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tv   Vibori-2024  1TV  March 7, 2024 7:55am-9:01am MSK

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and your one and a half minutes. good afternoon, dear tv viewers, i am vladislav davankov’s confidant. and today we will talk about the technological sovereignty of russia. therefore , on this significant day, in fact the last day of the debate, i did not come alone. about! yours, yes, what's your name? what do you feed? for now we feed with electricity, but we believe that such wonderful robots will soon be made by children in schools, then more modern, more interesting, perhaps more advanced in colleges, well, quite serious develop in institutions, and this will become our new reality. such
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a robot requires a large amount of technology , including technologies protected by patents , and if these patents continue to gather dust on the shelves, then you and i will not advance, since the robots will be made from foreign components using foreign technologies, our task is to make sure that patents are no longer collecting dust on the shelves, and if the state has a priority right to implement certain technologies, then the same opportunities for business must be given, and this is in program. vladislav davankov. thank you, that was impressive. we continue, alexander sergeevich, technologies, as you know, are developed by people, this is what nikolai nikolaevich was talking about now, in fact, we will just touch on this, this topic, for several decades we have had just a colossal brain drain to the west, now this process continues, although to a much lesser extent, thank god, but what exactly should be offered to which specialists.
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buying all the specialists from the russian federation at the expense of our brains, starting there with sekorsky, who left without accepting the socialist revolution, and the americans received helicopters much earlier than everyone else, i mean helicopters that went into mass production, the chinese were not at all embarrassed to make the technological breakthrough that they have made now in particular in the automotive industry, i’m not even taking into account the economy as a whole, which almost all countries lag behind for huge periods of time, at first they were copying, stealing everything they could, and now they’re just we bought european specialists , who bought time, it’s clear, thank you, let’s continue this topic, nikolai nikolaevich, you said about the brain drain quite rightly, maybe we should start, if possible, some kind of reverse process, maybe we should start entice foreign specialists, like the united states , adopt their best practices, like the states do, or is it still worth relying exclusively on your own personnel, your minute and a half, listen, the state is fighting in order to...
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attract the smartest people into your economy , direct all their potential to the interests of your state, i and any person understand that for this it is necessary to create conditions, properly finance, set a task in the end and explain how it will be achieved, now here are representatives of the new people were shown an american-made toy, everyone was surprised, but a poor country, well, chinese, not russian, it was definitely made, everyone was touched and said: oh my, how impressive this is for us, says schools will soon produce this, excuse me, for this you need... to carry out the appropriate policy, you need to fill the budget with the necessary resources, only kharitonov’s program, unlike other candidates, is a clear, written, specific plan on how exactly to fill the budget with the necessary funds, through which to attract decent resources, in the first place turn is the nationalization of the mineral resource base, all those who robbed our country will be forced to return everything back, today 110 leeches from the forps list put 505 billion dollars in their pockets, these are the results of this course: 65 countries have crammed our property,
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our enterprises into their jurisdiction, we must correct this matter, this must serve the interests of every citizen, only kharitonov offers an appropriate course, appropriate. should you finance this yourself in order to then have some kind of state monopoly on such specialists, or is it necessary to attract business, one and a half minutes? well , the previous speaker said it, it feels like the previous 35 years, i don’t know, they said
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about the same thing, these are just slogans, and as world experience shows, world experience shows that cooperation between private business and government. probably in these technological areas it is optimal, because long-term investments that are unknown in research work will pay off or not, perhaps it is better to do it at public expense, but when it is necessary to bring down to earth those seemingly complex packages and give them absolutely real life, but tomorrow in the national economy, it turned out that business does it faster. and examples of this are all around us, first we we were surprised and did not believe that elon musk would launch rockets, but he did, and we see that despite the fears that were initially in russia that how could this be, we have several companies in private hands that
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provide us with cellular communications, but in fact, we have one of the best internet and high-quality communications, this is true, so i believe... that it is necessary for private business to be confident in the future, to hire young scientists and so that these people can implement long-term projects together with the state , thank you, next, we have one common question for all participants in today’s debate, as if final for this topic, how can we ensure the cybersecurity of our country, so i’ll help you, give you an effective presentation, do we need it? for example, your own internet. alexander sergeevich, one and a half minutes. tolya, i don’t like to repeat myself, but every time i hear the same words from either kharitonov or his confidants, i am forced to make a short excursion, an excursion into history. now the communists are leaving the program and
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talking about what needs to be supported science, yes, without science we are nowhere, we need to do this, that, i remember now, this is how nikolai bondarenko, also vladimirovich, stood on an armored car in 1717 and spoke. one in one slogan , you can, in principle, take all the programs of the communist party of the russian federation in all previous elections, without re-reading them , we understand what words, nationalization, fight against corruption, everything else, support for science, well, i remember how science was supported in the twenties in the thirties years, when all scientists, geneticists, physicists, and so on, were put against the wall, they tell us about that we are the first, we were the first to fly into space, and i remind you that we could have flown into space much earlier if korolev had not rotted in the gulag, i am forced to repeat these things for the third time on the third broadcast in order to somehow refresh your memory, here we can remind you. replacement, when the communists say that everything was wonderful with us, everything was wonderful, we produced here, well , listen, all the technologies that were in soviet times were all stolen or officially obtained either in america, or in europe, or in china , let's talk about what says slutsky, what odpr has always said is to use good experience, positive
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experience. you know why china has now received such a boost and has become practically the first economy in the world, because they then looked at how the soviet union was developing, what mistakes the soviet union was making and the state did not make these mistakes. with the highest level of social support with the strongest economy in the world, and why? because they know how to analyze, not make mistakes, here the reward of the seventeenth year suggests that the reward of the seventeenth year come, repeat the question, nikolai nikolaevich , repeat how we can ensure the cybersecurity of our country , do we need, for example, our own internet, please, dear viewers, it’s hard for you to feel this, but here in the studio there is a smell and an atmosphere of fear, here are representatives and accomplices of the oligarchic ...
