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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 9, 2024 2:10am-3:01am MSK

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and it seems to me that the paradox is that the author intended something completely different in the sense that she is critical of her heroine, but now i re-read the book, and i understand that it emphasizes her lack of education, it emphasizes her some bad deeds , emphasizes her lack of conscience, lack of reflection, introspection, that is , when she was asked, margaret mitchell herself, did she write this heroin from herself?
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lady, no, well, he immediately tells her at the first meeting that you are not a lady, so he immediately exposes her, because she pretends to be herself a lady, but internally she does not correspond to the concepts of that time, what a lady is, listen, well, everyone there knew that she was not a lady, from the nanny to some of her friends, yes, relatives, because in general she had a lively disposition , so to speak, but in general it just seems to me, a list of questions for the reader, that’s what you’re thinking about, she’s good, she’s bad, she didn’t have success, unsuccessfully, but... not much luck, which seems to be the end result , she just has money, but she’s a person who strives for pleasure, mind you, that is, she didn’t have material aspiration all her life, her entire life that we know, yes, she wanted something like that, it seems to me that her love for ashley, it partly, well, symbolizes her craving for something spiritual, because he loves ashley literature, music, he is not like her, he reads books, he always looks where...
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with his dreamy gaze through her, and she likes it, she is drawn to him precisely as a person who has some kind of broader inner world, you know, there are so many indications that she is not there at all worries the inner world, because ashley is always saying something, well , in some conversations throughout the book, yes, but she doesn’t understand at all whether she likes you or doesn’t like her, she’s talking now about love or even it seems that you know it like this.
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he’s not behaving very well, let’s just say, he gives her some advances, hopes, but not strong ones, but in short it seems to me that after that she went into a slight decline towards him , that is, she’s something... then i received something, but it’s not chalk, not from you, you know such a sheslava, yes, but it also seems to me that of course there is this paradox, that everyone is in love with her, she has a lot of fans. she possesses impeccable feminine skill , well, let’s just say, she masters this skill of seduction, even if it is not a complex skill , yes, but in her performance, but nevertheless, and she can’t do anything at all, seshly you know this, this is how to win , to reach, well, that is, i haven’t reached this height, i can’t take it, she continues, maybe this is also part of her, this painful character, by the way, look, about scarlett spiritually, she loves. yes, in fact, all her life
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she devotedly loved her, fought for her, that’s her love, but it’s kind of in the sense that this is also a spiritual, spiritual image, yes, love for the earth, that’s in it, of course, that -she sells herself to her husbands in order to save the container, yes, she actually has a very large spiritual debt of hers, that she may not understand why, but she puts all of herself into this legacy , whether? listen, here the dichotomy of these two women, melony and scarlett, is how you describe them, is this some kind of basic conflict between two female characters? you know, it seems to me that mitchell’s book, why did it suddenly turn out so great? yes, by the way, a very cool definition: suddenly great, yes, well, listen, in theory, because it seems to be very similar to the genre of women’s novels, well , you know exactly the kind
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, it’s magnetic, it pulls you towards itself, but without very much in the grand scheme of things as if part, of course, it is characteristic, precisely for that time, for this situation of the heroes , it wouldn’t have worked out that way, here’s ashley, yes, a person who is absolutely crushed by circumstances and admits it, someone is floundering, someone has become a swindler, and i don’t even mean battler, but let’s say , some managers, managers, you know, no, not a serf, this is very important. like a top manager, yes, in such a large estate, a top manager, so he became some kind of crook there, something like that, he’s complete , it seems to me, too, it doesn’t even matter what kind of interaction they have, she’s a type, yes, that’s a type by the way, you know it more because
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history shows that women somehow show greater mental elasticity. and he is completely weak, melanie shows great presence of mind, she is a strong guy, yes she is a strong guy, she is almost giving birth there somewhere hundreds of kilometers away and survives, does not whine, in general does not make anyone uncomfortable, that is, she is stronger husband, and
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i think that ashley partly chose her, you know, they have all the scarlett in common, she is different, but she is also strong, in a different way, i agree, but she is rather nobility in her strength. she all the time she makes a choice that is morally accurate for her, all the time she has some kind of bright moral choice, when, like a series , here is evil, here is good, she lives her life, she simply doesn’t, but she has such moments, for example, when the whole society refused to receive captain butler in atlanta even before the south lost the war, she received him and told everyone directly that i will receive captain butler, because yes, she decided to say it to his face.
