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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  March 6, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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in the morning the oath was taken, and they had already congratulated me, yes, it’s interesting, someone was ahead of me, count mardvinov, he was here, well, then that’s all for me. “good night, there will be no oath, gavriil stepanovich, this, this is who, this is for you , magvinov also said, no, i said this.
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” tomorrow morning, without taking the oath, the finnish regiments of moscow, lep-grenadier, and also the guards crew will leave to the square in front of the senate, and sergei petrovich trubetskoy, who, by the way, happened to be in st. petersburg, will give the order, we will arrest the senators, seize the winter palace, the main headquarters, what’s there another arsenal"? "it’s very vain that mardvinov went to you himself and didn’t send gendarmes, oh, that’s because he simply doesn’t have them at his disposal, there are few of us, but nikolai pavlovich has only one mordvinov, what do you say, i think , what can happen, and you can count on me, maybe?" "but
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tomorrow morning, will you sit at home, gavriil stepanovich, and of course, of course not, only, just before arresting the senators, we definitely need to appeal to him , good, because many of them will probably go over to our side, yes, good, so, ink paper, yes, of course, here , please
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, “you look kind of lost, yes, and i see that so far there is no one except you and me, who else do you need, well, the meeting is in 30 minutes, the meeting is over, i stayed late to certify the protocol, now i ’m leaving, but no, the meeting is at 9, 7, the senators were notified at night, how is this, wait, how is this
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possible, how were you not notified, because you are not a senator yet. let’s go it's time tomorrow, no, wait, this is impossible, and what did the senate do? yes, and you? that's what they thought, the senate will not swear allegiance, they wanted to see the revolution, they even came to see it, no? revolutions don’t happen in the senate, they happen over there in the square, and there’s no one there, you don’t want to look, wait, that is, when you told me about the meeting yesterday, you knew that i would go to the wing, but you went, they will speak .
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they will speak out, mikhail mikhailovich, you won’t be in the new senate, you’re in trouble, perhaps today someone will interfere with the oath, if i were you, i’d take the news and leave the city out of harm’s way, like you have changed, mikhaila mikhailovich, he has your boots. “no, i haven’t changed, i always do everything possible and useful, they are meaningless and absurd, i advise you, you can count on my friendship at the reception,
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hello guardsmen. also, the preobrazhensky regiment
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swore allegiance to your majesty. the senate swore allegiance to your majesty, everything is fine, run, sir, major general, oath-breaker, sovereign konstantin palych, loves you, moscow regiment.
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i will reign or perish. a foreign woman who had no legal rights to the throne , accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks izmailovsky regiment, where she was declared an autocratic empress. during the 34 years of her
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reign, catherine gained fame as a wise , fair ruler. was the first to receive the epithet great. she fought victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, she wrote. the main surprise: the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. mitya, i
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made you a man, but you can’t find me, and i’m on the hook for 50 million pounds. trust me, you'll be a wolf. we will have a home. i promise you. your wife was kidnapped by very dangerous people, they can kill her. come for.
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well, where is everyone? the governor general came to the theater, but they don’t even care, who can hear me, come to me? how, how, your food, have mercy, we are waiting, waiting, yeah, well, well, where is that beautiful one, whose name i’m afraid to say, where is the angel of dreams, i’m here. happy angel's day,
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truly i say, you are a deity, let everyone go out, yes, but of course, of course.
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no, your majesty, only the palace corau, your majesty, allow me to speak, tell the colonel, order me to go to the senate, i will withdraw the unsworn regiments from the city so that the first day of your reign was not darkened with muta, but why did you decide that they would listen to you, they know me. and i will tell them what they want, they want me
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to waver and give in when the guards have sworn allegiance, your personalities have sworn allegiance, go to orlov and say, let him bring the horses to the senate, i obey, and you will stay, you may be needed. open your eyes, you and my main viewer, i dance my angel day for you.
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we stood up, target, leveled up, stand here, hold on, don’t let anyone in, shoot the opponents, what are we waiting for, let’s take it.
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lord, god, that’s why people live, that ’s it, that’s it, count! catastrophe. by the grace of god, we, nicholas i, will step forward, emperor and autocrat of all russia, and so on and so forth and so on. we declare to all our faithful subjects, with contrition of heart, humbled before
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the inscrutable destinies of the almighty. this is your personality. “the soldiers in the square will not disperse from your reading, not to notice, this is your right, only without, in my opinion, it is you, military man, governor general, restore order. loading,
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give a blessing, the day starts. 825 years from the birth of christ, our first kingdom. hints, važila! the former women's regiment has arrived at
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your disposal, forgive me for not being in time, are you ready to die for me, yes. close, goal, i don’t hear, once!
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wait, everything is ready. i can hardly keep them one step away from victory and things are not in numbers, but in will, they are waiting for you, prince, they are waiting for you, immediately send out the whists, raise all the unsworn units, the guards crew, the finnish regiment and bring the lei to the grenadier here, to me, he doesn’t want to listen, so i ’ll force him.
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hello guardsmen, he is for nikolai, no, no, he is for konstantin. why are you silent, you don’t recognize me, which of you was with me, please, eagle, fulman, lyutsina, bautsen, are there any russian soldiers among you? “ shpagasia, given to me by tsarevich konstantin , it was written to my friend, miloradovich, he is my friend, and
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i, like none of you, would like to call him my sovereign, but he abdicated, you hear, he abdicated. from now on, our sovereign nikolai pavlovich, we are with you serving people, it is our duty to serve the sovereign and russia, i ask you, i beg you you, brother, come to your senses, return to the barracks, and i promise, i will take everyone, you hear, everyone by the hand and lead them to the sovereign. and he will forgive you, i swear, i will not let you be offended, if you please, drive away, leave the soldiers alone,
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stand, come, with me, gazarmy, my children, do not buy your soul, eh!
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to the ninetieth birthday of yuri gagarin. i would love to visit everywhere, but i’m afraid that there won’t be enough time to visit everywhere. gagarin is a flash, a smile, communication. this was the face of the soviet union, which suddenly appeared to the whole world. simplicity, relationships soul. it all happened very funny
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, he was holding a boat on the bear of khazor, kabzon came, yura, he drove the boat, they sailed out onto the lake, kabzon sang songs, and we were delighted, i am an ordinary russian person, the same as tens of hundreds of thousands of soviet boys and girls , a star named gagarin, premiered on march 9 at the first, we had with us. the timing of his monologues became aphorisms: never exaggerate the stupidity of your enemies and the loyalty of your friends. yes, well said, it’s just amazing to be friends with him, because he’s smart, brilliant, commented on everything very much, spent a day, came out educated, you can kiss him, no, no, i once told him: mikhail mikhailovich, you know that you are a genius, he simply told me, yes, clarke, i know, i was confused , this march marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvanetsky, i remember
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how everyone froze at home and turned it on.
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from poland, we are going with torches to the maidan, you are going to shoot at the civilians, i will not give such a command, transfer it through the maidan, the premiere, from march 11 on the first, there is information that they want to liquidate you.
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why don’t you carry out the emperor’s order, general, well, it’s not the turks or the french in the square, nikolaev swore allegiance, the canal guards are having lunch. do you want eagles in a traitor? general, doctors, doctors, rather, head, alive? your
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family, your honor. but what, how , take it, come on, strictly, take it, play the gathering.
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hurray, konstantin! hurray, nikolai! hurray, konstantin! hurray, nikolai! hooray! hurray, konstantin! hurray, konstantin! cheers, konstantin.
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nikolai, here, line up to attack. what are we waiting for? there's nikolai, let's capture him, it's all over, no, my friend, there are still too few of us, we're waiting drubetskoy, he will bring a lei grenauder, the enemy, we stand, victory is with us, truth is with us, god is with us. the sailors are forming up for the attack, your majesty, maybe it’s better for you to leave
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, tell orlov, let them attack, scatter, scatter the rebels and bring the artillery, i obey. hurray, constitution, hurray, konstantin, stripes!
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victory will be ours, we got it,
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harm them, i’ll catch up sooner. colonel, are you going to oppose your sovereign, the guards against the tsar, even betraying their fate.
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tell him i'm still willing to talk to him, but in an hour no one will need him, even you, gentlemen, lev grinoder, god bless us. your majesty, we don’t know whose side we’re on,
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it could be dangerous, nikolai pavlovich, follow the sovereign, stop, stop, wine-makers! we are for konstantin, when this is the case, here is the road for you, for the constitution,
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that you met his highness, why didn’t you kill him, and where is trubetskoy? okay, okay, i'm behind him, line up your guys, line up,
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gentlemen, guns! battalion of the preobrazhensky regiment, your order has arrived, apparently there will be no more bush flights, gentlemen, let's let's face it, we are surrounded. let's elect a dictator among us, enter into
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negotiations, what kind of negotiations, we just shot at them, join the soldiers, wait for darkness , go, i demand, no, i beg, prince, let's go, they are waiting for your word, your feat, let's go, damn it take you, do you want my word? “here it is, i thank you, you did the impossible in the square, the best guards regiments, crowds of zebak, and why all these curtsies, prince, if you please listen, they are a shield because of which...” the future of russia is born, wait until it's dark, it won't be long, this straight man thinks that he surrounded you, but he caught himself, finally he will understand what everyone understood a long time ago, he will have to give in and talk, nikolai is closer than a shot from our formation, one blow and he will have no one to talk to, let's go , well, come on, mr.
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writer, go home, treat a simple problem, it’s not up to you, vytrurs. you are crazy, kondraty fedorovich, but anyway, thank you, i’m crazy, and you are too smart and calculating, prince, crazy people change the world, crazy napoleon, crazy guy, crazy christ, go to the square go crazy, at least once in your life , go home, you are in the way, things are damned , be careful, the courts, your majesty, the rebels are surrounded, order to shoot, sir,
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is this what you wanted, but is this how you wanted to start your reign? they can forgive me for cruelty, they will never forgive me for weakness, mercy is not weakness, it is the right of the strong, tell them to leave, and more. i don't want to know their names.
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soldiers, sir, hope that you are ok. the emperor doesn’t want to know your names, did you bring us the constitution? i didn't come for negotiations, i offered you mercy. your majesty, let me give orders, let me be guilty of this blood, all the blood will be on me forever,
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stand stand behind me, stand, stop,
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stop, stop yours, take some soup, stop, stand, stop, soldier! let's go to the peter and paul fortress, we
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need to capture the arsenal gun! they are forming on the ice to capture the fortress, shoot, not at people, break the ice, listen, forward, move the gun to the square, place it securely. guns, forward,
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tooth outfit. leave me alone, brothers, let's go to the fortress, let's capture the guns and the arsenal, hurray, konstantin, it's time for a constitution, hold, build, hold! line up,
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forward, follow me, move in order, kondrazi, kondrazi, let's disperse, disperse.
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here it is, the bullet entered from the back, and shot under the ribs, i’ll be alive, of course, mikhail andrevich, of course, here, here’s the bullet. gun, you were not a soldier, thank god, light, well, today. name
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day, angelic day, my soul, angels, dance, dance. okay, i got it.
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good morning, our dear, beloved, early tv viewers on the calendar, we are already on march 6th, wednesday, svetlana zeynalova and evgeniy pokrovsky are with you, thank you for welcoming this wonderful march morning, together with us we congratulate everyone once again on spring, that ’s what we were waiting for, for some reason this spring, and this year, it seems , we will not get tired
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of saying again and again, this spring we will have a lot of interesting things. in our program too, in our program too, and a lot of relevant things, we will finally find out what women want, my god, tell us, okay then, what we want, we ourselves don’t know what we want, we will choose for they are the most appropriate gift for march 8th, we will come up with something delicious to please them with, well, we will check all sorts of life hacks, how you can preserve, for example, a festive bouquet longer, for example, three days before the holiday, buy it in the closet and then keep it as a gift , and of course we’ll also look at the russian forum exhibition, see you. that spring makes us women younger and more beautiful, and we will also celebrate the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhivanetsky, and this is not all that is in our plans, but according to tradition, right now let's warm up a little, gymnastics. good morning, if you want to always be in a festive mood, start your day with gymnastics. our family does this, and if we can’t run through a snowdrift, then we
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run on the spot, with our feet wider than shoulder-width apart. back straight, arms bent, run, slowly at first, we need to warm up, breathe through our nose, otherwise we might catch a cold. now let’s pump up our hips, raise our knees as high as possible, speed up, now we run backwards with our shins whipping, don’t slow down the pace, well done, now we’ll raise it again knees up and run some more. quickly monitor your posture, it should be royal, great, now you can slow down the pace
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and restore your breathing, such a warm-up will add vigor in a matter of minutes, train with us, invite your whole family, together, more fun, how, how happy we are for spring, how do we miss her? how we missed this sun, this copel, the first spring streams, flowers , by the way, too, and you, it turns out, what a romantic, he missed the copel, he missed the flowers, in general, every man agree with evgeny that in the spring the number of beautiful women simply increases significantly, and we women ourselves know that we bloom with every ray of sun, because in the spring we fall in love, we bloom, like the very flowers that we expect from you march 8. to the accompaniment of the copel, it lets in sunbeams and rejuvenates spring and no effort on your part, it will launch the rejuvenating factors itself, the first sun,
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in winter we look older without it, elementary physiology, it’s not the climate itself, it’s not the cold that affects, it’s the lack of sunshine, yes, that is, we simply do not produce the pleasure hormone, enkyphalin. another rejuvenating factor is warmth: there is no need to drink liters of hot coffee, eating it with sweets , like in winter, it is called glycated face, sugar face, now there is such a concept, when just these bags under the eyes, swelling, rashes, some small pimples and blood vessels may appear, oddly enough, but from excess... another factor is air with a normal level of humidity, and it would be more likely that the radiators would stop drying it out. more
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one rejuvenating factor of spring is the ease of gait. we put on lights, jackets, fur coats, jeans, boots, all this weighs a lot, we slouch under the weight of these clothes, plus we protect ourselves from the wind, this silhouette with a hood, of course it’s not great. in spring, your gait is more confident, your clothes are lighter and brighter. we see a lot of colors and want to broadcast this through ourselves in winter. due to the fact that we are surrounded by a black and white picture, our emotional state suffers, and our hands reach for the grey-black-white palette. often in the summer, and we choose another, completely different, a more colorful or soft palette, which is certainly also refreshing. refreshes makeup too. we wrap our faces in decorative cosmetics, catch a tan and look fresher. the mistake of many in winter is to overdo it with the use of powdery textures, mattifying
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textures, heavy textures, due to which the skin ages faster, the radiant texture will add freshness to the image. our heroine olga is 42 years old; for early spring she chose a sheepskin coat as this year's trend. the scarf and hat are brighter, instead of matte powder there is glitter. yes, sometimes you need to help spring, create a good mood for yourself, it also gives sparkle to the eyes. karina makaryan, pavel dits, channel one. our and your good morning continues, we move on and dive into the world wide web. today, by the way, is world women's dress day. you may not be interested, but for us it is very important. our navigator of the internet world, egur uspensky, just couldn’t find the strength to pass by. and he took it. dress and made a lot of interesting micro-stories about it, let’s see, our hit parade opens with perhaps the most airy dress in the world, in the literal sense
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this word, because the material for them is balloons, 5 million users found this outfit very amusing, and just imagine, if you take a needle and come up very quickly and make fluff fluff fluff fluff, then the person will be completely naked, and yes and from cat, by the way, it’s also better to hold on, okay, we’ll discuss this with you. on air in fourth place is a dress that cats are definitely not afraid of, because it is made of coins, yes, but people who love money will probably be turned on by such a dress, here. this whole structure weighs - well it’s like chain mail, and it weighs almost 7 kg . according to the author, it didn’t take a whole week to make the outfit, but the video also earned 7 million likes. even in the gym you need to wear such a dress. the top three is opened by another masterpiece: this dress, which is made from one and a half thousand ordinary store receipts. where does she get so many checks from? yes, that’s a good question too, there’s really nothing to comment on here other than this question, let’s just say that for the original idea the needlewoman has already... been thanked with numerous likes
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internet fashionistas, yes, and when my husband saw the number of checks, he fainted right there , he couldn’t rule it out, an honorable second place, silver goes to the dress cake, weighing 131 kg, well, 15 g, the most recent world record, really, if you eat such a cake , you yourself will weigh 131 kg, absolutely right, that’s how to go out in such a dress and is it possible to do it alone, who will swoop in faster ? it’s unclear, well, guess who is in first place in our hit today? this, of course, is this charming cat named, by the way, juliet, but she lives in saratov, just look at what a fashionable dress and hat her owner sewed, how they are for juliet, poor juliet, just a real mess, but beautiful, i agree, on the calendar on march 6 there is very little left until the main women's holiday, these are some... ..
