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tv   Vremya  1TV  March 4, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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at the moment people forget about this, but it would be worth remembering, in the meantime, as they say, for the edification of others, and for those who are now watching our program, just to know the truth, because in knowledge, as we know, there is power, maria butina, the doll heir to atoti, was with you, now is the program time. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. abrams couldn't handle a real fight. another american tank was burned in the avdeevka direction , ministry of defense report. lines and diameters, development
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moscow. conversation between vladimir putin and the mayor of the city about achievements and counteraction to sanctions. a leak with consequences, the german ambassador in moscow was summoned to the foreign ministry after a scandal discussing the possibility of strikes on russia. the queue for lavrov at the youth festival. in sirius, direct answers about irreversible global changes are not in favor of the west. in his new capacity, the prime minister of kazakhstan is in russia on his first visit after his appointment, as mikhail mishustin spoke with him about. payload. the second stage, wind power plants in stavropol. how many houses will he get? green energy? the route is built with an accurate
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schedule of public transport not only in megacities, a new platform based on glanas. nature is a miracle, three daughters and a son, an addition to the family, and the doctors of the kulakov center helped bring light to life. so, the american miracle weapon. on tracks , the abrams tank again proved that it burns no worse than any western technology. the ministry of defense confirmed that another one was destroyed in the vdeevsky direction, where, after the liberation of the city of the same name, our troops continue to push back ukrainian militants. total states they promised kiev about thirty abram tanks, so such tanks are indispensable in the armed forces of ukraine, just like mine clearance vehicles, their purpose is in the name. in addition, with its two-row. they use a plow to demolish barriers,
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one of these, by the way, at the abrams base, ours reset, there near avdeevka, how it all happened , why expensive western tanks cannot be compared with our t-90s, oleg shishkin will tell. these shots show the finale of a short battle involving abrams. it is clearly visible that the american is hit and motionless. our infantry from a standard hand-held anti-tank the grenade first took down the car, demolished it with an accurate hit on the caterpillar, and the two drones were a ghoul with cumulative dawn. the tank was completely disabled. the same fate befell the newest american assault mine clearance vehicle, based on the abrams. apparently she walked ahead, making a safe passage. this is already the second abrams destroyed in the northern military district zone. the first one, our military burned at the beginning of last week in the same avdeevsky direction. previously, abrams practically did not participate in battles, although in ukraine they considered the wunderwafe almost a miracle a weapon capable of turning the tide at the front or... things were already going very badly,
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the dryers decided to pull out their last trump card, or were they really so confident in abrams’ invulnerability that they threw him into the attack, but in vain, the tanks of the nato countries were created as a kind of creeping fort to combat enemy equipment at long distances, namely the creeping one, due to the enormous weight, the speed on rough terrain dropped by a third, or even by half, weight and dimensions due to heavy combined armor in several layers of steel and ceramics, dimensions the towers are gigantic, compared to our tanks. there was a miscalculation here, a cheap drone flying from above does not care that the frontal armor of an abrams or a leopard is considered impenetrable, here is a lightly armored roof - any tank has virtually a continuous weak spot, the larger its area, the easier it is for the drone , and where small size matters and speed saves lives, western tanks, huge and heavy, bogged down in the mud, turned out to be poorly adapted to the theater of operations, for which our t-90s were almost ideal. it seems, history repeats itself.
