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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 4, 2024 12:15pm-2:13pm MSK

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so, well, you know, right before we went on channel one, sergei vladenovich gave us a good aphorism, so to speak.
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made the superhero films logan and wolverine , which means who will play zelensky himself is still unknown, i think that old sean penn will play that he’s now hanging around without an oscar, but for this film, of course, they’ll give it, i’m sure, and there’s also jeremy runner, yes it seems right next to him, in general , someone, someone is the same, someone in general will play him, the goal of the project, the goal, so to speak, which stands before the creators. to heroize the image of zelensky, and also, by the way, they are going to make the name of the film price, victory, but it’s not without reason that the price, because the block 95 , yes, there were 115 million in cost, that’s certainly the price, 95 won, so we’re kind of laughing , of course, we’re all joking there, especially since listen, making a film is the price of victory, well , it’s not clear what kind of victory it’s even a matter of, it ’s a bad omen and in general it’s kind of stupid, no, don’t think that everything can just change so in one piece. and we're over it
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we’re working now , well, the series worked last time, it worked last time, maybe it worked for the people, but listen, i repeat, if i put aside our fair chuckles and so on, well, this is a serious story, remember hollywood, we we our life in general according to hollywood we imagine all our ideas about the world, at least about the western world, about america, about the strength of their army, about the structure of society, about the police, after all, according to hollywood, a crazy idea just occurred to me the thought that it could really be.
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in fact, this is good news for us, because i don’t see how this can be successful, i think it’s doomed to failure, that’s why, because in fact , over the past two years we have already watched a movie with zelensky’s participation, this is a reality show, yes, when zelensky traveled to different capitals, came to america , wasn’t it a movie, in fact, he played himself, he was in one person and an actor and he was in one...
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western world lives in the realities of hollywood and, in principle, it doesn’t matter to them that they are burning on the battlefield abrams, the main thing is that they will have a wonderful, wonderful dictator, handsome, everyone will believe it, yes. moreover, zelensky himself came on the wave of the success of the film servant of the people; they certainly want to repeat the success on a global scale, the success that was directly within ukraine, so here it is still not worth underestimating the influence, the possible influence of this film, because what else joseph vesarionovich stalin said that the most important of all arts is cinema in our country, therefore the image that will form, it can really remain in the memory of the people, but it must hook , you know, this is what it will hook with, why it is... any countries of the western people, that is, in which people it should remain, and in general , first of all, this is for the western audience, of course , who gives the money, who forms the current agenda, i understand, that is , it will be watched, that is, this is not the point and there is no point in discussing there like whether this film will fail at the box office or not, that’s not the point, the point
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is that it there will be, as it were, such a consensus interpretation of the historical character, it will be like a consensus, everyone will accept it, they will push it away from the film , they will perceive it as saying whether it’s good or bad , well, they told you everything, but people just... well, listen, we can’t rely on what they ’re going for here. from the fact that they will make a good, well, kind of good, cool movie, cool, and there people will sit like that , wiping it off, which means, damn it, of course, the level of education that is now directly in the western world, that is, they really
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have a lot of history mostly known from hollywood this is what we are counting on in order to go down in history, if we are talking about victory, let’s not forget,
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in such a situation we live and work, so to speak, there is an alternative history and hollywood has it from the point of view of getting an oscar in within the framework of recent trends, of course , it would be ideal for... zelensky was played by an african-american, not a traditional, not, not, non-traditional orientation, yes, but also during the war, his legs or arm were torn off, that is, he will become disabled, that is there will be a complete set here, that’s it in my opinion, i understand yours, let’s not go too deep into this kind of fantasy, i’ll explain why this is, why sergei valerievich said this, thank him for what he said, it’s just that, in my opinion, it was before..
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.. this is unfair, i thought, well, yes, in general there is something in this, but if this is real, if this injustice needs to be fought, then of course zelensky should be played by, as you know, the famous african-american actor, morgan freeman, morgan freeman, everything is approved, so we have a call, who will tell us alexander, can you please reach us on the phone, alexander vladimirovich, hello , hello, please, where are you from ? it’s more of me that moscow, moscow, it’s very nice, yes, we’re listening, it’s very nice, i’m surprised by the following, where these beggars were able to find 115 million , that is, the answer was in your question, they whine constantly, they ask for weapons, they ask for them, they say that they do not have money for social benefits, for their disabled people,
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for adaptation, for anything, but they found money for hollywood advertising, and this is the budget good, agree 15 million, then such hypocrisy in front of the people of ukraine, it ’s like... in general, like yes, that is, somewhere there is a lie here, but what is your attitude to this, to this story , not in the sense of money, in the sense of, so to speak, no, not for what, sense? it will work, if it works , in terms of the effectiveness of such things, i listened, yes , what you said, what your experts said, i believe that here the west is preparing to play for the long haul, firstly, it recognizes the defeat of ukraine and is preparing something, some glorification and martyrdom of zelensky , yes, as a leader who suffered from russian aggression, is forced to be in exile, but continues to fight around him...
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what would i like to outline in this regard, well, the first thing about why to allocate money for this, you understand, because the concept of hybrid war is multidimensional and it includes an information component, of course information war is part of a hybrid war, this answers the question why, moreover, the second point, with taking into account the fact that the information war was the locomotive of this whole story, that give me money, it
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won’t... it won’t happen, it depends not on them, but on us, on our determination, on our perseverance, on our determination , because delaying this, arranging a game for a long time, does not answer. our interests, and you know what , excuse me, it just occurred to me that when we ask another question, will it work, will it not work, we are not very clear what we mean, will they allocate 50 billion there, will they allocate it there , or will it not work? work, i understand now - what exactly, look, here is the world cup in ur, 2010, i’m at the final, can you imagine, the final of the world cup , i mean in the stadium, to the stadium in a wheelchair, that means nelson mandela is being taken out, well, he’s there she presses him electrically. button slowly, it goes slowly, which means it goes through this stadium, and the whole stadium stands up, naturally, and i think, well
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, about 97 percent, of course, have heard about mandela, the greatest hero, three percent really know his biography, so to speak, the path and plot his struggle and so on, but for most people it’s just that a lot of films were made about him even then, he was, excuse me, with all due respect to him, he was a huge person promoted in the information sense, and the whole stadium stood up, just imagine he’s coming the same zelensky. the same congress, yes, where the last time he had to convince something, ask, whine, beg and so on, here the hero of the film actually comes, a real hero comes, as soon as you become the hero of the film, you become just a hero , and of course there there will be a completely different attitude, different conversations, a different feeling and so on, when he enters, everyone will really stand up, thanks to this film, this is exactly how it will work, everyone will stand up, but does this mean that now no one will stand up , now he’s not a hero, now... they won’t give you money, the abrams, sergei valerievich said, they won’t let you out for 10 years and they won’t, they’ll give
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you culture, here you go, an image of what, what’s the fundamental difference, after all, nelson mandela - this is the person who entered history textbooks, who, by his example, by his life path, he actually became not some kind of contemplator, he is an active participant in the history of the 20th century, zelensky is a different story, zelensky is in fact the president, who... regarding the movie that is now being filmed with the working title the price of victory. please, alexey yuryevich, good afternoon to everyone, well
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, first of all, about where the budgets are found, here you need to understand that this is generally a characteristic and very significant feature. bloody stalinist bolsheviks and jewish machinations destroyed everything all over the world, this is it this is a very characteristic feature, the second point has already been paid attention to, well , hollywood is a factory of illusions, a factory
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of dreams, and it’s such dirt, zelensky and his team are so dirty, in general , it’s like... if we’re in hollywood, then we are actually in america, in america we are in the first roles, we, we have taken place, yes, and spider-man, and superman , and spider-man and captain america, all at once, this is like some kind of auto-training, or something, such self-hypnosis that our whole life was a success, everything worked out for us, but what about the fact that somewhere there on the front there is a catastrophe, but in general it is approaching, this is already , as it were, receding to...
