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tv   Proekt Tsivilizatsii  1TV  March 5, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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countries of the world, it launches spacecraft to the moon and the sun, half of the population of india now lives on 1 dollar 25 cents, with all the scientific and technological achievements of india, 200 million people are deprived of access to electricity. she is full of contradictions. and lives the dream of harmony. vasudeva kutumbakom - this in sanskrit means one land, one family, one future. this is india. ancient civilization. according to un statistics, there are 420 nationalities speaking different languages. the first most populous
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country, the third economy on the planet with good the prospect of becoming the second, pushing aside the united states, the country on which the fate of the world greatly depends is india, a land of wonders, on august 15, 2023 , india celebrates independence day, in an address to the nation by the prime minister.
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the economy is now increasingly speaking out about its interests, about how it sees the world order in the future, and this is something that is dangerous to ignore, both for the west, and for russia and china, although we understand that we have weight, we are still we are still learning how to use it, but we already have ambitions, and we we want to be at that table.
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now the eyes of the whole world are focused on the development of indian civilization, how important a place does it occupy in the modern world order, can it change the political and social landscape of the planet, and how can this affect all of us? during a trip to india, writer mark twain wrote in a traveling notebook: india is the cradle of the human race, the cradle of human speech. mother of history, grandmother
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of legend and great-grandmother of tradition. our most valuable and most important materials in the history of mankind is preserved only in india. if this is an exaggeration, it is a slight one. the emergence of indian civilization took place in many respects separately from all others. if we look at the map, we will see that india is such a triangle, where you have it, on one side it is washed by the arabian sea, on the other side by the bay of bengal, right?
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the treatment that has conquered the whole world is yoga. a set of spiritual, mental and physical skills that, as is commonly believed, opens the path to inner harmony. in modern india, yoga is both a ritual and way of life for those who profess hinduism. they believe that even pets live in the yoga space. there myself.
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in india, it is professed by about 80% of the population, christianity and buddhism are chosen by 2 and a half and a little less than 1%, respectively. and in second place is islam, with more than 14% muslims. in absolute numbers, this is more than 200 million people. there are more muslims in india than in pakistan, which at one time separated from india precisely on religious grounds. taj mahal, a masterpiece of world heritage one of the most... recognizable symbols of india. up to 5 million tourists visit it every year. many of
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them only learn here that the monument is actually a muslim mausoleum and mosque. the tajmahal was built in the mid-16th century, when agra. descendants of tamerlane, when the mughals conquered india in the 15th century, they made islam a religion beneficial for its followers. there was a tax on non-muslims, it was very high, that is, you had to be a muslim in order not to pay the tax
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to the rulers. many converted to islam, but at the same time worshiped their hindu to the gods, well, if, of course, just to not talk about it... union of salvation, big premiere, watch
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after the program time, romcastro, stellar group product, veda vodka, stellar group product, old barrel cognac, stellar group product, bourbon with stirs . during her reign, catherine gained the glory of a wise , fair ruler. she radically
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changed the country, just like peter the great received the epithet “great”. she fought victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he is 34, she is 10 years older. soon oh darkness. they will talk about him as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine ii. premiere, march 8, on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. mitya , i made you a man, but you
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can’t find me as a wolf, i’ve got 50 million pounds, put it on , you’ll be a wolf, we’ll have a house, i promise you, your wife was kidnapped by very dangerous people, they can kill her, come tomorrow at 10 in the morning to the arena with the wolf, why do you need a wolf, are you afraid of me, shoot. you are the culprit of all the troubles, 5, 6, 7, doomed, the final episode, on sunday on the first, he will bring a flash drive, an electronic key, and money can be sent remotely, i understand, well, you are a slick magician in general, they grabbed onto other people’s money and divided it, i’m for he took his share of his services, he took his share.
