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tv   Telekanal Dobroe utro  1TV  March 11, 2024 5:00am-9:00am MSK

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this kind of thing is not to prove something to someone , to compete with someone, we are holding an event in order to find friends, the story of one of the festival participants, a guest from dubai shared with a russian his fears before traveling to russia , putin is told almost verbatim. he said: “i was afraid to come here.”
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how do we appropriately deal with the uncertainties that come with management and leadership, the consequences of such sporting decisions, and how to take responsibility for those consequences? one of people who were involved in politics, he said that a good politician thinks about future elections, a real leader thinks about future generations. obviously, this is exactly the kind of person vladimir putin is seen from abroad. “i would so much like to become your son from
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africa, i would like you to be my mentor, mr. president, what can i tell you son, this is an episode immediately after the conversation with vladimir putin, an italian artist, that the same son from uganda wanted a photo , i want to ask my african relative, our italian friend, come here." i am the african son of president putin, what is your surname now, my surname, konstantin panyushkin, kristina neznanova, channel one. we will tell you more about the world youth festival, for now on to other topics. now america is 5 days without 8 months before the presidential elections elections. donald trump, as they say in sports, won the super by one wicket. tuesday's
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preliminary voting, which was held by a dozen and a half states. republicans actually have no one to nominate candidates except him. well, biden, newspapers wrote that the message to congressmen was not without doping at a level that the presidential son is well versed in. georgy alisashvili, first things first. trump won, i know this, you know this, there ’s more to come... john day is a remote american province, the nearest more or less large populated area is more than 3 hours away, and is already at the center of political battles. eight months before the election , the trumpist squared his shoulders in democratic states from the godforsaken outskirts of oregon to manhattan, where the performance was almost disrupted.
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the supreme court demanded that the states that removed the ex-president from the ballots allow him to participate in the internal party elections, but this is a precedent that prohibits democratic regions from arbitrarily drowning biden’s competitors, the liberal press is in undisguised mourning. i won't ask you about good news, because that's really bad news. the next day, trump won the republican primaries in 14 of the fifteen states, virtually guaranteeing him the presidential nomination. not
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they don’t call it super tuesday for nothing, it’s a big victory. i was told that there had never been such an obvious outcome, it was great. trump's only remaining competitor, ex-us post-press at the un, niki haley, after such a defeat, could not help but withdraw from the race. everything is heading towards the fact that donald trump will be nominated as our party's candidate at the convention, which will take place in july. i congratulate him and wish him well, as i would anyone who will be president of the united states. it is significant that haley did not encourage her voters to vote for trump to them biden immediately asked for support. potentially every fourth will end up. republican voice, supporter of radical reform. moderate conservatives don't like trump, but biden, who has flooded the country with migrants, is unlikely to be their candidate either. this week, a rumor was confirmed that the authorities, in order to reduce the statistics of illegal immigrants crossing the border, are bringing them on planes themselves. the biden administration has admitted
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that it smuggled 320,000 illegal migrants into 43 u.s. airports last year. using the application, illegal immigrants from all over the world. request asylum, after which non-profit organizations book their flight to bring them here. in the democratic primaries, biden leads uncontested; the holiday is marred only by protest voting in swing states. in minnesota, for example, nearly 20% of democrats voted against everyone. this is attributed to the activity of muslim voters who do not like the fact that the white house supports israel’s war in gas; attempts to save face turn into tragic oddities. delivery of american humanitarian aid from the air, according to local data sources.
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the democrats are throwing their hollywood reserves into the fray; popular favorites have begun campaigning for biden. vote for trump and you will have a nightmare. vote for biden and soon everything will be normal again. so, why then does trump win? robert denira had nothing to cover this with, but the host, bill , answered his own question the day before. there is no need to deny your age, just admit it and say so. yes, i get the names mixed up.
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congress was written according to all the canons of a pre-election speech, with a joke warming up the audience at the beginning. good evening, if i were smarter, i would go home right now. and then the stream of accusations, biden began not with american problems, with calls to unite against russia and, as it came out from his words,
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with trump supporting moscow. on the march abroad, putin invaded ukraine and wreaked havoc across europe and beyond. and my predecessor, the former republican president, tells putin: damn it, do what you want, the former american president said this, bowing to the russian leader. it is noteworthy that the ex-president was never named by name, but biden mentioned putin as many as six times. the fixation on russia, however, played a cruel joke on the speaker. taking the risk of breaking away from the prompter, biden spoke impromptu on the topic of the availability of medicines, started talking and brought moscow to.
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anyone but sleepy joe. president biden's speech lasted over an hour and was energetic and powerful. the pro-democratic press rejoiced, and conservatives, at the instigation of trump, wondered: maybe biden had been drugged? a psychiatrist who worked with elderly patients with dementia stated that biden looked like someone who had taken stimulants to mask cognitive decline. the high tempo and loud speech and the fact that the president seemed to have a temper. and angry - these are typical signs for a person who has used amphetamine.
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be that as it may, good old biden has not gone anywhere, leaving the podium, he again got lost in three pines, you in that direction, in that direction for me, which way should i go, here please, here, where to go, this way, that way, okay, give this to my assistant, and we will contact you. follow sergeant, here please, trump commented on the presidential address with an obvious threat; if he wins, he has long promised the biden family criminal prosecution. biden is trying to avoid justice by lying like crazy to avoid being held accountable for the terrible destruction caused by the actions of his work and the actions of his party. their policies continue this monstrous show. biden spoke the next day. in philadelphia and there he was already in his usual uniform, mixed up the date of the seizure of the capitol,
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instead of january 6 he said july 6, and boasted by the fact that he did not reduce, but increased the national debt, and then completely forgot that he was running for president, and not for congress, as he had been elected six times before. pennsylvania, i appeal to you, delegate me to congress to stand up for your rights, i promise you, we will take back control. can no longer contain to himself what everyone understands. the states have bloodily disgraced themselves with the ukrainian project. despite his leadership in
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the ratings, trump also has financial problems; the ex-president, who lost two trials, may fall into a debt hole. one thing is clear, trump definitely doesn't have 500 more than a million dollars to pay the fine. he simply cannot raise that amount of money. is this why trump met with the richest man in america, elon musk? he immediately stated that he was not sacrificing the candidate. presidents, but on the other hand, you ca n’t finance trump’s company, but simply help a troubled businessman with good political prospects, with whom musk clearly has common interests. as for musk, i'm sure he wants trump to stop attacking the electric car. he also wants trump to return to twitter. yes, at least for the campaign with his wife, the former first lady is an active user of this social network. milania, who had gone into the shadows , reappeared in public. during the sudden visit of hungarian prime minister orban to trump. the meeting took place at
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trump's maralago residence and took just over an hour. he is an incredible leader, fantastic, respected in europe and around the world, we are honored to have you. at the same time , orban did not visit the white house and did not make contact with the current american president. came out, with a word he ignored biden like a temple duck. liberal expert. suffers, let's work with america, when orban does this, it will attract other
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leaders in europe. orban is the starting point from which the us, led by trump, will drive a wedge into europe and nato. those who definitely have no place in this situation are the ideologists of the washington war party. this week , victoria, the architect of the maidan, the person responsible for the ukrainian direction in obama’s biden team, unexpectedly retired. maybe this just a coincidence, but leaving in itself is a blow to those who.
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this comes on super tuesday, when candidates rely on these platforms to communicate with voters and encourage them to go to the polls. voters somehow came to the polling stations without additional calls, and they did not find any other negative consequences from short-term interruptions in access to social networks, and only a few connected the incident with the breakdown of underwater internet cables off the coast of yemen. it turns out that some of the american traffic passed through there. does the us have understanding how the break occurred? were the houthis involved in this? i have nothing to tell you now, we are trying to understand everything objectively. the houthis themselves categorically denied their involvement in underwater sabotage, but it was too late, they were previously appointed guilty. back in early february, representatives of the internationally recognized authorities of yemen warned about the possibility of destroying internet cables. the western
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media joined in shaping public opinion and began to savor the likely consequences with pleasure. mustache threaten to completely cut the undersea internet cables laid off the coast of yemen, which provide a third of the world's traffic, and the economic consequences of this will be so catastrophic that it is difficult to even imagine. more than $10 trillion in economic flows pass through these lines every day. the breakage of four of the sixteen main cables laid along the bottom of the red sea did not cause such large-scale damage to western finances. the most serious consequences were caused by damage to the backbone network of asia, africa, europe 1. with a total length of 25.00 km. india, pakistan, the countries of east africa and the arabian peninsula were hit hardest. however, direct evidence of deliberate sabotage has not yet been found. it is possible that this was completely an accident. the cables could have been damaged by a broken ship's anchor, for example, the cargo ship rubimar, which on february 18 received a hole from a husidian missile, and
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before sinking, drifted for several days in the red sea, in this case the attackers ... shared with the whole world, in response to it's in in december, western countries, primarily the usa and great britain, announced the start of an operation under the loud name guardian of prosperity. it is critical to maintain freedom of navigation along this route. the key task of the united states is to ensure free trade. for this purpose
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, the entire fifth american fleet, led by the aircraft carrier dwight eisenhower, was sent to the red sea in full force, in january the western countries launched... the first massive air strike on the military bases of the ansarala group, it did not help, it only got worse, the kusites immediately joined the list targets ships associated with the usa and great britain. the houthis became the first in world history to use anti-ship ballistic missiles; no one had ever used them before; they mainly hit commercial ships, less often american warships. as a result, the us navy in the red sea is now spending all its energy on protecting itself. merchant ships, the houthis have enough cheap, semi-handicraft drone strike missiles, but to intercept them they have to spend much more expensive and high-tech means, the cost of launch one anti-missile missile themselves.
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risks and decided to take a different route, bypassing africa through us with good hope. a one-way flight on this route from asia to europe costs about half a million dollars more. fuel insurance costs are higher, as are delivery times. but where to go? according to experts from the international monetary fund, almost the entire flow of goods that previously went through the red sea has changed direction. the total losses for world trade have yet to be estimated, but they will definitely be considerable, given that previously every year suede channel. transported goods worth approximately $1 trillion, while it is impossible not to notice that it was the united states, which so zealously cares about freedom of navigation, in this case
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, did not lose anything at all; its trade routes lie far from these places. americans periodically talk about free trade, but in fact , everything they do is done in order to sink their economic competitors. an economic competitor to the united states of america now. is china. china's stability in the red sea if it is needed, the americans, as we see, absolutely do not have it, and from the american point of view there is no free trade here and there cannot be, they constantly confirm this with their specific actions. but they didn’t start today or even yesterday. at the beginning of 2000, the americans received permission from former yemeni president abdala saleh to conduct an operation in the country.
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in 2011, the arab spring also came to yemen. as a result of mass protests, president salih agreed to constitutional reforms and sat down at the negotiating table. peaceful agreement was almost ready when an attempt was made on the head of state. and as soon as salih left for treatment in saudi arabia, the americans were right there. we believe that president ali abdullah saleh is currently undergoing treatment in saudi arabia. yemen is governed by a civilian government. the vice president is now in charge.
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here, sunni saudi arabia and the united arab emirates could no longer stand it and, with the support of the united states, tried to return to the previous order in yemen, but there was no storm of determination, as the first military war was called the operation and the second revival of hope did not bring any noticeable results. moreover, the ansar allah group managed to inflict several rather painful blows on its opponents, for example. in september 2019, they attacked the largest oil refinery in saudi arabia, which led to its temporary shutdown, so while
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the vast but sparsely populated eastern and southern territories remain under the control of the official government of yemen, the densely populated north-west, where the capital, the city of sanaa, is located, remains under the control of houthis. the west has more there is no military air superiority as before. we see how everything has changed since iraq, the whole methodology has changed radically . you can no longer do any of this when there are surveillance satellites , drones, all this equipment, you can no longer move armadas of tanks and troops, this is a new form of technological war that the houthis are waging under the slogan death of the usa, death to israel, they are probably not going to be published it would have been possible to reach an agreement with them and find a peaceful compromise last year. saudi arabia has taken several attempts, but for some reason no one supported these efforts in the west. mikhail akinchenko, natalia letovka, vitaly zaitsev, channel one. china
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reacted to yemen and other military conflicts in different parts of the planet in its own way. this year he is increasing the defense budget by 7%, the same as a year earlier. as the chinese ministry of defense found out on saturday, age-old changes in today's world are accelerating. the economic plan for the next five-year period is also drawn up with growth. this week it was heard at the all-china meeting people's representatives. this is the highest legislative body of the country. i made one of the speeches following the results. usa on the world stage, he noted in contrast the historical nature of relations with russia, in october 75 years since their establishment at the diplomatic level. china and russia have created a new model of relations between major states, which is completely different from the outdated approach of the cold war. guided by the principles of non-alignment, non-confrontation and
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non-targeting of third parties, we must... remain good neighbors and friends, and deepen comprehensive strategic cooperation. russian gas provides energy to many chinese households, and chinese -made cars drive on russian roads, which proves the sustainability and broad prospects of the sino-russian mutually beneficial partnership. exactly one week until the presidential election. on march 17, by this time the counting of votes will begin at polling stations. this election will be the first time that a remote or electronic voting, the last day to submit an application is monday, meanwhile, in remote, hard-to-reach areas of the country, as well as in new territories, hundreds of thousands of people have already made their choice. anastasia kobozeva, more details about everything. the endless expanses of tundra, somewhere in the distance you can see a reindeer camp, you can only get here by helicopter. guests are rare here; members
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of the election committee are welcome.
