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tv   Gagarin  1TV  March 10, 2024 12:10am-1:06am MSK

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the torture was hardly particularly difficult for yuri alekseevich after what he had to endure in the thirtieth minute of the flight. in accordance with the program, gagarin was to become the first person to eat in space, but no one knew how everything would go, whether he would be able to swallow and breathe easily. he took water and food. i took water and food normally and can take it. what physiological difficulties? at the same time, i didn’t feel it, it was somewhat unusual, then you get used to it, adapt to it, there were no bad sensations. at the end reception, the queen invited yuri alekseevich to be photographed as a souvenir, although this is not provided for according to etiquette. she subsequently explained: “i took a photo with a heavenly, unearthly person, so i didn’t violate anything.” we arrived in havana in a wild
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tropical downpour, the accompanying cameramen refused to leave the plane, fearing for the safety of the film equipment, and filmed from the front door. gagarin was offered an umbrella, but he resolutely refused, because those who meet him stand with their heads uncovered, wet donuts. so we went in open cars with fidel. through crowds of people flooded with water. fidel was the first to speak according to the protocol; before going up to the podium, he asked yuri, how long did it take you to circle the earth? in an hour and a half. then count my turns. after 3 hours of a rather dense speech, which was interrupted only by applause, he turned and asked: “how much? two. then one more is all. then he performed.
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to american shores gave the united states the right, it must be said, not unreasonably, to declare that now our entire east coast is listening to advice. immediately after cuba, gagarin is asked to urgently go to brazil, with which we do not have diplomatic relations at that time. in rio deneiro, people literally stood on each other's heads. when yuri alekseevich managed to lead through the jubilant crowd, his car was lifted and carried in their arms, the city authorities played it safe and rolled out fire trucks to the main intersections and bridges in order, if necessary, to disperse the agitated people with water from branspoit, to fortunately, this was not necessary; moreover, the emotional brazilian firefighters saluted the motorcade with jets of water aimed at...
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straight into the sky. in the capital, the city of brazil, president janio dasilva cuadrus awards the first cosmonaut with the order of merit in aeronautics, and yuri alekseevich gives him a letter signed by khrushchev and brezhnev. that same year, diplomatic relations between our countries were restored. to canada by yuri gagarin. invited billionaire cyrus eaton, rockefeller's student, businessman, philanthropist, by the way, awarded the order of lenin for his great contribution to the development of soviet-canadian friendship, he set himself the goal of making friends between the ussr and the usa. this time he organized the pugwatch conference on disarmament, in which the main surprise, as he assumed, was to be the meeting of the first cosmonaut gagarin. and astronaut shepard, but shepard
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refused to come at the last moment. the soviet delegation was greeted with great cordiality at the halifax airport, the orchestra played and... he diplomatically refuses and asks to take him to the small ethan's homeland, the place where he was born. and at night the telegram molniya german titov makes his space flight. write, my comrades told me. handing over a fountain pen and a notepad in space to titov, maybe someone suggested to major titov that it would come and so - nikolai kamanin, who was standing next to him, objected in space alone titov , dear german, i wrote, with all my heart i am with you, i hug you, my friend, i kiss you tightly, let's sign
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everything together , i asked my friends, no, they protested, herman will be pleased to receive a radiogram, specifically from you, so sign, your friend, yuri gagarin, on board vostok 2 this radiogram was delivered at the time when german titov, having already flown more than 2000 km, began his sixth orbit around the earth. in the morning , the entire delegation leaves the poguoch conference because they need to meet titov. no need to read. 200 volumes about russia, visit one concert of the berezka ensemble. the spectators keep saying: well, that’s how they are, they don’t walk, they float? it is always a mystery, and it is your secret. and this secret is not revealed. no. folk character dance in the form which we teach is not taught anywhere in the world. this is
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how you have to work sometimes. this is dancing for the viewer, these are smiles. we had with us, the terms of his monologues became aphorisms: never exaggerate the stupidity of your enemies and the loyalty of your friends. yes, well said , it’s simply amazing to be friends with him, because he’s smart, brilliant, he commented on everything very much , spent a day, came out educated, you can kiss him,
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no, no, i once told him, mikhail mikhailovich, you know that you genius, he just told me, yes, clark, i know, i confused, this march marks the 90th anniversary of the day.
