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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 5, 2024 1:55am-2:41am MSK

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passion, he developed his hand, he, that means , why didn’t he kill this scoundrel, dantes, yes, he should have killed, he, and akhmatova sat, listened, then, she said, about the next one, this is such a moscow legend, also of its kind , she said, can you imagine a happy pushkin, returning, returning from a duel, having killed dantes. happy pushkin, who killed him, had a reason, but he didn’t kill him, yes, the geniuses of crime are incompatible things, he didn’t walk on water pushkin, but he didn’t commit this crime, and the decembrists stood 300 m away from the palace, in which the whole family was , together with nicholas, the entire crowned family, that was enough for them, they were guarded there by 2.5 hundred soldiers,
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at that moment, they knew it perfectly well, they, they were going to kill, yes, they were going , they wrote lists, they appointed executioners there and so on, they did not go, for me the most important conclusion in this story is the same as about pushkin, that pushkin did not kill dantes, on the contrary, and this is terrible, but it is beautiful and that's right, these people also... for me
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, because they were scared, because it would be, if there were weaklings, yes , no, that’s most likely a lie, yes, that they didn’t kill because someone didn’t give them an order, they could have done it like this, they didn’t do it because they were bright, kind people who loved their country and were, by and large, faithful to their oath and loyal to their sovereign, we killed our commanders in order to kill our emperor, to whom they were loyal. so and so
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and not so. nikolai pavlovich, he knew about the conspiracy, on december 13 he ordered the chief of the main headquarters ivan ivanovich in writing diebitsch to take action against the army conspirators, named some names and added. the day after tomorrow, if i’m still alive, i’ll send you, i don’t know who yet, with a notification of how everything went. here...
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this podcast is a must-read, i'm aglaya nabatnikova, today we are discussing gustov flabert and his novel "madame bavari with the actress alexandra revenko and oksana."
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director of the moscow transport museum. it’s great luck that our guest today is the director of the moscow transport museum, because mrs. bavari plays a very important role in the novel exactly. transport, there are several scenes with caretta, as well as with coachman and ver, who takes mrs. bavari on a date, and mrs. bavari meets this moment of a beggar, which foreshadows her tragic ending, in general, we can say that transport plays a role in this novel a huge role, and oksana, as an expert in french culture, is well versed in this and will tell us the whole story today. cultural of this novel. oksana, you are a francophone, you lived in paris for 13 years, you probably represent us better than anyone else sociocultural context of this novel. please tell us why he made such a big impression, why he, so to speak, shook the moral foundations, why
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flaubert was put on trial for this novel? i was always surprised by this moment, why this novel shook moral foundations so much. that same beautiful france was always surprised by this moment, and such a system of very interesting double standards, and a peculiar french society, on the one hand, puritan and catholic, now we will talk about another significant the work of the great philosopher jean -jacques rousseau emile about education, yes, who actually gave the definition of a woman and her place in french society, on the other hand , we know that... the country of great courtesans, in general, in our russian view, a frenchwoman is the embodiment of a free attitude towards love, isn't it? and this is in our view from today, based on the position of today, so if we return to ruso and his fantastic
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work, of course, like this, if you scroll through to read, you think, my god, wow, how it’s good that we are not at the end of the 18th century or at the beginning of the 19th century, so here’s a woman. attention, attention, deeply different in moral principles, principles of life and even for some reason in food, apparently because the french love to eat very much, they still love it with pleasure, rather than the defining difference with a man, and who should to be a woman, who accordingly left an imprint on her upbringing, she must love her husband, cook deliciously, please him - this is a kind of idea of ​​​​bourgeois society, this the absolute work of the great philosopher with definitions, practically quotes, she should like to read, listen carefully to her husband or her man, we remember that interesting scene by gustav flabert, when, already
