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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  March 5, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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stand, stop, stop, stop your people, let's take sinat, stop, stand, stop soldier, follow me, guys, here.
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they form on the ice to capture the fortress. shoot, not at people, break the ice, i obey, forward, move the gun to the square, handle it smoothly, onto the gun, forward,
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follow me, okay, kondradi,
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just fine it here!
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“here it is, the bullet entered from the back, but got stuck under the ribs, i’ll be alive, of course, mikhail andreevich, of course, here, here’s the bullet, a pistol, wasn’t it a soldier who shot at you?” thank god, light, well, today is the name day,
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day angel. my soul, angels, i dance, i dance! okay, i got it.
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the big game is on the air, the traditional competition between france and germany to see who will behave more stupidly and brazenly , continues, just a few days ago,
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french president macron said that france could send its troops to ukraine. did not say that he would send, but said that such a possibility should be considered just in case, and chancellor scholz, the chancellor of germany, immediately made it clear that this kind of idea was not suitable for his country, and that they ukraine is not going to fight, suddenly, suddenly, a recording of conversations of several german generals appears. where they discuss the possibility of striking with long- range weapons, including on the crimean bridge. so what happens? it turns out that from the point of view of at least some in
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the german leadership, the problem is not that such conversations took place, but that such conversations can be imagined using.
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in general it’s already absolutely monstrous, germany in this case turns out to be a victim, but nothing there’s nothing unusual here, so let’s see what the special representative of the us national security council, admiral john kirby, says about this episode. the publication of the negotiations is a brazen, obvious attempt by the russians to sow discord, to provoke a split, to create the impression that neither the west, nor even the german government. unity, but we will not follow their lead, we are all working together to help ukraine, and the germans are certainly
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taking an active part in this. each country decides for itself what to do. germans have taken a significant step forward and we look forward to further cooperation with chancellor scholz and his government. they are looking for an opportunity to continue to support ukraine, and we in the united states are doing everything possible to accept a new aid package. and so pistorios, as if speaking loudly, does everything. we know that russian intelligence is active in germany, this suggests that it is unsafe and unreliable to trust the germans. but they confirm that, despite big promises, scholz may become a weak link in nato's campaign to save ukraine. like these ones
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interesting moods, such interesting moods in berlin, in london and especially, unfortunately, in washington. general buzhinsky, what do you think about this, is it shaking the water in the glass, or are we really dealing with a very dangerous trend? you know, well, they should have sorted it out first, when it became known that the americans had wiretapped merkel’s entire government directly from berlin, from the united states embassy in berlin, then they should have sorted it out and also branded her americans did not say that they were waging a hybrid war. now about these stories, with macron’s statement and the conversation between these two generals. two officials from the space command
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, which, by the way, regarding this one topic, president putin himself responded to macron’s statement in his message to the federal assembly, saying that any deployment of troops to the territory of ukraine will be, so to speak, we have everything means to defeat these troops.
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from my point of view this makes sense, but of course, then you just need to not just declare that france or any other country that sends its troops to ukraine is a party to the conflict, but simply, well, i don’t know, is in a state of war with the russian federation, by all means, as they say , available - in pro in the confrontation with this country, i do not mean, so to speak, weapons of mass destruction, using conventional means, we
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already have enough of these means, we have demonstrated in order to hit and damage any group, which on the ground, in the air, and on the sea. now about the german plot: yes, missiles are a serious weapon, and you know what struck me, one. a small detail, in this whole conversation, yes, there were all the options discussed, how - how to hide the participation of not just germany, but the german government, that is , if this... there was communication, supplies directly from the german industry, then this is ukraine, vis-a-vis the german concern that makes these rockets, that is, a purely commercial enterprise, but returning to this rocket, a good missile, yes, it has a range of course
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, higher there is 450-500 km, but probably there is some reserve, there could be 530. kilometers, practically the same missile as the french scalp, the british stormshadow, and so on ms , the american one is a slightly different missile with a shorter range, and a missile that flies very low, at an altitude of 50 m, skirting the terrain, that is, a serious weapon, another thing is that only 600-300 of them were produced, delivered... for export to other countries, that is, the germans cannot supply much, well, i i read that the generals even discussed up to 100 missiles, i don’t think that 100, no, 100 missiles is all, so i think that it’s as you said correctly, they have 600, of which they are at least discussing the transfer , 600 were produced in total, they have already sent 300
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for export to other countries, in total in their, so to speak, arsenal there are about 200 -odd missiles, even if there are 100 missiles, they still heard phrases there that in order to destroy the crimean bridge may not need 10 or 20, but i repeat once again, this is a rocket of the same class as already have been installed, and we have learned to shoot them down, ours, our, so to speak, air defense systems; they are successfully shooting down, i repeat once again, the coefficient. the defeat of our air defense systems is somewhere around 0.9, this is a very high coefficient, it simply cannot be more, our air defense system is the best in the world, this is recognized by everyone, our complexes, but they did not say a word about it when they made their calculations, that you need 20 missiles, in order, so to speak, to bring down 20 missiles on the crimean bridge, you need to put 180 on all
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these coefficients, that is, russian air defense. it is known that from the point of view of air defense it is quite well protected, so in general, the crimean bridge now, as far as they don’t say a word to me about it, but nevertheless, i think that what simonyan published, well, it’s probably not her personal initiative, this is a warning to germany, moreover, i still hope that the ministry.