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i tried very hard to find out our main scientists who are involved, that is, in the development and implementation of space flights, but... it was difficult to simply answer him by specifically naming those people, i told him that after the first space flight, it’s obvious that you you read the press , you obviously know that after this flight we awarded about 700 major scientists, engineers, technicians, and ordinary workers with orders and medals of the soviet union, but that’s for him it seemed a little, and he said, asked me, who is your boss?
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it shakes more on a train than on a rocket, the rocket goes much smoother, much calmer than a train, and these bumps of shaking are not observed, tell me, when you were flying in space, did you see our thousands of lakes, unfortunately, my path, the orbit of space. .. the ship did not pass over finland, and unfortunately, i could not see the thousands of lakes that your country is rich in, uh, but next time, if i fly, i will try to fly more and look at these thousands of lakes. in this in an endless series of questions, often routine, and sometimes simply stupid, yuri alekseevich always highlighted a simple and humane conversation with basya pamba, the leader. liberian tribe , who you first thought of when you saw the black abyss
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of space, and you have your own spacesuit, or the state gives it to you, aren’t you tired of flying in the universe, aren’t people aging there faster than on earth. at the end of the conversation, basi pamba awarded gagarin a spear and a robe, who in return awarded him his book. in india, to ensure the passage of the motorcade, guests
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descended from heaven, they used their own local technologies: the crowd was parted with long sticks, the police were running ahead, but if there were cows on the road, you had to stop and wait patiently, what can you do, traditions. the oriental flavor of orodushi appeared at every step. gagarin was settled in luxurious colonies... the first days in india, which gagarin spent with prime minister jevaharal nehru and his daughter indira gandhi, turned out to be especially important for the political future of both countries. for eight meetings relations not only developed, but also grew into... friendly ones. in 5 years indira gandhi will become the prime minister of india, and after another 5
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years she will conclude a friendship treaty with the soviet union and become the leader of the non-aligned movement, so we can safely say that the axis is moscow daly was founded precisely in 1961. as is customary in this country, they put garlands of flowers on us, which means we were standing on the treadmill in this stadium. killed by flowers, in this car we had to make such a lap of honor, after the exchange of speeches a very interesting one took place.
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india looks very beautiful from space, but it is even more beautiful here on earth, because here i am surrounded by real friends, a squall, a storm of applause; gagarin did not fly over india. in the evening we had a very good meeting with film artists at one of the largest film studios in india at the largest film studio in dally, at this it was a very warm, good meeting, at this meeting we met with the famous film artist this
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raj kapoor, well known to ours. yes, he’s a tramp in the movies. yuri alekseevich easy found common ground. soviet cosmonauts are directly related to the film industry. they took part in the filming of full-length documentaries, the first voyage to the stars again to the stars. i wish indian film stars to shine as brightly as the stars in the vastness of the universe. that's all. dances swirled around him, the overload increased, the ship began to rotate around its axes at a very high speed, the earth passed in my vision, from above, from right to down to left, it turned out to be a cardial ballet, head, legs
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, head, legs, then i see africa, then the horizon, then... the sky, i just managed to block out the sun so that the light wouldn’t get into my eyes. when we were approaching ceylon, general kamanin asked gagarin what were the disadvantages of the trip to india, yes, everything seemed to be fine, only the program was overloaded to the limit, a lot of politics and nothing for himself. we didn't even see any elephants. immediately after landing, another race began, hundreds of kilometers in terrible heat, through crowds of people that never thinned day or night. here in ceylon, yuri alekseevich will set his new record for the number meetings. december 8, 18 per day. well, actually
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, the nazis greeted us, you, yuri alekseevich, with terrible force, why is it you. and me you, you were there too, the next day we were supposed to make a trip to the southern province, to the city of galli and beyond. this trip in total was about 450 km, during the entire journey we drove in an open car, although the sun was blazing, hot, the temperature was high, the humidity was very high, but nothing, we survived it. you drive, stop, get out of the car, through the heated crowd, you shake hands with one, two, five, thousand, listen to the speeches of local officials, then, the time will come , one of the young ceylonese, having exchanged the cap for a space suit, in the same crew with soviet cosmonauts, will fly into
