, that is, i was in the eleventh grade and there were exams coming up, i decided for myself that i could try myself in this path, because all sorts of tournaments that were taking place, they
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were covered, i saw that you can make money from this and decided ourselves in this... and teams are somehow formed, correctly in e-sports, well, naturally, here we are no different from other sports, there are scouts who are looking, there are people who are coaches, they train, there are sports psychologists who are responsible for coherence teams, because if you put five people there with the psychology of a leader and good
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apma indicators there, this is the number of actions per minute, a term that is used in e-sports, and not the fact that they will turn out. the team, the guys must be coherent , you understand, in esports the speed of reaction is very important in almost all disciplines, split seconds count there, it is very important that the whole team, as a single organism, can react to changes in the situation, and here it is not enough to do your homework preparation, play so to speak, the beginning of the game, the further from the beginning of the game, the more unpredictable everything goes, you have to make a decision along the way, this is improvisation.
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games were hung with sensors, telemetry of their body was taken, and so the level of mobilization of the body is comparable to that experienced by a formula 1 racer, that is, this is a very high voltage... imagine in such tension, several hours, several days, that is the competition goes on for more than one day, you have 40 minutes, relatively speaking, an intense game, then you have 15-20 minutes to
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in order to get in shape, rest a little, decompress, and then go back into battle, this naturally requires very high endurance. evgeniy said that there were problems with parents, a negative attitude towards... the fact that a child sits at a computer, it is more common than if a child goes to play hockey, football, and so on, you somehow struggle with it , are you working with this, we are not fighting, we are trying to educate, we have, for example, a website, on it there is, firstly, a brochure on technology safety, that is, how to protect posture, how to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome, how to preserve vision, and this was actually useful not only for children and their parents, but in general for all office workers who sit at computers, and therefore the first thing we say , and this can be safe if you follow the rules, secondly, i repeat once again, if
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a child sits at the computer at night, plays something and says: mom, i will be an e-sportsman, this is not so, you need to sleep at night, from this point of view , once again, as i said, sport is a system that includes everything, and... naturally, not everyone becomes an athlete, and e-sports as a whole is structured in such a way that it is quite easy to enter into it, to try yourself, then the whole question is: does a person have enough endurance, desire, and some kind of strength will to achieve success, or he will try and say: no, i’d rather go there just for the soul and play there, here everyone makes their own choice, but the parent’s task is to figure it out, and for...
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how does he differ from a gamer, here how can you tell them apart? it really all depends him, because if his goal is to get some income and go to a higher level, then he should do the same. like all e-sportsmen there, stick to training, well, there must be discipline, and if he just wants to play some tournament, just go there with friends, so to speak,
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for fun, then well, nothing stops him from doing it, it’s done there for registration in a tournament in 5 minutes, look, now only with our support, but there are seven online tournaments a day, and besides us there are...
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we continue to talk about e-sports, our guests today are dmitry smith and evgeniy pogrebeshny, an active trainer, i would say, an e-sports trainer. but i can’t help but ask about this, there are a lot of discussions about what to do so as not to lose young people, esports, it influences how to distract a young person from the street, from under the so -called bad influence, to keep him on on the threshold, so to speak, of rash decisions and so on, yes, this is, of course, actually esports and, well, in general, the world of gaming, a computer, it can completely pull a person out of reality, that is, a person... may simply not take care of himself , in the same way he can become dependent on the computer, so how can one deal with this, well, that is, what’s
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good about it then, that is, he, well... that's one thing, but if he has a built-in program , he laughed and went about his business, then training, he somehow monitors his results, analyzes his games.