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yes, but if we are talking about zelensky’s team, this is perhaps irrational for us, when there are problems there with supplying the army, even with something, from the point of view of the very top of zelensky, if they leave power, well, from this team of zelensky, if they leave power, they will most likely quickly find themselves in the dock, so they need to stay in power as long as possible, accordingly, in such a situation with...
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reality, but how , from what, from what to sew it, when everything falls apart , you know, everything falls apart, to the americans, who don’t even know, it’s fine for them,
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absolutely right, now you and i see, that’s where we started the program, the collapse this myth about the ukrainian victory, when it was burning, burning tanks, we said tanks, manuscripts, now in this way, in order, theoretically, yes, for this to be a successful film, you need to create some new myth, out of which the old one. the myth collapsed, a new one, i can’t imagine from what fragments, from what its elements can be created, how this second reality can suddenly, even for some time in the running time of the film, defeat this disappointing reality for kiev - in a combat zone, i know here, maybe i’ll still upset you , but if you read ukrainian publics, they are still winning, they are closer to victory than ever, now they just need a little more help. but from the point of view of how we look at who, who reads ukrainian
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publics, who is in this information field, they will always have somewhere to watch a film, but it doesn’t matter, in the west, too , ukraine is winning, if anything, that means arguments, listen, wait, well then you, we are somehow putting the cart before the horse, something let's put it on, the film was made so that they... win, including the fact that it is being filmed not to reflect the current situation, it is being made, it is being filmed so that they win, they believe that this will be, so to speak, a help , if not a serious weapon, so there is no contradiction here no, well, the zelensky regime, which lasted longer, again, if they really get an oscar, their wife there, maybe they’ll get it again and they’ll remember it again, yes yes, that is, how the oscar winner can then be judged, for example, yes, that is - here as it were, how to judge, but it’s really a quick-nosed one. so, in fact , from their point of view in their world, in their reality , this is an absolutely logical decision, let ’s listen to the oscar winner of our future, if you want, here are two interesting ones, but well, no, in
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fact, the italians, well, that is, we have been doing this for a long time we note that, in general, he’s such a controversial character, even for those who put him up, so to speak, as the frontman of the western struggle, and so on, it’s clear that i’m quoting the american formula now, i’m not swearing that he’s a son of a bitch. son and so on, well, look what the italians write , carefully, delicately, but look what they write about zelensky, so to speak, that is , it hurt so much that they wrote, here you go, for the first time the ukrainian authorities want to introduce censorship not only within their country , but in relation to public opinion, the media foreign journalists. according to zelensky's diktat, any italian journalist who opposes his policies should end up in prison. the ukrainian president implemented his censorship activities first of all. home, where he abolished all opposition parties and silenced the press, there is something nazi in zelensky and his clique, the fact remains that zelensky's ukraine is a totalitarian country, so totalitarian
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that it not only strikes at its own journalists, but would like to punish foreign, in general i said that neatly, no, not very neatly, a totalitarian nazi country, okay, in fact, zelensky himself, remember, jeff peters, yes, perceiving every dollar in the pocket of strangers. as a personal insult, this is his speech on this topic, please: the world is enough. there are enough air defense systems in the world, systems for protection against missiles ; delays in the supply of weapons to ukraine, air defense systems to protect our people, unfortunately lead to losses. ukraine did not ask for anything more than necessary to protect life, when people die, and partners simply have internal political games or disputes that limit our protection, it is impossible to understand, it is impossible to agree with this and...
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then she came in order to relieve the west’s fatigue from ukraine, so let us support ukraine, no, actually,
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it’s growing in the west. i came literally the other day to kiev, they arranged it in the gostomel, so to speak, all the action there, she even wrote about it, kiss meloni, i called this post, yes, she kissed zelensky there, she said that we will be with you support, we will not abandon you, if anyone in the western camp doubts there, we will not allow it, we will introduce more sanctions against russia. we will not let putin win , this is all italy, i then read, read the comments to my post, and there readers write, well, how can this be, but you remember, when there was a pandemic, we sent it to the italians, we helped them, but again, it’s not italy’s fault, because there are such journalists, there are people, i ’m sure there are a lot of them in italy, i have a lot of friends in italy, normal people who don’t care they see themselves as friends of russia, even more than that,
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part of the russian world, that’s it. it’s unexpected for me that this all sounds from italy, and there are journalists who really call a spade a spade, guess who will win, well, but these journalists are not the majority, they are in fact a minority, all the leading publications with the largest audience, they are all -they are promoting an absolute standard agenda, anti-russian, of course. in all countries, in fact, there are these opposition media that say, in principle, adequate things, but they have a percentage of the audience , their influence on the current agenda , on decision-making, in fact it is of course minimal, so you shouldn’t count on this anyway, they are very much marginalized, the same lepen , how marginalized, let’s look, here it’s interesting here, well, it’s clear that there’s a hero there, as you say, oscar winners are not
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judged and so on, but... look, there’s one more nuance, it only just occurred to me now , because political scientists have been using it there for a long time this term is a vacuum of legitimacy, it is known that zelensky will one way or another collide with him, so to speak, and so, formally , by all indications, he will generally cease to be, so to speak, the legitimate president of ukraine in the spring of this year, here’s how to deal with this, so to speak, what to do with it, will it just cost the rhetoric pathetic or some other necessary legal acts or something else, this is actually very interesting. not such a small thing as it might seem, no, it’s not a small thing at all, but what happened here was a conversation between a journalist and the speaker of the verkhovna rada stefanchuk, just on this topic, on the topic of the coming vacuum of illegitimacy, a typical conversation, listen to him, please, the constitution, article 108, article 108 of the constitution, others say that it will be 5 years, he will continue to perform his duties until he enters into power the position of a new president, well, in general, it is necessary to take on...
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well, i repeat, laugh with laughter, but actually, so to speak, well, actually, so to speak, threatens such a serious crisis, and i think that not only external actors, but internal first they will take advantage of this very, this very crisis they have a plan, they have a plan b, let ’s immediately show that yes, yes, yes, zelsky’s office immediately developed a plan and b and c, even, let’s quickly see and discuss, the president’s office is preparing. several scenarios are a case of a possible crisis during a period of vacuum of legitimacy, if the west begins to block the signing of new treaties. at this stage, the main track is blaming the kremlin for maidan 3 to overthrow zelensky, which means he must continue to serve as president. in parallel, there are two more scenarios: the illusion of transmission powers to parliament, but at the same time andrej jaermak is appointed as prime minister , a track triumad, when the president, speaker and prime minister create a temporary governing body of the country. wow, triumvir.