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when he talks about bad communists, keep in mind that more than 30 years ago here on our land, 25% of the world's digital product of digital technologies was produced in our country for global needs, today with effective democrats, we produce less than 1% of domestic domestic needs, we are a banana republic, we are a gas station country, we are pumping oil and gas from our land, irreplaceable energy sources and selling them, so give us a phone number, give us a computer, what kind of technological sovereignty can maybe
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from a party that has been sitting in the state duma for a long time, we are new, so we try to come and open the door for opportunities, here we have a small cat, we have a small faction, but we come and we offer, and we offer, yes, of course, i think that we will have a larger window, because we have more and more supporters, and this is now shown by measurements, yes, what we have, yes, we have, we are already on the second according to the measurements, our candidate, vladislav davankov, came out on top, so i return to our topic. when we touched on the topic that is now proposed for discussion, i remembered
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that we all use, well, almost all, either apple products, or we have some kind of android device, and we understand that when we type, even the keyboard sends these data where to go, we don’t have a sovereign internet, we don’t have a sovereign ecosystem, the first steps are being taken and... the state really somehow tried to help so that they started producing some devices and a number of companies started producing it there acvarius, you can to name a few more manufacturers who are already doing this , but the question arose: we need to continue to create an ecosystem where we buy applications with you, because otherwise our applications can be disabled, we have this in the program, we have created a specialized committee to go, understood, thank you very much, i want to remind our distinguished debaters. each of you has equal time , alexander sergeevich quite rightly said that there is no desire, so
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to speak, to run to the courts in the spring, so that this does not happen to all of us, let’s say, so to speak, everyone, everyone will work out their own time, so to speak, yes, and you can, so to speak, argue with your colleagues, opponents during your, so to speak, bloc, your time, okay, but they threatened with the courts, yes, what, they threatened with the courts to no, no, i quoted our respected participant, what are you talking about, yes, but then run? i won’t have to, so i don’t know if this can be called a threat, we have a big topic and a very serious one, so to speak, huge, i’ll just say two words so that you understand its scale, russia of the future, accordingly, i understand that the topic is almost endless , but nevertheless, we will ask a few questions on this topic, we will try to cover different aspects, the most diverse of a wide range, from i don’t know the development of the regions. tourism, education, in short, let’s try to understand how we imagine our homeland in the future.
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so, alexander sergeevich, let's start with you. the future of russia is, first of all, even technically, children, the younger generation. therefore, let's start with the topic of education, which traditionally has a lot of questions, one of the most pressing is the quality of education in schools, among the main complaints is the race for indicators, which is low. effectiveness of classes, what needs to be reformed in schools today, your specific proposals, one and a half minutes first, a small remark regarding alexandravich khurunzhi, don’t be offended that i don’t remember about you, i’m just talking about my colleagues from the communist party of the russian federation, everything is very simple, because there were probably already about 35 of these new-found parties for the existence of modern russia, in sociology shows that now there is a request for new faces, but bring you new people, before this sociology in the seventh or sixth year it seemed that there was a request for the word justice, please get a fair russia, everyone already understands this, homo. fortunately, in russia we have a lot, as for education, everyone probably thinks that i do not completely support
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everything that was in the soviet union, meanwhile, the soviet union had the best education system, which we lost for the sake of the balona system, for which the bologna system was introduced, so that here , having received this diploma, you could go and find a job in the west, this was just such a good window of brain drain, although you know, i’m more than sure that people like elon musk, who were remembered there today yes, like... no matter what universities it is graduated, no matter what diplomas they had, if there is a brilliant scientist, they will take him with any diploma, even if he has a diploma from the soviet union, and a huge number of people after the post-soviet era went there to the united states. americans went to europe for a long ruble, but , strictly speaking, you probably can’t blame them for this, but as for what needs to be returned to school, just imagine, we were on duty in schools, washed floors, washed blackboards, that’s it, was it bad, did we develop, that we weeded gardens, but it was wonderful, therefore, first of all, for the future , the return of the education that was in
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soviet times, to remove this unified state examination, which dulls our children, nikolai nikolaevich has a question for you, one of the problems. excessive bureaucratization of a teacher’s work, at least that’s what people talk about, and they talk about it a lot. the teacher , instead of taking care of the children, endlessly draws up plans, writes all sorts of reports, writes explanatory notes, and so on and so on and so on. do you agree that this is the main or one of the main problems, and is it possible and necessary to change something in this area, in this part? a minute and a half, please. listen, this is a very important problem, but it cannot be the main one, first of all, because the main problem is the lack of funding, which our government manages to manage every year.