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i was racking my brains and still racking my brains , well, flowers are understandable, of course, well, somehow it won’t be enough, and flowers are not a gift, it comes with a gift, but what is a gift then, here’s a perfume, you won’t guess which one just look look at my eyes, look at the candies there too corny. it’s written, uh, i want a new apartment, that’s the thing, a list of unwanted gifts for march 8, there’s a lot of that on the internet, but can you trust these anti-ratings? let's ask the women themselves. do you think this is a frying pan as a gift for my wife on march 8th? uh-huh, well, no, on march 8th i wouldn’t be, according to surveys , about 25% of women would not want to receive dishes, perhaps this is one of the most controversial gifts, here you need to... know for sure whether they are waiting for
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a new frying pan or not, i think that’s an option, yes, it’s so heavy, i’d be glad such a frying pan, the same story with household appliances, opinions were divided , giving a blender, well, a normal option , to young people, i think that giving something kitchen, of course, is not very good, these young people, yes, in fact, age has nothing to do with it what does it have to do with, here’s a young girl, i would agree to a blender, by the way, i need it, according to cio , the rating of the most unpopular gifts among women continues with souvenir toys. women are also the least likely to wait for shoes and clothes, apparently they are worried that they won’t fit, the guy gave a jacket, which i didn’t wear it later, well, i wore it with him, and what would definitely be a win-win option, of course, flowers, 33% called it this gift, in second place, according to the data in ciom, vouchers to...
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vacation 31%, moldivy, moldivy, i i understand you, i’m saving money, third place is gift certificates, 26% of respondents are waiting for them, you can get a certificate for a jewelry store, jewelry is of course a bull’s eye, although sometimes men only find out in the store that rings have sizes, there are also difficulties with perfumes , which is also added to the list desires, the smell from the bottle on a person’s skin can reveal itself in a completely different way, the best option is to take your husband with you. well , at least in my case it’s choosing a gift with it. there is a gift that many women would like to receive, but according to statistics it is rarely given. tickets for concerts, movies, dinner together in a restaurant. many women dream about this, but for some reason men don’t pay attention to it. so there are many options to please your loved ones, here’s what you really shouldn’t do, come at all no gift. yuri nesterov, dmitry parfenov, vladimir popov, channel one.
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the very day is getting closer and closer when millions of men will carry through the streets, no, not even their broken heads, they will carry a bunch of flowers, millions of bouquets. well, here’s another amazing idea that you can give to a beautiful lady, and this is your lady, as you understand, a man, the best, the most beautiful, this is original, bright, amazing and even tasty, look, we are launching spring serotannin not only with flowers, but also berries, and which ones are in the top, we will conduct experiments in one of moscow... ufis, let's see what berries the girls choose, there are three at the start: strawberries, raspberries and blackberries, an addition to flowers, the very thing, yes, thank you, and...
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it's a powerful antioxidant and anti-aging is very good, so good looked, if you look hard enough, it will still be fragrant, it smells, and this despite the fact that it was brought or from a greenhouse, what else can we give? blueberries, cheaper, blackberries, more expensive, just a lot more expensive, probably three times, what do we take? blueberries win in terms of benefits, they have more flavonoids, that’s just more fiber, fiber is needed for the digestive system, now something for the immune system, raspberries or red currants, the price is about the same, both are on guard against
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viruses, currants with a lot of vitamin c, raspberries with salicylic acid, from silosalicin, which reduces the temperature, so very often during a cold, yes... we drink tea with raspberry or jam or raspberries, it also stimulates the immune system, well, we’re missing something with the male name physalis, have you heard of that? looks like a cherry tomato, only sweet, indeed, because it is from the poslenaceae family and that includes tomatoes. the most inexpensive berry, by the way, but physalis also contains vitamin c, fiber, and also beta-carotene for skin, hair and nails, and the color is like the sun, bright spring and like our gift basket. anastasia otelya, dmitry likhachov, vladimir popov, channel one. so, march 8th starts when? 7, no, march 7. well, this is all because when working women congratulate us , our colleagues, bosses, of course, the seventh or there on the sixth day before the holiday. we bring
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home bouquets of flowers, we want them to last as long as possible, but they don’t. there are tons and tons of life hacks about this on the internet, most of them are about what needs to be added to the water, which... i decided to conduct an experiment and found out. attention, experiment. today we are looking for a magical ingredient that will maximize the life of a holiday bouquet. we take six vases, pour a liter of water into each bowl and begin to cast a spell. the most common advice on the internet is use sugar, they say they love flowers. let's check, another popular tip is aspirin, it not only suppresses the growth of microbes, but also nourishes the flowers. there is an opinion, i wouldn’t mind drinking flowers, i add a vase, a spoonful
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of alcohol, it will definitely kill germs, but will the tulip survive? soda is another option for extending flower life. i dilute the water with lemonade, it contains. and sweetener acid. the experiment also involves feeding cut flowers. it is sold in florist shops. and the sixth - control sample - ordinary tap water water. i put a flower in each container. by the way, some florists advise piercing the tulip stem with a needle just below the head. they say it will satiate. then with oxygen and it will remain fresh longer, i put the pierced tulip in a vase with water along with the usual one. so, we have six participants: sugar, aspirin, alcohol, lemonade, floral fertilizer , and regular tap water. we left them for
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a week, and now we will check which flowers turned out to be the freshest. the first to fall was the tulip in the vase with aspirin, and in the literal sense, already on the second day. the stem bent in half. in vases with alcohol and a flower mixture, tulips also began to slowly bow their heads and crumble. in a vase of sugar, the tulip instantly opened. he really liked the sweet life, but soon the petals and leaves began to dry out. there are two participants left, this is a vase with lemonade and plain water. and there and there, a week later, prison. they look great, and they are the winners of our experiment. by the way, please note that there is no difference between a tulip with a whole stem and the one i pierced with a needle. practically. on the contrary, the one that remained intact, opened up more, looks a little
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fresher. it comes out like a tulip for freshness , no additives or punctures are needed, just fill the vase with clean water, preferably colder. trim the stem by 1 cm and enjoy the beauty, there is no need to invent anything else. good morning, dear friends, wake up quickly, a new day has come, it will definitely happen. very interesting, this is march 6, and this is evgeny pokrovsky, and this is svetlana zeynalova. the forum russia exhibition continues its work at vdnkh, every day there is a lot of interesting things here, exhibitions, master classes, concerts, and of course , dear women, this week at the exhibition in the forum, we have especially prepared a lot of interesting things for you, so look, everything for women all week at the russia exhibition , fashion shows, designers from all over the country. svetlana badanina. she brought her marine collection from the city of lysyev, perm territory. ocean, sunset, sea. you see,
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i’m having a blast right now, this will probably be fashionable in the fall, but probably not, it won’t be fashionable. we are no worse than the parisian italians. shows as part of moscow fashion week in the seventy- fifth pavilion. here, each region has prepared something especially feminine. ivanovo region aromatherapy, city smells. oh, how delicious, this is my favorite smell, everything seems to have some kind of sweet smell. here we have factory steam, railroad dyes, the smell of paint , seriously, yes, this is how our designers showed the textile capital, that is, of course, ivanovo, and of course, flowers for women, each pavilion has its own virtual or, here written, kzhel painting will be taught literally in a matter of minutes, in 10 minutes, in 10 minutes, that is, you can teach a person who absolutely cannot draw like this in about 10 minutes. it all depends on abilities, as a rule, it is given to beginners six months to master painting, in the pavilion
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of the chuvash republic they also offer to make the crown yourself instead of stones, diodes from a local company, they shine brighter, the most beautiful crown, which i wanted more than anything in the world, i made it myself, it shines very beautifully, there is crown, there are also women’s whims, ask your mother for a dog as a gift. at 5 am, who will get up with the dog? give us an electronic one, it’s better, this dog is not for sale, it already has owners, students of the chuvash institute, we are learning to program artificial intelligence on the basis of one of the robot dogs, it’s easy to play with the robot, though there is a queue, adults are like children, sit, what a great fellow, a gift at the exhibition can definitely be found in pavilion 75, a university opened
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during the 34 years of her reign, catherine gained fame as a wise, fair ruler. she radically changed the country and, like peter the great, received the epithet “great”. she waged victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire. wrote laws and carried out reforms, he is 34, she is 10 years older, soon they will not talk about the darkness as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine ii. premiere, march 8 on the first. the main surprise for the woman you love. through the eyes of those present sevastopol harbor appeared. to
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the ninetieth birthday of yuri gagarin. tropical downpour, so we rode in open cars with fidel, through crowds of people flooded with water. gagarin saw elephants being bathed in the lake, and he became not just an observer, but an active participant in the process. the queen invited yuri alekseevich to take a photo as a souvenir, although this is not provided for by etiquette, she explained: “i
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took a photo with an unearthly person. gagarin, a man who came down.” from heaven premiere on march 9th on the first, could you from time time to shout out demands for the release of yulia vladimirovna, she is now a heroine for everyone with rheumatism, alina began to openly play against me, and because you yourself tore a piece out of her mouth, unfortunately, the head of your administration is playing some kind of game of his own, translate it through the maidan, the premiere, sadi... march on the first, you throw all your people to help me, and if not, then you will perish in a cage, a difficult choice, viktor fedorovich, of all civilizations living on the planet today, the most ancient chinese, almost china has always been the most populous country and the first economy in the world. we can remember
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the famous travel book of marco pola, which the italian merchant described with great amazement. the power, the level of economic development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century, the diminished monochronic painting, chinese poetry, sophisticated literature, china, of course, was ahead in sophistication, well, almost all countries, after the end of the second world war, the soviet union immediately took patronage over china, more than 10 thousand specialists from the soviet union worked in china, created almost the entire modern chinese economy, one of pin's first decisions after he became... the leader of china was the creation of an institute for the study of bukharin's ideas, so the sinicized model of nepa operates in china. the premiere of civilization, the seventh film, china, is next wednesday on the first. so, bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast now, and to those who are getting ready, just poured themselves some tea and are thinking: what should i eat today?
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yeah, here it is especially for you, our chef, stepan alekhin offers an original and quick recipe. hurry up and write it down! for breakfast, many of us prepare an omelette, i will show you how to make the dish even more satisfying and tasty. i grease the baking dish with oil, cover it with a thin tortilla, form the sides, lay out the filling, it can be anything you like. i have tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers and basil leaves. in a separate bowl , beat the eggs, salt and pepper, add a little milk, mix again. form, send the workpiece into a hot oven, bake until the protein won’t set, i cut the dish into portions, serve it like a pie , a tender omelette with filling on a hot crispy flatbread - it’s hearty, delicious, have a nice breakfast, what a woman wants, well, not this specifically, but in general, that’s all that’s what you want
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i’ll say, listen, and this particular woman, and any other woman in our country, and any woman all over the world... wants only one thing: to eat love, and a hungry woman is a dangerous woman, a woman needs to be fed to make her happy, than to extinguish it including us we decided to ask the heroes of our next story, believe me, women don’t like to go on diets, we suffer, but we do it, so cake or steak, girls, steak or cake or all together, men have meat, women have desserts or vice versa? yana's husband sergei was looking for chocolate for her the other night, they were selling shawarma, samsa, so i came up and said, listen, i say, if you have anything sweet, and the seller literally takes it out of your pocket, i gave him money, and he told me that he bought it, all women are like that, valeria is ready to bet what you are doing and thinking, i just want meat, and i like the taste,
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i don’t have to go out for sweets for lera, but go glamping and make a barbecue. steaks in nature, and this will be an ideal date, so on the eve of the holiday, chef timofey demin helps artyom in search of a juicy steak; for girls, less fatty filet mignon, thin cut, fresh. will give out a rich red color, you see, it quickly recovers within a couple of seconds, you know, the meat was not frozen, it was immediately cooled, a juicy steak is thicker, choose at least three centimeters, is it worth it? pay attention to the color of the fat, if the fat is light white or slightly pinkish, this is normal, but if the fat on the meat is yellow, i don’t recommend it, the taste is affected by the food, if it’s corn steak, like here, the steak will be sweetish. if grain, with bitterness. sergei, oddly enough, has a more difficult choice: chocolate cake. confectioner elsa antropova's advice is to first inspect the packaging. i see that there is
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such condensation. high humidity, in which microbes multiply very easily. most likely incorrect technology in production or transportation. the second is, of course, the composition. the shorter the better. a natural cake consists of simple products, sugar, flour, eggs. not an egg product, not egg powder, just eggs or melange, also cottage cheese, not a curd product, additives in store-bought cakes are acceptable, but emulsifiers are added for the homogeneity of the cream, it is better to avoid allergenic ones, shelf life is ideally 72 hours, maximum 120, per that visually you need to pay attention to the packaging, i understood everything, there should be no cracks on the edges of the cake, that is, this suggests that...
