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tv   Vremya  1TV  March 8, 2024 9:00pm-9:36pm MSK

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can i have your phone number please? a phone is an intimate thing, you know, intimate, like i don’t know, like a toothbrush, like underwear, you give your underwear to just anyone, take your phone, hide it in your pocket, don’t give it to anyone, understand? sorry! hello, the program is about the most notable events of this day. tender day of the calendar. on march 8 in russia there are gifts, warm words, including from vladimir putin.
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feminine service, when they share with their husbands hardships, hardships, risks and happiness for the lives saved in battle. interventionist provocateur. what is the plan for is macron pushing ukraine where he risks dragging the whole of europe? a show tournament and a russian challenge are invited to the flight, only the first one has the best angles of spectacular performances. kurskaya station, transition to stas mikhailov, an unexpected concert, even reconciled someone with being late for the train. so, march 8 is the first spring holiday in honor of our women. and now no one cares that once upon a time representatives of the fair half of humanity on this day reminded of their equal rights with men and sought the same working conditions. now is your day unconditional respect. us, we carry
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you in our arms, in our thoughts on eve, we give gifts, we promise to marry and love forever, in general, the day has become a shock for men, we love it endlessly, and the main feature of march 8 is a sea of ​​flowers, at vdnkh, at the grandiose exhibitions russia, every guest is a tulip or memosa, a true personification of spring warmth. anywhere in the country today there are surprises for women, vladivostok airport, flowers, an orchestra, an especially touching gift from... congratulations to ladies from the military in st. petersburg sailors and favorite melodies from the cruiser aurora. festive mood is everywhere. it lifts my spirits very nicely. i feel tender, very fragile, i associate myself with these spring flowers, i feel feminine and blossom, and it seems to me that this is the main goal of this holiday. when men
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give flowers, it’s always pleasant, exciting, well , you can give outside the holiday, we wo n’t mind, i feel happiness, such, you know, inspiration, inspiration, because giving gifts is sometimes more pleasant than receiving them, then for me, probably, even more than for women, this is a holiday, and how he chooses, you know, how he chooses them, these flowers, for a long time, carefully, yes, yes, yes, very seriously. words of admiration and gratitude to women, doctors, flowers, wishes from colleagues and patients, the sklefosovsky institute of emergency medicine, at the largest children's clinic in the country, morozov hospital. at the city clinical hospital named after yudin, tulips were presented to doctors by mos-vodokanal employees. workers of the capital's auto road service came to visit the doctors at the botkin hospital. and this is the newest center named after loginov, a brass band played for the employees. congratulations from the president.
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the state’s focus is now on supporting family and motherhood, which vladimir putin called a woman’s amazing destiny. he especially noted the ability of the fair sex to take responsibility, solve complex problems and achieve impressive results. separately , the head of state addressed those who are fulfilling their duty in the special operation zone and are waiting for our defenders at home. the most important thing for any woman, no matter what profession she is i chose, no matter what heights i reach here, it is family, relatives, friends, tireless care for children, their health, education, the desire to raise them so that they grow up as worthy, successful people. this year in our country is dedicated to family. the meaning, the essence of family is , first of all, the continuation of life, the continuation of the family, the history of each specific family and our entire country. it is the family that strengthens the connection and
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continuity of generations, and a careful, respectful attitude towards women and motherhood is an integral part of our traditions. today in russia, the family, its interests and requests are in the spotlight and are an absolute priority. we will definitely do everything possible to ensure that families with children, including, of course, large and young families, young mothers, feel cared for and supported by the state. i would like to specifically address women who are in the zone of a special military operation and who are performing combat missions. who are now separated from their families, waiting for our heroes, inspiring them with love, joy and support, worrying about all our soldiers, help them on the front line, in hospitals , in numerous volunteer structures, you
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again prove what an irresistible power a woman’s heart has, you give an example of perseverance, confidence that goodness and truth are...
