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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 5, 2024 3:05am-3:26am MSK

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a lot of people just have some kind of brain explosion, it’s very difficult for people to understand that when you don’t add salt while cooking, and then add salt when you just eat, then you actually consume several times less salt, but it seems much saltier to you, because, relatively speaking, you put this salt on your tongue, and not in a plate, not in a pan, and so on, where it diverges very much.
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when i dealt with women professionally, he had complexes, tall, young, me , elderly, small, fat, bald, maybe i ’m wrong, it’s quite possible, so what, whatever, i’m definitely wrong, an elderly woman stands up and says, i didn’t understand in the auditorium, he will read from a piece of paper like that, he won’t sing, on the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvanetsky, tomorrow... at the first,
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okay, i say, grigory, great, we continue the podcast deception of substances, my name is olesya nosova and i’m also with zukhra pavlova , let’s talk about soya now, cruciferous soybeans, you and i really love cruciferous vegetables, broccoli, our favorite vegetable, i was looking for a fruit, vegetable, but beautiful vegetable, that's why soybeans - and iodine, there are, there are nuances that they say, everything is the same as with vetinic acid, a very similar situation, cristiferous soybeans also reduce the amount of iodine absorption, and then i would like to cite southeast asia as an example, the japanese receive a lot of soybeans even before birth in the womb, because that this is part of the food culture of this people, they do not have any problems with iodine deficiency,
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because they also consume a lot of seafood, in other words, when consuming cruciferous vegetables, turnips, soybeans and so on, we simply have less soybeans in our culture, but now there is a lot tofu and so on, lovers of some kind of exotic food, well, cabbage, all its types, and if you add something iodine-containing to them, seafood or iodized salt, then the problem goes away, as they say, into the background, because we compensate for the loss of this very iodine with cruciferous vegetables, so the problem is solved very simply. now about soy, we also need to take into account this point, that there is a lot of soy in protein shakes, and protein shakes are a very good thing, good, let’s say, good protein shakes are a good thing that allows you to compensate for protein deficiency, and we all always find ourselves in a protein deficiency if we don’t specifically monitor it.
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so, accordingly, if we take some kind of protein shakes, we need to see if there is soy in it, if there is soy in it, then we look at what kind of salt we have, the salt should be iodized, yes, and it is also very important to look at the composition of this product , because iodine may be added there, because respected manufacturers, they immediately add it there, so that again it doesn’t there was a definite overdose. then if iodine is included in the composition, then we do not add nuclear salt, if it is not included, we add nuclear salt or eat, i don’t know, persimmons, now is persimmon season, it contains a lot of iodine, eat for health, it will also be a good prevention of iodine deficiency, bad habits of smoking alcohol, smoking alcohol are bad habits in relation to any process, and no organ needs nicotine or alcohol, so here you can go very wrong... in
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this story, i don’t know a situation where alcohol or nicotine could somehow improve human health, some other drugs, for example, oral contraceptives too. strange, too, we need to think about it, as they say, but about oral contraceptives, in general, you can devote a whole separate program to think about it, not in the sense that you shouldn’t take them, thank you, if they are prescribed by a doctor, in the sense that they can reduce iodine in the body, yes, there is a complex mechanism, but again, if we use added salt, we do not abuse its quantity. we have you had a whole program dedicated to salt, we remember that this is no more than 5 g per day, taking into account products in which salt is added, for example, bread, so really do not add salt to the food you are preparing , only add salt to the prepared one, and you will prevent iodine deficiency, even if you
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use some substances or products or drugs that reduce the absorption of iodine or promote its faster elimination from... the body, i would also say that, when we have some problems with iodine deficiency, all our country in iodine deficiency, we , unfortunately, have one of the few countries, there are about a dozen of them left, in which there is no mandatory salt poisoning, therefore, when a person is forced to take responsibility for his own health, this is generally correct in principle, because no one cares about us you shouldn’t, we have many opportunities for... in order to take care of your health, then when buying salt, make sure that it says poisoned on it, but using poisoned salt will deprive you of many problems associated with thyroid pathology, yes with iodine deficiency, by the way, there are studies that if a person is not
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offered iodized or non -iodized salt, even knowing the benefits of iodized salt, it is not a fact that he will choose it, that is, this. in no case should this be done as if by a person’s choice, in fact, in fact, it should simply be iodized everywhere, yes, galina afanasyevna melnichenko, who has been leading the problem of iodine deficiency for many years, has been trying for many, many years, and ivan ivanovich dedov change this situation with mandatory salt supplementation, for example, in our friendly republic of uzbekistan this was decided long ago.