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mobilization in germany. defense minister boris pistorius is speeding up the process of introducing universal conscription in germany. according to spiegel, he instructed his department to present by april 1 several options for military reform, which in the short term would allow increasing the size of the army and generally strengthening the country’s combat readiness. from an official
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document obtained by spiegel. it is becoming clear that pistorius intends to present his own reform project before the start. general elections, and the news from washington is also quite alarming, they say that the speaker of the house of representatives, republican michael johnson, may be ready to compromise with democrats, with republicans, globalists and give ukraine a serious, large-scale package of military assistance. let's listen. the foreign aid package being developed by a bipartisan group provides $66 billion in military aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan, but excludes humanitarian aid itself.
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also in general, as they say, to see in him some kind of savior of the situation would probably be a great exaggeration, and i, of course, am not a predictor, not a specialist in these matters, but i felt it is absolutely obvious that sooner or later they will figure out how to support ukraine, unfortunately, this is reality, and not all these games around some kind of political conditions, as for the story with the wiretapping, well, you know, all this is of course ... could look like some kind of bad, bad scene, which is or there is a play that is approaching an apilogue, but at the same time the authors do not know how to end it, if
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we could look at all this from the outside and practice sarcasm, but then this is not so, because it all concerns us, our lives, the destruction of our facilities, that ’s what we’re talking about, and this is all extremely serious, uh, the wording uh... is simply amazing, well, well, well, listen to what kirby said, that they showed impudence, that means impudence, having rolled out, uh, these recordings, what should they have done like the germans, when the respected evgeniy petrovich reminded us, they listened to merkel, yes, so quietly put it all in a folder, bring it to say, sorry, guys, it happened here by accident, we won’t get especially excited about this, yes nothing like that, you know, there were times. when we wanted to please someone, and we made certain efforts to do this, we also have a democracy, somehow they dumped out
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some facts, tried to present them, they still brushed us off, they said no, that’s not true, but we said no, after all , we are so good, these times, thank god , are over, i hope they won’t come back, now no one is going to like us, we are not going to adapt to anyone, and there is only one single way to ensure our safety.
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that if we are talking about strategic patience, then in general it should be not only patient, but also strategic, so
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it seems to me that ... we have come to the moment of truth when we must tell ourselves that, in general, every gesture of goodwill, every act, if you like, patience, understanding on the part of russia, that this was clearly perceived in the collective west as a mandate for further and increasingly serious hostile actions. andronik mehranyan, professor mgemo, what do you think? well, to be honest, i wouldn’t exaggerate this amount and even johnson’s readiness, in general , to introduce a discussion of this financial assistance into the house of representatives, because quite recently there was a fixed amount for ukraine, 61 billion, today only 66 billion. for everything about
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everything, this is ukraine, this is border, this includes taiwan, in general, and israel, that is, this means that at most, if suddenly everything, excuse me, i’ll give you a break, this is what mike johnson’s supporters would like to see in this package, yes, those there are republicans on the committee.
