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tv   Blagoslovite zhenshchinu  1TV  March 10, 2024 1:25pm-3:01pm MSK

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she is still considered one of the best. and my lisa, do you like it? for the role of liza kolitina's mother, on the director's instructions, they were looking for an actress with a similar nose. when tamara chernova was brought to the set, amazed by the resemblance of the artist to skupchenko konchilovsky, tamara admitted that she was irina’s own aunt. mom constantly helped iri. irina is not only turgenev’s image, she is the image of a girl from a bygone era, the era of the classical poets with whom she was engrossed, sadly silent, like a fearful deer in the forest, she is in a family with... her own family it seemed
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a stranger’s girl, she didn’t know how to be affectionate towards her father or her mother , a child herself, she didn’t want to jump in a crowd of children and often sat alone all day silently by the window, it’s just a portrait of her, happiness didn’t even come to me, no, when i had hopes, i will steal you, i will take you away, during the filming of the noble... nest , the artist of the film nikolai dvegubsky, who played the episodic role of a french aristocrat, constantly looked at kupchenko. he immediately liked the young actress, but at first he was sure that irina was having an affair with konchalovsky. dveygubsky was free. shortly before working on the noble nest, he divorced actress zhanna bolotova, and now made every effort to win the heart of the young beauty.
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i even read dostoevsky in french, he was such a european in suede. the young couple settled in dvegubsky’s workshop, where the only furniture was a sofa, but ira was happy. nikolai gave her a funny dachshund and cooked french onion soup with his own hands. it’s as if you live in another dimension, you stop understanding very simple things. but it opens up for you
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the world of another person, when konchalovsky began film adaptation of chekhov's uncle vanya, he immediately invited his friend nikolai dvegubsky to become the artist of the film. kupchenko did not hide that she was expecting an invitation to one of the main roles, sonya, but the director took another actress and soon realized that the filming did not work out.
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i love him more than my mother, i look at the door every minute, that he’s about to come in, now he’s here every day, but he doesn’t see me, doesn’t notice, this is such suffering, ira became konchalovsky’s muse, the young debutante doesn’t might not inspire him. more recently, finding herself in the light of the safits, she herself bathed in the atmosphere of the film set, and eagerly followed the instructions of the famous director. i tolerate.
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the case turned out to be very rich in its content, the characteristics and schools were preserved, she is very well characterized here, that she is talented. a special excellent student, here is the very exam sheet with which they enter, that is , a mark on passing the entrance exams, here are the teachers who tested her, well , here she gives her, such a footnote she's making small talk, a little husky, but perhaps from fatigue, but i hid everything, where did you sniff her out, what did i sniff out there, what?
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secretly, how they lived, for me it was, it was not strange that they broke up, because kolya was a completely different person, it seems to me that, uh, irina needed absolute harmony, as difficult as it was for her to have harmony, in my opinion, maybe there were some unpaired people with him, well, he was... her man in spirit, the fact is that her man in spirit, in my opinion, is not there at all, of course, she wanted to be loved again, she dreamed of creating a family where everything would be real, a house, children, men would be captivated by irina’s charm, but could she really like anyone, no,
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but he was special, and he appeared, the first handsome man and the hero of soviet cinema, vasily lonovoy, he was incredibly lonely. experienced a tragedy, his wife, tamara zyablova, recently died in a car accident, and you understood that you didn’t like you very much, i don’t know, sometimes you understood, and sometimes you didn’t understand anything, and you suffered, you’re great at torturing, why did you torture me, it’s not true, i didn't torment you i gave up right away, as if into water, shame on you! there is a unique recording in our archive, vasily semyonovich tells how they met with syrin. actress irina petrovna kubchenko enters the vakhtango theater, she graduated from our school, our institute, and i, as a member of the artistic council, observe this
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reception, she shows anton pavlovich chekhovo, a wonderful scene, they play with a boy alone. the arts council unanimously took irina petrovna, the arts council did not take that boy, again, as if god had specifically ordered this, irina petrovna had this such a dachshund, i had charlie, and somehow we agreed on a story, we lived not far from each other and agreed to take the dogs to the silver board.