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because it lasts for a very long time, and this is a problem of overdiagnosis, they find it in the very, very rudimentary state and in general people live a wonderful life, at the same time with such a complex diagnosis, and it does not metastasize for a long time, so this is really very grateful and a grateful organ, kind and many times giving a person the opportunity to choose, but which asks for a little bit of salt, the right salt. a little iodine, yes, it's true, let's talk about it fruits - which contain iodine, so you say that persimmons, yes, there is a lot of iodine in persimmons, there is a lot of iodine in persimmons, such - no, well, let's say, not, the fruit that has always been in our food culture is like fiyahua, but it contains, this is
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generally loaded with iodine, there is a lot, a lot of iodine, but fihua, persimmon, uh, there are seasonal, yes, fruits. buckwheat, millet are always in our diet, please, millet, no millet, well , zuhrasha, we are like birds, why do we cook porridge out of demand, we have some other products, well , how... somewhere we can use enough of it, ok, buckwheat, often used, thank god they have rehabilitated, nuts, eggs, by the way, eggs, lemon, in general citrus fruits contain iodine, well, lemon in this regard is a larger, more leading, so to speak, fruit, so iodine deficiency, if you eat right, iodine deficiency it's quite difficult to get. the only thing is that when a person goes to get tested, now our listeners might think, what if i
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have an iodine deficiency? they’ll go get tested, if you ate seafood the day before, then you ’ll be fine - with iodine, that’s if you eat more often it’s potatoes and pasta, then well, zuhra, we always talk about the fact that you don’t need to go get tested, you need to go to the doctor, and the doctor will tell you what tests you need to get done. well, just in case, because i very rarely come across people doing everything as you say, so anticipating this possibility, i want to say that you can get tested completely pointlessly, wasting time and money, so olesya absolutely right, go to the doctor, he will tell you right away what you need to do and what is not necessary, it will be both effective and reasonable, yes, and i hope... that we will save everyone from iodine deficiency, yes, i would really like to be heard by the people who
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make decisions, after all, they passed the law, about the mandatory iodization of salt , yes, perhaps there are some counteracting situations, well , let’s say, the poisoning of salt greatly changes the government in relation to food producers, but this is a very useful thing, and most importantly , iodized salt is intelligence, it’s great for us. this is our future, yes, yes, thank you, s you were the podcast deception of substances and i am the editor-in-chief of komsomol truth olesya nosova and the famous endocrinologist zukhra pavlova. you can watch all episodes of the podcastlab project on the website of the first channel
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evgeniy is 30 years old, while he was calling doctors to save his beloved from a dangerous disease, she was already planning her life with another man. evgeniya, a journalist, lives in moscow, is interested in music and foreign languages, dreams of creating her own tv show, is proud of the fact that she has become the best correspondent cities. admits that his energy can be too much. evgenia will not enter into a serious relationship with a girl who depends on the opinion of her parents and will not be charmed by a chatterbox. his ideal chosen one should speak competently, not be afraid of spontaneous decisions and masterfully prepare more. hello, hello, again. well, finally we have you as our groom. i have never had a man who had blue eyes, now you will melt in them. there's a first time for everything, let's remember your first appearance, you had a great love,
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you left, somewhere on a tour, to moscow, no, not on a tour here, that is, i thought about it for a very long time, there was a relationship, i left, promised to wait, but did not wait, because i lived in two cities, vitebsk, moscow, the train, polosk, moscow, and somehow my brother happened to be nearby, well... it was such a story, well, how it would have been, but we can’t tell it to me i like this haircut of yours better, thank you, the groom is generally handsome, well, he looks better than he looked with this haircut, really. i didn’t come empty-handed, i know that the rose loves honey, so from my parents from sunny belarus, from