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increases, i just personally feel that maybe there are still reserves here in order to keep the administration, in general, within certain limits, because biden is losing the support of many of his supporters and his party and his supporters among young people, among blacks, among mexicans, people of mexican origin.
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mcgregor, okay, they can get the money, but what will they do with this money? you can’t shoot money, because the american economy is not able to turn this money into shells, into guns, into tanks, because the military-industrial complex does not work, and this will require a lot more time, and the closer the elections are.
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delivery of help, but if we remember what happened 2 years ago, we remember where we came from, where we got to, today there are already a huge number of senators and congressmen. that this will definitely happen, i know colonel mcgregor very well, and i was very sorry when trump failed to appoint him to a major post, first they wanted
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to make him ambassador to germany, then they wanted to appoint him to a very large post in the ministry of defense, but he was blocked in congress , v senate, and not only democrats, but also militant republicans. why am i saying this, but because he is an opponent of the neoconservatives, naturally, well, why am i saying this, that of course our conversation was broader not only than the opinions of colonel mcgregor, but also broader than what is happening in the house of representatives, we spoke from my point of view a real and alarming trend, and i don’t know what the general is thinking, but i always distort in such situations:
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trends that this would also be impermissible, especially already in the conditions that we should not notice some very dangerous military conflicts, in conditions when it is assistance to ukraine, when there are other forms of western interference in the affairs of ukraine, when all this is not a theoretical possibility, when it is already a reality. and the general has repeatedly said that ukraine cannot win, because russia has air superiority, this is the honest truth, but the truth is that if ukraine had not been pumped up with the most
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modern air defense systems, then russia would not have superiority v air, but air supremacy would have been a different situation. and it seems to me that not seeing all these things is not in our interests, general, your last word in this part of the conversation, you know, dmitry, i don’t quite agree with you about the fact that ukraine is being pumped up with modern air defense systems, yes deliveries are ongoing, but in terms of air defense, i think they are quite modest, because there are three patriot batteries there. who have already destroyed one of them, nasams, sams irist, firstly, the total quantity, i cannot give now , so to speak, an exact figure, but the supply
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of these, if you count by launchers, well , there are about 200 units per circle for ukraine, this is completely insufficient, i will remind you once again that... the separate air defense army that covered ukraine in the soviet union consisted of 1,200 launchers to cover the entire territory of the republic; moreover, our drones, especially fpv drones, they cope quite successfully with the task of disabling these air defense systems. now about aviation, yes, we protect aviation, they are aviation losses. there are, but they are not very large, what we managed, our designers, managed to find such an effective and cheap option, equipping our high-explosive bombs, the so-called fabs,
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we have not yet used fabs 500, 1.500, 3.00, well, 5.00, probably it will be another stage later if they reach 3,000, but equipping these factories is a very effective means, i think that the ukrainians still have not found a fight, a means of fighting it, and what we did with avdiivka is very fortified point there when i read the specifications, just there is 7 m of concrete, there is a storage facility, shelters , a group of 2000 people could hold out there for several months, but these blows by our ... factories, which, among other things, in addition to the destructive impact,
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already have a very strong psychological impact on - personal composition that is on earth, it’s difficult for me to argue with you, because everything that you just said, i agree with all of it, to the extent that i know the details, and you know these details much more than i do, but i’m talking a little about something else, as they say, with us a little...
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the territory of ukraine after afghanistan, but what, what, chances of victory, i think that
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this is absolutely the same for france, the same for germany, maybe not this year, next year, but they are just there in such a situation that, well, i absolutely agree with andronik, that money is good, but it still needs to be produced, they are empty , you can’t shoot with this money, they have empty arsenals, they are already admitting that the military-industrial complex of europe cannot be promoted. i want to understand everything, and then what, and then they will be, they will be cling to all opportunities in order to simply make our victory more difficult for us , in order to make our victory as long as possible, so to speak, long-lasting, what we are arguing about then, no, nothing, you agree that although they are driving everyone is thrown into a corner, but in order for them to really end up in this corner and get caught there, it is necessary to be decisive.