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so it’s very convenient, the hostess can fly in, that’s right, that’s right, a yard round in the zaporozhye region, the commission has arrived, you will vote, we will , please, passport, come to us , early elections in several stages, first , residents of villages vote, and on march 15 and 16 of the cities, melitopol, energodar, berdyansk, this is done in order to ensure security our members of precinct election commissions and...
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locations, our election commissions worked with voters, suspended work somewhere for a certain period, but after the danger had passed, they returned to our voters. early voting takes place in nine districts of the belgorod region. this decision was made due to constant shelling. election commission employees will continue to travel through populated areas in the immediate vicinity of the special operation zone for several more days. this is not only a matter of security, but of convenience, especially for... hello, the avdiivka direction of the special operation is voted by artillerymen and special forces of the center group of troops. the ballot papers, the basket is there in the next room. and this is the vostok group in the donetsk republic. the military is very they carefully monitor compliance with all the subtleties of the law in specially prepared premises. let's pass.
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the following took part in the early voting: employee of the russian contingent in syria. after everyone in this garrison cast their vote, the sealed ballot box was sent to headquarters by helicopter, guarded by another combat vehicle. according to the latest data , 740 thousand russians voted early, the election campaign is in full swing. this week, co-chairman of vladimir putin’s headquarters maryana lusenko met with the head observer missions from the cis, ilkhom nematov. there will be about 200 observers in total. we will build our work on the basis, which means no interference, on openness, which means compliance with russian election legislation, no government interference.
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i think that the elections will be successful, the presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation, nikolai kharitonov, this week took part in sending a convoy with cargo for fighters and residents of new regions, we collected everything necessary, food, medicine, special equipment by three trucks leaving near moscow,
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trucks from other regions will join along the road, everywhere the people express their will, character, understanding of what is happening, the entire population of our vast territory of russia is waiting for this victory, and today...
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to see when the company is not only works in russia, but supplies abroad, i always say that in russia, as long as they don’t interfere with entrepreneurs, they need direct help abroad. in anticipation of the presidential elections , a remote electronic voting system was tested. for the first time it will pass in 29 regions of the country and, according to the central election commission, can reach 38 million voters, this is an absolute world record. during testing, we did not have any recorded failures, there were no substantive complaints, that is, the system worked absolutely stably. meanwhile, 113.5 million ballots have already been printed, this is the number of voters taking into account those living in our new territories. for the first time in the presidential election, we vote for 3
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days from march 15 to 17. sites will traditionally be open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. local time. anastasia kobazeva, ekaterina koryaka, alexey ivanov, alexander kusev, channel one. now the south of russia, an all-russian granary and health resort. last week, vladimir putin spoke about the limitless possibilities of the fertile region. the president visited stavropol and held a large meeting on tourism development in sochi. the head of state also appreciated the success of the farmers for southern hospitality. despite sanctions pressure, the industry is growing rapidly. anna kurbatova was convinced. such a small village, putin came to us. in in the village of solnechno-dolsk, stavropol territory , all week there was nothing but talk about the president’s visit, that’s how it was? will it come out healthy? when word spread throughout the village that putin had arrived, people rushed to take to the streets, and judging by these images, for good reason. the motorcade
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of the head of state made an unscheduled stop, the president left aurus, then, thank you very much. i didn’t even expect to do all this, well , hug, kiss, somehow i didn’t even have this in my thoughts, there was an impulse, there was an impulse when he got out of the car and started walking, that’s all it shook so much, of course, but he’s so fit, this is our president, handsome, handsome, his policies are correct, i support him, we all love him, he’s a wonderful person, so very popular, our people love him. well, that's what was on the program of the president's visit. putin said
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that he came to discuss the development of the country’s agro-industrial complex with farmers. let's look at it from your perspective, let's see how agriculture works. works great, we're fine. stavropol region is one of the largest agricultural regions, and where how can we not develop agricultural technologies here? this is eco-agrobot 001, that’s the name of the robot that collects tomatoes, it accurately recognizes them, even if they are hiding behind... well, or like now behind the stem, this is a completely domestic development, the robot is endowed with artificial intelligence, it also determines the ripeness of tomatoes, oh, ready, all the mechanics of the robot and software development, everything was done by us, well , the greenhouse itself in which these tomatoes grow is the largest in russia and europe, and dozens of varieties are grown here, 20 varieties, maybe even a little more, this...
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will take you by car, we’re going, we’re going, where to end, there’s no end in sight, they talked, however, not only about greenhouse farming, a question for the president from an agronomist, many not only don’t know what kind of work this is, what kind of profession is this, and what is it , and what do i do, well, before i got a job here, i didn’t know that agronomists work here, and what did you finish, i’m a cook , i’m a cook, yes, yes, well you love tomatoes.
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the president has everything of his own, mostly from domestic products, buckwheat with meat, salad, compote, well
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and of course, tomatoes. do you prefer cucumbers or tomatoes most of all, depending on what you have as a snack, we recommend trying our tomatoes, they are the best, try it, it ’s just from these branches where we were just now, yes, yeah, we asked putin these everyday questions.
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this is the meat processing, bakery and confectionery industry, these ingredients are also the basis for sports and genetic nutrition, i see you have such a board behind you, food of the future, yes, we are creating the food of the future, we have partners abroad somewhere,
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when they talk about the food of the future, they always show some moths, worms, and for you all this leads to... work in the field of confectionery, confectionery production of bakery products, yes, as i understand it, yes, yes, absolutely right, also putin opened a new mineral fertilizer plant in the leningrad region, it will make it possible to meet the growing demand of our farmers for years to come; the largest production of meat chips in russia was launched in mordovia, but what kind of meat do you make chips from? 100% these chips contain only meat, what are chips, chips are potatoes are starch, but from starch. you know that only the collars are worth it, you should send it to try, obligatory, vladimir vladimirovich, agriculture is developing at an impressive pace, the president spoke about this at another meeting in the stavropol territory with farmers from different regions. in 2023, putin noted, we exported products worth more than
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$45 billion, for the first time in history. a lot has changed in the agricultural sector in previous years, so what? damn, you know, in 2000 we depended on almost all the main components of the areas - to provide the country with food, now such dependence practically does not exist, last year our income from exports of 43.5 billion dollars increased by 30 times, this... just recently turned out to be absolutely unrealistic, no , this is the reality today, sanctions have encouraged us to produce more, russia not only fully provides itself with food, but also feeds others, supplying agricultural products to 150 countries, for example, china has begun to buy more from us in recent years meat, now it is one of our main
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importers, as well as belarus, kazakhstan, vietnam, saudi arabia, the goal is to increase the export of agricultural products by one and a half times by 2030. the ton is ours, but here’s a paradox: grain prices on exchanges are regulated by countries that are not the main suppliers. the entire market is guided by the prices set by chicago or paris. in this regard, we came up with an initiative from the medical agricultural sector of russia to the governments to create a grain
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exchange within the countries of the brix members. your idea is very good. and since in our brix union there are countries that produce and buy.
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while humanitarian aid, thank god , it means that some food goods were dropped on us in the form of humanitarian aid, yes, our producers were dropped here, i remember these conversations, yes, when gumpomo, it seemed like a good thing, gum-aid, it came, our producers have died internally because they cannot sell their products, the other side of seemingly good intentions. here putin held a meeting on the development of the azov-black sea region. regardless of proximity to the special operation zone in all southern regions, increased investment in industry.
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there is certainly a prospect for business expansion and for domestic companies to enter foreign markets associated with strengthening the transport infrastructure. the capacity of ports on the azov and black seas is now four times greater than the transport capacity of the railway. that is, the railway can transport four times less cargo than it can. regions, holidays in the south, the president said, should become more accessible, it should be done so so that as many of our citizen families as possible
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can relax in russia, choose a vacation to their liking, beach, ski, educational , and so on and so forth, and at affordable prices with a high level of comfort. much attention will be paid to the environment; in the coming years , 46 new treatment facilities will be built on the shores of the black and azov seas. another focus on infrastructure. today, many tourists travel south to the sea, which is called their own car along the m4 don highway. during the address, the president already spoke about the need to build a new highway dzhubga sochi. now we drive along the serpentine road and it looks like this: in good weather, it’s one continuous traffic jam. you can stand there for days. the road will be like the taurida highway in crimea, it should become a catalyst for the development of the region.
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around the sea of ​​azov , which has become internal for russia, they plan to build a high-speed highway, the so-called azov ring with exits to the sea, the length of the road is the same as the path from krasnodar to moscow, the length of the azov ring, how much is 1400 km, yes is being worked on. the last time this was done was on the eve of the olympics, but 10 years have passed since then. the current state of buses and their environmental class often do not meet the requirements
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of residents and guests of the south of russia. i propose to work on the issue of comprehensive renovation of urban public transport in sochi, of course, based on domestic technology , taking into account advanced environmental standards and high quality transportation. how did the residents of the city perceive this statement, it is necessary to update the vehicle fleet, it is necessary and it is necessary, we are we’ll travel in a comfortable bus in a new one, it’s actually very wonderful, the city is growing, the president’s decision is correct, we’re all happy, of course, and also within the framework of the five seas project , modern hotels, health resorts, new equipped beaches will be built, including in the azov-black sea region. this topic continued during putin’s trip to krasnodar.
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investments in the construction of hotels have increased 20 times; today , 48 investment projects are being implemented in the region, that is, roughly speaking, 48 are being built hotels amounting to almost 500 billion rubles. we are at the end...
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directions. ilham aliyev met during his youth and maturity. moscow and baku are developing cooperation around mikhail mishustin, on the porch of his residence on the obshironsky peninsula, not far from the capital. more recently, aliyev won the elections and formed a new government of the republic.
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has united our peoples for decades, there are more and more projects in industry, we are also thinking about a joint project in the field of transport mechanical engineering, there are also promising areas of mutual technological, large, large innovative projects, we are working on agriculture, you mentioned the addition, we also have a number of questions on
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pharmaceuticals, i would also like to say that... transportation capacity has increased fivefold our checkpoints. for russia, azerbaijan is a strategic partner in the south caucasus, the volume of mutual trade reached a record level of $4.5 billion. there are 135 flights between the two countries every week. in addition, through the republic there is a railway line on the north- south route, which moscow and baku call one of the joint megaprojects. the route between azerbaijan and iran, a country that has access to the persian gulf via the resh tastaraz railway route, can carry 15 million tons of cargo annually; the importance of this corridor is compared to the vanity canal. here we also see an increase in transit traffic and bilateral bus transportation, an international north-south transport corridor, a project
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that unites our countries and... we are, as you know, in active interaction in terms of implementing all necessary issues. to avoid queues at the border, an agreement was signed in baku on the procedure for operating and maintaining a road bridge across the samur river and a roadmap for the development of all checkpoints, including this yerak kazmalyar. its reconstruction was completed last year, adding eight additional traffic lanes, resulting in increased traffic capacity. increased more than twice a day, on average more than 750 trucks pass here, they talked about cooperation in the field culture, the russian drama theater in baku is more than 100 years old, all these years its stage has been a platform for tours of russian groups, among its productions, the cherry orchard and the captain's daughter, the baku people love our theater very much, the theater, it educates
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the intelligentsia and a new one has grown up... communicated with representatives of the fair sex, the conversation was about their mission, in public life, in the economy, in culture. we very often meet russian theater groups from russia, all their tours are always a success, which we are very happy about, we we also go on guest performances in russia, but much less often. will there be support for russian theaters abroad? in terms of financing, there is an appropriate decision to support the production of new performances.
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well, and worthily represent your country accordingly. this year, the republic will host days of culture of our country, film screenings, and the state construction of the alexandrinsky theater is planned. baku is a hospitable and colorful city, next to stalin’s narrow streets, where the film the diamond arm was filmed, flaming towers, and three modern skyscrapers. the gedar aliyev center was built in a cosmic and abstract style according to the design of the famous zahi hadit. the art museum with its exhibition of the azerbaijani avant-garde may also surprise you.
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vladimir putin to the krasnodar aviation school. the graduates asked the supreme commander-in-chief what he remembered about the past 2023. the most memorable event for us was the graduation of
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pilots from the krasnodar higher military aviation school. what event in 2023 was the most memorable for you? you you know, my life consists of an infinite number of different events. since i sometimes compare it, you know, like standing with a waterfall , it pours endlessly, even when i ’m with my loved ones nearby, i try not to show any signs and pretend on the contrary that everything is fine, we’re resting, but i know that after 5 minutes for me... to call such and such, in 10 minutes i have to call there and then, and in half an hour such and such an event will happen, i must understand what happened, and if i need to react to it somehow or to adjust something, so this is such
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a series of events, but, but of course, just like for the country as a whole, and for me, and for you, i think all the brightest, most significant things happened on the battlefield in the zone on purpose. military operation, then, of course, there are a lot of issues related to the economy, its maintenance, development, ensuring the rate of economic growth, this is the basis on which everything is built, but the most striking events are, of course, meetings with our guys, or with women, with girls with ours who serve in their zone or with members of their family, i... frankly speaking, try not to show emotions, but still these events, these meetings carry the most vivid emotional overtones.
