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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 4, 2024 10:50am-12:00pm MSK

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highlight all why there won’t be a university , i am grateful to the university of my almater, that they raised me as a surgeon, love, passion for medicine, you are not from a medical family, unfortunately, no, well, the boy is not from a medical family, can you imagine that you are for him you say, the surgeons of our program, well, we all understand that our profession is very difficult, a noble profession, which... which stands completely separate from all others, only these are the doctors, those doctors who live in this business and want to help people, they do their job well and perfectly, and can you imagine how lucky it is for a patient to fall into the hands of this boy like that, but in fact, i want to say that an era has come when...
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mom, dad, mom, what a boy has grown up , happy for you, thank you very much, sit down , please, and of course, not everyone was able to come to us from afar, from our beloved siberia, but each of you who participated in this operation are professionals with a capital p, that’s all for today, we had a good time, may you live great. the information channel on the first begins its broadcasting, the program time will tell, we are working live, in the studio of oles losyev, ruslan stashko. a huge scandal in the bundesphere, negotiations between the leadership of the german air force on the supply of long-range taurus missiles to ukraine and... strikes on the crimean bridge were leaked online. the head of
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the bundesfer makes absurd excuses. chancellor scholz was unable to say anything intelligible at all, and the german opposition has already sued the officers. politicians accuse the military of dragging germany into a war with russia. but while europe is dealing with taurus, in washington , the package of new military aid to ukraine is still not getting off the ground, former head of the us army mark mealy warns. that refusal to help ukraine would have tragic consequences for world security, but zelensky, meanwhile , suddenly remembered about morality, especially after poland was going to close all crossings with ukraine, the president could not find anything better than to say that the situation had gone beyond the limits of economics and morality, but what moralities are still being discussed by morally crippled politicians in ukraine in the west immediately after a short advertisement. general
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syrsky, the new head of the armed forces of ukraine, who is also called general 200. the situation at the moment can be assessed as difficult, the enemy is now actually advancing along the entire front line. tsyrsky will kill us all. ukrainian soldiers are mincemeat in syrsky’s career ambitions. the main thing is a career, but money doesn’t smell. i just know syrsky personally because i have his last name. everywhere it is written that he has one wife, one child. his parents live in vladimir. always said, but my sashka wants to become a general, being a general in a small country is a little easier, his parents try to refrain from commenting, since a man who betrayed his homeland, god forbid, would raise his hand against his parents, he had a chance to continue his career in russia, in the thirteenth year he was still eating cake with our flags, why did my mother and i break up, i didn’t travel abroad, in short with a translator, with one of the translators he decided to the deputy, well, go to hell, you bastard , traitors are not born , they become traitors, alexander is cheese. general 200 dolls
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tutti's heir is on the first today, i have a military man associated with each butterfly.
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who have contributed to the development of mankind. the main driver of the indian economy now is information technology. india exports its software products to more than 90 countries. this is a country of paradox, one day we land on the moon, and the next day people fight in the street over some trifle. now about 2.0 films are shot a year in bollywood, this is an absolute record. hindus and russians, they are brother, brother. we helped. india to create the most modern system education and healthcare. this in sanskrit means one land, one family, one future. premiere of civilization. film six. india, tomorrow on the first. i will
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reign or i will perish. a foreigner who did not have legal rights to... during the 34 years of her reign, catherine gained the glory of a wise , fair ruler. she radically changed the country and, like peter the great , received the epithet “great”.
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prepared the main surprise for his beloved woman: the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. we had it with us. the lines of his monologues became aphorisms. never exaggerate the stupidity of your enemies or the loyalty of your friends. yes, well said. it’s simply amazing to be friends with him, because he ’s smart, brilliant, he commented on everything, spent a day, and came out educated. can i kiss? no, no, he somehow tells him. mikhail mikhailovich, do you know that you are a genius? he simply told me: yes, clarke, i know, i’m confused. this march marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvanetsky. i remember how everyone froze at home, turned on the tape recorder, recorded zhvanetsky. and at the age of 11 i couldn’t understand what this man was saying, in the hall people
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were happy, in my home they were happy. this is not prose, this is poetry. zhvanetsky's dictionary is the dictionary of the country. our exclusive today is the satirist’s wife, son and friends. and his. in the center of the village, the fighters of the storm detachment have already planted our trikalor and the flag of their unit, now the battles are going on for the western and northern parts of the village, the enemy is putting up serious resistance, in novomikhailovka, the vysu militants have dug underground passages between the houses, this allows
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naturally, they have to move underground between their strongholds in the avdiivka direction. the ukrainian armed forces lost another american abrams tank in battle. our guys destroyed the vehicle with two hits, first they hit the track with a grenade launcher, and then they finished off the american tank with an fpv drone called mupyr, all this happened not far from a populated area. razin, let's find out the details of what is happening in the avdeevsky direction. vladimir, hello, over to you. ruslan olesya, good afternoon, traffic continues in the avgeevsky direction on our side, it goes along the thin line, orlovka berdychi, right in the area of ​​this settlement of berdychi, another abrams, yesterday suffered, let’s say, a defeat, yes.