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here are the results of this course, when we talk about the fact that there is a specific program, a specific plan on how to fill the budget through the nationalization of strategic key sectors of the economy, the banking segment, transport, the oil and gas system, of course, raw materials sector, we are talking about the fact that we can finance education properly in kharitonov’s program from 2025, 25% of the gdp level, these will be knowledge budgets, development budgets, and not degradation budgets, as is happening today. look how much a teacher receives today , how much this profession has become simply humiliating and disrespectful by the authorities, everyone remembers the statement and appeal of dmitry anatolyevich medvedev that teachers should not have a normal salary, he says, if you want money, go into business, what kind of attitude is this? on the part of the authorities, this needs to be changed, only kharitonov advocates the corresponding specific program, so draw conclusions, especially in comparison with what
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others say, thank you very much, i have a question for you, and it is important, this is a big gap between. education in large cities and some remote settlements, how to fix this ? is it even possible to do it in one and a half minutes? 163,000, if i’m not mistaken, is the cost per student per year in moscow, and 53,000 is in kurgan, the gap, as we see, is three times, of course, with such a gap, even taking into account that...
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maybe it’s not about money after all, or not only about money, what else can and should be offered? one and a half minutes please. over the 10 years of work in the state duma, i traveled through thousands of small towns and villages, and i can say that the topic was repeatedly raised that, of course, we need such a program as a zemstvo doctor, a zemstvo teacher, but nevertheless, having started working the first few years, it has shown its ineffectiveness, it is partly effective, but the funding that was proposed in within the framework of this program, it... is not enough, i voiced on the first broadcast here what is necessary, so we understand perfectly well that there are military personnel, intelligence officers who, after working a certain number of years, after serving, can get an apartment, receive a certificate. yes, i don’t really understand why other public sector employees , including teachers, doctors, cannot receive a certificate, but i will offer a funded system, you have worked for a year, you
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receive a million rubles, which go to a special account, for 2 years , 3 years, 4, 5 years, you have 5 million, teachers will be interested in going to get a teaching education first, because now what ’s the point of going to a pedagogical university when you understand that what are your prospects, getting 40-50,000, but not everyone lives in moscow, where a teacher’s salary can be 130,000 rubles, and to teach students... there are two or three people in a class, this is per capita per capita calculations, so only a federal national project that will allow allocating this money to doctors and teachers will allow them to stay in this area specialists. just , you can talk as much as you like about ideology, that there should be patriotism, where you were born, it will come in handy, friends, this is a question that should be solved only by the federal budget, only on such a scale, then the profession will become popular, then it will become in demand, thank you for concerns where he was born. it was useful to us, this is generally a separate question, so to speak, maybe we will have time, we’ll discuss it, who , what should or who should the school prepare, so to speak, a person with a set of knowledge
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or citizen first, good question. nikolai nikolaevich, let’s continue, when in general he conducted a survey about the prestige , so to speak, of the teaching profession, about how respected it is, and so on, then naturally people usually answered that it is very respected, maybe the most respected, probably prestigious. as they say, in practice, yes, it will support the ordinary teacher, just now a representative of the new people said, he says: we have a big program, so i’ll look through it, you know why other parties are talking about this
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they don’t tell the program why they are sending you to the site, why they tell you about what they have, but they don’t give any specifics, because every adequate person, using critical thinking, will understand that from these beautiful statements the only conclusion will be one, they are not going to defeat poverty, they are not going to fight poverty, they are not going to redistribute public... in the interests of every citizen, they want to retouch this rotten facade and want to support the ruling class, which is what they actually do, they what role they are playing now, what number they are working on, they came to support the system that, accordingly , dominates today in our country, and naturally this matter needs to be exposed, when we talk about helping the teacher, about helping the education system, we must be specific, and the program - this is a specific document, this is something that citizens must evaluate, something that citizens must weigh, we have such a program,
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financial obligations, how to fix this, a worker cannot be responsible for loans, but what other candidates can offer, only words. thank you, aleksandrevich, well, now we have reached, so to speak, finances, financing, ensuring an increase in teachers’ salaries, equipping schools...
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each of us, sending a child to this or that school or kindergarten, is often guided by the following criteria: he wants to raise a happy child, a happy person, and accordingly he looks at what he lacked in life, when we talk about the state system, it’s still an averaging of efficiency, that is, you have to try to please everyone, but that’s all geeks are different, there are some peculiarities , in any case, yes... a person has the opportunity to choose, there are highly specialized programs, and there is practice-oriented education, so i believe that our party project, on the basis of which we entered.