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my parents, i have my own, of course, and then whoever doesn’t like your applause, this is for you , especially, as they say, honey i just flew, let's thank you, thank you, dad, what's the name, lenya, lenya, great, i love belarusian men, thank you very much for the doctor, once again, he said, he said that i disgraced him, he said that he was not ready for such a transfer, said that you were cold with him, what is his name, remind me, yura, yuras , i sincerely apologize to you that i was cold, that i was strict, that i was fair, i really regret that i didn’t shoot you right in the head
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last time, he was offended, it turns out. love is not like that, it wasn’t the only one, there’s this cool kid sitting here, and what about the story with his brother, no, well, there was more , well, let’s start from the very beginning, you fell in love, everything was fine, but it was a pandemic time, so literally at the dawn of the pandemic we met, we watched your program, this it was interesting, in general everything was, well, i
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fell in love very much, i just... well, my brother didn’t behave badly again , no, there were plans like that, well, in general, probably even more than that, he made an offer, just get married, but it was, let’s say, so clear proposal because i said , i say, listen, let me leave my job now, i have a project, we’ll do everything now , let’s go to sunny turkey together, we’ll buy a house there and we’ll live together, well, there i would make an offer, but he’s interesting, he tells it’s interesting , well, it holds up too good, confident, unashamed, when this illness suddenly manifested itself, there was no illness, it was a lie, no, well, i tell her that it was a lie, when she first spoke to her, she said, he says, i went to do an mri, i said , what happened, she was like, well, i need to do it, and i said, okay, okay, then she just
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called and said, i have stage 4 oncology, she sent me a picture, i immediately ... please tell me, do you have any stories, really stupid ones, one girl invited her boyfriend to visit her parents in the village, after which he said: “i thought we were people of the same circle, we would have a long happy life, but you have chickens, i
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can’t have children from a woman who has chickens .” ". and he left. i was scared of the eggs , by the way, even now my opinion has changed a little, initially it was a little different, now he is, yes, now i’m directly impressed by him, your ideal woman, a tall brunette with a big navel, well, yes, and this is for you, so what to make giving birth easier or just a fetish this is how big it should be, well, the biggest butt, but here ilorion, unfortunately. in general, yes, and i know, i looked on the internet at these victims of photoshop, laris , it’s absolutely a nightmare, that is, there’s just , you know, four mugs, and this is photoshop, and i thought they made it for themselves, a bad photoshop, can you imagine, to me i also like it, but it’s beautiful, yes, yes , it’s beautiful, as it seems, it’s not all true,
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it’s moderate, okay, wife, so if there are two girls in front of you, one is the queen of the buttocks... the second is princess leia, who choose, queen, buttock 100%, first option, meet the first bride, good luck, how he walks. zhenya, hello, hello, my name is victoria, i , of course, don’t promise you mountains of gold, but you will get me a rolling pin, this is for you, hello, thank you, let’s go, oh, how sweet! victoria, 27 years old, head of the hr department, lives in moscow, loves dancing, books and asian cuisine, is proud of the fact that she masterfully conquers
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men’s hearts, understands body language, admits that she does not like washing dishes, victoria’s lover gave her two tickets to a concert, which subsequently turned out to be tickets to a new life, hopes that she will be on the same path with evgeniy. hello, hello, my dear, listen, i love a redhead, but in my opinion she’s not a redhead, she’s some kind of little thing, a little girl, incomprehensibly beautiful, these are my friends who came to support me, i was so worried when i saw evgeniy, i almost i fell, i didn’t fall there myself, i like it so much, well, how can i say it, i haven’t understood something yet, but some kind of spark flashed when he took it right under my arm, so... the pen, well, that’s nice what do you start with right now? this, because sometimes we have brides made of stone, simply, just stone, sitting and no matter what the groom does in front of them, they
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are still stone, maybe he will also take me by the hand in such a way that i will immediately fall into darkness, like khuren sultan , what about the story with tickets to the concert, and i had a young man for quite a long period of time, and we were friends before that, then at work i had a corporate party, and i definitely had to be there...