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apparently, irina was filmed pregnant. when she was expecting a child, she also behaved very courageously, because she had
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to stay in the hospital for several months, she endured it, it was very difficult, incredible, that is, she is also purposeful, this is also how she prepared for the performance, she reacted the same way to maternal responsibilities, you still don’t know what to live - this is more courage. than to die, irina’s first son, alexander, was born shortly before the release of the film, one can only admire the actress’s fortitude, even during a difficult pregnancy she did not quit her job, i am with you always, always, irina, which means she played a role there at the end of the film, this already in... in the black and white part of the picture, when, as it were, the color left the picture along with, how to say, with the hero, with
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his soul, or something, i think, and the choice of the director, that means konchalovsky, here irina for this part of the film, when thanks to her the character, her heroine returns light, color, the film returns. of course , it was surprisingly accurate, because, because , of course, irina is a bright person, this is the feeling of warmth emanating from her, this is her personality in this sense, she helped make the ending of the picture so convincing, i thank you, i was waiting for you so much. irina did not
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delay the second child, and in seventy-six she gave birth to a son, sergei. the boys were named after her husband’s favorite poets: pushkin and yesenin. a young actress at her peak opportunities were not afraid that she would lose shape, miss time, or that interesting roles would pass her by. vasily semyonich literally melted at the sight of his children. when leaving the shoot, she boldly left the guys with her father, knowing that dad would do everything right, wake him up, and even force the sleepy ones to do exercises. having become a father at almost 40 years old, his heart and soul did not want a son.
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she was lucky too, probably, because after all, it is very important with whom, with whom she spent most of her life, she spent most of her life with very generally harmonious.
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you will go to nerchinsk, but stage by stage, you will be shackled from your feet to your hands, out of 500 that we send by stage, out of 500 men , no more than a third gets to nerchinsk. well, do you agree now? i don't care. just to go, order them to carry the shackles. in life, she is a person with a core, certainly dedicated to acting, lonovoy understood and always respected this desire in her to succeed, to express herself in creativity. we filmed in their native vakhtangov theater, just when irina kubchenko was on stage. i have always loved
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now. even more, admire narina petrovna. later, walking along the elephant parbat, we took advantage of the situation to learn a little more about the relationship of the famous couple.
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“we are busy in different performances , it doesn’t turn out that you’re arm in arm like that, no, we go when there ’s someone’s birthday or a theater or this and this and arm in arm, all this happens, from here such short revelations create a picture of the life of this couple, two complex, beautiful people, an idyllic picture, in it there is only that little that they themselves wanted to show, he i was pretty self-confident."
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i feel like i’m quite tall in life, but when i get short, i just feel like some kind of dwarf, but yes, yes, yes, risha absolutely, a copy of my mother, thank you very much, thank you, there’s more, i’m still there with them, oh, how good, how i love isna, you know, i miss you very much, i have a feeling that we haven’t seen each other for ages. only 4 days, tell us how you lived these days, usually, the first time the actor spouses met on the set was in 1977, director yuliy raisman invited them to play the leading roles in the melodrama “strange woman.” we are adults
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. finally let's go to my place. i ’m not going anywhere to see you, i beg you, let’s stop this madness, these meetings are pointless. according to the script, the heroine kubchenko leaves her disgusted husband, having fallen in love with the hero vasily lonovoy. and then she breaks up with him. the plot with such an ending did not please the young couple, who had lived together for only 5 years at that time. but as professionals, they are great. did their job, passing through themselves the whole tragedy of the relationship of their heroes, because very i love you, i probably could have told you this, but i’m a bad diplomat, i think that it was precisely the fact that they were close people that
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helped to achieve such authenticity and such poignancy, what it felt like. such a connection from navel to navel, you know , stretching like this, then it was especially upsetting , it was a hard breakup, the audience experienced it, well, that means i’m going to fly out of the cart, that’s why, because i’m sad, provincial and shabby, nothing, well and okay, and let everything fall to hell, be updated and change, but i don’t want to, you you see, i don’t want... all this to drown out the woman in me, i don’t want to be a partner, out of superstition they didn’t want to tempt fate and... decided not to act together anymore, their happiness came at too high a price. it’s not always
