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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 5, 2024 3:25am-3:55am MSK

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in truth, everything is moderate, well, okay, zhen, if there are two girls in front of you, one is queen buttock, the second is princess leia, who do you choose, queen, buttock 100%, the first option, meet the first brides, good luck, as he walks. zhenya, hello, hello, my name is victoria , i, of course, don’t promise you mountains of gold, but you will get me rolling pins, this is for you, hello, thank you, let’s go, oh, how sweet, victoria, 27 years old, head of the hr department, lives in moscow, loves dancing, books and asian cuisine.
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to be proud of the fact that he masterfully conquers men's heart understands body language, admits that she doesn’t like washing dishes, victoria’s lover gave her two tickets to a concert, which later turned out to be tickets to a new life, hopes that she will be on the same path with evgeniy, hello, hello, my dear, listen, i i love redhead, but in my opinion she’s not a redhead... these are my friends who came to support me, i’m so worried when i saw evgeniy, i almost fell, i went crazy there, i like it so much, well , how can i say, i’m still that i didn’t understand, but a spark flashed when he he took me right under the arm like that, well, it’s nice that you ’re starting right here with this, because sometimes we have brides made of stone just sitting, just stone ones sitting and that only in front of them the grooms can’t...
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maybe he me he’ll also take my hand in such a way that i ’ll immediately fall into a daze, like yurem sultan, but what was the story with the concert tickets? and i had a young man for quite a long period of time, and we were friends before that, then at work i had a corporate party, and i definitely had to be there as the head of the hr department, but it so happened that i could not go to a concert with him, career is more important, of course, and he took revenge on me, invited me to...
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the first most populous country, the third economy on the planet with a good prospect of becoming the second, pushing aside the united states, this is india, one of the civilizations that determined the development of mankind. the main driver of the indian economy now is information technology, india exports its software products to more than 90 countries , this is a country of paradox, one day we let's get on...
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tomorrow on the first one. you wrote in your questionnaire that you professionally influence men’s hearts, that is, do you actually do a heart massage? how is this, and how does it work? i feel for men, people in general. how do you feel? well, firstly, by facial expressions or facial expressions. no, not tactilely, by facial expressions, for example, by movement, whether a person is interested in me or not. that is, i understand, due to this i. very good and also means you came to get married, you wrote about housekeeping skills that you can do everything, but do i don't want to, why? at the moment, my priority is my career, since there is no man nearby for whom i would be ready , for example, to devote some other household chores, but my mother taught me, of course, my mother and grandmother, i can make a pie, because we have a guy from belarus, and there you know everything, humanly, on a potato basis.
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it’s clear that he loves himself very much, and that’s good , i respect that, i don’t like narcissists, but i love people who love themselves, it’s clear from him that he loves himself, and i think that he’s a fairly well-mannered boy, he’s like her appreciated, but she... he just didn’t get into his soul, here’s a good girl, let’s see , maybe he’ll come to her in the end, maybe, maybe, of course, someone told you that you look like milukun, no, no, no, look at your eyes , and she has different colored eyes, mine are very different, i’m not talking about that, i’m talking about the shape of the eyes and in general the appearance, yes, thank you, but she also has big eyes, large facial features, i ’ll draw it for myself now, me too big eyes, she still holds up very well, by the way, her eyes are different. yes, she's good, no, she's cute, cool girl, and if you understand body language so well, then decipher the body pose of our groom, what she’s talking about, it seems to me that evgenia is falling asleep a little, and he also wants me to probably force him into his arms,
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but i don’t of course i won’t do it, but i think in order to wake evgeny up, i need to show the surprise that they’ve probably prepared, yes, of course, yes, apparently, for a reason, they are a big, big company, well , yes, probably, maybe they’ll be rude , because they have some kind of show, it seems to me, a fire show, evgeniy, and i know that you have dream of opening your own talk show, i ask you to stage, now i want to fulfill your wish, wow, before i score, victoria, you watched the movie the diamond arm, of course, there’s a girl there who’s tsygel-tsygel, that’s it... that’s it it looks like it’s getting paid, but in a good way, thank you, evgeniy, and since you want to be the host, i’ll be your first guest, have a seat, we have a script, please read it to you, good