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india exports its software products in more than 90 countries, this is the country paradox, one day we land on the moon, and the next day people fight in the street over some trifle. now about 2.0 films are shot a year in bollywood, this is an absolute record. hindus and russians are brother and brother. we helped india create the most modern education and health care systems.
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whether a person is interested in me or not, that is, i understand from facial expressions, for example, from movement, due to this, well , you took some courses, probably yes, but very well, and also, it means you came to get married, here in farming skills you wrote that he can do everything, but i don’t want to do it, why? at the moment , my priority is my career, since there is no man nearby for whom i would be ready, for example, to devote some other household chores. i taught, of course, both my mother and my grandmother, i can make a pie, because we have a guy from belarus, and there everything, you know, is human, on a potato basis, it’s clear
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that he loves himself very much, and that’s good, i’m like that i respect, i don’t like narcissists, but i love people who love themselves, it’s clear from him that he loves himself, and i think that he’s a fairly well-mannered boy, he’s like her appreciated, but she just didn’t get into his soul, she’s a good girl, maybe she can, of course she can. did someone tell you that you look like mila kunis? no, no, no, look at her eyes , and she has different colored eyes, i’m not talking about that, i’m talking about the shape of her eyes and her appearance in general, yes, thank you, but she also has big eyes, large facial features, i now i’ll draw it like this for myself, i also have big eyes, anyway, by the way, she holds herself very well, she’s good, no, she’s cute, a cool girl, and if you understand body language so well, here decrypt. the body posture of our groom, what is she talking about? it seems to me that evgenia is falling asleep a little, and he also wants me to probably
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force him into his arms, but that’s not the case. and i think, in order to wake up evgeniy, you need to show the surprise that you probably have prepared, right, yes, of course, yes , apparently, for a reason, they are a big, big company, it seems to me that there should be something interesting, maybe , that they will garble because they have some kind of show, it seems to me, a fire show, evgeniy, and i know that you have a dream of opening your own talk show, i ask stage for you, now i want to fulfill your wish, until i score, victoria, have you watched the movie the diamond arm, there’s a girl who looks like she’s dressing right here, but in a good way, thank you, evgeniy, and since you want to be presenter, i will be your first guest, have a seat, we have a script, please read it to you. good evening,
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dear ladies and friends, my name is evgeny letvenko, this is the show advice and love. the show, bravo, bravo, bravo, bravo, the show you're watching, your neighbors are watching, everyone uncomfortable questions that you were embarrassed to ask, but we will ask them today. this program is not about intrigue, this is a program about real relationships. and with us. your applause, more applause, please, for victoria, today she is ready to tell what she didn’t even tell her mother. victoria, tell me what it’s like? yes , i would like a little introduction, why did i come here in the first place, i don’t go to any dog ​​shows, but i just know, i watched, i understand that this show is about love, that there are no scandals, intrigues, and i really like it, how are you leading? as you lead, that is, i’m just crazy,
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that’s why i came, dear ladies. friends, the editors tell me that in a few minutes garik kharlamov bulldog will appear in the studio and express his own version of what is happening. your applause, in the meantime we welcome new guests. oh, here you are, i ’ve been looking for you for 3 years, when i saw your show on tv, i finally found you. why are you looking like that? zhenya, who is this? who am i? who am i, the editors tell me that garik will not be able to come, he is ill, he has orv. your applause, please. applause, eugene's failed wife , whom he abandoned at zaks's, you left me and didn't show up here, you disgraced me in front of everyone, your whole village came to see, it's a lie , it's not true, but it's the truth, it's the truth, yes, yes, yes , admit it to all your tv viewers, don’t pretend to be pretty, well , i’m good, zhenya, i’m shocked, i’m really
