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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 7, 2024 1:45am-2:31am MSK

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what happens if you are not ready to tell me something? i can do anything , i have this, i can say something wrong, for example, wrong emphasis, pronounce a word wrong, yes, you look stupid, what will i do, laugh at me, then what, well, you right now it's bad, yeah, so let it go bad, i can't, you can, what are you feeling now, what? happening to your body? it turns to stone, my arms and legs get cold, and the accent is already wrong, they get cold, right, i immediately wake up that something is wrong behind me, i i need something, i need, but i don’t know, to go there and improve my russian language, uh-huh, well, you haven’t had time to do this, i’m already looking at you, talking to you, why are you... avoiding
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contact, it’s hard , i understand, but continue to keep it, i can’t, it’s just very hard, and what’s happening inside, everything is very squeezing, and you want to shrink, where you felt it for the first time, everything... with dad, any communication with your father, this is constant control yourself, is to constantly predict how i am, what i need to answer, how he threatened you, silence? silence, ignoring
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, yes, ignoring, they, with mom, have the same rhetoric in this regard, mom also, that is , ignoring, which is why i say that you, in general, all this time you did not live in a wonderful family, in a barracks in in which everyone raped each other , yes, plus what happened with my mother, they always told me, god, what kind of mother you have, but inside me there was everything up to... well, no, well, not an ideal mother, well, that is, i don’t feel good that it was with my father, with my father it was simple, you have to understand, you have to accept, he is like that, and you are in some kind of moment, well, you start, and someone will accept me, you can give a lot to your children, i have a fear that i might harm them, look, you will definitely harm them, you don’t have to be afraid of that, because that’s what parents are for to harm, but you can, but you can give. in addition
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to the fact that you harm, you can give them a lot, because having experienced everything that you have now lived through, you have become very wise, believe me, as if, even though we are talking now in the context of some kind of domestic violence, there emotional abuse, but this is all that you perceived as a child, your childhood thinking formed it this way, in fact it is just a relationship between two people, they have some kind of... no relation to you, which actually has nothing to do with you, but the drama that has formed in your head is what it is, and of course, your father did not give you the protection that you wanted, which is why it is expressed in this very fear of men, because men can really do anything to you whatever, i changed the timbre of my voice, my position with you everything is in order, you see, and you can calmly listen to me and even listen, and even seem to listen to all this, yes, but i control you, that’s the thing, you need to understand that you also know how to control.
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for this you need to learn to attract attention, hold attention and give attention, here are three things that are important to learn to do, attract when you want in any way, not immediately very obvious, attract, hold it and let go, that is, so that you don’t flickered depending on my mood, yes, but for you to control it process, that is, you took this attention , held it, released it, took it, held it, released it, that’s why i suggest you... some short things, but if, for example, you are dancing, then report it, that you danced there for 15 seconds, look what will happen there, what comments, what reviews, there, i don’t know, likes, what else will it be, reposts and so on, yes, but you stand for 15 seconds, that’s enough , then a little more, a little more, a little more, only in this way, well, with holding i have difficulties, i look at people who have, for example, there, well, even if friends -
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it’s said loudly there, i don’t know, friends with whom they can meet, have a cup of coffee, there with people with whom they worked or were friends there there for 10-15 years, for me it causes such envy there. the fact is that i can’t do this, i can’t do this, the world is very dangerous for you, and relationships with friends, relationships with the world don’t work out so easily, because you are protecting yourself, because it’s not safe to open up, because that you have some experience, but you have so much love, warmth, an absolutely charming girl, and if you give the opportunity, take a step forward, then perhaps the world will still answer you, yes, it will definitely answer, and it will cause a lot of pain, this will, of course , be your question here, but along with this there will be a lot of good light, well , at some point it seems to me that my defense mechanism is so triggered that i have the feeling that i will not survive this pain anymore, yes yes, well, your task is just to learn how