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the plane drops them from a high altitude without entering the enemy air defense zone. after striking enemy strongholds in the krasnolimansk direction, crew 134 received confirmation from intelligence that the targets had been destroyed and returned safely to their home airfield. and these are shots from the zaporozhye region. tankers of the dnepr group fire at the enemy with direct fire to the enemy less than 2 km away. to avoid getting hit by return fire, crews use... after several shots the tank quickly leaves the crew in the other direction of attack takes over. as a result , the enemy stronghold was completely destroyed. now they are probably more on the defensive, trying to dig in, dig in, we manage to advance little by little. each assault on an enemy position is preceded by powerful
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artillery preparation. the crews of the hurricane multiple rocket launcher systems, the older brother of the famous grads, support our advancing infantry. objective control footage shows the destruction of an ammunition depot. according to the ministry of defense, losses in the ukrainian armed forces per day consisted of almost 1,500 militants, more than a dozen artillery pieces, as well as two haimar missile launchers and the american m-777 artillery system. oleg shishkin, vladimir grinevich, andrey stoyko, victor averin and alexander kovalev, channel one. germany, a manufacturer of leopard tanks, which our troops began to burn in the first days of the counter-offensive, today received a harsh diplomatic demarche; the ambassador in moscow was summoned to the foreign ministry. after the german military talked about attacks on russia. we are talking about long-range taurus missiles, which kiev asks, but hasn't received it yet. the intended targets are a bridge to crimea and other large infrastructure facilities. the conversation was leaked to the press, but in berlin they are more worried about how this happened than to explain
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the essence. report by ivan blagov. mr. ambassador, why are you planning to attack russian targets? weapons support an attack on the russian federation, including the crimean bridge, including ammunition depots, as they discuss among themselves, it is not surprising, it’s just how it could happen that a secure negotiation network
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turned out to be not so reliable, and this says a lot; the reaction of the german defense minister to the published recording is truly indicative. this is part of the information war that putin is waging, there is no doubt about it, this is a hybrid attack, its goal is disinformation, we are talking about a split, an attempt to undermine our unity. the allies of germany ponath, judging by... publications in the press, are deeply shocked by how easily the germans gave up their secrets. there used to be a saying, if you want to convey something to moscow, you better tell it to the germans, and it was bitter ironically, this is also a huge problem for communicating with the allies, because here germany is really losing its reputation. however, it is unclear how compromised the communications means used by bundeswehr officers are overall. it is quite possible that the russians have a mountain of recordings of such negotiations, that this was not just luck. in this case. the press service of the german ministry of defense today published a link to a file with a statement by minister pistorius, a file
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on the department’s secure server. the primitive password 1 2 3 4 is indicated directly below the link. more a week ago this would not have been a funny joke: after the attack of russian spies on the bundeswehr - this is extremely awkward. to discuss information sensitive to the entire north atlantic alliance, the bundesweir generals used the commercial video conference program webex, of american origin. there are increasing signs that it is likely that a russian participant has connected to webec and that the apparent presence of another subscriber has gone undetected. such details are, of course, extremely interesting, but what this or that german expert is guided by interests, trying to more clearly show the scale of the failure of bundeswehr officers. kizivetor from the opposition cdu, it was the christian democrats who recently put the issue of taurus supplies to a vote in the bundestag. in parallel with the discussion of the leak of classified data in germany, it is obviously beginning. stage of the internal political struggle for the transfer of missiles to ukraine. we are talking about pressure on
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chancellor scholz, who previously spoke out against such supplies. the scandal with the officers hits him. it is the christian democrats who are now they propose to convene a separate meeting of the bundestag defense committee with the chancellor invited to it. at the same time, it is argued that the same recording showed the presence of german soldiers in ukraine in the case of the transfer of toytaurus is not mandatory. the topic of assistance in missile guidance from german territory is being ignored. the same cdu representative kiziwe. the war must be transferred to russia, russian military facilities and headquarters must be destroyed, we must do everything possible so that ukraine can destroy only oil refineries in russia, but also the ministry, command posts and firing points. the intercepted conversation also discussed not only the crimean bridge, but other possible targets. the german government denies that the recording indicates germany is preparing for war with russia.
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how much scholz controls the situation, the press secretary of the russian president asks. on march 2, the website published an article with the following headline: lauterbach is preparing the healthcare system for military conflicts. karl lauterbach, german minister of health, he is quoted as saying: “it would be stupid to say, we will not prepare, then there will be no conflict.” and further in the article. moreover, if nato had to defend itself against attack, germany could become a center for caring for the wounded and injured from other countries. on the topic of the involvement of western countries in the ukrainian conflict, meanwhile.