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good for a husband and wife to be in the same profession, but we starred in the same film, we both felt it, we didn’t act together again, and rubai nikolaevich said: “under no circumstances should you act with your wife, believe me on this.” experience." we understood all this immediately from experience, which is wonderful. these two lines so they went to the cinema, irina petrovna , a wonderful actress, i think, in the cinema one of our best actresses, well, vasily semyonovich too, excuse me, so this is what it is, to love every second, day after day, i’m not all , i don’t want to settle down like everyone else, when the men leave, the woman stays to wait while the men fight. a woman can only hope, you are my victory, the only one, when men betray, you do not deserve larich in the active army,
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a woman can only forgive, when men love, a woman remains a woman, bless the woman, today is the first, you have one right, to be loved. we’re glad we made peace, no, what are you talking about, it’s still good, i ’m pregnant, what’s important for femmes now, also, that there’s always love, igor melnik, sleeping with french intelligence, i don’t dare leave, i ’ll tell my father, and you look, don't fall in love with me, i'll try. you were scammed like a kid, this money went to poland, a lot of weapons are going there through the carpathians, calm her down already
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with this famfatal, transfer her through the maidan, premiere, tomorrow after the program time, will you work for us, or will we kill you? mosfilm. the holy of holies for every artist. the local archive contains unique photographic proofs of kubchenko for several films: a strange woman, a snow maiden, a courtesy visit, and other people's letters. here is one of the approved ones. in 1978, director mark zakharov began filming one of his best films, an ordinary miracle. well, when you come, i won’t even think about it, and also complain to your husband, and he
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will turn you into a rat, who is our husband, a wizard, we must warn you, in our interpretation, a wizard is a creator, this a writer with a capital letter, which means he should be next to petrarch... there should be laura, laura, a person who loves him very much, for the sake of whom he composes his funny situations, so this should be very worthy, beautiful and smart a person who would match the wizard, so i needed a sorceress, she was found, i ca n’t remember exactly now, this is of course not my idea, they told me what was in akhtangovsky...
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surrounded by a galaxy of stars chanting jokes, the actress was not lost. she doesn't seem an actress because she is free from some of the antics and shortcomings that are characteristic of some actresses. she stands behind the main character's shoulder, but i always see her, always. your last fairy tale turned out to be funny, or at least successful. it might be better, but if the bright image of the hostess in an ordinary miracle is easily remembered, then a small one...
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even its director andrei konchulovsky did not immediately remember the role played by kubchenko in the siberian film. she starred in the romance, in sibiriad, in my opinion, no, no, no, not she was filming, so she understands, so, so to speak , she turned it on, she didn’t turn it on, she’s a wonderful actress, but in no, she was filming in siberia, she was filming in siberia, she just played a woman.
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the inner circle could not do without actress irina kubchenko. the first thought was that there was a role for this teacher, i thought that ierka would do it wonderfully, especially with...
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70 roles, for the same period in my native theater there were only 20, but it is known that theater is always worth it for artists in first place, it seems to me, is not the kind of person who will go i think not to open the door to the main director and demand something, although i think that she has her own huge audience, she could play the main roles in the repertoire,
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which is sad, of course, that there are such types in life as leon semenovich felemonov , whose wife i play, not only is he an opportunist, a lagoon, a petty, careerist, that he cheats and leaves me, his wife, but he also cheats on the woman he loves, but what’s strikingly different is that we
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love his. we are tormented, tormented, trying to return him, to keep him somehow , when will we finally love smart, good, decent and noble people, this interview was recorded a long time ago, but irina petrovna’s commentary about what is happening to her heroine is perceived as something very personal, painful , and i couldn’t have guessed , it seemed to me that this was an actress who... a cloudless, bright, easy, wonderful life, that rare case, personal, she almost in general didn’t tell me anything, but for some reason phrases, i realized that when she told me i was very sympathetic, i realized that this problem was very close to her, the problem in which she really wanted to support me, i think that she also could not avoid these problems. stop crying, i say, this is life,
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she knows how to be lonely, she knows how to be alone, with herself, she doesn’t need a party, she doesn’t need company. she doesn’t need a command, when she gets tired , she gets behind the wheel and drives 300 km in her hooter, this is a hooter, i would be scared, she has such a very strong inner core, and once she even said this phrase, she says: if only i if i were a man, i would probably be a truck driver, she likes the road, she says: i relax, i go on the road, i relax, she is a very strong inner person, very strong, you know, if you are out of balance...
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very warm, she a film set might arrive with a bag full of sweets for hungry colleagues, every appearance of the guys is like some unheard of amount of cakes, some things, some goodies, some kind of such things, here she is somehow here i am i don’t know, by my appearance, well, they were waiting for her, because it became clear to everyone that it would be a very good idea, we would have completely different guests, forgive me, but what are they asking for?
