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tv   Samaya obayatelnaya i privlekatelnaya  1TV  March 8, 2024 6:40am-8:10am MSK

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the spanish daughter doesn't want to stay out half the night, huh? and dunyasha, dunka, yes, here
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i am, are you digging around, overslept again, can’t you see , it doesn’t light up in any way, what is this, well, i’m not smart, i noticed, stefanida, our kochet tramples dunaikina, but doesn’t want mankina, i imagined it, or what? go away, young lady, you just called, but why don’t you call nastya, how, how little a child, god bless you, again for your own, when will you settle down, but it’s boring, nastya. it’s so
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boring that you don’t even want to live, then let’s wash up, you’ll see, it’ll become more fun, oh, take some soap and wash the stigmas. take off your shirt and soak it, but i made a wish on my mustache, what, what? i made a wish and that’s it. lei, forest, oh, oh, oh, it will be truncated.
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“now talk about suitors, what kind of suitors we have, except that our son came to our neighbor, they say he studied science at derpov university, it’s to beristov or something, but remember, my dear, or have you forgotten, ivan petrovich beristov is my enemy , a bear and a provincial, the likes of which the world has never seen"? neighbor, after all, i don’t go to neighbors with my lunch, i’m painfully proud, ivan petrovich, for making me a fool holds, no, neither him nor his son, i don’t want to know.
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bolder kusar, your gaze is brighter with courage. blood jumps like a tragus, plays, turn away
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, shameless. drowned
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or something, she wasn’t trained in french, the one who gave birth to more children, bonoparte hit the eye, not the eyebrow, because madame de stael had no children,
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stand there, barf, there’s nothing to stare at, set the tables , hurry up, master, well done, we waited i whisper to you, ivan petrovich, my darling! nikita, stepan, get dressed. how many are there? and... you, vasily semenovich, have not yet fallen ill with hound hunting? oh, no time that’s it, ivan petrovich, the farm won’t let go , the farm, i’m expecting a shortage of crops again this year, i don’t know what to do, i’m thinking about adopting the english method from your neighbor, grigory
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ivanovich muromsky, i don’t have what he has, who knows? we should go broke like english, if only we were well-fed like russians. yes , i know, you like my greyhounds, accept it, dear friend from the new litter, oh, oh, oh, ivan petrovich, oh, a great gift, thank you very much, yes, yes, yes, i give it from the heart, dear gift, what a great gift - there is a terrible difference between ideals grandmothers and granddaughters. well, what do you think lavlas and adolf have in common? meanwhile , i am not changing the role of women. there is no doubt that russian women
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are better educated, read more, and think more than men. that’s why life is sweet to me, i wanted glory! found, knowledge is like a treasure of light, viregu love spruce.
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how similar he is to chult harold, pretending. well, lyosh, which of the girls did you like, they’re all primps, but to me they’re ours. rural young ladies who grew up under apple trees and between stags, raised by nannies and nature,
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much nicer than the capital's beauties, you can't please me, my dear, you've dressed yourself up, god knows how, father, i need to talk to you, well, let's go. let's talk, tell me, alyosha , what have you thought, father, let me be blunt, well , let go of military service, oh, why did you let your mustache grow, to become a hussar, so you are aiming, yes, to become a hussar. after university,
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after university, my dear, they go into civil service, not into the military, i was young and stupid, now i want to be a hussar, but did you know that according to the monthly rank there is the same service, to study the management of thousands of souls, whose welfare depends on you is much more important than commanding a platoon or... in quickly making them guard non-commissioned officers, i don’t want to be like them,
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well why, father, because, because military service today - this is wine, cards and debauchery, not like the kingdom of heaven under pavel petrovich, then there was order, but now the hussars only drink champagne much, but hunt for skirts, i won’t let you in. are you really taking away my choice? in fact, this is my paternal will, you know me, well and you, father, know me, i will achieve my goal, good afternoon, hello, dear guests, hello,
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nus, and you are sweeping, so in russian, and your will, grigory ivanovich, our towns are better, you will hit there, so hit me, do me a favour , thank me, i wish we could get away with everything, we need to learn restraint, restraint and accuracy, the british will give us 100 points ahead in this.
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and just imagine, masha, he comes in, glances at everyone’s faces, and edik turns away indifferently, and valdemar asks him, aren’t you bored? beristov put up his ring, he has it in the form of a death ’s head, can you imagine, he put out his ring, wiped it on his sleeve, looked at valdemar so indifferently, i just couldn’t yawn, he’s as proud as his father, well...
