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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 7, 2024 10:50am-12:01pm MSK

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i didn’t understand, i think how ugly it is, how ugly it is, by the way, you ’re saying the right thing, it seems to me that a lot of people, when they go to a psychologist, they get the same answers to simple questions that are contained in these commandments , when you are looking for someone to blame for your childhood in the person of your mother, remember the commandment, honor your father and mother, and do not delve into yourself, you know, i don’t like psychologists at all, you started a psychologist, you are responsible.
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was healthy, so that all mothers were healthy , in general, just live, dear mother, so that you peace, and so that they never know grief. mikhail yegorovich’s mother passed away, but she is proud of you, i am also proud of her and thank her.
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for what she gave me in this life, i remember her very well, i remember every word in a difficult moment, it helps me a lot, well, this is the program we have today, girls, so glad to see you, there are no mutual servants, because i see mom and dad more often, we had a good time, congratulate your mothers, congratulate the women, wives who are next to you - these are the mothers of your children, we you... it was good, may you live healthy, the information channel is starting to broadcast on the first, the program time will tell, we are working live, in olesya’s studio. yesterday
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the world youth festival ended in sochi, our president vladimir putin came to sirius, he said that the united states had failed in its role as a world leader and many countries were already tired of their role as a hegemon. and in poland, meanwhile , a real riot, hundreds of thousands of farmers and ordinary polish citizens in general gathered in warsaw and demanded to stop feeding ukraine, freely demands to transport their goods and obey.
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even relying on male help, the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine ii. premiere, tomorrow on the first. potemkin was preparing the main surprise for the woman he loved.
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the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. declaration of love. festive concert in the kremlin. premiere, tomorrow on the first. we had it with us. the lines of his monologues became aphorisms: never exaggerate the stupidity of your enemies and the loyalty of your friends. yes, that's a good thing to say, be friends with him it’s just amazing, because he is smart , brilliant, he commented on everything very much , he spent a day, he came out educated, you can kiss him, no, no, i once told him, mikhail mikhailovich, you know that you are a genius, he simply told me, yes, clark, i know. this march marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvanetsky. i remember how everyone froze at home, turned on the tape recorder, and recorded zhvanetsky. and at the age of 11 i couldn’t understand what this man was saying, in the hall people were happy, in my home they were happy. this is not prose, this is poetry. zhvanetsky's dictionary is
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country dictionary. our exclusive today is the satirist’s wife, son and friends. about his work and my last conversation with him. the main advice my dad gave me was to me. she said: have a conscience and do what you want. exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere. march 10, on the first. mitya, i made you a man, but you can’t find me, a wolf? £50 million is at stake. trust me, you'll be a wolf. we will have a home. i promise you. your wife was kidnapped by very dangerous people, they can take her.
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our soldiers continue to fight bravely front, yesterday details appeared about the destruction of another abrams tank, which is already the third destroyed, there is video confirmation of this, according to our ministry of defense, the american vehicle was destroyed with the first shot during
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a tank duel by the crew of the russian t-72 b-3 tank. that's it, friends. it turned out that nato prohibits the kiev regime from showing the destroyed or... but the time has come to admit reality, russia will not lose the war in ukraine, such
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a statement was made by senator ron johnson, finally americans have taken off their rose-colored glasses, but not all of them yet, but nevertheless they are beginning to face the fact. should we send $60 billion to fuel a bloody stalemate? any support should be aimed at bringing putin to the negotiating table to end this destructive war. vladimir putin was in sirius in sochi the day before at the closing of the international youth festival, our president talked there with festival participants, answered questions, joked, and he said that america simply failed to cope with the role of a superpower after the collapse soviet union. how have your elites taken advantage of this monopoly on world domination? that's the question. i believe that. the united states failed to cope with this burden of responsibility that fell
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on its shoulders. first, the ruling elites of the united states decided that since they now have a monopoly on power in the world, they no longer need the previous system of international relations that emerged as a result of the second world war. , she’s not happy with it, because the balance in the world has changed, that’s all, we need to start rebuilding it for ourselves and international legal order. but when it turned out that not everyone likes it, well, what do i mean, well, the events in iraq, for example, were still done there without the sanctions of the un security council, in the same syria, well, in yugoslavia, the former, i won’t now talk about the reasons, but there were no decisions of the security council, it didn’t exist, but the united states themselves released this...