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they don’t take care of them, but they don’t take care of them because
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they are trying to find at least some way out of the situation in which they now find themselves, but so far there is no way out, our parties, our guys are seriously pressing them there, so the movement with our side does not stop there, but it must be noted once again that the enemy is really very is seriously trying to stop us there, a lot of reserves are constantly being brought there, they are constantly trying to... counterattacks, which , well, we know what ends for the enemy, yes, but nevertheless, our guys are moving forward, so there is really movement in the avgeevsky direction active, serious and it does not end after take, here is the south donetsk direction , in particular the settlement of novomikhailovka, where our guys literally burst into on the shoulders of the retreating enemy, how is the situation there, is the situation there? that's enough too complicated, guys, just yesterday we occupied half of the village, yes, before that 1/3 was behind
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us, now it’s already half, again behind novomikhailovka, which is on the highway towards ugledar, there are two more small settlements, through which again logistics and the transfer of troops are also being carried out in order to somehow slow us down, because in principle, after the occupation of novomikhailovka , the flank of the exit is absolutely completely open. in the direction of carbon, yes, and this is quite a serious loss for the enemy in this direction, so there they are also very , very stubborn, afraid of losing this settlement, it, in principle, like marenka, has long been prepared with underground passages, routes of communication, supply, ammunition, and so on, but the guys are breaking down this defense in the literal sense of the word, thank you very much, military correspondent of the popular front vladimir razin, we are in direct contact. a global scandal in the bundeswehr.
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negotiations between the leadership of the german air force about the supply of long-range missiles to ukraine were leaked online, where they decided, which means, with german missiles tauras to hit our ammunition depots on the crimean bridge. if the chancellor now decides that we should supply missiles, they will be transferred from the bundeswehr. okay, but they will only be ready for use after 8 months.
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do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own, because it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent, so it is quite possible. that soon they will be able to use it themselves, because they have all the satellite images, but they don’t receive them from us, well, you see, now in germany they are thinking, how is it possible, this secret was revealed, but in fact, the germans have had one secret for 79 years now, like a stone in their bosom at the russians, here
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such an opportunity is convenient to throw this stone at in the form of a missile through ukraine, but as they say, the german snout in this conflict. don’t hide it, it just became known, the news agency, citing its sources , reports that the german ambassador was summoned to our ministry of foreign affairs, but we only showed you a small fragment intercepted negotiations, in fact the conversation lasted almost an hour , german journalists confirmed the authenticity of the recording almost immediately, so we had to wait for a reaction from the german authorities, the first on saturday was chancellor scholz who tried to react to everything very vaguely, it turned out...
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there was a split and an erosion of our unity, and we must respond decisively to this. i contacted the federal directorate of military counterintelligence immediately after the incident became known and ordered a full investigation of this matter. the officers did what they did for why are they here, they were thinking about various scenarios, without making plans in any way. there should be no doubt, this did not mean and does not mean green light on the use of taurus missiles either on the part of chancellor olaf scholz or on my part. on the one hand, i understand.