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our relationship began, i was a full-time student at the institute, and one might also say, i haven’t decided, i kind of played in tournaments, so as you said, i was an amateur to play in tournaments, and i was thinking about going to work in my specialty or becoming an e-sportsman, and accordingly, the girl pushed me to the idea that since this is my hobby and it can bring in some income, then why not, like to combine work with a hobby - this can be said to be a person’s dream, but yes, it’s true. management of an organization , that is, well, this manager won’t run away, but he won’t run away, you’re done with it, i’m in my second year, when i decided to become an esports athlete and came to my parents with this question, i said, that here i am at the institute there, i somehow pass exams, i go, but i would transfer to correspondence and try myself in e-sports, and my mother at that moment told me that let ’s give you a year, transfer to correspondence if there are
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any... then results, then continue, if... there are no results, then go back to full-time, go back to college and finish college, well, i transferred to part-time and there a month later i won a fairly large tournament for myself, we won 5,000 rubles there to the team, and accordingly i transferred to i still graduated from the correspondence institute just this year, but recently i defended my diploma and, so to speak, also succeeded in e-sports. certain tournaments are won, and parents come to your tournaments, as they participated at least once, all tournaments can be watched online, i tell them that i’m going somewhere there, they cheer for me, they watch the broadcasts, but the tournament itself is but they don’t come to the final part there, i just went to a tournament in moscow, probably five years ago, quite big, i was shocked by that the level of patriotism of the guys who participated there, well, just raising the flag,
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and... of course, it was international, so every team that won came out, it was clear that as far as this was all, that’s the level of patriotism and love for my country, for me it was very cool, and it was then that i realized that e-sports is a general thing, we need to develop it all at once, it was a russian team, and there were russian belarusians, it was an international competition, there are many countries there came, but i would still like to take a step back, here you are talking about... the fact that people on the street are captivated by e-sports and so on, and that you can get lost, you really can, in general , there are no less dangers on the internet now than on the street, the same darknet and other horror stories, they exist , you don’t have to think about them, shut yourself up, but my personal position is that the more a person understands the world around him, the better, and
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e-sports are... uh, naturally, sports psychologists, but besides this, this is a huge piece, uh, which deals with lighting, that is, this broadcast directors, and these are commentators, these are analysts, these are people who, relatively speaking, in the virtual world operate cameras and so on, that is, this is a huge number of people, well, for example, here we are again, we just went to saransk about 100 people, and the people in this stadium were served by this.
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tournament, and a bunch of people worked online, that is, e-sports is an industry, an industry that was in its infancy at one time, but is now active. is developing, it has not yet reached its peak, and nevertheless, now this is a huge number of jobs, but for me it’s much more important that e-sports makes people think, this is really important in our time, well, i’ll also go back a little bit, uh after all, martial arts, as we know, each has its own code, when a guy from the street gets involved, relatively speaking, well, how it should be, and when... he gets involved there, as we know, this code influences so that the skills that he receives go for the good, that’s if this is the code of e-sportsmen, are you proactively searching for these same guys, athletes, well, i understand that scouts,
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we already understand that these are the people who are looking, but the question is, where are they looking? there is no code as such, but esports, it teaches discipline, and there is also this very interesting term: sports... aggression, sports aggression , it exists in all sports, even in chess, yeah, and the task of a competent coach is to teach an athlete how to dose this the most aggression, because if a person completely non-aggressive, he will not have normal motivation for the will to win, if he is excessive, he can succumb to emotions and make mistakes, it is very important to dose this story if we are talking about where... scouts are looking for e-sportsmen, they are looking for them, in the actual competitions , there are many competitions, as i already said, amateur ones, but you can look at the results, secondly, in the game itself there are usually some statistics, and
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there are certain indicators, parameters, by which, again, you can track both those who have already achieved a certain level and those who are competent a scout can see a rising star, that is, people who have very... good potential that can be revealed, something like this, and you sign a contract, yes with this player, we are a federation, we do not sign, clubs, sports clubs, just like in football, basketball, hockey, at what age did you first sign a contract as an esports player? for the first time at the age of 19, and actually for me, i have a deeper question, at what age did you actually sit down at the computer and play the first game, at what age, probably at 10, my father's height. i sat on the computer, played, then my godfather gave me a computer. actually, what’s the question: the earlier a person starts playing sports, the better , as you know, yes and no, now we know, well , now we know, well, if
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you take a child of 5 years old to the skating rink, you’re doing great, but if you take a 5-year-old child to play a computer game, or it doesn’t work like that, it doesn’t work like that, which means, naturally, we have a ministry of health. which set age restrictions for each sport, we allow people from 14 years of age to participate in competitions, and for classes in the section, 12 years are enough, well , of course, with the permission of the parent. for the country , what is the benefit of the fact that we have the strongest players and e-sports in general is developing, and pragmatically, well, what is the benefit for the country, what do we have? there are great chess players, or how uncomfortable we are with the fact that our football players do not always, let’s say, achieve success smoothly, that is, there is no pragmatics, it’s an image,
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it’s a perception, look, when we we say that russian e-sportsmen are the most desirable foreign players in any team in the world, this is prestige, pride and... the perception of our people of our country by people from all over the world, it seems to me that this is a very important point, but again you understand, the task of sport, of any sport, is not to set a world record, it is the task of nurturing a harmoniously developed personality who will have those behavioral patterns that will allow him, this person... to become successful in our world, that’s here, now, and e-sports, it does not oppose itself to traditional sports , on the contrary, it says, we must go hand in hand, there is traditional sports, there is computer sports, it is precisely when a person
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engages in both one and the other, then he becomes harmoniously developed, and there are already coaches in esports who say, now i’ll teach you, you’ll earn millions from this, well, there are coaches who don’t... work in that way, they’re like a ghostly sixth player, that is, in the team where i play , five players are located, and accordingly more often in total, there is a coach in the organization who after that.