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well, the only country in the world that considers itself the only one on this planet, of course , must somehow understand and accept that she doesn't it’s very difficult to do this alone, andrei konstantinovich, but look, this whole american ideology is the doctrine of messianism, it turns out that the doctrine is collapsing, is this the way the united states, america is collapsing? well, this is not a new phenomenon, the fact is that we are accustomed to the fact that liberalism and democracy are perceived as almost synonymous, liberal democracy. in fact, this is completely wrong. from the very beginning of its existence, liberalism was in deepest contradiction with democracy. what's happened democracy? this is the power of the majority. absolutely right. what are liberals aiming for? they are aimed at creative individuals, the gifted minority, and progressives.
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they are minorities, the same thing in international relations, they constantly repeat that they have always tried to establish the power of those they like , they fight for democracy, and at the same time they argue that they should be a hegemon, that they should not obey any rules, on the contrary, these rules it is not clear to establish on what basis, but vladimir vladimirovich emphasized another important role: and there are different hegemons, yes, that is , relatively speaking, the principle of world hegemony itself is bad, it is vicious, it is a fetter for civilization, but in the end one could try to cope with this role, well, somehow like alexander the great, for example, in his time, the united states of america, its current political leadership , even poorly copes with this initially bad role of the world gendarme.
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let me remind you that i said this to the whole world for the first time at the munich conference, my famous speech, after which polls showed that 80% the people of europe absolutely agree with what he says, everyone. tired of american hegemony, the current ruling circles of the united states of america, i think , are not able to give it up, that’s all, their teacher is mr. brzyzinski, who at one time in his already classic work, the great chessboard, was just trying to try on these two things : how is it, we seem to be for democracy, at the same time we are for hegemony, so he came up with a certain construct,
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from which the current thinkers of the democratic party, so in quotes let's put it, clearly weaker than life.
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option, if god forbid they win, then it will end in the fact that they, like the roman empire, the external proletariat will unite with the internal, as toynbee wrote, they will collapse under the blows of the barbarians, which means humanity will be thrown back centuries . vlad, our president never says anything just like that, and he never makes statements that do not have certain steps and consequences behind them, at
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least in planning yesterday in sirius he said the most important, made the most important speech, where he was probably the most... the main happiness is that the united states, well, except for us, of course, they talked a lot about us, but the messages to the outside world were that the united states had failed to cope with the role of the world hegemon. what does this mean in terms of global consequences, who was it addressed to? well , in my opinion, first of all, this was addressed , in general, you know, as they used to say, to the city and the world, in the sense that putin once again drew a line under the ideas of a unipolar world as such, that is, it was said that what in principle, no one in the world, in the modern world , can take on a role. so to speak, the world’s one kind of manager and gendarme will not be able to, because the festival itself, which is actually such a breakthrough, it showed that it could be silenced, we know how much was devoted to silencing it, preventing it from happening, nothing happened, moreover, it is very important for me that the festival is such, you know, the lid is open on young people, because in
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the whole world no one is working on this in this format, this is the number of young people, which came, including from the usa. china has the civilizations of africa, there are the civilizations of the far east, that is , it is so huge that today americans try to act the way they acted before, i completely agree here, this is suicide, because it will very quickly lead to conflicts, in these conflicts the usa, as we see, is not winning anywhere, but nevertheless, the united states is accustomed to emerging victorious from the two previous world wars,