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overheard recorded this conversation, this highly confidential dialogue took place over an unsecured line, the security policy chancellors are stunned and demand an exhaustive investigation. this conversation probably should never have become public. military counterintelligence is currently investigating whether the tapped officers may have violated security rules by using an unsecured
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line. according to the dpa news agency, they used a communication application for their conversation. scholz continued his program visit to rome, but he knows that many uncomfortable questions await him at home in germany. scholz justifies his negative decision. about the supply of taur with the direct participation of german soldiers in the russian-ukrainian conflict. the opposition does not rule out the creation investigative commission and questions the trustworthiness of the chancellor. the federal chancellor is now even more discredited as it has become clear that he misinformed the public. the kremlin sharply criticized
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the soldiers' actions for allegedly consulting on the deployment of taurus cruise missiles in ukraine. russia wants germany to think twice before supplying taurs missiles and any other types of heavy weapons to ukraine, because it is unclear how far it can and wants to go germany in its support of ukraine, but do not become a party to the conflict, because this is very dangerous for europe. such a step could have very, very big consequences for europe. between russia and germany, for many years i tried not to spoil it, even during the war in ukraine. now i wonder how long germany will be able to maintain this position. you know, again, as they say,
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without declaring war. this means that the germans say that for many years the bundeswehr tried not to spoil relations with russia, even during war, conflict in ukraine. and the leopards , that they are just... the german ambassador arrives at our foreign ministry, there will be, these shots , he arrived in a hat, there will be a conversation, he will have to answer, answer, as i understand it, he
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doesn’t really understand what he’s talking about, because look, there were conversations, this is a historical fact , confirmed, the conversations are truly original and genuine, german journalists have already confirmed this, but at the same time boris pistorius says that this turns out to be hybrid aggression.
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it is quite possible that this is a blow against scholz, the military did it directly, the german people did it internally, and here
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the second version emerges in a very simple context, of course, in the expert community, precisely in the military community of germany there are a huge number of people who think not politically, but in a military, political way - let’s do that we will bring down the economy, we will hurt the russians and ourselves too.
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ussr, usa, uk, france. and it states that the threat of war will never come from german soil, this is in the treaty, accordingly, violation of the treaty leads to two things: the first is the transit of military facilities that are initiated by germany in the form of a war through the territory of the gdr, and this is the separatist sentiment that exists on the territory of the gdr, that there has been a violation of this treaty, the second very important point, i read in the german press calls for spontaneous protests on street, because scholz turns out to be a deception... the people, the parliament, the allies, by the way, too, and germany are being intensively led to the third world war, and germany is one of the instigators of the third world war, pretending that in principle
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holding out. with russia, yes, but the germans are historically accustomed to marching in formation, especially when they are told the word ordning forward, they will say what they are going for, promising a certain piece of land and so on, bonuses, goodies, and russia has always attracted them with this. alexander germanich, here i wonder how great the likelihood of such intra-german resistance is around this story, or is this a story from the american side, some kind of pressure on scholz
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for what he dared to say there. we will not supply taurs, because you understand me vague doubts persist, as we like to put it, about the fact that scholz recently went to america, went and somehow , you know, it passed unnoticed, then suddenly he returns, a month passes, it begins, this is the onslaught of americans on scholz, or it’s really that the germans are already beginning to understand something against alis, you know, in well-informed circles the topic of supplying tauris missiles through the uk has been discussed for a month now, and this is not a secret, well... germany will be ready for a war with russia, a possible war, statements made by two german generals boer freding, having visited kiev on february 10 at the invitation of zaluzhny, they arrived on the day of his removal from office, and boer, a general who still occupies one of the leading
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positions. sphere declared the same thing as pistorius, in 5-7 years we must be ready for direct confrontation with russia, this in no way corresponds to the peaceful spirit of the bandesphere, which today, by the way, announced a program to increase its numbers, now the german army numbers 180,000 man, in the coming years she should number 202-204,000 people, the german army is present in the baltic states without rotation, just like the french, they recently sent 500 of theirs by the way, the same inga gerhars, lieutenant general, as far as i remember.
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preparation of this strike in the event of a positive decision on the transfer of taurus missiles. i carefully listened to this , let’s say, recording of the conversation, worked on it the whole weekend, it’s not only 8 months, it says, by the way, from 4 weeks, ruslan, it says exactly that, it says that if necessary, we will prepare it in 4- 5 weeks they they are in a hurry, they even studied the period of 3-4 months, that is, they can reduce it, if at the same pace as now, and this will be done by the hands of the ukrainian military, this is 8 months,
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if it is urgently needed. then they are ready, as it were, on their own , but in four they say to do it in german , just like in a pharmacy, that is, so that it gets to where it is needed, because by the way, inga gerhards, in an exchange of views from the front office, said that the front office, that if it is done too quickly, then maybe he will end up in kindergarten, i quote close to the text, civilians will die population, but if there is a need, we will do it in 4 weeks, if there is already trained personnel, like this, and the rest will be related.