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really scarit, although she hates soapy as a rival all her life, she is still hers helps out, that is, there are these moments that she helps her give birth, well, that is, in general, this is such loyalty in a good way, not enough, you see, she is faithful to the earth, she is generally faithful to her family, and melanie is faithful, and it doesn’t seem to me that this is just from what ashley asked, she has this , you know, as if, who if not me, she went there for this kind of carrot, in general , she was fed. empress elizaveta petrovna was a passionate builder. we owe to her the appearance of such pearls of russian architecture such as the winter palace, petergov, smolny cathedral and many others. shuvalov
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so captivated the empress with the idea of ​​a university that she dutifully and in detail discussed with him the charter of the new educational institution and gave it. advice. empire elizaveta petrovna. tomorrow on the first. empress elizabeth came up with an unprecedented type of holiday. masquerade, metamorphosis. we had it with us. the lines of his monologues became aphorisms. never exaggerate the stupidity of your enemies or the loyalty of your friends. yes, well said, it’s just amazing to be friends with him, because he smart, brilliant, commented on everything, spent a day, came out educated. can i kiss? no no. i once told him, mikhail mikhailovich, do you know that you are a genius? yes, clarke, i know, i'm confused. marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvanetsky, i remember how everyone froze at home, turned on
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the tape recorder, recorded zhvanetsky, and i could not understand at the age of 11 what this man was saying, in the hall people were happy, in my house they were happy, this is not prose is poetry, zhvanetsky’s dictionary is the dictionary of the country, our exclusive today is wife, son and friends satirical, about his work and my last conversation with him, the main advice that my dad gave me, he told me his name and conscience. an exclusive with dmitry borisov premiered on march 10 on the first. there is a moment where mitchell describes that scarlett, managing this estate, is forced. she suddenly realizes that she is no worse than a man. she says to herself: i’m no worse than a man, i can manage the estate, keep the books there, distribute responsibilities between people.
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well, listen, we now live in a time when the word feminism has already become a little some kind of slogan, a little moth-eaten , but you avoid it? well, no, i’m not avoiding him, but yes, of course, she’s natural , especially for that time, i think that michele was just laying it out, yes, but you know, there’s nothing ostentatious here, because it’s all well the realities of that life are very conventionally invented, you know, when the names are changed, right? look, by the way, about being a lady, but there’s a lot of mention of
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etiquette, interesting things, there a woman should not accept anything except sweets and flowers as a gift, a woman should not be left alone, she should not mention her pregnancy there, well, that is, in general, quite funny today today, well, listen about sweets and flowers, everything here is of course clear, so in general, it seems to me that the topic is relevant now, yes, well if they were a man. rolls up, well, now it’s just the opposite , listen, well, now it’s the other way around, they’re just discussing everything, just in general, who pays for a cup of coffee in a cafe, it’s very, very popular in general, so it seems to me that this is just a renaissance of this topic, it’s clear that in this sense, women had a lot of restrictions , well, there were a lot. yes, but scarlett , she consistently breaks all these rules, and
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yet, we love her, we like her, we even think it’s cool that lady directed, in general, when even i think the book came out , this was more relevant, of course, still closer to the middle of that century, it seems to me that we lack, well, girls lack these rules, but at least know them, like what you are missing, well, look, there is, i it seems to me that there is a male psychology, which... has changed since those times, and there is such a certain approach to men that, conditionally, if you follow these rules, then they really still work, that is, you can make a choice that i don’t want to follow these rules, yes i i won’t, but nevertheless , these rules exist and it would be good to know them, well , for example, there scarlett is the first to confess her love, let’s go, well, don’t hang yourself around a man’s neck to confess, well , because you won’t achieve success in this situation, so she was not successful. that's it, listen, it seems to me that it all depends, but if we’re talking now, we’ll go a little beyond the boundaries of what’s gone with the wind, but it all depends on
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specific two people, so if i hang myself on the neck of a person who’s not mine, well , it’ll cover me, whatever with karlitseshli, only they usually cover me for 2 days with such situations, well, in the sense that if i understand that something doesn’t work out, goodbye, well , that means this is not my person, it can manifest itself, you know, in some even everyday little things in sight. everything will be fine with you, listen, well, if you want, no, not you, well, someone, yes, if you specifically want, you are deliberately going into such a patriarchal-abusive way of life, where a woman should be quiet, submissive, obey, it’s unclear what to receive for this in return,