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because in fact, well, here’s a president who no longer enjoys, that is, the mandate of trust has expired, yes, does not enjoy the trust of the people, that is, he has not confirmed his, uh-huh, i understand, i understand.
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someone is being pushed so that there is no money, and someone is being pushed around so that there is no influence, yes, well, i don’t know what they are sitting there, they are not sitting there, but
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at least i don’t understand that no one he won’t give up power to good will, but i understand how difficult it will be to take it away, because yes, the very vertical that zelensky has built says here, the whole question is about external actors, so to speak, will there be them? will they take this as a reason to cross themselves, to finally leave this suitcase on the training ground without a handle, to say that’s it, now themselves, but if we listen to many european politicians, they support, they continue to support, oh well, we’ll keep an eye on , although i say that you tell me you suggest that this, that this crisis is somehow being realized in the form of a crisis, let’s see, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, in the meantime, on channel one , the special television version continues to be shown, give us a picture, here they are, thank you, a version of the historical drama union of salvation, i repeat there and i won’t get tired of repeating this, that firstly, this is a fundamentally different version, compared to what was shown on cinema screens, new scenes were filmed there and even new characters were introduced, this is a very beautiful story, as far as
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let’s say pictures, as for the content , it’s about the decembrist uprising of 825, so you need to look at it, of course, taking into account the fact that we practically talk here every day, and you’ll be amazed at how... i’ll repeat this form, how cyclical our instructiveness is history, our history, how important it is to draw the right conclusions from it, dear friends, that’s it, thank you very much for participating in our program, you friends, thank you for your attention, see you soon on the air, general syrsky, the new head of the armed forces of ukraine, who is still they call general 200, the situation at the moment can be assessed as difficult, the enemy is now actually advancing along the entire front line, syrsky will kill. from all of us. ukrainian soldiers are mincemeat in syrsky’s career ambitions. the main thing is a career, yes, money doesn’t smell. i just know tsirsky personally, because i have his last name, he is my report. my brother doesn’t communicate with him, well, he’s his own son. it is written everywhere that he has one wife, one child. his parents
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live in vladimir. my father always said that my sashka wants to become a general. be a general in it’s a little easier for a small country. his parents try to refrain from commenting, since a man who betrayed his homeland, god forbid, will raise his hand against his parents. he had a chance to continue his career in russia in the thirteenth year , he was still eating a cake with our flags, why did my mom and i break up, i didn’t travel abroad, in short, with a translator, and so he decided to hook up with one of the translators, well, screw you to hell, they are not born traitors, they become traitors, alexander syrsky, general 200, dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first.
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we thought the senate wouldn’t swear allegiance, we wanted to see a revolution, but you’re a coward, you’re crazy , kodraty fedorovich, put out the fire before it starts to burn all around, what will happen now, kat , what about our dream, they can forgive me for cruelty, wait, i can’t be weak never forgive, union of salvation, big, premiere. watch the time after the program. with each butterfly
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i associate a military episode, or a political character, or a collision, which i remember now in moscow when i look at my collection. the scouts on the boat walked along the pits of this aircraft carrier, they they scooped out from the sea all the rubbish that was falling from the aircraft carrier, the swollen paper. bottles, some boxes, they hoped to find precious information among this rubbish, on a dim cloudy day i put on my orders, it was my parade, i walked along red square alone in the drizzling rain, premiere, alexander prokhanov, confession, today on first, this is how a professional doctor shows...
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the population of the country, the third economy on the planet with a good prospect of becoming the second, pushing aside the united states, this is india, one of civilization about... the main engine of the indian economy now is information technology. india exports its software products to more than 90 countries. this is a country of paradox, one day we land on the moon, and the next day people fight in the street over some trifle. now about 2.0 films are shot a year in bollywood, this is an absolute record. hindus and russians are brother and brother. we helped india.
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india is on first tomorrow. is it easy to be recognized as a genius during your lifetime? if i answer this question seriously, i will look like an idiot. we decided to record our friends' memories, yeah. he was complex: tall, young, me
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, elderly, small, fat, bald, maybe i ’m wrong, it’s quite possible, so what, whatever, i’m definitely wrong, an elderly woman stands up and says: i don’t understand, in the auditorium , is he going to read from a piece of paper like that, won’t sing, on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvanetsky, tomorrow on the first day, okay, i say, grigor. great, konstantin. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. and at the beginning there are stills from avdeevsky direction. they allegedly show our soldiers destroying another american abram tank with video. appeared in telegram channels,
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there is no official confirmation yet. it is reported that the ukrainian armed forces wanted to break through a corridor in the minefields. our infantry first hit the tank's track with a grenade launcher, then two ghoul drones joined in. this is a video, footage from a drone. along with the abrams, the newest american assault mine clearance vehicle, created on its basis, was also destroyed. let me remind you that the first abrams was burned by the russian military at the beginning last week in the same avdeevsky direction. another one, according to informagent , was shot down. a day later. and more footage from the avdeevsky direction. our fighters hit the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. grads worked at night , several units of militants' equipment were destroyed. in the south donetsk section it is russian. the military liquidated a hangar with ammunition , fired from hurricanes in the zaporozhye region , tankers attacked an enemy stronghold, the crews used the carousel system, fire virtually non-stop, one artillery the calculation is replaced by another.
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our aviation operates against enemy positions and equipment, including nato equipment. attack aircraft and sud-25s, k-52 attack helicopters, replace each other in the sky, they also often suit the enemy. the carousel itself. the strikes are right on target, and the fire support group is doing everything to ensure that our pilots are under reliable cover. from an editorial report by oleg shishkin. this is how crews are seen off on a combat mission; lightly touching the wing of the plane, as if nudging it while taxiing, means wishing the pilots good luck. when the su-25 scatters takeoff, the search and rescue helicopter is already in the air. in addition to doctors, there is also a window support group on board the search and rescue helicopter. air special forces task. our main task is to ensure the safety of the rescue team, as well as the injured pilots, in which case
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first aid can be provided, but the most basic task is suppressive fire. as a rule, the search and rescue group is in the air a kilometer from the firing line in order... to rush to the rescue at the first signal, our task is to react quickly, determine the point, pick up the crew members, ready for any development of events. meanwhile, the attack aircraft go out, as they say here, to strike, the leader opens fire first, the targets are hit and the vehicle goes on a reverse course. attack aircraft fire at a height of no more than 30 m at a speed of about 900 km/h. it happens that you are flying by, and some kind of shell explodes under you. in addition, man-portable rocket launchers that work for... the workhorse of army aviation, the aircraft is distinguished by its unique survivability; it has been caught in such situations, with one engine running , they returned home, when they got caught in the fields, for example, in some units, they returned home, beaten to the point of survival. often
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the attack helicopters of the southern group of troops create a fiery carousel for the enemy, replace each other in the sky, and fire unguided missiles at the enemy’s strongholds and fortifications. lately the enemy. began to actively work on our aviation with artillery, hoping that the fragments would hit low-flying helicopters. the commander with the call sign samara has just returned from a combat mission. they threw artillery, roughly speaking, they tried to complicate our combat mission, but they didn’t hit, the task was completed, all the shells hit the target. the uniqueness of the k-52 is its exceptional maneuverability. the helicopter is capable of gaining altitude at a speed of 16 m/s. this helps to avoid prague rockets. regularly on maneuver. already during the turn, after firing, and the on-board defense complex regularly issues an alarm indicating that a launch was made from a man-portable anti-aircraft missile system, but the missiles have never hit us yet. powerful weapons allow you to destroy almost any target on earth, including armored nato vehicles.
