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tv   Zdorove  1TV  March 10, 2024 8:10am-9:20am MSK

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not covered lips when you approach the mirror in the morning, and if you get scared, it seems to me that you shouldn’t grab your mascara, you should go to the doctor. alexander segheevich, in your youth they called you iron shurik, my work is oxygen for me, that is, this is the recipe you need to work with pleasure, i watched your concerts, cried, don’t cry, the most crying folk singer, that’s what they say. all the nights with you, oh, what an explosion, we wait, we wait, now the earth will still fall, so you can imagine what one anti-tank is doing mine, but the enemy is also insidious, makes different traps in different ways, installs different schemes, maybe completely, sappers
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prefer not to take unnecessary risks, if they can be neutralized by detonation, they will neutralize it that way. there are, of course, simpler options, like shooting an explosive device from afar using optics. now he will demonstrate his sniper skills. oh, bravo, indeed, a sniper. he finds out along the way.
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road, dropped a magnetic bomb in a bag, it works on any metal within a radius of several meters, we remove the bull and leave it we are wearing only armor protection, without iron plates, we leave all the cartridges, magazines, weapons, knives, watches, we leave everything, we leave our phones, the sappers undress almost completely and pull a seven-meter wooden stick to the magnetic mine, with an explosion attached to the end. here we attach the charge, here we have an elongated charge of two stratil blocks, the mass of each is 200 g, the total weight is 400 g. 400 g for such a charge is quite a sufficient cord and there is enough time to slowly move the lunge without metal elements, so like a magnetic sensor, in practice we did this all the time, so we always carry it with us.
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military engineers are quicker than others to adopt new methods of combat, create aerial bombing units, which also perform strike functions with the help of piwi drones, which are equipped with standard or homemade ammunition, here an ordinary pipe, stuffed accordingly. there is some kind of opornik, namely the enemy’s approaches, entrances, let’s say , some roads, so they are being mined, they flew in at night and threw mines in front of the opornik. exactly yes,
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so that the enemy could not deliver ammunition, so that he could not evacuate from there, and, accordingly, they were already defeated. then the guys operate with kamikaze drones, a lot, it turns out, we directly destroyed the bradley armored personnel carrier of foreign equipment, there was more than one, that is , we also destroyed very large enemy strongholds with a large number of personnel, respectively, we have more than 150 sorties, respectively, well, and also more than about 200, well... we probably don’t count them shot down from the account, that is , the enemy’s personnel and more than 50 pieces of equipment were hit, the guys in the calculation are all young, who volunteered, who were mobilized, i worked as a metal pourer in metallurgy, then i was mobilized, i ended up in the engineering brigade,
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i really liked it, i signed a contract, the team we have an excellent one, everyone respects each other, appreciates them, tries to help, but then, when will the special military operation end? you will stay in the army, yes, i will stay to serve, i liked it, people here still have at least some dignity, respect for each other to a friend , that is, there is, that is, well, mutual assistance, more masculine, so to speak, humanly than in civilian life now, the guys are preparing for combat work, the engineers are always at the forefront, they are the first to move forward, under enemy fire they make crossings across rivers, they proved their professionalism during the special operation. even in
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an attack, engineering troops often go first, because they have such imr vehicles in their arsenal. an engineering clearing vehicle is also an integral participant in assaults... to make passages in minefields or, for example, to overcome the rubble in urban areas, you can’t do without it, that’s how it ’s done, only after that can the infantry move forward, through a ready-made passage. the sentry has demonstrated the capabilities of this armored vehicle more than once. vladimir mekhanik, the driver of the emr, has been fighting on it since the first days and has come under fire , been blown up by mines, been awarded medals, recently went straight from the hospital to his home brigade, speaks calmly about his combat experience, this is a job for men, and
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how generally fearless, considering that you're taking a direct hit, no, it doesn't hurt, how in general, in general, and why, and how, well , firstly, because you sit in armor and... well, how can you do without it? there’s a little bit of fear, but we’re still moving forward. the work of military engineers in the rear is no less important. it would seem like an ordinary sawmill, but a strategically important object, because to imagine... dages, trenches, trenches, and other fortifications without boards are almost impossible, so military engineers process simply a colossal amount of wood to provide our troops with this very important building material .