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we return to the world youth festival in sirius. in the past week, he became history. and here are some results: 190 countries are represented. let me remind you that there are 193 members of the united nations. there are 20,000 participants, half of them are foreigners. after the festival, many wanted to get to know russia better and went to our regions, including including in new. there are people who want to work as observers in the presidential elections, and they will be given this opportunity. in other words, russia cannot be abolished, no matter how hard anyone tries, ivan prozurov himself was convinced of everything. look, how many bags mean so many souvenirs, many, friends, many stories, we will fall in love with russia, with a baggage of lifelong impressions from russia with love for our country. i thought people here were so harsh, but no, you are just wonderful. it was so sad to leave, we cried last night.
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representing citizens of ukraine, but for obvious reasons, call them an official delegation, show them to the media, well , we understand that the guys will face criminal prosecution after this, not a single delegation from 193 un member countries was stopped in russia, only micronesia itself was not represented. and marshall islands, it was not possible to disrupt the festival, there were attempts. the heads of the delegation told us that they received phone calls and email messages via instant messengers with threats, threats of terrorist attacks, threats of consequences, they were even offered money for some kind of provocation at festivals, nothing came of it, but they managed to gather truly free young people who were not bound by the shackles of international committees and organizations, ready to hear each other. the main youth event of the last few...
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you created here in the south of russia a real city of the youth of the world, in the city of the youth of the world, which appeared on the basis of the olympic facilities near the black sea, 20 thousand participants, almost the same number of organizers lived their whole lives in a week, belarus moldova! lectures and
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concerts, exhibitions, sports matches, marathon knowledge of impressions, 850 events where more than 9,000 experts worked; it will take 78 days to study all the discussions. a huge number of opportunities, a huge number of acquaintances that could one day turn into something more and create something new, unique, while the western media played in the information vacuum on social networks, an incredible flurry of attention, the participants themselves in dozens of languages...
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.states in world affairs, of course, foreigners wanted to know about a special military operation, we will certainly bring a special military operation to its logical conclusion.
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the american elites want to maintain their hegemony, to be exceptional, but spreading democracy and human rights at gunpoint will no longer work, we have already created enemies everywhere. people in the us are saying: stop, we've had enough, we want peace, to be here is an opportunity to break down the barriers built by the us government, a symbol of exceptional unity.
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discovered the foreign world, now , on the contrary, the whole planet looked at modern russia with surprise. your country is proud its diversity, richness of cultural traditions. we in spain have a lot to learn from you, you truly are a land of opportunity. the all-russian center for the study of public opinion prepared the statistics. six out of ten russians have heard about the festival, the majority have a positive attitude towards it, those surveyed feel pride in the country, respect, hope and confidence in the future.
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were in equal conditions and grew up in different equal conditions, developed, revealed their talents for the benefit of their loved ones, their family, to your country, and perhaps to all of humanity. we should all strive for this. i am sure you will have many successes.
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one of the slogans of today's festival: let's start the future together, we will consider that the future has begun, but what it will be depends on you. and this work is just beginning. for the first time in history, sirius held a children's program for participants under 18 years of age; for the first time , there will be a regional part for 2,000 foreigners. for many, however, the great journey through russia is just beginning; some foreign delegates will leave in 30 russian cities from kaliningrad to vladivostok to the new regions, too, where a special program has already been prepared for them. foreigners will visit the russian exhibition at vdnkh; 29 people will go on a nuclear icebreaker on an expedition to the north pole. many asked to work in the russian presidential elections as experts and international observers; everyone leaving these days fell in love with russia and so that they would have the opportunity to return. our 43 all-russian youth educational forums will be open to
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foreigners. organizers are already thinking about new ideas to strengthen the foundation of a common future laid in russia. ivan prozurov, pavel likholetov, alena evtyakov, ekaterina ovsyanikova and denis larin. first channel. he knows where childhood goes, where the island of bad luck is, and that life is a moment between the past and the future. the legendary composer, people's artist of russia, alexander zatsepin is 98 years old today. his music has been featured in 120 films. few people will remember the names of some, unlike songs that literally disappeared from the screen into people. what's the secret? alexey zotov met with the genius of film music. his music bursts out of the instrument like bright fragrant flowers, because this is the only way he approaches life, always sunny.
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childhood in novosibirsk, when in december '41 the surgeon's father was arrested as a tray; he and his mother barely survived during the war years. maybe that's why his songs about childhood are the most poignant. someone will be in trouble, but not me, if... and he didn’t suffer at all; on the contrary, he was imbued with the classics that his father started. so, all my childhood, between the pattiphone and football. a unique moment, we persuaded
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alexander sergeevich, the author of thousands of melodies, hundreds of songs, to remember his first composition. he was then 11 years old. zatsepin's music, even in the first film, is fashionable and modern. there was no place to study jazz then; you could only listen to enemy voices. coin blook. he remembers with what delight and inspiration he held this first
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record. blue sky, swan clouds, and then one after another all-union hits and love. don't knock your wheels. there is only a moment between the past and the future. his melodies are bright and sad, tragic and joyful, they take you somewhere into the depths of space and the heart, but alexander zatsepin himself does not understand where and how the music comes from, like an artist sees a painting, probably by color, i also somehow see this, i hear orchestras, how he plays and some kind of melody appears, and even in a dream it happens, it’s my fault, decided always, tata and...
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his creative life was filled not only with success and popularity, scars on his heart left unfulfilled dreams, he was very worried, when wonderful music for the soviet italian film the red tent, they just didn’t have time to record it in time, and you can’t hear it anywhere in the world except here. everything is white, emptiness, some kind of loneliness , and i just lay down on the sofa, closed my eyes like that, imagined all this, and from me this theme was born right away, which i played. many films where the music and songs of alexander zatsepin are heard are simply no longer remembered by anyone; he often helped republican studios in moldova, tajikistan and kazakhstan.
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he never waits for inspiration and still does works according to the behest of the teacher, sit down at the instrument and inspiration will come on its own, there are many professions, but the most beautiful of all in cinema, zatsepin was terribly lucky to meet his director. come together with talents, help me, help me, it’s not bad to have secrets, leonid gaida directly said that he doesn’t understand anything about modern music, and completely trusted the young and daring composer. gaida asked to add funny sounds to the music, zatsepin used everything that came to hand, an ordinary ruler, you press it. gaida demanded play faster, even faster at
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a tempo that is too much for a musician, the hook was twisting, i ’m playing it, somewhere. here, let’s say, then they speed it up, gaidai didn’t like this future national hit, and things almost came to a break. the legendary song about hares was formed only on the fourth attempt, but the minister of culture funtseva did not appreciate it, this is a political provocation.
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his music was immediately banned from the radio, newspapers began to mock his songs, but he not only worked, he even had to write poetry for a singer who did not understand a word of russian, i wrote in latin letters, all these words, let’s say, and i, there, she, she sang, looking at these hieroglyphs, but the zhurovs are silent. but the little cranes don’t tell the secret to anyone, and of course, we asked alexander sergeevich if he was ready to write new music for cinema, now he would probably agree , it would be better if there was some kind of dramatic film, or a tragedy,
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even or lyrics, so that yes, so that like that , like june 31st. people can't always be close, people can't always be together, tell us, we we can find out from where, again, we can find out from where, that you are mine, and i am yours, love and destiny, almost a quarter of his life, having spent abroad, he returned to russia, and although his family remained there, he could no longer live without homeland, you daughter...
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good morning to everyone who is ready to greet a new day, with us on channel one, anastasia orlova and roman budnikov are with you on the calendar march 11, monday, wake up soon, we have a lot of interesting things ahead, we start today celebrate maslenitsa, cheers, let's talk about how to celebrate it noted then and how we will do it now, we will choose the right frying pan, you probably have the right frying pan, but we
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will find you another one, and calculate the pancake index, the pancake index, how interesting, we will also discuss what it consists of. we need the goods , how much we pay for its packaging, we will go on a trip to rostov-on-don, and of course, we will definitely look at the russia forum exhibition, in general, extensive plans, right now, traditionally, a warm-up, the russian champion in bodybuilding is waiting for us , evgeny rytsarev. good morning, labor callus on the stomach does not adorn either men or women, i suggest replacing it with strong abdominal muscles. we lie down with our heads against the wall, press our palms against it, bend our knees at right angles , take turns stretching one or the other leg forward, don’t bend the lower back, on the contrary, press it to the floor, to do this as hard as possible, strain the abs, if it’s easy, may
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complicate. we put an expander on the feet in the form of a ring, continue to exercise, the apparatus increases the load on the legs, that’s it. what we need, the exercise will help strengthen the abdominal muscles, and also legs, but only if you exercise at least three times a week, don’t be lazy and the result will be excellent. maslenitsa, komoeditsa, obezudha, the brightest , most delicious spring holiday dedicated to seeing off winter, yes, friends, maslenitsa week begins, how i love this time,
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oh, every day of this week is special, today a meeting, tomorrow, flirtations, and then mother-in-law's parties, and so on, that's how maria kuskova loves pancakes, rum, now this maslenitsa calendar will remind us all, but about the fun traditions that live today let’s also not forget, the task is to get young people to clean the snow in the yard, the idea is to offer them to make a slide out of the collected snow, on which they can guess who will ride the longest , who will travel further, who will get married, that is, well, somewhere in another village, maybe to be in the capital, the girls were already making wishes for grooms, a good man and a good man, to give gifts. that there was also a brunette, gleba, and he knows that you want to marry him, according to tradition, a hill is built on the first day of maslenitsa, on the second
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they organize a show on it, he sat the girl on his lap, be kind enough to get married, this has been my dream all my life , and you are newlyweds, that’s right, yes, their family has already developed its own traditions, youth traditions of pancakes for maslenitsa, making rolls, pancakes with fish with cheese, it would seem, yes, but very tasty , according to pancakes... they already tell fortunes on wednesday , this day is called a gourmet, so ulya, tell fortunes about your fiance, you see where he will come from, here, to the left, for the ruble there , he will be good, our rich one, yes, who else can tell fortunes here i need it, copper quickly, now we’ll be guessing at the girls, you see your eyes right behind you the girls from the class are watching , you have some kind of favorite there, you have it, but you don’t tell anyone, they tell fortunes not only by looking at pancakes, we take two eggs, knock one at a time with a spoon, the second... we don’t touch it, then we mix it, we ask important questions: when when i grow up, will i have three dogs? yes, it will! you already
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guessed it, a whole egg, that means yes, a broken egg, no, ivanovna taught them this love, she has already predicted a happy destiny for herself, a husband, three children. festivities begin on thursday, my neighbors are invited to visit my mother-in-law on friday, i don’t i know, of course, how it is for everyone, but here we were accepted as...
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an artist." instead of canvas, as you already know online, he is known under the nickname "pancake guy, guessed it, he uses pancakes, paints on non-fairy-tale heroes, the result is such beauty , which, naturally, is eaten as quickly as possible. the honorable second place goes to the engineer from under the heavenly chen yingxi, who made such a complete conveyor from the parts of a children's construction set. for the production of pancakes, the machine beats eggs, adds flour and milk, mixes, fries and even brings a plate, in general, very useful unit, i want one, the main thing is that he doesn’t eat pancakes, then this unit in the first place of our hit parade is of course a cat, a cat, a kitten named bow from saratov, who loves pancakes very much, and naturally, he destroys them with appetite, even don’t guess, by the way, that you have become an internet star, the video with the bow has already been watched 7 million times, the bow is also my favorite, so, let’s start making pancakes, and unusual ones, buckwheat ones, recipes from culinary specialist pavel savchenko,
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remember the note... yes, not simple ones, with hearty filling, just in time for breakfast: i beat two eggs, pour in warm water, add sugar, salt, soda, shaken with vinegar, shake the mixture, pour in a little buckwheat flour and the same amount of wheat, pancakes without it... when the dough becomes homogeneous, i give it to him let sit for half an hour, then the pancakes will turn out fluffy. then i bake, as usual, leave the finished pancake in a heated frying pan , break an egg in the middle, leave the yolk whole, and distribute the white over the surface, add diced ham and grated cheese. when
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the egg is fried, i turn the edges over. in the middle, leave the yolk open, sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving, breakfast is ready, the remaining dough can be covered with cling film and put in the refrigerator. the dough in water can be stored for up to 5 days, and you can have fresh pancakes for breakfast for almost a week, changing the filling for variety. well, now attention, dear women, in the next 2 minutes, face fitness trainer elena karkukli suggests dedicating the time to our beauty. turn away, roma. okay, this time she will tell you what a gua sha scraper is and why it is needed generally needed. this is the so-called guasha scraper. there are people who endow it with some kind of magical power; they say that the ancient chinese practice rejuvenates. here i
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will disappoint you. it will not be possible to turn back time, but a massage with a scraper can relieve us of swelling, and this significantly improves the appearance, so i recommend doing it in the morning, the procedure has contraindications: cupidosis, rash, exacerbation of chronic diseases, fillers injected under the skin, in general, before you take up the scraper, consult your doctor, if everything is in order, then wash your face before the session. i also wash the scraper thoroughly, apply cosmetic oil or slippery sticky serum to a clean, dry face, begin to work on the face of the chin area, use the long, slightly concave side, always move along the massage lines, for beginners it is better to hold the tool at an angle of 15°, that is, almost flat, the smaller the angle
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of inclination, the less pressure, we move the scraper slowly, at the end of each movement we do this rocking, we lightly press the tool into the skin, repeat the movement five once again, we work the entire face along the massage lines, perform a smooth massage with light pressure, there should be no more discomfort. for the first time, it’s enough to wash off the remaining oil or serum and apply a moisturizer. after this procedure , morning swelling will go away faster. let's go further: rural mortgage is a special government support program for the purchase of housing in rural areas. here's how this program works, who can take out a loan, what the rates are, more about this right now.