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quite bored, being in a family relationship with charles bouvary, she decided on everything, madame bouvary, emma , she... decided to obey him in everything, to flow with him in everything, to nod her head at everything, and to listen to him, why not a quote visualized in the novel by gustave flaubert from the very teaching of jean-jacques rouseau, who a woman should be, so so she should raise him as a man while he is young and growing, she should honor him in his old age, when he, so to speak, grows up, i don’t agree with you, oksana, because... this is with zhanzhak ruso, this is not with me, well, with janzhak ruso, it seems to me that emma, ​​emma bavari also does not agree, because she somehow has completely different ideas about how a woman should behave, how she should live,
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feel, and it just seems to me that her all attention is immersed in the inner world, in the world of experiences, she is the person who wants... uh, to make a novel out of his life , cool, by the way, very, very accurate, yes, yes, and it seems to me that just when i started working on the role, i read the novel, the last scenes were especially difficult for me, as i later i found out that the flaubert, just like when he wrote, probably experienced even more, changed handkerchiefs and sobbed, yes, that is, when he finished the novel, he burst into loud crying and said, madame bavarie semois, it’s me, it’s me, by the way, we will raise this topic later, that is, how the flaber managed this female psychology embody, but it seems to me that alexander, when you were preparing and reading, you thought it was generally convincing that this is the emotional picture of this role, well, that is, the beginning and the end,
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this is how this tragic end comes to him, to which ema comes, he justified, it is understandable, this path, can you describe what is happening to her in general, so she married this ball. when i picked up the novel, i had already begun to prepare for the role, and as actors often do, and most often you act for your character. you're just doing what you justify it, you justify it, you justify it, you come up with why she acted this way, you look for these moves more logically, so that it fits into the emotional background, it was just there.
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perhaps the only character in this , in this work, who simply loves her madly, for who she is, and he makes many sacrifices in this work, for her sake, well, again, i don’t behave with my knightly nature or whatever , let’s say, some pompous ideas, he simply accepts it as such or accepts this world because he is the way he is because he is, in fact, one of the players of that...
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10 certain sonnets and so on, in general, the symbol of the circle in the novel, firstly charles, seriously, the ball, and nabokov, he has a wonderful a lecture on foreign literature, one of them is about the bavarian novel, and it is there that it is very interestingly described about these circles, for example, weddings, the symbol of a circle, how it goes - a procession in a circle, a round cake, then also a funeral. father charles, burial place, yes, burial place of em in three
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coffins, in general, this is all multi-layered, in my opinion, she was buried in three coffins , again, and this impoverished charles, they tell him it’s expensive, but he says, i don’t want to hear anything, but he says to his mother, you didn’t love her, well, by the way, here again you don’t i can agree with you, it seems to me that again there is a circle symbol in this too. so closed in on himself that i can’t say that he loves emma for who she is, it seems to me that he doesn’t know her, he fell in love with her, for him - well, with her appearance, but it turns out, well, maybe the inside, she was a young girl who lived on farm, airy, sublime, with some dreams, dreams of a big city, she read novels, yes, of her life together, she read novels, some kind of education that she received.
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illusion, based on rather low-grade romantic literature, it is really filled with the global , having more inclinations than that society or the context of that bourgeois society can now allow it. the cherry on the cake - in the context in which french society found itself at that
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moment, and not at the time of the story in novel, yes, we understand that flaubert wrote it in the fifties, and the narration takes place in the 19th century, and the narration in the novel, well, about ten ten years earlier, the thirties, forties, but precisely at the end of the 19th century, in the sixties the 19th century is ripe... these are the big problems, including problems related to the transformation of family life in general, the female role, yes. field in society and so on and so forth, which was dictated by the context, the constant change of regimes in france, then this is a republic and great freedom, then this is again a monarchy, again such an ossified way of life, then this is again the bourgeois spirit of the era of napoleon ii, but we all remember these brilliant black fireworks-like times, and the first thing that
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affected exactly the woman and...