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i wonder what job? earlier , zimmerman was photographed wearing a t-shirt calling for the transfer of tauras missiles to ukraine with the inscription “together until victory.” ivan blagoy, dmitry volkov, lyubov dmitrivaliya serzhidinov, alexander gornostaev, channel one. let's get back to our news. vladimir putin discussed the development of moscow today with sergei sobyanin. according to the capital's mayor, the past year was one of the most successful in modern history. significant transport projects that have turned moscow into one of the most convenient. megacities of the world, housing construction, growth in production, for example, in automobiles, buildings and pharmaceuticals. olga
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knyazeva with details. in just a year and a half , a plant important for technological sovereignty will appear in the country. huge production of traction batteries that power electric vehicles; these batteries will immediately begin to be installed on our electric buses, and domestic electric vehicles will become more affordable. step by step we are starting to produce everything that we previously bought abroad. in relation to such projects, moscow is an example and a driving force for the whole country. as if i must report to you, vladimirich, despite the actions of the enemies, all kinds of sanctions, well, we have no more friends.
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automotive industry, microelectronics, growth from 25 to 40%. this is the moscow endocrine plant, here it produces analgesics and anesthesia drugs for the whole country. 75% of products in the list of vital drugs. sobyanin told the president that two directions for the development of the plant have been created, investments under an offset contract, when the city purchases certain drugs and supplies them to clinics, and a new scientific and laboratory complex has been opened to produce even more of its drugs. plans for 2027. enter the russian and world markets with 50 new drugs. since 2011, 158 different healthcare facilities, including 72 clinics. there are plans to complete the construction of another 40 facilities, 10 hospital buildings, and 21 clinics by 2025. the transport system in the capital is one of the most modern in the world, with everything for people from comfortable stops
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to well-thought-out convenient routes, when several types of transport quickly and safely transport them from home to work and back. megaproject. world-class - this is a large ring line with 31 stations. on many routes, people save 45 minutes every day. moscow central diameters relieved the metro's load by 12%. and thanks to the moscow high-speed diameter, you can drive through the whole of moscow, bypassing the center, without a single traffic light in just 40 minutes. the projects that we opened, the large ring metro line, the high-speed diameter work very well. today we transport 1,300,000 people a day on the bcl. by speed diameter. 400 thousand cars daily, even if you look at the economic return, for example, the federal budget has already received more than a trillion rubles at the expense of the bcl federal budget extra-budgetary funds for economic effect, budget effect, from the moment work begins, no, from the moment construction begins, because when the construction itself
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is underway, it already receives taxes from vat, well, we introduced them in parts over several years, so ... here the benefits are direct, and the city budget is developing. muscovites continue to move from uncomfortable and old housing to new ones as part of the renovation program to build houses for another 350,000 residents of five-story buildings by 2027. the mayor of moscow told the president about how they are growing investment in the capital. if we compare the results for 3 years from 2009 to 2011 with the figures for the last three years, 2020-2023, the volume of investments has almost quadrupled. this is both housing and a building.
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more than 150 investors will be created in the capital in the coming years due to city agreements and thousands of new jobs in all key sectors of the economy, including in the production of drones, which are now assembled in the special economic zone of the moscow technopolis. moscow is a city of cinema . 90% of films and tv series are shot in the capital. this project will allow you to shoot even more and the best film park
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, moscow kino - the largest in the world for location filming, an area of ​​more than a thousand hectares, here is a center for visual technologies and a center for innovation for the film industry, not only. filming a new point of attraction for tourists. olga knyazeva, ekaterina yarovenko, alexey simonov, channel one. and just about the capital’s experience throughout the country, using the example of the moscow transport mobile application, and not only. testing of a unified platform for tracking any transport has begun. funds based on the domestic eroglanas system. in real time, in any region, you can see where the bus you need is and which road commercial transport takes. where public utilities work, it is important that all this will be free, yuri cherbakov will tell you where this already works, plan your route online up to the minute, and don’t freeze at the bus stop. he won’t come, now you can go directly from home
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directly to the bus, it’s very convenient, you don’t have to look at the schedule on the website, because there sometimes it also gets lost, you can see right when , where the bus is going and you can adapt to it, all this became possible thanks to the implementation of the federal navigation and information system based on erglannas, veliky novgorod became the first of the regions where the ministry of transport of russia, together with the use of a single platform, will allow aoglanas began testing the project, systematizing the operation of public transport throughout the country. already now , most vehicles have these sensors, yes, this is satellite equipment navigation and there is a large, as it specialists call it, a zoo of all kinds of systems. in half of the cases it is a foreign decision. and in many cases, information goes abroad in real time to foreign servers. our task, as i said, is to replace imports seamlessly, so that the regions do not feel this in any way , and both carriers and citizens do not feel it in their pockets. by monitoring