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anyone can take out a mortgage for a house or apartment or a plot in a village or town where no more than 30,000 people live. mortgage for 25 years, you can mow ahead of schedule, the maximum amount is standard. 6 million is issued in one hand, that is, it is possible for the husband to take 6 million for the wife 6 million. the average rate is only 3%. there are a number of territories where it is even lower, 10%. special conditions for the border territories of russia, which include some municipalities . altai, dagestan, gorchaev, circassia. what is the down payment? good news, since february of this year, the down payment has been reduced from 30% to 20%. and if...
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not older than 3 years. the martyanovs chose a house in the village of kaymary. now there are very few inhabitants here, at the beginning of the 16th century there were about 500. even peter ii stopped on his way to kazan. the bank will definitely check whether the village participates in the preferential mortgage program. you will need to download the application, select the region, locality, it is suitable. you can first buy only land, as svetlana mamontova decided to do, but you need to quickly build a house on the site. and within 24 months we need a house. will register as a residential property, there must be water, sewerage, heat, if the conditions are not met, the bank will raise the rate, it is important to find out in advance whether it is possible to build a residential building on the site, if the land is used for gardening, this will not be possible. svetlana chose a different category of land,
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private land, on which you can build a house for permanent residence, you can buy a ready-made home kit of domestic production or hire a private construction company that is accredited by the bank, and finally you can take out a preferential mortgage for an apartment. in a low-rise house up to five floors. the most important condition for a rural mortgage in an apartment or house is to register otherwise within 6 months, the rate may increase to the key rate plus a certain amount of interest. at the moment this could increase to 17%. therefore, the payment will increase significantly. the rate may increase in one more case. it is stated in contracts with banks that the state subsidizes your mortgage exactly. until the state has money, if there are no subsidies, the rate will rise to the key rate, plus the one that was specified in the contract. nadezhda pravdina, mikhail karasev, channel one. let us remind you that on the calendar on march 11,
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the muslim holy month of ramadan began. a time of spiritual cleansing, prayer, fasting and good deeds. how to close them? look here. all weekend guzel and his sisters were making montages. we fill the entire freezer, homemade semi-finished products, this is how bashkarian housewives are preparing for romadan, the holy month has already begun today, muslims are keeping a strict fast, you can eat anything, but only after sunset and before dawn, so the housewives are trying make the cooking process easier, it’s not easy to hold out all day without a crumb in your mouth, without a clutch of water, but this is important, it is when a person fasts that he teaches himself restraint, manifestation...
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of a person, then this person will receive a reward for that guest post, so guided by this, the more people you feed during fasting , you earn more pleasure from allah, more rewards on the day of judgment, which is why they are trying to call fasting people and not only fasting people. so, the whole month will end with ramadan on april 9th the holiday of eid al-fitr. nazir nagumanov, elvira gumerova, daud khulagov, elena zykova, channel one. let us remind you. on the calendar , march 11th, spring is inexorably coming, on many reservoirs the ice is already slowly disappearing, but while the march ice still remains, it is insidiously dangerous. dear ice fishing enthusiasts, be careful. save yourself, let 's not add work to our rescuers.
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coast of sakhalin. these people on the horizon are fishermen. on a broken ice floe they are carried into the sea of ​​okhotsk. from the edge to the shore already about a kilometer, lucky, help arrived on time. rescuers with motor boats and an airboat immediately rushed to the scene. a mi-8 helicopter from the ministry of emergency situations of russia was also involved in the search and rescue work . we were in touch, but here we already waited, the guys from the ministry of emergency situations took us away by helicopter,
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thanks to them, and these shots were filmed, by the way, in alexey’s homeland in the leningrad region, rescuers are taking the same travelers to hovercrafts, and such cases are happening now all over the country, the sun is hot, ice becomes loose and melts, in the primorsky region the account of those who floated away on ice floes has also already been opened, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tokarevskaya cat on the side of the amur bay of two... girls who wanted to take a photo for the sake of a successful photo, a wave came, the ice floe moved away from the shore, they were rescued, but not before only fishermen are at risk, even giant faults do not stop them, we always go with him in the forty-third winter, extensive fishing experience is not a guarantee of safety, somewhere there are warm springs, somewhere the current does not allow the coating to freeze properly, so that listen to the recommendations of the ministry of emergency situations, they monitor the situation in case of danger , they impose restrictions, well, don’t forget the phone at home so that you can call
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112 at any time, if the passion for fishing can still be understood, then how to explain this case, the video was filmed by eyewitnesses in chrysostom, three teenagers are floating on an ice floe on the ai river, even the dog watching this from the shore is discouraged, anastasia zavidova, daniil purshukov, jan machilsky, channel one. good morning, friends, thank you for starting a new day with us, on the first channel, this, by the way, monday, march 11, anastasia orlova is with you. and roman budnikov, have you noticed that there is less and less snow, it seems that you are returning home from work in the evening, and there is a snowdrift on the road, in the morning you return home again, i work in the morning, but this snowdrift is not there, roma, where is it? gone, interesting , interesting, i’ll come and see, and why does the snow melt faster on the streets than in the park or in the forest, i wonder why, our correspondent figured out the chemistry and physics of spring, the winter was snowy, the sun warmed up a little and...
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the secret is there is a lot of snow in the city impurities, reagents and salt , the park one is cleaner, that’s why they melt differently, a clear example, we froze some ice, which one, which one, well, this one, probably with salt, yes, here it is, it’s even clear that it is so cat-like, despite the fact that they... have been in the freezer for how long, this one for several days, the salt does not allow the water crystal to grow together, collects them around itself, it turns out to be a porridge that melts slowly, but even at sub-zero temperatures, like will behave like a roommate? i propose to install a camera now so that we can look at what time and how will it melt at all, and to speed up our process, we will also shine an improvised sun on our ice, you see how clean ice quickly turns into a salty stream.
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in urban areas, as a rule , it no longer remains, ideally it should accumulate and
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lie until spring, plus due to warming, winter rains have become a frequent occurrence, in principle, everything gets warmer up to the lower stratosphere. therefore, the conditions for snow formation disappear, and we have been regularly observing this over the past 20 years. and even residents of small towns notice this there are villages, although there are still snowdrifts and streams there, but every year there are fewer and fewer, so we enjoy it, perhaps in 50 years it will become a curiosity. sergey abramov sotnik, vasily valetov, vladimir repin, oleg soshin and anton tolstolutsky. channel one st. petersburg. of all the civilizations living on the planet today, the oldest is chinese; china has almost always been both the most populated country and the first economy in the world. we can remember the famous travel book of marco pola, an italian merchant with great amazement, described that power the level of economic development that he
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observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century, the famous monochronic painting, chinese poetry, sophisticated literature, china of course was ahead in sophistication, well, about... almost all countries after the end of the second world war, the soviet union immediately took patronage over china, more than 10 thousand specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy, one of ping’s first decisions after he became the head china, there was the creation of an institute for the study of bukharin’s ideas, so the sinicized model of nepa operates in china. premiere of civilization, film seven. china on wednesday on the first, good morning, friends, thank you for celebrating a new day with us on the first channel, anastasia arlova and roman budnikov are with you, on the calendar march 11, monday, very soon, presidential elections will be held from march 15 to 17 russia. you can vote at polling stations, remotely, and even if you
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are not registered where you live. all about how and where you can vote, right now. elections: you come to the polling station where you are registered, take a ballot, put a tick, and if you have recently moved, as yulia went to conquer the capital a month ago, but you are registered in anapa, you have already decided that you will vote in moscow, and no absentee ballots are needed, you submit an application, you receive a confirmation, and you simply select an address in the city where you are located, i chose the one closest to my house, where i currently live, to vote for... the application must be submitted on the public services portal, today, by the way, is the last day, but this it only takes a few minutes, so it's accurate you will have time, even right now on your phone, and you can do this with any registration , permanent, temporary, and even if there is none at all, they offer me to choose a site , i can choose on a bike race, outside of russia,
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i can choose a site on the territory of russia, i choose on territory of russia, i am offered a list from all of our 89 subjects. if you are on the road on voting days, you can choose a point on the territory of a railway station or airport. you can check right there on the state services portal to see if remote access is available to you. electronic voting? this year it operates in 28 regions. we remind you that today is the last day to submit an application. it took literally 2 minutes to complete the application, now we are waiting for it to be accepted. for residents of the capital with moscow registration, this function is available by default. portal vladislav elokhov already voted this way when the mayor was elected in the capital, and he will also vote online in the presidential elections. here i came, sat down, pressed a few buttons, that’s it, as they say, the voting is over. and there you also need to fill out all the data, passports, and here everything is once, everything is here. very comfortably. by the way,
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if after electronic voting you try to come and check the box in person, nothing will work. the system will immediately record that you have already voted. for those who live in hard-to-reach and remote areas, election commission employees get there ahead of schedule, by helicopter or snowmobile. since february 25, about 800 thousand people have already voted; by march 14 , everyone’s votes will be collected, and the boxes will be sealed and put aside until after the election. but even if you live near a polling station, you can ask members of the election commission to come to your home. if you can't leave the house. if you have problems, you can write a statement, you can call, you can tell someone to the precinct commission that you want to vote at home. the election commission will accept such an application until 2 p.m. on march 17, but of course, it is better to apply in advance. natalya leonova, dmitry likhachov, konstantin
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leonov, dmitry roshkov, anna ryabova, channel one. as you know, bread is everything , we are heading to rostov-on-don right now. rostov region on the right. can be called the breadbasket of russia, last year they harvested a record harvest here, the best in the country. in general, people in rostov, as well as throughout russia, love to bake bread and know how to bake it. the morning does not begin with coffee. and with fresh baked goods, this is rostov-on-don, they sell rolls here at every turn, and they know literally everything about bread. the largest bakery in the city operates 24 hours, non -stop, producing 30 tons of loaves and pies per day, almost all made from wheat flour. if we take a grain of our wheat, then directly from us the core is used to make the highest grade, it is whiter, and the baked goods turn out fluffy. the edges of the grains are used for first or second grade flour. of course, the color is more likely gray, but it is healthier, there are more vitamins and minerals. flour, bread and grain in general are one of the main riches of the region. last year
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, the rostov region harvested a record harvest, more than 16 million tons of grain, the best result in the country. now agronomists and machine operators are at a low start; as soon as warm weather sets in, sowing will begin. but there is enough work now. in the summer, so much grain was harvested that farmers are not done yet. implemented, trucks are still transporting wheat to elevators, to ports, to the mill, as drivers call the flour mill in rostov in the old fashioned way. we see a product that has been ground for the first time; then it will be divided into fractions, from which flour, bran and semolina will be obtained. and in order to separate it all you need these dancing machines, inside these devices the raw materials are sifted through a sieve of different sizes with... ground, from six to eleven times you need to grind the grain depending on the fraction to get this finished
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flour. in one day, 190 tons of flour can be prepared here, it is packaged and sent to stores and enterprises. last year, the four largest don factories baked more than 140,000 tons of baked goods, mainly the beloved loaf with cuts. when tremors begin their active activity. gas is formed from these cuts and is removed, there are no breaks in our product, only from the oven and the hot loaf is irrigated with water, this gives a beautiful gloss , kneading, holding, molding and baking for 3 hours, we , for example, we can buy ourselves a loaf of bread and eat it all together, they know how to work with dough at home, you know how to prepare chicken, pancake dough, filling - this is chicken meat, very tasty mini-croissants, which are called pa... apparently you will try it and lick your fingers, now it is clear why every russian eats about 100 kg of baked bread a year. yuri nesterov,
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dmitry parfenov, alexander ignatov, channel one. we remind you that on the calendar march 11th, the first day of maslenitsa is called a meeting. by the way, if you didn’t know, there is a popular saying: the more pancakes you bake and eat during shrovetide week, the richer the year will be. that’s it, rom, you can’t get away with it this year, you’ll have to bake and treat your colleagues. me , for example, so let’s bake, dear tv viewers , let’s not be lazy, but for now let’s calculate how much it will cost to prepare a portion of pancakes in different regions of our country, in all the kitchens of the country, and how much it will cost four housewives in different parts of the country, moscow, kamchatka, irkutsk, yekaterinburg, everyone bought products for the classic recipe, we won’t count sugar, salt and butter, most often they are in the kitchen, here are eggs... and it’s better to buy fresh flour. these products are marker products, they are included in the so-called food basket, and it is for them that