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the vastness of the universe. often the motorcade ended up in so-called cielonian ambushes. naturally, the cars stop immediately , people begin to come out of the jungle, dozens, hundreds of them, they greet gagarin, wave their hands, ask him to say something, yuri alekseevich smiles, gives badges, distributes road crossing, the barrier is lowered, autographs are signed, after which the barrier is raised and the cars move on, it is clear that no one expected any train, they were greeted by the gagarinaiki, the world's first female prime minister. minister she became head of state exactly a year before his arrival after terrorists killed her husband solomon, who was the prime minister. in 1958 he installed. friendly and diplomatic relations between the soviet union. according to the plan, mrs. banderanaiki was supposed to show the distinguished guest several
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recently opened industrial plants. but yuri alekseevich said they would do this after he showed respect for the memory of her deceased husband by visiting his grave. according to the prime minister's entourage, this made an indelible impression on her. driving style, to say that he has solomon silva, russian , after which solomon naturally decided to show that he has not only russian, but also cosmic style. fortunately, all trips ended without accidents. a long-awaited event took place over cellone. moving from one meeting to another, gagarin saw how elephants are bathed in the lake. the motorcade was immediately
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stopped and he became not just an observer, but an active participant in the process. he was taught how to make an elephant lie down, stand up, raise his leg to make it easier to climb on him, and most importantly, how to douse himself with water from... in egypt , an exotic escort of camels was added to the usual crowds of people meeting along the road. the governor himself presents the golden keys to the city as a symbol of friendship between moscow and cairo. the next day can be said to be averagely busy. air first parade. where egyptian pilots wrote y in the sky, his initials, then a walk along the newly nationalized secular channel, the main performance in the shadow of the pyramid
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of chiops, then gagarin was shown a local attraction, a high-speed climb to the top of the pyramid, after a photo with the sphinx, sightseeing at the egyptian national museum, an excursion to the tv tower at the end of the evening government. reception. gamal abdel-nasr, president of the republic and one of the most influential leaders in the arab world at that time moment, awards gagarin the highest state order, the order of nilo, which had previously only been awarded to monarchs or heads of state. during the photo shoot, nasr asked for a few additional photos and personally changed them.
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on may 31, 1941, greece was already occupied by the germans, nineteen-year-old
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manolis glezes sneaks into the acropolis at night and tears off the fascist flag hanging on it from the parthenon. general charles de gaulle would later call him, no less, the first partisan of the second world war. they will look for manolis for more than a year and they will capture him. this time, on charges of working for the soviet union, the greek and world community are actively advocating for his release. journalists take a picture of him against the backdrop of the parthenon, while he raises his hand and loudly pronounces monolis glezos manolis glezes several times. soon monolis was
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free and, by the way, became a laureate of the international lenin prize for strengthening peace between nations, and his political career, through the efforts of gagarin, lasted until 2014. in japan we receive a particularly warm welcome the delegation did not expect, there is no peace treaty. irreconcilable differences over the so-called northern territories and, most unpleasantly , the japanese recently signed an agreement on military cooperation and security guarantees with the united states of america. despite this, the excitement with which people greeted our hero here was no different from, say, cuban. screams of banzai, specially written song "okay, okay,
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gagarin." and you! to see the guest, workaholic tokyo took the day off. local newspapers wrote: in japan a typhoon is moving, but it does not blow away the roofs of houses or uproot trees. this is a storm of a different nature. gagarin's storm. such spontaneous rallies and celebrations occur only during fateful events in the imperial family. the program included visits to four
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cities. numerous rallies, a meeting with prime minister hayat and keda, a visit to parliament, an excursion to the meeting rooms of the lower and upper houses, especially vibrant communication in schools and kindergartens. i must say that gagarin really liked traditional japanese culture and japanese cuisine. at lunch in the national style, raising his chopsticks , he proclaimed probably the most... original anti-war slogan, this is the best weapon in the world, three of them broke into the bank in masks, started beating, shooting, it was very scary, they robbed a private bank in donetsk , cleaned out your cells, viktor fet, find it, you will take this business for yourself, this is a chance, you will move to
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the big leagues. lieutenant colonel and gremelnik, now engaged in the donetsk case, they should not get too far, intrigue, will ukraine sign the agreement, we are doing everything right, everything will be fine, you tell me now you propose to distribute power with your own hands, only a real crisis on the maidan will allow you to hold on, and what do you need from me, we need vymoshenko.