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let's continue this topic, you touched on it a little now, the germans have handed over the methods of delivering long-range nato weapons to kiev, french scalp missiles are generally transported , presumably in premium civilian cars.
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if only it was heard and translated correctly, because there is an option that it was not about q7, but the german verb kursiran, that is, the grammar was slightly different design, now i’m also thinking
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, firstly, why the french will drive an audi q7 when they have their own car, including belgian and veko trucks, which cross superbly, secondly, after all, it’s a rocket of the scalp and g class , length four. 5 m to assemble with a container for transportation, its weight is also considerable, several hundred kilograms, but the load capacity allows it, and accordingly it will stick out its snout, i beg your pardon, right into the windshield, if it is theoretically possible, theoretically, one missile at a time, but ruslan senislavich won’t mind, it’s possible, another thing is that i don’t understand why it’s so difficult to do, but that in any case they do it with the ridgeback, and it doesn’t matter what kind of car the french do it with, no doubts, especially since... exactly in the same conversation they also talk about the fact that ukraine has been connected for a long time, this is very important, for some reason it was not heard much, ksa is a comprehensive automated control system for air defense and air force, western europe , that is, nato, ukraine
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no longer exists independently, we somehow didn’t appreciate it at all, there is no ukrainian army, it is part of a single nato complex, with a single unified control system, and the only thing that stood out to the german military. how to create an operational control center in poland, the development of a specific operation, the use of those same taurus when there are several dozen of them, because not to say that twenty will not be enough, i refer to replicas for... the destruction of this very bridge of ours, as well as explosion of ammunition depots deep in our territory, that is, what is it if not a nato military operation, so in this case, transporting missiles is not so bad, i was also interested in the fact that they are actually ready to be used under the wing of an airplane, because i remind you that initially these missiles were intended for tornadoes, and for f -15, but not for the f-16, now they say the f-16 is ready, and the dry families are ready, because they are dry. what remained were the ukraine, and, accordingly , the mik-29, which they also seem
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to have there, a high-altitude interceptor, that is, they did a lot of work on customization, then there is an adaptation of this rocket for new carriers, and by the way, another important point, the fact is that the hiring of pilots who served in the air force, germany and france has now opened, retirees who are being drawn to romania, where the training center is supposedly located ukrainian pilots for use. so where to next? well , regarding the transportation of various types of weapons in civilian vehicles, there is nothing surprising here, they know very well that the russians will not hit any ambulances, unlike them, that’s why they transport their fighters in these cars, the azov people and the rest , the aidar people, without fear that we’ll hit them , because we don’t do that, and they, therefore, calmly hit civilians with... ambulances who come for
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in order to extract the wounded from the rubble there after the shelling, well, you see how it works, well, in fact, everything that needed to be known about them, every day we receive confirmation: the germans surrendered their alliance allies, recognizing that ukraine is full of western military , intercepted recording a conversation between these german military men, naturally, can seriously spoil relations within nato, many people think so, and this is what the american publication writes about this, which is exaggerated. the recording includes officials who said that british, french and us military personnel are in ukraine to help operate modern western weapons systems, but the authorities of these countries deny the presence of their military there. the leak caused a furore in germany and could strain berlin's relations with nato allies. it was the latest in a series of incidents demonstrating germany's vulnerability to russian intelligence. policy analysts say the leak reduces the likelihood that germany.
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the leak of these bundesphere, the western press believes that such a serious scandal about the leaks of conversations will affect the decision on the supply of taurus missiles, it assumes that these deliveries will not happen, or will not be in such a volume, do you think, will it or is it possible to influence them? are already being supplied, well, at least there is no data yet that they are already supply, at least the use of these missiles has not yet been recorded by us, and you know, there may be several versions here, let's remember that the leadership of germany is very reluctant to this idea, they are forced to do this by the french , the british, the americans, but the germans really don’t want to go into supply, and now let’s assume that since we see how the situation is developing, that this drain occurred thanks to the german intelligence services, that is, we see that the situation is starting... to heat up, showdowns are beginning, ultimately this can lead
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to the fact that the german political leadership will decide, justifiably, not to supply these missiles, based on the new political reality, that is, i do not even rule out the option that this leak was not made by russian intelligence, as if obtained, but by the german intelligence services to fly for in order to empower its political leadership to make the decisions that it wants to make, that is, no matter how much i exclude such a version, it is a completely acceptable version. for life, well, even according to this version it turns out, that both france and britain are actually preparing a military operation against russia and , in fact, war, well, they don’t officially declare it, but they are already participating in it almost openly, and the germans are also participating there, in fact, this is an open secret, you understand that those people who there at the front, everyone knows very well, and i’ll even tell you that now, again, approximately the estimated number of military personnel of nato member countries on the territory of ukraine...