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god bless you, let me go today to visit, if you please, where, in tugilov, to the berestovs, the cook’s wife, they have a birthday girl,
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and today she invited us to dine, here are the gentlemen in litter, servants to each other. they treat us, what do we care about the gentlemen? besides, i’m yours, not daddy’s, it’s your daddy with the sorist stugel barim, and you haven’t yet they fought young, i’ll fight , as soon as i see him, i’ll fight right away, but just to see how, let the old people fight, as long as they’re having fun, but is your business young? try, nastya, to see alexey beresty and tell me carefully how he is with himself and what kind of person he is? and does he wear a mustache? well, what are you talking about, nastya, what a mustache, you made a wish on the mustache, you said it yourself, i didn’t say anything, you never know what i said, i said,
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but i forgot. join your bosses and do what you want there, burn and burn, it’s clear that you don’t went out, eat the bliss. bones, dear, my dear, vanya, how did you cook for the master himself? you are speaking incorrectly, luker, the baren tells you to say blanc maje, not blessed maje. he’s very angry, well, the blancmange, the blancmange, and for me the blancmange is so beautiful, if our master had such a cook, maybe we
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could get something, otherwise he’s all covered himself with oatmeal, and his meat is always so raw with blood, it was he who, after the death of barn , went crazy for the angelic fashion, became poor or something, oats are not from poverty, oats are good for health, but demont is good for you. won, the young master galloped up, oh, look, a young guy, alexey ivanovich, he’s a beauty with us, he has nothing to do, nothing, he’s already narrowed down, but everything with him, well, burn, burn, burn, stump! what do you like, i want girls , how young, but you love me, i love you,
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you’ll buy some slippers, i’ll buy you, i forgive you, you’re welcome, hop, take a walk, take me to the stable, now i ’ll burn, oh, gone, nothing, he can’t catch me, burn , burn, clearly, so that it doesn’t go out, sung to the sky, there the little rings are flying, the bells are changing, 1, 2, 3, fire, burn,
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they are with us. pure fire, here's the hunter, where did you come from, i don’t know you, priluchenskaya, i’m grigoriych muronsky , your neighbor, this crazy anglomaniac, how he’s not crazy at all, he’s good, and his daughter is such a nice sight to see, but i know the local young ladies,
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young lady, nastya, well , finally, tell
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me, well, with elizaveta grigorievna, i saw a young beating, i saw enough, we were together all day, tell me, tell me in order, if you please, so we went, as you allowed, to the cook’s wife’s name day in tugilova, i , anna sigorna, nenila. dunka, ok, i know, well, and then, let me tell you everything in order, so we arrived just before dinner, the room was full of people, there were the kolbinskys, the zakharyinskys, the clerk with two daughters, the khlupinskys, but the berestovs, wait a minute, so we sat down at the table , you order in the first place, i’m for her, and my daughter, but i don’t give a damn about them, oh, how boring you are with your... eternal details, there’s no point in listening, but how impatient you are, well, we left -at the table, and we sat for three hours ; the dinner was nice, nastya, so we left...
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but it’s true that he is so good-looking, amazingly good-looking, handsome, one might say, tall, slender, blush all over his cheek, mustache, such a cute mustache. it’s strange, you’re right, but i thought that his face was pale, well, what did he look like to you, sad, the idea that you were given a horse to run with us in the burner, to run with you in the burner, it’s impossible, very possible, but what i also made it up, he’ll catch him kissing him, and his mustache is tickling, it’s your will, nastya, you ’re lying, it’s your will, ladies, i’m not lying, i got rid of him by force, it’s been like this with us all day
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was fussing. but how do they say that he is in love, doesn’t look at anyone, well , i don’t know, he looked at me so much, and at tanya , the clerk’s daughter, at pashka olbinskaya, but it’s a shame to say, he didn’t offend anyone, not even our dunka, such a buffoon, yes what did he find in the dunka, the wonderful month floats over everything in its embrace.
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he really loves to chase girls, but for me it’s not a problem , he’ll settle down over time, how i’d like to see him, well, what’s so tricky about that, and the tugilovs are not far from us, about three miles, go for a walk in the other side, or ride a horse, you will surely meet him, he is there every day. in the morning he goes hunting with a gun, but no, it’s not good, he might think that i’m chasing him, and our fathers are in disarray, so i still won’t be able to get to know him, well, we’ll see, morning and evening are wiser,
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they know how , oh nastya, dear nastya, what a glorious invention, what a voice.