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who came to their farm, whom she saw, who was from the city, and in general a man who knows medicine, with an education, just a man who you can cling to and somehow get through, so that he can take him out of there, we're talking about charles, yes we are we're talking about emma, ​​about emma, ​​who for her to get married, it was an opportunity to just get out of the farm with hers, to see something more, just to see, this disappointment happened, she tried to raise her charles, a mid-level physician, into a great scientist medicine, who performed a complex operation and became a hero, of course, the poor unfortunate coachman became a hero of the tabloids throughout paris, this neighbor rather
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provoked him, of course, and emma supported, emma supported. no matter what books and literature emma’s educated world, this picture , yes, that is , when a picture is taken as a certain ideal, a standard of a beautiful life, not an internal core, but there is not an internal one, an internal reference, this beautiful external one, which i really don’t want to give up, let's say, a simulacrum, yes, something that has no real basis for sure and
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a collision with the reality of life, with the reality of society, this is constant... throughout the entire novel there are such finely accumulating collisions, including unsuccessful operations, this is the last such a powerful surge, which leads her to why this novel, let's return to our first question, why this novel and flaubert along with it, was so monstrously criticized by french society, and indeed one of them, including one global accusation of the trial about flaubert, about this novel, it sounded like...
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it’s been a century, but you can’t find me like a wolf , i’ve got 50 million pounds, put it on, you’ll be a wolf, we’ll have a house, i promise you. your wife was kidnapped by very dangerous people, they can kill her, come tomorrow at 10 in the morning to the arena with the wolf, why do they need a wolf
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, are you afraid of me, shoot, you are the culprit of all troubles, 5, 6, 7, doomed, the final episode on sunday on the first. this podcast is a must-read, i’m aglana badnikova, we’re discussing the novel by gustoy flaubert, madame bavari with actress alexandra rivenko and director of the moscow transport museum, art critic oksana bondarenko. you can find all episodes of the podcast as a must-read on the website of the first channel emma is first attracted to her neighbor, the treacherous rudolph, who seduces her very competent.
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meaning, but i don’t even know how to say melancholic or hippochondriacal, because for him, as it were, the meaning of his prose, in particular
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in mrs. babarei, is an image of current modern society, obviously, as vulgar and disgusting, that is, he had no other, as it were terminology or even another message to describe the reality around him , humor, sarcasm, but it’s very interesting that at some point you understand that hmm, but a flapper, he doesn’t give any evaluative opinions about his heroes, that is he is not speaks and does not condemn, bad, good , cunning, flatterer, madam bavari, vicious, absolutely not, but he somehow guides you through the work in a way that turns each of the characters, well, in particular emma, ​​and... different sides and the sides of this medal, the medal of this woman, for example, what, well, for example, at some point you really support her madly, at some point you think
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what a stupid, naive girl, at the third moment, hmm, how beautiful she is plays, how playful and playful she is, how beautiful she is plays this young leon, in a relationship with whom, it seems to me, she is taking the rap for all her resentment received from her first love. yes, this skilled heartthrob, on the other hand , you think, my god, looking at this character through the prism of the lines, wow, what a strong woman, just like that, actually resist, jump headfirst into this, this volume from the very beginning, it seems to me , she goes from the very beginning, but she is desperate, of course she is very brave, she runs through some fields in the morning, but she draws from this just... life energy, she somehow came up with this for herself, this is the philosophy of her life, she sees in this this very real life, in her opinion, this is the only way
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a woman should live, okay, emma has a moment, it seems to me, a choice, that is, she is seduced by this rudolph, they live some kind of beautiful story, stereotyped, vulgar, but nevertheless, for emma, ​​probably for the first time. she was actually sick when i was working on the role, and we talked a lot about it, there’s also a big question here, is she really no one knows how long she actually was sick
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and where she played. it seems to me that even she herself couldn’t understand, that is, perhaps she was playing some role, of course, on the other hand, she also wanted to attract charlie’s attention, in fact, throughout the entire novel, everyone is surprised how charles didn’t i saw that emma herself wanted him, somehow yes, so that he would pay attention to her, this illness is also, perhaps, one of the reasons to pay attention to her, well, okay, so she survived this illness, perhaps feigned, yes, but that no less she believes in it. here she is, having survived this, she descends into a new romance, that is , she has a real family for whom she can really do something, but she chooses, let’s say, to continue to follow this path, matching her illusion with this beautiful simulacrum life, because we can say that this is the point of choice, we can no longer say about her that she is naive, she did not know that it was so, that this happens, after
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this story with... which led to her death, is connected with one thing: after all, every love in the person of the beloved, even this is vicious, for her she was personified, judging by the books she read, as a certain knight who must definitely come to her aid to save her from her hated husband, which did not happen with her first lover, or at least get her out of the debt hole, yes, then give him money, and the first person she rushes to to find out about her insane debts, she
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rushes to her...