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to turn on these mechanisms when you think necessary, but never turn on on their own, and the most important thing is to turn them off when you think it is needed, it will happen, but you just need to dedicate it. time, it’s just that every time you come into contact with a man, well, better with men, yes, i mean any contact on the street, so you come in, you say to yourself, now i’m not defending myself, so i waited 15 seconds, say, now i’m defending myself, turn on the defense again, let everyone around you think that you’re a fool, it’s not scary, you can be such a charmer stupid, this is better than horror, what a stupid, and you say, why live in order to take risks, these 15 minutes, 15 seconds - this is exactly this moment of risk, but they are worth it, because there is real life, this is true, tell me, vic, what are you leaving us with, with a huge huge motivation for further action, because i realized that a couple of years ago i chose the right strategy, that i began to change something in small steps, just in some that moment
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the motivation apparently ended, i wanted right now, so that tomorrow i would wake up, i would be open, without frames, without everything and free inside, now i realized that i just need to continue. then slowly make contact, and i liked the idea of ​​15 seconds, that i don’t allow myself to be, because i’m in extremes, then either i immediately, i should be open throughout the meeting, but it becomes so difficult for me that i start run away from there, or that is, immediately shut down, well, you noticed how radically and even diametrically your attitude towards me changes depending on how i behave, but you’re making this up, i’m the same, yes, so as soon as you see that this movie is being shown to you inside, that you are reading this book, no one wrote for you that on the forty-sixth page you will stumble, and the man will be to blame for this , you write it, if you are on the twenty-third page, then forty-six, it is still empty for you, so you write it, now if you see what you are doing and how you
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do it, this will be a very big help for you for your work with yourself, thank you, thank you, thank you, victoria, thank you very much. this was the podcast triggers with you were his leading psychologist tatyana krasnovskaya, psychologist and psychotherapist sergei nasebyan. we talked with the charming victoria about the fear of men, about its causes and even, probably, to some extent , its consequences, but most importantly, it seems to me, about your authorship of this fear. hello, this is tatyana gevarkyan and it’s no surprise, today we remember the great couturier. he was called red dior, considered an innovator, and now his name is embroidered on the canvas
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of the domestic fashion industry. we have his students and friends in our studio, designer and the founder of the fashion house victoria andreyanova, world -famous designer and artist andrei sharov, designer and creator of the fashion brand anastasia kuchugova, as well as honored artist of russia and tv presenter tatyana vedeneeva. tatiana, do you remember yours? there was some kind of extreme situation, i can i don’t remember now at some time it happened, but to say that my first new year’s light, which i was invited to host, i led in a dress sewn with my own hands, i remember
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one of my friends said, the next day, you know, you were wearing something the dress, damn, there’s a bow on the side, all of moscow is talking about it, i of course understood that the dress was made with my own hands, but i said how good it is that all of moscow is talking about me, there was something next, something about this kind of big.
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their salaries are even higher, and my husband also somehow didn’t take it very well, but he sewed a dress that was incredible, with a gigantic skirt, translucent, flowing, with everything here gathered in honeycombs, sleeves, everything was kind of modest on the one hand, on the other hand it was right here fashion, real, something incredible, i later gave this dress to someone, i gave away a lot of my dresses to presenters from... other republics, well, which did not have their own vyacheslav zaitsev, my personal acquaintance with
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vyacheslav mikhailovich began already long before i saw him, because there were legends around the institute that vyacheslav mikhailovich would teach our senior courses, i saw him several times in the corridors, which means the institute, he was always in a hurry somewhere, running, we were already studying not at the institute, we came to see him to the fashion house, and there our training took place, there he looked at our sketches, there he... constantly seemed to praise a lot, firstly, then he gave me the nickname leonardo, when i showed it to him, he gained the impudence,