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in 2001, oleg yankovsky invited irina kupchenko for his directorial debut “come see me”. by misunderstanding, i called your apartment, that’s how
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they released me, so i acted like a gentleman. well, you can’t be a gentleman for 5 minutes , then it’s better not to start at all, i’ve watched it a thousand times, come and see me, i don’t know , that’s it, that’s exactly how much. here right or left there will already be a mistake, she makes, she puts everything right, exactly, exactly in the top ten, mommy, but i don’t need anyone , i’m crazy, yes, i’m happy, and you, me, why are we so unhappy, 30 years passed before lonova and kubchenko again ventured into films together... and accepted an offer from a young director who launched the multi-part television film "poor relatives". i know that the memories of your turbulent youth have stirred you up, perhaps
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your whole life. well, of course it feels like wife’s playground, well , this is probably not surprising, and you know, mm, there’s some absolutely subtle, gentle, uh, attitude towards each other, which is barely felt, but you know, at the level, at the level of touch , yes, maybe even somewhere they say something not loudly to each other, it’s very, it’s very nice to see these, well, things, on the set of another series, house on ozernaya, where kubchenko and lonovoy played together, a misunderstanding occurred , vasily semyonovich did not understand the director’s command, considering it for himself offensive, in the heat of the moment the director exclaimed: are you an actor? was the filming in jeopardy? could lonovoy simply leave the site? what a quiet, quiet voice. kuvchenko was also sitting at the table, she said: vasya, actor, actor. and
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on the other hand, there is a moment, there was a moment , i just, i watched how they were filming when he falls, which means the hero of the bosom, he falls by the heart, and he fell and lies, she runs to him. and this is how to say, this and she does this, and this is all honest for real, but she loves, of course, they love each other, in october 2013. one of them says that love does not
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envy, is not proud, covers everything, believes everything, forgives everything. vasily semyonovich passed away in january 2021 at the height of the pandemic; he did not live just a year before ikserina petrovna’s anniversary, her golden wedding.
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irina petrovna is an amazing actress, confidently moving towards the times. every phrase she pronounces from the screen sounds like an instruction, you believe her, as before, you want to look at her, admire her beauty, listen and absorb every word. how do you think? he is, of course, he is, of course otherwise, some believe, some don’t, it’s important to live according to the law, but what do you think, to live according to the law, according to love, to live is not to live, not to judge anyone, not to annoy anyone, our respect to you. a simple phrase, in general, is correct
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, you see, here it is, according to these highly moral christian, very simple but necessary laws, it seems to me that it itself lives, the ability to love from god, the ability to have compassion from kindness, the ability to forgive without knowing the deadline, from wisdom and tenderness of soul. this is all i just said about irina petrovna kubchenko. irina petrovna kubchenko does everything in his life honestly and truly, loves, suffers, rejoices, and, of course, keeps his secret. she will not be frank about herself, it is clear that not out of false modesty. and not because...
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well, hello everyone, my name is ugahvi, i am a grandmother from chuvash, my name is ilina, and i am daria and for everyone we are the same, in order to be completely happy, you need personal happiness, unfortunately, at the moment i don’t own it, there were only about 100 guys, everyone was lined up, and the girls were told that choose. i chose it, happiness is when you get up in the morning nothing hurts, don’t disappear, i beg you, russia is, first of all , the people who made it a great country and a great power, and god grant that the main thing is health, and the rest will be all right .
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she has a lot of space and a lot of freedom, a ray of sun from a seagull, the wing is silver, it’s a shot, there is no lovely seagull, she died of a murmur in
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the reeds, an unknown hunter wounded her jokingly. without looking at the victim, who disappeared, good morning, hello, we were swimming, yes, why is the water still cold, i’m used to it, you live here, yes, here by the lighthouse. so what happened to this person? did you hear? so, she died, trembling, trembling. do you swim here every morning? yes, great, i welcome you.
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pavlit, verochka, you will eat,
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you will eat, no, i don’t want fish. you’re so blessed today, it’s time for her to get married, oh, who are you marrying, oh, well, wait until the prince comes for you on the plane.
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you scared me, i'm leaving. i'll come back for you in 3 weeks, will you come with me, yes.