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they emerged as economic winners, and this gives them a reason to strengthen their opinion. if a mammoth died, then on the one hand it’s good, for a week you are, as it were, in chocolate, but then what are you going to do, a dead mammoth, you know, that’s the whole problem, and the release of tension, right? a term that arose, well, at the end of the cold war, in the current situation, it can somehow sparkle with other colors, the fact is that it arose, the fact is that it did not arise at the end, this
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must also be understood and to make of this - it arose in the early seventies, it was an idea that was associated with such a global nuclear confrontation, when everyone stood, as they say, with pistols pointed at each other’s foreheads, then this idea arose, we went for it, but we went for it - calculating all the consequences, because after détente so then this convergence went on, in which we seemed to try, well, what is called, well, not just to play honestly, but we seemed to support everything, they began to simply outplay us on the field of that same kind of everyday life that we are completely in missed this case, you know i’m looking at this picture from sirius, if possible again, let’s show it and i feel a little ashamed of us for the nineties, for the 2000s, when we were striving for the same eurovision, where the bearded... men are running, or rather bearded ones women like men or men like women , where men run naked in high heels in thongs, and
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we ourselves wanted them there, they believed that we needed to show ourselves there, here it is, the future, a normal, healthy society that we can create, show, here i am i’m looking at the picture, this one you’re looking at now you see, and i’m proud that we realized that being healthy and normal is much... much more important than striving for other people’s ideals, you know, we just worked on our mistakes, we don’t intend to step on this rake, that’s the west, well remembers the good old rake, regularly takes it out and steps on it. yesterday, our armed forces launched a missile strike on a hangar in the port area of ​​odessa, where preparations were underway for the combat use of ukrainian unmanned boats, the ministry of defense reported. target strikes was achieved. at 11:40 moscow time, the armed forces of the russian federation launched a high-precision missile strike on a hangar in the industrial port area of ​​odessa, where
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preparations were being made for the combat use of unmanned boats of the ukrainian armed forces. the purpose of the strike is achieved, the object is hit. it’s interesting that vladimir zelensky was in odessa yesterday; he was not alone with the prime minister of greece. suddenly, greek journalists began to write that the russian... no confirmation of this information about the explosion or impact is given in the material, this is another pr for zelensky, who yesterday
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tried to attract attention to himself, again against the backdrop of what is happening in the same sirius, where our president spoke against the backdrop of our global rally of youth, i i will remember it, because this is a very right and necessary thing that we are doing for the whole world. zelensky put on another show, friends, and he performed yesterday in... here he talked about how it turns out that there was an assassination attempt on him, that we allegedly, without providing any evidence at all , they fired missiles at the motorcade , the greek delegation first reported this, then zelensky held a press conference in odessa together with the greek prime minister, against the backdrop of the cathedral, friends, this is important and remarkable, the cathedral in odessa, and we discussed it and they said that it was destroyed by a ukrainian air defense missile, which worked crookedly, even in ukraine they officially talked about this, many, well, officially, many... bloggers, where they showed where the air defense missile came from and how it damaged the cathedral, and so on her kept in this in a dilapidated state in order to bring foreign guests there
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to arrange an attraction for them, it was against this background that zelensky again made a sad face, started talking about the treachery of the russians and, of course, asked for money, we were treated today, and this is a striking blow, we saw this blow today, you see who we are dealing with, they don’t care where to hit? these people don’t care who it is, military or civilian, no matter who it is, there are international guests today. this suggests that we first need to defend ourselves, better all in all, this is an air defense system. the prime minister of greece was very impressed with zelensky’s program for visiting odessa, or at least pretended to, he spoke about this at a general press conference.