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power to the people, land to the peasants, if you are a nobleman, we’ll grab a pitchfork, now we’ll put you on a pitchfork, the rhetoric that we hear today in the hall doesn’t remind you of anything, well, shouting, i say again, from an armored train or from an armored car is really not difficult , yes, talk about what we need to fight against corruption, of course we need to fight corruption, but a lot of things need to be changed in the state system, of course a lot of things need to be changed in the state system, a lot of what is happening now, i say again, i went to thousands of villages and towns and i don’t like
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it. ..what should we give to children in schools? i would like to say that love for the homeland, yes, and this is correct, because any child should be a patriot, but when he sees that a child, when their parent gets something out of a salary of 1,500 rubles. 9.00 rub to pay for communal apartment, when he understands that in order to get an ultrasound for his grandmother or mom or dad, he needs to stand in line for a month and a half, then... the question is already there, for some reason about patriotism immediately fades into the background, the question immediately comes to the fore: where can i get this money? don't have this money? therefore , let’s formulate the idea of ​​patriotism, love for the homeland, friendship, respect for elders, let’s still think about what kind of pensions our pensioners still receive to this day in the 21st century, receiving 18-20 thousand, of which 7-8 let's go to the communal apartment, and then when we give pensions worthy of their work, nikolai
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nikolaevich, so, what should we teach our children and whom will we ultimately raise, dear viewers, what an interesting conclusion the representatives of the ldpr made, there is no money, the richest country on planet earth, 40% of the world's resources, but no money , it turns out, can you imagine how interesting it is, they robbed the country and say there is no money, but you hang in there, oligarchs, superyachts occupy leading positions, and in these expensive magazines, but for you and me, of course, there is no money. says we need to fight corruption, how? it’s an unbearable task to do this, in fact, it’s all simple, friends, it’s just that for other candidates it’s unacceptable against yourself and your ruling class, you can’t argue with it, in fact, in kharitonov’s program, let’s force officials, let’s recruit law enforcement officers, those who feed from the budget, count their expenses, if your salary is 50,000 rubles, you bought property for tens of millions, and you cannot answer the basic
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question, where does the money come from, zine? you are a criminal, you corrupt official, your illegally stolen property will be confiscated in the interests of the state, in the interests of the entire society, then you won’t be able to live on non-labor income, why is it so difficult to say this to other candidates, they have a different mission, their task is to help the system, and not in a fundamental way to change it, they say that housing and communal services tariffs are high, listen, over the last almost 20 years since 2005, housing and communal services tariffs have increased 19 times, in kharitonov’s program there is a specific point to limit the growth of tariffs. housing and communal services are growing today like after rain, no more 10% of family income. the scientifically based norm is 7%. today people pay 30%, 50% or more. thank you, thank you. alexandrovich, is the question clear? i ask for your minute and a half. it's like i'm listening to the previous speech. well, first of all, the electricity tariff, let’s say, on average, increased not by 19, as you say, by 23 times. but let's return to the question. the issue is, in fact, a very global
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systemic one. who we want to raise, because we are new people about the future and about the present, that is, we want people lived comfortably in our country here now, so that they would not encounter, or at least less, problems that arise due to nothing, due to some kind of human misunderstanding, stupidity, i don’t know, when a person simply , about a simple problem, but... there was some kind of delay or something else, the bailiff can’t get through to him, the bailiffs just can’t get through to him, 21 million people can’t get through to the bailiff, you know, well, just because you have to call by phone, no solve this problem in one click, that is , we believe that the future of russia is love, love first for your children, for your wife, for your man, and so on, for your parents, for your parents, of course, and we believe: what is this
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primarily, the future of russia is large families who live in decent conditions, spend little time on all sorts of solutions to minor problems, because... thank you, of course, i can’t help but start with some remark, nikolovich, i’ve heard a lot about your talents, but i didn’t expect to hear you repeating what i say almost word for word, only
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to repeat about 10 keys higher, and at the same time, and at the same time manage to say that only the communist party of the russian federation is talking about this, but as for tariffs, we are not only stating a fact, whether it is for the nineteenth time or it has grown 25 times; again, we suggest turning to the experience of china, and i have spoken about this many times. for more than 10 years , tariffs have not increased for anyone in china, why? and this is a very tangible area, it’s not only the education tariffs that are tangible, but also communal services in general in general, it’s noticeable, because the whole difference between the wires every year becomes inflation , there is its own thing, it’s more expensive, it’s becoming more expensive, firstly , they once allocated funds within the framework of federal money, replaced all the networks, making them new, then they simply allocate money from the country’s budget for this the difference , without increasing people, they allocate once... this is a state company that manages the energy sector, that’s the whole approach, you know, the simplest approach, so i don’t just turn to the experience of other countries, to the experience of the soviet union, because what again in there were a lot of good things in the soviet union, the gap, anatoly, we can only close