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the situation on the roads online, dispatchers will be able to optimize the operation of transport. in addition, the use of a single state system, only according to preliminary calculations, will save the regional budget about 4 billion rubles. the platform will be localized on statetech in accordance with the government decision. that its creation will be free for subjects, we mean, there will be no more additional expenses that would be included in the fare. using data received from the federal platform, regions will be able to launch their own mobile applications or relay information to the yandex maps and tugis services, as well as to the information smart stop board. the unified state system will also include an ambulance service, this should improve the efficiency of fleet management and reduce arrival time. tires for a call, which means increasing the chances of saving a life, in real time the dispatcher can see which ambulance, where exactly it is located, as i said, this
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happens online, accordingly, now this is an opportunity to monitor, in the future this opportunity with the help artificial intelligence and the so-called automatic routing module, system will tell the dispatcher which car to send. to the point where medical care is needed. owners of unmanned cargo helicopters and agricultural drones are interested in using the platform. in the future, the project will open the skies for civilian drones in regions where there are still bans on such flights. in addition, the project will make it possible to control the speed of personal mobility devices, such as electric scooters. on the eve of the summer season, this is a particularly pressing question. this year one the state system is being tested in five regions, and several dozen more will join. next year. yuri sherbakov, tatyana shilina, sergei buskoboynikov, channel one. sergei lavrov, you have already seen his comments regarding the leak of a conversation between german generals and
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long-range taurus missiles, today he also spoke about an anti-russian political project on the eve of the presidential elections. the head of meath spoke in sirius. ivan prozarov was impressed by the ministerial audience. an incredible thirst for knowledge among the participants of the world festival youth, thousands of participants want to get in. which will fairly reflect the weight of each state in world affairs. lavrov told young diplomats about how the diplomatic mission of the european union in our country is trying
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to interfere in the march presidential elections in russia. the foreign ministry collected materials on the mechanisms of intervention and support for the non-systemic opposition, and a week and a half ago, european ambassadors were summoned to lavrov. i just wanted, as minister of foreign affairs, to tell ambassadors and heads of diplomatic missions that we just. we advise with the best intentions not to do this, what do you think, 2 days before the scheduled event, before the meeting, they sent us a note, we decided not to go, you can imagine, these are relations with states at the diplomatic level, whose ambassadors are afraid to come to a meeting with the minister of the country in which they are accredited, how is that even possible? where this can be seen, in recent years the west has been working against russia, driving a wedge into relations with its neighbors. this can be seen, naturally, in the european part of the former
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soviet union, ukraine. moldova, which they are simply openly preparing the successor of ukraine from the point of view of taking over its entire leadership. all hope is for them, the future leaders of the world. lavrov’s attention was attracted by the american delegation holding our tricolor flag. it is an honor for us to be here in russia, despite the us sanctions, for us it is an honor to break through this blockade. and we want to say: we, young people, want to be friends, work together and build a world where we will not be hegemons, but will respect each other. let's be equal. in connection with the upcoming us presidential elections, the question is: is there hope to renew cooperation? we have no negative feelings towards the american people. i have many very good comrades in the united states. we will work, naturally, with any president the american people choose, but everything will
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this is a betrayal of all the ideals of olympism. judging by the reaction of the audience, the ideals and values ​​that the head of the russian foreign ministry spoke about are shared throughout the world, regardless of the political camp. we need a multipolar world, and the discussion here is wonderful opportunity to lay its foundation. there are no such events in france; here young people get to know each other, exchange opinions, and unite. in france we are individualists, but in russia there is a spirit of unity. that's why the topic. today's festival day is a world of opportunities, and everyone should have them; a striking example of this was the all-russian charity event, tree of wishes. at the festival site, the head of our ministry fulfilled the dream of sixteen-year-old margarita pevneva from st. petersburg, who wants to become a diplomat and dreamed of meeting sergei lavrov. the conversation took place, margarita received the book “we are polite people” with the autograph of the author as a souvenir. ivan prozurov, pavel likholetov, victor glavin, ekaterina ovsyannikova, anastasia slobodenyuk and kristina
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neznanova. first channel. federal territory sirius. let’s return to the festival in sochi, now russia-kazakhstan, the importance of developing partnership was discussed during the negotiations between mikhail mishustin and his kazakh counterpart. the fact that alzhaz bektenov’s first visit as prime minister to moscow was another confirmation. yuri lepatov will continue the topic. before ulzhas biktenov became prime minister of kazakhstan in february of this year, he worked as the head of the administration of the president of kazakhstan, kasym zhumarta takaev.