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union of salvation, a great historical drama about the decembrist uprising. and we, in turn , continue to introduce you to its heroes, now we will tell you about the ideological inspirer of the decembrist movement, the prince. we must speak out openly against the sovereign, then it will become obvious to everyone what has become obvious to me. gentlemen, meet prince sergei trubetskoy, dictator, ideological inspirer of the decembrist movement. in france, aristocrats were hanged from lanterns. it is from france that sergei trubetskoy will bring the spirit of freedom, the desire to change serf russia.
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what negotiations, we just shot them. from a note to trubetskova’s wife the night after her arrest. don’t be angry, katya, i lost you and ruined you, but without malicious intent. to the nerchinsk mines, his wife will voluntarily go after him, trubetskoy’s seven children will be born in captivity, and 30 years later sergei trubetskoy will be given back his freedom. maxim matveev as prince sergei trubetskov in the historical drama union of salvation. today on channel one. don’t miss this evening after the program time on channel one, a new series of large-scale historical drama union of salvation. watch a real, great and very honest movie, listen to
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music. this film has an amazing soundtrack that connects eras and generations, helping us better understand that time and those people. what st. petersburg sounds like in the voices of street musicians. the pianist is also knocking on the window. these guys create soundtracks for their hometown, it’s all just out of love, well, the weather is out, the sun is out, once it’s time to sing some bright song, a tram passed by, once some associative series happened, they sang some song again, that's why we react to the city, i hope the city reacts to us, that's how it works, we play the lyrics, one of the roads has found a bit of meaning.
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yes, yes, in the serial film union of salvation , the nautiluses fit perfectly into the atmosphere of the 19th century. music that always gives you goosebumps. “anastasiastova listened to the soundtrack to the film, wrote the score for the union of salvation, and understood why this music is so catchy. there are emotions that people have always experienced, like 100, 200, 300 years ago, and now, there is still some kind of excitement, there are some something eternal topics, this will always be clear. that's why
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we feel it. it was the idea of ​​general producer konstantin ernst to combine popular hits in a film about the decembrists in order to make the emotions of the characters more understandable to a modern viewer. musical things that are yours, on which you. grew up, whom you love , to whom you danced, to whom you sang along, they connect - the image of time, which is shown in the film, is even more dense with you, yes, these are people dressed in different clothes, they have different means of communication and means of transportation, but it’s you, you haven’t changed, you are like that, mixes of cult songs, rebels fit perfectly into
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the story about rebels, as if they were... created for each other. sergey abramov sotnik, vasily valetov, vladimir repin, anzhelika pankratieva and anton tolstoludsky, channel one. wednesday morning the news will continue. the time has come to find out what new has happened in the country in the world by this hour. stay with us. this is the news on the first judge maria vasilyeva. hello. russia demonstrates high performance in agriculture, the industry has become a world leader in the export of its products. this was stated by vladimir putin in the stavropol territory at a meeting with representatives of the agro-industrial complex. speaking about grain supplies abroad, the president spoke favorably of the idea of ​​​​creating a grain exchange within the framework of the brix union. this is necessary because the prices that currently exist are set
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by the key ones. in paris and chicago are of a speculative nature, have a negative impact on the market, and are unprofitable for the consumer. the head of state noted that he had fully provided for himself food products, our country is increasing their production and does not ignore the prospects for the development of modern biotechnologies. this is necessary in order to achieve complete sovereignty in the agricultural sector; this cannot be done without state support. without modern technologies , we will not achieve the result we need, such a planetary one. we would improve the solution to issues related to depreciation when our companies purchase
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high-tech russian ones.
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aviation of the center group of forces carried out strikes in places where manpower, equipment and fire weapons of ukrainian formations accumulated in the ovdeevsky direction, the enemy lost 430 fighters of western-made bradley and m-113 infantry fighting vehicles. and on the ground, crews of self-propelled mortars from the nona svk mountain motorized rifle brigade destroyed the enemy command post. later , a cache of bulgarian american mines and sights was discovered at the enemy’s location. there is artillery in the kupinsky direction.
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employees of territorial election commissions to hard-to-reach areas of the extreme north, the first flight to the coast of the kola peninsula was made by a mi-8 helicopter. in ukraine, the relevant committee of the verkhovna rada sent for the second and final reading of the law. a draft ban on the canonical orthodox church with a recommendation to accept. supporters of the split have long tried to push this document through parliament, but it could not get votes; the cabinet of ministers prepared the law on zelensky’s instructions. the fact that the document contradicts the constitution and violates the rights of millions
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of citizens did not bother anyone, the chaos with the seizure of churches in the canonical church, the beating of priests and parishioners continues. the flagship of the british fleet is an aircraft carrier. queen elizabeth will not take part in nato exercises because it is broken. he was supposed to lead a detachment of ships on maneuvers that will take place until mid-march, but will now go to scotland to repair the mushroom shaft. on the way you will have to make a stop to unload the ammunition. during the exercises, the flagship was supposed to be replaced by another aircraft carrier, the prince of wales, but it was delayed and did not go to sea on time. today , public warning systems will be checked throughout the country, in the morning from 10 to 11 local time. sirens and loudspeakers will not sound, and an information message will appear on television and radio. there is no need to be scared, everything is according to plan, it is important to test the equipment and make sure that in the event of a real emergency, people will be warned as quickly as possible. in
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the far east, the check is already underway; by the way, it is being carried out as part of large-scale exercises to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations, including those caused by natural fires and floods. that's all for now to everyone, now a word to colleagues from good morning, good morning, dear tv viewers, wake up quickly , get up, the country is huge, because a new day has come, it will definitely be very interesting and very successful, on the calendar march 6 is evgeniy pokrovsky, and svetlana zeynalova, let your day be as bright as her jacket, on march 6th on the calendar, in sochi on the federal territory of sirius the world youth festival is coming to an end, tomorrow is already over. opening festival united, introduced, made friends 20 thousands of participants from 180 countries, and absolutely, they had no time to be bored, our correspondent elizaveta nikishova was convinced of this. the largest
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youth festival, that's true. she is from iran, we are from the maldives, we met and became friends here. one of the venues for the international airport youth festival, new lectures every half hour. meeting with experts, stars and politicians. we are here to build diplomatic relations with young people and build a new world after. participants registered online, took queue. every day of the festival there is a new theme: the fate of the world, multinational unity, equal opportunities, family values. and for the first time at the youth festival, a children's program for thousands of schoolchildren from 14 to 17 years old from all over the world. almost 700 of them chose a scientific direction in the laboratory. anna with her panels. now he will be able to make new friends for a week and figure out how to open and close the sun's ultraviolet rays for this satellite, receive energy and transform it. once upon a time this robot
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fruit drink was just an idea, today it presents yourself as a prototype. we expect that such devices will subsequently work successfully in an anthropomorphic, technological environment. we are already close to this, we can already say for sure that within a year a dozen russian universities will receive the same robot dog. and how could a youth festival take place without games of the future? during the week, races on the sochi highways will take place offline in online format. the world youth festival means tons of delicious food, thousands and thousands of ushankas, kokoshniks, even without visors. account acquaintance with. no one here keeps millions of selfies, thousands of new contacts and, of course, dozens of new words in foreign languages. in algerian, it sounds like aho.
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there is at least march 8th of the year, but you already weigh 57
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kg and you can’t be lifted without problems, you just need to go to the gym a little, not every man can lift you, so dear men, attention, a doctor of the highest category sergei arsenin will now teach you how to wear women in your arms correctly, well, so to speak, according to all the rules of science, men, carry your loved ones in your arms more often, because if your woman is happy, she will definitely make you happy, am i right? of course, i’ll also say, as a person who has been dancing almost all his life, men, lift the girls correctly, namely, we will tell you how to do this and not break your back, on the eve of march 8, such information will be useful to everyone, turn the girl to face you, hug with your right hand, but hold not by the waist, but a little higher, approximately near the shoulder blades, squat, your back should be straight, with your left hand. oh, we grab the girl under the knees and now
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we straighten our legs, we don’t round our back, we worked do i only have leg muscles now? oh, marina, you are like a piece of fluff! sergey, you did a great job, i think you dance great, you definitely can’t compare. so, friends, the next stage: you also need to lower the girl correctly. that's for sure. your loved ones definitely do not want their spin to be cured after such a feat. we squat again, make sure that our back is straight and put our princess in place, we straighten up, the result is that your back is fine, and you are in the eyes, your favorite hero, yes, of course, any girl will be happy, we remember everything, then go ahead, marina, this is for you, thank you, happy holiday, dear women.
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to be the queen of the holiday, to attract everyone’s attention , so that everyone looks at you, and you stand there, beautiful, as they say, from the tips of your shoes to the tips of your fingers, it’s beautiful, the main thing is not to miss the next lesson from the international manicure instructor tatyana koshlyaeva, so that i don’t have to hide my hands under the table like this, on march 8th women often receive flowering mimosa branches as a gift, i like them so much, i even... manicure in honor of the holiday i decorate with a delicate floral pattern. using orange varnish i paint a triangular cloud, this is the base of the sub-inflorescence. i'm waiting for the coating to dry. i use yellow varnish to place drops inside the design; these are mimosa flowers. i use a thin brush; an orange stick or toothpick will also work. i'm waiting for the varnish to harden. i draw in the stems and leaves. keep in mind, floral designs only look stylish when used
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in small quantities. if you want to make your manicure even brighter and more expressive, there is nothing easier, i choose a varnish from the same palette that i painted mimosa. i cover one or two adjacent nails. look how spectacular it turned out with the upcoming holiday. dear ladies, i am glad to congratulate you on international women’s day on march 8, i wish you what you wish for yourself, good mood, warm spring days, more joyful moments in life, it is very difficult to tolerate us men, so first of all, patience, tail like a gun forward, and the rest will be great, wonderful, congratulations on march 8, mom! i wish you all the best, mom, we love you, smiling,
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good, real, i could step foot on the stars , i could kiss the sun on the mouth. burning, i wish all the ladies to spend this day with their loved ones and family, we all seem to have learned to recognize telephone scammers, sometimes you even want to troll them a little, laugh at them, in fact , it’s not worth prolonging the conversation with them, it’s better hang up immediately, now you will understand why, so another number is sent to the blocking list, to me... they called from the dental clinic, offered their services, lately i ’ve been trying to answer in monosyllables, do you know why? because under the guise of beauty salon clinics, it’s not even advertisers who have started calling, but scammers, and they are trying in every possible way to make their victim talk, while recording all our answers in order to get
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voice samples, and then they give the task to reproduce it to artificial intelligence, or even simpler, to reproduce it themselves ... edits new text, now i’ll show you how, using my audio messages as an example, let’s listen to what i have here, hello, i wanted to ask what time will you be there today, from one file, we take the word hello, from the second, help me, i ’m out of salt, here we just need help, we’re listening to the third message, leave the coffee machine for the evening, i asked my neighbor , here... this is from a conversation with my daughter, from here we’ll take 10,000. now imagine that this message was concocted by scammers. hello, help me out, lend me 10 thousand. they will hack my messenger account
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and send the audio to all my friends in a row. 100%, of course, will not believe it, but there will be people. who will send money, what can you say if you receive something like this, hello, help me out, deposit 10,000, don’t rush to do it, be sure to call the recipient first, be careful, we remind you that on the calendar march 6th, on this day the light mikhail appeared zhvanetsky, writer, screenwriter, tv presenter, people's artist of russia, the list goes on, mikhail mikhailovich. was an unusually multifaceted person, or you can simply say zhvanetsky, and that’s quite enough. today mikhail zhvanetsky could have turned 90. but it’s hard this is the point of living and not guessing that tomorrow will be lost, because if you had guessed that tomorrow would be lost, everyone would rush today and today it would be lost. mikhail zhvanetsky
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appeared everywhere with an old, worn-out briefcase , he never wanted to replace it, it was the thing of his father, a famous doctor in odessa, from... everyday life in times of shortage of queues, brightens up even now in times of a feverish race for success, then you start housing improve, apply for a loan, tension rises, then you go to some appointment, someone is ahead of you all the time, all the time someone is smarter, you stand against the wall , he dives, but they were huge, or today there were three, but small, well, not at all, but still
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three, thanks to him, we will never forget which crayfish are five, and which are three, in his jokes all the flavors are the same,
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like no one knew how to turn everyday life into a holiday, in his texts reality is refracted and becomes great humor.