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the italian merchant described with great amazement the power and level of economic development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century, the famous monochrome painting, chinese poetry, sophisticated literature, china, of course, was ahead in sophistication, well, almost all countries. after the end of world war ii , the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. more than 10 thousand specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy. one of dinapin's first decisions after he became the leader of china was to create an institute for the study of bukharin's ideas. so in china there is a sinicized nepa model. premiere, civilization. film, seventh. china. on wednesday.
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on the first. the united states did not take shape for a long time, although on april 12 kennedy congratulated khrushchev. this is the most
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remarkable scientific achievement, and i think that all of us, as part of humanity, are highly admired by those russians who took part in this extraordinary feat. but already on may 5, american astronaut alan shepard makes his suborbital flight in the white house, they consider it more appropriate to invite and honor their hero. in may sixty -one, gagarin received an invitation from the vice-president of the american television company abc , james hegarty, to come and speak live. but now our people are deciding to wait.
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i felt the vibrations of the ship and the boiling on the masks, i felt that the temperature was high. nevertheless, in the sixty-third year gagarin nevertheless, he was able to fly to the states, having received a personal invitation from secretary general utan, to speak in new york at a meeting of the un general assembly. the moderator of the meeting, chairman of the general assembly session carlos sosa rodriguez invites. guests take a seat in the presidium next to the un secretary general. yuri alekseevich and valentina vladimirovna in their speech say that the soviet union sends its ships into space for the sake of peace on earth, and they propose to make this universal
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rules. after the speech of gagarin and tereshkova, the space committee of the general assembly the un unanimously passes a resolution banning the launch of nuclear weapons into orbit. and here, officially, the soviet union is developing a lunar program, and it is preparing to take part in it. the trip to france for the astronautics congress began according to the english scenario, the fact is that we were the first to recognize the independence of algeria, a former colony of france, and general de gaulle warned his friend. "we hope that monsieur gagarin will not go beyond the stated purposes of his visit, the government
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is not participating in the reception, they did not even provide police for escort, and what was supposed to happen happens, information about gagarin's arrival." immediately on the front pages of newspapers even kromolny reached, the message about the french president's tour was shifted to the lower region or to the second page. he becomes an honorary citizen of two french cities, receives dozens of awards and, most importantly, takes part in the opening of a new large parisian quarter called cité gagaririn... and now a police escort appears, and then the minister of foreign affairs.
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meeting in the national assembly and senate. france needs gogarin. in the dense layers of the atmosphere it slowed down noticeably, according to my feelings, the overload was as much as 10 g, my ... on the instruments began to blur, my eyes began to turn a little grey, i strained again, strained myself, this helped, then the overload began to decline. yuri alekseevich began to always carry with him a box with spare buttons, threads and needles, because the exalted french wanted not only to touch the messenger of the stars, but to leave something close to his body as a souvenir. the next visit to france will take place in
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1965 at the twenty-sixth international aerospace exhibition in lebourg, where yuri alekseevich will act in an extremely unusual role for himself, a promoter of the advanced achievements of the ussr in the aerospace industry. gagarin is part of the delegation, but aviation minister dementyev categorically prohibits allowing him to take the helm. we can't risk our lives. cosmonaut on earth, i don’t know if this is related or
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not, but that year in lepurzh the soviet union sold a record 88 helicopters. he is not he duplicated the work of diplomats, did not take part in trade or military negotiations, but simply changed the world with the fact of his presence, his charm and, of course, the atmosphere that he knew how to create. it can be said without exaggeration that this was a real mission for peace. the first orbit of the legendary 108 minutes gave rise
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to the era of man in space. gagarin's second revolution and his trips around the world opened new horizons for millions of people. yuri alekseevich was preparing for the third, around the moon. as a crew commander during the soviet lunar exploration program, but this dream was not destined to come true. but she stayed. for those who are making their way into space today.