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good, yes. you like to be good in front of everyone, maybe you can tell the truth, where have you been all these 3 years, i will answer in poetry, always so it was and so it will be, and for this we were born, when we love, they don’t love us, when we love, they don’t love us, let everyone who didn’t get us die, let everyone who doesn’t want us die, let’s pour it out, what’s going on here anyway, zhenya, who is this, why don’t you take your hand, i’ve called you so many times, in general, what ’s going on here, i’m shocked, who are you? it’s very cool that he really has a great sense of humor, he’s very charismatic, god, what are you wearing, she turned me down, she said she loves you, she thinks that loves you, refusing me on this basis , why, but this can’t be, it can’t, ladies
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and gentlemen, martina bonaserovna, your applause, you refused me, you said that you love him, girls, at least she did it for you proposal, but he left me such a surprise as you are, so you are not ashamed at all, because of this you refused me, girl, think, think, introduce me. before you become very famous, you must make the right choice, find yourself a worthy woman, so that all your skeletons that you have you are there, they under no circumstances came out before you became famous, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, give us back the tv star, the surprise is good,
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friends, well done. yes, this is very cool, lianya , he is in shock, he is emotional, he is emotional, emotional, to our guest, please, according to the title they have this in general, but for now... i want to answer everyone who is very worried about my child of cuban, that i’m such a bastard, and not a bastard, i’m worried, there wasn’t a day when i didn’t suffer, is this your grandson or something, there wasn’t day so that i don’t go crazy, kubo or, but there is a continuation, this lucia, my girl, and i think that in a month they will return to us and come to the program where my slad is, so i... i’m suffering, i’m a living person, here, hold it, i’ll take it, please, i, i can, well, we had fun, we liked the bride, yes, yeah , he has your eyes, by the way, they are very similar to you, you liked the bride , yes, she
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seemed very easy to me, very easy, well, easy, you know, there are girls who are just, well, easy, i don’t know, because you don't need to come up with any moves or exits.
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no matter how your television career turns out, please don’t launch just such a program, it’s too similar to what really happens on tv, meet the second heaven, good luck! they were going to make her a pawn in someone else's game, but the russian princess believed that when she returned home to her homeland, she would be able to stand up for herself, no matter what the cost. anna ioanovna, her father, peter
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ii, died without leaving a will. elizabeth's position at court was very precarious, she all that remained was either to take power into one’s own hands or wait for execution. elizaveta petrovna. during the 34 years of her reign, catherine earned the glory of a wise, fair ruler. she radically changed the country and, like peter i , received the epithet great. catherine ii. the formation of the russian state. in the historical cycle empire. march 8 and 9. on the first. mitya, i made you a man, but you can’t find me, a wolf, there are 50 million pounds at stake, put it on, you will be wolves, we will have a house, i promise you, your wife
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was kidnapped by very dangerous people, they can kill, come tomorrow at 10 am to the arena with the wolf, why do they need a wolf, are you afraid of me, shoot. you are the culprit of all troubles, 5, 6, 7, 8, doomed, final episode, on sunday on the first. evgeniy, hello, my name is daria, it seems to me that today we will leave together, because you have gorgeous blue eyes, and i just have a charming smile. i can’t
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say enough, it’s very nice to meet you, daria, 27 years old, an economist by education, works as a model in women’s clothing stores, lives in rostov-on-don. regularly teaches new things tongue twisters and dances in any incomprehensible situation, dreams of buying an apartment for her mother. daria was already getting ready to file an application with the legislative office, but in the end she only filed it with the police. hope so. hello larisa , hello rosa, it’s very nice to see you , and you just look gorgeous, the girl is really very beautiful, beautiful dress, i really liked how they dressed together with their friends, just like girls ben, i think they probably are specially agreed, and you baked it yourself, i wanted to show my fiancé right away so that i don’t need to look at my appearance, but to see that i’m not only beautiful, but also smart and a craftswoman, and i