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well, in general, the situation is quite expected, that is, the enemy is trying to stabilize the situation in the avdeevsky sector, he again threw the forty-seventh abrams brigade into battle; they were burning. one by one, the third separate assault is also trying to stabilize the berdychi line, orlovka is thin, while oncoming battles are going on, the enemy is suffering quite heavy losses, but i don’t think they will have enough time there for this, as if this is not the first time he ’s trying to stabilize the line with elite units front, the same thing happened before in avdeevka itself, they didn’t succeed, the
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same thing happened in novomikhailovka, they tried stabilize, but again you see, when our reserves were exhausted, our troops began to advance yesterday in the center of the city. for several days they tried to dislodge our positions, but the last days show that the reserves have been drained, our troops are gradually pushing them back from the position, again expanding the front, until this tactics that they have been using over the past month does not give them the expected result, how catastrophic this will be , because... they no longer have a finite amount, yes, that is, it will be visible in the spring, that is, before spring of course, there will definitely not be any collapse, but to what extent this losing tactic in relation to, so to speak, the medium and long-term prospects will be shown in the spring. here i would also like to draw attention to the purges in the ranks of the command staff of the armed forces of ukraine, which was started by
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syrsky, and judging by what is there understands the internal kiev regime, this is due to the fact that many kambrigs, many commanders of quite high... in other directions the enemy cannot expect anything good, well, syrsky actually officially said that they will purges, but he accuses the commanders of not coping with the tasks, and the ukrainian government allocated a lot of money for the construction of fortifications in the zaporozhye direction, but after the fall of avdiivka they are also trying to build
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this line somewhere, isn’t it too late for them to start building defensive line, will it work out and where will this line pass in the zaporozhye direction and so... they are calculating the situation, it’s a little late, but they hope that they won’t make it in time, in general, in any case, on some line they will do it all, judging by what i see, they are ready to give up some territories in exchange for the fact that they will be able to hold back the main blow of our armed forces, so they are now working somewhere in depth up to 50 km from the front line, but
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for the zaporozhye sector this is already almost the outskirts of zaporozhye, accordingly, they will now elevate the defense in depth in this area, trying to neutralize the threat. i think not only in the zaporozhye sector, i hear about such news in the northern sector, i hear such news in the donetsk direction, where our troops are advancing, in general they understand that throughout the entire twenty-fourth year they will have to defend themselves and, accordingly, defend better in fortified positions than in non -fortified ones, this is logical. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich, podalyaka was in direct contact with us. a huge number of french chevrons found during a special military operation by our soldiers do not stop france, they continue there. france denies the presence of its military in ukraine, officially the special forces are not undercover agents, they are subordinate to the leadership army headquarters always stop at
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the ukrainian border. the idea is to allow these military trainers to cross the ukrainian border, eventually with other conventional units. above all, it appears to be a way to present moscow with a strategic dilemma: the presence of the military in paris or other states could potentially make certain parts of ukrainian territory a safe haven and would significantly limit moscow's unrestrained shelling. wanting to go to moscow with such blackmail, as if crossing. businessman david sachs on social networks. biden initially opposed the transfer of f16 fighter jets,
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abrams tanks and long-range missiles to kiev, on the grounds that this could lead to the outbreak of world war iii. as a result, as of today he has sent ukraine everything listed. the deployment of us troops to the ukrainian battlefield remains biden's only taboo, but macron is already calling for this step. every day we receive information that nato special forces are already operating on the territory of ukraine. why? don't add more soldiers. biden can't do this before the election, but i have no doubt that if he is re-elected , he will send ground troops to ukraine. in the english-language segment of social networks, users are distributing this picture. pay attention to her. in their opinion, it is most logical to deploy nato troops along the border with belarus in order to free up part of the ukrainian armed forces group in the northern direction that are currently stationed there. some also finished drawing nato flags. near odessa, and apparently that’s what they’re planning protect ports. vladimir vladimirovich, well
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, you are actively studying the western press, firstly, what is known about this, to what extent can this map really become, well, a reality? well, in fact, something seems to be being discussed in some columns of some western newspapers, say, the newspaper newspaper published last week. a column where it is discussed that, in principle , the entry of nato troops into ukraine is possible, this does not at all mean the start of a nuclear war, as the russians scare us, they say, we can take themselves protecting, say, the border with belarus , demining there inside, in the rear of ukraine , and so on, but in general, they could theoretically, in general, try to pull off a similar scenario, say, in 1918, when approximately in the same area.