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there were good people and bad people, everyone was divided into children , we played pirate. dashingly, in the brave wandering sailor, any trouble was forgotten, and was lost in the distant expanse, and we never believed that it ends, what ends? that the blue sea ends, you were the ringleader of the young man,
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the devil of the sea, in a scorching vest, you drove your father’s longboat, fearlessly on the roaring waves, turning the sick one away, you sat astride the fence and shouted to akbino: i cling to the doll, the blue sea does not end, does not end, does not end, but one day a couple sailed, uninvited, unexpected, and
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some senbat sailor came for you. “suddenly he took you to distant lands, as a farewell, you, as always , screamed, see you soon, because we never end, never end, the blue sea is given, we swore to forget you, we did not forgive you for betrayal, but it shot up in an alarming height, the cry of a stranger, a gunpowder
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siren, and then it flew in... the letter, like an undisguised grief, there was one revelation in it, it ends here, here ends, here ends the blue sea, here ends, here ends, here ends the blue sea, hello, this is a podcast 20 years later, with you the host konstantin mikhailov and alexander anatolyevich, hello, our
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guest is the honored artist of the russian federation, tatyana bulanova, hello , tatyana, in your repertoire there are a lot of songs and... there are funny ones, i listened to them today, yes, yes, indeed, but you have found popular love as a performer of such lyrical songs about a woman’s difficult lot, that’s how it is it’s vulgar that you are best at this, you know , it seems to me that i just have some kind of, i don’t know, ability, probably such that i can convey all this so reliably, yeah, to the viewer, to the public, because both before me and after me, and i think that there will always be... a huge number of performers who sing sad songs, but for me it turns out as if i really experienced it all, i remember the story was so interesting, it was remember this song, sleep, my little boy, sleep, my son, i i stopped crying, everyone thought that i was raising a child alone so that my husband would leave me there, although this was not the case, i was married to my first husband, nikolai tagrin, at the dacha he came there to my
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friend well, a young man and he decided to look after me and my friend said, are you stunned that she is married, that is , it seemed to him so much that here i am... which is really true, but it’s the same as an actor when he plays the role of a killer, everyone thinks he is a killer, when he plays he thought you were a single mother help in fate, that means it’s not just a song , a played image, and for a long time, forever, it ’s not played, it’s just me singing, i don’t even understand, in fact, when i perform, i’ll be honest, when there’s a studio there, i sing, since double, two, three, four, it seems to me that they are the same and there on the fifth there is what is needed, but it seems to me that they are absolutely the same, as it was before, as after, i don’t even feel it, that is, it’s pure out.
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except for you to think that everything, this is not mine, for me in general all my life it has always been, that there is a mother, a father, and a husband is, well, the third person after the parents, close, then there are children, from the first, by the way, it was like this, but something like this happened in my life, i don’t know, it’s a drama, probably what i fell in love, i left, and with the second one, somehow something didn’t coincide with us, somehow our views on life, on upbringing were not the same, well, somehow something was not right, i honestly admit , 11 years old i... well , to hell with it, although i’ll be honest, this step was very difficult for me, i’m the kind of person, how to say, for such family values. here i am, for example, i have a third husband there, now i have one, we were already there before we got married, i lived together for 3 years, i have a wife, i say, i’m not a wife, so i’ll be a wife when
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we get married , and what does he do, well , he has restaurants and all sorts of businesses there, i just don’t, well, he actually opens a restaurant, by the way, he’s a businessman in moscow, well , it seems to me the perfect combination, a creative person and a person who is engaged, he too creative, he really likes songs from the nineties, he comes to my concerts with pleasure, yeah, here you have it business sense, do you want to open one? so he opened a restaurant in st. petersburg, he kind of named it after me, and i come, i’m just there often enough, i know that people come to see me, and i ’m like a very responsible person, i understand that i need to take pictures there and communicate with everyone, well, like someone like that, like a hostess, but if we let them dump everything on me , some kind of calculations there, i don’t know accounting and so on, everything will collapse at once, what is tatyana saying that she doesn’t have it? it will work out, it doesn't mean anything well, why is it a little bit kaketish?