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active core, its armor penetration is low; this active core is in the range of 50-100 mm. our missile, it makes a slide and dives, dives and hits with a cumulative warhead, whose armor-breaking capacity allows it to penetrate even the frontal armor of a tank, that is, somewhere around 600-800 mm. this indicates, that those means of protection against such a missile that we can now use, there are some additional canopies there and something else
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against it... they won’t work, yeah, so it’s basically impossible to provide all-round protection of a tank from such a missile, so yes , we now have such weapons, more news of exclusive materials, including from military experts, read the telegram channel stream popular front, qr code on your screen, be sure to subscribe, vsoo has quite ambitious plans for the coming year, they want to move to counter-strike... stabilization of the front line , maximum destruction of the enemy, which is what we are doing, it is also necessary to regroup the units that need restoration and replenishment, so that they can go to training grounds in order to create a strike force this year to carry out counter-strike actions, we are succeeding , the situation is stabilizing, there are still a few
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hot directions where the enemy is concentrating... its maximum forces, this is avdeevka, the direction of chasova yar, the direction of terna towards liman, there there are heavy battles every day. our permanent military expert yuri ivanovich podalyaka joins our conversation. yuri ivanovich, well, everything is sad here, yes , as i understand it, they are preparing a counter-offensive, we need to be afraid and worry, but in reality, well , we still need to prepare, no, it’s clear that we exaggerate a little, sometimes we joke, because they have specific statements, and for this purpose. so that he can tell us how the situation really is and what we should expect, are they ready for a counterattack and what will they be able to do this year? do? good afternoon, you know , let’s listen carefully to what he said, he didn’t talk about counter-offensives, he said about counter-attack actions, what did he mean by this, i, for example, don’t know, well, most likely some kind of fake is now actually counterstrike actions are taking place, that is, when we broke through the front, liberated avdievka, went forward to the west,
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they are trying to counterstrike. it's like a counter-offensive, they know something. there must be, there must be resources, capabilities, that is, personnel, equipment, ammunition, capabilities - this is all about grouping, co-stocking where you expect the main blow, accordingly you should have all the opportunities for this, but so far i don’t see anything, that is, they have problems, and this pavlyuk said that you have us, that is, the armed forces of ukraine. there is a problem with personnel , it really exists, it is only growing so far, that is, who will he attack with, again, what will he attack with, equipment, no, everyone says this, they are just yelling on the line of combat contact, there are no shells,
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that is, for defense there is not enough, what kind of offensive, about what, that is, the west does not supply them in such large quantities, that is, you can want anything there, but why then such loud statements that the west actively quotes and issues it to its politicians like... the fact that nothing has been lost yet, ukraine is preparing for a counter-offensive, there is also a political component, yes, that is, for example, the last message, which was top yesterday, the news that a public opinion poll in ukraine, yes, the agency did that zaluzhny he simply wins in all respects over zelensky, why does he win, but because the population of ukraine is disillusioned with the government, which is losing the war, they need to somehow turn the tide in the brains of ukrainians, well, at least .
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how is the situation at the front, where are we advancing and what has changed on the line of combat contact over the past 24 hours? well, by the way, the enemy absolutely correctly noted the three main points where battles are taking place, the only thing is that i would also add novomikhailovka, yes, where our troops are also successfully attacking, but in general this often in the varyan direction, and this morning i specifically looked at the ukrainian public pages and looked through everything, because i had some issues, we have what is called the fog of war, when ours seem to give little information from the line. it has to be compensated from the side that i noted, the ukrainian maps show that there are no longer any ukrainian positions inside ivanovsk, and they show that not everything we have was taken under control, but there are no longer any ukrainian positions inside ivanovsk, they were knocked out of ivanovsk, their there is no, then if earlier yesterday we, for example
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, were not in the western outskirts, now they have already retreated beyond such a small ravine, behind which they are now trying to hold their positions, the same thing to the south between ivanovsky and kleshcheevka, there yesterday they were very big. battles and so far there is no confirmed data, but again, on the ukrainian artillery, the positions of the ukrainian troops are stretched somewhere in the area there, almost up to a kilometer in one place, that is, i cannot yet say that we have advanced there, but at least ukrainian maps show that the positions of the ukrainian troops here have moved to the west, it’s as if their side is saying so, the same applies to the ternov region, yes, that is , that side said that ours are attacking there, and indeed the enemy’s positions are now in the most populated point, that is, we have... not yet entered it, but from our positions there is less than a kilometer, that is, we have also moved forward quite well in recent days, well, the ovdeevsky section also marks the ukrainian one, we are now all we are all talking about ukrainian sources, but that after they inflicted on us, well
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, they carried out an attempt at counter-attacking actions to stabilize the front, and with their elite brigades, yesterday they again began to say that despite all this, russian troops again began to move forward in the area orlovka in the thin area, that is, again we see that i am... ukrainian sources admit that their counterattack actions have no longer brought them the desired result and they are again starting to retreat here in some places, according to berdich for now there is no such information, that is , there is still a stable front there, well, i hope that in the coming days something will change here in our favor, well, novamikhailovka is here, in addition to what we took yesterday, the day before yesterday, i apologize, we took the central part villages , the council sat down, our flag was hoisted, in the morning information came that south of novomikhailovka we also advanced, again in the area... victories have advanced a little, georgievka, that is, throughout this entire area there are small tactical movements forward, which indicates that , what and here the situation is not hell for the enemy, but i would also note krasnogorovka, where our aviation is working very seriously, if they hit the refractory plant, the brick factory, but
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where this is the main defense center, in fact it will hit, the whole krasnogorovka will hit, well, aviation works very powerfully there, and we already control the southern part of the city quite well, three streets are approximately under our control, or rather two for sure. stronger than ever and deftly carrying out the most complex operations in many western countries. russia aggressively resumes spy war with the west and moscow's publication of a conversation in which german air force officers discussed sending cruise missiles to ukraine are just the latest frightening example. russian intelligence services regrouped and rebuilt their own.