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dunya went out to the road, praying to god, dunya
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cried for... and saw off a friend, a friend went to a distant foreign land, oh god, it’s not a foreign land. golka krochina is young in a foreign land
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red girls oh, but admit it, nastya, you never thought i was so sweet, why wasn’t i born a peasant?
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sometimes it happens, but sometimes you’re barefoot , sometimes you’re barefoot, sometimes you’re barefoot, oh, oh, sweetheart , it’s unusual for you to be barefoot, your feet are tender, they told you to bring your paws, but you can’t find your foot, it’s too small. so they led it so that it would be woven by the morning, so that there would be, oh, quietly, quietly, quietly,
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a declaration of love, a festive concert in the kremlin, the premiere today. on the first, veda vodka, a product of the stellor group, old barrel cognac, a product of the stellor group, for the ninetieth birthday of yuri gagarin. for two weeks after his space flight, yuri gagarin received invitations from eighty countries. in the children, riodenero lifted the car of the first cosmonaut and carried it in his arms, such a performance
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of sports performances by children, very interesting dances, they flew to havana in a wild tropical downpour, so they drove in open cars together with fidel through crowds of people flooded with water. provided, she explained: i took a photo with an unearthly man, gagarin, a man who came down from heaven, the premiere, tomorrow on the first. i’m already happy to greet you,
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trophimushka, trophimushka, for this reason the measure needs to be done quickly. if you please, i’ll do something that’s expensive , who needs it, children’s spatulas, it’s none of your business, i’m not slow, i’m just working, bring the kutra so that they have it, the rhinestone is right, it will cost a lot, i’ll pay off or else, for quick work, they pay in advance,
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where, oh, with bolts, is the line pulling again, well, off you go, if miss jackson asks where i am. say that the young lady today decided to follow the english rules,
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got up early and went for a walk, and what is the rule, well, if they ask early to bed and early to rice, make someone healthy, wealthy and wise, well, young lady, i can’t repeat this, well then, say it in our own way, whoever gets up early, god gives it to him, but it’s better, wait for me yourself, well, at least at the stables, don’t forget to pay. scarf, uh-huh, oh, good girl , thank you, nastya, how nice you are, what would i do without you, well, god bless you, oh, don’t forget the box, you’re going mushroom hunting
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, we won’t get lost without the right people, we’re like once along the way, but you will allow me to walk beside you for now, really, whoever bothers you, free will, and the road is worldly.
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you call to ours, oh,
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you, yes, how are you, mish, what are you? what if you if you want us to be friends in the future , then don’t forget to forget, who taught you to say that, god have mercy, not nastya or my friend, your young lady’s girlfriend, what’s her name, lizaveta grigorievna, what do you think , don’t i ever go to the master’s yard, don’t be afraid, i’ve heard enough,
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oh, oh, but i’m chatting with you, you can’t pick mushrooms, go to the master’s side, and i’ll go to
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the other, forgiveness. but what is your name, my soul? they call you akulina, akulina, ulina, i will soon visit your father, wait, to what priest, to vasily kuznets, what? what, don’t come for christ’s sake, but what if you find out at home that i chatted with barina vroshchina, then i will be in trouble, my father will beat me to death, and i certainly want
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to see you again, but i will never again i'll come here for mushrooms. when, even tomorrow, dear kulina, i would kiss you, but i don’t dare , that means, that means, tomorrow is here, at the same time, isn’t it, yes, yes, allow it, master. “it’s time for me to go home, and you won’t deceive me, i won’t deceive you, promise me, here’s a saint for you i’ll come friday."
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nastya, are you here, nastya, what, ugh, how you scared me, are you sleeping, no way, well, i’m sleeping, huh? what should i do, i have no one to be nice to in the morning, let’s get dressed quickly, tell me, young lady, have you met him ? yes, you met, so what? i’m okay , what did you think, how did he kiss you, but how dare he, he really would dare, otherwise i don’t know, no, nastya , didn’t touch me, and i wouldn’t have given in, why did i come up with that idea, she’s so quick , she should have kissed her right away. “we just talked and parted ways, that’s it,
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we’ll meet again tomorrow morning, that’s how long ago would'. what, congratulate thank you, good morning, which means good health to everyone, morning, darling, good morning, they say you walked in the morning, this is commendable, there is nothing healthier than about...