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the master decided to make a move, he’s getting the money, we’ll drive the pig. in modern india there is no official religion; all citizens have the right to choose it. we accept everything, we accepted islam, we accepted christians, which is not a religion, which is from our, even continent. and we accepted that the new religions that are being distributed on our continent in our country, like buddhism,
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jaenism, sikhism, india are unique, you can say, they accept sec, none of the empires that existed in the subcontinent, even such powerful ones, like the mauryan empire, this is the second, fourth centuries bc, gupta empire. allowed enough time to consolidate the territory to form a full-fledged national identity, and then the west came, with just the usual enslavement. london, may 6, 2023, scandal before the coronation of charles ii and his wife camilla. buckingham palace announced that the king's wife will
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wear a crown with the famous kahinor diamond. this caused an immediate reaction from the ruling party. using the kahinor diamond for camilla's coronation will bring back painful memories of the colonial past. the royal family did not risk stirring up a scandal, and the kohinoor remained in storage. there's that old joke, yeah never ask the british how he got the treasure in the british museum. it is fully applicable to indy. the british took away a huge amount of treasures, including cohenour. it was exported to great britain in the mid-19th century. the treasures of india , textiles, spices, ivory, and silver
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, became trophies of european conquerors for almost 350 years. britain exported $43 trillion in wealth from india during the colonial period. the british were not the first europeans the indians encountered. after vasco dagama established a sea route to india in 1498, the monopoly on trade with it was maintained.
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the territory of india was divided between dozens of principalities, many of which emerged as a result of the collapse of the mughal empire. the austin company used the discord between local princes to its advantage. she entered into an agreement with one or another indian princes, and, so to speak, with their help seized neighboring lands. that is , you have, for example, some small territory that is concluded with you. some a local prince who was attacked by another local prince, you help the first prince, and in gratitude you receive a piece of territory from him, and so little by little your territory expands, expands, expands. other europeans competed with the british. by the middle of the 16th century , england and france had the strongest influence in india. each of them created its own army from
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local mercenaries, sepai soldiers. the british won battle after battle almost completely by the end of the century. if at the beginning of the 19th century the indian economy accounted for 27% of world gdp, then by the end of that same century only 1.5%. the region became a powder keg and only
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a pretext was needed for a big riot. in 1857, there was a sepai uprising, which is called in india. the first war of independence. it lasted 2 years, and it is considered, so to speak, the largest such national liberation uprising in india. the detonator of the mutiny in the anglo-indian army was the rumor that cartridges were lubricated with lard and beef fat. they received new einfield rifles, a rumor appeared that the cartridges for them were paper cartridge, that's what... you had to bite it and so it turned out that two key prohibitions were violated, one for hindus, because then they would have to eat a cow, and for muslims, who, accordingly , would then be forced to try nasa.
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india, it is important in this uprising, which the indians call the first war of independence, that religious groups , both hindus and muslims, came together against the british and acted together, and after the suppression of this uprising. the british set out to carry out division between these religious groups because they saw a real threat to their rule.
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india would spend almost 90 years as part of the british empire. all this time she will be moving towards independence step by step, and this path will not be easy. india has a unique, perhaps the most complex, social system in the world. the entire population is divided into four varnas or classes: these are brahmins, priests, scientists, kshatriyas, warriors and rulers, vashyas, traders, artisans, peasants and sudras, workers and servants. even lower, beyond the caste systems are the untouchables who get the most despised... my studies:
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i met vishno shukla in st. petersburg, he is from the upper class of brahmins, this is the varna of scientists, priests, teachers. a brahmin is a person who reads the veda, who reads vedic texts, ancient texts. which are given more as spiritual knowledge, the person who reads this spiritual knowledge must live or practice the spiritual on his own effectively too. vishnu was born and raised in the holy city of aranas, where he met his future russian wife, taking a foreigner as a wife is serious for a brahmin.
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in addition to the four classes, india
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has had a caste system for thousands of years. according to some estimates, there are now more than 20 thousand. as for castes, these are groups by profession, they are closely related to the hindu religion. teaching. according to the indian constitution of 1950 , discrimination on the basis of caste is prohibited, however, the majority of the population still continues to adhere to this tradition.
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in 2022 , drupati murmu from the santhal tribe won the indian presidential elections.