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“i made a mistake, a terrible mistake , you did everything right, i know, i love you, the matter is over, we are solved, i won, nikolai semyonov, that i changed russia forever, i only forgive, don’t, and if i don’t want live". you don’t want, you won’t, lieutenant
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colonel murovyov apostle, you want to arrest, it won’t work, union of salvation, big premiere, tomorrow after the program time, declaration of love, festive concert in the kremlin, premiere on march 8, on the first. while in germany, in france and, unfortunately, in the united states. the ruling elites are brandishing weapons, a very important parliament meeting is taking place in china, and as i understand it, there are completely different conversations there, completely different sentiments. you were ambassador to china for many years, tell us what is happening there. well
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indeed, today, march 5 , the annual regular session of the chinese parliament, the chinese parliament, the all-china opened. the assembly of people 's representatives, this is a fairly large body , there are several thousand people in it, because the country is large, and no matter how you increase the base for the representation of one deputy , it still turns out to be a lot, uh, this parliament sits for about 10-12 days, in the spring, the rest of the time it works the standing committee of this parliament, there are more than 200 people in it, this working body is preparing the decision, in fact, he is engaged in legislative, law-making work. but the sessions, since they are quite rare, happening once a year, have special significance from the point of view of public administration, the functioning of the state in general, so this year. china is in a difficult situation connected, first of all, with the global economy, with internal economic imbalances,
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which are not the fruit of some mistakes or some miscalculations in planning, but natural.
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somewhere there is an order of magnitude lower than that level, that shelf on which the economies of the united states and china are located, and so, from what we are already seeing in the comments, the most interesting, in my opinion, are claims to activate the external circuit, because some time ago a new economic strategy, the so-called two circulations, where the main circulation was taken as internal economic circulation. to the domestic market, to the domestic consumer, this course continues, apparently, it will continue further, but comments are heard that china’s export policy is becoming more active, more aggressive in a good sense of the word, and more
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prudent, this will probably be the main economic result in terms of determining economic priorities, economic policy priorities. personnel appointments are expected, well, i wouldn’t attach any great importance to this, i don’t know, some kind of destiny, apparently people will be placed in some key positions, in china there are no helicopter take-offs, people don’t appear in china out of nowhere, in china everyone who occupies high, top positions in the state, these are all those who have completed school in the party and state governing bodies; in china, for example, they are necessarily appointed to top positions.
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outwardly it may turn out to be without any sensations, but the decisions that she will make will play a big role not only for china, but for the whole world. one of the important things that is happening at this session is, as i understand it, the decision to increase defense spending by 7.2% this year. this. higher than they usually raised, you know, they again have some kind of surges does not occur here, usually the increase is comparable to the overall increase.
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and build up its defense capability, this does not raise any doubts, and moreover, it is completely understandable and explainable. likhui , the special chinese representative for regulation in ukraine, as i understand it, he just visited moscow, kiev, he was in kiev, but i don’t know about kiev, he was definitely in moscow, but he was also in europe, in europe, yes, but he still continues, as i understand his trip, yeah. today in kiev, ok, let it be in kiev, i understand correctly that on the one hand, this is an important mission, because
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it is good for russia to have a positive contribution from the chinese country and so that all diplomatic initiatives do not come from the patrons of kiev, but on the other hand, in general, the chances are that in washington and kiev they will want to see him listen, at least at this stage they are small, yeah, well... proceeding from this understanding, and so it seems to me that the results of the negotiations of the chinese representative in moscow just
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indicate that china is not approaching from a position, but such, you know, naked, abstract, some kind of neutrality, he approaches from the position of understanding what is really happening, which is why in kamenikka based on the results of his negotiations with the deputy minister galuzin, mikhaivich, who is in charge of this topic. phrases were heard about, well, packaged in such diplomatic language, that offering obviously impossible initiatives and proposals is a path to nowhere, it’s just a waste of time, it’s empty, well, a waste of energy, so this is such a signal to those who are simply how how how turned on in the west repeats that... the basis should be some kind of solutions that someone sees somewhere, i, to be honest, don’t see any in particular myself, but they say there should