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remember, lizok, ivan petrovich berestov, the enemy of our family , god forbid, he will see you on his lands, you won’t end up in disgrace, okay, daddy, i promise you, that’s okay, fuck off.
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i promised him. oh, my god, what should i do? yes, who will know? you want it, don't you? what do you want and ask for? no, dear nastya, don’t live the way you want, but live like this live as god commands, but does he command you? daddy tells you, daddy, it’s not god’s tea, but stop, you wolf son! baroshen’s form should be reforged when we go past the forge? well, what do you order? do
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as you please! uncle vasily! i'm coming! fedoram to you, mother! save us, god! to the back teacher! i can already see it! well, how can beristov, not finding you tomorrow in the grove, will run to the forge, and see it, and understand that you deceived him, but catch, catch him, he can, he’s like that, again interception you think , you have to go, otherwise how well, they called themselves milk mushrooms, here, climb into the back, that’s all, well, then for
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the last time, nettles. and what kind of proud memories can you expect from a people whose monument says to citizen minin, prince pozharsky, do you have time, alexey? yes, what, prince pozharsky, and what is citizen minin, bolokolnichiy. prince, dmitry mikhailovich pozharsky, philistine kozma minich sukhoruky, elected person from the entire state. the fatherland has even forgotten the real names of its saviors. pity are the people for whom the past
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does not exist. "father, let me say, what, alyosha, don’t you agree? but no, that’s not what i’m talking about, my horse was unshod, so they told me to shoe it, he was there, stepan shod it, but badly, apparently he was drunk, he was drunk, flog it, but i don’t really believe it, stepan is drunk, he’ll shoe it like that , whatever is expensive." well, okay, have them reforge it, and don’t interrupt over trifles, what am i talking about, in the area near, they say, there is vasily, a good blacksmith, who is near the area
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, yes, at murom, how are you? dare you even think such a thing, you know how he recently spoke about me, khlupin davich said, provincial bear, we are fools for him, uncouth, dense, and he, that means, hewn, in english, hewn, smooth on all sides, and don’t even think about it, good night, father.
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“we were planning to wake you up early, barite , come on, go ahead, master, the gun is not loaded, i forgot to load the gun , there is an important conversation ahead of us.
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akulina, my soul, has come, i’ve been waiting for this morning, get up, master, well, you ’re right, why are your eyes sad, what happened, otherwise it happened, we’re guessing that we’ll see each other for the last time, today i came, i couldn’t help but keep my promise to you, but i won't come again. not to piss off, why? yes, because these meetings can’t lead us to anything good, we can’t see each other , it’s not good, what’s wrong with that, dear kulina, believe me, i don’t have anything bad in my thoughts, no, guy, secrets it is always
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a sin, then you will certainly have to repent. god willing, whoever finds out, the master is dating the peasant woman, and it won’t go well for you, but for me, wait, wait! don't rush, now listen to me, i've never met a girl like you, god is my witness, he's the one who tells me you sent, i assure him and you of the complete innocence of my desires, i promise never to give you even the slightest reason for repentance, i will obey you in everything, but not only... me, do not deprive me of the only joy from now on, to see each other alone with you, at least , well, at least every other day, at least twice a week
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, today is the last time, never say the last time, it’s not for us to decide which time is the last and which is not, “give me your word, give me word that you will never look for me in the village, or ask about me, give me your word, not to look for other dates with me, except for those that i myself have appointed, i don’t swear on this friday, i don’t need an oath, that’s enough..."
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well, it’s time for me, already, yeah, and you, barin, for how long to our places, i don’t know yet, i ask my father for military service, but he doesn’t let me in, he doesn’t favor the current military, i don’t see the point in remaining military service, but who do you want to fight with, but... they say, who told you that? , isn't it your young lady, don't trust her, well, master, remember your
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promise. nastya, are you here, nastya, nastya,
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nastasya, are you here, i hear, again, or what? went to bed, yeah, she was sleeping, let's quickly get dressed , yeah, quickly, it's us, it's us now... what, i'm in love, well, good, what they wanted , they came upon it, and he's in love with nastya, yeah, that's not it he’ll believe where they got it from, but he kept telling me all the time, he’s a bastard, he thought i didn’t understand, i firmly ordered him not to talk about love, so he speaks french, you know, we live, what is this? “i love you in french,
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oh, nastya, what should we do now, this is where i brought myself, now i can’t back down, i’m ashamed to admit to him, and our family they’re at enmity, we’ll have to break up.” although i ’m a peasant for him and he can’t have serious intentions, i, but i would also like, i would really like to see the master on his knees in front of the daughter of the village blacksmith with a marriage proposal , chevuzem, you know?