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we have a couple of german -made leopard tanks, american bradly bmps with their vaunted dynamic ... protection, but so far no equipment has withstood a missile hit or a whirlwind, they received a bonus for defeating nato equipment, but they received it in full, and when they returned from a combat mission, the commander inspects the helicopter, touches the fuselage, checks important components and assemblies, as if thanking the machine for its work, when we fly to carry out a combat mission, we are one whole and how can you treat technology inanimately when you sometimes perform well... very complex tasks, and the machine can forgive a lot, the machine too very often it simply helps out, well, it saves the lives of crews, as a rule, for pilots on several sorties a day, combat work does not stop day or night, we
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work for victory, oleg shishkin, vladimir grinevich, andrey stoyko, channel one. the ambassador was summoned to the russian foreign ministry today germany's alexander lamsdorf, after the leak. conversation about the german military, about possible attacks with tauras missiles on the crimean bridge and other targets, including weapons depots. journalists met the diplomat on smolenskaya square, but he refused to comment on the situation, stayed in the foreign ministry for about an hour and a half and left silently. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said that the conversation between bundeswehr officers proves the direct involvement of western countries in the conflict, and also suggests that germany is substantively and specifically discussing plans to strike at russia. part of the information war that putin is waging , there is no doubt about it, this is a hybrid attack, its goal is disinformation, we are talking about a split, about an attempt
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to undermine our unity, so we must react with special forethought, but no less decisively. i think the officers did what they were supposed to do, they thought about different scenarios without really planning anything, they knew for sure that neither i nor the chancellor gave the green light for the use of taurus. in fact, the military discussed how to organize an attack on our objects. that chancellor scholz does not give the green light to the supply of taurus can hardly be considered a political guarantee, because earlier he assured more than once that leopard tanks would not go to ukraine, well, as a result, they are now burning at the front, the opposition is now waiting for clarification from the chancellor and demands that he report to a meeting of the bundestag special committee on defense. and in slovakia, prime minister robert fitz very sharply replaced the british ambassador to the republic, nigel becker, who...
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the ambassador of the slovak government speaks out i was shocked by how nigil baker spoke about british politics, imagine if our ambassador spoke in london and criticized the british government's policies, it would be better if... boris johnson, when shortly after the start of the war in ukraine he put pressure on the ukrainian political leadership so that it does not sign a peace treaty with russia. us first victory in the republican primaries for former permanent representative niki haley. she beat donald trump in the district of columbia with more than 60% of the vote. however, in the overall picture, this is unlikely will affect. the ex-president has an advantage. all other states where the primaries and caucuses have already taken place, only on saturday he was supported in missouri, michigan and idaho, and tomorrow
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super tuesday and primary elections will take place in 15 states at once, according to experts according to statements by trump himself, he has a great chance of success there . a special fire regime has been introduced in the south of the primorsky territory, and the situation there is becoming more complicated. over the past 24 hours, the area of ​​wildfires has increased 14 times, and is now almost engulfed in flames. giant funnel, smoke inside fire, it passed within a few meters of the buildings, no one was hurt. the thin line between abstraction
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and reality, opposition to society, violation of personal boundaries, all this is a play by friends presented at the moscow theater of nations. the classic play of japanese literature, koba abba, in a bright production by director matoi miura, who had previously worked in russia, is not at all about friendship, as the title might seem, but rather. productions of chekhov's plays, this was already his . he became famous throughout the world, first of all, for his second work in russian, before that it was crime of punishment in the st. petersburg drama theater, for a new production. he chose the play by playwright koba aabe, what is friendship, what is human relationships, in this play there is something to think about, and it is not so much about
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friends or family, but about society as a whole. the plot is based on a strange situation: a whole family of eight people suddenly moves into the apartment of a young man, hiding behind the best intentions, they penetrate into all areas of his life, control the apartment, salary, personal relationships, and then physical freedom. well, what can i tell you, this is some kind of absurdity. this kind of compulsion to friendship occurs until they bring this young man to the edge, these walls, so rusty, diverging, which gradually plunge him into some kind of abyss, this is loneliness. this comedy is written in the spirit of the theater of the absurd. the japanese director forces his actors to speak a new language; they either prolong vowel sounds or add an extra syllable to a word. clap their hands, beat out a special rhythm, make unusual hand gestures, their intonation completely knocks the audience out of the clique. i came up with
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this. the main character, who from the very beginning of the play absolutely does not understand what is happening to him, who these people are, but he himself is also immersed in these circumstances in the rules of the game of the so-called family. we can calmly walk on shoes, that shoes are people, society, that’s how we sometimes, without noticing each other, can walk, simply not noticing that there is a person next to us, annoying friends seem to have stolen their costumes from the heroes of a 16th century play, and the only bright detail is red shoe soles, as if stained with blood, they are travelers, probably through
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time, i don’t know, through space, that is , there is no such clear connection, only... an evil story with a good name, can one person resist society, people who violate personal boundaries take away strength, emotions and even life, will the main character be able to save himself, or is the only way out of this absurdity to succumb to speaking with uninvited guests in the same language, here's 100 yen, here's 100 - the country's naval forces and representatives at the pier, the crew met an officer of the russian embassy, ​​the ship is a participant in the international naval defense exhibition, which is taking place these days. foreign guests will be able to board the plane, and a rich cultural
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program has been prepared for the crew. well, we still have time to show how... from peru, a narrow mountain road, a line of cars suddenly gets caught in a landslide, the first giant wave flies straight into the truck, a terrible blow and it is swept away like a toy, the next block falls in front of the car, from which is coming, after such a rockfall there are giant holes on the asphalt, the cars turned into a pile of scrap metal, but the people inside, as they say, were born in a shirt, are all intact. that's all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the program, time will tell. this is an information channel on the first, we continue to work live, the program time will tell, so we very often receive stories from the front lines, stories of heroic deeds, we show you in the footage, well, about four-legged
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we say something to the defenders. very little, and this is wrong, which is why, it recently became known, just the other day, that on the front line a fighting dog named dunce gave his life to save his comrades, he saved them from a ukrainian drone, a kamikaze drone flew into the position of russian fighters , noticing that our guys began to look for cover, the four-legged fighter, nicknamed the dunce, rushed to defend. he rushed his friends at the drone, grabbed it as hard as he could with his teeth and died, preventing them from attacking the position. but it is worth noting that during the great patriotic war there were many stories about the exploits and heroic deeds of our four-legged friends, there was such a woman, dina volkats, she trained more than one dog, her most famous ward was the dog dzhulbaras, an order-bearing dog who
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received the most serious awards. but in the meantime, against this background, ukrainian politicians probably have other heroes before their eyes, completely different heroic deeds, they are preparing for the loss of kharkov, zelensky calls on residents not to return to the city, which may soon become russian. ha, as for the return of kharkov residents, you see, i don’t think that kharkov is so protected now that i can advise people to return, this is the choice of kharkov residents, for today it is so. first there was information about the removal of some expensive exhibits from the museum, archives, documentation that may be of interest to the enemy and which is of interest to the defense industry of ukraine. then information came that the evacuation of jewish religious and
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public figures, organizations, etc. further. we will learn about what is happening in the kharkov direction from our permanent expert, vitaly viktorovich kiselev, who joins our conversation. vitali viktorich, hello, well, ukraine seems to be in a hurry to export it from kharkov. all the most valuable things have already been taken away, what can this tell us? yes, good afternoon, good afternoon, russia, of course, the enemy is very worried today, worried, well, if the drug dealer zelensky today says that it is not worth returning to kharkov, and kharkov is in principle, we no longer need him, then you can imagine what he can even talk about further - dnipropetrovsk, kiev, odessa. nikolaev and so on of all our russian cities, of course, this is alarming for them, it is clear that they are no longer able to defend such a large massive city as the city of kal, but contrary to the statement of the enemy
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of territory 404 that we are allegedly destroying cities, this is not so , the tactics today of squeezing out and bypassing the encirclement with a cut inside the enemy’s defense allows us to minimize the damage.