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it is easiest to analyze how the price index is changing. our recipe contains three eggs, we spent less in yekaterinburg - 33 rubles. the highest price tag in kamchatka is 48 rubles. half a liter of milk is enough, the fattier the better. ideal for pancakes from 3%. take-off run. the price between regions is 28 rubles. it’s cheaper in moscow and yekaterinburg, there’s more choice on the shelves. now the flour is classic premium wheat flour , you only need 200 g, it’s more expensive in kamchatka in irkutsk. the complexity of logistics is mainly for flour, uh, because after all, this is not the most uh grain-producing region, so flour is often brought from other neighboring regions. it is important to calculate the pancake index - the diameter of the pans, for everyone. housewives are different, but the standard is 24 cm, it’s convenient to turn it over, i don’t have the best frying pan modern and not the most beautiful
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, my mother gave it to me, she has the most delicious pancakes, i hope that i do too, the number of pancakes from the housewives turned out different, my stack is three times larger, now let’s count how many pancakes there are here, 14, 15 , 16 pancakes, to summarize, the cheapest place to bake pancakes is in yekaterinburg, rubles per serving for the whole family, in moscow 96 rubles. in irkutsk they spent 112 the highest index in kamchatka 124 rubles, but still unanimously do it themselves. profitable, pimples, perfect, we're already counting the filling separately, according to statistics, the rating is topped by sour cream, jam and condensed milk, a matter of taste, everyone has their own index, well, it just turns out crazy, oh, i’m all , they turned out delicious, jam, but to eat the mother-in-law,
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delicious, anna popova, denis zharov, sergei myakin, vladimir popov, channel one. surely many have noticed that goods sold in bulk are cheaper, logically, the same goods in beautiful packaging are more expensive. but for what goods do we most often overpay the most? our correspondent anna grebenshchikova will now figure it out and calculate everything. well, for now we are with roma to the store. why do we overpay every time we go to the supermarket and what does the cost of goods generally consist of? have you ever thought about it? this is the cost, which consists of the costs of raw materials and materials from the wage fund. akimova will compile the top products with the highest overpayment for packaging. let's start with dairy products. cheese. everyone knows that sliced ​​food is always more expensive. how do you like this? one of the same variety in sealed packaging in regular film. here , a kilogram of cheese costs 529 rubles. yes. a here it costs 1.0 rub. yes. it turns out
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that you overpay only for 100% packaging. of course it’s more profitable to buy here. such a large piece of cheese, which they already cut for us in the hypermarket, however, if you eat everything at once, you don’t plan on it, sealed everything is already more practical. cereals are another matter, they are stored for a long time, but the eternal debate is in bags for cooking or without, it would seem 128, here 109, here the packaging is larger, it would seem that this difference in price is justified, but here our cost per kilogram is 322 rubles, and here we have 121 rubles, that is, an overpayment for such a box is almost 200%. even more, and what about beautiful gift wrappings? let's count how much we spend on them, the same black tea, in a cardboard box in a tin. i have 250 g in this box. yes, i have 100 g. if we look at how much a kilogram of this tea costs, we will see that it costs 971 rubles here. and here we already have a kilogram of tea that costs 4,390. here i think the packaging is more expensive than the tea itself, but it can
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be reused. another stereotype: is it always more profitable to buy in bulk, for example, frozen fish and seafood? yes, without packaging it's half the price, but there may be a lot of ice. but why not take sweets, marmalade, candies or cookies for sale instead of transparent packaging, anyway , we’ll immediately throw them away at home, saving 20%. exactly the same overpayment for ready-made sets of cosmetics, but here everything is justified, we are purchasing it as a gift, the main thing is to think for a minute whether it will really be necessary. most often, something that doesn’t sell well is added to such sets, that is, here the manufacturer, he immediately pursues two goals, not only that we overpay for packaging, plus we also overpay for something we wouldn’t have bought otherwise, now in hypermarkets you can even buy dishes individually, of course not always exactly the one in the set, but in general you can actually save twice as much without a box cheaper, now let’s calculate everything, my basket
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cost me 1,900 rubles, well... mine cost 3,600 rubles. the difference is obvious, but you must admit that there are still reasons when packaging is indispensable. anna grebenshchikova, pavel dits, channel one. public transport is a high-risk area, as in basically any other transport, we often forget about this. meanwhile, there are basic rules that must be followed, as security expert osman dilibaş will tell you. hold it tightly on public transport. because of the handrails , the rule is elementary, but these are the things we neglect most often, look what this can lead to, a man fell and seriously hit a chair, in this video a pensioner hit the back of her head, this is very dangerous, and what happened to the heroine of this the video is scary to even imagine. every
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day, so we forget about caution, let’s remember together: we move away from doors and under no circumstances lean on them. on the way out, we look at our feet; in the cold season there is a risk of slipping here; we hang the backpack on our chest. if he is on his back or in his hands, something like this may happen. the guy, of course, is desperate, he is not going to part with... his things, but i advise you, do not take risks, if you still have a phone, take off the vehicle number and call the bus depot. phone numbers can be found on the internet, describe situation, the dispatcher will contact the driver and the bag will be delivered to the warehouse of forgotten items. if you are left without a phone, you will have to ask passers-by for help. in any case,
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you can't chase a bus like this guy. life and health are more valuable than things. our program continues, now we give the floor to colleagues from the information service of channel one. let's find out what events happened. by this hour there is a news broadcast on the air, we will meet in a few minutes, hello, there is news on air in the studio sergei tugushev. the crews of the su-25 attack aircraft were destroyed accumulation of militants and ukrainian armed forces equipment in the avdievsky direction. the pilots were flying at an extremely low altitude due to the akibaya terrain. approaching the target, the vehicles gained altitude. and fired unguided missiles, completed the assigned combat mission to destroy the enemy's lightly armored personnel in the concentration area, the flight was carried out by countering enemy electronic means,
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the assigned task was completed with good quality, and according to the report of the aircraft gunner , the assigned target was hit. on kupinsky direction, the artillery of the western group of troops disrupted the rotation of militants. the strikes on enemy units were carried out by the howitzinons crews. they shot from a distance.
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and lighthouses in the murmansk and arkhangelsk regions. ukrainians who do not want to end up in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine are using various tricks to escape abroad. one of these, wearing an old man’s mask, a wetsuit, and a cloak
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, was detained by ukrainian border guards on the river bank. a resident of odessa wanted to swim across it to get to neighboring moldova, but did not have time, he was discovered by patrol officers. in recent weeks they coastal areas along the border are monitored more closely. such escape attempts are being made more and more often. just like... the searches that are organized by the military registration and enlistment office employees in search of those who can be sent to the front line. they look for recruits on public transport and catch them on the streets. new video footage is circulating on the internet of how, in the lviv region, several people knocked a man of military age to the ground and dragged him to load him into a minibus to be sent to a collection point. former us president donald trump , again vying for this post, said that joe biden is the worst president in the history of, as he... put it, the divided states of america. trump wrote about this on his page on the social network. he also added that almost no one goes to biden's speech, while his own events attract thousands of people. in
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addition, the ex-president published his version of the election video of the current owner of the white house. i'm not a young man, it's no secret. joe biden's frequent falls, his confused speech during a speech, loss of space, become a reason for ridicule on social networks, many people doubt the politician’s ability to endure another presidential term. donald trump constantly draws attention to this in his election campaign. participants in the world youth festival, which ended in sirius last week, are now getting acquainted with...
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pancakes and fairs in russia are beginning to celebrate maslenitsa, the holiday starts today, all celebrations are dedicated to the coming spring and the sun. festival areas will unfold throughout the country. round dances, competitions and a whole kaleidoscope of dishes await guests. folk cuisine. and everything will end on sunday with the traditional planting of the scarecrow, a symbol of the passing winter. and also this week, the last one before the forty-day week.
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spring has come, it's time to hide winter shoes, i'll show you how to store boots so that the tops don't break, i insert cardboard inserts if there are none, i stuff the tops with crumpled paper, it's not advisable to use old newspapers, printing ink can leave stains. i place a cloth napkin on the edges of the boots and press them on top. hanger with
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clothespins. if you don't have such a hanger, build a similar device yourself. i put the boots together, put a napkin on them and connect them together with a paper clip, thread the hanger hook through the foot, and it’s done. when hung, winter boots will be perfectly stored and will not become deformed. if you don't have enough closet space, no problem. i will pack a pair in a factory box. i put a bag of silica gel inside, that’s what they call a moisture absorber, and of course, an anti-mohl remedy, i pack the boots in bags, if there are no holes in the box, i make sure that the shoes could breathe, i'm cleaning up until next winter, the prime minister of norway, jonas garster in a special dance number called "i'm dancing drunk." very
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many norwegians do not understand how such a person became prime minister, it so happened that gru was something like a mother for ensa and me, she is still the eminence grise of navera politics, my wife, miss prime minister, so am i and i will call myself, we decided to transfer the norwegian f-16, despite the fact that the country is not that big, it is in the top five in terms of supplies of military trenches to ukraine, he handed over his parents to a nursing home, in the same way he will hand over the whole of norway to a nursing home. american regional committee, a conflict can arise at any time in any region, including the arctic. norway is a spear aimed at russia's northern fleet. the confrontation over the arctic will largely decide the geopolitical outcome of the struggle in general in the 20th century. russia has several key advantages to win this fight. or classic norwegian frostbite. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. mancacher whiskey is a product of
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the stellar group. cnop gin is a product of stellar group. what the old-timers of the internet have not told. and there are old-timers on the internet, by the way, if you didn’t know. and the man who drinks tea in the company of lviv managed to surprise everyone. the hero's name is kevin richardson, he works as a caretaker in one of the reserves in south africa. kevin is so passionate about his work that even during his lunch break he can’t drink tea in peace, just look, predators keep poking their noses into his mug, this is repeated with enviable constancy, what patience he has, everyone likes the process, in all russian schools a special lesson begins on the air of channel one, conversations about important things. today's topic is called: from the southern seas to the polar region. today we are talking about something important about russia. why is russia called
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the country of record? russia is the largest country in the world, with an area of ​​approximately 17 million km, an eighth of the entire earth's landmass. a giant among regions, yakutia is a fifth of the country, the largest administrative-territorial unit in the world, the coldest point on planet, -43 in verkhoyansk is a common thing, sometimes -68. there are no such cold temperatures in kamchatka, there are many volcanoes, more than 150, and here is the highest in the country. klyuchevskaya sopka - 5,000 m, almost 7.00 years old. and what are the giant mountains and seas in russia that are record holders? elbrus is the highest peak in europe, 5,642 m. from this height you can see both the caspian and the black sea, but the record holder in russia, the bering sea, is the widest and deepest, 4,420 m deep, with a total area of ​​almost 2,500
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km. world record holder of pressed water reserves on planet baikal 19%. we move to the sulag canyon, the deepest. in europe (1220 m) this is 63 m deeper than the grand canyon in america. among the caves, the leader is the throat of barlog, karachaev, cherkessia, almost 900 m. do our capitals moscow and st. petersburg have records? the largest city is moscow. if you add up the length of all the capital's streets, you get a tenth of the equator, 4,350 km, and it will take more than a month to walk everything. another capital.
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there are 146 million of us, and if you personally wish everyone good morning, it will take more than 9 years. 194 nationalities, 47 - small indigenous peoples, 40 of them are residents of the north, siberia and the far east, most of them are germans, the most active nomad in the world, the kireks in chukotka, the smallest, only 23 people, we all speak 277 languages ​​and dialects, the yakuts, for example, have a lot of words starting with the letter y. ypyt, ysykh, and the longest russian word is attention, 35 letters, you can’t pronounce it the first time, with a lot of consideration. the russian national
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football team officially presented a new uniform, the presentation took place in moscow at an exhibition in russia forum. our colleague , channel one sports correspondent maria rumyantsa, has all the details. very soon the russian national football team will start a new season and will play two friendly matches at the end of march. our team will wear a new uniform for the games against serbia and paraguay, the presentation of which took place at the exhibition in the russia forum at vdnkha. before the ceremony began, memories from famous players of past years. i don’t know where you got it from, probably from a children’s book when i posted the photos. well, oddly enough, i'm 16 years old here.
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colors and i have it all, as our football players say in the chest, on stage they remembered important dates for soviet and russian football, and then the culmination - the presentation of the new uniform. two, three, only russian specialists took part in the development of the design, two sets, one traditional red, the second white and blue, very cool... in fact, and i have already said several times today, this uniform was made specifically for the national team on an individual basis order, so she it’s unique, this has never happened before, honestly, and there’s a slight regret that i
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won’t be able to go on the field and play for the national team in this t-shirt, the uniform will be available to everyone in the near future. on the field we will see our players wearing it for the first time on march 21, when they meet in moscow in a friendly match with serbia, and on march 25 they have a game with paraguay. finds himself in the thick of political intrigue,
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life is like a whirlpool without musical accompaniment, they took to the street, chanting, whoever doesn’t jump is a muscovite, you can’t jump off it will work out, jumping off a burning train , maidan nezalezhnosti, just the background, this is a film about behind the scenes, who and how made decisions at different levels, what is the last saving, this is not your resignation, they took sivka on a steep roller coaster, are you hoping for something?