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bathe elephants and he became not just an observer, but an active participant in the process. the queen invited yuri alekseevich to take a photo as a souvenir, although according to etiquette this is not provided, she explained: “i took a photo with an unearthly person.” gagarin, the man who came down from heaven. premiere on march 9, on the first. the brightest and most extraordinary event of the season. battle. generations, great champions of the past and current athletes, on equal terms, on the same
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ice, a unique competition, as a declaration of love for one’s country, a russian challenge, a tournament of the strongest skaters, a live broadcast on march 9 at the first, we had with us, the timing of his monologues became. aphorisms, never exaggerate the stupidity of your enemies and loyalty of friends, yes, well said , being friends with him is simply amazing, because he is smart, brilliant, he commented on everything, he spent a day, he came out educated, you can kiss him, no, no, i once told him, mikhail mikhailovich, you know that you are a genius, he so simply told me, yes, clark, i know, i was confused, this march marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvanetsky, i remember how everyone froze at home, turned on the tape recorder, and recorded zhvanetsky. and at 11 years old i could not understand what this man was saying, there were people in the hall were happy in my home they were happy, it’s not just, it’s poetry, zhvanetsky’s dictionary
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is the dictionary of the country, our exclusive today is the satirist’s wife, son and friends, and his work and my last conversation with him: the main advice that my dad gave me, he told me, have a conscience and do what you want, exclusive with dmitry borisov, premiere on march 10th on... we are doing everything right, the first thing is to calm the east of the country, let russia understand that there is a real threat of the maidan in the country, the people want kurasan from parisian coffee shops on the maidan in kiev, activists lit fires and installed a palace, but what should i tell the west, sing about gas again, ukraine is for ukrainians, you don’t have enough brains to hold power, you started flirting with the nazis, they are for you... why touch the radicals, deprive yourself of benefits alignment, guaranteed victory and re-election in the second round until 2020,
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in short, if tomorrow you solve the problem with clearing the maidan, that’s it, you’re the king of the hill, move it through the maidan, premiere from march 11 on the first, well, how do you like the christmas tree, they kicked out the youngsters from the maidan , for all sports fans... directly now we have prepared something interesting, some interesting news, sorry for the toflology of the sport, the season in figure skating traditionally flew by in one breath, it was filled with bright emotions, drive and festive mood, well, any holiday, as you know , ends with a delicious dessert, which can safely be considered the channel one cup, and the cherry on the cake for the second year in a row will be the russian challenge show program tournament, which this time will host.
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in the image of an indian shaman , kamilla valieva caused rain, as a girl from the moon, sophia akatieva, descended to earth to give the planet love and harmony, as the legendary actress came to life. monroe, whose image was tried on by alina zagitova, how anna shcherbakova revealed the theme of hope, kindness and warmth to the music from the film 17th moment of spring, how victoria senitsina and nikita kotsalapov raised the burning topic of death and resurrection. the hero of the first russian challenge was alexey yagudin, the olympic champion not only won on his birthday, his performance to the heartfelt song
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“jacques brel made the ten thousandth hall, he greeted the students." tatiana tarasova standing. the athlete himself also could not hold back his tears when he hugged his beloved coach. in st. petersburg, alexey will defend his title, which means we have the right to expect new achievements from him. the upcoming tournament has show programs there is a twist. if previously there were no requirements for topics, now participants need to reflect the diversity of historical cultural traditions of russia. the organizers propose to rely on works of art, including folklore. there should also be accompanying music.
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and wanting russia to change, but change and not perish, allow me to introduce pyotr volkonsky, prince and general, chief of the main staff under emperor alexander i. hello, are you in a hurry? during the australian battle, he showed himself heroically, picked up a fallen banner, led the army into an attack, repulsed two enemy guns, for which he was awarded the order of st. george , third degree. it has just been born.
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sergei bezrukov as pyotr volkonsky in the historical drama union of salvation, today on channel one. reminder tonight immediately after the program there is a new episode of the historical drama union of salvation on channel one. such a huge, grandiose, large-scale movie is a colossal work and a lot of takes, of course, sometimes the takes are quite funny. union of salvation , allow me to address what made sergei muravyov the apostle laugh so much, why are you laughing, actors, they are all teenagers, when a certain number of teenagers gather on the set, some stories,
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anecdotes, jokes begin, well, that’s it, now you are our brother. i really love acting in films, everyone it will become obvious that you can do without an operator. tests awaited the film crew at every turn. horse riding. whoa, whoa, when it’s a day on horseback, of course, the motivation is very strong, you’d rather get off it, so you just do everything 300%. thirty-degree frosts in st. petersburg in winter. the blazing sun in summer and the wind always , come up to me, you will see my regiment, look, we won’t splash around, but is it easy to open bottles of champagne one after another using the smart method, that is, with a saber? i forgot that i had to lead the story along, the neck, so to speak, started it chop, like that, as if you were a chicken's head, like that, why so, you had a whole
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year to train. the main thing is to remember the long text after such successful takes. during the eruption of vesueva, during the eruption of visueva , during the eruption of vesueva, i forgot, they ordered in the city, some regiment forgot to ask for fish , we had pestil, he loved to joke , he knew how to joke, he knew how, forgetting those to make such a face that it was funny , but it was n’t funny to me at all, there was sport here. the union of salvation group has a warm tradition. with the end of filming the actors congratulated right in the frame. what are you doing? there will be gratitude.
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wednesday morning the news will continue. the time has come to find out what new has happened in the country in the world by this hour. stay with us. this is news first. studios maria vasilyeva. hello. prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex in russia. the main topic at vladimir putin’s meeting with industry representatives during a working trip.
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paris and chicago are speculative in nature and have a negative impact on the market. another popular product that needs to be promoted the head of state promised to help abroad, domestic ice cream.
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export center at exhibitions 5 years ago we began to actively participate with the russian one ; we already went to china, despite the fact that we were a startup at that time, and the chinese side received us very well. i treated my friend, the chairman , to our ice cream, in general, in my opinion, sales of our ice cream have increased, it’s true, in fact, one of the key items that the dairy product we supply to china is russian ice cream, winter winter 2nd concluding his working trip, vladimir putin held a meeting with the governor of the stavropol territory vladimir vladimirov, they discussed the most important thing, the start of spring field work is approaching, which means equipment and... seeds are required. the head of the region reported that everything necessary had been prepared. the fleet of agricultural machinery is being updated and we are 100% supplied with grain. the region is actively implementing national projects, roads and schools are being built, wages are increasing, special attention is being paid to supporting the participants
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of the special operation and their families, as well as restoration of subsidiary settlements in new territories. now to the situation in the northern military district zone, the crew of self-propelled mortars nona svk of the mountain motorized rifle brigade of the center group of troops destroyed the command post and personnel of the ukrainian formations. retreating from liberated avdiivka, having received the target coordinates, the combat vehicle moved to a firing position and fired a series of shots. later, at the site of the enemy’s deployment, a cache with bulgarian american mines and sights was discovered. artillery crews in the kupinsky direction the first guards tank army, grouping of troops west, revealed the movement of enemy units and, with meticulous shots from akatsiya self-propelled guns, destroyed the enemy’s equipment. and in the donetsk direction , fighters of the southern group of troops from the anti-tank complex.
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given the numerical superiority of the militants, he decided to attack, correctly distributed his subordinates, did not allow any casualties among his personnel, and forced the enemy to flee with heavy losses. guard junior sergeant ilya burlak secretly approached the positions the enemy destroyed his manpower, after which our attack aircraft entered the strong point, when their comrades were wounded, he evacuated them and continued to carry out the combat mission. french president emmanuel macron provoked a split in nato when he did not rule out sending to ... there are not enough shells, and
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us supplies were interrupted due to internal political strife. in addition, france actually confirmed russia’s assertion that the conflict in ukraine was provoked by nato, the newspaper reports. however, macron said at the talks in the czech republic that he words will not retreat again forced the allies to refute it. czech president petr pavel responded by talking about red lines, international law and assistance without sending combat troops. white house adviser john kirby quoted president joe biden as saying. there will be no american soldiers in ukraine. the flagship of the british fleet, the aircraft carrier queen elizabeth, will not take part in nato exercises because it has broken down. he was supposed to lead a detachment of ships on maneuvers that will take place until mid-march, but will now go to scotland to repair the mushroom shaft. on the way you will have to make a stop to unload the ammunition. during the exercises, the flagship was supposed to be replaced by another aircraft carrier, the prince of wales, but it was delayed and did not go to sea on time.
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previously, this ship also had problems: in 2020 it was flooded, the fire water supply was damaged, in 22 , on the way to training in the usa, another repair was needed, the aircraft carrier got stuck off the british coast. that's all for now, now the word to my colleagues, good morning. good morning, dear friends, wake up quickly, a new day has come, it will definitely be very interesting, it’s march 6, and this is evgeny pokrovsky. and this is svetlana zeynalova. the forum russia exhibition continues its work at vdnkh. every day there is a lot of interesting things here, exhibitions, master classes, concerts. and of course, dear women, you are especially welcome this week at the exhibition in the forum. and we have prepared a lot of interesting things for you, so take a look. everything for women all week at the russia exhibition. fashion shows, designers from all over the country. svetlana badanina from the city of lysyev, perm territory, brought her marine collection. ocean, sunset, sea,
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you see, i’m having a blast right now, this will probably be fashionable in the fall, well, no, it’ll probably be fashionable, we’re no worse than italian parisians. shows as part of moscow fashion week in the seventy-fifth pavilion, here every region, ivanovo region prepared something especially feminine, aromatherapy, city smells. oh, how delicious, this is my favorite smell, it seems like some kind of sweet smell, here we have factory steam, railway dyes. the smell of paint, seriously? thus, our designers showed the textile capital, that is, of course, ivanovo. and, of course, there are virtual or written flowers for women in each pavilion; you can literally learn kzhel painting in just a few minutes. in 10 minutes, 10 minutes, that is, you can teach a person who absolutely cannot draw like this in 10 minutes. it all depends on ability, as a rule, it is given to beginners. years to master
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painting, in the pavilion of the chuvash republic they also offer to make the crown themselves instead stones, diodes from a local company shine brighter, the most beautiful crown, which i wanted most of all, shines, i made it myself , it shines very beautifully, there is a crown, there are also women’s whims, ask your mother for a dog as a gift, at 5 in the morning, who will get up with the dog , give me the electronic one, it's better. well , okay, this dog is not for sale, it already has owners, students of the chuvash institute. we are learning to program artificial intelligence based on one of the robot dogs. but it’s easy to play with the robot, however, there is a queue, adults are like children, sit, what a great guy! you can definitely find a gift at the exhibition in pavilion 75. a department store opened, the regions brought their products and purchased them.
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and animals as virtual therapy , we look for the qr code on the exhibits, go to the site, that is, i can select any animal and it will appear here: digital leopard of the far east. and now he ends up with us in moscow, right here, right here, yes, wow, in general, for emotional gifts for the exhibition this women’s week. anna obrosmova, dmitry roshkov, mikhail ilyin and anna ryabova, first channel. in the leningrad region, road workers helped the stork family move. using a crane, they moved the two-hundred-kilogram nest from the old tree to the new support. this is great, a year ago the road workers already carried out a similar one.
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march 6, 26 lunar day 22 sunny businesslike, energetic, cheerful, self-confident, open to new ideas, excellent at thinking, an excellent assistant to anyone who needs to come up with something, invent, implement or adjust some equipment, and he has character pleasant, friendly and sociable, and he also has a brush for bargain purchases, so take him with you when shopping, about the disadvantages, he is stubborn, sometimes he gets fixated. on all sorts of nonsense, otherwise he suddenly feels drawn to adventure. often on such days, negative emotions from the accumulated level break through, old grievances surface, all sorts of accidents interfere with the course of events and disrupt plans. however, this will not ruin the mood for aries. today they
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are on the rise, full of energy, they solve all problems in one go, and at the same time they are also very charming. envious gossipers, of course, will not like this, but what do you care about that, calm down follow your line and you will succeed. taurus today runs the risk of falling in love, and at first sight, what will happen when a second one follows, the stars do not specify. as for the business sphere, here everything is exactly predictable, and this is for the best. gemini can once again be convinced that it is impossible to please everyone, and there is no need, there are people next to you who will always understand, and if necessary, they will help. some good news may come later in the evening. cancers can be saddled with various tasks and worries, for the most part. something something that you never got around to, now here’s the thing, they will lie to you today, so don’t rush to believe everyone right away while driving. a good day for leo, when there is a lot of everything, but everything in general is pleasing, negotiations will go well, everything related to communication, and the lionesses today are simply
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charming, in the late afternoon expect guests or invitations to visit. virgos are also having a good day, it will help you find new allies, make useful contacts, and your purchases will be successful. especially of a technical nature, your ability to think soberly and see the situation as a whole, and not only for you, but also for someone else, perhaps libra, they risk getting a little confused or miscalculating in something, but if someone needs a tomada or a holiday organizer, this is for libra, today they are the soul of any company , there will probably be one of the scorpios in this company, they are invited everywhere, they are, as they say , popular, the stars are happy for you, but they remind you that popularity obliges you: today you are very noticeable and be careful with alcohol. sagittarius has a pretty smooth day, the only thing that can spoil it is your own stubbornness and unwillingness to compromise, but here everything is in your hands. and in the evening, feel free to make a date and confess your love. capricorns
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will also not go unnoticed, the ladies of this sign will probably catch someone’s admiring gaze from time to time, it’s a pity that your charm doesn’t work on money, be more careful with them and... check the expiration dates of foods and medicines. aquarians have a very energetic and active day, and at the same time it is fast. it’s important not to rush here, so as not to make mistakes and not count on our favorite cart. if you have to carry something heavy, take care of your back. pisces may start their day a little nervously. it is possible that there will be a disagreement with someone close to you, or disputes with neighbors. be correct. it was not enough to ruin the mood of yourself and others because of some nonsense. anyway, everything will be fine by lunchtime. and the evening will calm everyone down. and you will have mercy. good luck to you. on the calendar there is march 6 and there is very little time left until the main women's holiday. denechka. it’s just a short 2 days, you need to get everything done, you need to buy gifts, we need to understand what you will give us, you poor men, to understand what you want
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is impossible. i'll tell you, poor men, i sympathize with you, and with myself a little too. for example, i’ve been racking my brains and still racking my brain, well, these are flowers. it’s understandable, of course, well, somehow it won’t be enough, but flowers, this is not a gift, it’s attached to the gift, but what then is a gift, here’s perfume, you won’t guess which one, look at me, look into my eyes, guess what’s in them it says, uh, i want a new apartment, that’s what it’s all about, a list of unwanted gifts for march 8th, there’s a lot of this on the internet, but can we trust these anti-ratings? let’s ask the women themselves, what do you think, is this a frying pan as a gift for your wife on march 8th? uh, well, no, on march 8th, i wouldn’t do that, according to surveys, about 25% of women would not like to receive dishes, perhaps this is one of the most controversial gifts, here you need to know for sure whether they are waiting for a new frying pan or not, i think , what’s an option, yes, it’s so heavy, i was the brother of such a short one,
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the same story with household appliances, opinions were divided, give me a blender, well, normal option, for young people, i think that giving something for the kitchen is certainly not very good, these are the young people, right? in fact, age has nothing to do with it, here is a young girl, i would agree to be on the blender, by the way, it is needed. according to tsom, the ranking of the most unpopular gifts among women continues to be toys, souvenirs, alcohol, sweets and delicacies. i once had a case when a man gave me food, but i probably wouldn’t want to be given food for a holiday, also women least of all they are waiting for shoes and clothes, apparently they are worried that it won’t fit, guy gave a jacket, which i later didn’t wear, well , i wore it with him, and what would definitely be a win-win option, of course, flowers, 33% said it was this gift, in second place, according to data in cio, vacation packages 31.