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such a mobile sawmill can be brought into working order in literally an hour and a half. productivity per day is up to... a coward, for example, up to 50 cubic meters, a board up to 40 or more cubic meters, that is, for a shift, so to speak, ten hours, since we work without shifts, that is, 24, yes, we have the volume is correspondingly much larger, the commander of the road engineering company with the call sign hangar manages not only this sawmill, but also a heavy mechanized bridge, which allows for a crossing up to 40 m wide. the special operation began simply. with a sapper, now already an officer, that’s right, already a lieutenant, already a commander from, i’ll even say more, those are career officers and let’s say i, this is a big difference, i see it, being, when i was a soldier and now being an officer, i
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i understand it all, i was there, engineers help equip trenches, build shelter for infantry and equipment, with the help of a trench charge they can get a full-fledged rifle trench in 5 minutes. 2 kg of explosive and we get an instant trench, we’ll find out how it works in practice right now, first a charge goes into the ground, it breaks through, then there is an explosion directly in the ground, which ... throws it out, throws it out, i wonder what happened? a trench charge
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is especially effective in rocky soil or in winter , when the ground freezes, here is the result: an effective thing, you can even compare it to the soil right here now, that is , there the top 10 centimeters of soil is stuck in here, here it is all done here i don’t know, i’ve scattered everything for half an hour, you can borrow it. a lot depends on a properly organized defense, and this is not only fortification, but also the construction of protective minefields. at this point, we have a transportable set of vkpm anti-personnel mines. vkpm, it is intended directly to cover, cover the position of our troops. along the front it covers up to 200 m. and at a distance, that is, in length. we are allowed coils 100 m long. such a kit
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allows us to cover the approaches to a support observation post or residential dugout. mines can be installed either by self-detonation or by forced detonation. that is, if the enemy comes from there, or i think, that he’s coming there or i want to scare someone. in theory, our signal mines should also work, which are also included in the kit and are placed in front of the mine. so yes, he hit the tripwire, there is a signal for... work , yes, we are blowing up the third, that’s it, it’s standing on the third, yeah, the enemy didn’t get through, obviously, judging by the sound, the first, that’s it, we got ready, by choice, oh, ok, good, anti-personnel mines are installed manually, they have a special sight, radio of continuous destruction, minumon 50, 58 m, range of lethal fragments from 80 to... 89 m. these targets play the role of enemy infantry. now
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you can see now what happened to our life-size figures on the way to planting the mine. suppose this is an enemy who tried to covertly approach our positions, or not very covertly. so, here are the fragments, here is the defeat, i got it. in general, this head was carried away, well, here we see, that is , in the area of ​​​​the neck, chest, yeah, the head, almost everyone in the brigade is experienced front-line soldiers, for 2 years of special operations they gained enormous combat experience, hello, comrades, comrade colonel, marriage and heroism manifested by doing.
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to your loved ones, all your relatives , friends, acquaintances, return home alive with
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victories, with medals, so that they are proud of you, so that they look up to you, so that your merits do not go unnoticed, i wish you success, do not stop with what you have achieved, continue in the same spirit, we believe in you, victory will be ours, thank you, in this brigade of engineering troops, over 700 soldiers have state awards, 16 people were awarded orders of courage, however, the commanders say, we all have real heroes here, you watched the sentinel program, before meeting next sunday. while in this harsh life, endless passions are boiling, waking up healthy in the morning, rain
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is real happiness, we need to swim. on the prevailing waves, take care of both strength and nerves, if everything is put in order for us, health will come first, talk to me, mom, talk about something, until the starry midnight, until the very. “i have childhood again , give me childhood again, we have completely grown-up people in the hall, but when this music plays, talk to me, mom, my heart always swells, i always want to be a child, always, if someone my mother is not alive, you think, god, at least she lives, if my mother is alive, and my mother is 90
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years old, then you just think, god, at least she lives, lives, lives, lives, nothing more, this program is dedicated to march 8 , once a year we invite adults, accomplished children , with their mothers to our studio, today for the first time in the history of the health program, we invited not only adult children with their mothers to the studio, we invited husbands and their wives to the studio, who.. . mothers of their children, who often have some maternal functions and responsibilities they take themselves in relation to the main man in their family, to their husband, they remain mothers, wives, but mothers may be in the very first place. grown-up children talk about their mothers, grown-up men talk about their