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the topic of connecting a certain state is being actively discussed, look, recently in the western media there has been a coalition of states in a conflict against russia, the americans are understandably abstracting themselves from this matter, after all, a clash between the two largest nuclear powers is not on the list of anyone’s interests, but at the same time in the west they understand perfectly well that ukraine with its
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role... potential, but relatively speaking, the remnants of ukraine plus poland against russia, probably, as the events of the last 2 years have shown, is an insufficient battering ram against russia and we go even further to the west, germany is actually an ideal option, since the country is not possesses nuclear weapons, which prevents, for example, france from realizing such a scenario; germany has, within nato , a very good military potential, its military-industrial potential. complexes and plus, interestingly, in the german media space
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now one interesting idea can be traced, germany is now in a state of economic recession, industrial enterprises are moving overseas, the thesis is beginning to spread into the information space: who is to blame? the russians are to blame, not the americans who offer incentives to german multinational corporations to move to the united states, but are they to blame? by and large, germany experienced something similar in the twenties and thirties, when the embittered, offended german people began to oppose their share. fine, now what is the potential for the emergence of the fourth reich, or does it already exist, but i think that it is still in the process of formation, since medina, if the germans are offered such a scenario, they will not agree to it now, 2, 3, 4 years should pass and
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german media professionals must cope with this task, that is, public opinion must be prepared for this, against the background of this , the military is also preparing for the implementation of this scenario, if we watch the epic, here again, we let it slip, we talked, purely theoretically, we can too talk purely theoretically about how to use our fuel and our other strategic weapons, but the fact that the german military is preparing for this scenario, the german media are preparing the ground for this, this is really a very alarming call, their approach is very strange, what if germany poland does not have nuclear weapons, they can attack us and, accordingly, we will not use nuclear weapons either... germany and france, now western journalists are wondering how such disputes will end.
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provoked, i think this time he wants pointing out to your european colleagues that ukraine is running out of ammunition, american aid, as we know, is blocked while the ukrainians are beginning to be pushed back by russian troops, this is not a good sign. macron has recently faced backlash from western allies.
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is going to request from congress an increase in the defense budget to $850 billion, for this, well, naturally he is trying for ukraine, this means they are very scrupulously preparing for this appeal, they are telling biden what he can, say what he cannot, the main thing here is that he i sorted through all these papers and didn’t mix up anything. now in touch with us from
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washington, ryanovost correspondent igor naimushin. igor, hello, hello. igor, well, tell me what it means. american experts, military experts, including american journalists, speculate what amount biden will request for ukraine, whether congressmen will agree with the white house and not throw this suitcase without a handle. yes, colleagues, well, look, now even within the united states at the level of the executive legislative branch, at there is no unity at the level of the white house and congress. continuation of assistance to ukraine, despite the fact that the american administration led by president joe biden continues to insist on the need to allocate a package, which is now estimated at more than 60 billion. dollars for ukraine, while i note that most of these funds will actually return back to america in the form of contracts with
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the american military-industrial complex. despite this, the republicans who control the house of representatives are stubborn, literally last week there was a meeting, biden had a meeting with congressional leaders, and as a result, johnson came to our reporters and said that as speaker of the house of representatives, he was considering everything possible. scenarios for agreeing on a package of necessary additional appropriations for national security purposes, including money from ukraine, but he did not talk about any specific deadlines; in fact, now mike johnson does not consider this issue a priority, he believes that first the american administration, the american congresses need to fully agree on the us budget, approve it and continue to consider all other issues, only in relation to border protection, because...