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and this order for military operations in civilian life, no, later. for an operation on kvzhd, have you heard of this? yes, of course, comrade kraskom,
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are you preparing for military operations against the japanese militarists? yes, he still has to wait 2 years, how old are you? yes, only 16, he is the main one in my family, the breadwinner, my father’s place remains, oh, in the kingdom of heaven, erochka, and verochka is our eldest, don’t look at how she has fallen from the bell, she is still a child. she’s not even eighteen, mom, daughter, what did i say, i have to explain myself right away to avoid housekeeping, i was married, now this circumstance has been eliminated, i pay alimony, so the groom is unenviable, and besides, he got a new one...
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i love alexander ivanovich and he me, now we will always be together, even if at the end of the world, hold on, well, we’ll be in moscow at 7:30 in the morning, we have the whole day. until 22:00, well, verochka, it’s time
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to sleep.
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amazing, right?
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make yourself comfortable, i'm going to headquarters.
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come on, wife, serve lunch, dinner? what lunch? what do you have? no lunch? no, how could i cook it? no food, no dishes? verochka, you are young, inexperienced, you lived with your mother,
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i don’t blame you. but try to remember once and for all, what i will tell you: the husband’s duty is to serve and bring home money, the wife’s duty is to be the best at home, something is missing, figure out where to get it, from each of us. i have my rights, it’s my right , upon returning from service, to see my wife’s face without a trace of tears, i admit, i cried then, yes, that’s your business, hey, you can cry as much as you want, anywhere, but as soon as i returned home, you should be washed, fresh and cheerful, you understand, chunya, i will never cry again, that’s not all, it’s my husband’s right to return home, sit down to have lunch. i’ve learned it, i’ve learned it, and i absolutely don’t care what you make dinner out of, but there should be lunch in this house every day, regardless of worries, exercises, and even war, that’s my right, i understand, dear, there’s only
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one thing i can’t understand, my you listed the rights, but where are my rights, you have only one right. to be loved, or is that not enough for you? no, not a little, we had it with us, the lines of his monologues became aphorisms, never exaggerate the stupidity of your enemies and the loyalty of your friends, but it’s well said, it’s simply amazing to be friends with him, because he’s smart, brilliant, commented on everything very much, spent a day, came out educated, you can kiss him, no, no, he somehow... mikhail mikhailovich, do you know that you are a genius? he simply told me, yes, clarke, i know, i was confused. this march marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of mikhail zhvanetsky. i remember how everyone froze at home, turned on the tape recorder,
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recorded zhvanetsky, and at the age of 11 i could not understand what this man was saying, in the hall people were happy, in my house they were happy. this is not prose, this is poetry. zhvanetsky's dictionary is country dictionary. our exclusive today is the wife, son and friends of the satirist, and his. exclusive with dmitry borisov premiere today at the first gin snob product of stellor group are you holding yourself up on your feet?
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the new season is the best, watch it after the evening news, well done, puppy, a little smaller, smaller.
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comrade stalin teaches, cadres decide everything, and not only in the army, but on the home front, rear service in the army is a great strength, for your wife, alexandra ivanovich, for your home, but one thing is missing in your home, therefore, dear owners, accept this modest gift from us, eh!
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shunichka, i’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time, we will have it, everything is clear. but we won’t, just as we won’t, i’m a soldier , life is nomadic, today, here, tomorrow there, and today you yourself know how the quanton army is on the border, provocations every day, in the world there’s musalin hitler, war is about to happen, and what about others, others to me? decree, verochka, do
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you really still need someone besides me? oh, don’t be so old, sailor, here you go, thank you, let’s get acquainted, masha smolina, but i already know everything about you, your name is vera, the commander’s wife, housewife, where from? is this a camel? are you here
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too? let's go have a smoke. oh, come on, i don't smoke. but i smoke, surgeons all smoke. and the surgeon? well, let's go. at first it seemed like i really loved her. now i think not very much. so, blinding, induction. and he said he loves, he lied. do you mind that i smoke? no, i ’m used to it, my husband smokes. m, what is his specialty? by profession, he’s a bastard, listen, why didn’t i see you during the day? i was running home, it’s strictly under lock and key here, and today a surgeon i know is on duty, so i can’t miss vovka yet, it’s vovka son, so you have a son, yeah, he’s a year old, he ’s sitting at home with a neighbor, who is his father, where is he now, he’s disappeared in the muddiness of life. with
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him it was more and more painful for me, i really loved him, both him and him, but he has a wife and two more, and you knew, you knew, well, you’ll fall in love like crazy, sasha, meet me, i have a girlfriend now , future surgeon, masha smolina, larich. now we will correspond with her, very good, only we don’t have an address yet, we are moving, later in 3 hours, where, things in the car, mash, i’ll write to you myself, erka, write, goodbye, bye, i have the honor, goodbye.