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is happening in the kharkov direction, where we are still a bit far away, but what progress are we making in general now and how are things going in kupinsk? yes, in the kharkov direction, in particular in the kupinsky operational-static direction, here our front stands still, mainly the artillery here is very powerful. exactly the same on the enemy’s side, the enemy is trying, as they say, to strike at us and send a large number of drones, but taking into account what was happening on orheevski,
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they pulled out part of the reserves from here, so for now, as i understand it, kupinsk will stand in exactly this position, uh, the tactics of the western military district, they have already shown more than once - they have justified their actions in that there will be... a chaotic liberation of some populated areas and advancement, and that is , you know, this kind of obfuscation kupinsk from all sides, just a few days ago , our units inflicted serious damage on the enemy to the 25th 95th airborne assault brigade and the 141st infantry terrorist defense, which lost more than 30 personnel , as well as two american galbitsy lafe. which in all likelihood brought ammunition, since there are no ammunition depots near artillery installations, they use the tactic of five or six shells and the evacuation of this
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equipment further to places, as they say, where artillery pieces can be hidden, that is, these are not permanent, our piercers just figured out these two guns, which... gave us a lot of trouble, they were destroyed, regarding the assaults, this is the ninety-fifth, again the fifty-seventh, the thirty-second, they tried complete several counterattacks in the senkovsky area, but... from the ukrainian side, yes, we know belgorod, donetsk there, vladimir vladimirovich putin said that we should create a sanitary zone, move ukrainian combat units away from our borders, well, at least 150- 200 km is the distance the rocket flies. yes, what is 200
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km from our border, this is the kharkov region, this is the dnepropetrovsk region, this is the nikolaev region, this is the odessa region, because it is from there, as your viewer correctly said, that they fly towards us, to the crimea, to crimean bridge, flying, drones, missiles flying, flying, walking on the sea, unmanned sea drones, of course we have to do this, how quickly can we do it? well, you need to understand that military operations are not nevsky prospekt, and even then on nevsky prospekt there is two-way traffic back and forth, so we will have the opportunity to do it quickly, we will do it faster, more news, exclusive comments in the telegram channel stream popular front , qr code on your screen, be sure to subscribe, the west is in another panic attack, moving forward, it turns out that the russians
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are destroying, believe it or not, the latest nato equipment, well, somehow it turns out very unexpectedly, right? the russian military is a master at debunking myths about the superiority of nato weapons. in recent weeks, we have been seeing this phenomenon more and more often. hundreds of the best examples of western armored vehicles, air defense artillery and so on were destroyed in a well -publicized counter-offensive last year, yet the start of 2024 looks set to be no less depressing for ukraine. here against the backdrop of this vaunted western technology zelensky continues to dream about f-16 fighters. the netherlands is actively the netherlands is actively helping us from air defense from the f-16 coalition. this year new fighters will be in our skies. however, zelensky’s dreams about the f-16 apparently are not destined to come true; the politician once again reports that there is no necessary infrastructure for the f-16 in ukraine. ukraine is preparing
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to take delivery of f-16 aircraft in the coming months, but adding single-engine fighters to its arsenal will require more than just training pilots. the fighters will lift the air extremely difficult, military airfields will become the main targets for russian strikes, and the air will be closely monitored by russian air defense systems. some difficulties will arise with repairs; the use of unprepared runways can lead to the breakdown of fragile aircraft. former us marine pilot tom richter, who flew on...
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well, for now this issue is being considered only in the context of repairs and readiness to receive nato aviation missions, which are supposed to carry out patrols there. moldova has not yet left the status a country that is neutral from the point of view of military doctrine, but nevertheless we see that this region is actively being drawn into this conflict, but let’s be with you a little too. pieces were produced in different countries of the world, what this tells us: a huge number of pilots, veterans who can come to ukraine and fly this equipment, a second huge number of spare parts, decommissioned aircraft, and so on. yes, our runways were made according to the concept, concrete slabs, struck, arrived, pulled out the old slab, installed new, quickly put into operation. but the joints
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are always uneven and the load on the landing gear of the aircraft is very high, so ours are made better, unlike the f-16, plus its air intake is located quite low, this requirement for the airfield network to be perfectly clean will be changed, they will change the chassis or something else, that is, in some part they will still try to do this, starokonstantinov is under constant attacks from us for a reason, this is one of the base airfields that planned for the use of this technology. this is the airfield that, since 1922 , has been in a tender for reconstruction according to nato standards by turkish companies; it is there that concrete fortifications have been created there so that planes can be lifted. hide, so they will still do it, they will still find opportunities to use these airfields, and i will remind you that in soviet times, both in belarus and in ukraine, some of our highways are alternate airfields with very good coverage, asphalt without joints,
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which can be effective for receiving this technology, there is only one thing: there must be good weather, without dirt, without snow, without melting, accordingly we understand that in the summer some of these planes will end up on... first, of course, the f-16 is a very important symbol, it’s a kind of idea for the ukrainian army, look, this is a prodigy, as soon as the f16 arrives, which we have been asking for for so many years, well, 2 years in fact, yes, then the situation at the front will change, although they themselves western specialists and people who actually
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piloted the f-16 and those involved in strategy say that with the potential of the russian air defense, and especially the landing forces, they really don’t want to expose themselves, because it’s really our air defense. our fighters, they will make it so that, well, not only will ukraine lose some opportunity there, yes, at least somehow impose some kind of fight in the air, no, america in the future may lose very powerful export capacities of aircraft, because those same , well, frankly speaking, downed planes, which will certainly appear very, very soon, they will have a very strong influence on the image5, they are unnecessary and it is f16 that is needed, in the absence of a choice, ukraine invents it for itself, well, in whatever language...
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in quite a language, languages ​​​​explain to their president that it is time to come down from heaven to earth, and not vice versa send them to heaven. what a ninety-first year, let's not lose what we have to begin with, let's hold out, accumulate strength, weapons, money, it's never empty , the capture of conditional volunteers continues. here from ttc, he’s already fucking some guy. it is you sit here, you know, they say in ukraine, don’t
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believe your eyes, all these shots, specially filmed, staged, real, naturally, russian propaganda. in an interview with the times this week , alexey danilov, the head of ukraine's national security and defense council, said russian agents are posting 166 million pieces of disinformation a week through fake social media accounts aimed at a famous glossy magazine featuring joyful ukrainian women rushing into battle on its cover. reality a little bit the other, those who have already been in this battle, tell the bitter truth. sorry for being sad on holiday.