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by following one path, if each enterprise, we understand in which region which enterprises, all the colleges that are opening, there will be not just colleges for marketers, lawyers or someone else , but specialized colleges where our students will undergo internships at these enterprises. and come after college as ready-made specialists, understanding how the enterprise works, what it does and how it functions from a business point of view processes, thank you, nikolai nikolaevich , there are surveys according to which almost 40% of russians believe that higher education should be free, it’s interesting what the remaining 60% think, but this is a different question, and there really is a problem, the number of free places have decreased significantly over the past 15 years, more than half of the students study for a fee, it is possible... this can be changed due to which then universities will be financed and operate accordingly. ask! thank you, dear viewers, i can’t help but to comment on this passage, it seems like the ldpr also proposes, and they want to limit tariffs, but for some reason, when it comes to real action, yes, when you need
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to vote on the budget, and they reduce funding for housing and communal services several times , the ldpr is right there, a faithful assistant to the authorities, you see, it’s beautiful in words, but how after the elections, how they received a mandate, how they got their positions. it means they put it under their thumb, policy changes instantly, when we talk to you about the education system, the soviet experience here is the most advanced, the soviet education system was recognized by the world community as one of the best, despite the fact that it was absolutely free, but colossal funds were allocated for this, in 1945 25% of gdp was allocated to the education system, tens of thousands of schools were built in one five-year period, imagine how interesting, but today tens of thousands of schools are being reduced, destroyed, optimized, as the current government says, and of course, transferred to the format of paid education, there are additional services, not to mention the higher system education, this is categorically unacceptable in kharitonov’s program
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, there are absolutely opposite proposals, we insist that citizens should receive education for free, despite the fact that they have already paid taxes for it, they have already contributed the necessary funds for their free education, but the current government manages to tax take money from... citizens for the second time, such, such a government today, such a course, today, and you conclude, friends, what kind of future you want, yes, either it’s free education, or paid, and so on remote, thank you, alexander aleksanovich, here are 59, we continue the polls , quote, 59% of russians believe that higher education is now less accessible than in the soviet years, and at the same time literally 20 years ago, on the contrary, everyone was cursing that higher education had become a fiction, everyone who is not too lazy gets it, there is some kind of contradiction , is it worth it on...
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we watched on tv how banks are charged, these are the same people who brought education, brought money to mmm, you know , yes, that’s all, that, no, no, i'm talking about education, that is. i'm talking about what every time there is a change in the technological structure, as now, you need to prepare for it, and if before the problem was that education did not teach simple economic points that would immediately become obvious that companies cannot pay such interest, that will be deceived, now we are talking, you will have time, you will say , now we are talking about the arrival of artificial intelligence, and we should already be preparing for...
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thank you, not as, so to speak, a demonstration, as just a reason for reflections for you, dear friends, please note that in the united states of america, pyramids have also been in steady demand for many years, and people, so to speak, invest in them at very different levels, i repeat, this is for reflection, this is not for polemics, we continue , alexander sergeevich, the future of russia is the development of our territories, we already partially discussed this when we talked , in fact, here we are... education, about medicine, in general we touched upon, this is also all
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part of development, really, let’s go back to this topic in more so to speak, on a broad, global scale, in your opinion , which regions should we pay attention to, i understand that the question is not an easy one, maybe even provocative, but still, first of all , please, the question is not a simple one, i would say a strange question, which regions should we no need to pay attention, well, let's take the tambof region, ryazan, nearby from moscow, the moscow region, there can be a long list there. for a long time, so you come to any of these cities, and what do you think, they don’t need to be developed or some region we need to develop more, we need to take a more competent approach to what program to form, what task to set in order for this or that region to engage in this or that type of activity, to strengthen it, but if we understand that we have the southern caucasian regions, and where we have more sunshine, where there is good soil, where you can grow fruit, let's focus on agro-industrial holding, based on this, we will do it in those regions. if we understand that there are 60% of the territory of the russian
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federation that belongs to the extreme to the north, well, in accordance with the law in accordance with our territory, we must clearly understand what it means here for us to have industrial production, enterprises, and so on and so forth, but only to answer clearly which regions, and well , every person leaving the apartment no matter what region he lived in, he wants to see what, he wants to see everything, not that he grows apples here, but he wants to see where he grows pears, go to another region, he wants to see everything, but those models, which are used now, there is this: the fashionable word is concession, public-private partnership, when we understand that over these decades we, for example, have killed private businesses, carriers, individual entrepreneurs who transported people, providing this service, and now we are taking large federal enterprises, we cover the regions with them, we give a federal model, bank money and build some kind of systems, but first we killed business, now we will think, nikolai nikolaevich, at the last debate, nikolai mikhailovich said, how to develop agriculture in... the east, what else needs to be done so that