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give my regards to my darling, tell me we will definitely do everything, master, hello, lick, the groves sent an invitation, tomorrow the supreme apostles peter and paul, pavel petrovich has a double name day, so get ready , we’ll go in the morning, and now... let’s go to breakfast,
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daddy , but what about oh well!
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oh, good morning, master, how are you? “i felt bad, dear shark , how bad it was, yesterday i didn’t die at all, but why didn’t you come, we ask for forgiveness, yesterday was peter and paul day, so my father got drunk, i had to sit with my little brothers, so you there are brothers, you would have sent someone smart to me with a note, i wouldn’t have suffered, i would have written you an answer.” and i’m a master,
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an illiterate fool, i have something to lament about, but if you want, i’ll teach you to read and write right away, oh, oh, master, it’s not really true, yes, i’m afraid not i can overcome it, but why not try, i would so like to learn to write, if you please, dear, let’s start now. look, this is the letter az, it says a. these are beeches, they say. b.b. do you understand? b. what? look. beeches. az. b. a, b. a. well, add it up. what happened? b, b.
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that’s right, well, now write it yourself, beeches, well, the trouble has begun, and there are beeches too. there will be the alphabet, natalya came home, and thought about nothing more than
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the young man. hand in a blue caftan with gold buttons, you are simply a miracle, our training goes faster than in lancaster system, not so much sooner, master, now we will correspond, akulina, my soul.
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i don’t mind, i thought about my fate, why , dear master, i read your book in the evening, but i’m a simple peasant girl for you, when all the young ladies are pining for you, your unfortunate shark.
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i will reign or perish, a foreigner with no legal rights. rights to the throne , accompanied by the orlovs, arrived at the barracks of the izmailovsky regiment, where she was declared an autocratic sovereign. during the 34 years of her reign, catherine gained fame as a wise a fair ruler. she radically changed the country and, like peter the great , received the epithet “great”. she waged victorious wars and annexed. he is 34, she is 10 years older, soon people will not talk about it in the dark as the most influential person in russia, but even relying on male help,
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the empress always reserved the final decisions for herself. empire, catherine ii. premiere. today is the first one. tyumkin was preparing the main surprise for his beloved woman. the sevastopol harbor appeared before the eyes of those present. stirsman bourbon - stellar product group. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. cnop gin is a product of stellar group. we congratulate our beautiful women on march 8th and confess our love to them, it was some kind of impulse, she was the first to confess her love, she said.
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us above, look after the program time, i
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remember the voice of sweet words, i remember blue eyes, i remember golden curls, carelessly curly hair, my shepherdesses are incomparable, i remember the whole outfit is simple, and the sweet, unforgettable image travels with me everywhere. “steam, let me hug you, my soul, a, b. oh, nastya, how good, how happy i am.
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we welcome our neighbor, i wish you good health, good hunting, have an easy field , grigory ivanovich, please come to me, you need to catch your breath, and your leg should be
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examined, my doctor is a magician, i went through the war , but i didn’t let anything go, as you wish , grigory ivanovich , i won’t accept any refusals, i still don’t see you very well, and my house is closer than yours, vakhtang, warn the doctor, consider, grigory, that i have taken you prisoner, a real, old russian erofeich is doing so, take eight spools of mint and orange onis nuts, coarsely crushed. we fill it all with damask, yeah, purified on birch coals, vodka for two weeks in the attic
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, keep it warm, and in the winter in the oven, knock over the little bag of such erofeich, the gate from a visiting field, straight into the heart of paradise, hello, dear home, oh, dear ivan petrovich, what a raspberry... taffia was created by my late marya vasilievna. i listen to you, dear grigory ivanovich, and my heart rejoices. i must admit, i thought that you were drinking some kind of gin, or scotch whiskey, or jamaican rum. but now caius. i repent, because i see that you are truly russian.