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coaches, many are judges, and if a person
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is charismatic, he goes into commentating and becomes a famous streamer, someone runs a blog, well, that is, there is huge potential here, yeah, that’s what an esports athlete plays and about? - mostly shooting games, well , look, let’s do it then, what are the scenarios, what is the discipline in computer sports, it is tied to a certain scenario, but what you call shooting games, we call tactical three-dimensional combat, and there are strategies, there is sports simulators, there are technical simulators, for example, one of our disciplines is controlling drones in the virtual space, that is, there is a whole program where a person undergoes training, controlling a drone, and the trick is that when controlling it in the virtual world a person uses the same manipulator, he develops mechanical... control skills, after a person
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has been actively working there, for example, for six months or a year, he actually acquires the profession of a drone operator, therefore, people compete in what they like, what their soul is for, of course, the majority, yes, well, i don’t know, there are statistics, such action games are close, yes, these are team games, they are quite dynamic, but here, more once, you understand , it’s like... well, i don’t know, a person is watching a football match, yes, he sees there, well, athletes are running, and if a person starts to understand, he understands that there are certain mechanics, certain construction schemes, certain tasks for each of the players, each has its own function, and so on, in the same way, when a person immerses himself inside esports, he understands that this surroundings is, by and large, not important, certain mechanics are important, and the social level of interaction, well, did you mention it somewhere?
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and for me, at one time, there was also a question,
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should i leave or stay here, from my school, and i was in such a very strong physics and mathematics class at mipt, most of my guys, they went to live abroad, i stayed, why? well because i wanted it to be good here, and i it didn’t matter how much money they would be willing to pay, but for... the question is solely about money, in my understanding no, and not because we are not saudi arabia or something else, but because it is fundamentally wrong, money is a motivator , it is important, but far from the only one, so here, first of all, it’s a question of goal setting, motivation,
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and subsequent education, so let’s break the question into two parts: how to keep who you are now, an adult and an adult? and those who are still growing up, those who are growing up, you just need to educate them correctly so that they have values ​​that are in tune with us, our state, those who are now adults, the only option is to offer them similar financial opportunities, that’s all, but the philosophy, that’s how you remember, the first rule of the fight club, what kind of philosophy is it’s not a philosophy of sports or e-sports, it’s a philosophy in general. well, in fact , since i have a certain income, and i don’t really need money, i first of all now look at the players with whom i will play, that is, for me, first turn, since i am aiming for the highest niche
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in e-sports, i also want to play in large tournaments, then when i am called to the team, the first question for me is who will i be with? play , then the next question is whether i will play there from home or whether we will be provided with a bootcamp , or whether there will be a salary, but often the players, if there are four strong players, are the ones who are some rising stars or have a fairly high rating, then most often players agree to play even without salary, but what is the income now? average, can we call it something, or is it all very strong? scene the scene is divided into 3 tier levels - this is called - tier 1 - tier 2 stage - these are just the highest tournaments where there are 44 million dollars for first place tier 2 - these are the nearest tournaments and the prize money there
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is also big but not so direct huge - shooting range 3 - this is where i'm playing now , trying to get into shooting range 2, well, salaries. in tier-2 teams, somewhere around 2.0 dollars, plus or minus a thousand, depending on the media level of the player, this is for one participation, well i mean, for one victory or something, that is , when you are on a contract with a team, you are paid a certain amount per month for simply playing in the team and completely, one might say, dedicate yourself to the team, in addition to this, you play tournaments with... you win a tournament, then the team takes a certain percentage of the winnings, it ’s small, but it still takes it , accordingly, you have a salary in the team, and you also have money from tournaments, which you earn by taking certain prizes, there is some the fundamental difference is where your body is physically located when playing, well, i mean in our country, somewhere in australia, i don’t
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know, when there was coronavirus, tournaments were played online, and after that. there has been a trend that there are tournaments that are played from home online, and there are tournaments that are held in person, this is called a lan tournament, respectively, here are the russian tournaments that are held, they come, well, you need to come, the tournament lasts several days , continuous play, there is preparation for opponents, this all happens in person, that is we pick up our keyboards and mice there to make it more convenient for us to play, computers are provided there. this is basically how the tournament works, and there is a tournament where you can just, well, play online from home. a computer game is a very complex structure, it is a concentration of creative industries, i would say, yes, it is a software part, it is design, it is music, it is, well, there is a lot there.


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