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i understand you, saving money. third place - gift certificates. 26% of respondents are waiting for them. you can send a certificate to a jewelry store. the jewelry is, of course, spot on , although sometimes men only find out in the store that rings have sizes. there are also difficulties with perfumes, which are also added to the wish list. smell from the bottle on human skin can reveal itself in a completely different way. the best option is to take your husband with you. there is a gift that many women would like to receive, but according to statistics it is rarely given. tickets for concerts, movies, dinner together at a restaurant. many women dream about this, but for some reason men don’t pay attention to it, so there are many options to please your loved ones, but here’s what you really shouldn’t do: come without a gift at all. yuri nesterov, dmitry parfenov, vladimir popov, channel one. so, dear ones friends, for a whole year we should normally eat
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only 9 kg of sugar; we eat almost 40 kg. what happens if you give up sugar, about that and much more. it's great to live in the program. today is the first one. cognac. monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. rum. castro. product of stellar group. vodka. veta. product of steller group. i will reign or perish. a foreign woman who did not have legal rights to the throne, accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment. was declared an autocratic state. for 34 years of his
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during her reign, catherine gained the glory of a wise , fair ruler. she radically changed the country and, like peter the great , received the title of great. she fought victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he is 34, she is 10 years older, soon they will not talk about the darkness as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine ii. premiere, march 8, on the first. potemkin cooked for the woman he loved main surprise. declaration
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of love, festive concert in the kremlin, premiere on march 8, at the first, what is it, to love every second, day after day, i’m not everything, i don’t want to settle down like everyone else, when the men leave, the woman remains to wait, when... "men are at war, a woman can only hope, you are my victory, the only thing is when men betray, you do not deserve lariche in the army, a woman can only forgive, when men love, a woman remains a woman, bless the woman, march 10th first": you have one right: to be beloved, so, march 8 begins when, no,
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march 7, well, this is all because when working women congratulate us from our bosses, of course, on the seventh or sixth on the eve of the holiday, we take home bouquets of flowers, we want them to last as long as possible longer, but they don’t last, on the internet for... so there are a lot, a lot of all sorts of life hacks, most of them on the topic of what needs to be added to the water to prolong the life of the light, so oksana stankevich decided to conduct an experiment and found out. attention! experiment. today we are looking for a magical ingredient that will maximize the life of a holiday bouquet. we take six vases and pour a liter of water into each. and we begin to conjure. the internet most often recommends using sugar. deska flowers love
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sweets. let's check! another popular tip is aspirin. he is not. not only inhibits the growth of microbes, but also nourishes flowers. there is an opinion, i don’t mind drinking flowers, i add a spoonful of alcohol to the vase, it will definitely kill the germs, but will the tulip survive? soda is another option for extending flower life. i dilute the water with lemonade, it also contains an acid sweetener. the experiment also involves feeding cut flowers. it is sold in florist shops. and the sixth control sample is ordinary tap water. i put a flower in each container. by the way, some florists advise piercing the tulip stem with a needle just below the head. they say this saturates
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the flower with oxygen and it will stay fresh longer. i put the pierced tulip in a vase with water along with the oba. so, we have six participants: sugar, aspirin, alcohol, lemonade, floral fertilizer , ordinary tap water. we left them for a week, and now let's check which flowers turned out to be the freshest? the first to fall was the tulip in the vase with aspirin, and literally, already on the second day the stem bent in half. in vases with alcohol and a flower mixture, tulips too. they began to slowly bow their heads and crumble. in a vase of sugar, the tulip instantly opened. he really liked the sweet life, but soon the petals and leaves began to dry out. there are two participants left, this is a vase with lemonade and regular water. both here and there, after a week the tulips
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look great. they are the winners of our experiment. by the way, pay attention. there is practically no difference between a tulip with a whole stem and the one i pierced with a needle; on the contrary, the one that remained intact opened up more strongly and looks a little fresher. it turns out that tulips do not need any additives or punctures for freshness, just pour clean water into the vase, preferably colder. trim the stem by 1 cm and enjoy the beauty, there is no need to invent anything else. what does a woman want, well not it’s not this specifically, but in general that’s all , that’s what i’ll tell you, listen, and this particular woman, and any other woman in our country, and any woman all over the world always wants only one thing, to eat love, and a hungry woman - this is a dangerous woman, a woman needs to be fed for the holiday, this is what to please her with, how to extinguish her, among other things, we
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decided to ask the heroes of our next story, believe me, women do not like to go on diets, we... suffer, but we sit, so cake or steak, girls, steak or cake or all together, men have meat , women have desserts, or vice versa, yana’s husband sergei was looking for chocolate for her the other night, they sell shawarma, samsa, so i come up, i say, listen, i say, do you have at least something sweet and the seller literally takes it out of his pocket, i gave him money, and he told me that he bought it, all women. valeria is ready to bet what you are doing and thinking, i just want meat, and i like the taste, i don’t have to go for sweets for lera, but go glamping, barbecue, fry steaks in nature, and this will be an ideal date, so on the eve of the holiday , artyom is helped by chef timofey demin in search of a juicy steak, for girls, less fatty filet
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mignon, thin tenderloin, the freshness will give off a rich red color, you see, it is quickly restored within a couple of seconds. you know, the meat was not frozen, it was immediately cooled. a juicy steak is thicker, choose at least three centimeters. should you pay attention to the color of the fat? if the fat is light white or slightly pinkish, this is normal, but if the fat is the meat is yellow in color, but i don’t recommend it. and the taste is affected by the food: if it is corn-based, as here, the steak will be sweetish, if it is grain -based, it will be bitter. sergei, oddly enough, has a more difficult choice. chocolate cake, advice from pastry chef elsa antropova: first inspect the packaging. i see that there is such condensation. high humidity, in which microbes multiply very easily. most likely, the technology was incorrect during production or transportation. the second is, of course, the composition. the shorter the better. natural cake is simple products:
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sugar, flour, eggs, non-egg product, not egg powder, namely eggs or melange, also cottage cheese, not a curd product. additives in store-bought cakes are acceptable, but emulsifiers are added to ensure the homogeneity of the cream; it is better to avoid allergenic ones. best before date. and what your lady prefers, there is still time to figure out whether she has a mesoetina or a sweet tooth to make the right choice. anastasia kremezhnaya, dmitry roshkov, channel one. march 8th of course. the most spring, the most romantic, the most candy-bouquet, let's call it it’s a holiday for flower growers, confectioners for those who produce cosmetics, now is the hottest time, because
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there are never too many gifts, well, there should be a few right ones, but a lot of them, when there are a lot of them, you understand that there are we need even more, there should be enough gifts for everything, and you can be sure, there will definitely be enough, on all the shelves of the country, tulips, roses, for the holiday on march 8, of course, here at a flower enterprise in the kaluga region they grow 100 million plants a year, to increase the number, we joined the national labor productivity project. we used to have 38 people per 100,000 sorting jobs; now we have 28 people. due to the redistribution of certain operations, we have increased work efficiency by 27% per employee. the economic effect for the year amounted to 2,143,000. all due to the principles of lean production, we cleared the sites, rearranged sorting equipment, automated the dressing process, everything is under the control of employees
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of the federal competence center, they go to production, observe and analyze work. the labor productivity project is aimed precisely at how to produce more with the same people and the same resources, machines and equipment without additional investments. during participation in the project , more than 5,500 enterprises joined it. 4,000 of whom have already completed the main stage of the project. the voronezh confectionery factory - one of them at the enterprise, as part of the national project, changed work at the marshmallow production site, which accounts for 15% of total sales. we saw what can be tuned - auto control programs processes where, without human intervention, automation itself would optimize the procedures. the process time there decreased by 6%. inventories by 10%, shift output increased by 13%. it all comes out bit by bit, bit by bit, well, millions every year. 2
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years ago , a cosmetics production enterprise in the buffet also joined the national labor productivity project. together with experts, we reviewed the work of the line for the production of bubbling balls for baths with salt. previously, each operator made one ball. as part of the project we developed this such a model. a device in which we get eight balls at a time. plus, we put things in order at work places, redesigned them, and improved the product labeling process. productivity almost tripled, and the company became a leader in this niche market. you know, the most interesting thing is that all these actions are so simple, but when you work every day in your production you simply don’t notice them. and it’s very good when... a look from the outside comes to you and points out these shortcomings, if at that time we were producing about 700,000 steering balls per month,
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now we produce more than 2 million per month. now there are plans to introduce lean manufacturing principles on other lines of the company. anna grebenshchikova, elena savina, channel one. wednesday morning the news will continue. the time has come to find out what new has happened in the country in the world by this hour. stay with us. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. russia demonstrates high performance in agriculture. the industry has become a world leader in exporting its products. this was stated by vladimir putin in the stavropol territory at a meeting with representatives of the agro-industrial complex. speaking about grain supplies abroad, the president spoke approvingly. the idea of ​​​​creating a grain exchange within the framework of the brix union. this is necessary, since the prices set by the current key exchanges in paris and chicago are
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speculative in nature and negatively affect ... the market is unprofitable for the consumer, the head of state noted, having fully provided ourselves with food products, our country is increasing them production, does not ignore the prospects for the development of modern biotechnologies. another important question is how to make work in rural areas more attractive for young people. vladimir putin supported the proposal to organize specialized classes in schools, creatively, intelligibly, spectacularly, to create an attractive image of a modern farmer. agricultural classes, here.
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100% supplied with grain. the region is actively implementing national projects, roads and schools are being built, wages are increasing, special attention is being paid to supporting the participants of the special operation and their families, as well as the restoration of sponsored settlements in new territories. now to the situation in the northern military district zone, the bomber attack army aviation of the group of troops
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struck the center. attacks on places where ukrainian forces accumulated manpower, equipment and firepower in the ovdeevsky direction, the enemy lost 430 fighters of western-made bradley and m-113 infantry fighting vehicles. and on the ground, crews of the nona svk self-propelled mortars of the mountain motorized rifle brigade destroyed the enemy command post. later , a cache with bulgarian american mines and sights. there are artillery crews in the kupinsky direction.
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somewhere in the lowlands the pages are not visible, you have to look for a new position, a new place. in the special operation zone, early voting has begun for the presidential elections of the russian federation, here are shots from the locations of military personnel of the southern group of forces, polling stations are open in specially prepared premises right at the formation positions. the soldiers fill out the ballots and put them in a sealed ballot box. and in the northern fleet an operation was launched to delivery of territorial election employees. commission to hard-to-reach areas of the far north, the first flight to the coast of the kola peninsula was made by an mi-8 helicopter. in ukraine, the relevant committee of the verkhovna rada sent a bill banning the canonical orthodox church to the second and final reading with a recommendation to adopt. supporters of the split have long tried to push this document through parliament, but it could not get votes; the cabinet of ministers prepared the law on zelensky’s instructions. the fact that the document
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contrary to the constitution. queen elizabeth will not take part in nato exercises because it is broken. he was supposed to lead a detachment of ships on maneuvers that will take place until mid-march, but will now go to scotland to repair the mushroom shaft. on the way you will have to make a stop to unload the ammunition. during the exercises. the flagship was supposed to be replaced by another aircraft carrier, prince of wales, but she was delayed and did not put to sea on time. today, throughout russia , public warning systems will be checked, in the morning from 10:00 to 11 local time, sirens and loudspeakers will sound, an information message will appear on television and radio: there is no need to be scared, everything is according to plan, it is important to test the equipment and make sure that in the event of a real emergency, people will be
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warned as quickly as possible. in the far east, verification is already underway. by the way, it is being carried out as part of large-scale exercises to eliminate the consequences of emergency situations, including those caused by natural fires and floods. that's all for now, how, how glad we are for spring, how we miss it, how we missed this sun, this copel, the first spring streams, flowers , by the way, too, and you, it turns out, what a romantic, he missed the copel, he didn’t have enough flowers, in general, every man will agree with evgeniy that in the spring it’s just that the number of beautiful women is increasing exponentially, and we women ourselves know that we blossom with everyone. sun, because in the spring we fall in love, we bloom, like the very flowers that we expect from you on march 8th, to the accompaniment of the copel, it lets out
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sunbeams and rejuvenates, spring, and no effort on your part, it will launch the rejuvenating factors itself, the first sun, in winter we look older without it, basic physiology. it’s not the climate itself, it’s not the cold that affects it, it’s the lack of sunshine , yes, that is, we simply don’t produce the pleasure hormone, ankephalins, endorphins, and we don’t produce serotonin , the corners of our mouth seem to visually droop, in the spring, like it or not, you’ll start smiling, another rejuvenating factor is warmth, there is no need to drink liters of hot coffee, eating it with sweets, like in winter, it’s called glycated face, sugar face, now there is such a concept when... these bags under the eyes, swelling, rashes, some small pimples, blood vessels can appear, oddly enough, but from excess sugar in the body, sugar there will be less and less spring moisture, another factor is air with
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a normal level of humidity and it would be more likely that the batteries would stop drying it out, another rejuvenating spring factor is lightness of gait, in winter we wear lights, jackets, fur coats, jeans, boots, all this weighs a lot , we are stooping under the weight of these clothes, plus we protect ourselves from the wind, this silhouette is stooped, it certainly doesn’t make us look younger. in spring , your gait is more confident, your clothes are lighter and brighter. we see a lot of colors, and we want to broadcast this through ourselves in winter. due to the fact that we are surrounded by a black and white picture, our emotional state suffers. and hands reach out to the grey-black-white palette. often in the summer, and... we choose another, completely different, more colorful or soft palette, which certainly also refreshes, refreshes the makeup, we stop wrapping our face in decorative cosmetics, catch a tan, look fresh.