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do it with my own hands, yes, why did they file a police report instead of the zaksa, but because at that moment when already a person, accordingly , thought of it, and in general, in principle, wanted to make me an offer, i already realized that i couldn’t live like this anymore, but this was not the first statement, as if to the police, so what happened, you know, in the beginning acquaintance. everything was very good, everything was fine, it was as if they were taking care of me, but then after a while, it all smoothly turned into abuse, he beat you, he beat you, let’s tell you, because he even beat her, like god, she’s such a small, pretty, beautiful, cute girl, how can you beat her , nightmare, initially i didn’t notice this, because as i say, when... you didn’t notice that he was beating you, that he was such
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a person in himself, everything happened gradually, gradually the man began to bend me under him, as it were, i perceived it as for let's take one of the episodes when he told you talking on the phone on loudspeaker with a friend, as if he was not present, he wanted to listen to our conversation among ourselves, what we were discussing, and he said, god forbid, she guesses, i will beat you. yes, well, after which , naturally, my voice was already trembling, she said: yes, that i’m not alone, i’m silent, she realized that i was still with him, and because of this he got angry, he started to pass out, she very fragile girl, very sweet girl, she worries when she talks, she was just very afraid, so i didn’t have anything else out, she’s crying, which means she still loves him, why did she come here?
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some feelings, emotions, experiences are still in her, you are from rostov-on-dano, you have a father, brothers, and my brothers are younger, my father, my father left us when i was 6 years old, we don’t seem to have much we communicate, i didn’t want to involve anyone in this, the police station, in general , and i wrote a statement to the police more than once, the first time i went to... i wrote a statement, plus i went and filmed the beatings, they didn’t even call him, after some time... that's when i found out that the application was simply closed, it was allegedly written in my hand that i have no complaints , it was written by me with my own hand, it seems to me that she says this on purpose, because she does not want to admit that she is a victim of tindrome, dash, and his parents, and you were with him we knew each other, i knew his mom, his dad hated me, why? because i’m russian, he
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was armenian, so what, but my husband was georgian, they adore me to this day, well, they have a traditional family, they only accepted an armenian girl in their house, she’s like that an oriental girl, yes, she loves such rude men, perhaps she will not be interested in eugene, in total, how long did this last with him, our relationship lasted 2.5 years, you don’t look like a victim, really, well, you don’t look like , now of course. well, you looked different, i looked different, everyone saw it and knew it, i was a downtrodden gray mouse, i had a lost look, and i was very constrained, i didn’t talk much, that is, this is how you look how i salute now after we broke up, of course, after i broke up and took a course with a psychologist, i became more confident in myself, my friends helped me, it seems to me that he lowered her self-esteem, because she is a very beautiful girl, she is smart, she can... she could have gotten out of this relationship, but she was apparently afraid that she
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wouldn’t find anyone else, because he brought her a surprise; they prepared a surprise, of course, please, girls, forgive me for being wrong again, it was obvious, it was obvious, it was obvious, and then... i gave a bouquet of chrysantines , but you didn’t look at the flowers, why i hurried to leave you, however, there are no problems, no problems, except for these rizonkom, except for the white latecomers, ryzontem, you hear, there are no problems, no
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problems and it’s already easy for us, very easy at all and there are no more common themes. thank you, it was wonderful, thank you, girls, take your flowers and go into the room, but nothing special, it was just something spectacular, interesting, he can come to any club to see the same thing, what do you say, my friends, i think she’s a wonderful girl, and she has wonderful friends, which complement her, but... it seems to me that she doesn’t need evgeniy, again, she has a type , you know, here she is, i just relied on the gluteal, it’s simple, and zhenya’s visuals are very strong, about the same situation was in in the past, well, everything is fine there, just with
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the queen’s buttock, everything is wonderful here , guys, so look, dasha hasn’t had enough of this relationship yet, because she likes it.
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a conscious conspiracy built on the fear of being left alone does not give the impression of such a thing.


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