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well, settle down, i'm going to headquarters. tak tak.
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regiment, that’s right, commander, we have a big need for you, alexander ivanovich, colonel rebinin, meet me, he’s keeping you up to date, like a communist from a communist, i won’t hide anything from you, enemies got into the division, the authorities, of course, liquidated these geeks, but therefore on the agenda in the vigilance division.
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we are studying the language of the potential enemy in the division. well shpacirang frau, schnel, schnel. that's the thing, verchika. anna petrovna, my ex-wife. you used to be motherfucker, and now he writes like neighbors. it's completely gone, yura is left alone unattended every week, we'll have to take him here for now, and no one demands to make sentiments, the child must be dressed, washed
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and fed, but your name is yura, and your last name, and mine is aunt vera. let's get to know each other, come on, take off your clothes, now this is your house, take off, coat, take off, take off, let's go, i 'll show you your room, let's go, yuri. this is where you will live, come out, sleep here, and we will drive away this scoundrel, but what is his name? kuzma, kuzma, isn't it a cat's name, of course, cat,
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kuzma, kuzya, kuzyoma, so, come on, sit here. well, now go to sleep, go to bed, this is already unnecessary.
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look at me, yeah, now you’re a fighter, like dad. well, this is the letter k, right, and this is o, the last one. well done, everything is together, how is it reading? well, k, t, cat, i didn’t recognize my best friend, now write it yourself, i don’t like writing, i do. draw, are you good at drawing? do you think he will buy me paints? why
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did he, dad, he, you idiot, your tukhachevsky, run away from the poles in 1920, and how did he treat hitler? he went for advice, never left the reich, he would get advice on how best to spoil the red army and play the violin to celebrate. believe in legends, the army was rearmed by scientists and workers under the leadership of the party and comrade stalin, i propose to drink to comrade stalin, as the great organizer of the construction of the red army, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray. this is a wise policy, these mediocrities will be replaced by grassroots commanders, honest,
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politically literate, close to the red army masses, for your new sleeper, alexander ivanovich, for my sleeper already they saved up that they could lay out a railway if there was a war tomorrow, if the enemy attacked, if a dark force came, like one person, the entire soviet people. will stand up for a free homeland, i agree, comrade kamdi, alone, the entire soviet people will stand up for a free homeland, you also believe in this nonsense, you don’t understand, period, give me today’s red star.
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of the five marshals, there are only two left, and of the five army commanders, not one, now read. colonel avilov is awarded the rank of divisional commander. kamdiv ostakhova was immediately promoted to command. here so, on three stripes in each issue. we are strengthening our command staff. yes. doors. we are patching up with punks experienced
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officers loyal to the fatherland, enemies of the people, in their place are careerists and ignoramuses, are they going to defend the fatherland, their sleepers and diamonds, that’s what they will defend, it hurts to look at larichev, but i don’t know how to close my eyes. aren't you afraid that i will be obliged to report our conversation? i’m no longer afraid, i just want you to face the inevitable war with a clear mind. that’s it, i stayed too long with you, it’s good with you, larichev. i'll go home, i'll accompany you, no need, i'll
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i’ll take a walk, i’ll think about it, you’re not sleeping, you heard everything, then try to forget about it and don’t tell anyone, you’re a man, a future fighter, you should be able to keep war and secrets, i understand, then sleep. shunichka 's graph is already empty, it's time to sleep, you can go, ver platon , i forgot monshtu somewhere, i didn't leave it with you, no, i didn't see it, i'm not sleeping, but... you liked it so much that it stayed too long, oh
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why were you talking for so long? you understand in what sense every honest communist must be now, so think about it the next time you talk about life, i advise you in a friendly manner, you’re cold, son, no way, comrade kamdiv, well done!
2:44 pm
good night, igor.
2:45 pm
go, go, get the boy, yura, go for another walk, we need to talk,
2:46 pm
one of these days i’ll take her to a boarding school, like, what kind of boarding school, for military orphans. i fussed for a long time, they accepted, is nimble an orphan , almost an orphan, his mother doesn’t know what he’s thinking about, and whether he’ll come to his senses, there’s discipline, education, he could go to school here, i can imagine this school and the teachers, i’d help him along with kuzma, he can’t even add the letters of a word maybe, well, this will pass, he’s a very smart boy, how he draws, and what an amazing memory he has, listen, these woman’s caresses, pictures, kuzma, the boy must grow up to be a man, something will happen to me, from the prickly life to you and i don’t understand what to my son, and you don’t need to understand, just take note, the issue is resolved, wash his things, pack him, i’ll take him myself.