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the mistake of many in winter is to overdo it with the use of powdery textures, mattifying textures, heavy ones, because of which the skin ages faster, radiant ones will give freshness to the image... our heroine olga is 42 years old, for early spring she chose a sheepskin coat this year's trend, a scarf and a hat brighter, instead of matte powder shine. yes, sometimes you need to help spring, create a good mood for yourself, it also gives sparkle to your eyes. karina makaryan, pavel dits, channel one. dear friends, today, march 6, wednesday, from 10 to 11 a.m. local time, there will be a test of the warning systems. sirens and loudspeakers will be launched , normal broadcasts will be briefly interrupted on television and radio, and you will hear this text: the readiness of the public warning system is being checked, so
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don’t worry when you hear the siren, please, the events are planned, the ministry of emergency situations conducts such checks regularly, just to make sure that all systems are working as expected, well, we continue, great a gift for everyone who loves figure skating and a bright... breathtaking spectacle on saturday , march 9, immediately after the main international women's day, do not miss the russian challenge on channel one - the tournament of the strongest skaters. our colleague sports commentator dmitry terikhov has details. seasonal skiing traditionally flew by in one breath. it was filled with bright emotions, drive and festive mood, but any holiday, as we know, ends with a delicious dessert. they can safely consider the cup first channel. the icing on the cake for the second year in a row will be the russian challenge show program tournament, which this time will be hosted by st. petersburg. the main roles are played by olympic champions, winners of world and european championships of different years, who are preparing to surprise
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the most demanding viewer with original performances. everyone probably still has fresh memories of the events of march 2023 in megasport, how matvey vitlugin made the tribute a legendary ride for our outstanding athletes. how the empress of figure skating elizaveta tuktamysheva passionately performed the ice tanga kumparsita, how kamilla valieva called rain in the form of an indian shaman, like a girl from the moon.
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say zhvanetsky, and that’s quite enough.
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a multi-faceted person, or you can just today mikhail zhvanetsk could turn 90. but this is a difficult thing in life, don’t guess that it will disappear tomorrow, because if they guessed that it would disappear tomorrow, everyone would rush today, and today it would disappear. mikhail zhvanetsky appeared everywhere with an old, worn-out briefcase, and never wanted to replace it. it was my father's thing famous doctor in odessa. from this very portfolio.
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tomorrow, sunday premiere. in the
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exclusive program of dmitry borisov, loved ones talk about zhvanetsky witty, paradoxically, reverently, as he did it himself? mikhail mikhailovich. it was with such a little thing that it escalated into a wild scandal, i left, slammed the door and left altogether. of course, i returned there three or four hours later, he sat completely seriously, offended: how could you leave me hungry. what is a writer in a family, a lodger? under the motto, you are still whole sit for a day. important youth event in the world. more than 20
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thousand bright and talented young people from all over the planet. let's build the future together. world youth festival 2024. closing ceremony. live stream. today is the first one. cognac. old barrel is a product of the stellar group. stircman bourbon is a product of the stellar group. to the ninetieth anniversary.
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from heaven premiere on march 9 at the first glad how they compared no, what are you doing, it’s still good , i’m pregnant, what’s relevant now for femmes, the same as always, love, igor melnik, sleeping
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with french intelligence, i don’t dare leave, i i’ll tell my father, and you watch out , don’t fall in love with me, i’ll try, you were scammed like a kid, this money went to poland, a lot of weapons are traveling there through the carpathians, calm her down already with this famfatal, transfer her through the maidan, premiere on march 11, first, will you work for us, or will we kill you? the serial film union of salvation continues on channel one, this is a big historical drama about the decembrist uprising. and we continue to get to know its heroes. so, prince sergei volkonsky. i wished and wish
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that russia would change. but she changed. but not died. allow me to introduce. pyotr volkonsky, prince and general, chief of the main staff under emperor alexander i. hello, are you in a hurry? during the australasian battle, he showed himself heroically, picked up a fallen banner, led the army into an attack, repulsed two enemy guns, for which he was awarded the order of st. george , third degree. did he give birth to a generation of people with dignity? it’s not for nothing that the kingdom of alexander pavlovich is 20 years old. in 1823, accused of embezzlement by arakcheev, he was cleared of...
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all his life, men, raise the girls i’ll also say, as a person who dances almost correctly, we’ll tell you how to do it and not break your back, on the eve of march 8th such information will be useful to everyone
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, we turn the girl to face us, hug her with our right hand, but hold her not by the waist, but slightly higher, approximately. near the shoulder blades, we squat, your back should be straight, with your left hand we grab the girl under the knees and now we straighten our legs, we don’t round our back, i only worked the leg muscles now, oh, marina, you’re like a feather, sergey, you did a great job, i think , you dance wonderfully, with you definitely can't compare. so, friends, the next stage: you also need to lower the girl correctly. that's for sure. your loved ones definitely do not want their back to be cured after such a feat. we squat again, making sure that our back is straight. and we put our princess in her place. we straighten up, the result, the back is fine, and you are in the eyes, beloved hero, yes, of course,
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any girl will be happy, we remember everything, then act, marina, this is for you, thank you, happy holiday, dear women, that very day is getting closer and closer when millions of men will suffer through the streets, no, not your own, broken head , they will carry a bunch of flowers, millions of bouquets, well, here is another amazing idea that you can give to a beautiful lady, and this is your lady, as you understand, the man is the best, the most beautiful, here is the original , bright , surprising and even tasty, look, we are launching spring serotann not only with flowers, but also with berries, and which ones are in the top , we will conduct experiments in one of the moscow offices, we will see which berries the girls choose, there are three at the start: strawberries, raspberries and blackberry. addition to flowers then, yes, thank you, and the third is already in the lead, who is looking at you
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, this piece with blackberries is looking at me, i eat blackberries less often, blueberries were also in the top, i like blueberries, delicious, my favorite berry, but most i’m still in a strawberry mood, why do i love strawberries, they’re very sweet, right? i'm in a better mood right away, right? in a gift basket, then let it be mostly red. red color means that there is a substance called anthacyanin, it is a powerful antioxidant and is very anti-aging it’s good that they look good, if you look hard enough, it will still be fragrant, it smells, and this despite the fact that it’s brought or from a greenhouse, what else can we give? blueberry. cheaper, blackberries, more expensive, really much more expensive, probably three times more expensive, what do we take? in terms of benefits and cost, blueberries win, they have
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more flavonoids, just more fiber, fiber is needed for the digestive system. now something for immunity, raspberries or red currants, the price is about the same, both are on guard against viruses. currants with lots of vitamin c, raspberry with salicylic acid, from silacalicene. which lowers the temperature, so very often during colds, yes , we drink tea with raspberry or jam or with raspberries, it also stimulates the immune system, well, we’re missing something with a masculine name, physalis, we’ve heard of this, it looks like a tomato cherry, so sweet , really, because it’s from the poslenaceae family and just because it includes tomatoes, which are the cheapest berries, by the way, but physalis also contains vitamin c, fiber, and also betakerotene for... the skin hair and nails, and the color is like the sun, bright spring and like our gift basket. anastasia otelya, dmitry likhachev, vladimir
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popov, channel one. the serial film union of salvation, a great historical drama about the decembrist uprising, continues on channel one. and we, in turn , continue to introduce you to its heroes, now we will tell you about the ideological inspirer of the decembrist movement, prince sergei trubetskoy. we must speak out openly against the sovereign, then it will become obvious to everyone what has become obvious to me. gentlemen, meet me, prince sergei trubetskoy - dictator, ideological inspirer of the decembrist movement. in france, aristocrats were hanged from lanterns. it is from france that sergei trubetskoy will bring the spirit of freedom, the desire to change serf russia. french education, quite soft, very diplomatic person. he loves his wife very much, in my opinion, for his 26 years he is very wise. trubetskoy will outline the plans of the conspirators in detail in his manifesto
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to the russian people. but on the morning of december 14, sergei trubetskoy will not go to the senate square. why? the only one, in my opinion, this whole company, he wanted dialogue. let's elect a dictator among us and enter into negotiations. what negotiations, did we just shoot them? from a note to trubetskova’s wife the night after her arrest. don’t be angry, katya, i lost you and ruined you, but without malicious intent. his wife will voluntarily go to the nerchinsk mines to fetch him, trubetskoy’s seven children will be born in captivity, and 30 years later sergei trubetskoy will be given back his freedom. maxim matveev as prince sergei trubetskoy in the historical drama union of salvation, today on channel one. don't miss out today in the evening after the program there is a new series on channel one.
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that time and those people, how st. petersburg sounds , with the voices of street musicians, these guys create soundtracks for their hometown, it’s all just for love, well, the weather, the sun is out, if you can immediately sing some kind of bright song, a tram passed there, just some... then the associative series happened again, some song was sung because we are reacting to...
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i listened to the soundtracks for the film, wrote the score for the union of salvation, i understood why this music is so catchy, there are emotions that people we have always experienced, just like 100, 200, 300 years ago, so now, there is still some kind of excitement, there are some eternal themes, this will always be clear, that’s why we feel, for example, vladivostok 2000 moomintroll in one
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of the scenes just to break. that no one should cross aphrod, mr. major, you heard the order, regiment commander, and you want him to just be killed? it was the idea of ​​general producer konstantin ernst to combine popular hits in a film about the decembrists, in order to make the emotions of the characters more understandable to the modern viewer. musical things that are yours , that you grew up with, that you love, that you danced to, that you sang along to, they... connect the image of time that is shown in the film with you even more closely. yes, these are people dressed in different clothes, they have different means of communication and means of transportation, but it’s you, you haven’t changed, you are like that. mixes of cult songs of the rebels fit perfectly into the story, the rebels seemed to be created for each other. sergey abramov
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sotnik, vasily valetov, vladimir repin, anzhelika pankratieva and anton tolstolutsky. first channel. wednesday morning the news will continue. it's time to find out what's new in the country and in the world up to this hour. stay with us. this is the news on. hello, the prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex in russia, the main topic at vladimir putin’s meeting with industry representatives during a working trip to the stavropol region, they talked about the high indicators that our country demonstrates, it has reached fourth place in the world in the export of agricultural products. in this regard, the president supported the initiative to create a grain exchange within the framework of the brix union. this is necessary because the prices set by
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the current key exchanges in paris and chicago are speculative. negatively affect the market. another popular product that the head of state promised to help promote abroad, domestic ice cream, manufacturers said they are ready to supply products of the highest quality from the best ingredients, including lactose-free ones. how about without lactose, what did you make it from? on oat milk, on almond milk, on nuts, nut base , rice milk, this is now very ... don’t be offended by milk producers, that we are talking about this with our colleagues about this, where will you lead the dairy industry, but on the other hand , we help those who are allergic to lactose, well, yes, for those who have insulin resistance and diabetes, we actively began to participate with the russian export center
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at exhibitions; 5 years ago we already went to china. despite the fact that we were a startup at that time, and the chinese side received us very well and they friend of the chairman, treated ours. 100% the region is actively implementing national projects, roads and schools are being built, wages are increasing , special attention is being paid to supporting the participants of the special operation and their families, as well as the restoration of sponsored settlements
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in new territories. now to the situation in the northern military district zone, crews of self-propelled mortars nona svk of the mountain motorized rifle brigade of the center group of troops destroyed the command post and personnel of the ukrainian formation retreating from the liberated avdiivka, having received the coordinates of the combat target. car moved to a firing position and fired a series of shots. later, at the site of the enemy’s deployment, a cache with bulgarian american mines and sights was discovered. in the kupinsky direction, artillery crews of the first guards tank army of the west group of troops revealed the movement of enemy units and, with well-aimed shots from akatsiya self-propelled guns, destroyed enemy equipment. and in the donetsk direction , fighters from the southern group of troops from the fagot anti-tank complex broke into a dugout with a direct hit from a rocket.
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macron's statements revealed strategic contradictions in the alliance, and this at a time when ukraine lacks ammunition and supplies from the united states were interrupted due to internal political strife. in addition, france actually confirmed russia’s assertion that the conflict in ukraine was provoked by nato, the newspaper reports. however, macron said at the talks in the czech republic that he would not back down from his words and again forced his allies to refute him. czech president petr pavel responded by talking about red lines, international right and...
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stuck on british shores. and finally , the united states needed another repair and the aircraft carrier had footage from canada, where lightning struck a passenger plane, it was just gaining altitude after...
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the most romantic, the most candy-bouquet, let's call it that, a holiday among flower growers and confectioners for those who produce cosmetics , now is the hottest time, because there can never be too many gifts, well, there should n’t be a lot of the right ones, but a lot, when there are a lot, you understand that even more of them are needed, there should be enough gifts for everything , and you can be we are sure there will definitely be enough, there are tulips, roses, chrysanthemums on all the shelves of the country for the holiday. by march 8, of course, here at a flower enterprise in the kaluga region they grow 100 million plants a year, in order to increase the number they have joined the national labor productivity project. at 100,000 sorting, we previously had 38 people working,
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now we have 28 people working, due to the fact that we redistributed certain operations, we increased work efficiency by 27% per employee. economic effect for year amounted to 2,143,000. everything counts. principles of lean manufacturing, they cleared the sites, rearranged the sorting equipment, automated the dressing process, everything is under the control of employees of the federal competence center, they go to production. produce more equipment without additional investment. during participation in the project , more than 5,500 enterprises joined it, 400 of which have already completed the main stage of the project. voronezh confectionery factory is one of them at the enterprise within the national project changed the work at the marshmallow production site, which accounts for 15%.