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showed not only my work as , well, as a student, because at that time i was already working quite a lot, well, creatively, in addition to, so to speak, the institute program, i plucked up the impudence, showed him my work both in oil and tempera, here he is for me he said that i have god’s mark, he started from that moment he somehow started... towards me treat it a little differently, it all ended with something that, in general, was not very good, because i suddenly felt that i was like a semi-deity there, well, that is , if he was like a god, then i stopped studying altogether , that is, i thought that it was like, well, everything had already happened, since vyacheslav mikhailovich praised me there and so on, and this was just the fifth year, on the contrary, i had to do a lot, i say that even leonardo nicknamed me, then i really shortened it to... that’s how this nickname comes to me stuck and for many years i was left, and then
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, in fact, when my career as a fashion designer began, that is, for some time we then got lost, literally there maybe two to three years, we saw each other, met when i pushed me into such a real fashion, which i still probably regret, because he is the only person who told me, says sharov, says, you are an artist, why do you need this, well, why do you need this fashion, you know? and i didn’t listen to him then, i thought to myself, well i really wanted to have my own model house, well, everything would be like an adult, and i would open my own store, then immediately close it , and so on and so forth, that is , there was a lot of stuff, but then, when i really left from fashion, 20 years later, i remembered vyacheslav mikhailovich and understood that then he again gave me very good advice, but then i didn’t listen to him, and then... you already studied in the fashion laboratory, and i’m in the fashion laboratory , the year was 2004, how did you even get there? i
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came there completely by accident, because i didn’t plan to become a designer, i’m on the subway , i’m looking at recruitment for a fashion laboratory, i think, yeah, and quite by chance we went there, and there are these luxurious women who teach like goddesses, they look fantastic, and at the same time they’re absolutely adequate, it doesn’t smell like mothballs, that’s all they told me, showed me, charmed me, naturally i ran and borrowed. what is the name of his collection, you know in general that it’s complicated, beautiful, there ’s art there, and i wanted to go there, and it’s only one year, and in that year my whole life flies by, that is, it’s not just barely, you create, you create, you are already in practice, that is , these are theories, there are some kind of introductory parts, zaitsev himself taught, of course, he came
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and made comments, and such as, although, you think, well, well, this is brilliant, but what's the harshest thing you've heard from him? well, this is not for broadcast, but i’m saying that i’ll just cut it out, tell me how your acquaintance with vyacheslav zaitsev began? in 74 i was 12 years old, and my dad was the editor-in-chief of the student meridian magazine, and vyacheslav
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mikhailovich began to collaborate with this magazine, because this was the first such youth publication in the country, how to collaborate , he wrote something before him, he wrote articles about fashion, about youth fashion, and my dad brought me this book, it made a tremendous impression on me, this book written directly by vyacheslav mikhailovich, there are his works, his sketches, creative compositions like these, which were a creative source. the history of the costume is very interesting from the point of view of sociology, cultural studies, the influence of youth fashion on trends, this
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imagine, this is the eighty-first year, and the first edition was already in the seventy-fourth year... then it was all there, it ’s amazing, imagine, of course, the glory of zaitsev, he is an artist with a capital letter, and we are now modern designers, we draw like this with one hand, a working sketch, and before, of course, a sketch was a kind of prototype, a real prototype of a product, here - zaitsev also acted as a sociologist, because he explores the work of english designers, mary quonde, who invented the miniskirt, and so on . tatyana, in our studio we have one of vyacheslav zaitsev’s dresses, tell us about it, please, it was basically ready, i bought it, it was ready, sewn for a show at some event, but i needed it
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also for a very important event, and i asked vyacheslav mikhailovich. that you need to add something there, decorate it somehow, these, you see, such brooches, not brooches on the shoulders, yes, yes, we did it later, that is, the whole back is bare too, since there are two such brooches symmetrical we couldn't find then vyacheslav mikhailovich suggested that we should take rings from some, from some earrings, these beads strung, we did it all, well, i didn’t do it with my own hands and not he, but his craftswomen made two like this . ..