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, this is your, so to speak, version, or in continuation of nikolai mikhailovich’s reasoning, so that life in remote regions becomes more attractive, please listen, well this requires an appropriate attitude towards the regions, yes, towards zamkazia, as people say, and for this there must be proper funding, today this is the budget rule, this is this attempt to suck all the juice out of the regions, and the federal center takes away the fattest pieces, this vat is excise taxes, this is a tax on the extraction of mineral resources, and then what remains... try to live on this money, as they say, i do not defend governors, united russia members, they, as they say, are worried about their position, yes, but nevertheless the situation is extremely unfair, funding for each citizen, for each resident of the capital is up to forty times different from what is happening in the regions, well, as you yourself understand, what this leads to, that here both infrastructure and improvement are at a much higher level, naturally , the whole country is striving move, especially young people to the capital, from here, yes, you and i know which countries, which territories people are leaving for, right? we are talking to you about how to change this matter;
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among other things, we really need to move on to specific changes in nikolai mikhailovich kharitonov’s program by increasing the company’s income to at least 35,000 rubles. this is worthy, every citizen will thank you for this. among other things, the abolition of excise taxes on fuels and lubricants, gasoline, and diesel fuel will cost affordable, fair money, not like today. besides this, how do i i have already said that not only interest-free mortgages, but also state control over interest rates on other loans, this will be possible after the nationalization of the banking sector. under the control of labor collectives, a broad trade union organization, workers and society involved in management processes, we will be able to achieve a fair distribution of funds and resolve key issues. thank you, alexander sannovich, in soviet times it was, as you must remember, they just admitted that they received an education in soviet times, it was distribution of young specialists by regions, this also goes into the topic of development, what is not development, is it worth returning to this practice or do you think that with modern youth or the modern way of life this will not work, please, i think that forcing
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people to go according to distribution , in my opinion , wrong, that is, what was good in soviet times - when our parents went to the collective farm, met there, and then many of us appeared, yes, the second moment, i think, was absolutely wonderful, when a person after all, i could choose during the distribution , because there were a lot of factories and enterprises , when now there are not so many new enterprises for which such distribution is possible, then they will offer few options, and i would not want to, and this is the position of the party.. .new people, so that they can decide for people where to go, i believe that a young specialist should graduate as such a valuable person that by the time he does his internship from the second year, he will already be in demand when we meet with them, and we meet very often, it's ours the audience, these are young people, these are students, they
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, as a rule, have already been working since their second year, and this story itself is about...
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there is no such amount in the budget, that is , there is money in the budget at the rate of 35 thousand rubles, he calculated it, he clearly knows the budget, he shoveled tons of paper, but he then came to ulyanovk for 50,000, he said by eye, but this money is not in the budget, this is talking about fraud, political fraud, that’s what concerns tourism, your humble servant in a few years ago there was one of... the authors of the bill of amendments to bill 2557 in my opinion, on the development of multifunctional zones along federal highways. now, if we are talking about domestic tourism, tourism can also be different: airplanes, yes , all flights should be subsidized, and many people now got behind the wheel of their cars and wanted to go see the country, but these are the areas where you can relax, eat, refuel,
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maybe sleep, while our development is very poorly developed, even the program that rostourism proposed several years ago there with 20%. but i don't hear anything about it now system, how it works with this cashback, and as for the service, you know, in terms of service we have fallen behind for many, many years, going to sochi is two to three times more expensive than going, just the next question , thank you, thank you, nikolai nikolaevich, something tells me that you use your time somehow at your own discretion, but nevertheless i will ask a question, an important question, in my opinion, a very interesting one. many tourists, and all of us, actually, not all, but many of us, complain that hotel services in our country are often worse than in border, and prices are usually higher, this is how to make domestic tourism more accessible , what do you propose, please, why don’t you make comments to me, even from the screen of the first channel, criticism will be heard from the current course, of course, it needs to be corrected, so to speak,
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yes, those exploding representatives who do not observe these traditions, as for the comment that i was asked to do in ulyanovsk, yes, representatives of the ldpr are on all the banners. the communist party of the russian federation introduced an electoral code to the state duma. yes, cancellation of remote electronic voting multi-day races, let’s at least talk about remote electronic voting,
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what is their opinion? after all, it’s clear to any adequate citizen that, if you’ll excuse the expression, this is just an electronic scam. it is impossible to control this process, the election commission itself speaks about this, and citizens are unanimous in this opinion, so confidence in elections is very low. there are new people who manage to somehow defend this topic.
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somehow i want to say it differently, but these are just such potholes, potholes, large, deep, of course , if we expect that people will come to us, things are not so good with flights, that is , they will go south, often by car, it is necessary to restore transport, transport infrastructure, restore it urgently, the second point , if we want to raise the level of service, we have already come quite far when we did the olympics, but these best practices...