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can we talk? you know, the leadership of ukraine, being in an insane state of fear, filling it with alcohol, drugs, this can be seen from the change in the faces of officials in the west, and here we see a very strong analogy, you just showed nazi symbols, we see that zelensky acts like hitler acted in the final stages, creating the hitler jugents, creating a people's militia, fooling just children, people, we understand, that - this is a series of arguments that supposedly we are now passing a new law on mobilization through parliament, but it is not needed, we see that the police have been covering up for a long time, they are simply deceiving the population, the west, and many ... well, when a person is lying, he still experiences internal torment there, he scratches his nose or some actions give it away
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, these people no longer have internal torments, he talks about it so calmly, he already believed in it all so easily that they themselves have already changed inside, they don't count these citizens are their own, so their task is to stay in power for as long as possible; now, those who oppose supplies have now joined the striking farmers. weapons to ukraine, the protesters at the same time demand the republic’s withdrawal from the european union, the termination of nato membership, as for nato, france has already left the north atlantic alliance, it was on charles’s initiative, after some time, sponsored student protests forced charles degaulle to renounce his presidency, well, literally through there, pour monsieur macron.
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for the neo-nazi regime of kiev, we have to say only one thing, this is no, we, our children, are told to go die in order to defend democracy, there is no democracy in ukraine , by the way, not only ordinary europeans, but also the leaders of some countries are calling on us to come to our senses , prime ministers of slovakia, if this issue is resolved, they are really preparing for war, and the same negotiations that were conducted by high-ranking german officials regarding the attack on the crimean bridge. we see immediate growth military infrastructure
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in the baltic states, in poland, we see how contingents are growing there, and this is happening significantly, and compared to the past period, it is absolutely obvious that washington will be helpful in preparing european society to realize the inevitability of war, i i am sure that this is unlikely to happen this year, most likely, it is unlikely that this will even happen within the framework of the conflict there... look, we have said many times that, for example, conditionally, a national association, certain right-wingers in france ,
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come out, well, from more or less sound positions , these are not our allies, but time after time they are not allowed to come to power, others, our strength has always been in the strength of our spirit, in the unity of our people, so it was then, the great patriotic, so this is happening now, now in our cinemas there is a large-scale war drama by alexei german the younger, which is exactly about this, it’s called air. will kill us all, the soldiers of ukraine are minced meat in syrsky’s career ambitions, well
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, the main thing is career, but money doesn’t smell, i i just know from the comments, because a person who betrayed his homeland, god forbid, will raise his hand against his parents, he had a chance to continue his career in russia, in the thirteenth year he still ate a cake with our flags, why did my mother and i split up , wandered around abroad, in short with a translator, and then he decided to hook up with one of the translators, well, go to hell, approach, traitors are not born, traitors become. alexander sirsky, general 200, dolls, heir, start an indignation, i would start, the time is right, i ask for my daughter's hand in marriage yours, what did she say, she blessed us, you and i are serving people and it is our duty to serve the sovereign and russia, we thought the senate would not pass away, did you want to see a revolution? yes , you are a coward, you are crazy, kondraty fedorovich,
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a dream, cruelty, they can forgive me, stop! poured rain across red square. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession. today, on the first one. the country is the first in terms of population. the third economy on the planet with a good prospect of becoming the second. moving aside the connected ones. and another day, people fight in the street over some trifle. now
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about 2,000 films are shot in bollywood a year, this is an absolute record. hindus. and the russians, they are brother brother, we helped india create the most modern system of education, healthcare, you have a dev kutumbakom, this in sanskrit means one land, one family, one future, the premiere of civilization, one mind is good, but two are not necessary, maybe he dressed very well, i think, for a woman or in general in order to feel himself, he did most of his actions for the sake of women, i think that for the sake of women he became famous, well, when i... declaration of love, festive concert in the kremlin, premiere on march 8, at the first. a new
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expression for the collection of amateur military specialists, which we all consider ourselves to be since the beginning of a special military operation, heavy snipers, their skill, namely heavy snipers, their main task is to wreak havoc on the enemy. communication numbers or a firing point that brings maximum damage to our troops, that is, we must calculate and destroy it, plus there is such a moment, the impact on the arrows is always either
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large-caliber artillery or carnets, the birds are trying to cover the square, because it’s impossible to notice the squirrel like that , i just took a look, there he lies, that is, this doesn’t happen, and they try to cover everything, i don’t know anything else, she’s big, well done, it was hard for her she tried to make a person out of me, she succeeded to the fullest, mom now sees your eyes, recognizes her son, she recognizes 100% what she will say out of a thousand, well, i love you very much - thank you for everything that you are for me did. i'll tell you this, i probably i asked myself this question 100 times from the training grounds of the south donetsk region, where fighters who perform very specific tasks hone their skills, they are also called heavy snipers, posture of noise,
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noise, yes, noise, noise, what noise, i don’t know, somehow i sat and talked with my family. i’ll probably be noisy, well, noisy, well, that’s all, plus i’ve always dreamed of working with high-precision weapons, i’m an artilleryman myself, but on the other hand, it’s nice to be here with such people, that is, my brothers, yes my group, well, i don’t see such people in the city, you have one commander, what is an ardent hero of russia worth, when the commander was awarded. i said, well, cool, yes, he left, and this is to help him, yeah, so to speak, you serve together, or what? no, not together, he serves in the artillery, it’s just recently here, yes, well, here specifically for a couple of weeks, like this,
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we started in russia, we’ve been studying here for 2 weeks, the beginning of theory, now we’ve entered practice. “you see, she’s just like that, she’s walking, you need her not to move, the rifle, that’s it, let's start!" the training process should be built from simple to complex, and there is no point in giving a person a 338 or 50 bmw if he is, let's say, a mediocre sniper, that is, a sniper who works, he understands his task, he, let's say so , he will work on the machine gunner, it is not he who will kill the machine gunner, it is the machine gunner who will not kill 10 infantrymen, you understand? it is he who will save those 10 infantrymen whom the machine gunner was preparing to kill, he will save these 10 lives, you have already said for yourself, you have chosen this path, they ended up here in donbass, right, why
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tsarist times, so from so far away did they come to us like that, the tehtyyan fleet, the far east, houses, family, children, of course, everything is as it should be, all this, they are waiting, waiting, so he came, how long has it been there? we met for 3 months while i was in the hospital, my wife seemed, how can i say, happy, sitting there too, my wife didn’t say that, that’s it, i’ve already been wounded, enough of this, i’ll go teach, but just imagine, i ’ve been proud all my life my father was proud of his business, and so was my grandfather, but others were proud of their wealth or nobility, but we were proud of our profession, and what kind of profession is this? to defend the homeland, there is such a profession as a platoon leader.