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it was absolutely at the highest world level, but how did vyacheslav zaitsev treat his colleagues in the workshop, designers in other countries, did you discuss anything? we don’t, we certainly didn’t
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discuss it, because he also communicated with them quite little, he didn’t have such an opportunity. opportunities arose when he met cardin, and corden loved him very much, and i know that he directly admired his work, not only because he is a person with taste and a really good designer, but also because he... is the kind of person who is always in all his collections there was always, well, let’s say, the russian spirit , this authenticity, it wasn’t direct , but it was always present, this seems to me to be what corden admired in him, because a man who did not betray himself, his roots, you see, his own, and that's why he was not like others, because many designers sew beautiful, expensive clothes there. and so on, well, that’s all about it, there are trends, some kind of trend of the year, yes, and it’s all more or less similar, it’s built around this, yes, my path in fashion, although
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many people consider me to be students, thank zaitsev, i will say that i never studied with slav zaitsev directly, but he always seemed to be my professional reference point, or something, because i... my first place of work was the fashion center of russia, where zaitsev also worked a little, then he worked at all-union house of models, where i had an internship, in practice, then in my professional journey, my first business trip was in ninety-four, in my opinion, or ninety-three, to dusseldor for an exhibition, and i went in a group that i headed vyacheslav mikha. and this was your first personal contact? no, the first personal one was before that, when i decided
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to participate in the laman competition in the ninety-fourth year, in my opinion, at the fashion house slava zaitsev, i just made such a large independent collection, my the application was accepted and suddenly they made me an offer to dress for the competition. in the mediterranean , but can you imagine how i can refuse this, my husband brought the collection to the competition, slava zaitsev came out and said, well, everything is clear, andriyanova explained for a long time that , well, victoria is dressing the mespress competition, to which zaitsev said with his characteristic harshness such moments as i later realized that tell vikochka that... it’s not a big deal to sit on all the chairs with one butt, but i must say that i still didn’t cancel multitasking and multi-working, but this one
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a lesson when, in general, i could not participate in the competition, because i chose a more enjoyable activity, it was in front of me, in general, it was necessary, well, you were a young designer, you had to develop in different directions. yes, in fact, i closed this gestalt in a special way that my daughter could not even imagine, but as a young designer, having come from the royal academy of antwerp, from which she graduated, she went to this competition, and i simply forced her, i say , mikhailovich was on the jury there, yes again, yes, i i say, lisa, please, i need to close this gestalt, i’m 25 years old. i couldn’t participate back, you should participate, she won this competition, and how great , it was wishful thinking, with whose
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efforts st. petersburg was built and what do the ukrainians and finns have to do with it after the collapse of the soviet union, this topic was spreading among those who raised their heads for the first time neo-nazis, russian soldiers also built, some objects were built by swedish prisoners, and also how a photo from israel appeared in a ukrainian fake about lugansk, the photo is very... poor quality, this just to complicate the search for the original , they need a lie, they need the fact itself, the very opportunity to rejoice at the fact that blood is being shed, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, i will reign or die, a foreigner who had no legal rights to the throne , accompanied by the orlovs, arrived in the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment. during the 34 years of her reign, catherine earned the glory of a wise , fair ruler. radically
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changed the country and, like peter the great , received the epithet great. she led victorious wars and annexed the empire new lands, wrote laws and carried out reforms. he is 34, she is 10 years older. soon apotemka will not be talked about as the most influential person in russia. but even relying on the men's...
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this is not a tasty treat, today we are talking about the creative path of the fashionable heritage of vyacheslav zaitsev. on the pedestal of fashion, as we say, today there is a woman with a bright or a man with a pronounced individuality, as if a personal renaissance is beginning. tatyan, here you are in the ninety-first year, in my opinion, yes, it was shown in moscow, but then somehow we there was no fashion in the country, right? there has always been fashion , there has always been fashion in the soviet union, although yes , i remember, my mother also sewed some incredibly fashionable dresses from magazines, and i must tell you that when i went down to the subway, for example, i looked at women , i have always seen that our women are always very, not just because russian women are beautiful, but young women, they have always generally tried to somehow follow fashion and what inspired them, by the way, this is how they followed fashion, where does their observation come from appeared.
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fashion magazines, firstly, and secondly , there was television, there were artists who were followed, well, pop stars, they follow them now, though of course i don’t advise pop stars to follow them, because many women who have no taste or it’s not enough, they start copying pop stars, you know, there are black nails, some half-naked dresses, but this, but stage clothes, they are, in principle, very suitable for, well, for a nightclub, unless, yes, let’s go back a little, when he...