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show, bravo, bravo, bravo , bravo, the program you are watching is being watched by your neighbors, all the awkward questions you we were embarrassed to ask, but today we will ask them, this program is not about intrigue, this is a program about real relationships, we have victoria, your applause, more applause, please, for victoria, today she is ready to tell what she didn’t even tell to her own. victoria, tell me what it’s like? yes , i would like a little introduction, why did i come here in the first place, i don’t go to any dog ​​shows, but i just know, i watched, i understand that this show is about love, that there are no scandals, intrigues, and i really like it, how you are the presenter, how you lead, that is, i’m just
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crazy, that’s why i came, dear ladies and friends, the editors tell me that in a few minutes garik kharlamov bulldog will appear in the studio, who will express his own version of what is happening, your applause, but for now we meet new guests! oh, here you are, i’ve been looking for you for 3 years, when i saw your show on tv, i finally found you, why are you looking like that? zhenya, who is this? it’s not the editors who tell me that garik won’t be able to come, he’s sick, he has orv, your applause, please, victoria's sister, ladies and gentlemen, applause, eugene's failed wife, whom he abandoned at sachs's, you left me and did not show up.
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it will be for this that we were born, when we love , they don’t love us, when we love, they don’t love us , let everyone who didn’t get us die, let everyone who loves us die, let’s talk, what’s going on here anyway, zhenya , who is this, why don’t you take your hand, i ’ve called you so many times, in general, what’s going on here, i ’m shocked, who are you? friends, we have a commercial break, your applause, it’s very cool that you i really feel it.
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jenya, i want to tell you something, before you become very famous, you must make the right choice, find yourself a worthy woman, so that all your skeletons that you have, they under no circumstances come out before you you will become famous, thank you very much, thank you, thank you.
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there hasn’t been a day that i haven’t suffered, is this your grandson or something, there hasn’t been a day that i haven’t gone crazy, either, but there is a continuation, this lucia, my girl, and i think that in a month they will be back they will come to us program, let's go my slad, so i 'm suffering, i'm a living person, here , please hold it for now, i can, well, we had fun, the bride on... i liked it, yes, yeah, he has your eyes, by the way, they look very much like you, you liked the bride, yes, she
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seemed very easy to me, very easy , well, easy, you know, there are girls who are just, well, easy, i don’t know, because you don’t need to come up with some- then the moves and exits, of course, she didn’t tell herself anything, well, maybe she’s not rich such uh, in general, not a rich life story, i don’t understand. i had great pleasure and i work as a tv presenter myself, thank you very much , but this is not at all on topic, let’s say, not from the matchmaker, more from the person who, after all , i was pleased that we had a good shift, because i’m filming with such mediocre people, now i got so much pleasure looking at you, it’s in good hands, well done, yes thank you, just like that... it was nice to watch how quickly you reacted in these situations, the main thing is that you worked for the viewer,
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i provided this information , thank you very much, it was a pleasure, i was glad to understand, i can’t say anything about brides, but i really like you, i like you too, i even had the feeling that evgeniy had prepared a surprise for victoria, zhenya, no matter how your television career turns out, please do not launch exactly such a program, it is too similar to what really happens on tv. meet the second sky of luck, they were going to make her a pawn in someone else’s game, but the russian princess believed, returning home to homeland, she will be able to stand up for herself, no matter what... anna ivanovna. her father peter ii
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died without leaving a will. elizabeth's position at court was very precarious. she could either take power into her own hands or wait for execution. elizaveta petrovna. during the 34 years of her reign, catherine earned the glory of a wise, fair ruler. she radically changed the country. like peter i received the epithet great. catherine ii. the formation of the russian state. in the historical cycle empire. march 8 and 9. on the first. mitya, i made you a man. and you vulka can't find me? £50 million for cana. come on, you will be a wolf, we will have a house, i promise you, your wife was kidnapped
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by very dangerous people, they can kill her, come tomorrow at 10 am to the arena with the wolf, why do you need a wolf, are you afraid of me, shoot, you are the culprit of all the troubles , 5, 6, 7, 8, abrek, final episode, on sunday first. evgeniy, hello, my name is daria, and it seems to me that today you and i will leave together, because you have gorgeous blue eyes, and i just have a charming smile. i have not
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words, it’s very nice to meet you, thank you. daria is 27 years old, an economist by training, works as a model in women's clothing stores, lives in rostov-on-don, regularly learns new tongue twisters and dances in any incomprehensible situation, dreams of buying her mother an apartment. daria was already getting ready to submit an application to the legislative office, but in the end she only submitted it to the police, hoping that evgenia would not deceive her hopes. hello larisa, hello rosa, it’s very nice to see you, you are simply gorgeous.