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beautiful wives. this is the program today, and of course there will be... medicine and advice, because where would we be without this, we are still people in white coats. our first guest, a wonderful singer, a wonderful actress, a smart beauty, there is no other way to say it, anastasia makeeva, in your eyes, in your eyes, not vasil, you are my love. long-awaited, don’t leave me, don’t leave me, don’t leave me, anastasia makeeva easily transforms from one image to another. nastya was born and lived in krasnodar, her mother is an engineer, her father is a lawyer, her daughter
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showed interest in the field from early childhood, so her parents sent her to a school for young models. when nastya grew up. then she began to participate in numerous competitions. in 2004 she won the title of runner-up of miss universe. after school, the straight-a student went to moscow and entered gitis. from that moment on , her film career began and continued. hello. well, that’s how nastya is. nastya’s mother is sitting in the studio. nastin is sitting. dad too, a story about mom, oh, yes, my mom is very bright, emotional, fashionable, they always came to her for some advice on how to dress, what to choose, what handbag, what outfit, and i, when i was still quite when i was little , i already felt that i was like this, i
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always played as a child the game “be a princess, i always said, dress me up,” and of course, in order to completely dress me up. like a true princess, i missed earrings in my ears, so i came up and i say: i want earrings, i was little, my mother said: what can i do? earrings are of course beautiful , but before that it might hurt a little, and i thought that if it really hurts, then probably let my mother do it for me, because she pierced my mother’s ears, her mother, and so my mother pierced my ears , it was incredibly exciting when she pierced one of my ears, i cried wildly and said that no, i don’t want any more, my mother said, well then you’ll walk around with one earring like this, i walked, walked, wandered, wandered, looked at myself v the mirror said: no, i will endure.
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since childhood, my dad , let’s say, put creativity in me, but my mother dressed me up all the time, my mother rehearsed with me how i should behave on stage, how i should move my hand here, here my leg like this, spin here, here turn around, that is , she is very artistic for me, she always sang to the best of her abilities, let’s say, although i can say that dad had his own musical group, so that, as they say, everything goes to the family in...
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nastenka, well, i everyone promised to ask about one thing: what is the most important thing your mother taught you? and my mother’s story is not the simplest , related to health, but without details, i want to say that my mother, what she experienced, what befell her, probably, god forbid that this does not happen in life other people, she is incredibly strong and at the same time very cheerful, that is, she is the person who does not burden the people around her with her own sorrows, pains or some kind of mental suffering. i want to thank her very much for teaching me to be strong, a lot of what i have achieved in life, i was able to do it precisely
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thanks to this courage of my mother, which she invested in me, so that no matter what, no matter what, go forward, smile and believe that everything will be good. what is the most important thing you taught your daughter? how wildly similar are your voices? elena vasilievna , when she was little, and we had a brother a year older, she once came home and said, when she was still very little , they were walking in the yard, she said: mom, for some reason my girlfriends are friends with me, only because of the tribute , here with i’m not very much, it’s all because of the tribute , but i suit her, so we sent her
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to a modeling agency just so that she could learn to walk beautifully, present herself to the stage, that is, they went there like a girls’ gymnasium, and we are very we're glad that it turned out this way. we also have a girl, when she was already competing in competitions, i told him, look, ours, how she did, what is the most important thing you taught nastya, to proudly carry yourself through life, yes, yes, to believe in yourself, the most important thing, because when the child came and said that they are not friends with me, this, this is for her vulnerable heart may remain for the rest of her life, such self-doubt, and there will be some kind of complexes, but we... said, no , are you the best, the best, holy mami, holy mami, but for you, dear friends,
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and of course, for our mothers, a burning topic, blood pressure, we have a whole school of hypertension open in the program to live healthy, the question today is who needs blood pressure pills and when, and i invite dr. gandelman here. first talk to me mom, this is what the song sounds like, this is what mom should tell her children, these are children should tell their mothers, husbands should tell their wives, and wives should tell their husbands, today there is a revolution in the understanding of normal blood pressure numbers, what pressure is considered normal ideal today, this is the only ideal pressure. 120 to 80 and below, that’s 120 mm, and a mercury column of 80 and below, this is ideal.