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i accepted it with pleasure, because our countries are strategic partners, allies, it was and will remain so, the relations are allied, fraternal, which is also important, mutually beneficial. russia is in first place among kazakhstan’s foreign trade partners. while there is a decline in world trade, trade turnover between our two countries is growing every year. in 2023 amounted to 2.5 trillion rubles or 12.600 billion. through russian investments in kazakhstan in the amount of almost one and a half. trillion rubles , large-scale projects are being implemented in the energy, automotive, and petrochemical industries; modernization of transport and logistics infrastructure is especially in demand now. we are connected by the longest land border in the world, more than 7,500 km. the most important transit routes of eurasia pass through the territories of our countries. and of course, we pay special attention to the development of the international corridor,
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north-south, him. competes in a kind of double-event format, first virtually, and then on a football or hockey court, for example, your guys, the athletes who came here will compete in thirteen disciplines, it was even unexpected for me that such a representative delegation, i would like
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to propose that the next games of the future - would take place in our country in order to continue this tradition, an initiative that was expressed in a timely manner by the russian federation. another important tradition, which was noted by the prime ministers, is preserved. i would like to thank the leadership of kazakhstan for their attentive attitude towards the russian language. it is a language of interethnic communication and helps to establish contacts between people. branches of russian higher educational institutions operate in kazakhstan; more than 60 thousand kazakh students study in russia. yuri lepatov, anna zayakina, yuri yarchenko, channel one. and the chairman of the lower house of the kazakh parliament.
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we already vote there, we know everyone, everyone knows us, and this is the kherson region, early voting ended there the day before, residents of settlements that are close to the line of combat contact made their choice. despite the provocation, our
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election commissions worked with voters, suspended work somewhere for a certain period, but after the danger had passed, they returned to our voters. members of election commissions are doing everything to ensure that residents have
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candidate from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov visited troitsk with the staff of the institute of nuclear research and discussed current issues. the new voting will take place from march 15 to 17,
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early voting in a number of regions will end until march 14, after which the boxes with ballots will be sealed and delivered to election commissions, these ballot boxes will be opened after the end of elections throughout the country, that is, on march 17. anastasia kobuzeva, alexey bilov, ekaterina koryaka, zulfiya khakimova, sergey valetov, channel one. rosatom corporation has commissioned the second stage of the trunovo wind power plant in the stavropol region. more. 14 installations, the number of wind turbines has reached 38, and the total power of the station is 95 mw, enough for approximately 40,000 houses without damaging the environment, the power of one wind turbines of 2.5 megawatts, to understand how much progress has reached, the world's first nuclear power plant, obnensk, produced 5 megawatts, anna kurbatova assessed the scale. the stavropol region is called the land of the seven winds, there is even a monument to the wind, so you won’t be surprised. that seven of the nine wind farms in the south of russia
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are located in this region, this is the trunovskaya wind power plant in october 2023 , the first stage was commissioned, and now the second. to the twenty-four already existing , 14 more wind turbines were added. and today, transforming the caught steppe wind into a running current flowing through the wires, they also began to supply electricity to the country’s unified grid. the installed capacity of the trunovskaya wtp is 95 mw. allows you to provide. there are about 40,000 households, and here there is an electronic heart station, all control is from this small room, and all the necessary data from each of the wind turbines flows here in real time. you can see the power output, the wind speed, the angle of rotation of the blades, the wind speed is now almost 10 m/s. yes, it is at the top at an altitude of 100 m, where it stands weather station and where the wind speed sensor is located. all software is russian development. in russia they are now making the main components for wind turbines at
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this plant in the rostov region. we produce four main components of a wind turbine: the generator, the gondola, the hub and the tower base. the composite division of rosatom also launched its production of blades that year. in terms of import substitution, we have already localized 72%. more than 70 russians work together with us enterprises. representatives of nuclear energy are engaged in renewable energy, in addition to wind farms in the stavropol region, by the way, the largest in the country , kochubeevsky, is located here, rosatom has launched wind farms in adygea and the rostov region. wind farms are one of the lowest carbon generators; all this generation certainly has a positive impact on our quality of life. the volume of electricity generated by our wind turbines in stavropol will not cover.