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migrants, this has never happened, according to congress, this is the main disaster, the main cause of the crisis in america, which the country is now facing, and at the same time, all eyes are now turned to joe biden's upcoming speech in congress, because the question of... about supporting allies, the question of protecting democratic institutions, is expected to will be included by biden in his speech, or at least by his assistants in his speech, which we will hear very soon, in general, the president will talk about his record achievements in this post over 3 years of work, this is what the white house press secretary said the day before karine jeanpierre, a record achievement for holidays on the seaside, apparently, for holidays on the seaside. times, yes, because biden spends about 40% of the year on vacation, at least going to his
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country residences, in addition, he will, probably, whether we talk or not, we will soon learn about record debt, both the us national debt, which right this minute is heading towards 34.5 trillion dollars, just a fantastic figure, and about our own americans, whose debts have now reached... from this position, they have considered themselves hegemons for centuries; in fact, they hold on and do not fall. thank you very much, igor naimushin, rionovosti correspondent, was in touch with us from washington. the west continues to think about where to find money for ukraine; in london they decided to lend ours. there is an option to use something like
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a syndicated loan or bond that actually uses frozen russian assets as collateral to get that money to the ukrainians, knowing that we 'll get it back when russia pays reparations. this might be the best way to do it. in general, in the west it is never a pity to give back something that belongs to others. well, besides the fact that they are trying to take someone else’s, they also... in europe they have almost collected the entire amount necessary for the purchase of hundreds of thousands of shells for kiev on the initiative czech republic, bloomberg writes about this. ukraine's allies have provided nearly all the funding needed for a czech-led initiative to purchase hundreds of thousands of artillery shells. the shells could be delivered to ukraine within a few weeks. exact timing will depend on contract and delivery schedules and may change. andrey konstantinevich, explain this whole cunning scheme to us. on the one hand, they are trying to lend our frozen assets, but mutual progress is already progress,
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and in this regard, whether it will work out or not, too big question. on the other hand, on the initiative of the czech republic, they collect money from ordinary citizens, from businesses, but they collected, although they say loudly, only hundreds of thousands of shells. hundreds of thousands of shells mean 2-3 days of use in ukraine. well, there are several aspects here. aspect number one is about our money. once again i want to say that there are no legal grounds to do anything with our money, neither europe, nor the united states of america, not the uk, it is very important, by the way, to remember when cameron says this, that great britain left the european union and can only talk about the money that is directly with her, yes, we know that most of the frozen russian assets are in belgium, this has nothing to do with it. there is one procedure that has been established: if you have a claim against someone, you think that he has caused damage to someone, there must be a lawsuit, and
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these assets can be seized in court. i want to remind you that these are the assets of the central bank of the russian federation, in accordance with something spent, and so on and so forth, international requirements that we accepted when adopting the constitution of 1993, the central bank is not responsible for the obligations of the russian state, the state is not responsible for the obligations of the central bank, that is, i even confess, it was a western concept that we agreed to, this is this division. an extremely inconvenient concept for us, but at the moment it objectively plays into our interests, yes, because what claims, even in connection with military actions in ukraine, you say, what claims against the central bank of russia, he launched some kind of missile strikes , fought with someone, sent troops, no, no, these claims are impossible to formulate, which means they continue to walk around like cats around hot porridge, because the idea, the meaning is,
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let’s come up with something, uh-huh , in order to bypass the law. seize this money, but they will seize it from specific banks, and these specific banks say with their government, guys, we will not give you the money if it is done illegally, give a resolution, absolutely true, but just keep in mind one circumstance, what if you undertake such an operation with the banks of russia, with the bank of russia, you create a precedent, then very soon everyone will leave our banks, because today you are dissatisfied with russia, tomorrow you are dissatisfied with saudi arabia, the day after tomorrow with china, and so on and so forth. this, this means that this kind of action, you know, how they started economic sanctions against us caused hyperinflation, a curtailment of production. they also understand that any actions directed against the bank of russia could collapse the euro, because at this moment
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a huge number of countries will say, well... yes, guys, why should we store reserves in the euro, if tomorrow, bypassing the law, bypassing the court, by the decision of some officials, it can be confiscated, here they are around they are spinning around and coming up with different schemes, let’s take, for example, the scheme they came up with, by the way, in my opinion, belgium has already used it, let’s not use the funds of the russian central bank, but the interest that the bank earned on... the state they got it the legal way this tax naturally went to the budget to use this money because they wanted a relatively legal one. well, it’s clear that it’s called, so to speak, as ostap bender