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because at that moment when a person is already accordingly, he thought of it, and in general, in principle, he wanted to propose to me , i already realized that i couldn’t live like this anymore, but this was not the first statement, as if to the police, so what happened, you know, at the beginning of the acquaintance it was all very good, everything is fine, it’s as if they were taking care of me, but then after a while it all seems to go smoothly. i went to objuz, he beat you, he beat you , let’s tell you how it really happened, like god, she’s such a small, pretty, pretty, cute girl, how can you beat her, it’s a nightmare, initially i didn’t notice this, because as i say, when i already started, you didn’t notice that he was beating you, that he was such
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a person in himself, everything happened gradually, gradually the man began to bend me... under himself, as it were, i perceived this , let’s take one of the episodes when he told you to talk on the phone on speakerphone with your friend, as if he was not present, he wanted to listen to our conversation among ourselves, what we were discussing, and he said, god forbid she guesses, i i'll beat you up, yes, well, after which of course i have there was already a trembling voice, she said yes, that she was not alone, i was silent, she realized that after all, i was with him and...
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some feelings, emotions, experiences still in not from rostov-on-dano, you there is? plus i went and filmed the beatings , it wasn’t even the first time for him, when i went to write a statement , they called, after some time i found out that the statement was simply closed, in my hand i... it would have been written that i have no complaints, by me written in her own hand, it seems to me that she says this on purpose because she doesn’t want to admit that she has victim syndrome, dash, but his parents, and you knew him, i knew his mother, his dad hated me, why, because i’m russian, he was armenian,
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and well, my husband was georgian, i’m adored to this day, well, them... and i was very constrained, i didn’t talk much, that is, this is how you look now after you broke up, of course, after i broke up and took a course with a psychologist, i became more confident in myself, i
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don’t care... that i was wrong again, it was obvious, it was obvious, it was obvious, and then i gave a bouquet of flowers, gave, gave, but i was wearing flowers, you didn’t look, you were hot, i left you, i hurried, but there are no problems, none.
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bring your flowers and go into the room, nothing special, just something really spectacular, interesting, he can come to any club to see the same one, what do you say, my friends, it seems to me that this is a beautiful girl, and she has wonderful friends who complement her, but it seems to me that she doesn’t need evgeniy, again , she has a type, you know, here she is, she just gave a bet on...
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dreamed, she understands everything about herself, but there are a lot of questions, i believe that they perceived me absolutely wrong, because they didn’t appreciate me , didn’t ask about my positive qualities, that is, they only asked me about my past relationships, which i had severe ones, and they didn’t ask why, first of all, i came here, what do i want now milderson, please tell me, but i didn’t notice this victim syndrome.