2:47 pm
yurka, here are the pies, your favorite with cabbage, still hot, as soon as you get into the car, eat it right away , do you hear, i will definitely come to you, yurka, definitely, my son! well that's it, it's time, what is this? this is sit down,
2:48 pm
says moscow, listen to the note of the soviet government regarding this. new provocations of the finnish military. yesterday, november 26, the finnish belogvardeina undertook a new vile provocation. and junior commanders, the soviet government is forced to take action, mitya, i made you a man, but you can’t find me, vulka? there are 50 million pounds at stake , put it on, you will be a wolf, we will have a house, i promise you, your wife was kidnapped by very dangerous
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people, they can kill her, come to the arena tomorrow at 10 am with a wolf, why do they need a wolf, if you are afraid of me, shoot, you are the culprit of all troubles, 5, 6, 7, 8, stop, doomed. the final episode, watch the time after the program , maslenitsa has begun, why the first pancake is lumpy, who should eat it, as well as all the most important things about medicine and health in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first, transfer it through the maidan.
2:50 pm
the training takes a day, the business trip is short, the families stay here, you will learn about the destination on the way, although you larichev is smart, you can guess it yourself, i envy you if there is a hole for an order, or even two.
2:51 pm
good lord, dad is on a business trip now, but he really missed you, and the little one missed you, and now you’ll get comfortable at home, calm down, you’re probably already unaccustomed to home, please don’t be offended by us, i promise you, everything will be fine, honestly, most honestly , my mother has already come for me.
2:52 pm
masha. vera, dear, i’m passing by for the third time, i just thought of giving a telegram, mashka is from there, from there, from there, i haven’t met the shunichka, alive, well, shunichka, i’ve met, i haven’t met, but i know, he’s alive, he’s fighting in the next regiment, yours, he’s completely we, no, will send it back now, lord, faith, huge, huge losses, well remember, this is a military secret, mashka, shunechka, shunechka, you see, kiss him for me, kiss, i’ll kiss yours,
2:53 pm
sonicha, where are you hanging around, give me lunch, now, wait, vodka, give me , now, shunichka.
2:54 pm
i told myself everything, my little wife. let’s not clink glasses, little girl, i understand everything, i can guess what you had to go through there, it wasn’t written anywhere, but people said, the main thing is that you came back, returned whole, and
2:55 pm
your hands. head, head, what should i do with what’s going on in this head, stupid, mediocre that's it, the fathers, the commanders, the punks, they all pricked holes for medals, the soldiers got completely different holes. larichev fled from the enemy, from some finns, for the first time in his life, one of mine, you are the best, you are still the best in the world, a whole regiment was killed by our own people. the rumors that appeared in the english,
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not only the english press about the imminence of war between germany and the ussr, are clumsy propaganda of the hostile ussr and germany, you convinced us, convinced us that everyone needs at least a little sleep. brest in 3 hours. that's right, let's drink some tea. and dead sleep, good luck!
2:57 pm
alive, yes, captain, behind me, yeah, quiet, quiet , boy, quiet,
2:58 pm
commanders, red army soldiers, political workers, everyone who has weapons, come to me, comrade colonel, senior lieutenants have arrived to yours, "comrade colonel, chief of the guard sergeant kalashnikov, i am accompanying the arrested person to the garrison tribunal, how many of you have two fighters arrested, who is this, lieutenant, pilot, baranovich got drunk, opened fire? stop the line, along with the arrested person, but war, sergeant, war, there are legs, yes, to
2:59 pm
i have an order, sasha, follow it, sasha. what is this war? i’m dear, we’re leaving, help the wounded here, make your way to your mother as best you can, i won’t interfere, take me with you, it’s decided, that’s it, no, that’s it! faith, faith , attention, there is someone older than the colonel, as a senior in rank, i take over the command, detachment, listen
3:00 pm
to my command, two zherengs, calm down, calm down, i ask you, briefly about the main thing: the way for the advancement of equipment is open, work our sappers in the zaporozhye sector and personnel from other
3:01 pm
directions in the case of howitzer shock crews drones, and also...


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