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there is growing indignation at the decision of the cabinet of ministers to stop european integration, a spontaneous rally in the center of kiev, spontaneous, and people in the square need to be warmed up, the tea needs to be poured stronger than what, i told my friends to set up two stages on the maidan, we want a better future for ukraine. at that time, deputy secretary of state usa is slowly killing time. feeds, this compensates, the prototypes and characters personify the collective image, the actors are skillfully selected, some women suit a surge of ambition, i won’t go to poroshenko’s union, but whose is yatsenyuk, make tea, in the center of the plot, in the fog of political intrigue, in a whirlwind of death and love, sbu lieutenant colonel igor melnik, his father-in-law, lieutenant general of the security service of ukraine. milnik is hiding an affair with a french woman, her house is wiretapped. you are my little bastard, and the journalist is the same
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journalist as i am santa claus. ji, directorate of foreign policy military intelligence of france. the confrontation between the intelligence services of different countries, the internal affairs of the sbu, the security forces, criminal groups, the oligarchs of ukraine - this is a multi-layered picture. channel one, like the prime minister’s exposed nerve, take her across the maidan today. no need, the head of your administration is playing his own game. victoria bolenskaya, channel one. good morning, friends, thank you for celebrating a new day with us, on channel one, with you anastasia arlova and roman budnikov on the calendar march 11, monday, our good the morning continues in moscow at vdnkh, the exhibition forum of russia continues its work. if you haven't been there yet, be sure to come, come and stock up. with new, bright impressions, and completely free of charge. we are sure that you will definitely come for the second time, for the third time, by the way
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, we remind you that the russia forum exhibition has been extended until july 8, and today the exhibition is open, tomorrow is a technical day, and don’t get confused. exhibition forum russia - pavilion 75, there are stands of 89 regions of the country, in some of them it is already the whole spring. come here for the spring mood and photos in charaite boots. by the way. this mineral is called the lilac miracle of siberia and is mined only in the irkutsk region. and in the leningrad region you can try on a knight costume. helmet, shield, banner, sword and more. do you want a horse? of course he doesn't want to. two meters away are ballet st. petersburg and drawbridges. this is a twelve-meter copy of the palace one. they are released every hour from monday to sunday. except for march 12 this year. day the exhibition is not open, but from wednesday there are excursions every day, the most popular trip to
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kamchatka, departure every 3 minutes. people who come to us here are inspired here and say: i promise myself to fly to kamchatka. unique shots, in a couple of minutes you can see not only the edge, but find yourself in the mouth of a volcano. here is the crater of the volcano and now we will watch how the volcano erupts. a gift for every visitor. lava particle. we are going to the stavropol territory for the bird of happiness made from bast. they also serve raspberry jam here. almost all residents grow raspberries. this is raspberry paradise and... the capital of raspberry growers, what not the filling to pancakes, this same week at the exhibition is also maslenitsa, it will be fun to see off the winter, in the lipetsk region they are already dancing round dances around the wheel, the symbol of the sun and maslenitsa is braiding, we are braiding the braid of friendship, we are becoming one big family, on march 14 there is a big concert of folk ensembles from different
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regions, go to maslenitsa, on the same day all maslenitsa entertainment, stand of the yaroslavl region. he will also teach you how to make an oil dish, like a trippy doll, without a needle and scissors, this is most likely some kind of sign that maslenitsa week is coming, small performances, including immersive ones, at the stand of the samara region, petrushka is rehearsing chistushki, singing and playing with maslenitsa, don’t forget, at the end of the week of march 17 they will celebrate maslenitsa, the best chefs from different regions will compete in baking skills. pancakes, and any visitor can help himself. in addition to the pancake tournament, another surprise is neuromaslenitsa, a unique multimedia show at various venues at vdnkh. karina makaryan, nikita kulakov, anatoly brikalov, channel one. we just celebrated international women's day, and now... maslenitsa week has begun, it’s time to choose a frying pan, if, of course, you weren’t given one
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last week, just as you weren’t given a novel, and why, by the way, are you only addressing women, men bake pancakes too, you know ? i’m going to start this year, and in general, in general, you can cook so many things in a good frying pan, well, maybe you could at least bring a pancake, maybe if only i had a frying pan like my grandmother’s, cast iron for all occasions, nothing would burn in it, it’s delicious it was like, wait, if in a fit of nostalgia you decided buy cast iron, keep in mind that it is not only heavy, a new frying pan needs to be washed, dried, anointed with oil, heated over a fire for 20-30 minutes, it will smoke, of course, it is better to do this in the open air or in a well-ventilated area and even after this, the first pancakes will be lumpy. cast iron becomes truly non-stick after several cooking times, when oil penetrates its porous structure, chars and forms a smooth layer. another thing is modern polymer coatings.
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classic plain, black or gray - it’s second-hand, it’s inexpensive, it can withstand. heating to 250° does not enter into a chemical reaction with food, of course, this coating must be without damage, thereby we will have safe and safe cooking, so nothing will burn, it will not stick, yes, until the first scratch, but damage to the secondary plastic easily, marble or granite chips can be added to it for strength, such pans last much longer, they are not afraid of either forks or metal spatulas, there is... also a ceramic coating, the most environmentally friendly of clay and sand are made, excellent non-stick properties, but ceramic ones are more fragile, under the coating in most cases there is aluminum, the cheapest is stamped, its thin walls and bottom are deformed from strong heating, the forged version is stronger and more resistant to high temperatures, but best cast, this
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frying pan has no seams, weak points, massive walls and a thick bottom. whichever one is heavier, we take that one, but it’s usually heavier, it’s more expensive, it takes longer to heat up, it’s evenly distributed, it’s warm, it doesn’t lead, check the handle is fastened with bolts more securely than with rivets, there are also removable ones, such a frying pan can be used in the oven, by the way, if you are going to fry more often than stew, take a wide one, not a deep one, in it the moisture has time to evaporate and the product forms an appetizing crispy crust, yulia kozlova in this novel is for a cold summer, and if in the shade it’s the other way around, for a warm fine summer, you’ll have to watch the birds today, how much free time our ancestors had, i’m surprised, by the way, what people are thinking about this day
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astrology, let's find out right now march 11, second lunar day 27. sunny , cheerful, purposeful , restless in a good way, literally overflowing with energy, it would be a pity to waste it on empty talk and all sorts of fuss, let's direct it to something creative, very good this day is for new beginnings, work with technology and metal will be great , engineers and it specialists, and indeed everyone who does not like to sit idle, will not be offended. on the downsides: he is impatient, hot-tempered, and has little self-confidence. we are nervous on days like this we react to the remark, while we love ourselves. it’s a great day, among other things, it will help you learn something, master something, learn something new and be careful with fire. taurus may have to work around the house,
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repair or make something. please be careful with sharp tools and take care of yourself if you need to carry something heavy, and you also have something cultural and educational to do today. it's a good day for the twins, there will really be a lot of work, but the result will please you, and the evening will help you forget about business. two tips. from stars, take care of your personal data and don’t try to please everyone, be yourself. cancers, you may have to return to something that was considered already completed , finish something, correct mistakes, perhaps settle an old conflict, a little money may come for something pleasant, and you may also be thanked for something or to mark it somehow. a very productive day in leo, when you can shovel a bunch of things and achieve a lot, just take your time and don’t try to solve everything in one dashing swoop, to manifest it. patience and don’t get worked up over trifles. virgos are also having a good day, although not everything will go according to plan, but this will not cause problems for you. rather, it will make life more interesting. the main thing is not
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to demand the impossible, neither from yourself nor from others, and be careful while driving. libra is your motto, trust but verify. this applies to purchases, especially on the internet, incoming information, and it wouldn’t hurt for bosses to monitor their subordinates more often. feel free to make a date for the evening. wonderful day. scorpios can spoil it a little, perhaps excessive talkativeness, but the stars warned you, scorpio ladies are a hint for you personally, the day is very good for a little shopping. sagittarians run the risk of falling in love, and seriously, for real; what to do about it, the stars are silent. today it is better not to deal with money, especially general ones, if possible, and expect guests in the evening. capricorns today radiate charm; ladies of this sign are simply irresistible. on this medal, gossip is envy, but who pays attention to them? so, how are things going with the water taps in your house? check, this day will help aquarius
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to deal with some old problem, complete something, throw some burden off their shoulders. in the evening, perhaps a pleasant meeting with someone from the past, carefully look at expiration dates when buying food and medicine. a nice day for pisces, work, career, household chores - the stars promise you success in everything. after lunch. good news may come, the evening has a small entertainment program in store for you, perhaps an interesting acquaintance, good luck to you. so, let's start preparing pancakes, and unusual ones, buckwheat ones. according to the recipe of culinary specialist pavel savchenko, remember it, write it down, there will be something to surprise all your guests at home. what is maslenitsa without pancakes? today we are preparing buckwheat, but not simple ones, with a hearty filling, just in time for breakfast. i beat two eggs , pour in warm water, add sugar, salt, soda dissolved in vinegar, shake the mixture, add a little
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buckwheat flour and the same amount of wheat flour, without it the pancakes will fall apart, when the dough becomes homogeneous, i let it sit for half an hour, then the pancakes will turn out fluffy, then i bake as usual, ready... i leave the pancake for in a heated frying pan, break an egg into the middle, leave the yolk whole, distribute the white over the surface, add diced ham and grated cheese. when the egg is fried, i fold the edges towards the middle, leave the yolk open, and sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving, tomorrow. ready! the remaining dough can be covered with cling film and placed in the refrigerator. the dough in water can be stored for up to 5 days. and you can
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have fresh pancakes for breakfast for almost a week, changing the filling for variety. our program continues, we now pass the floor colleagues from the channel one information service. let's find out what events have happened in the country and in the world by this hour. news broadcast on air. i'll see you in a few minutes. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. russian pilots destroyed an enemy stronghold in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation. the enemy was struck by supersonic su-34 fighter-bombers, which used unguided missiles equipped with a planning and correction module. allows the crew to carry out launch from a safe distance, without falling into the range of enemy air defense systems, in the kherson region, artillery units of the airborne forces eliminated ukrainian
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saboteurs who... everything is ready, among the targets of our military is nato equipment, if earlier the militants took care of it, now it appears more and more often on the front line, and there it is burning. another confirmation of this appeared on the internet: two german leopard tanks and a dutch infantry fighting vehicle destroyed during part-time work in this zaporozhye direction. judging by the footage, the cars burned out completely, just like this abrams, which our military knocked out near avdievka. he became the fourth among those killed by russian
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fighters. this series. mobile election commissions continue to work in the special operation zone; paratroopers of the dnepr group of troops, as well as soldiers of the fifth combined arms army of the eastern group of forces, were able to take part in early voting. full-fledged polling stations were organized for them in the rear areas. military personnel who serve in the military were also able to cast their votes in the presidential elections. remote areas of the arctic. sailors from the northern fleet deliver the election commissions there. thanks to them. visiting teams visited most of the remote observation posts, military units and lighthouses in the murmansk and arkhangelsk regions. russia is causing colossal damage to the ssu, they are suffering serious losses due to the use of the new fap-1500 guided bomb. its use changes the balance on the front. this is already open, cnn admits, translating the words of one of the ukrainian militants. he complains about the very fact of shelling with such ammunition,
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which are launched from fighter jets. located at a distance of 60-70 km outside the air defense coverage area. the consequences of strikes by one and a half ton factories significantly undermine the morale in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, says xing’s interlocutor. the material notes video recordings that captured the action of these aerial bombs, demonstrating their enormous power. they are literally leveling the ukrainian defense line to the ground. fap 1500 was first shown by the russian ministry of defense in january during the head's trip.
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this reminded us that nato, from the very beginning conflict kept aloof on the issue of sending western troops to ukraine, and since france and poland allow this, then let them speak for themselves, and they speak on behalf of the entire alliance. the czech republic is not averse to participating in this adventure, having sent its military instructors there to train recruits in the ssu, the local press writes, and prague wants to do everything so that it doesn’t have to pay anything for it, but it will, experts point out, as soon as... .did not specify from which specific states. participants of the world youth festival, which ended in sirius last week, they are now getting acquainted with the russian regions. a large delegation of foreign guests visited volgograd.
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they visited one of... chechnya, one of the largest mosques in russia, as well as a training center for elite units, a huge complex where you can, for example, fly in an eleven-meter aerodrome, and of course, there was an excursion to the mountainous area, one of the points of the route uzhkaloi towers became. according to one version, this structure in the rocks was used as a lighthouse. unique the original nature and architecture of the caucasus inspired the guests so much that many promised to return here more than once. and the last cosmonaut oleg kanonenko became the commander of the iss. management was handed over to him by dachanin andreas mogensen. the russian will be in this role until the end of september. it is worth adding that oleg kononenko, during the current orbital expedition, has already become a world record holder in
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total. time in space, surpassing the previous champion gennady padalka, who was in orbit for 878 days. by the time kononenko returned to earth, he the total flight time will reach 1,100. 10 days, that’s all for now, stay with us, open your own business, but on maternity leave, this is possible, there are special free programs and courses that help young mothers, and just all families, to establish, let it be a small, but business, yes, this is very relevant, and in general an excellent help for those who do not want to sit idle and who have their own dreams. galina okhlupina, a florist, creates unusual compositions, dreamed of her own business. 10 years old, last summer i took my first step and signed up for the mom-entrepreneur program. the program was structured in such a way that every day experts in different fields came to us and told us both their success story and their failures, and we talked about the financial part and
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about building a business plan. after 5 days of training, she opened a creative workshop, now she not only designs custom bouquets, but also conducts master classes with her eleven-year-old daughter. i’m an artist, as i see it, that’s right, yes, when we have a lot of orders before the holidays, i always get polina helps, i gained self-confidence , i met very interesting people, we still communicate, keep in touch, and any questions that arise are legal, financial or just a vision from an experienced mentor, that is, we have such an opportunity , the mother entrepreneur program is being implemented under the national project of small and medium-sized businesses. the task is to help women with children, for example, even while on maternity leave, to open their own business. 2024 became the eleventh year of implementation program, during all this time more than 10,000 women took part in it. more than 300 women became winners of the program.