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our snipers are certainly heroes, and films will be made on such special units more than once, but now. let us once again remember a dog with a call sign with a name with the nickname dunce, who saved our guys at the cost of his own life. on the first channel with you andrey ukharev, let's start with the footage that came from the kremlin. vladimir putin received sergei sobyanin today and discussed the socio-economic development of moscow. last year was one of the most successful throughout modern history. the city is implementing several grandiose transport and infrastructure projects, the president personally took part in the opening of some of them.
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need to understand. russia expects to get acquainted with the results of the audit, which was announced by chancellor olaf scholz. this was emphasized today by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. according to him , a published conversation between german officers indicates that the german military department is substantively discussing plans for strikes on the territory of our country. post content shows the direct involvement of the west in the conflict in ukraine, peskov added. and in berlin so far they are only clumsily trying to make excuses. istorius is trying to blame it on... russian propaganda, saying that it is, quote, that is causing discord. this is part of the information war that putin is waging
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, there is no doubt about it, this is a hybrid attack, its goal is disinformation, we are talking about a split, an attempt to undermine our unity, so we must react with special forethought, but no less decisively. i think what the officers did was as they should, they thought about different conflict scenarios, and it won’t happen, something that the german chancellor does not publicly give. the go-ahead for the transfer of taurus missiles to kiev is reminiscent of a similar situation with leopard tanks. scholz also promised that they would not go to ukraine. germany's largest opposition party has already demanded that the bund committee be convened at an extraordinary meeting. on defence, calls on scholz to come to parliament and give an explanation. not far from our borders, meanwhile, large-scale exercises of the north atlantic alliance began, operating on case of the outbreak of armed confrontation with russia. more than 20 thousand military personnel from 13 countries are participating, with plans to attract hundreds of pieces of military equipment, including about 100 aircraft and more than 50 ships and submarines. in our world it has already been stated that the exercises are of
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a demonstrative and provocative nature. the russian military is monitoring the situation, and to ensure security, we have all the necessary means, the department added. the exercise will end on march 15, they write that everything happened in the avdeevsky direction, where the kiev regime is urgently transferring reserves, to hinder the advance of russian forces. reportedly, the tank was stopped by a shot from an rp, after which its caterpillar flew off, and then drone operators worked on the american, two ghoul drones took turns finishing off the burning abrams. in approximately the same area, the newest us-made britcher assault vehicle was destroyed, already the second, by the way, this small victory will not change the overall picture, the key date will be march 5, on the so -called super tuesday, voting will take place in 15 states at once, and if trump wins then can consider himself a republican candidate. as for colombia, he lost there in 16, when he first ran for the presidency, and in the end he
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took it. a powerful earthquake hit almota today, forcing people to rush out of their homes this morning from the john f. kennedy space center site in florida. alexander grebenkin became the fourth russian cosmonaut to go to the iss on the kru-dragon spacecraft. let me remind you that the cross-flight program continues to operate between russia and the united states, except our compatriot into the new crew. three americans also went, connecting with the station of the swimming doctors of the kulakov center. yana podziuban, one of the first to see the magnificent four , our tummy hurts, tummy, in the large spacious room , four beds cannot fit in the other, they are standing next to each other, as soon as the light appeared, so that neither the nurses nor the mothers would get confused. our eldest name is camilla, milana, cutie, she is our smallest, the third girl. her name is
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ayla, these children are like a gift from above for us turned out, this is not eco , that’s what nature decided. yuldus, 38 years old, she and her husband wanted to give birth to another baby, apparently they really wanted to, as even the doctors say here, fate helped about the four at first, no one knew, the doctor here at the center, when she did the research, she she looks and finds that there are not three, but four of them and... we have to carry 2 weeks in these terms, every day matters, in multiple pregnancies it happens that one child pulls the blankets over himself, develops faster, i take the others, but in this family there is a brotherly blanket divided equally, another phenomenon: a huge team of the best doctors worked to deliver a child, the maternity ward is like a space flight control center, an obstetric group and four more teams of non-anatologists every year there will be children in the kulakov center, this is where it is historically.
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the moment of discharge, just to put on diapers and suits, four people need eight hands, this is really some kind of, well, probably a gift from god, not under the window, but dad is waiting at the doorstep, worried, he hasn’t seen the children yet, what to grab onto, or rather for whom, i can’t immediately determine, well, hello, i need to say hello to those living there, everyone is sleeping, they are sleeping, therefore, the only people who meet me are newcomers, future parents, for them the acquaintance with rodom began with a slight shock. look what the national center is doing, we are checking out quadruplets today, they are followed with a glance, it will always be like this, they fit into the elevator with difficulty, the entire hall is filled at once , they part in the corridors, let the caravan through, oh, big life, you are already checking out, how quickly, impatiently greeted by relatives,
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let's sign the names, write down, the magnificent four are starting their journey, an amazing event, there are a lot of people , but the main thing is how they prepared, all our state corporations, all our largest companies, they are there...
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there, and the task of these local successes is to prevent the enemy transfer reserves to the main sectors, and in this way, understanding that the enemy’s reserves are not infinite, i think that this will allow us
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to win a new convincing victory in the near future. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich podalyaka, accurate as always information from the front of the special military operation and a good road to sochi. germany itself, well, it is noteworthy that, in fact, the conversation there was not about the fact that germany is already actually participating in military actions, but about the fact that russia is pursuing a vile information policy. let's listen to pestorios, german defense minister. this incident is more than just the interception and publication of a conversation with the air force. this is part of the information war that putin is waging. there is no doubt about it. this is a hybrid attack. this is about split, attempts does not mean. the ministry of foreign affairs of germany has already been called, he is there now
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, there is really a political storm in germany itself, the free saxony party has filed a lawsuit against the military, which is essentially provoking aggression, which is the tang missiles, the leopard tank, which. in addition, the germans will now be conducting an investigation, this is an indicator of very serious work, let’s call it that, by our intelligence officers, special services, and most likely, since we have revealed the sources of the interception of this conversation, it means there will be more continuations. in addition, the germans generally revealed the entire mechanism for preparing the work of the british, making a remark that the germans in this conversation had enough, well, from... they openly told how serious an engineering structure this was, that not even ten, even up to twenty missiles would be enough, to destroy, one of the employees there says: no, well, we will strike there, he says, yes, the hole is small, make a meter in diameter, this is not enough to
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destroy this bridge, but a completely different type of weapon, but what is actually happening situation now is really very timely, when farmers will ask questions, why are you saving on us, are you going to supply weapons there, moreover, are you dragging in... the history of western politics is talking about some kind of split, about russia’s attempt to wage an information war, but in reality true things have been published, the most interesting thing is that they didn’t even try to deny, but maybe let’s add a little oil to this
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german boiling brew, so maybe he knew about this leak, maybe he and organized it so that these missiles , for some reason unknown to us , would be sent there, it seems to me, an interesting turn, let them find out whether the platform is correct, whether the chancellor is correct, as they say, more information from all sides, let's add a little oil to this very german nato fire, and it is no coincidence that they are moving west from the city through those villages through which previously the ukrainian troops in ovdiivka were supplied, respectively, but now it is already our road. to the west, there the enemy leaves barriers, tries first of all to hold back the pace of the offensive, because it is obvious that they will not be able to hold out on this line and defend for a long time, they abandon their own. forces in a counterattack
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with the goal of being built during the war in donbass before the start of the northern military district, was one of the main most prepared in engineering terms on the entire front line, also our attack aircraft entered the city of krasnogorovka, where they were able to gain a foothold and stay in the building, that is, already now we can assume that the battles for krasnohorivka have actively begun, krasnohorivka, the last major satellite city of donetsk, which remains occupied by ukrainian... donetsk troops on a significant scale, yes, thank you very much, dmitry astrykan, military observer for lime, take care of yourself, we are waiting for your reports . now, of course, a lot depends on how far the west is ready to go in its assistance to ukraine, and it is noteworthy that in recent days there have been voices in western capitals for involving western countries in the conflict sashka wants become.