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from belarus, fearing that there might be an attack from this direction, what kind of contingent is there now, what kind of
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nato contingent can it be replaced in numbers, will this affect the line of combat contact in donbass first of all? well, look, i continue vladimirovich’s thought, with which i completely agree by the way, we are talking about actually introducing the second echelon of troops into the territory of ukraine, that is, the second echelon of the warring army, that is , accordingly, the armed forces of ukraine will be at the front and... this is, well, let’s say, a nato contingent that was not united in one single force, more than 100 thousand military personnel from the eighties until
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such a thing was carried out, that is, this is the current operational situation. in this part of europe, provided that in the northern pocket of poland, not far from the suvalovsky corridor, a large force is immediately accumulated of all nato member countries, from the baltic side, we talked about this, franco, german, first of all, the polish and so on, contingent, and in estonia a control center for it operations has already been created, artificial intelligence, the center is estonia, from poland - this is more rapid reaction forces, provided that the fleet is still being strengthened, that is. and all this is located at a distance of 50-100 km, and it’s interesting, we are now showing this part of the map, if you expand it a little, you can understand that the kaliningrad region is two steps away from so called this belarusian-ukrainian border, that is, they are primarily interested in blocking the kaliningrad region, they talk about it openly, they constantly talk about it, including in the words of the ambassador of estonia and not only including, so to speak, they are going to create some kind of blockade in the our baltic
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sea, so to speak. difficult, the german minister of health lauterbach said that hospitals need to be prepared for war, even so everything is already, even so, if you look at german children’s television, then on german children’s television television in an accessible form, children's television in an accessible form, the winged taurus argues with the shadow cruise missiles and this chip and says why don’t you send me, i’m
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a rocket, i want to go to ukraine, to which the leopard responds, the leopard. the tank responds to the rocket, it was exactly the same with me, at first they didn’t send it, then they sent it, they don’t teach the word ghoul there, no? no, vladimir vladimirovich, they don’t, well , the point is that if this is a propaganda machine, let’s do it, the minister of health, if he talks about hospitals, it means that in the cabinet of ministers has these sentiments, it is necessary to prepare for war, if children are being prepared for war, television officially seems to be like children's television for children from 9 years old, let's add 8 years to what defense minister pistorius of germany says, now they are sharpening those who have to go 18 years in the army, they will have to go to war, so i don’t see how they jump off, i see which ones are forced and that the propaganda machine has already been launched, words were heard in the studio about the fact that the german, in any case, the presence of a backlash in the the level of planning is present, for me the proof is the fact that he says: give us more time so that we don’t end up in kindergarten there, that means you
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are planning, that means you are crossing out the coordinates exactly, where will you do and what? then declarations of war, when pistorius simply babbles that we must work out everything ; it’s not official, but there are already scenarios, he can babble further, you know, i want to return to the thesis of social tension in europe, when the tractor drivers already began to lay out, at the beginning they they said there there won’t be beer if you don’t save farmers there, today farmers are writing posters, yesterday... helmets , today leopards, tomorrow planes, the day after tomorrow our children, i think that we really need to help everyone who thinks anti-war, everyone who is anti-fascist in europe is precisely in the information dissemination of these desires, because the tractor drivers don’t want to, they will be driven, that is, answering the question of whether they will jump off or not , people understand this, but they have not yet been united into an anti-war force, and will be united for a couple more years, spontaneous
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the protests that the german press writes are... very controlled now, they are directed precisely at those who are against the war, that is, right now in my head the monument to the liberating war in treptow park pops up in my head, yes, which in general well, what they did with nikolai mosalov, with this one with this rescued german child, it turns out that now we are also with our special military operation, with our advancement, in general, in fact, we are saving, including german children, stopping them from being drawn into the war. then the time when they throw their children into murder, this is all sad, of course, but in ukraine they are also thinking about how they can get out of this whole situation, and they are going to get out, well, i don’t know, through, probably, a dark tunnel , in which there is no clear opening for them, they are going, as we have already said, to build defensive structures, but so far they are only investing in them, probably the money