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be a formula, the notorious zelensky formula , which our minister of foreign affairs and the president of the russian federation have spoken out quite definitely about more than once , but they continue to talk about it, and not only, so to speak, those who are there, well, as they say, are already stuck there, not to mention knee-deep, and already neck-deep in this conflict, but for example... that this could be some kind of basis for finding a compromise, none of us sees this basis, but with this, he apparently went to kiev to once again make sure that
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they are not ready for this, in the american sphere diplomacy, a notable event, the under secretary of state for political affairs, victoria nuland, resigned, in general - victoria nuland occupied a very large post. deputy secretary of state for political affairs, but she was not the first deputy secretary of state; usually, when people of this level retire, someone rejoices, someone regrets, well, in general, calling it a significant event happens very rarely. let's see what secretary of state blincon said about victoria's resignation. victoria's leadership in ukraine, diplomats and international relations students will be studied for many years to come. her efforts were indispensable to counteract putin's full-scale invasion of ukraine, to form a global coalition to achieve his strategic defeat, and
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to ensure that the day came for ukraine to stand firmly on... its feet, as in democratically, economically and militarily. it must be said that indeed victoria, who is well known to the russian public for her pictures with her cookies during the maidan in kiev, she really made a great contribution, but not a contribution to countering the russian special operation, in creating the conditions that made the special operation possible. necessary, she really was, well, let’s say, not just a consistent opponent of russia and its foreign policy, she was the main russophobe in the american administration, dalnik migranyan knew her well, but failed to re-educate her. you know, i regularly watch one of the best
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programs that is on youtube by an american blogger. because pathological hatred of russia, the desire to set fires everywhere along the entire perimeter of russia inside russia, in general throughout the entire post-soviet space, this is of course her creed, but she works very clumsily, very rudely, so at least they remember the liver, but
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everyone remembers more when he talked to
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now i’ll say the most correct thing, let’s go to advertising, we’ll be back in just a few minutes, is it easy to be recognized as a genius during your lifetime, if i answer this question seriously, i’ll look like an idiot, we decided to record the memories of zhvanetsky’s friends, you were with mikhail mikhailovich, notes. we were on friendly terms, yes, in company, i noticed this two or three times, if he wasn’t the center of attention, he’s a pussy, the main testing ground for misha’s humor was himself, one mind is good, but two are not necessary, maybe , he dressed very well, i think for women or in general for in order to feel himself, he did most of his actions for the sake of women, i think that for the sake of women he became famous, well, when i dealt with women professionally, he
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was complex, tall, young, i’m elderly, small, fat, bald, maybe i’m not i’m right , it’s quite possible, but what, what’s wrong, i’m definitely wrong, an elderly woman stands up and says: i don’t understand, the viewer... will he just read from a piece of paper and won’t sing? on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvanetsky, today on the first. normal, i say, grigory, excellent, konstantin. in there's a big game on air, now it's our traditional round table.
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americans spend 70-75% on maintenance, that is, maintenance means maintaining personnel, maintaining bases, various facilities, a huge amount of money. china, we have 50 to 50, the proportions, i think that in china, well , maybe 40 to 60, but china does not have such a huge number of bases, they have bases there in the horn of africa, there in djibouti. they have several bases, but this is tiny compared to the more than two hundred bases that the americans have, i’m there if you take the objects separately, this is generally 600, then the chinese already
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have a comparable military budget, from the point of view of development, that is, the adoption of new types of equipment, china and the united states are ahead, especially in terms of naval forces, they annually launch 10 to 15 main ships class. americans , well, two or three maximum. thank you. well, i would sum it up, in the words of dear evgeniy petrovich, with this consideration: there is the concept of military economy, the economics of military construction, it can be different. defense industries can and do as a rule, they are the driver of overall economic development, at least of industry, the introduction of innovations, and the improvement of technical technologies. level and so on, all this can be in different proportions in different ways, in china, if you don’t go into details, apparently the optimal,
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optimal parameter for combining the importance of the defense economy, as the driver of the entire large economy, has been achieved, this is manifested in electronics and in anything, this is the strength of the chinese economy and the strength of chinese defense construction. if you remember here the penultimate story, i paid attention to the words of blinkin, who, well, that’s how it’s supposed to be in the usa, and not only in the usa, everywhere, they always see off, remember how in the old film one person was so praised when seeing off his retirement that he said, well since i ’m so good, i changed my mind, apparently blinkin didn’t watch this film, maybe he wouldn’t praise it so much, because he literally said the following: victoria’s leadership will be studied by students at the university.


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