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i came to help the fighters with my friend, a colleague from chelyabinsk intensive care unit, they care for the wounded carefully, in a motherly manner, female care is especially needed here, here is a common picture: it is not possible to talk to a soldier who has received a shell shock until a female medic appears. or as they say at the front sis where it hurts show with your hand where it hurts reacts reacts probably out of habit, because they are constantly with male voices for 24 hours, but here the female voice is also angry and serious,
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they take risks on an equal basis with men, today as during the great domestic medical instructors are a special target for the enemy, the commander of the medical unit ekaterina rogava always breaks into the thick of it for the wounded along with... they returned alive and got married, even if their shoulder straps are different and the age difference is more than 10 years, but they say that after all the troubles they they became relatives to each other, yet according to the charter , the wife’s word is the law, if you get angry, it can be very scary at times. like the rest of the subordinates, and i, i’m very afraid, and it’s better to keep quiet, she’s my most beautiful, that’s why i love her, and this married couple has been serving in the same brigade for 10 years, her call sign is bagheera, on march 8, preparing for a meeting with husband, they take out
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a cosmetic bag in an underground shelter, a woman should always be beautiful, even in such conditions, the husband will run in with a gift for only a few minutes and return to his position, but no offense, the concept is sacred, i still have to bring a debt to my homeland, i have to help with something, i don’t want to leave until the end until the whole special operation is over until victory, but fear is still present on the front line? no, for a bagheera there is something worse, like any woman, we are afraid of mice, very much , having come here, there are a lot of mice here, colleagues will always support, women in the zone are not only respected and appreciated by fighters, they say next to them, remember their relatives...
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strikes against the military forces of the armed forces of ukraine continue, last night, objects were hit in the odessa and kharkov regions. in just a week , 34 strikes were carried out with long-range precision weapons on targets where preparations were being made. 47 vehicles, 10 field ammunition depots of the ukrainian armed forces were also destroyed.
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in the avdiivka direction, the enemy lost over 2,860 ukrainian military personnel, seven tanks, including two us-made abram's, 34 armored combat vehicles, 47 cars, 20 field artillery guns, a salvo rocket launcher fire khaimars made in the usa, and a combat vehicle from the strela-10 missile system. in the kherson direction, enemy losses amounted to more than 295 of them, two tanks, 22 vehicles, nine field artillery guns, as well as two us-made multiple rocket launchers. within a week, 24 ukrainian soldiers surrendered. and about the attack of kiev terrorists on the belgorod region with three kamikaze drones, militants attacked the village of rozhdestvenka near the border itself. from ukraine. two dead, one seriously wounded. details governor
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vyacheslav glodkov reported on his telegram channel. he spoke about seven more enemy drones shot down by air defense systems over several areas. in all cases there were no casualties. emmanuel macron seems to be beginning to understand the story he has gotten himself into. not ruling something out does not mean doing it. that’s how the prostitute is and today he commented on the talk about the possible sending of the french military to ukraine. which began after his meeting with party leaders and were received, at a minimum, with bewilderment by both the press and european partners. kirill brainin, more details. the specter of militant mokronism, which has been roaming europe lately, is increasingly frightening french politicians. before the allies of paris had time to more or less unanimously disown president macron’s idea of ​​sending troops to ukraine, the owner of the elysee palace rushed to develop the idea at a closed meeting with the leaders of parliamentary parties. the leaks sparked headlines in the press. the war in ukraine, the advance of the front towards odessa or kiev. emmanuel macron
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said that such a scenario could provoke french intervention. the national secretary of the communist party of france, fabin roussel, let slip the contents of the conversation, and if macron expected that his battle cry would be supported, then it seems in vain. from this conversation i drew the following conclusion: the government and the president of the republic clearly tell the french people and political forces what the position of france is.
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we are approaching a moment in european life when it is important not to show cowardice. it's never easy to talk about the dramas that await us. and i think both our countries understand that takes place in europe. war has come to our land, and forces that have become impossible to stop continue to expand the threat of attack on us. we must rise to the challenges of history and show the necessary courage. in berlin, this was immediately taken personally, because emmanuel macron was louder than others in demanding the supply of german taurus missiles to ukraine. and accused the germans of indecisiveness and here is the answer. in my opinion, we do not need discussions about sending troops or about
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more or less courage. this doesn't really help solve the problems we have. to support ukraine. there is, however, an opinion among french politicians that macron imagines that talk of intervention will help him during the elections to the european parliament next summer. but even if so, it was such a pre-election move that in the homeland, those around considered dangerous provocations. just add a meeting at the elysee palace. however, we are studying whether we have done everything to support kiev and whether there are ways that we can consider. one of these ways is a military presence to exchange money, training ukrainian soldiers in the ukrainian territories. then it really turns out that the participants in the meeting with the president were subjected to a collective hallucination, but everyone has long known that together they only get sick with the flu, they go crazy alone. on the other hand,
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mr. lekarnu, even after macron’s february statement about the theoretical possibility of a ground operation in ukraine, said that the chief. they misunderstood, but meanwhile he stood his ground. this is a fairly serious topic, every word i say on this subject is weighed, thought out and verified. words, even verified ones, of course, not yet action, but since then macron, in particular, and europe in general, has had the chance to think carefully about what would follow the discussed military intervention. we remember the fate of those who once sent their contingents to the territory of our country, but now the consequences for possible... interventionists will be much more tragic, they must ultimately understand that we also have weapons, but they know about it, what are weapons that can hit targets on their territory, and what are they inventing now, how are they scaring the whole world, what is all this
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really threatens a conflict with use. the last beggars, and to say who called them to us, for business, with their faces in the shit. kirill brainin, andrey mikhailov and sergey nashchokin, channel one. meanwhile, the decline in america's interest in ukraine was personally reflected by joe biden in his message to congress. he was also going to moscow
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on his plane to get some pills, but we’ll get to that. cnn, here. such a diagram presented the topic of the speech and the share of each, we are interested in the international part. biden devoted one and a half minutes less to ukraine than israel and hamas, about which he spoke for almost 5.5 minutes, and about another minute and a half was spent on china. the context is this: biden’s opponents in congress, the republicans , are still blocking the administration’s request to allocate $60 billion for kiev. in any case, the money will be used by us defense concerns.