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because in modern society it is really not clear to you that before there was some kind of public , unspoken agreement that you would have for this. you flirt with a man, well, that’s me from scarlett’s point of view - i say, you flirt with a man, then you must definitely seem stupider than you are, which is the biggest a disaster, everything goes down the drain in this seduction, in this hunt, if suddenly a man realizes that you are smart, it seems to me that this is very offensive, but it’s uh, well
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, most likely true, well, most likely true in the sense that if if it suddenly seemed to me that i was communicating with a man... and what, uh, what do you need in front of him - to pretend that i’m dumber, yes, no matter what that means, yes, then i would immediately understand that this is a man i’m stupid and i’m not on the same path with him, because i’ll just die of boredom with him, i know when in 15 minutes, before that he’s, he’s wildly for no, well, this is this, if i experienced intense romantic feelings for someone, something didn’t work out for me, i was disappointed in the seagull, he was disappointed in me, we just didn’t get along, but that’s it... like my minimal crush, my yes, but here it’s just, well, it’s still at the level of reconsidering, but taking a closer look, well, that’s it, but i understand that he’s stupid, i don’t want to be a stupid person, only if he’s unrestrained, cheerful, cool and talented, but then he most likely won’t behave like that either, because he will at least want to gain weight to be stronger, he wants to be smarter, explain
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to me, instinctively, a man wants a woman to be weaker, but no, there is no such instinct at all. everything is a construction , a construction that served certain needs, that is, you think it is described in a blown away artificial construction, well, that’s how it is, now we are talking, we are returning back brought by the wind, there is a construction such that a family is a working man working so that provide not only for yourself and somehow your wife, but also for your family, well that is, children being born, how many of them there will be, some kind of farm, servants , yes, at the very least, but...
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yeah, in order to somehow justify all this , various superstructures begin, yes, they try not to mortgage the woman from the very beginning there is a lot of education in it, there is the same english aristocracy, how brilliant and fellows spoke, wrote, showed and a bunch of other authors, both fiction and documentary, sometimes there were us in general, in principle, the aristocracy was literally there until the 20th century, it could have been just miracle.
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you need to embroider or beat egg whites, but about that, that you have some kind of purpose here and there , well, yes, so that she can do it fully, and not get bored, and because of this , it is natural that a woman should be stupider when listening to a man, well, because it’s true, if the husband is the boss, then she should obey him, now it’s no longer the case that the husband is the boss in general, well, some people have it, but i’m in the business all over the world, but still , relationships between people are no longer the same, they are still more equal, one way or another, even in families with a traditional way of life, therefore. yes, but yes, yes, there is disequilibrium in side there, well, the happiness and fulfillment of a woman, and every person is designed in such a way that he needs fulfillment, and that means then all
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these sayings and things are invented, how a woman should behave, how she should be stupider, smarter, what she should know, how she should breathe, the corset this way and that, there should be something there, you know, it’s all such a system, it’s kind of outdated, i understand that these myths and legends are often very transmitted. by inheritance, mothers there teach their daughters for good or bad reasons, but still they are dissolving, well, scarlett, she did her job as a destroyer of these hacks, that is, she, uh, let’s say, paved the way to women’s rights, as you think, well, to rights, probably not, to the fact that she achieved everything she wanted , yes, she has become a businesswoman, it's sensational, yes, of course she is, yes, but what can you say about scarlett's sex life? it’s enough there that she’s wretched, we all know that, well, i mean, it’s written about
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it right there, well, it’s written about it right there, that she got married twice, gave birth to several children, that is, in the film they removed the script of these children, leaving only the last boni, who died, in the book she has a child from each marriage, in general it turns out that she comes out. similarly, this could have happened to a woman, today, well, in general, anything could have been anyone, look, the first husband, they were together for 3 days, and she didn’t really
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like him either, she didn’t like the second husband at all , she left because of the money, but yes, she understood something about the clearing with rhett, she, too , there was no such thing that she didn’t get out directly from his bedroom, although in general quite a lot of attention is paid there. scripture that hit her, yes, that is, she felt that this was not at all what she thought about all this fuss, before that she thought that this was some kind of duty of a woman that she was forced to endure in marriage, well, yes, yes , well, before that everything is clear, well, it’s as if she really doesn’t have any positive experience, plus this experience is not glorified by ladies in general, they don’t talk about it, well, a woman has never stopped wanting this, but she just has to endure and this is generally a topic of sex, somehow you know from there, maybe it’s also an influence. the fact that michelle is an american, and especially in the beginning, well, not in the early 1920s, it was still not a topic