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this is high blood pressure, but the pressure is still normal, but here we already need to think about what to do with you, everything that is higher than 130 and 90 is already hypertension, and this already needs to be treated, let’s show the curve of hypertension, say to our mothers and wives, and the wives will tell their husbands and monitor and measure the pressure that
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hypertension... at the very beginning of our program, then wives and husbands come into play, our next guest is a wonderful artist, alexey igorevich shenin, listen , and that you always appear on my territory, on yours, you write
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the navel of the earth. he says that he has never regretted it, calls the theater a refuge, a place where he always feels good, the stage for chenin is a ring in which you need to prove that you are the best, the atmosphere is the film set is different, you have to adapt to it, you just have to play the role of an artist. what he wants, he believes that fate has given him a unique chance, his wife is french, and together they are raising a son. alexey igorevich came to us with his beautiful wife and his huge son, how old is andryusha? on february 5th i was 28 years old, well,
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my wife, she’s the mother of a boy, here she sits, they, we call her anya, their son calls her anechka, i call her according to my mood, we ’ve been living together for almost 32 years, that means , let's say the main thing, wife, french, yes, wife french, it happens, the wife is french, comrades, who left paris , got a russian passport, tell me a little about anita, well, she was a wonderful rider, she was twice the french champion in show jumping, she loves horses and me, when we had son 28
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years ago. she quit smoking, she quit on the same day, it was a smoking french woman, can you imagine, tell me how it was possible to fall in love and talk with a woman who did not speak russian, she spoke russian faster than i spoke french , which the first word she said, the first word she said to me, how beautiful moscow is, well, because we met in moscow, and when i... arrived in paris, she brought me to the apartment, i opened the refrigerator, and it was all filled with beer. i say, what is this? she says: well, you’re russian, but do russians drink beer? i don't like beer, but neither do i. well, in general, i had to drink so as not to disturb the joy. here. but that’s when this comrade, uh, andrei
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alekseevich appeared. this means that all of anina’s love switched to her, practically all of it, i i admire it when they speak french together, i began to understand little, because they say:
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like that, she says, hollywood is not needed, anechka, i have a question, what is the most important thing you learned from this wonderful man? well, of course, his work, everything from culture, from writers, from theater, from cinema, it was new for me, and i knew that if i came here, it would be... a completely different life, life here, it’s different than at the front, but i love living here, tell me what the most important thing your life taught you unusual, unusual
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mother for a russian boy, oh, well, what can i say, that it was my mother who always helped me, but for all my dreams, i had different dreams, i wanted to teach music, i wanted to teach theater, and then some... then to create a company, well, there were always different ideas, i very often change what i want to do, she always supported me to the end, always helped, and this is the love from my mother and support, which is the strongest in life, the flowers are beautiful, the flowers they are beautiful, well, friends, our next topic will be dedicated to pain in the joints, and then there will be destinies, mothers, wives, today is a holiday, today is the day of all women in our country, let's take a short break and then continue, the women in
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the collogue wore a shirt with a sarafan and a shirt with poneva, pick up some modern shoes , maybe with a narrow nose or something so that... it looks daring, and as for the men's suit, we will make a red wedding shirt, kaluga dough, in essence it turns out to be a gingerbread that is eaten with a spoon, all for the sake of sweetness to happiness was, body dough, bride and groom, hurray, copper money, so that you people are not poor, happiness, for health, for a long life, let's play a wedding, premiere, today on... stellar group product cognac old barrel stellar group product bourbon сtirsman product of stellar
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group whiskey mancacher product of stellar group, what is it to love? every second, day after day, i am not everything, i don’t want to settle down like everyone else, when the men leave, the woman remains to wait, when the men fight, the woman can only hope, you are my victory, the only thing when men betray, do not deserve it, in the active army, a woman can only forgive. when men love, a woman remains a woman. bless the woman. today is the first one. you have one right: to be loved. when the monolith of red
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communist ideology collapsed, many tiny ideological microorganisms flew out of this monolith. there were tolstoyans, non-resistance to evil. confession, first thing tomorrow. health is with you again, dear friends, our today's
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program is dedicated to women, women, mothers, women, wives, women who are in russia, i don’t know, it seems to me that the salt of the russian soil is still women, you and i, the word is russian, russia, you understand, that’s why adults, accomplished people came to us today in order to talk about his mothers, about his... more than once i found myself in situations where i could become their
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victim. askolt is easy-going and enjoys participating in various extreme projects. but four women, his mother, his wife and two daughters, will root for him. they pray to god for only one thing, that their beloved son husband and father were always healthy. ascolt came to us with his beautiful wife. i want to say that askold’s wife is a doctor, askold’s wife is a doctor, tell me, my dear, where did you snatch such a beauty from? oh, the story is very long, i’ll try quickly, i was on tour in the city of minsk, my wife and i, then, naturally, just a girl in minsk, a mutual friend, here he is with his.