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i’m not sure that emma wanted to die, it seems to me that this is some kind of romantic image, she already sees herself the heroine of the novel, here she is being poisoned, it even seems to me that she doesn’t think that she will die , that she will be hurt, she reads the novel to herself , as she wrote rudolf’s letter, i am the heroine of my novel, i am a criminal in love, she, she thinks that she is some kind of character that she is leading already
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... that everyone has this country, because it is very true from the point of view of life, there is simply truth in it, artistic truth, often sometimes you just don’t want to look in the mirror, what flaubert did with this
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novel, he put it before everything french society, catholic, puritan, he he put up a big, huge mirror, said: it’s not bad, in my opinion, of course, caused a storm of indignation, well, of course, this is... such a difficult situation, to look at everything, quite directly, i live in the depths of russia, the land of lakes and native rocks , here the mountains are blue, the rivers are blue, in blue... metallic lights , i am engaged in journalism, i have a desire, well , to create my own project, as part of it i interview, i am a clothing designer, and today it is in fashion to be russian, and this is very cool, happiness for me, when close people are nearby,
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they understand you, love you, appreciate you, respect you, feel sad with my land and celebrate with you. a neighbor, brother, or someone else passing by will wish you good morning, that’s happiness. i will reign or perish. the foreigner, who did not have legal rights to the throne , accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment, where she was declared an autocratic empress. behind. during the 34 years of her reign, catherine earned the glory of a wise , fair ruler. she radically changed the country and, like peter the great , received the epithet “great”. she led
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victorious wars and annexed the empire new lands, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he is 34, she is 10 years older. soon they will not talk about the darkness as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine ii. premiere, march 8, on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. this is a must-read podcast, i'm aglana batnikova, we're discussing madame bavari, the famous novel by gustov flabert, with oksana bondarenko, director of the moscow transport museum and art critic, and alexandra revenko, the most
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beautiful actress of our time, the most beautiful mrs. bavari, the most beautiful mrs. bavari. oksana, as an expert on french society, please tell me... emma bavari and her husband charles bavari, who are they? is this middle class or what? they are rich, they are poor, it is difficult to understand from our point of view, because it seems that the doctor, it seems that they have servants, they even have some kind of estate that they secretly sell, at the same time time there they ride on some kind of, well, relatively speaking , minibus, yes, she goes to rouen on this carriage, where everyone is crowded, well, this is our minibus, or... there she ties up some kind of wooden shoes - so that with these and her mother-in-law scolds her for the fact that the upholstery of the chairs costs two francs, the material
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is a meter two francs, it is very expensive, it should be a maximum of 10 sous, only the eldest member of the family should have an armchair and there are a lot of armchairs - this is too luxurious, new curtains are too much luxurious in general - well, that is, i want to somehow correlate this with our reality, then do they even belong to what class? i’ll answer in flabertian style, they belong to the bourgeois class, but only... in flaubert’s terminology , a direct translation of bourgeois or there, plus or minus a similar translation, is a citizen, this is a resident, a citizen, lugu bourgeois, that’s what they called the penultimate, or rather the last, monarch of france , and that is, a king for citizens, but the flaberian terminology of bourgeois, by the way, is very well described in the review, if i may say so, in a literary essay about this novel by nabokov. for flaubert's bourgeoisie is a bourgeois
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, that is, he is a representative of a purely material society, a consumer society, a consumer society for which there is only one value or only significance, the significance of a coin, these are all examples from the works that you just talked about, ima e charles, here this is such a little thing. in the details of the same cunning seller of outfits for flaubert and the same charles, yes, that is, for flaubert, although it seems like a doctor, for flaubert this is just a vivid description of the purely material philistine society or the established philistine context of philistinism in which flaubert himself lived, and why did he possibly compare himself to madame bavari herself, she dared. to make some kind of revolution, some, some