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that’s the actual topic and that’s the actual question, in the end it’s a very difficult choice: here’s a person who spent sports achievements, so to say, for training, for preparation for the main starts of their lives there, yes, they must choose, they are faced with a difficult choice: either to betray their country, or to lose all these years, all their achievements, what should we offer them so that such a choice does not arise, please, you know, if in general there is a discussion about how to perform... under a neutral twenty flag or not to compete under a neutral flag, i will find arguments for you both from one position and from another position, yes, that’s what you don’t consider athletes and so further and further
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similar, but i can say that enough is already being done to ensure that athletes do not feel abandoned, and i am very familiar with it, considering that in the past i was involved in cross-country skiing, biathlon and was in the biathlon federation of the russian federation from the eighteenth to the second year, that is, communicating with top athletes of the russian federation, in particular, i can say that we have such a wonderful girl, the youngest olympic champion in the history of sports, who ran the fourth stage in beijing relay race, veronica stepanova, a wonderful girl who is now winning everyone at the russian cup, every sport has its own veronica stepanova, in addition to the fact that she is a wonderful athlete, she also manages to maintain her social networks, showing by her personal example that she does, how much she gives in order to get these first places, as far as i know, now the money that athletes receive is completely formed. various sources, there are sponsors, there is a salary, which they receive through the ministry , that is, from various sources, believe me, if you are a good athlete, you really
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earn good money, but not every sport, unfortunately, it is, as they say , expensive, but there is expensive football there , yes, there is biathlon is cheaper there, biathlon is simpler, and there are a huge number of sports, but here , of course, every athlete must decide for himself what to do in the future, defend the honor of a flag and realize himself, or be a patriot and stay in the country, kakpanova. nikolai nikolaevich has a question for you: now the state helps raise future athletes, but if we are talking about high-achievement sports, there is quite a large burden, including financial and , above all, financial, it still falls on the parents, but what if all this is for the sake of the country and its prestige, and not for the sake of the athlete’s own records, so to speak, maybe the state needs to completely take over the cultivation of athletes , including in such complex sports, where, so to speak, they are very expensive. for example, take raising athletes entirely yourself , please listen, it seems to me that the authorities here have nothing to brag about, yes, the athletes
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are talented, our people are strong, but we see that they are leaving abroad, they offer rubles, this is the budget, they blame us, what kind of we don’t vote for such a budget, and for prosecutors, investigators, for the national guard, there is money there, no one here refuses anything, yes, when it comes to people’s help, the state there is poor and they tell us, guys, we are in a hopeless situation, listen , we have a way out, and we have specific proposals on how to redistribute public goods, how to fill the budget
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with the necessary resources, and everyone has these proposals honestly. on the lips of every fair, decent citizen, this is a question of social justice, these budgets will develop the country, but today’s budgets, their participation, their amendments, what do they lead to? to the fact that the country is dying out, millions are dying out, 2.5 million people die in a year, 80% die because of poverty, because of palm oil in food, because of the lack of vacations, because of the monstrous processing, thank you, alexander alexandrovich, nevertheless, in recent years a lot has been done for... the development of sports in our country, including amateur sports, nevertheless, what else needs to be done, please, well, the correct separation of amateur sports from sports high achievements, and if with sports of high achievements it is most likely unclear now, then with amateur sports, with yard football, hockey with a return to
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the fact that sports will become accessible to everyone, everything is clear, it is necessary... now we need to fill these areas with funding , we need to attract as many trainers as possible to create conditions for children to start practicing in the courtyards, and i believe that we now have a very large number of new opportunities due to the fact that global construction is underway. let me remind you that russia built more housing this year; this has never happened in its entire history. at the same time, complexes are being built that immediately involve a large number of sports grounds, this is a good practice, but it is impossible, in order for these sites to remain dead, it is necessary to give the opportunity for people to work out there, so that they really are not for the beautiful picture of this or that complex, but so that it is convenient to work out there and so that some kind of backyard competitions can be held there,
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this is cool, and i believe that... steam sports need to be developed, there is time, no need, there is something to say to the people, and we also know that i am hesitant, friends, but there are, there are strict regulations and we adhere to them, especially now everyone will have you again a minute and a half to answer my general question about this complex topic, well, in general, yes, the last question, so it sounds like this, how do you imagine the russia of the future? what should we focus on first of all, so that russia has your ideas, your fantasies, your dreams , so that it comes true, please, this is the last one, we won’t have another word, i understand correctly, there won’t be any more, but i i can’t help but remember that it took us about 70 years to build exactly everything that our colleague from the communist party of the russian federation is talking about today, it’s been 70 years that we’ve been doing this, did, did and did, you wonder:
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involuntarily, where did all this suddenly go, who stopped you from continuing to do it? someone interfered, nikolai, i even allow you to say a remark in my time, who prevented you from continuing to do this in the eightieth, ninetieth, hundredth year were communists, and those who pretended, those who pretended, which means those who did not pretend to be communists in their time was transferred to crimea to ukraine, they made ukrainization, i reminded you of this on previous broadcasts, and we still see everything to this day, that all that is happening is we are raking up the legacy that the communist party of the soviet union left us. the privatization that was done , i have to remind you again, i reminded kharitonov about this, was done by those who were the first oligarchs in our country after the collapse of the soviet union, when the cpsu, this country, our wonderful, collapsed, these are those who headed the komsomol cells, leaders, those who headed the regional party committees, and how the communist elites defended their, excuse me, delicious sausage, which they received it there, yes, under the counter, they knew where
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to come, they very simply defended you if you said anything against the communist party. in the soviet union in soviet times, you will either be put against the wall or sent to a madhouse, now someone is indignant that they give you 3 years for extremism, well , listen, it’s better to get 3 years for extremism, and rot in a madhouse, it seems to me so , so you have to do it anyway. thank you for your answer to the question about how you imagine the russia of the future; in fact, the same question is for you, nikolai nikolaevich, what needs to be done emphasis, how do you imagine it, what needs to be done, please, the rakes have been found, they have inherited such a country, the most reading, the most advanced, the most educated, the most advanced production of science, they are raking the whole thing, listen, but what exactly you today, what exactly are you today?