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the mompreneur program consists of a training block that takes place over 5 days, as well as business visits to the enterprise. at the end of 5 days, participants defend their projects, and the winner can receive a grant. in the amount of 100,000 rubles. come on, come to work in the workshop, daria, let's go, let 's take off our jacket, undress, change clothes, and let's work. diana kapustina with my husband opened a family workshop for making accessories, apparently, 8 years ago, but recently i also applied for the program, and there i developed a new plan for my business idea. the idea was to create corporate gifts for employees, for colleagues, for... managers of various enterprises, accordingly, to brand and present corporate gifts on a wholesale scale. won a grant of 100,000 rubles. he helped a lot. i bought a punching press, invested in
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the first payments for opening and added on a laser machine, that is, on equipment. if previously we had single wholesale orders, then after registering as an individual entrepreneur i already enter into contracts with legal entities and enter into agreements. and car orders have become regular, well, there are already about ten orders a month, it’s easy to take part in the program, just submit an application and fill out a special form on the website mamatel.rrf, registration has already begun. anna grebenshchikova, dmitry roshkov, nadezhda zypkina, channel one. let us remind you that on the calendar on march 11, the muslim holy month of ramadan began. a time of spiritual cleansing, prayer, fasting and kind. cases, but how to close them? look here, all weekend guzeliya and her sisters were making montages, we are filling everything in the freezer, homemade semi-finished products, this is how bashkir housewives prepare for ramadan, the holy month has
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already begun today, muslims are keeping a strict fast, you can eat anything, but only after sunset and before dawn , so housewives try to make the cooking process easier, it ’s not easy to last all day without crumbs in your mouth, without laying water, but it’s important. it is when a person fasts that he teaches himself restraint, manifestation of humility, patience , these are the qualities in a person, they are reborn and the person becomes strong and spiritually strengthened, every muslim tries to become a little better during these 4 weeks, pray, read the koran, don’t get angry, help your neighbor, you’re in the morning and zadygea, like her friends, volunteers at the mosque, buys food for donations.
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in ingushetia, every day of fasting , 15 minutes before the iftar evening meal, volunteers go to the intersections of the federal highway to treat drivers and pedestrians with water and it’s customary to break the fast with dates, the action itself is beautiful. it makes hearts kinder and even the owners of catering outlets across the country, in honor of those fasting, are revising the opening hours of their establishments; in this tyumen restaurant they are now open until one in the morning and the menu has been updated. the dish is called lyabne, it is made from fermented milk products, they make it in arab countries, it is ricotta cream cheese. yes, in muslim homes you will also be given delicious food; all guests are especially welcome during ramadan. in the village of kistim, woodmurti , almost every evening it is customary to gather at some of the residents to break the fast are even signed up for a queue. the prophet said, prophet muhammad, that if someone feeds a fasting person, then that person will receive the reward for that fast of a guest. guided by this, the more people you feed during fasting, you receive
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more pleasure from allah, more rewards on the daily day, which is why they are trying to call fasting people and not only fasting people. so, the whole month will end with ramadan on april 9, the great holiday of eid al-adha. nazir nagumanov, elvira gumerova, daud khulagov, elena zykova, channel one. good morning, friends, thank you for starting a new day with us on channel one, by the way, this is monday, march 11, with you. in the morning you return home again, i work in the morning, and this snowdrift is not there, rum , where did it go, i wonder, i wonder, i’ll come and see, and why does the snow melt faster on the streets than in the park or in the forest, i wonder why, with chemistry and our correspondent, sergei abramov sotnik, figured out the physics of spring, the winter was snowy, the sun was warm and from there weren't even any wet spots left. just
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a couple of days ago there was snow on the sidewalks here, but it has evaporated somewhere. and if we, for example, go to the park, there you go, there are snowdrifts and ice. why is that? it turns out that the secret is that the snow in the city contains many impurities, reagents and salt, while the snow in the park is cleaner, which is why it melts differently. a good example. we froze some ice, which one is which? well, this one, probably with salt, is just that, yes, here it is, you can even see that it is like that. different despite the fact that they have been in the freezer for so long, this one a few days. salt does not allow the water crystal to grow together and collects them around itself, resulting in a porridge that melts slowly, but even at sub-zero temperatures. how will the roommate behave? i propose now to install a camera so that we can see how long it will take and how it will melt. well, to speed up our process, we will also shine an improvised sun on our ice, you see how clean ice quickly turns into... a salty stream slowly melts, that
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’s the point: if the temperature is above zero during the day, well, like in the spring, yes positive temperature, and then at night minus still appears, then this ice without salt, it will still start to freeze, that’s right, if it’s, for example, minus5, and if it’s -5 outside for salted ice, like this, then it’s still will continue to melt a little, melt to melt, but a little slower, because it’s a little colder, and faster during the day, because it’s warmer, so big... in cities , mountains of snowdrifts can quietly disappear overnight and we won’t see any streams, there will be puddles of snow in the parks. essentially, park snow is just loses in the speed of melting, and in general the snowdrifts by spring are no longer as high as 20 years ago, frequent winter thaws are to blame for this, that is, it is destroyed in several stages during the still winter period, during the period of these thaws, already by the beginning of spring when he should, as they say , actively participate. floods in urban areas,
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as a rule, no longer remain, ideally they should accumulate and remain until spring, plus due to warming, winter rains have become a frequent occurrence, in principle everything gets warmer to the bottom the stratosphere, so the conditions for snow formation disappear, and we have been regularly observing this over the past 20 years, and even residents of small towns and villages notice this, although there are still snowdrifts and streams there.
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first cognac monte shococa - stellar product program to live healthy will help everyone tomorrow on group rom castro stellar group product vodka vedo stellar group product when the red communist monolith collapsed. there were gumilyovites who professed russian cosmism, he said that if he failed negotiate with me kindly, he will find other means to silence me, very soon at the entrance of my house i was hit in the back of the head with brass knuckles, belgrade residents were afraid that the americans would blow up the bridge over the sava river,
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and thousands of belgrade residents stood on this bridge, forming a living shield, i stood with them, prime minister... confession today is on the first floor, for now, attention, dear women, in the next 2 minutes, face fitness trainer elena karkukli offers to devote to our beauty, turn away roma, okay, on this once she tells you, she will show you what a guasha scraper is and why it is needed at all, this is the so-called guasha scraper, there are people who endow it with some kind of magical power, they say: the ancient chinese practice of guasha rejuvenates, here i will disappoint you, turn back time it won’t work, but a massage with a scraper can relieve us of swelling, and this significantly improves our appearance, so i recommend doing it in the morning. the procedure has contraindications: cupidosis, rash, exacerbation of chronic
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diseases, fillers injected under the skin. in in general, before you take up the violin, consult your doctor. if everything is in order, then before the session. we wash our face , wash the scraper thoroughly too, apply cosmetic oil or slippery sticky serum to a clean, dry face, begin to work on the face of the chin area, use the long, slightly concave side, always move along the massage lines, for beginners it is better to hold the tool at an angle of 15°. that is, almost flat, the smaller the angle of inclination, the less pressure, we move the scraper slowly, at the end of each movement we do this rocking, we we lightly press the tool into the skin, repeat the movement five times, so
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we work along the massage lines throughout the entire face and perform a massage. smooth with light pressure, there should be no pain or discomfort, the first time is enough, wash off the remaining oil or serum, apply a moisturizer, after this procedure morning swelling will go away faster. let's go further, rural mortgage, this is a special state support program for the purchase of housing in rural areas. here's how this program works, who can take out a loan, which ones? bets about it not only directly now. anyone can take out a preferential rural mortgage for a house, apartment or plot in a village or town where no more than 30,000 people live. mortgage for 25 years, you can pay off early. the maximum amount is standard. 6 million is issued in one hand, that is, it is possible for the husband to take 6 million for the wife 6 million. the average
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rate is only 3%. there are a number of territories where it is even lower - 1%. special conditions for... the border territories of russia, this includes some municipalities of the altai republic, dagestan, karachayev, circassia, and what is the down payment, good news, since february of this year, the down payment has been reduced from 30% to 2%; if spouses apply, the contribution is no more than 40%. with a rural mortgage you can buy a finished house, vladimir and olga martyanov have already chosen everything, planned it out, where they will put the cabinets, where they will hang them. tv, school, new building under construction, kindergarten, near a forest, lake, the bank will approve a loan for a new house builder, on the secondary market, there is only a requirement for the age of the building. an individual's house must be no older than 5 years. a legal entity is no older than 3 years. the martyanovs chose a house in the village of kaymary. now
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there are very few residents here, at the beginning of the 18th century there were about 500, even peter ii stopped on his way to kazan. does he participate? the village in the program of preferential mortgages will be checked by the bank, you will need to download the application, select the region, the locality, it is suitable, you can first buy only the land, this is what svetlana mamontova decided to do, but you need to build a house on the site quite quickly, within 24 months you need a house will be registered as residential, there must be water, sewerage, heat, if the conditions are not met, the bank will raise the rate, it is important to find out in advance whether it is possible to build a residential building on the site, if the land is for gardening, this cannot be done... svetlana chose a different category of land. participatory housing development, you can build a house on it for permanent residence. you can buy a ready-made domestically produced house kit or hire a private construction company that will...
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the rate may increase to the key rate plus n number of interest, at the moment this may increase to 17%, so the payment will increase significantly, the rate may increase in one more case, in agreements with banks. the state subsidizes your mortgage exactly until the state has money; if there is no subsidy, the rate will rise to the key rate, plus the one that was specified in the contract. nadezhda pravdina, mikhail karasev, channel one. public transport is a high-risk area, like any other transport in principle, we often forget about this. meanwhile, there are basic rules that must be followed, which ones? will tell security expert osman dilibaş. on public transport, hold
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the handrails tightly. the rules are elementary, but these are the things we neglect most often. and look where this can lead. the man fell and seriously hit the chair. in this video, the pensioner hit the back of her head. it is very dangerous. and what happened with... this video is scary to even imagine, we travel in public transport every day, so we forget about caution, let's remember together, move away from the doors and under no circumstances we don’t lean on them, on the way out we look at our feet , in the cold season you can slip here, we hang the backpack on our chest, if it’s on our back or in our hands, the following story will happen: the guy, of course, is desperate, he’s not going to part with his things. and i
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advise you, don’t take risks, if you still have a phone, take off the vehicle’s license plate and call the bus depot. phone numbers can be found on the internet, describe the situation, the dispatcher will contact the driver, the bag will be delivered to a warehouse for forgotten items. if you are left without...