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in general, spoiled by fame, i was surprised that she refused, imagine, let her call me, can you imagine, vladimir abramovich, oh times, he is equal, she is like refused me, i thought, well, okay, i’ll get her attention, here i turned on the man, in general , persistently, already demandingly said that i would get her attention in any case.
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she stood in front of me, looking at the passport attendant,
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and accidentally tore the pages out of the passport completely, tearing up the passport like that, to which the passport attendant said: this is the first time i’ve seen this , but congratulations, you’re not flying anywhere, that’s basically what she taught me, that’s because of her own characteristics, what is probably called jewish happiness, she is israeli, so that when we walk with her where. we are flying, never go first, because there is a high probability that after passing through passport control, i will fly somewhere alone, always insure, like this, you can say, always insure, and you can also have another little one, i will say that she is me, the very in fact, besides all the compliments that i can give to this most beautiful, most wonderful woman, i honestly love dogs very much, i always had big
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dogs at home, she taught me to love small dogs, and now this is my greatest happiness, except for children, of course, except... she asked me, and i didn’t give in for a long time, i say, only the big dog is at home, she says, how long, well, we fly a lot, a lot of all sorts of questions, that’s all, and now this is just the love of my life, for that i thank her so much, i would never have thought that this would happen in my life, this is exactly how you tell me how many of them we already have, we have three of them, elenochka, please tell me, what is the most important thing you learned from askold? oh! i've learned a lot, but probably the main thing is to be more restrained in my emotions, because i am very emotional, but he is always very restrained in emotions, in his conversation and with the children, and sometimes, when i just can’t
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find the right words right now, i look at him and calm down, flowers. beautiful helen , doctor, physician, dermatologist, who did not give up her profession, did not leave , but helps the taskold in everything, well, when a guy from the circus comes to you, pumped up, you even touch your hand a little, and there are muscles playing everywhere, of course, today we couldn’t help but avoid the topic of joints, and i want to invite you here a wonderful doctor, traumatologist-orthopedist alexander gennadyvich kurmanov, there is a substitute for intra-articular fluid, there is our own fat, which we purify in a special way, we make stem
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cells from it, and there is blood plasma, but everyone probably knows about hyaluronic acid, it is a substitute for intra-articular fluids, and i want the doctor to tell us. told about fat plasma, it’s all yours, your blood plasma, your fat, purified with isolated stem cells, what these injections give to a person, what symptoms relieve joint pain, we remove inflammation, we restore sustasis, restore mobility and oreology and thereby eliminate pain, prolong the life of the joint and reduce the possibility of wound repair. well, now the lead singer of our new performance, she constantly hurts her elbow, she has constant problems, she’s an aerialist, she’s hanging from one arm, and
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what are they doing to her, and hyaluronic acid right in and my brother has a big problem with his knee, he had a torn cruciate ligament. multiple surgeries to recover, and he also gets injections from time to time hyaluronic acid too, me too , i’ve been injecting it for about two years now, but once every six months i injected myself with hyaluronic acid, it’s very important to know about these two injections, here’s fat in the joints, i’ll now show you what it is , this is a vessel, this vessel is enveloped in stem cells, which are called dendritic cells, dense organs are made from them, so these... colas are generally amazing, really, alexander, this is specially prepared, taken there, how many grams of fat do you take, well there is practically 20 to 40 g of fat, 40 g of fat goes away from this it’s impossible, but absolutely true , these stem cells are isolated from there, dissolved in your plasma and injected into the joint, you just need
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to meet with our doctors and talk, because this is the 21st century in the treatment of joints, plasma is the same, if you look at what’s inside ... happens, let us show you, this is the patching of cartilage, you can say so, of course, you can definitely say, they trigger growth factors, it’s the recovery process that starts, here’s an injection, now you’ll see torn pieces of ligaments, cartilage, these dendritic stem cells, they are in this composition , isolated from your fat, in active plasma, you see, they just patch, patch, patch cartilage, this is one of the most... in principle, plasma is very, very good effective actually i need your phone number yes? we’ll give everything, ascoltik, we’ll give everything, everyone needs our phone number, alexander gennadievich kurmanov, knows everything about