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bufe cosmetics, together with experts , teamed up and the production company reconsidered the work of the line for the production of bubbling balls for bath salts. previously, each operator made one ball, but as part of the project we developed this model of the device, in which we get eight balls at a time. plus, we put things in order at work places, redesigned them, and improved the product labeling process. performance has almost tripled. the company
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has become a leader in this niche in the market, and you know, the most interesting thing is that all these actions are so simple, but when you simply don’t notice them every day in your production, it’s very good when a look from the outside comes and points you out these shortcomings, if at that time we produced about 700 thousand spinning balls per month, now we produce more than 2 million per month. now there are plans to introduce lean manufacturing principles on other lines of the company. anna grebenshchikova, elena savina, channel one. don't miss the new episode of the large-scale historical drama union of salvation on channel one this evening after the program. watch a real, great and very honest movie , listen to music. this film has an amazing soundtrack that connects eras and generations, helping us better understand that time and those people. what does st. petersburg sound like with the voices
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of street musicians? these guys create soundtracks for their hometown, all out of love. well, the weather has come out, the sun has come out, since it will immediately end to sing some bright song. there the tram passed, since some associative series happened again some song was sung, because we are reacting to the city, i hope the city is reacting to us. that's how it is. it works , we play the lyrics, the city seems to be slowing down, we add rhythm, passers-by even have smiles, this is the magic of soundtracks, the music creates intensifies emotions, when you recognize the song, you willy-nilly sing along, now you will definitely sing along. or even so, yes, yes, in
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the serial film union of salvation, the nautiluses fit perfectly into the atmosphere of the 19th century, music that always gives you goosebumps. anastasia afiaktistova listened to the soundtracks for the film and wrote the score. salvation understood why this music is so catchy, there are emotions that people have always experienced, like 100, 200, 300 years ago, and now, there is still some kind of excitement, there are some eternal themes, and this will always be clear , that’s why we feel, for example, vladivostok-200 moomintroll in one of the scenes just to break, no one should cross the line.
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you are like that, mixes of cult songs, rebels fit perfectly into the story about rebels, as if they were created for each other. sergey abramov,
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centurion, vasily valetov, vladimir repin, anzhelika pankratieva and anton tolstoludsky, channel one. dear friends , today, march 6, wednesday from 10 to... local time , the warning systems will be checked, sirens and loudspeakers will be launched, normal broadcasts will be interrupted on television and radio, and you will hear this text: the system is being checked for readiness notifications to the population, so if you hear a siren, don’t worry, please, the events are planned, the ministry of emergency situations carries out similar checks regularly, just to make sure that all systems are working as expected. yes, well, we continue, sometimes you wake up like this and think how you would like to be carried in your arms, well , at least once a year, at least on march 8, but you already weigh 57 kg and they won’t lift you, no problem, you just need to go to the gym a little, every man will lift you up, so dear men, attention, a doctor of the highest category
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sergei arsenin will now teach you how to carry women in your arms correctly, well, so to speak, according to all the rules of science, men, carry your loved ones in your arms more often, because if your woman is happy, she will definitely make you happy, i’m right, marina, of course, and i’ll also say, as a person who has been dancing almost all my life, men, raise the girls correctly, exactly, we’ll tell you, how to do this and not break your back, on the eve of march 8 , this information will be useful to everyone, turn the girl to face you, hug her with your right hand, but hold her not by... but a little higher , approximately near the shoulder blades, squat, your back should be straight, with our left hand we grab the girl under her knees and now we straighten our legs, don’t round our back, i’ve only worked on my leg muscles now, oops, marina,
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you’re like a piece of fluff, sergey, you did a great job, i think you dance great, you definitely can’t compare, so, friends, the next stage, put the girl down too need to. that’s right, that’s for sure, your loved ones definitely don’t want their back to be cured after such a feat, we squat again, make sure that our back is straight and put our princess in place , we straighten up, the result is that your back is fine, and you are in the eyes, beloved hero, yes, of course, any the girl will be happy, you remember everything, then go ahead, marina, this is for you, thank you, happy holiday, dear women, and what’s interesting is that there is a meat and dairy industry, we see it, we can smell it, we were probably friends, i told him everything honestly , what i like, what i don’t like, every time i honestly
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said that he has no equal, you stop, and he is about you, he is on you, and you are styopa, the gurzin is on you, and who is styopa? raikin sent a theater bus, followed by zhvonetsky: so you want to leave the theater without a repertoire, you why don’t you write, you fired me, so what? on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvanetsky, today on the first. we have adapted in the ward, boiler , tile, concentrate, pea, ok, i say , gregory, excellent, mancacher whiskey - a product of the stellar group, cnop gin, a product of the stellar group, monte shococa cognac, a product of the stellor
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group, rum, castro, a product of the stellor group , declaration of love, festive concert in the kremlin, premiere. march 8 on the first, what is it like to love every second, day after day, i not everyone, i don’t want to settle down like everyone else, when men leave, a woman remains to wait, when men fight, a woman can only hope, you are my victory, the only one when men betray... they don’t deserve valarich in the active army, a woman can only forgive, when men love, a woman remains a woman. bless the women on march 10th on the first,
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you have one right, to be loved. so, bon appetit to everyone who is having breakfast now, and to those who are getting ready, just poured themselves some tea and are thinking, what would i like? should i eat this today? yeah, especially for you, our chef, stepan alekhin , offers an original and quick recipe. write it down quickly. for breakfast, many of us prepare an omelette, i will show you how to make the dish even more satisfying and tasty. i grease the baking dish with oil, cover it with a thin tortilla cake, form the sides, lay out the filling, it can be anything to your taste, i have tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers and basil leaves, in a separate bowl i beat the eggs, salt, pepper, add a little milk , mix again, pour out the form, send place the preparation in a hot oven, bake until the whites have set, cut the dish into portions, serve it like a pie. a tender
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omelette with filling on a hot, crispy flatbread is hearty and delicious. have a nice breakfast. how, how glad we are for spring, how we missed it, how we missed this sun, this copel, the first spring streams, flowers, by the way, too, and you, it turns out, what a romantic, he missed the copel, he didn’t have enough flowers, in general, every man will agree with evgeniy that in the spring... it just increases exponentially the number of beautiful women, yes, we women ourselves know that we bloom with every ray of sun, because in the spring we fall in love, we bloom, like the very flowers that we expect from you on march 8th, to the accompaniment of the copels, the sunbeams and spring rejuvenates, and no effort on your part, it will launch the rejuvenating factors itself, the first time. in winter we look older without it, it’s basic physiology, it’s not
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the climate itself, it’s not the cold that affects it, it’s the lack of sunshine, yes, that is, we simply don’t produce the pleasure hormone, enkephalins, endorphins , serotonin is not produced, the corners of our mouth seem to visually droop, in the spring, like it or not , you will start smiling, another rejuvenating factor is warmth, there is no need to drink liters of hot coffee , eating it with sweets, as... in winter, it’s called glycated face, sugar face , now there is such a concept, when just these bags under the eyes, swelling, rashes, some small pimples, blood vessels can appear, oddly enough, but from excess sugar in the body, sugar there will be less and less spring moisture, one more factor - air with a normal level of humidity and it would be more likely that the batteries would stop drying it out, another rejuvenating spring factor - lightness. gaits, in winter we wear lights, jackets, fur coats, jeans, boots, all
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this weighs a lot, we slouch under the weight of these clothes, plus we protect ourselves from the wind, this silhouette with a hood, it certainly does not make us look younger. in spring, your gait is more confident, your clothes are lighter and brighter. we see a lot of colors and want to broadcast this through ourselves in winter. due to the fact that we are surrounded by black and white picture, our emotional state suffers. and our hands are drawn to the gray-black-white palette, often in the summer, and we choose another, completely different, more colorful or soft palette, which is certainly also refreshing, refreshes our makeup, we stop wrapping our faces in decorative cosmetics, we catch a tan, we look fresher, mistake many people overdo it in winter using powdery textures, matte textures, and heavy ones. during which the skin ages faster, radiant textures will add freshness to the image.
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our heroine olga is 42 years old. for early spring she chose a sheepskin coat as this year's trend. the scarf and hat are brighter, instead of matte powder there is shine. yes, sometimes you need to help spring, create a good mood for yourself, it also gives sparkle to your eyes. karina makaryan, pavel dits, channel one. be the queen of the holiday, attract everyone's attention. triangular cloud, this is the base of the subflorescence, i wait for the coating to dry,
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i put drops of yellow varnish inside the design, these are mimosa flowers, i use... a thin brush for the work, an orange stick or toothpick will also work, i wait for the varnish to harden, i add stems and leaves. keep in mind, floral designs only look stylish when used in small quantities. if you want to make your manicure even brighter and more expressive, there is nothing easier, i choose a varnish from the same palette that i painted mimosa. i cover one or two adjacent nails. look how spectacular it turned out with the upcoming holiday. good morning, dear tv viewers, wake up quickly, get up, the country is huge, because a new day has come, it will definitely be very interesting and very successful. on the calendar on march 6, evgeny pokrovsky and svetlana zeynalova, may your the day will be as bright as her jacket. march 6 on the calendar. in sochi, on the federal
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territory of sirius, the world youth festival is coming to an end; it will close tomorrow. the festival united.
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rays, receive energy and transform it. now he will be able to receive ultraviolet light . once upon a time, this robot fruit drink was just an idea, today it presents itself as a prototype. we expect that such devices will subsequently work successfully in an anthropomorphic environment; technologically we are already close to this. and already we can say for sure that within a year, a dozen russian universities will receive the same robot dog. and how could the youth festival take place without games of the future? during the week, races on the sochi highways will take place offline in online format. the world youth festival means tons of delicious food, thousands and thousands of ushankas, kokoshniks, even without
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visors. nobody keeps track of acquaintances here anymore, there are millions of selfies. “the festival is coming to an end, but this does not mean that everyone will leave, we couldn’t just let our foreign guests go, therefore , a regional program will be held for them in thirty regions of our country, 2000 young people from various states and countries will go, it seems this holiday will never end, because the memories will remain, emotions will also remain, and new friends too,
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but the main thing is in everyone’s plans come back, which means there will be a festival." we remind you that this evening, immediately after the program , there is a new episode of the historical drama union of salvation on channel one. such a huge, grandiose, large-scale movie is a colossal work and there are a lot of takes, of course, sometimes the takes are quite funny. camera, motor, rescue union. let me address you. what made sergei muravyov apostol laugh so much? why are you laughing? the actors, they're all teenagers. when a certain number of teenagers gather on the site, some stories, anecdotes, and jokes begin. that's it, now you are
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our brother, i really love acting. cinema will become obvious to everyone that you can do without a cameraman. tests awaited the film crew at every turn. horse riding. hey hey. when denier is on horses, there is certainly motivation there very strong, you’d rather get off it, so you just do everything 300%. thirty-degree frosts in st. petersburg in winter , blazing sun in summer and always windy , come up to me, you will see my regiment, look, we won’t splash around, but is it easy to open bottles of champagne one after another using the sabrage method, that is, with a saber? i forgot that i had to follow the neck along, so to speak, i started chopping it, it’s like you’re smoking your head, just like that,
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so what, you’ve had a whole year, part two, the main thing is to remember the long text after such successful takes, eruption visueva, during the eruption of vesueva, during the eruption of vesueva, i forgot, they ordered in the city. some regiment forgot to ask for fish , we had a pestil, he loved to joke, knew how to joke, knew how, forgetting the text, to make such a face that it was funny, but it was n’t funny to me at all, here it was, the salvation union group had a warm it’s a tradition that the actors were congratulated on the end of filming right on camera, why are you worrying, there will be gratitude, please congratulate christina.
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the time has come to find out what new has happened in the country in the world by this hour. stay with us. this is news from the first maria vasilyeva studio. hello. the prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex in russia, the main topic at vladimir putin’s meeting with industry representatives during a working trip to the stavropol region, talked about high indicators. which our country demonstrates, it has reached fourth place in the world in exports of agricultural products. in this regard, the president supported the initiative to create a grain exchange within the framework of the brix association. this is necessary
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because the prices that are set the current key exchanges in paris and chicago are speculative in nature and have a negative impact on the market. another popular product that the head of state promised to help promote abroad is domestic ice cream. manufacturers said they are ready to supply the products themselves. high quality from the best ingredients, including lactose-free, and as lactose-free, what did you make it from then - oat milk, almond milk, nuts, nut base, rice milk, this is now very much milk producers offended that we are talking about this without milk, so about this with colleagues, where will you lead the dairy industry, well... we , on the other hand, help those who are allergic to lactose, those who have insulin resistance, those who have diabetes, we are actively we began to participate with
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the russian export center at exhibitions. 5 years ago we already went to china, despite the fact that we were a startup at that time, and the chinese side received us very well and they, in principle, are their friend of the chairman. support for special operation participants and their families,
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as well as the restoration of sponsored settlements in new territories. now to the situation in the zone, the crew of the self-propelled mortars of the nona svk mountain motorized rifle brigade of the group of forces center destroyed the command post, the personnel of the ukrainian formation retreating from the liberated avdiivka, having received the coordinates.
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we see them, and if somewhere down below, the dogs are not visible, we have to look for a new position, a new place. french president emmanuel macron provoked a split in nato when he did not rule out sending troops to ukraine. about it writes the british financial times. the allies , including germany, were forced to issue denials. macron's statements exposed strategic contradictions in the alliance at a time when ukraine lacks ammunition and supplies from the united states have been interrupted due to internal political strife. in addition, france actually confirmed russia’s assertion that the conflict in ukraine was provoked by nato, the newspaper reports. however, macron said at the talks in the czech republic that he would not go back on his words again forced his allies to refute it. czech president petr pavel responded by talking about red lines, international law and assistance without sending combat troops. white house advisor john kirby quoted president joe biden as saying that there will be no american soldiers in ukraine. the flagship of the british fleet,
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the queen or covenant aircraft carrier , will not take part in the nato exercises because it has broken down. he was supposed to lead a detachment of ships on maneuvers that will take place until mid-march, but will now go to scotland to repair the mushroom shaft. on the way to we have to make a stop to unload the ammunition. during the training, the flagship was supposed to be replaced by another aircraft carrier, the prince of wales, but she was delayed and did not put to sea on time. previously, this ship also had problems, in the twentieth year it was flooded,
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good morning, dear friends, wake up, quickly, a new day has come, it will definitely be very interesting, this is march 6, and this is evgeny pokrovsky, and this is svetlana zeynalova, at vdnkh the russia forum exhibition continues its work. every day there is a lot of interesting things here, exhibitions, master classes, concerts, and of course, you, dear women, this week at the exhibition in the forum especially have a lot of interesting things prepared for you, so look, everything for women all week at the russia exhibition, fashion shows, designers from all over the country, svetlana badanina from the city of lysye, perm territory, she brought her marine collection, ocean, sunset, sea, you see, i’m having an explosion now,
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it will probably be fashionable in the fall. this, well , probably won’t be fashionable, we are no worse than the italians, parisians, shows during moscow fashion week in seventy-five pavilion, here each region prepared something especially feminine, ivanovo region, aromatherapy, city smells. oh, how delicious, this is my favorite smell, it seems, some kind of sweet smell, here we have factory steam, railroad dyes, the smell of paint, seriously, yes, this is how our designers showed textiles.