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she is drupati murmu. a representative of the so -called scheduled tribes, that is, these are the tribes that are now subject to rehabilitation, because they were previously discriminated against. happiness for me is coming to my ultimate goal, never stopping, always going towards my dream and never seeing the limit in it, when... everyone is alive and well and there is this inner peace, when i get very high grades and give medals, this is an obligatory love for your child, otherwise it will just be watching the child, and not to be a father, since the grandmother is a teacher, she can reincarnate to be, today a snow queen, tomorrow a grandmother's hedgehog, whoever you want, even according to the pechkin villages, live happily,
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live in the moment. everything will be fine with you, there is peace in your soul, so that every person achieves what they want and so that dreams are forgotten, snob gin, stellar group product, montechoca cognac, stellar group product, rum, castro, product. stellar group vodka veda product stellar group cognac old barrel, product stellar group, is it easy to be a recognized genius during his lifetime, if i answer this question seriously, i will look like an idiot, we decided to record the memories of zhvanetsky’s friends, you were on friendly terms with mikhail mikhailovich, we were on friendly terms,
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and in the company. i noticed this two or three times , if he wasn’t the center of attention, he’s a pussy , the main testing ground for misha’s humor was himself, one mind is good, but two are not necessary, maybe he dressed very well, i think, for women or in general in order to feel himself, he committed most of the actions for the sake of women, i think that for the sake of women he became famous, well, when i dealt with women professionally, he was complex, tall, young, me, elderly,
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young people from all over the planet, building a future together, world youth festival 2024, closing ceremony, live broadcast, tomorrow on the first. modern india is rapidly rising in the world table of ranks,
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using to the greatest extent. benefit from the demographic dividend lifting tens of millions of people out of poverty. the weakness of the state is always inherent in this functioning anarchy, there will be it. india's role in the world will visibly grow, reflecting both its economic growth and the desire of all major centers of power without exception to have delhi as a strategic partner. this is rare footage from the first full-length indian film made 100 years ago. in this extremely frank scene for those years , women in the pool are played by men in makeup. that's how it was accepted then. now about 2,000 films are shot a year in bollywood, this is an absolute record, because india has now surpassed the usa and hollywood, if in hollywood
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- this is about 700-800 films a year, then in india there are 2,000 films, that is, such a scale is only in bollywood,
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the capital of india, delhi. the modern metropolis is one of the oldest cities in the world. its agglomeration numbers about 32 million people. ancient india is a young country, 43%
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of its population is under 25 years old. please read. one of the youngest in the country, training costs only 10 rupees, which is approximately 11 russian rubles per month. sonusa aini has been teaching russian to students for many years. i never even dreamed of becoming a teacher, i it was just interesting because...
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a wonderful moment, you appeared before me, like a fleeting vision, like genes of pure beauty, the interest in russian among indians is not just a tribute to the similarity of languages. this interest is also applied. for example, in the city of kudan-kulan, russian specialists continue to build a nuclear power plant and indians need language knowledge to work together. russia has taken first place among oil exporters to india. india's chairmanship in 2023 played a great positive role in twenty, at the shanghai cooperation organization. india. demonstrates commitment to the principles of strategic
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independence and non-alignment and does not at all intend to sacrifice relations with russia in the name of american interests. i really want the new generation to continue to love russia, as their ancestors loved russia. ratish nair, a frequent visitor to moscow, he is the head of the russian.
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such popularity is not accidental, because there is a russian trace even in the history of india’s acquisition and independence. in rare footage of the twenties, mahad magandi, one of leaders of the independence movement. india from great britain, he relied on a non-violent path, he wanted this independence to come to indians without violence. the title mahatma, as highly spiritual personalities are called in hinduism, was given to mahandas karamchand gandhi by the writer ramendronath tagore. but he discussed ideas about non-resistance to evil with violence with another writer, leo tolstoy.
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gandhi dedicated his life to the struggle for the rights
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of the oppressed and he was guided by the ideas of tolstoy, which were very close to him. the rise of the national liberation movement in india began at the end of the 19th century. in 1885, the first political party , the indian national congress, was created.
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this is what british military leader claude akinleng wrote. the british empire would not have been able to hold out and win. in two world wars, if indian soldiers had not fought side by side with the british. the indians, including those who shed blood in the war, presented the bill to great britain. they demanded independence. their liberation movement reached its climax in 1947. 15 august 1947
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over the walls of the red fort in dally shavaharalneru raised the flag of freedom. the story of its incarnation in the first channel blockbuster union of salvation.