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according to the will, the russian throne is not inherited, who was waiting for such a gift, i’m glad that i have to kill him, great guys, konstantin pavlovich, write a renunciation , you’re sick, i’m the sovereign, the emperor of all russia, what do you think, you’re a coward, you’re crazy, put it out,
1:56 pm
union of salvation, big premiere, watch after the program. it's a cloudy day, i put on my medals, it was my parade, i'm alone in the drizzling rain. confession today on the first, this is how a professional doctor shows an exercise for lower back pain, how to treat lower back pain and much more. this is a chance, you will move to the major league, lieutenant colonel igorelnik, now he is engaged in donetsk.
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the big game is live, in the west it’s no longer a joke discussion about whether we need to help, let’s listen, i think that regardless of whether there is western support, whether we give ukraine 60 billion dollars or not, it doesn’t matter in the end in the end, ukraine will lose, in fact, i would argue that ukraine has already... lost and the argument that i make is that ukraine
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has lost more than 20 percent of its territory, and we know from the counter-offensive last year that ukraine will not be able to return this territory, this territory is lost, the question is what the war will look like next, only worse. kirillo evgenievich, in fact, we have been talking about this for several years now, and now it has come to a head, i think, in relation to the heads in the american establishment, but how much can this really leak into...
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supply channels. the first is ukraine purchasing shells directly from our production base. she has already bought more 350 thousand shells, so that's already 9000. then there are also bilateral supplies between certain neighboring states that are not disclosed, so the total amount already exceeds a million. but at the same time
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, the key words were said that this will happen, but at the same time the west will, of course, continue to provide military assistance. canada said. that it does not rule out sending even its own troops to solve non-combat tasks there, the french ministry of defense published a list of the weapons that it already transferred to the territory of ukraine, this is really a huge amount of deadly weapons, but for some reason not a single one appeared there, let’s listen to the serbian president, many difficult situations await us when they were first mentioned.
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listen, you're a tough guy , you're fighting a very tough battle right now and you deserve to have a movie made about you, let me know when filming starts so i can be a part of it, look, all we can do is get up every morning and keep going fight throughout your existence, an amazing craving for pr campaigns, well , just recently the landing of special forces on one of the spit, where the majority were destroyed, krynki, where several thousand were sent.
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cia, let's hear it, really retired. the west hasn't learned its lessons, you need to listen to what putin says, he doesn't talk nonsense, he's not joe biden, he doesn't forget where he was yesterday, everything putin says is important, and he never bluffs, he's not a player poker, he is not a clown, he speaks smoothly. what he means and lays it out in detail, in black and white, he warned the west if ukraine will continue to be pushed into nato if the alliance advances a beautiful task, but it is being solved, against this background the question arises, why nato, yes, elon musk even asked such a question, let's listen to him, i have always wondered why nato continues
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to exist , despite the fact that his sworn enemy, the warsaw pact organization, has ceased to operate, and elon musk has already answered, if i’m not mistaken there. president of latvia, who said that nato has always been directed not against the warsaw pact, but against russia. western statements are by definition hypocrisy, as oscarwhite said, which is part of the indispensable good education. but here it turns out that yes, we do exactly what we say, and this is a very big problem for the west, because he is sure that we are bluffing, he is sure that in fact this is all in violation, and not in reality , by the way, returning to the same zelensky, who remains in the western tradition, yes, that is, in violation, what is he trying to do, trying out of some kind of real politics, i think it’s unlikely in hollywood will they have time to make a film about zelensky at home, but in any case, this is really , in my opinion, a very interesting idea that... he simply provides himself with the same uh legitimacy as he provided himself at the very beginning with the film servant of the people, which he certainly did not become, so
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the word hypocrisy that you used, it actually characterizes not only this particular situation, it characterizes the west in general, i believe that if they elect candidates for the presidency of the united states, i think that tomorrow everything will be will end, but this was preceded by primaries in a number of states. and you will find out what happened there after the advertisement. general syrsky, the new head of the armed forces of ukraine, who is also called general 200. the situation at the moment can be assessed as difficult, the enemy is now actually advancing, but he, my brother, doesn’t communicate with him, well, he’s dear to him, it ’s written everywhere that he has one wife, one child, his parents live in vladimir. my father always said, but my sashka wants to become a general, to be a general in a small country a little simpler. his parents are trying to refrain from commenting, since a man who betrayed his homeland, god forbid, will raise his hand against his parents.
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he had a chance to continue his career in russia; in 1913 he still ate a cake with our flags. why did my mother and i break up? i didn’t give up? information technology, india exports its software products to more than 90 countries, it is a country of paradox, one day we land on the moon, and another day people are fighting in the street for some reason. humor involved, it was he himself, one mind is good , but two are not needed, maybe he dressed very well, i think, for a woman or in general
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in order to feel himself, most of it, and he says, i didn’t understand in the visual hall, he will just read from a piece of paper, won’t sing, on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvonetsky, tomorrow at the first one, i say normally, grigory, excellent, kosanti. "i will reign, or i will perish. the empire new lands, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he is 34, she is 10 years older. soon potemkin will be talked about as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the final decisions of the empress."
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bribery, corruption, decay, oh, the great american election game has reached the point when super primaries will take place, tomorrow is super tuesday, when in 15 states, voters will come to cast... votes for candidates from the democratic and republican parties michigan, he received 68%
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of the vote, in nikihel 26%, it is a large, large industrial state, in missouri, a midwestern state , trump collected 100%, but there's no there were primaries, and caucuses, that is, party ones, such meetings of party activists, and donald trump collected votes. of all participants in the district of columbia, this is the city of washington, gaining almost 2/3 of the votes there, which of course was received with great enthusiasm in...
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but on the other hand, all observers and commentators say exactly what we agree with: niki halley no, no one won anywhere, so nicky halley is the deep state candidate, he is the number two candidate for the republicans, who can only become number one if with today number one, something will happen, but in fact
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, this calculation may turn out to be incorrect for the simple reason that... well , the congress delegates, who have already elected a major republican politician as a candidate for the presidency, vote and elect a candidate for the presidency, that is this, in my opinion, is generally the most unpredictable election campaign of all that took place in the history of the united states of america during the entire existence of this country. and of course, the biggest intrigue is how this will all affect the situation with the financing of ukraine, with the support... of zelensky with the sending of weapons to ukraine, with the adoption through congress, they are simply not being implemented, by the government of the united states, they are simply sabotaged, and biden is asked completely logical questions about this, that’s what he answers, let’s let's listen to why you are delaying the application of legal measures at the border, we need more forces at the border, i do not have the authority
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to do this, i do not have any of this. powers, and of course the question is, six months ago there was still the number 31 on the chart, this figure is growing, but in fact here you know that very...


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