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kind of action against mishchansky society, trying to break it with her behavior, which is completely out of context, trying to break these foundations of materialism, but it seems to me that she herself, that same bourgeois, well, including her mishchanka, but she tried, and why mishchanka, because too cheap vulgar romance novels are behind her adventure, the fruit of her own, what she surrounds herself with. this is even completely from everyday things, what she wears, how she treats , what she wears, is also a separate topic, the theme in general of the fabric and outfits of the novel, it’s also the same multi-layeredness, you said that there are 10 suits of the best, 11 suits, everything with corsets, yes, a lot with corsets, i have one dress that weighs 20 kg, which is exactly the appafeo of vulgarity for a funeral. father charles, she comes in the most
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luxurious dress in our performance, but it looks like emma, ​​i think it’s quite the exact detail found by the director , that is, emo is also the fruit of its own, its own context, this is a kind of revolution, like anna karenina’s, yes, she violates etiquette, adultery, because she is not the first who had an affair with an officer, but she is the first, who decided...
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the coachman, what a gorgeous, unfortunate coachman , coachman iver, yes, that is, literally every character, he is different, he makes up some kind of separate world, and it’s even surprising that this is the debut novel of a flaubert, i was surprised to learn , that this is generally the first work that he wrote, because it indeed, as alexander says,
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a complete sensation, a full-fledged world into which you are immersed, and it contains its own coordinates that you cannot even compare there with... with your reality, yes, because it is a full-fledged reality, it alternative, this is not so much for a novel, he set himself such tasks that not a single word should be repeated on one page, what a perfectionist, in his letters he wrote that he had written two pages, he was already going crazy, he was no longer maybe he really was very successful embarrassment, but despite the fact that he was accused.
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the podcast is a must read, i'm oglayna batnikova, today we discussed gustov's novel flaubert madame in bavaria, the famous scandalous one with oksana bondarenko, director of the moscow transport museum, francophone, the most beautiful actress alexandra rivenko, who played the role of madame bavaria in the theater, and still performs , i perform, i will perform, come to the performance, you can find all episodes of the podcast as a must-read on the website of the first channel 1tv. hello, this is a podcast cheating substances with you it the presenter is me, olesya nosova, editor-in-chief
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of komsomolskaya pravda, famous endocrinologist zukhra pavlova. zukhra, my friends and relatives watched our podcast and made a remark to us. we smile very little , well, i kind of said, we are talking about serious things, of course, we are talking about it with serious faces, but it seems to me that we must correct ourselves, with pleasure, yes, the second second important note, we still need , probably, we should constantly talk about the fact that all those recommendations that are heard in our program, they are still advisory character, and if we are talking about some substance, then before you prescribe it to yourself, you still need to go to the doctor, well, of course it’s better...
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consume iodine, iodized salt, some drugs containing iodine and even food, which contains a lot of iodine, but how can you recognize it in yourself, or will you never understand it? well , it won’t light up in any way, and with such a light bulb you can’t eat iodine, you have hyperfunction, if a person is preparing for iodine therapy, let’s say he had a serious cancer of the thyroid gland, he was operated on and will undergo iodine therapy , then the doctor will definitely tell the patient: “ you are now eating completely without iodine, he will indicate”: which foods contain more iodine, what should be completely excluded, be sure to make sure that the salt is not iodized, then you also can’t use iodine. in other cases, in most situations, iodine is really needed, and the problem is something that has already become so grandiose on the scale of everything.


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