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in the booth they worked their number, a fair russia, a future russia, this is the future of social justice, true democracy, socialism, where people are a friend, a brother, a comrade, where people are not they need to go over their heads and tear each other down for money, because they have nothing to share, they have all interests, needs are satisfied, this is a future where there is no need to send text messages to children for medicine, because the authorities care about their own citizens, this is a future in which people are confident... confident in their future, they have the means of opportunity and an apartment, to buy housing for themselves in order to give birth to children, to find themselves a decent job and a good salary, this is the socialist russia of the future, so
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for kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for program, alexandrovich, how do you imagine the russia of the future, what should be emphasized in order to achieve it, please, the russia of the future is a country in which you want to live, a country from which... you don’t want to leave, a country in which people want to stay, a country with which they connect their future, because they feel good here, because they are not only confident in today, in today, but in tomorrow, they are proud of the kind of past they had, even if it is in some way don't like it, they are confident in their country because they are confident in their future. because our country is not only large, but modern, technological, with a minimum number of prohibitions, and if all over the world there is a time of continuous bans
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and restrictions, and inevitably this time will cover other countries, we have fewer and fewer of them, because we are strong in russia , we not only have a unique territory, we have... what he wants, and the state helps him realize his opportunities, and does not interfere, the state supports him and his children so that they want to have children, give birth and be happy, thank you, the debate, friends, has come to an end, now each of you has exactly one minute. to summarize today's conversation, rossyan sergeevich, please, anatoly, your last question was so good that i decided to answer it at the end. yes, i see the russia of the future, i see that in the russia of the future there will be no salary for
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a teacher of about 70-90 rubles. while a police officer has approximately 150-200. i see that in russia of the future there will be no such phenomenon as envy, there will not be, but this is not so, like the 7-80s, when everyone wasn’t... jealous, why? yes, because no one had anything, you see, there was nothing to envy, in principle, but only, as i already said, the party nomenklatura lived very well and warmly. we had a lot of debate today, but we probably shouldn’t forget that tomorrow there is one wonderful holiday, and we, as men standing here, can not only be politicians, first of all we are men, our candidate, like leonid slutsky, on behalf of our entire ldpr team, wants to congratulate everyone our wonderful women, grandmothers , mothers, wives, daughters,
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plan, there is a legal opportunity to change everything, but for this we need to unite with you, today it is not enough to come to the polling stations yourself, people have lost confidence in the institution of elections, so we must undermine society, bring friends, relatives, acquaintances to the entrance of your house, turn the line of the clinic store to the polling station and vote for the only alternative. i wanted to congratulate women on march 8, you received your rights in struggle, do not distribute this right to the right, vote for. i want to tell
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all the people who doubt the power of their voice that your voice is really important, everything that we are doing here in the studio now, what people in the regions are doing when they try to meet, collect orders, everyone is trying to tell how wonderful your future is waits, then reality sets in, people find out that... that everything was decided for them, but it wasn’t decided, and your vote really means a lot, and this is a vote not only for vladislav davankov, it is a vote for the party new people, new people - these are alexey nichaev, sordana avsenkieva, and i want to say that your voice is important for the authorities to believe that the youth and i... are on the same wavelength
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and that we are needed, that’s it, thank you, friends, in the end i want to say something very significant, i’ll just say, come and vote, thank you very much, see you. this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio of valery korablev, in this issue. russia is a center of gravity, a sea of ​​questions. to vladimir pustin, from the participants of the youth festival. about the mysterious russian soul. it's such a complex
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substance, but at least we have something that sets us apart from others. so what's the difference? the poison of nationalism that poisoned ukraine, why was the west indifferent to the tragedy of donbass? there was a war and the extermination of civilians, children, women, old people, why can’t russia do this, stand up for its people? art. our country brings us together, openly for the talented and daring, and we can take a photo with you, you won’t be spoiled, to make sure that i real, mr. president, i would so like to become your african son, so that you become my mentor, what can i tell you, son, africa, asia, europe, a million opportunities, to find real friends in russia, not just allies, reliable partners, russia and china, about new impulses for... cooperation, statement by the minister
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of foreign affairs and.


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