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is being stolen, as is customary in ukraine, so... they, therefore, have found one way out of this situation, suicide squad, that's what he said former colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, a certain oleg starik. we have already experienced certain... signs of an operational crisis, we need to do everything possible to stop their advance, you can see that every day they move from 500 to km, what needs to be done, if you have such weaknesses, you need to withdraw your troops at that distance, the troops mean, well, the ground forces, withdraw the main combat combat units, there will be a tight payback there, it goes like this, that means withdrawn by a kilometer, maybe. more further, so that they have time to dig in, have time to bring, build the defensive one was fortified, the argivergard was put forward, which will hold back the advancing party, well, according to the logic, 300
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spartans, yes, when xerse arrived, they all died, but in the end sparta was, yes, they understood what i’m talking about, that is, these units now, which you must... a solid squad of death row prisoners, only everyone there has their own individual deadline for carrying out this sentence, but in germany, meanwhile, they continue to lament about everything that is happening around them, they are especially worried that the russians are destroying the fortified district in su is too effective, so german tv viewers are now learning about the new terrible russian weapon, aerial bombs. this is one of the giant craters from fap-500 bombs. we see how it goes several meters deep. after such a bomb hits the ukrainian armed forces' position, there is almost nothing left. these bombs are
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a great advantage for the russian army. here, for example, there is a complex of factories. the buildings are quite fortified and durable, they are constantly used by the ukrainian army as a base, and the russian understands that here, for example, the ukrainian military is sitting, here ukrainian logistics nodes that they use for... can hit a ukrainian position with an accuracy of a few meters, russia has hundreds, if not thousands of them. this conflict is called a war of drones, this is the current balance of power in terms of the number of drones between the russian army and the ukrainian armed forces, experts from the popular front stream discussed.
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divisions, various protocols are constantly changing, but even according to statements by representatives of the armed forces of ukraine, russia is putting pressure on them in this field, despite the advantages that they have, there they have advantages in the model, that is there are certain groups that act separately from each other and work with specific units, yeah, due to this, flexibility arises, and the developers themselves directly interact with the line of combat contact, we have something like this...
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you can participate in the war and the fight against enemy drones and you, for this purpose the popular front has launched a special application radar nf, with which you can record the appearance of a drone in the sky and send it to the competent authorities. qr code on your screen, be sure to download and participate in the fight. now we are moving to the zaporozhye direction. war correspondent sergei vorobyov gets in touch with the studio. sergey, hello. good afternoon, ruslan, olesya. what is the situation there now? well, look, nothing much has changed , we continue the offensive, the enemy is very seriously clinging to every meter, we have to literally gnaw out our territory back from him, they are actively using drones, but
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we are moving forward, according to reports about the defense line being prepared, reconnaissance of it is not discovers in some serious areas like ours... the surikin line, they are now holding on to our own fortifications, which they recaptured from us in the summer, as soon as they are over, it is assumed that they can roll all the way to orekhov, but... what what happens next is because we just discussed with yurivanovich the poddalak the topic of defensive structures in the zaporozhye direction, and he says that the fleet to a depth of 50 km, almost near zaporozhye itself, they are now planning to build defensive structures, our intelligence has not yet recorded either yes active work in this direction, that ’s right, they still don’t understand what to do, they were preparing for an offensive, now they are beginning to understand that they will have to sit on the defensive in this direction.