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joint injections. alexander gennadievich, happy holiday to your mother, she raised such a good boy, it’s just a delight. let's take a short break and then continue. they say astana is a fashionable modern city, but how do people dress here? i don't understand yet. because it is very cold outside, what does a local woman in astana look like? yes , the head is warm, everything else is cold, men are ballet dancers, they themselves are in shape and should love women in shape, i like a woman to be natural in her body, if she’s too thin, then that’s not my thing either, yeah, probably when you lift her up, it’s very much yours, we are local models, what are you talking about? yes, we show national clothes. i take out the meat and take it gold leaf, cut some kind of goat, cut seafood
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, nothing has ever been covered with gold, the lives of others, the premiere, today at the first, mitya, i made you a man, but you can’t find me as a wolf, 50 million pounds are at stake, if you become a wolf, we will have a home. “i promise you, your wife was kidnapped by very dangerous people, they can kill her, come to the arena tomorrow at 10 am with a wolf, why do you need a wolf, are you afraid of me, shoot, you are the culprit of all troubles, 5, 6, 7, 8, doomed, final episode, watch after the program time, rada, how did you make up? no, what are you talking about, it’s still good, i’m pregnant.
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what's hot for femmes right now? same as always, love. igor melnik, sleeping with french intelligence. i don’t dare leave, i ’ll tell my father. just be careful not to fall in love with me. i will try. you were scammed like a kid, this money went to poland , there are a lot of weapons going there through the carpathians, calm her down already with this famfatal, transfer her through the maidan, premiere, tomorrow after the program time, you will work for us, or we will kill you. health is with you again, dear friends. our the program today is dedicated to women, mothers,
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wives, mothers again. and we have a lot of guests, adults and accomplished people, everyone talks about their mothers, their wives, the women without whom they can no longer imagine their lives. our next guest is also absolutely amazing, i must say that he came to me and my mother, if we talk about the hosts of our good morning program on channel one, then my favorite couple, timur solovyov and svetochka zeynalova. good morning, dear friends, we are glad to welcome you on this beautiful march day. for several years now, timur soloviev has been viewers of channel one and is trying to give them a charge of good mood for the whole day. his path to central television was not easy. he arrived in moscow. from the provinces, i started working on small channels, i found out about the casting for the position of a good morning presenter by chance
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and didn’t even expect to win, but a call from management with a job offer put everything in its place. timur has many fans, but the most devoted and loving is his mother. timurchik, come out, next to him is his young mother, so fashionable. and so... what a boy she grew up with, hello, yes, hello , first of all, thank you very much for inviting me, my mother hasn’t been to moscow for a long time, finally this is a great reason to meet, to meet at your program, so, well , which means i’ll start right away, my mother, of course, is the main person in my life, i remember my mother, in general i began to remember myself very early, to be honest, it seems to me that even from this age, from a year old, i remember lullabies, i i remember the lullaby literally word for word, so if suddenly... what mom sang, say the words and my restless cricket, my restless cricket, sleep my restless cricket, that’s all there,
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that’s why mothers, please, if you’re suddenly too lazy to sing to yours. lullaby to your sons, don’t do this, because children are after all , yes, that’s how it is, you absorb love at this moment, then, probably, if we talk about what you learned, but there was a moment, i remember, also again, i was little, i had just started walking, i fell and wanted to cry because i hit myself painfully, and she said, no way tears, get up, get up, shake yourself off, move on, for me this has become a role model in life, that if something happens in life, some obstacle, get up, get up, shake yourself off, move on, the main thing is don’t cry. great, who is mom by profession? tell me about your mom? so , well, my mother is a power engineer, she graduated with honors, which means she graduated from the polytechnic university, by the way, yes, by the way, my mother, my mother for a very long time entertained the hope that i, too, would be born with a mathematical mindset, since i have grandfather is an engineer, well, what about me? if i didn’t shine with this personality, in general, my mother