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little guy, we gladly accept your taste of my liqueurs, thank you, the invitation, dear grigory ivanovich, alyosha, ordered a droshky to be laid for our guest, it will be difficult for him to ride, well , for the landing, as i was spoiled for, i did.
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i think that it was the will of god, i’m taking varina , something happened, oh, what a disaster, oh, you, the wheel is not ours, it happened that... my dad, what happened to your leg, and whose droshky is this? you won’t guess, moide, ivana petrovich, birch, and which one? what does this mean, dad? otherwise it means, lick, that all our previous enmity ceased overnight thanks to the timidity of my short little dog. your old father fell to the ground in disgrace, and
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beristov helped him, invited him to his place, fed him, gave him something to drink, and treated him. straightened my leg and in general ivan petrovich turned out to be not a bear at all, as i imagined him, but a sweetest person, all the evil tongues will be with us for lunch tomorrow, what do you say, the birch bark father and son will have lunch with us tomorrow, naturally, no, daddy, as you wish, eh i'll never show you that you're crazy? how long ago have you become so shy, or do you harbor a hereditary hatred for him, like a romantic heroine, that’s enough, don’t be foolish, no, dad, not for anything in the world, not for any treasure, will i show myself in front of the birch bark ones, well, as you know, i hope, that this attack of misanthropy will be short-lived, and if you change your mind, i’ll go and rest, how are you
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, father, nastya, what happened, young lady, we’ve finished the game, i told you , it’s all you, go, yes, go to grove, i do i knew why i wouldn’t understand this, tomorrow berestvo will come to us for dinner, both and alexey will see me, gentlemen, go and understand them, you better tell me what i should do now, what he will think when he sees me, what opinion he will have about my behavior and... the rules about my prudent, but you don’t come out, tell me, sick, yes, sick, and you think i don’t want to see how i show myself to him, well then i don’t know, and that’s not right for you, and the eater is not an eater, and you change clothes again, only in reverse, and vusi doesn’t recognize how it’s the other way around, but like madam, well, nastya, well, clever,
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and mothers, your outfits are lying idle in chests and once, congratulations, thank you, god, well, lizok, do you still intend to hide from the birch bark, if you please, dad, i will accept them if you wish, but only with an agreement , yes, with what kind
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of agreement is this, no matter how i appeared before them, and no matter what i did? you won’t book me and won’t give any sign of surprise or displeasure, again some kind of mischief, ok, ok, i agree. welcome, ivan petrovich, glad to see you, alexey ivanovich, how did you get there?
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it’s shaken, our roads are in a jam , everyone can’t reach it, don’t worry, grigory ivanovich , our roads are like all over russia, we’re not used to it, good afternoon, i read the sinat gazette that this picture will change a lot in the short term, according to philosophical calculations tables... 500 years later, i was already in the turkish company in st. petersburg, so i didn’t have the chance to fight with the turks, which i regret to this day, but it happened to me. under the hand of prince kutuzov, lepasha was beaten and under the ruschuk in slobodeya, and from there, immediately, together with
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michal larenoch, quickly invade russia bonaparte's path. oh, what times were right. here he is asking to go to gosary. well, tell me, grigory ivanovich, are the current hussars comparable to the previous ones and there is nothing to say. you, alexey ivanovich, are a bitch, ask the priest, he will tell you this. however, where is my lisa, where is my beauty. this is miss jackson, my
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daughter's teacher, from yorkshire. well, my dear, we are happy, ivan petrovich beristov and his son alexey ivanovich kindly came to us. welcome guests,
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please come to the table, what do you prefer? beef or fish?
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after university, in what branch do you intend to serve as a civil servant? the military man is eager to join the hussars, but i don’t let him in, and i adore the military, one hussar courted me. you remember, dad, how, how, how, in st. petersburg, at princess vygadskaya’s, i remember, there was a gallant hussar , alexey ivanovich himself, a hussar uniform would have suited you very well. i drink to your
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health, neighbors, to our good relations, to peace and friendship, mother’s outfits are just right for you, oh, marya vasilievna should have seen. and that it was you who decided to fool them, at least they would have been warned, it was very funny, i’m glad that you liked my joke, well, some people didn’t like it at all, miss jackson, well, i’ll appease her,
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be sure to do it lickingly. “i see she ’s not herself, i’ll go and ask for forgiveness right away, i’ll just change my clothes, good girl, who ’s here, miss jackson, it’s me, i’m not dressed.”


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