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wrote 90 relatively honest ways. there yes, but therefore, again i remember , bender’s stap, they are in desire, rushing between the desire to steal the code, yes, therefore, i think that this spinning will continue further, in this regard, of course, a more aggressive position britain has historically occupied a pirate kingdom that has always been keen on strangers money, was never particularly scrupulous , but thank god, again they... they understood that in the conflict with russia the main costs would be borne by the european union, so great britain was withdrawn from the european union and now it cannot influence the decisions made from within. the united states, meanwhile, is working on creating jet drones, even jet drone fighters, equipped with an artificial intelligence system.
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experts from the popular front stream discussed how realistic all this is and how it could affect the course of hostilities. there was information on the internet that america is now, the american air force is working on a project to produce about a thousand unmanned, jet fighters, i’m wondering right away, why do they need so many, how realistic is it that they can do this in the near future, an expert on this issue joins our conversation , head of the company developer.
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that means it’s an expense, that is, it’s a very expensive high-tech toy, and this is a logical development - the fifth generation, you know, and america is coming, they...
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for data from the mіstsevs according to local data law enforcement protesters who came out today for a large-scale rally threw paving stones, torches and eggs at the police
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and tried to break through the fence to the building of the office of prime minister donald tusk. in response, the police filled them with tear gas, and there were also reports of injuries: several dozen people were detained during the clashes. the farmers hoped that someone would come to talk to them, but the prime minister was the day before. invited them to the second stage of negotiations on saturday, march 9. recent demands of polish farmers unchanged, they oppose the european green deal. farmers also demand to suspend the import of agricultural products from countries outside the european union, primarily from ukraine. will you protest until the end? i think yes, farmers will not give up on this. we will not retreat, because as soon as we leave, there will be no reason to return, maybe even poland itself will not exist. on the streets of warsaw, up to 100 thousand people are expected to take to the streets of warsaw today, for some reason they always
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blame ukraine for everything, they have no complaints about russia and belarus, which continue to transport grain or products from a terrorist country. as for trade relations with ukraine, there is no single authority here yet. the prime minister is talking about introducing certain quotas. is really very dangerous, elections were held in poland not so long ago, in these elections those forces that were more in favor of a pro-european, pro-western path
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of development of the country won, but in this case we see how citizens of the polish republic stand for the interests of a united europe they don't need they don’t need the interests of the global west, they are interested in the interests, sorry. for such a taftology of their own agricultural producers, so we see the determination that polish farmers are advocating and this determination demonstrates to us that they are ready to defend their interests for as long as possible, and what’s interesting is that poland has positioned itself in the last year as the elder brother of ukraine, as guide, now, by and large, poland has become the force that pushes away ukraine, and sometimes no worse than hungary, which also creates. certain questions to ukraine, and this is the role of poland, as a kind of anti-ukrainian force in europe, from my point of view, in the near future it will only increase, besides farmers, there are still forces
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that will rise up, sponsors, you mean, well, wait, every protest must have its own sponsor, this is how it is believed in the united states, well, maybe they miscalculated, because this chain reaction went across europe, not only in poland there are protests, germany, france, who’s next, short. girls, girls, mothers, sisters, grandmothers, girlfriends, sun, happiness , laughter, smiles, the joy of success, i wish you to live hundreds of years, so that joy remains a companion forever, these are flowers, this is attention, this is care, these are smiles, what we essentially need every day, a normal man who will give her happiness , it’s a pity that march 8th is only once a year, remember what else you were from... what warmed
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your soul and gave you wings, that’s it, do it, everything will be fine, i want to congratulate my wife, today is her day birthday, thank you, and 5 years of marriage, mom, happy march 8th, i love you very much, may your men carry you in their arms, everything in your life will be wonderful, wuhana, yesterday you decided my fate, and now i am yours, and they inflicted 14 wounds, lieutenant colonel goebbel 14, with every minute we multiply our guilt and the guilt of the soldiers, i was going to you, but you’re not here, why are you , we’re going to take it, take it, but you’re afraid to tell the soldiers the truth, because you know that...