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there are no serious fortifications, they are going, in general , like previous times, to hold on to the cities, that is , if we fight in the field, they fight in the cities, an idea was also voiced by a former ukrainian military man regarding the fact that the detachments there will be suicide bombers instead of engineering fortifications, like 300 spartans holding back our guys, and how are they doing in this regard, do they really use suicide squads to cover the retreat of the main troops, or is everything already there in fact? this is how it is now, because they are now covered with everything possible, not only fab 500, this is fab and thousand, and fab 1500, artillery with a caliber of up to 203 mm fires long-range shells at them, that is, we work with everything that yes, they are suffering losses, they continue to retreat, but nevertheless they continue to fight there for every meter, thank you very much, war correspondent sergei vorobyov, was in direct contact with us, i don’t know 300... spartans, there were no fabs,
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there were no our vks and there was no artillery, so it’s time for the ukrainians to switch, a short advertisement and we’ll come back, well , hello everyone, my name is ugakhvi, i’m a grandmother from the chuvash, my name is ilina, and i daria and we are the same for everyone. in order to be completely happy, you need personal happiness, unfortunately, at the moment i don’t have it, there were about 100 guys, they were all lined up, and the girls were told that you choose, so i chose, happiness is when you get up in the morning nothing hurts you, russia is first of all, the people who made the country great. great power and god forbid that
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the main thing is health, and the rest will all be according to the will, the russian throne will not be inherited, who was waiting for such a gift, i’m glad that i have to kill him, great guys, konstantin pavlovich, write a renunciation, what a blast, i... sir, the all-russian emperor, do you think there might be disturbances, i would start, the time is right, i ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage, what did she say, she blessed us, you and i are serving people and our duty is to serve the sovereign and russia, we thought the senate would not preside, we wanted to see the revolution, ugh, you are crazy, kondraty
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fedorovich, put out the fire before it burns all around. what will happen now? kat? what about our dream? they can forgive me for cruelty. stop! weakness will never be forgiven! union of salvation, big premiere! watch the time after the program! like this! a professional doctor shows exercises for lower back pain, how to treat lower back pain, and much more important for your health. it's great to live in the program, tomorrow first. the first most populous country, the third economy on the planet with a good prospect of becoming second, pushing aside the united states, is india. what has determined
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the indian economy now is the development of humanity. the main driver is information technology. india exports its software products to more than 90 countries. this is a country of paradox. one day we land on the moon, and the next day people are fighting in the street over some trifle. now about 2.0 films are shot a year in bollywood, this is an absolute record. hindus and russians they are brother brother. we helped india create the most modern education and healthcare system, vasudeva kutumbakom, which in sanskrit means one land, one family, one future. premiere of civilization. film six. india, tomorrow on the first. is it easy to be recognized as a genius during your lifetime? if i answer this question seriously, i will look like an idiot. we decided to record
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our friends' memories. we were with mikhail mikhailovich naty, we were naty. yes. i noticed this two or three times in the company. if he hasn't been the center of attention, he's a cyst. "basic the testing ground for misha’s humor was himself, one mind is good, but two are not needed, maybe he dressed very well, i think, for a woman or in general in order to feel himself, he did most of his actions for the sake of a woman, i think that he became famous for the sake of women, well, when i dealt with women professionally, he was complex, tall, young, i’m elderly, small, fat, bald, maybe i’m wrong, it’s quite possible. so what, what is it? i'm definitely wrong. an elderly woman stands up and says: i didn’t understand in the auditorium, he’ll just read from paper, will not sing. on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhovanetsky, tomorrow on
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the first. it’s okay, i say, grigory, you’re great, a declaration of love, a gala concert in the kremlin, a premiere. march 8, on the first. in 1941, the germans, as now, attacked our country without declaring war; only then did they fight themselves and learn what a real fight with the russians was like. this is exactly what the large-scale military drama by alexei german the younger, air, is about, about how yesterday’s schoolgirls went to the front to defend the sky. native country that the homeland and people cannot exist separately from each other, pride takes over me, i could not breathe, even in the hall, such silence and the flights themselves, how they were made, these turns, magnificent, so much courage i can’t describe these girls
12:00 pm
in words, i’m literally brought to tears, i would go again, i want to tell my relatives after this film: i love you, see the air in the cinemas of the country. 15 million viewers have already watched this film, you all saw the reviews perfectly, this speaks once again that it is a very important and necessary matter, and our front is not only on the front line, but also cultural, and we are also actively fighting there. more news on the first. hello, news on channel one, andrey ukharev is with you. the german ambassador was summoned to mitt russia today. about an hour ago, alexander lambersdorf arrived at smolenskaya square.


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