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hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. abrams couldn't handle a real fight. another american tank burned in the avdiivka direction
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, ministry of defense report. lines and diameters. development of moscow. conversation between vladimir putin and the mayor of the city about achievements and counteraction to sanctions. a leak. with consequences, the german ambassador in moscow was summoned to the foreign ministry after a scandal with a discussion of the possibility of strikes on russia. the queue to see lavrov at the youth festival in sirius; direct answers about irreversible global changes are not in favor of the west. in his new capacity, the prime minister of kazakhstan is in russia for the first visit after his appointment, as mikhail mishustin spoke with him about. useful load, the second stage of a wind power plant in the stavropol region, how many houses will receive
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environmentally friendly energy? the route is built with an accurate schedule of public transport not only in megacities, a new platform based on glanas. nature is a miracle, three daughters and a son, an addition to the family, and the doctors of the kulakov center helped bring light to life. so, american. a miracle weapon on tracks, the abrams tank has once again proven that it burns no worse than any western technology. the ministry of defense confirmed another one was destroyed in the ovdeevsky direction, where after liberation of the city of the same name, our troops continue to push back ukrainian militants. in total, the states promised kiev about thirty abrams, so such tanks are indispensable to the ukrainian armed forces, as are mine clearance vehicles. their purpose is implied in the name. in addition, with their...
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double-row plow they also demolish barriers; one of these, by the way, at the abrams base, ours reset, there near avdeevka. oleg shishkin will tell you how it all happened and why expensive western tanks cannot be compared with our t-90s. in these frames, the finale of the sparse battle with the participation of abrams, it is clearly visible that the american is hit and motionless. our infantry , using a standard hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher, first took off the vehicle, demolished it with an accurate hit in the caterpillar, and destroyed two upyrsk drones. the same fate befell the newest american assault mine clearing vehicle, created on the basis of the abrams, apparently it walked ahead, punching a safe passage. this is the second abrams destroyed in the northern military district zone, the first one was burned by our military at the beginning of last week in the same avdiivka direction. previously, the abrams practically did not participate in battles, although in ukraine they were considered almost a prodigy, a miracle weapon capable of turning around
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the situation at the front. either things were going really badly, the dryers decided to pull out their last trump card, or they were really so confident in abrams’s invulnerability that they threw him into the attack, but in vain, the tanks of nato countries were created as a kind of creeping ford to fight enemy equipment at long distances, namely creeping, due to the enormous weight, the speed on rough terrain dropped by a third, or even by half, weight and dimensions due to the heavy combined armor in several layers of steel and ceramics, the dimensions of the towers are gigantic, compared to our... tanks, there was a miscalculation here, a cheap drone flying from above does not care that the frontal armor of an abrams or a leopard is considered impenetrable, here is a lightly armored roof any tank has virtually a continuous vulnerable spot, the larger its area, the easier it is for the drone, and where small size matters, and speed saves lives, western tanks, huge and heavy, stuck in the mud, turned out to be poorly adapted to the theater of operations, for which our t-90s were almost ideal, seems
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to be... repeating the story of the summer so-called counter-offensive, which ultimately turned into a cemetery of burned nato armored vehicles, which were regularly replenished thanks to the work of our artillery and aviation. powerful weapons on board the k-52 attack helicopter allow you to destroy almost any target on the ground. we have a couple of german-made leopard tanks, an american bradley bmp, with their much-vaunted dynamic protection, but so far the whirlwind could not withstand a missile hit. one technique. did you receive a prize for the defeat of nato equipment? yes, we have received it. in full? yes. attack helicopters from the southern group of forces are now using unguided missiles to hit enemy strongholds and fortifications in the northern direction. the enemy is trying to hit our aviation with artillery, hoping that the shrapnel will hit low-flying helicopters. this is not the first time for flight commander samara to work under fire from the ground. they threw artillery, roughly speaking, they tried to complicate our execution of combat
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tasks, but... the task didn’t hit.


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