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that you can easily talk about, but all hemingway and miller appeared later, after the war, then somehow under a dark blanket, under a tablecloth, yes, but she, you see, openly talks about a woman’s sexual life, about the fact that she has not opened up. how does a woman turn out, yes, well, look, somehow scarlett, it seems to me, maybe michel, somehow they’re not really about sex, how can i understand that i can’t know, well, you know, it seems to me that when you read a book, you already know everything about a person, after all, you understand, not quite it’s clear, yes, it seems to me that who knows, the writers are still cunning, we can’t be sure here, but it’s not really about sex in this book, well, that is , scarlett has some kind of, even after her relationship with rhett, she has ... there is no strong interest in sex in this topic, but this is her, well, let's say, inexplicable romantic love for ashley, she is in general
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says that she has not revealed herself as a woman, because this is an unrealistic story that she believes in, that is , it seems to you that if a woman is unrequitedly in love like this, especially throughout her life with a man who rejects her, behind this there is some kind of, well, closedness. well, look here, there’s such a mix, yes, scarlett, obviously, who is not about reflection, it’s her, yes, two, between her first upset about ashley , he gave himself to another, yes, he married another, so many of these events happened there, that, in fact, maybe she would if she pounded against him for some time in a row. then maybe something went wrong for her, but here she was constantly distracted, well , such everyday life, very important bodies are practically tragic in general. ashley
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clung to the books, he clung to the memories, yes, of his old life, and she, as if she had some kind of connection with her old life, she clung to ashley, that was her connection, he was her cat, you know , into some landmarks, into some sweet dreams, in which she still, of course, like a spoiled girl from a rich family, of course she stayed with them, what worries did she have? just beat off the next groom from a friend and ashley tied up, absolutely right, the whole dress, choose a dress, and choose the right dress for the event, uh-huh, everything develops so non -linearly for them, the dress is sewn from behind the curtain in difficult times to get 300 out of the ratabutler dollars tax, i started learning to sew a couple of years ago, but i
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still don’t. seriously? yes, i already know how, but not as well as i want. i'm like this to all my friends i say: girls, we don’t throw away the curtains, if anything happens, fashion, if anything happens, i’ll sew outfits for you, this is the right skill, listen to how clever you are, you know, by the way, very often, uh, people ask some questions, like what to read something like that, so that, uh, well, i don’t know, to become a confident woman who loves herself, right? by the way, this is a good book, blown away by the wind, to become self-confident, for some reason it seems to them that you will offer them some - not so much this kind of manual, yes, but it seems to them that they can some philosophers didn’t finish reading, but in general it’s very difficult for a philosopher to read, especially for people who, for example, write how
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they write, right? it seems to me that some of them are yes, the syllable is heavy, maybe the translation is bad, and some of them are just practically exciting ticket sales, what to read, what kind of literature, well, this whole korina, well listen, it’s still the will of a woman, so what ? already tolstoy so it ended, but still there the woman generally shows an iron will in the pursuit of happiness one way or another, and the same yarmakuslavia, strong characters, emily also in a sense... how did you become a victim all your life you will be a victim everyone hurts you at school you were bullied and your mother bullied you and even your psychotherapist bullies you you know, well, it’s like everything you have is such optics, even though you haven’t read pocarlett is the antiposition of the victim, it’s just the position of a strong person, and it’s also interesting that
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the woman’s optics are still... a cool novel about a time of crisis, which falls on any crisis situation, in fact , destruction and change, and how she behaves a woman and how a woman sees this crisis and how she survives in it, that is, mitchell herself said that gone with the wind is a novel about survival, and this is, in general, a relevant topic, by the way, i also thought that almost all these books are there - yarmak is there too the war with napoleon is everywhere. yes, war and peace, there are these everywhere, you know, war and peace, probably, this is still a man’s point of view, and it seems to me that anna karenina also has this moralizing position, that the bad girl behaved badly now she has to die, everything ended badly for her, i it seems that mitchell still has such optimism, that is, you are reading this book, and despite the fact that terrible pictures of this destroyed world are described, these terrible...