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you can also make diodes from a local company instead of stones, they shine brighter. the most beautiful crown that i wanted more than anything in the world. she made it herself and it shines very beautifully. there is a crown, there are also women’s whims, ask your mother for a dog as a gift. at 5 am, who will get up with the dog? give me the electronic one, it's better. this dog is not for sale, it already has a student owner. chuvash institute, we are learning to program artificial intelligence on the basis of one of the dog robots, it’s easy to play with the robot, although there is a queue, adults sit like children. what a great guy! a gift at the exhibition can definitely be found in the seventy-fifth pavilion, the university opened, the regions brought their products, i bought cosmetics from kaleningrad, i i really liked it, we were tired of having a rest in pavilion
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b, prirodograd, it’s next to the seventy-fifth, try to put the goluta in yourself, sounds of nature, natural smells, we should have a lamp here. and animals as virtual therapy, we look for a qr code on the exhibits , go to the website, that is, i can choose any animal, it will appear here digitally, the far eastern leopard, and it now appears with us in moscow, right here, right here yes , wow, in general, for emotional gifts for the exhibition this women's week, anna obrosnimova, dmitry roshkov, mikhail ilyin and anna ryabova, channel one. in the leningrad region, road workers helped a family move. storks, using a crane, they moved the two-hundred-kilogram nest, by the way, from an old tree to a new support. this is great, a year ago, the road workers already carried out a similar operation, what good fellows, according to them, the storks who flew in from the wintering grounds were
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very pleased with their housing, they even immediately had offspring in the new place. our astrologers will tell you what the stars portend today. horoscope. march 6, twenty-sixth lunar day. twenty-second sunny businesslike, energetic , cheerful, self-confident, open to new ideas, excellent at thinking, a wonderful assistant to anyone who needs to come up with something, invent, implement or adjust some equipment, and his character is pleasant, friendly and he’s sociable, and he also has a spot for bargains, so take him shopping with you. about the disadvantages: he is stubborn, sometimes he gets hung up on all sorts of nonsense, and then suddenly he is drawn to adventure. often on such days they break through. negative emotions from the category have accumulated, old grievances resurface, all sorts of accidents interfere with the course of events and disrupt plans. for aries, this, however, will not spoil the mood; today they are on the rise, full of energy, they solve all problems at once, and at the same time they are also very
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charming. envious and gossipy people , of course, won’t like this, but what’s that to you, calmly stick to your line, everything will work out for you. taurus today runs the risk of falling in love, and at first sight, what will happen when he... is followed by a second one, the stars do not specify, as for the business sphere, here you have everything predictable exactly, and this is for the better. gemini can once again be convinced that it is impossible to please everyone, and there is no need, there are people next to you who will always understand, if necessary, they will help, in the evening some good news may come, various things may fall on cancers and worries, mostly something that you never got around to, now here’s what, they will lie to you today, so... hurry up to believe everyone at once while driving more carefully. a successful day in leo, when there is a lot of everything, but everything as a whole is pleasing. negotiations will go great, whatever associated with communication. and the lionesses today are simply self-charming. towards evening, expect guests
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or invitations to visit. virgo is also having a good day, it will help you find new allies, make useful contacts, and your purchases will be successful, especially of a technical nature. your ability to think soberly and see the situation will be very useful. in general, and not only to you, but also to someone else. perhaps they run the risk of getting a little confused or miscalculating something. but if someone needs a toastmaster or a holiday organizer, this is for libra, they today the soul of any company. surely there will be some scorpios in this company, they are invited everywhere, they are, as they say, popular. the stars are happy for you, but remind you that popularity obliges you. today you are very noticeable and more careful with alcohol. this day is quite smooth, the only thing that can spoil it is your own stubbornness and unwillingness to compromise, but here everything is in your hands. and in the evening, feel free to make a date and confess your love. capricorns will also not be left without attention, ladies of this sign
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they will probably catch someone’s admiring glances on themselves from time to time. it’s a pity, your charm doesn’t work on money, be careful with it and check the expiration dates of foods and medicines. aquarius is very energetic and active. the day is fast, so it’s important not to rush, so as not to make mistakes and not count on our favorite oats. if you have to carry something heavy, take care of your back. for pisces, the day may start a little nervously; it is possible that there will be a break-up with someone close to you, or disputes with neighbors. be correct, there was still not enough because of some nonsense, ruin the mood of yourself and others. be that as it may, everything will be fine by lunchtime, and the evening will calm everyone down. good luck to you. on the calendar march 6th before the main women's day. the holiday remains just a little bit, jonechka, just a little bit, yes, these are some small 2 days, we need to do everything, we need to buy gifts, we need to understand what you will give us, to understand what you want, it’s impossible , that's what, men, i
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'll tell you, poor man, i sympathize with you, and with myself a little too, i, for example, broke and i’m still racking my brains, well, flowers are understandable, of course, well, somehow it won’t be enough, yes, flowers are not a gift, it comes with a gift, what then is a gift, here ’s perfume, you can’t guess, here look at me in my eyes, look, guess what is written in them, i want a new apartment, that’s what it’s all about, list of unwanted gifts for march 8th. there is a lot of this on the internet, but can you trust these anti-ratings? let's ask the women themselves. do you think this is a frying pan as a gift for your wife on march 8th? well, no, on march 8, i wouldn’t be like that became. according to surveys, about 25% of women would not like to receive dishes. this is perhaps one of the most controversial gifts. here you need to know for sure whether they are waiting for a new frying pan or not. i think that’s an option, yes, it’s so heavy. i was a brother. from a couple, the same story with household appliances, opinions were divided
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, giving a blender, well, a normal option , to young people, i think that giving something kitchen, of course, is not very good, these young people, yes, in fact, age has nothing to do with it what does it have to do with this young girl, i would agree for a blender, by the way, you need it, according to the ciom rating of the most unpopular gifts among women , toys, souvenirs, alcohol, sweets and delicacies continue, once i had a case when a man gave me food, but i probably wouldn’t want it for me they gave food for the holiday, women are also the least likely to wait for shoes, clothes, apparently they are worried that it won’t fit, the guy gave me a jacket, which i didn’t wear later, well, i wore it in front of him, and what would definitely be a win-win option, of course, flowers, 33% named it's this gift, on second place, according to data in cio, vacation packages 31%, maldives, maldives, i understand you, happy, saving money, this is of course
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a bull's-eye, although sometimes men only find out in the store that rings have sizes, there are also difficulties with perfumes , which is also added to the wish list, the smell from the bottle on a person’s skin can reveal itself in a completely different way, the best option is to take your husband with you, well, at least in my case it’s to choose a gift with him, there is a gift that many people would like to receive it. but according to statistics, it is rarely given, tickets to concerts, movies, dinner together in a restaurant , many women dream about this, but for some reason men don’t pay attention to it, so there are many options to please your loved ones, that’s what you really shouldn’t do, in general come without a gift. yuri nesterov, dmitry parfenov, vladimir popov, channel one. i will reign. or i'll die. the foreigner,
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who had no legal rights to the throne , accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment, where she was declared an autocratic empress. for 34 years of his reign, catherine gained the glory of a wise , fair ruler. she radically changed the country and, like peter the great , received the epithet “great”. she fought victorious wars and annexed new lands to the empire, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he is 34, she is 10 years older. soon temki will not be talked about as the most influential person in russia. but even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine the second. premiere on march 8
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on the first. potemkin cooked for his beloved women's main surprise. the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. could you from time to time shout out demands for the release of yulia vladimirovna? she is now a heroine for everyone . alina began to openly play against me. but because you come from her mouth.
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warning systems will be checked, sirens and loudspeakers will be launched, normal broadcasts will be interrupted on television and radio for a short time, and you will hear the following text: just to make sure that everything the systems are operating as normal, as expected, but we continue, what does a woman want, well, not this specifically , but in general, this is what you want, i ’ll tell you this, listen, and this is a specific woman, and any other a woman in our country, and any woman all over the world always. wants only one thing: to eat love, and a hungry woman is a dangerous woman, a woman needs to be fed to make her happy, and how to extinguish her, too, we decided to ask the heroes of our next story, believe me, women don’t like to sit on diets, we suffer, but we sit, so cake or steak, girls, steak or cake
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, or all together, for men meat, for women desserts or vice versa, steaks in nature and this will be an ideal date, so on the eve of the holiday artyom is looking for a juicy steak chef timofey demin helps, for girls, less fatty filet mignon, thin tenderloin, freshness will give off a rich red color, you see, it is quickly restored within a couple of seconds, you know, the meat was not frozen, it was immediately cooled, a juicy steak is thicker,
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choose at least three centimeters, is it worth paying attention to the color of the fat, if the fat is light white or slightly pinkish, this is normal, but if the fat on the meat is yellow, well, i don’t recommend it, the taste is affected by the food, if it’s corn, as here, the steak will be sweetish, if grain-based it will be bitter. sergei, oddly enough, has a more difficult choice: chocolate cake. confectioner elsa antropova's advice is to first inspect the packaging. i see that there is such condensation. high humidity, in which microbes multiply very easily, more likely. it is the wrong technology during production or transportation. the second is, of course, the composition. the shorter the better. natural cake is simple products: sugar, flour, eggs, not an egg product, not egg powder, just eggs, or melange, also cottage cheese, not a curd product. additives
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in store-bought cakes are acceptable, but emulsifiers are added to ensure the homogeneity of the cream; it is better to avoid allergenic ones. the expiration date is ideal. 72 hours, maximum 120. what visually should you pay attention to? by packaging? i understood everything, there should be no cracks on the edges of the cake. that is, this suggests that the technology is incorrect. the top surface is smooth and glossy. what does your lady prefer? there is still time to figure it out: misaetin or a sweet tooth to make the right choice. anastasia kremeshnaya, dmitry roshkov. first channel. we remind you on the calendar march 6th.
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he appeared everywhere with an old, worn-out briefcase, he never wanted to replace it, it was the thing of his father, a famous doctor in odessa. from this very briefcase, like from a hat the illusionist's witticisms flew out, it seemed to everyone that this briefcase was bottomless. and he himself invented this calvary for himself, that any of his answers should be unpredictable, paradoxical, wise, very talented. and honest. i love applause so that it happens more often , it probably makes me happy, he was loved and loved, zhvanetsky brightened up our everyday life in times of shortage of queues, he brightens up now in times of a feverish race for success, then you start to improve your housing, apply for a loan, the tension rises, then on some
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the reception has started, someone is ahead of you all the time, always someone is smarter, you stand, propping up the wall, he dives in, but they were huge, or today there were three, but they were small, well, completely. but still three. thanks to him, we will never forget which crayfish are five and which are three. his jokes contain all the aromas of odessa, the sea, chestnuts, acacias. worked in the port as a mechanic , viktor elchenko also worked there , in the student theater, they were joined by a sewing machine adjuster, roman kartsev, this will be a friendship for life, well, you write to this, well, this is also with you, so this you, i said yes, well, i remember, on the occasion of the writer’s ninetieth birthday, channel one is showing the film my friend zhvanetsky for several evenings, the second third episode is today tomorrow, on sunday with the premiere in the exclusive program of dmitry borisov, loved ones talk about zhvanetsky witty, paradoxically, reverently, as he did it himself,
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mikhail mikhailovich. just from such a little thing, it swelled into a wild scandal, i left, slammed the door and left altogether, of course i returned there three or four hours later, he sat there completely seriously, offended, how could you leave me, hungry, what is a writer in a family, a lodger, under the motto, you still sit all day, would like to wash something.
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why are you laughing, actors, they are all teenagers , when a certain number of teenagers gather on the set, some stories, anecdotes, jokes begin, well, that's it, now back, i really love acting in films, it will become obvious to everyone that it is possible without a cameraman to get by, trials awaited the film crew at every turn, horse riding, oops, oops, when it’s a day on horses, there is of course a very strong motivation, you’d better get off it, so
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you just do everything 300%. thirty-degree frosts in st. petersburg in winter, the blazing sun in summer and the wind always , come up to me, you will see my regiment, look, we won’t splash around, but open bottles of champagne one after another in a smart way, that is... it’s easy with a saber, seryozha, i forgot what to do along the news, the neck, so to speak , began to break it, just like that, as if you were a chicken head, just like that, well, you had a whole year to save the barn, the main thing is, after such successful takes, remember the long text, when erupting visueva, during an eruption vizueva, during the eruption of vesueva, i forgot, and i forgot to ask for a regiment in the city, we had a pestal, he loved
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to joke, he knew how to joke, he knew how, forgetting the text , to make such a face that it was funny, but it wasn’t funny to me absolutely , here it is, the group of the union of salvation has a warm tradition, with the end of filming the actors were congratulated right in the frame, what are you doing, thank you, congratulations, please, for christina, well, someone was filming now for us the union of salvation is over, hurray, and for us the historical drama union of salvation continues, today tomorrow on channel one. mikhail mikhailovich, yes, yes, i think we haven’t agreed with you on everything, that ’s all, asya ratkevich, channel one. this is a beautiful wednesday morning, evgeniy pokrovsky himself, who finally came to us, and svetlana zeynalova herself,
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who finally met me, greeted you with you. yes, we wish you a wonderful day, good health, good mood, more good news, and generally be happy, and we will see you soon. this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio valeria korableva in this issue. fresh, environmentally friendly, our own, food on the tables of russians, ensuring food security. great conversation with vladimir putin. needle, acting subtly, anti-aircraft
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missile systems against enemy drones. and also the game on fagoti, a direct hit in the ukrainian armed forces dugout. the depth of the problem : four internet cables were cut at the bottom of the red sea. global failure in countries of africa, europe, asia and the question of who could reach the underwater infrastructure? he'll give everyone a hard time. trump is the leader on primer. russian products are environmentally friendly and, importantly, affordable.


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