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it’s not clear what, but the whole top was embroidered small pieces, scraps of some shiny fabrics, poets, beads, pieces of fur, well, something was some kind of masterpiece, well , it seems to me that this is precisely the skill of great designers. the fact that they can create a masterpiece from any seemingly insignificant, yes, nondescript fabric, in general, in this dress i led this cardin show, he asked me who did it, where did you get this dress from, well, like there’s nothing to wear in your country, i said, it was made in our country, i called her dashkina, of course he didn’t know who she was, but he was impressed, because after that he gave me two suits, the suits were, in my opinion, quite modest, that is, it was a skirt and
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a jacket. well, not just a jacket, like a man ’s jacket, yes, it was a jacket, shoulders were coming into fashion, he had these shoulders, set up, very fitted, instead of the usual lapels like... you, he had this slightly standing, a rounded collar that goes into lapels, a very narrow skirt, on which vostankina, in order to get to the studio, i needed these 10 minutes earlier, because i could only walk it’s just 10,000 steps from studio to studio, that is, it was simply impossible to take a big step, in general, when i was sitting in this skirt, my figure was just somehow chiseled, i asked the operator to move a little away from me to show me, that’s it here the frame ended, and i could see, well, two fingers on my knee , like this, it created some kind of incredible sensation among the viewers, as i later read in letters that many men, despite the fact that they really wanted to sleep at 12 o'clock to eight
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at work, they still watched me i was reading the program schedule for tomorrow, only because at that moment i asked the operator to move further away and you could see a piece of my knee, well, that’s probably the whole thing. to which i said, well, yes, we must go forward, so we get thousands of songs there, all the viewers want to see what fashion is now, so i wanted to show the audience that this is the fashion now, and that my skirt was actually practically media, but it is so narrow that when you sit, it automatically rises, yes...
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i already invited you to the laboratory as teachers, i always told students that if you think that it’s just to twirl among beautiful fabrics, this is not it at all, that is, if you have such ideas, you better not not come here,
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it’s very energy-intensive, but what if you come back to the question, it seems to me that vyacheslav mikhailovich first of all taught me to think, this is very important in the profession, in any profession, in ours, because a thought, it... materializes on paper, and then must be embodied in something , this is your initial thought, for what, why, why, because the paper will endure everything, but then, what will happen to this sketch, then, what will happen to this thing, or so on, that is , here of course, vyacheslav mikhailovich very painstakingly ate into this, i taught him this for this extremely grateful. the first such professional competition was the lamanova competition. this is where it all started for me, then there were several more competitions, and again i really came to my master, consulted, showed some things, he told me very a lot, and then he began to invite me
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as a member of the jury, to many, then it was like a fan all over russia, that is , competitions for young fashion designers, and somehow it all grew, multiplied, and he and i went to kazan, in sochi it took place every year. nastya, didn’t you have such communication outside of school, where vyacheslav mikhailovich would open up in this way? well, too, only i only remember sochi, if not as a student teacher, that is, i want to say again that he remembered absolutely everyone, that i don’t know how happened, if they have millions of students there, and uh, we also came for these velvet seasons, and there was such a theater with columns, i remember, i don’t know, i was going somewhere, i walked around it and suddenly bumped into vyacheslav mikhailovich from - from jura muromtsev and i say: oh, hello, vyacheslav mikhailovich, and he says that there will be something in the evening , well, yes, vyacheslav mikhailovich is there for now, well, okay, i’ll come there, yes, well, who am i to him? , so that he tells me, and somehow it’s all just in some kind of tangle, and it also seems like you’re not to him, well,
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just another student, but he’s like everyone as if these were relatives, his laboratory, well, yes, but you can also imagine what a huge life he has, how many of these students he has, and he knew to everyone what you were doing there for... that is, he then recognizes you and remembers your things, but i don’t know how it happened, maybe some kind of phenomenal memory, or i don’t know, but tell me yours? first impressions of vyacheslav mikhailovich, of course, everyone has his own zaitsev, and my hares, that’s what he is, he’s an absolute professional, of course, he’s an absolute professional, i must say that with i encountered his professionalism while still a student at the textile institute, when i... chose his work as a coursework
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for the analytics of constructing a structure on a single basis, and then there was such an enterprise, analytics of constructing a structure on a single basis - what is that? look, you have a jacket on, but suppose we draw this jacket, then we will draw it on the basis of the jacket. a - we design a cuff for it, for example, in some model there is a collar, in some model we lengthen it, make a double-breasted fastener and so on, this can be done up to go infinity from this image of a jacket, but the foundation remains, that is , this is the foundation on which the thing is built, absolutely right, and this modeling principle, it was taken for industrial...