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written by men, i, for example, read jane austen, you know, well, i’ve been there for 27 or 30 years , i somehow, i didn’t even know that it existed, yes, and it didn’t change anything in my life, taking into account the fact that at that time, because most of the writers were men, yes, and these were men, of course, you know, of a completely different generation, yes, they were, i don’t know, techers, anyone, thick, leskov,
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these were men who were brilliant in... education, and then a brilliant education meant philosophy very much, that is, these are people who are extremely reflective, and if it ’s something cool, if it’s something smart, a man became a woman a century ago, two, well that is, it seems to me that i was taught open-mindedness , freedoms, by men, so the question here is not between men and women, of course, it seems to me, well, mitchell too, yes, well, what if she were a tequero and what kind, change names, back and forth, do you think mitchell proved something? this novel because it became popular , that it can still be read, that...
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no, the most popular book in the world, but among the most popular books, it is complex, and here is a romance novel, why a ladies' novel, because he shows women's optics, doesn't he, i don't understand, we just told you, i don't understand what women's optics are, but takirei has the same women's optics.
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growth, which of his heroes has grown internally? no one, do you agree that gone with the wind is a great novel? yes, of course, i agree, thank you for the interesting conversation , and thank you, it’s great to see you, about books in general, i don’t want to leave here, let’s do something else, how interesting it is to talk, no one understands this, well, that is, i want to show you directly our program is a must read, that books are... very interesting, and it shows life from completely different sides, and it is very modern, this podcast is a must read, i am glaina batnikova, today we discussed the novel gone with the wind by margaret mitchell, and the most beautiful novel about the war
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north and south in america with arina hollina, blogger. matchmaking, visible dreams, eyelids, where is the sound of the forest,
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money, where is my color, where are my hearts. you shine brightly. mom, it's okay, i'm on my own. good morning,
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woman, good. oh, okay, mommy, what will you want, oatmeal or manna? grandma will have oatmeal today. mom, haven’t you seen the light with... and she lives in that room, she would at least feel sorry for her sister or her own, she sniffed, but i
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can’t, listen, you have to have a conscience , what do you have with andrei pavlovich, nothing new, well is about to take some steps, mom, don’t, it’s not necessary, he’s sleeping with my daughter, but he’s not going to take any steps, mom, i ask you, don’t interfere in my personal affairs, that’s it, i want to go to the toilet, lord, they forgot the soda from under my grandmother bear it, well bear it.
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girls, you haven’t seen where my green scarf is, but mommy, i’m doing an internship in an adult team and therefore i have to be up to par. but i don’t have a vocational school, but a trade apprenticeship school. lyudonechka, where could he have gone? two rubles is enough for you, what about your daughter? enough, enough, maybe i’ll still get vacation pay. i'll give you something tomorrow so this is two for you, lord, so i’ll take 5 rubles for myself. three rubles would be enough , but no, three rubles won’t be enough for me, your lead has arrived, no, where is my green scarf, and nastya, you didn’t see where my green scarf is, and nastya, listen, take it, i need it to me. tell my sister, that’s it, bye, lida. good luck to you, strange, candidate, in
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such an outfit, and the car is complete shit, don’t say, nastya, little darling, you see, a new house, well, why are you so cynical, i would say, this is a change of appearance, the password is the same, you know, ryzhov went to leningrad and left this for us. so after work we are with you until 23 o'clock, and after 23 ryzhov returns, no, i have to 23, ryzhov left for a week, that's it, this is already below the belt, you know, what are you, okay, forgive me , sorry, okay, okay, okay.