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i’ll get the medicine for 40% of the amount you pay now, the same manufacturers, the same medicines, biden’s own health is a sore subject, during the message everything was surprisingly okay, but after that the capitol hall was emptying insidious, in that direction for you, in that direction for me, which way should i go, here please, here, where to go, here, in that direction. okay, give this to my assistant and we 'll get back to you. follow the sergeant this way, please. in canada, in the province of ontario - this is the center of the ukrainian diaspora - they got rid of a monument to the nazis from the ss galicia division. the granite structure in the city of okvel has stood
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since 1988. and he would have stood further if not for the scandal with nazi gunka in the canadian parliament. it’s impossible to say with certainty, but the object for worship of the sasas will most likely quietly change its location, judging by the footage of the dismantling, which of course differs from the way, for example, in ukraine , monuments to soviet liberating soldiers were treated. election news and ballots for the presidential election were received today by precinct commissions in the donetsk people's republic. on march 8, a resident of mariupol was congratulated by the chairman of vladimir putin’s election headquarters, vladimir mashkov. they are beautiful, strong, smart, very open and sincere when you meet such... people, you understand that our life will continue, continue for a very long time, and women,
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these women are the basis of our great homeland, they give birth to beautiful, smart people, they raise them, and we must not let them down, we must protect them and be proud of them , thank you, thank you. presidential candidates today share the general sentiment that march 8 is always a warm day, no matter what the thermometer says outside. there are a lot of beautiful, smiling women around, today is march 8, and today we give flowers, give a good mood, support those for the sake of whom we work, live, whom we love, our charming, fantastic, most beautiful women, health to you, good luck! and love, happy international women's day, dear girls, women, not primarily entrepreneurs, but simply our wonderful
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loved ones, be yourself, may everything work out for you, warmth to you, summer in your hearts, thank you very much, happy holiday to you, now sochi, a massive fall of skiers at the spartakiad students, the mass start began in thick fog and they had to stay on the high-speed section. unique tournament, show program russian the challenge starts tomorrow, current athletes and famous champions of past years will meet on the same ice,
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singles skaters, sports pairs and dancers will compete on equal terms, what surprises the stars have prepared for the audience and rivals, alena germanova found out. when figure skating goes beyond the strict framework of competitions on the ice, it rains, a whole planet grows up, this is a russian challenge, reincarnated alina zagitova into merlin manoro, and kamilla valieva into a shaman, gave us a parody of matvey vidlugin, a kaleidoscope of legendary programs in one box office, now a new challenge has been thrown, and it will be a completely different story. this year , all performances should in one way or another reflect the traditions of russia; the true history of the country lives on the ice and is our heritage.
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this is a hint of a number without details, just to go out, you know, to serve time, so you decided not to suffer too much, you did it as soon as the card falls, so you decided to completely confuse the fans, our number is really very unusual, it will still be in some kind of old slavonic, in russian theme, that's why you'll see everything soon, i think that yes, i agree with sashka. if we don’t reveal any more secrets, then that’s probably all that can be said about this number, but the main thing is that it seems to me that it will be very, you know, the main thing is
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to preserve this magic, but it will be magical. at the russian challenge there are no divisions by discipline, single pairs will compete with each other, and both active athletes and those who have already completed their careers will take part in the anniversary competition. this is so important for me, i'm now getting back into shape, and i really... i really miss performing in public, it's an indescribable feeling, anyone an athlete, i think, never forgets this in his life, when you don’t have this opportunity, of course you really miss it, so that you viewers of the first channel will see everything from the best angles , ropes will be stretched over the ice arena, a spider camera will film the skaters from above, and the largest the plans will be made by the operator on skates. the streakcam camera is generally a spectacular camera, a close camera, but a live one, so it creates a feeling of belonging.