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the value of this natural silk, natural wool, it is all that we had, in general, we wanted some kind of diversity, and now the world is coming, returning to uniformity, hence the old-school style in fashion and all that, but you and i are now very far away, but you are with the hare there was a story when he made his own for milkmaids version of the quilted jackets, mm? well, yes, before him
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, it seems to me, no one in our country had done anything like institutes worked on this, there was such an institute of labor, for example, which regulated each profession with its own technical specifications for the form, such happiness that they no longer influence this and real designers work, it’s so visually pleasing to the eye everywhere.
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in every large european house there was a russian period. tatyana, why do you think vyacheslav zaitsev was often called either a red dior or compared to pierre cardin? when was the first olympics in a company from the bbc came to moscow in the summer, it was a documentary, 27 episodes, my task was to ask very simple questions so that english viewers could understand and distinguish russian speech, because. for them, the russians were never present on the screen
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, the iron curtain, and so that they understand, well, for example, if they get lost, those who come as fans to the olympics, so that they can ask where the metro is, for example, this producer, his name was teri doyle , he was generally a communist at heart, and he tried to make a very good film, and he had it it really worked out, my trip was not planned at all, but then he decided that if i came, it would be generally correct. and i was invited to london for 4 days, it was a surprise for me , completely unexpected, and of course, terrible panic, i didn’t understand what to wear, of course, i rushed again to vyacheslav mikhailovich, thank you, save me, help, but i already had his coat, since these shoulders were already becoming fashionable, i rushed to him and said: vyacheslav mikhailovich, i need some kind of dress urgently, i’m going to the bbc in london, i have nothing to work with, and
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he somehow quickly sewed me a dress, it was also made of black, some kind of thin woolen fabric, and then the newspapers called me:
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what do they wear, for example, well, this is business, of course , this is saving money, they had to pay for themselves, this huge building, this model house that was on peace avenue, they had to pay for themselves, and he just counted the money, that was normal, but he was not a pre-pretentious person, because not only for me, but i know many actresses, he made a dress and gave it to me for rent very often a dress, when you just needed to wear it for once, i had some kind of outfit, unfortunately i couldn’t find this photo. with a fluffy golden skirt and some kind of scarlet color, such a simply incredibly scarlet jacket with embroidered with some kind of gold inserts too, it was something just, well , incredible, incredible, he said that he couldn’t give it away there, sell it, even he can’t sell it because it’s for
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a collection that he’s taking somewhere to paris, but this one time he gave it to me to wear for some super event, too, he understood that he was doing this. firstly for art, because we didn’t just ask him to go to a party or to a restaurant with friends, you know, we asked for this for some kind of television events, shows, for some program, for some a super concert and so on, and this also created advertising for him, because in those years there was no advertising as such, well, then any designer naturally wants to see his art on the most beautiful women in the country, and it was completely clear that... art, you have to learn this, here is vyacheslav mikhailovich, when he came up with an outfit for you or for other stars, he generally watched
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how the entire image was put together, how this dress was played out, how it was styled , what hairstyle you chose, shoes. gave recommendations on what kind of hairstyle i would like to have, for example, it’s not cut and dry, and today we remember the great russian couturier vyacheslav zaitsev, we are talking about a man who made a real revolution, changed the attitude towards fashion , showed the world what russian style is. i like, that in ivanovo fabrics there is an ability to connect the traditions of modernity, that folk, such a national basis, or something. andrey, you probably recognize the picture here, at what point did you paint this portrait? this is, in my opinion , the ninety-first year, that’s when we communicated a lot and often with vyacheslav mikhailovich, he invited me to various
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events at his house and...


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