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hello, lidochka , hello, hello, litochka, everyone, hello, hello, oh , hello, marinochka, sorry, it wasn’t better, in principle, nothing special, hong kong is cheap, cheap, all kinds of things, wow, cheap, good swimsuit, pull 200 50 is so good, well, just one hint, 250 is a nightmare,
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okay, don’t whine, i’ll give you this fifty dollars , even when you can, it’s important in principle to decide whether you go with him or not, an apartment in a year, a car and a half in a year, but if you don’t want to be disfigured on the machine, then go to security, the thing is guaranteed , what a thing, i say, for the protection of the cooperative, a watchman or something, well, what do you give? there’s a watchman, there’s a rocket who harasses cooperators, well , they take two or three grand from each case, and you know how many of these cases there are in moscow, but you can’t send them to hell?
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well, what am i, in vain have i been manipulating the airborne forces for 2 years? should i go straight to racketeering because i’m a trained person? you wanted a law school, didn't you? well, until this freebie is covered up, you need to create a material base, and then you are a fool, then you are in a cooperative, then in security, then in a bandit and just a direct path to the faculty of law. you are a youngster, i am like a close person to you, and you? if i'm like this...
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oh, we'll go through the next hall, please, i ask you, come in, come in, come in,
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comrades, here and there.
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lord, evgeniy anatolyevich, how you scared me, where did you go? i really i thought that you felt bad somewhere, and somehow you found out where i live, are you a detective or something? no, i'm an engineer, everything is fine with you, but what can happen to me? and the devil knows, going to the same museum for 2 weeks, anyone can go crazy, i don’t go to a museum, why not come to you, evgeniy anatolyevich. my mother is paralyzed, i have two adult daughters from very different husbands, i haven’t belonged to myself for a long time, stop going to our museum immediately, the historian of the revolutionary exhibition has a destructive effect on you, the man has gone completely crazy, just
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some kind of terrorist. well, give me these flowers of yours, if they are, of course, for me, and not for me, and not for some young professional girl, no, thank you, to hell with you, come to me tomorrow, around 10 am, i’m working tomorrow afternoon , so at least i’ll feed you normally, don’t be afraid of the magnifying glass. god knows what and who knows where, apartment 72, i know, prose! amazingly suspicious type, okay,
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so far, wow, women in koluga wore a shirt with a sarrafan and a shirt with a paneva, pick up some modern shoes, maybe a tsussky nose or something to make it look daring, and as for the men’s suit, we’ll make a red wedding shirt for men, from kaluga. the dough, in fact, turns out to be a gingerbread that is eaten with a spoon , all for the sake of sweetness, so that there is happiness, the body of the dough, the bride and groom, here is copper money, so that you people are not poor, happiness, for health, for a long time, we are playing a wedding, the premiere is on march 10 at the first, of all civilizations living on the planet today, the most ancient is china. china has almost always been the most populous country and the first economy in the world. we can recall the famous travel book of marco pola, an italian merchant,
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with great amazement described the power and level of economic development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century, famous monochronic painting, chinese poetry, refined literature, china of course was ahead in sophistication , well, almost all countries. after the end of the second world war. the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. more than 10 thousand specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy. one of dinapin's first decisions after he became the leader of china was to create an institute for the study of bukharin's ideas, so that the sinicized nepa model operates in china. premiere of civilization. the seventh film. china. on wednesday, on the first. mommy, i’m already here
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, now i’m running, running to you, my mommy, now i’ll feed my mommy, these flowers are for you, now i’ll change everything for you, mommy, and... why so may, my heart skips a beat, that’s why that i am you, come on, that's a smart girl, mommy, smart, but as a child from a working -class peasant family, there’s blood on your fingers, a crumpled face, money for a barrel, uh-huh. well, so that a school with a medal, an institute with a honors diploma and definitely then moscow, mommy, and there’s someone’s knee in the back,
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crazy social work, another ray of light, mommy, that’s it, well done, and hello bless you, please, they’re already on their way for border, they are already in session, they are already standing on calluses, now you and i, now you and i will drink some warm milk, right? mommy, now we'll drink something warm, and my stomach will you and i will work well, the revolution continues to this day, mommy , who was nobody, he will stop everyone, he will soak your liver, milk, now we will soak your liver, milk, now, come on, mommy, come on, what such and such, well, what is such and such, you don’t want to, yes, you think it’s dry? baby, let's go to my place, mommy's having an evening party today, huh?


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