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for some reason, the decavrists thought that they knew better than the emperor that russia needed to take troops, go somewhere outside the city, set up some kind of camp, they themselves were conspirators. nikolai understood the dilemma well, they want to make me a tyrant or a coward, who is this person, the one who turned the reforms in the neck or the person who saved from bloodshed, and this famous question that the emperor asked pushkin, what would you do if december 14 in the twenty-fifth year you found yourself in st. petersburg, pushkin before senate square and pushkin after - these are two different pushkins. the premiere is a big story. decembrists, union of salvation, today on the first. i will reign or i will perish. the foreigner, who did not have legal rights to the throne , accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment, where she was declared
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an autocratic state. during the 34 years of her reign, catherine. empire of catherine ii. premiere on march 8 on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved. through the eyes of those present
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sevastopol gava appeared. declaration of love. concert in the kremlin, premiere on march 8, at the first. mitya, i made you a man, but you can’t find me as a wolf, i’ve got 50 million pounds, put it on, you’ll be a wolf , we’ll have a house, i promise you, your wife was kidnapped by very dangerous people, they can kill her, come tomorrow at 10 morning. into the arena with the wolf, why do you need a wolf, are you afraid of me, shoot, you are the culprit of all troubles, 5, 6, 7, 8, doomed, final episode, on sunday on the first, they broke into a bank, the three of them
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masks, great. you are now offering me to distribute power with my own hands. only a real crisis on the maidan will allow you to retain power. what do you need? me, we need moshenko - the only man in ukrainian politics , the americans are bringing a lot of weapons here from poland,
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we are going with torches to the maidan, you are going to shoot at the civilians, i will not give such a command, transfer it through the maidan, the premiere is from march 11 on the first. there is information that they want to liquidate you. bulk gold, as the famous indian spices were called in the old days, thousands for years, spices were the subject of trade for the inhabitants of hindustan along with precious stones, metals and textiles. they came to europe during the era of great geographical discoveries, that is, in the 15th century. in those days, for example, a pound of nutmeg cost as much as one cow. india is hot.
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this is chicken kebab, we make it in the tandoor. in india, especially in its northern part, dishes are prepared in a tandoor, oven and special clay. it is heated to 150°. indians cook both bread and meat in this hot barrel. this
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marinade includes spices such as paprika, turmeric, cumin, cardamom, cilantro, onion. the marinade for chicken kebab should be thick. in india there is even a profession called masalchi, a spice mixer. spices continue to be a significant export product for the country; it is generally accepted that indian seasonings are on the tables of 70% of the world's population. earth, the first who tried to establish commercial ties with india was the tver merchant afanasy nikitin. he got there in 1471. 30 years earlier.
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more than 500 years have passed since nikitin’s journey, trade turnover between india and russia reached $45 billion. after the collapse of the ussr , relations between our countries were destroyed, economic ties were severed. if the soviet union was india's first trading partner, then russia retreated in the nineties towards the end of the second decade. yeltsin visited india only once in 1993, and then he did not have time to travel to this important country. putin has visited india nine times already. at the moment, russia
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is one of india's largest trading partners, one of the top five, if the share of russian oil imports in india for a couple of years ago it was only 1%, but over the past year it has grown to 22%. russia is one of the main ones. oil importers to india, india processes about 95% of the world's diamonds, and russia is one of the main suppliers to the indian diamond industry. this year russia entered the top five with a foreign trade turnover of about $45 billion, which again indicates india’s desire, despite...
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with the help of soviet specialists and technologies , more than seventy factories, enterprises and power plants were built. ussr helped of india in the construction of the kolkata metro and the metallurgical giant in abhilai. the brainchild of soviet-indian cooperation, it laid the foundation for the industrial development of india and became a forge. highly qualified personnel for national industry, we helped india create the most modern education system and healthcare system. india has the opportunity to use all this enormous potential created for its further development. dear friends, let me wish the friendly people of india new success in the development of the economy of culture and
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progress. the soviet union became the first country with which india established diplomatic relations after independence in 1947. javakhal's visit to our country was of great importance. in '55, india discovered the soviet union, and the soviet union discovered india. at the time of independence, india found itself without heavy industry, and nehru stuck to it. fabian socialism slowly , slowly, step by step, with the help education of the population, with the help of improving their lives there, you are approaching socialism without any serious social cataclysms, and such fabian socialism also included the creation of a heavy industrial base, so the soviet union actively helped india. soon, the leader of the ussr nikita khrushchev visited india on a return visit; it was he who
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uttered the famous slogan at a rally in bangalore, india: hindi russi bhai bhai. yes, soviet weapons accounted for more than 80% of all indian imports weapons, nehru's friendly policy was inherited by his daughter, prime minister indira gandhi.