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they’ll follow you, what about our dream, the union of salvation, the final episode, watch after the program time, this wild feeling, crowds of lonely people, of course, mikhalchkeni, absolutely, he saw what we see, but in a completely different way, so he could express it like that. go to moscow without work, without housing, that’s where, for example, zhvanetsky lived? he rented near the airport, he rented a one-room apartment. on the occasion of the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvanetsky, today on the first. wait, the big ones are five, the small ones are three, this is normal, in general, and these are small, but today, very small, but three. to the ninetieth birthday of yuri gagarin. two
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weeks after his space flight, yuri gagarin received invitations from 80 countries. the first cosmonaut was lifted and carried in his arms. very interesting dances. tropical downpour, so we drove in open cars, together with fidel, through crowds of people flooded with water. gagarin saw elephants being bathed in the lake, and he became not just an observer, but an active participant in the process. the queen invited yuri alekseevich to take a photo as a souvenir, although this is not provided for by etiquette, she explained: “i took a photo with an unearthly person. gagarin, a man who came down.” from heaven premieres
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on march 9 on the first. the brightest and most extraordinary season events. a battle of generations, great champions of the past and current athletes. on equal terms, on the same ice. a unique competition, like a declaration of love for your country. russian challenge, tournament of the strongest. on march 9, at the first, three of them broke into the bank in masks, started beating, shooting, it was very scary, they robbed a private bank in donetsk, cleaned out your cells, viktor fedorich, find it, you will take this business for yourself, this is a chance, you will move to the major league. colonel igor
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melnik, now engaged in the donetsk case, they should not get too far, the main the intrigue is whether ukraine will sign an association agreement with elos, if we do everything right, everything will be fine. you are now offering me to distribute power with my own hands. only a real crisis on the maidan will allow you to retain power. what do you need from me? we need you. tymoshenko is the only man in the ukrainian. politicians, the americans are bringing weapons here, many from poland, we are going with torches to the maidan, you are going to shoot at the peaceful people, i will not give such a command, translate. it through the maidan, the premiere from march 11 on the first. there is information that they want to liquidate you. the ministry of culture of the russian federation,
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the russian state library and channel one have launched a joint project called rustoria, which conveys important historical information to a wide audience in an interesting and accessible form. information, these are short series of animated videos that tell about outstanding personalities and significant events in our history and culture. the new video is dedicated to the first cosmonaut yuri gagarin. on march 9 we will celebrate the 90th anniversary of his birth. let's get a look.
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after numerous tests , the final choice fell on yuri. on april 12, 1961 , the first man was sent into low-earth orbit from the baikanur cosmodrome. the word "let's go" uttered by gagarin marked new ones. stage of world history: our country opened the space age to earthlings. the flight of the soviet cosmonaut amazed the planet. despite the cold war, heroes were celebrated on all continents. he was met by great britain, libya, cuba, the usa, japan and 24 other states.
12:00 pm
the astronaut's charming smile graced the front pages of the leading newspapers. alas, yuri gagarin's life path was short-lived. march 27, 1968. the first cosmonaut died during a training flight, but his name and image forever became a symbol of the greatness of russia and the russian people. more news on the first. hello, news on channel one, andrey is with you. in russia , social pensions will increase starting next month, indexation will be 7.5%. in addition, from april 1, the amount of pension payments to certain categories of citizens will increase, including military personnel and volunteers who were injured and how consequence of disability.


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