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started me in the second grade, i remember, she started out very strongly, she wanted me to be there. student , she sat with me, did math, and almost every evening this textbook flew at me, i dodged when, in general, i finished this second grade with excellent marks, i came up and said, mom, let me not be an excellent student anymore , because this is hard for everyone , it seems to me that she exhaled and after that i studied as i wanted, well, my favorite subject was physical education and russian literature, so i went in this direction, what else can i tell you, well, mom - it’s certainly not just some stories, it’s all an impression, probably more, yes, the kind that are born, i really loved going to my mom’s work, but my mother quickly became a manager , she had a large office, a very tasty dining room, in which i loved to eat, my mother was the driver, i remember the first foreign car was in which i took a ride, in general, there was even a story with its driver when they were nineties, it was the first one of the first foreign cars in the city and the driver took me home, we were cut off by some
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black car and such stern people with black eyebrows that they talked with the driver for a very long time, i was little, i didn’t understand, and then he explained to me that, well they wanted to buy a car , and they offered it obsessively, that is, there was such a story that they could buy a car from you right on the road, in general, and you want to ask what my mother taught me, there were years when cars on the road could buy and sell, even if you don’t agree, you could buy, i just look at my mother, you know, she is so fashionable, so modern. she ’s kind of like that, you know, a punk girl , by the way, a punk girl, yes, and my mother always, i didn’t have such a mother, a mother in the classical sense, she was always my mother, a friend, rather, and even at some moments my mother often introduced me as her brother, i remember, i was even a little offended that what kind of brother do you have, i’m a son, well , i had such a legend at some point, what was the most important thing your mother taught you, and i think she taught me, first , she led all her life
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active lifestyle, she has been involved in sports all her life, she probably taught me to do this, i have it too, and my mother taught me to always obey from my heart, because i am the only one, she was the only one who supported me when i wanted to be a tv presenter, no one in my family understood this, but my mother taught me, in fact, to shake myself off and move on, to get up and go, these are generally amazing words, and most importantly, i remember that in childhood for i was tormented, my mother constantly i corrected my emphasis in words, it’s just that i didn’t get it right.
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don’t listen to anyone, no matter what they say , the main thing is to go your own way and you will always be happy, this is a guarantee, and he went, he doubted, because no one really supported him, i asked him, so you want to go there, you should go there i like it, yes, but it’s my dad who is against it, my grandmother, my grandfather, everyone is against it, well, they really don’t pay much, what kind of profession is this, everything is fine , what kind of profession is this for a man, what... some presenter, i say: no listen to anyone, you want, go, you will always achieve, you will be successful, the universe will always support you, and it happened, every time i see him on tv, because media history is some kind of magical story, every time i see him i see, and i’m so happy and so proud, i think
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, really, since childhood i knew that i had the most extraordinary child, and i... a wonderful mother, an extraordinary child, friends, dear mothers, dear children, especially for you are a reminder that god gave us sight, it is important for us to see well. i i want to invite here a wonderful ophthalmologist, professor kanovalov, and especially for you to show how a person with good vision from cataracts sees. unfortunately, over the years our vision deteriorates , our lens becomes cloudy, because of this...
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it has become confused in brown tones, this is all catarrh, and mikhail egorovich, when a person should come to the doctor, the fact is that yes a person should come to the doctor when problems appear, vision deteriorates, the fact is that our eye has a unique a lens called a lens, through this lens light passes into the eye and thus we see, that’s when the lens begins to become cloudy, accordingly... the light does not pass through, the person gradually loses vision, if we showed monet’s paintings, not only vision is lost, but also color perception, accordingly,
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this disease is not treated conservatively, but is ingeniously treated surgically, the operation lasts 9 minutes, the bad crystal changes to good, like this, transparent or like this. we actually implant it inside the eye in this way, or like this, now i ’ll show you, a real smaller, smaller crystal like this, which we implant literally in the exact place where our original lens was, as this doctor kanovalov brilliantly does, we’ll see right now, we ’re burying it for you now droplets, it will sting a little, this is the beginning of preparations.