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channel one, now advertising in the second part of the program, long sentences in the case of the former family senator, four children are being added to one family at once, there will be much more, don’t switch, according to the will, the russian throne is not inherited, who was waiting for such a gift, i’m glad that i have to kill him, great guys, “konstantin pavlovich,
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write a renunciation, this is shisha, i am the emperor, the all-russian emperor, well, do you think that disturbances can begin, i would start, the time is right, i ask for the hand of your daughter, well, what did she say, she blessed us, we are service people and our duty - serve the sovereign and russia." they thought that the senate would not trespass, they wanted to see the revolution, you are a coward, you are crazy, put out the fire. as it was not on fire all around, what will happen now, katya, what about our dream, they can forgive me for cruelty, they will never forgive me for weakness, union salvation, big premiere, watch after the program time
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, old barrel cognac. stellar group product bourbon сtirsman stellar group product whiski mankatcher stellar group product. dean сnop stellar group product. monteshoca cognac stellar group product. rom castro. steller group product. vodka. veda .product stellor group. with each butterfly i associate a military episode, or a political character, or a collision, which i remember now in moscow when i look at my collection. the scouts on the boat walked along the pits of this
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aircraft carrier, they used a net to scoop out from the sea all the rubbish that fell from the aircraft carrier, soggy paper, bottles, what... boxes, they hoped, among this rubbish , to find precious information, on a dim, cloudy day, i put on my medals, it was my parade, i walked along red square alone in the drizzling rain, premiere, alexander prokhanov, confession, today on the first day, the three of them broke into the bank wearing masks. they started beating, shooting, it was very scary , they robbed a private bank in donetsk, cleaned out your cells, viktor fedorich, find it, you will take this business for yourself, this is a chance, you will move to the big leagues, lieutenant colonel igornik, is now involved
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in the donetsk case, they should not get too involved far away, the main intrigue is whether ukraine will sign an association agreement with the eu. we do everything right.
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immediately to fourteen defendants in the high-profile department of the arashukov clan in the preobrazhensky court of moscow today he handed down sentences, among them the relatives of the ex-senator, second cousins ​​ruslan and beslan arashukov. the trial in this case lasted about 2 and a half years. in the hall of the preobrazhensky court in moscow, former heads of a number of gazprom branches in the north caucasus of companies adjacent to them, each of which. was involved in a multi-billion dollar gas theft scheme, with some of the defendants the arashukovs also have family connections, the guilt of the brothers ruslan and beslan, the arashukovs, who held high positions in gazprom branches in astrakhan and stavropol, the court considered it proven. the final punishment for ruslan mikhailovich aroshukova is imprisonment for a term of 16 years and 6 months, to be served
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in a maximum security colony, was assigned to beslan magomedgireevich rashukov. punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of 16 years with the sentence served in a correctional colony . the remaining twelve defendants were sentenced to 19 years of age. the former senator of otkorachaev of circassia rauf orashukov himself, who was detained in the nineteenth year right at a meeting of the federation council in a colony went to the end of days. the court handed down life sentences for creating a criminal community, murder, and fraud to him and his father, the organizer of the theft scheme, in 22 . installed arashukov, the eldest, working in the gazprom structure, promoted his people to important positions. in the energy sector of the region. as a result, almost 4 billion rubles were stolen from the company. two of those who tried to stop this were killed. rauf arashukov was the youngest senator in the federation council at the time of the delay. previously demanded a translator, assuring that he did not know russian, but after i spoke it fluently for a week in court. i found myself in a cell with someone already sentenced to 18 years
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under article 205 of terrorism, i found myself in a cell with a terrorist, a current member of the federation council, of the russian federation, where is this even possible, where is it allowed, what is going on? in favor of relatives and victims, the court recovered 12 million rubles from the saroshukovs. and turned it into state income. property worth one and a half billion, this is almost a hundred cars, mostly premium class, apartments, residential buildings, land plots, a three-story hotel with a restaurant and a bathhouse complex, while working for government agencies and state-owned companies, the orashukovs bought 75 real estate properties, the property of a number of accomplices convicted today will also be confiscated, former security forces of the region, the ex-head of the center for countering extremism of the korachaev ministry of internal affairs of cherkessia timur, are serving 22-year sentences.