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it’s not good, give me some water, everything is fever, and mom at some point, i basically said that i’m giving up everything, mom says: no, it’ll end, i say, okay, i’ll finish, but i ’ll leave, i’ll spit more altogether i don’t remember anything, leave me alone with my music, i ’m finished, i have a diploma that i graduated from music school, now i practically don’t know a single note, play my notes, i don’t know them, but at least i have very good musical memory, i can remember a melody, well, almost from the second times this is 100%, your hearing is perfect, you sing live all the time. well, basically yes, but what’s harder is to get into your own track while listening to a soundtrack, or you know, you know, it’s emotionally harder to listen to a soundtrack,
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because it’s like, well, there are no emotions, but we live, there you can somehow give her something there i don’t know how to add some paint there, well, it’s easier , we live more freely when you sing , i watched videos last night, watched your concerts, cried, i left my clear light on a separate tab, so that the tears would dry, my clear light, then what to sob again. before i still rock at discos, i assure you, dear dance, hands go up, happiness, smiles, dancing, temples, at any age, i’m pleased, really, but it seems to me that the video played a huge role in this song, it was filmed by volodya shevelkov, but i honestly admit that the rut and i had a hand in the installation, because it seems to me that he was a little shy, because i had some expressions like that, i say: “vova, don’t be afraid, just pamper-pump- bam-bang, that's all that was so funny, so cool, uh-huh, and he somehow
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edited it a little wrong, then re-edited it, it turned out, well , it seems to me that it’s good when you felt that this was yours, or someone told you, or this is how you came to believe in what you need to do next in life , i’ll say, as a child i wanted to be a dramatic actress, but i was absolutely so uptight, so all over and i was in some kind of…” it was absolutely unrealistic to go out and show it would not have worked, i understood this and i decided - that i will enter the leningradsky institute of culture then still there it means there was some kind of department there, that there were some theatrical performances there, something else, i mean i’ll loosen up and then the springboard, i remember in my head it was a springboard to the theater, well, in general, right from the first moment i came with a guitar twenty-string, well, how in general did i get a ticket to organize a holiday
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, so i’ll work on it, i’ll prepare further, because i wanted to become a student out of principle, in our family there was no such thing, so that if you didn’t go there and walk around, that means you didn’t go to study and you go to work, well i i went, dad, he said, and my dad was a deputy boss. faculty of the military naval academy, oh yes, education , yes, yes, he was like that, yes, he was a submariner and he says my mother is like that, well, although my dad also sang in principle , but my mother was actually all about art , and in the stage, all this is there and i think the fact that i became a singer is, well, probably 80 percent thanks to her, and my dad says there’s a vacancy here , which means there’s some kind of vacancy in the library , well, that’s it, i went to work and the vacancy was at the foreign faculty, there’s a fifth faculty there in... in the academy and there were real foreigners there, there were germans, poles who did not know the russian language, they were taught the russian
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language so that they could read all these textbooks, as if all this, they organized such open lessons of the russian language, when they told about some russian traditions there, that whoever could show what there, that someone was embroidering here, i said, i can sing with a guitar, so i remember, it was on new year’s eve, i sang some kind of romance, i very very much, now i already like zhanna bichevskaya very much, i generally think that this is the best performer in general russians, zhanna bichevskaya and evgenia smolininova, two people for me who sing russian, i listened to the record inaudibly to the noise of the city, as she sings the songs of bulat kudzhava.
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not so that i could do something nice there, but he asked if i’ll be there again, i said, no, that’s it, i went, i really got up and left, then some other foreign listeners also came up, i remember yemensky some kind of gold voice, i also had a kind of golden voice, and then i thought, maybe i should really get into singing somehow, because i understand that it’s unlikely that anything will work out with acting , well, people like it that way, it seems, that’s it , nothing, nothing, with me in the barracks there’s just another situation, exactly the opposite, he comes up to me and says: and you will sing? i say: yes, he gets up and leaves. women in koluga wore a shirt with a sundress and a shirt with a poneva, choose some modern shoes, maybe a dog's nose or something so that it looks daring, and as for the men's suit, for men we will make a red wedding shirt, kaluga dough, in fact it turns out this is a gingerbread that is eaten with a spoon, all for the sake of sweetness, so that there is happiness, body dough, bride and groom, here is
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copper money for you, so that you people are not poor, for everything! we're playing a wedding, the premiere, tomorrow on the first day, what is it, to love every second, day after day, i'm not everything, i don't want to settle down like everyone else, when men leave, a woman stays to wait when men fight,
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podcast 20 on air years later , the beautiful tatyana bulanova is our guest, that’s the glory, it was there, did it collapse or did it still exist gradually, the summer garden group was formed in the nineties in december, and in the nineties there was the first album, which completely passed by, no recognition, nothing happened, then in the ninety-first year, no crying, somehow they heard from us, we slowly began to gain momentum only in ninety-three , such a big first tour in the fall happened in the far east, we worked four concerts a day, i was sitting in the dressing room, there was such a makeup table, some kind of light bulb, and i just got it the thought is, damn it, if there are so many of us there, 9.00 or how many kilometers, and we’ve flown across the whole country for four concerts a day, people come to us, then we really are probably popular, that is, not just...


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