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at the first stage of the operation, you need to remove the cloudy lens, now you see how a microscopic vacuum cleaner works, using ultrasound it destroys the old lens and immediately sucks it up. the lens is very dense, if it is not destroyed by ultrasound, then naturally we will remove it from the eye through such a small incision, and let me remind you that the incision we have, only a 2 mm puncture will be impossible. so, the lens has been removed, now the professors will put an artificial lens in its place, but first.
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decides this is his physiological position, where he should stand for the rest of the time. the operation lasted only 10 minutes. well , just like that, for the optimism of the older generation , we have one of mikhail yegorovich’s wonderful patients sitting with us. when did you get replaced? lens, mikhail egorovich? it was just recently that he replaced two lenses for me with an interval of 3 weeks, and today my fourth one is coming to an end.
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let's take a long break and then continue. we had it with us. the lines of his monologues became aphorisms.
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exclusive with dmitry borisov. premiere, today on the first. maslenitsa has begun, why the first pancake is a coma, who should eat it, as well as all the most important things about medicine and health in the program to live healthy. tomorrow on the first. of all the civilizations living on the planet today, the oldest is chinese, almost always china has been both the most populous country and the first economy in the world. we can remember.
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marco paul's famous travel book, the italian merchant described with great amazement the power and level of economic development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century, the famous monochronic painting, chinese poetry, refined literature, china, of course, was ahead in sophistication, well, almost all countries . after the end of the second world war, the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. more than 10,000 specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created.
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dedicated to women, mothers, wives , mothers again, we have a lot of guests, adults and accomplished people, our next guest is a wonderful actor, vladimir abramovich dalinsky, it hurts, it doesn’t hurt, it hurts like that, it hurts like that, i was poisoned, no , but i don’t think so, no, this is appeianism, let’s cut it to hell so as not to risk it, eh?
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vladimir abramovich came to us with his wife, i met him many, many times in my life, every time he spoke very warmly about his wife, but what should i do, tell me how you met, who your wife is by profession, about life, how you know, i can’t tell a beautiful story or the truth, the truth? well, yes, well, look , natasha, it means that i once came to one theater, a small theater, where natasha served, i don’t know, i was sitting - somewhere at the end of the hall, she was rehearsing, she was rehearsing tevya milkman, one of daughters, she had a stage under the window, and the director said, now take it, sit down, sit down, sit down like that under the window, sit down, sit down, and she has a skirt like this, she, i can’t, i had to take my skirt, sit down.
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and she and i saw how she was covered in spots , she was like that, i had to pull off my long skirt, she stood up proudly, risking losing the role, how proudly she stood up, she said no way , she left, i thought, but she i tried, these beautiful legs, i saw, i saw , i liked her so much, this rosy cheeks, this pride, so, so, and i had one friend there, just a friend, without any, i swear i still have her, that’s it. .. and this is valya, and i say, introduce me, she says, yes, it’s useless, but she ’s like that, she’s very so to speak, you introduce me, i say, and i went on the weekend, there were three of them friends. i started inviting all three of them to my home, i lived with my mother in the kitchen, and i made her, i remember, fried potatoes with onions, a bottle of vodka and what else , i made croutons and croutons, so the four of us sat, three
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girls and me they were talking, i saw her gradually looking at me with different eyes, and somehow i saw them off after this, the girls went forward.
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thank you, oh, so sweet, so warm, warm story, vladimir abramovich, what was the most important thing that natasha taught you, everything she would have taught you, in general, you know that i didn’t value my life, i’m lyoshka, i was a hooligan,
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i was a fighter, i was a drunkard, i changed to her, i had four wives, and that’s all, i didn’t value my life when we got together. i realized that she would be lost without me, seriously, and i began to appreciate my life, she is so inappropriate, if you say that you are explosive emotionally, the man in you is on the contrary, she has a lot of good masculine qualities, she is restrained, she taught me everything about this woman, taught me to live correctly, so i live correctly and came to you here, congratulations to you. what this wonderful, cheerful, witty, intelligent man taught you, he taught me to endure.


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