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everything that your inner world is rich with, i say to myself, i want to give it to the audience, the judges, so that it can be read, so that it can be filled, for me this is just some kind of outlet and at the same time adrenaline , which is sometimes lacking, for the first time in many years world champions maria petrova and alexey tikhonov will take to the competitive ice, we won’t really compete, we’ll show my soul, opening it, however, as usual, is of course exciting for me. you think, you prepare, you think, you’re already somehow so nervous, i even remember the competitions a little, but you go out on the ice and start doing, telling your story, your fairy tale, you forget about everything. the most striking program will be chosen by judges from the world of art; the organizers have not yet revealed who they are, but it will definitely not be possible to surprise them with difficult jumps alone. you have to show not only your skating skills
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, but also your skills. the opportunity as an artist is to turn it not into an ice show, but into more of a theater on ice. that year the russian challenge tournament was held, the skaters dedicated it to the olympic champion roman kastamarov, just then the doctors of kamunarka fought for his life, severe pneumonia, complications, then a long rehabilitation, and tomorrow roman himself will take to the ice, together with his wife oksana domnina, they will perform out of competition. alena germanova, andrey vetrov, tatyana bakulina, kenya. so, the russian challenge, a unique battle of champions, completely new numbers and the atmosphere of a big sports festival, live broadcast from st. petersburg on the first, tomorrow at 17:40, don’t miss it. well, now some footage from the moscow zoo. panda katyusha went out into the large enclosure for the first time. the restless little girl immediately began to study new territory, then there was a break for lunch.
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katyusha. he eats milk, but is already trying an adult diet. the entire walk took place under the supervision of my mother. the first panda cub in russia was born at the end of august last year; china handed over the parents and baby to the moscow zoo 5 years ago in honor of the seventieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. and let's get back to the holiday. some passengers of the capital's metro received an unexpected gift today. for them, a trip on the subway turned into a trip to a concert. we performed. street musicians in the transition probably won’t surprise anyone, but hearing hits there performed by a singer who fills stadiums is a unique case. kristina levieva will confirm. the installation of equipment in the kurskoye metro began at 7 am. at this place, at the transition from the ring line to the arbatsko-pokrovskaya line as part of the city project music in the metro, someone is always performing, but judging by the amount of sound equipment, it became clear that today there will be something special.
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it remains in the heart now. we often pass this station, of course, we are used to the fact that it is here musical groups were singing, the first passengers were already ready to pass by, hurrying about their business, but looking closer, they recognized the singer as the national artist stas mikhailov, happy holiday, fair half, come on, in a couple of minutes he was surrounded by happy women and couples in love, only you, i know i won’t destroy it. where is eternal love, i was passing by, i saw people gathering, i also decided to stop and look, we didn’t expect to see stas mikhailov in the metro at all, i didn’t even expect that this could be so, so lucky, you can say that luck happened, you know that i am you, an unexpected gift to women in the form of a free concert in the metro, of course, in honor of the spring holiday, march 8,
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today we are talking about... about the female half, about our girls, let them you will have a beautiful , happy, long life, and more than once a year we should wish you this, well, at least listen more often from your loved ones, girls, on march 8th happiness, prosperity, health and love, without it nothing will work out, who some from casual spectators, despite the festive day, i was just driving to work, i work as a children's swimming coach, i have a full appointment today until 9:00 pm, i just heard it, decided to come over, i have a grandmother...
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he has good energy, one of the beautiful ladies was going at a bachelorette party with friends in vladimir, i managed to listen to my favorite singer before the train left the kursk station. who doesn't like stas mikhailov? what's your favorite song? everything for you! very young representatives of the fair sex were spotted at a surprise concert, they say they will shoot a video and send it to their mothers, how happy holiday. it is very pleasant that in such an unusual environment he decided...
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once again, happy holiday to you, dear women, and something else. the daisies hid, the people drooped, when
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you froze from bitter tears, why do you love beautiful girls? their love is fickle, why do you love beautiful girls, not constant uni love, she dreamed decisively, the jacket was thrown on, it seemed. morna had enough, i told him all the best, but he didn’t forgive me, i told him all
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the best, and he forgave me. i'm not a papras, forefathers of the starbagyns, the music began to pour, the water is cold, in the heat of the moment , why are you girls, beautiful lovers, on our i... i love one, why do you love beautiful girls, to take away the suffering that, dear friends, we
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will end our song suffering and be talk exclusively about happy. love, it was some kind of impulse, i’m a very emotional person , in fact, i really confessed first and just couldn’t restrain myself, i told him that i love him. and he hung there for a while and asked me: why? i thought to myself, wow, a turn, a good question at the right moment, the buttercups withered right away, what is it, what
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should we do? no, well, not all buttercups,


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