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this is a dark place, the dharavi slums in mumbai are a whole world with their own economy, laws and survival strategies. according to rough estimates, a million people live here. this is water from the canals where the city sewer drains, as well as heaps of garbage, so the water is in very poor condition. but people of the most different castes of the most different occupations live there, and often not even beggars; goods are sold, resold, bought there per year for amounting to a billion dollars, these are plastic bags, they collect them, wash them and recycle them, they get from 10 to 25
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rupees per kilogram. they melt old bags and then make new ones. one side of the package is empty, on the other they write something at the customer’s request and then send it for sale. the government is trying to resettle, so ska. it’s almost impossible to even count how many people live there. in india , there is a huge gap between the incomes of the super-rich and those whom official statistics call low-income. economists there is such an index, called the ginny index, it shows the ratio of the share of wealthy people to the less wealthy. india is one of the countries with the highest such index.
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at the same time, india's economy is one of the most dynamically developing in the world. india's current economic situation has been described by many as china 30 years ago. over the next 25 years, india's gdp could grow to $40 trillion, an increase of more than 10 times. therefore, india is one of the leaders in the world economy. today out of four there are three it specialists on the global market who are indian. bangalore has its own silicon valley. it became the first city with technology parks. now
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they are growing all over the country. today there are about 300 of them. this program began in 2005 and is being implemented quite successfully by the government and involves the concentration of scientific personnel, concentration. india always takes something and adapts something, india never steals other people's technologies, does not try to repeat something, but it looks and accordingly applies something at home, within the framework of its achievements, may 2023 the us congressional committee on counteracting... india's inclusion in the nato-plus security mechanism will be based on a close partnership between the us and india to strengthen
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global security and deter chinese aggression throughout the indo-pacific region. the country retained its strategic autonomy, despite all the desire of the united states to include it in its system. beijing is in no hurry to join nato for its own purposes. india will never join any military bloc, but at the same time we must take into account
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that india does not have very good relations with china. and india is beginning to develop, rapidly develop its relations with the united states, precisely because we want to balance with china. everyone , of course, knows that... in 2020 , for the first time after many years, there were clashes on the border with china, people died, after the war of 1962, this was the first time people died in our country. there are still territorial disputes between india and china, in particular around the mountainous himalayan regions, aksai chin and arunachal region. a certain rivalry there is a difference between them...
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he will buy it if the global south needs to create a counterbalance to western hegemony in the form of the brix organization, which includes, of course, not only the countries of the global south, but also them. brix will be created, it will expand, it will include new countries. initially, the brix community included four countries, then five. south africa joined brazil, russia, india and china. in 2024, egypt, iran, arab emirate. saudi arabia and ethiopia. overall, this is almost half of the world's gross internal product. the recent visits that the prime minister of india has made to
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various countries, including the united states, show quite serious ambitions of this country. and it is strengthening its position in southern asia, including using... in the asian region and throughout the world will increase, in principle, we now continue to perceive affairs in the region through the prism of our relations with india, well, on the other hand, why not, why is india a nuclear power, but it has the fifth economy in the world , here is our long-time long-term partner, no one there is simply nothing comparable in weight to it in the indian ocean region. russia has never viewed india as either an adversary or
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a controlled state, and india has so far reciprocated. we do not have any insoluble contradictions or any crisis aspects in our relations both during the times of the soviet union and during the times of modern russia; we have always been interested in the development of india, in strengthening its position, in improving the well-being of indians. there are no contradictions at the root of the relationship that could somehow... overshadow relations that would somehow cast doubt that a strong india is important and beneficial for russia. it is difficult to find a pair of states in the world, especially great ones, between which there has never been not only a war, but even serious conflicts for disagreement, but such a pair exists, these are russia and india, two great civilizations have always found a common language, and even if they did not agree. with something,
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they found it possible to communicate it in the most delicate manner possible. this is how we interact in brix, in the shanghai cooperation organization. i'm sure it will be so henceforth. of all the civilizations living on the planet today, the oldest is chinese. and almost always, china has been the most populous country and the first economy in the world. we can remember the famous travel book of marco pola, italian. petz described with great amazement the power and level of economic development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 12th century, the miniature monochrome painting, chinese poetry, and refined literature. china, of course, was ahead in sophistication, well, almost all countries. after the end of the second world war the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. more than 10.00 specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy. one of... china was the creation
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of an institute for the study of bukharin's ideas, so in china there is a sinicized model of nepa, the premiere of civilization, the seventh film, china, next wednesday on the first. hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. maturity test, how organic vegetables are grown, and what does artificial one have to do with it? intelligence. vladimir putin in stavropol.


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