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including in colorado, where they were just trying to expel trump for the participation of his supporters in the storming of the capitol in january 21 , shortly after losing the presidential election, trump is confidently moving towards nomination to republican candidates, despite the victory of former us ambassador haley in the primaries in the dc metropolitan area, presidential elections in america on november 5.
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we have a multinational country and many traditional costumes, here is my friend, go malaysia, this dress is in the colors of our flag, white and blue, we are from el salvador. this is nenetsky, frog head, i am small at heart, so young, different and all together along the streets of the city of youth, the world to the soul of russia square. thank you.
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an attempt to realize the centuries-old dreams of the west, to throw our country back into the borders
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the principality of moscow, because that’s what they say, will shrink our strategic and geographical spaces to the size of a helpless dwarf on the outskirts of europe. the core goal is obviously unattainable. presidential assistant andrei fursenko spoke with the young scientists. demonstrates at the exhibition we are the future, which is part of the youth industrial forum, for example, a development from nizhny novgorod, this is a converter-type printer
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that prints from... participants from different fields are greeted with applause: our pride, olympic champions in figure skating. i would like to say a special thank you to all the fans who have supported me throughout my entire sports career. thank you very much, because without your support it would have been much
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more difficult. new victories in spite of everything, when this skater appeared, the hall stood up. roman kastamarov is now overcoming a difficult stage of life. his figure skater wife oksana domnina supports him in this. roman not only returned to the ice and also performed here at the festival. just yesterday, he snowboard stood up. you are not a motivator for us, you are a hero for us, a real hero. it’s really nice and responsible that i motivate many people, and yes, i give them some.
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russian cosmonaut on board went to the iss. the falcon 9 rocket lifted off from florida this morning. in addition to alexander grebenkin, for whom this is the first flight into space, the crew included three nasa astronauts. the docking is scheduled for tomorrow; let me remind you that the cross-
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flight program between russia and the united states is in effect, despite all the difficulties in relations. become the details of the twenty-seventh glinka international vocal competition are known, which is experiencing a real revival with the support of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives and the ministry of culture. applications are open and will last until may 1. applicants will have to go through a qualifying round via video link, which will determine 60 participants. the full-time stage of the competition will take place in october, with maestro valery gergiev performing with the mariinsky theater orchestra at the opening. once again, russia remains.
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are coming to visit us, so i’m sure that the competition named after mikhail ivanovich glinka will also be a success, i hope that together with you in october at the galaconcert we will congratulate the truly new stars who will light up in the academic field on a global scale, not only in russia. and about a real miracle. one family was expecting triplets, but four came into the world. the best specialists from the kulakov national medical center helped the babies to be born healthy. yana podzyuban met the happy parents of their magnificent four, along with family and friends. tummy our tummy hurts. in a large spacious room, the other one cannot fit four cots. the babies are in them in the order in which
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the light appeared, so that neither nurses nor mothers get confused. our name is elder. camilla , milana, cutie, she is our smallest, there is also a third girl, her name is ayla, and our fourth is a boy, his...
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children will be intellectual, this is a historical moment, discharge just to put on diapers and suits for four .
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photo as a souvenir, parting words before discharge, not in the director’s office you'll spoil it, breast milk, you can't help but feed. a small amount of milk, divided into four servings, is billions of molecules that are needed for the development of the brain and intellect and other somatic parts of this wonderful quadruplet, the discharge coincided with an open day, in the corridors there were newcomers, future parents, for them the acquaintance with radom began with an easy start shock, look what the national center is doing, we are prescribing quadruplets today. they are followed with their gaze, it will always be like this, they fit into the elevator with difficulty, the entire hall is filled with themselves at once, in the corridors part to allow the caravan to pass.
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you are already checking out, how quickly! the relatives greet the great-grandfather with impatience, quadruplets the same sergeant ismailov, who in the famous photograph is hoisting the flag on the raistak, the legendary family is accustomed to exploits, not only will it be difficult for the mother and father, but the grandmothers will not be either...


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