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be it vivid sketches from soviet films or dramatic events in the history of our country, which will forever be kept in memory. the final assessments of the star-studded jury once again proved that choosing the best is a very difficult task. the name, it seems to me, is very relevant, very strong, powerful, and of course, it must be said that our skaters are the best. this is not a challenge, this is a given, they are truly the most talented, the most amazing, we always fight for them and will continue to root for them. ksenia senitsina literally lived her own program dedicated to the memory of the children of besieged leningrad. she performed to lines from tanya savicheva's diary. the sound of the metronome resonated in the hearts of all spectators. i was able to reveal this heavy image. i'm very glad that people appreciated it. we experienced these emotions, not just, well, sadness, on the contrary , some kind of inspiration, there was a whole scattering
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of unforgettable numbers based on the most famous films, here is an office romance, and 12 chairs and a margarita master and a dog’s heart, the main award of the russian challenge again alexey yagudin won, and deservedly so, because throughout the incredible emotional program,
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all this magic called the russian challenge show program tournament, which has already established itself as an incredibly colorful end to the season in figure skating, and fans are already counting the days until that moment, how this magic will happen again. maslenitsa, catfish, food, the brightest, most delicious spring holiday, dedicated to the farewell of winter. yes, friends, maslenitsa week begins, how i love this time, oh, every day is... or special , today is a meeting, tomorrow is flirting, and then mother-in-law’s party, and so on, that’s how roma loves pancakes, maria kuskov, now this maslenitsa calendar will remind us all, and about fun traditions who live today, we also don’t forget, the task is to get young people to clean the snow in the yard, the idea is
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to invite them to make a slide from the collected snow, by which they can guess. whoever rides longer, travels further, will get married, that is, somewhere in another village, maybe in the capital, the girls are already grooms they wished for a kind and sympathetic gift for dasoko, that there was also a brunette, gleba, and he knows that you want to marry him, according to tradition, the hill is built on the first day of maslenitsa, on the second they organize a show on it, seated the girl. on your knees, be kind enough to get married, this has been a dream of your whole life, and you are newlyweds, that’s right, yes, their family has already developed its own traditions, youth traditions of pancakes for maslenitsa, making rolls, pancakes with fish and cheese, it would seem, yes, but very tasty, they also tell fortunes based on pancakes, on wednesday, this day is called a gourmet, so, ulya, tell fortunes your fiance, you see where he will come from, here, to the left, on the ruble, there, good,
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he will be, our rich one, yes, who else can tell fortunes? here you need it, go quickly, now we’ll tell fortunes about the girls, you see, the girls from the class are watching your eyes right behind you, you have some kind of favorite, you have one, but you don’t tell anyone, they don’t only tell fortunes by pancakes, take two eggs , one at a time we knock with a spoon, the second we don’t touch, then we mix, we ask important questions, when i grow up, will i have three dogs, yes i will, you guessed it, a whole egg means broken. no , it was their love ivanovna who taught them, she had already predicted a happy fate for herself, a husband, three children, festivities begin on thursday, neighbors are invited to visit, mother-in-law is at a party on friday, i don’t know, of course, for everyone, but here we are it was mandatory, even though he may live 100 miles away, but the son-in-law always came to his mother-in-law to ask for forgiveness, i ask all mother-in-laws for forgiveness, on saturday
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the bar had a get-together and invited his sister. husband, yes, they treated her, they made sure to give her an expensive gift, go wild on sunday, send her off maslenitsa, there is still a whole week ahead to fill up on pancakes, at least for a couple of months ahead, maria kuskova, dmitry roshkov, rastislav kolesnikov, yulia bykova, channel one. hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. crews. su-25 attack aircraft destroyed a concentration of militants and ukrainian armed forces equipment in the ovdeevsky direction. the pilots were flying at an extremely low altitude, skirting the terrain. approaching the target, the vehicles gained altitude and fired unguided rockets. did not complete the assigned combat mission to destroy lightly armored manpower enemy equipment in the concentration area. the flight was carried out by countering enemy radio-electronic weapons. the assigned task was completed with good
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quality according to the report of the aircraft gunner for the assigned target. were amazed. in the kupinsky direction, the artillerymen of the western group of troops disrupted the rotation of militants. the strikes on enemy units were carried out by crews of the howitzer nona. they shot from a distance of about 3 km. drone operators helped aim the guns and adjust the shooting. and in the south-donetsk direction our military hit the enemy dugout where the militants were hiding. one accurate shot was enough to destroy the shelter. our artillerymen fired from acacia self-propelled guns. capable of hitting targets at a distance of 20 km, while fragments from the projectile scatter hundreds of meters. new examples of the courage and dedication of our soldiers, lieutenant dmitry fefilov, despite being wounded, was able to restore the communication line, thanks to which the advanced units received instructions on time and inflicted serious damage on the militants. junior sergeant buyan kuular, together with the assault group, attacked the ukrainian armed forces stronghold
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, captured it, and then competently organized the defense. and repelled two enemy attacks. mobile election commissions continue to operate in the special operation zone; paratroopers from the dnepr group of troops were able to take part in early voting. and. full-fledged polling stations were organized for them in rear areas. military personnel serving in remote areas of the arctic were also able to vote in the presidential elections. the election commission is there delivered by sailors of the northern fleet. thanks to them, visiting teams visited most of the remote observation posts, military units and lighthouses in the mormon and arkhangelsk regions. ukrainians who do not want to end up in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces resort to various tricks to escape abroad. ukrainian border guards detained one of them, wearing an old man’s mask, a wetsuit, a raincoat, and a mantle, on
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the river bank. a resident of odessa wanted to swim across it to get to neighboring moldova, but did not have time. he was discovered by patrol officers. latest for weeks they have been monitoring coastal areas along the border more closely. such escape attempts are being made more and more often. like forays. which is organized by military registration and enlistment office employees in search of those who can be sent to the front line. they look for recruits on public transport and catch them on the streets. new video footage is circulating on the internet of how, in the lviv region , several people were knocked to the ground by a man of military age and dragged to load him into a minibus to be sent to a collection point. former us president donald trump again the candidate for this post said that joe biden is the worst president in the history of, as he put it, the divided states. america, trump wrote about this on his page on the social network. he also added that almost no one goes to biden's speech , while his own events attract thousands of people. in addition, the ex-president published his version
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of the election video of the current owner of the white house. i'm not a young man, it's no secret. frequent falls. visited volgograd, they visited one of main memorials mamaev-kurgan, and then went to grozny. the program has a lot of national flavor. local cuisine, costume shows. foreigners
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showed off an architectural gem. the heart of chechnya, one of the largest mosques in russia, as well as a training center for elite units. a huge complex where you can, for example, fly in a one-meter wind tunnel. and, of course, there would not be an excursion to the mountainous area, one of the points on the route. according to one version, this structure in the rocks was used as a lighthouse. unique and original the nature and architecture of the caucasus inspired the guests so much that many promised to return here more than once. and lastly, pancakes and fairs in russia begin to celebrate maslenitsa. the holiday starts today. all celebrations are dedicated to the coming spring sun. festival areas will unfold throughout the country. the last one before the forty-day lent, which
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orthodox christians will observe on the eve of easter. forecasters promise good weather in the capital for the next few days, no precipitation and quite warm during the day, up to 5° above. zero. that's all for now, stay with us, the channel will continue the program, good morning. good morning, friends, thank you for meeting us a new day on channel one, anastasia arlova and roman budnikov are with you, on the calendar march 11, monday, very soon, from march 15 to 17, the presidential elections in russia will be held. you can vote at polling stations, remotely, and even if you are registered, not where you live. all about how and where you can vote, right now. elections: you come to the polling station where you are registered, take a ballot, put a tick, and if i recently moved, as yulia set out to conquer the capital a month ago, and it’s registered in anapa, she’s already decided that she will vote in moscow,
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and no absentee ballots are needed, you submit an application, you receive a confirmation, and you just choose an address there in the city where you are, i chose the one closest to my house, where i now live, to vote at any polling station. the application must be submitted on the state services portal, today, by the way, is the last day, but it only takes a few minutes, so you’ll definitely have time, and even right now in phone, and this can be done from any phone. i choose on the territory of russia, they offer me a list of all our 89 subjects, if you are on the road on voting days, then you can choose a point on the territory of a railway station or airport. you can check right away on the state services portal to see if remote access is available to you.
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electronic voting is operating in 28 regions this year; we remind you that today is the last day to submit an application. it took literally 2 minutes to complete the application, now we are waiting for it to be accepted. residents of the capital from moscow registration, this function is available by default on the portal vladislav elokhov already voted this way when the mayor was elected in the capital during the presidential elections, and will also vote online. here i came, sat down, pressed a few buttons. everything, as they say, the voting is over, and there you still need to fill out all the data, passports, but here everything is done once, everything is very convenient, by the way, if after electronic voting you try to come and check the box in person, nothing will work, the system will immediately record it, you have already voted, so for those who live in hard-to-reach and remote areas, election commission employees get there urgently by helicopter or snowmobile; since february 25, about 800 have already voted
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. until 14:00 on march 17, but of course, it’s better to apply in advance. natalya leonova, dmitry likhachov, konstantin leonov, dmitry roshkov, anna ryabova, channel one. prime minister of norway, jonas garsterev, in a special dance number called "i'm dancing drunk on a table." many norwegians don’t understand how such a person became prime minister, it just so happened that he was rude something like a mother for jens and me, she is still an eminence grise. that’s what i
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’ll call myself for the elderly, we decided to hand over the norwegian f16, despite the fact that the country is not that big, is in the top five in the supply of military tranches to ukraine, he rented his parents into a home in the same way, he will hand over the whole of norway to a nursing home american regional committee. conflict can arise at any time in any region, including the arctic. norway is a spear aimed at russia's northern fleet. russia has several key advantages in order to win this fight. junos garstøre or classic norwegian frostbite. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. old barrel cognac, a product of the stellar group. borbon stersman, a product
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of the steller group, as you know, is the head of everything right now, we are heading to rostov-on- don. the rostov region can rightfully be called the breadbasket of russia. last year they harvested a record harvest here, the best in the country. in general, people in rostov, as well as throughout russia, love to bake bread and know how to bake it. the morning doesn't start with coffee, and fresh baked goods, because this is rostov-on- don, rolls are sold here at every turn, and they know literally everything about bread. the largest bakery in the city operates 24 hours, non -stop, producing 30 tons of loaves and pies per day, almost all made from wheat flour. if we take a grain of our wheat, then the core goes directly to the production of the highest grade. it is whiter and the baked goods are fluffy. the edges of the grains are used for first or second grade flour. it is, of course, more gray in color, but more useful, vitamins and minerals more. flour, bread and everything. grain is one of
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the main resources of the region. last year , the rostov region harvested a record harvest, more than 16 million tons of grain. the best result in the country. now agronomists and machine operators are at a low start. as soon as warm weather sets in, farming will begin. but there is enough work right now. in the summer, they collected so much grain that farmers have not yet sold everything. trucks still carry wheat to grain elevators, ports, and mills. that's what drivers call it in the old fashioned way. and semolina, and to separate it all we need dancing machines like this, inside these devices the raw materials are sifted through sieve of different sizes and ground again, the grain needs to be ground six to eleven times depending on the fraction to get
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this finished flour. 190 tons of flour can be prepared here per day, it is packaged and sent to stores and enterprises. over the past year, the four largest don factories baked more than 140,000 tons of baked goods, mainly the beloved loaf with cuts, when the yeast begins its active activity, gas is formed, from these cuts are removed, there are no tears on our product. only from the oven the hot loaf is irrigated with water, this gives a beautiful gloss, kneading, holding, shaping and baking for 3 hours. for example, we can buy ourselves a loaf of bread, eat it all together, share. here at home they know how to work with dough, you know how kurnik is prepared, pancake dough, the filling is chicken meat, very tasty mini-croissants, which are called pa fingers, apparently, you try it and lick your fingers, now it’s clear why every russian eats year approximately 100
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kg of baking bread. yuri nesterov, dmitry parfenov, alexander ignatov, channel one. we remind you that on the calendar march 11, the first day of maslenitsa, is called a meeting. by the way, if you didn't know, there is. this is a popular saying: the more pancakes you bake and eat during maslenitsa week, the richer the year will be. well, that’s it, rom, this year you won’t get away with it, you’ll have to bake, treat your colleagues , me, for example, so let’s bake, dear tv viewers, let’s not be lazy, but for now let’s calculate how much it will cost to prepare a portion of pancakes in different regions of our country? in all the kitchens of the country, and how much it will cost four housewives in different parts of the country. moscow, kamchatka, irkutsk, yekaterinburg. everyone bought ingredients for the classic recipe. we won’t count sugar, salt and butter; most often you have them in the kitchen, but it’s better to buy fresh eggs, milk and flour. these products are marker products, they are included in the so -called food basket, and it is
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for them that it is easiest to analyze how the price index is changing. our recipe contains three eggs, we spent less in yekaterinburg, 33 rubles. most. big price tag in kamchatka - 48 rub. half a liter of milk is enough, the fattier the better, ideal for pancakes from 3%. the price difference between regions is 28 rubles. it’s cheaper in moscow and yekaterinburg, there ’s more choice on the shelves. now flour, classic premium wheat, only 200 g is needed, more expensive in kamchatka in irkutsk. the complexity of logistics is mainly for flour, because after all, it is not the same. bread region, so often flour is brought from other neighboring regions, the diameter of the pans is important for calculating the pancake index , every housewife is different, but the standard is considered to be 24 cm, it’s convenient to turn over, my frying pan is not the most
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modern and not the most beautiful , my mother gave it to me, she makes the most delicious pancakes, i hope that i do too, the number of pancakes turned out different for housewives, for me: it happens once every three more, now let's count how many pancakes there are, 14, 15, 16 pancakes, summing up , the cheapest place to bake pancakes is in yekaterinburg - 77 rubles per serving for the whole family, in moscow 96 rubles, in irkutsk we spent 112 the highest index in kamchatka is 124 rub, but still unanimously it’s profitable to do it yourself, the bubbles are perfect, yay! now we count the filling separately, according to statistics, the rating is topped by sour cream, jam and condensed milk, it’s a matter of taste , everyone has their own index, it just turns out, in general they turned out delicious, my mother-in-law, delicious,
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anna popova, denis zharov, sergey myakin, vladimir popov, first channel, artists, as we know, are creative people, the painter david mckewin gets inspired only when... he is surrounded by penguins, just imagine, interesting, for every the master spends at least 8 hours working, no hurricane winds, no snow storms, no scorching sun, nothing can stop david from creating his small masterpieces, and fans generously reward the artist with likes for working in harsh natural conditions. surely many have noticed that goods sold by weight are cheaper, logically, the same goods in beautiful packaging are more expensive, these are the goods for which we most often overpay the most, our correspondent. thought, this is the cost, which consists of the costs of raw materials and materials from the payment fund
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labor, depreciation of equipment, electricity, and packaging, together with marketing specialist nata akimova, we will compile the top products with the highest overpayment for packaging, starting with dairy products and cheese. everyone knows that the cut is always more expensive, but how do you like it, the same variety in a sealed package in regular film. here, a kg of cheese costs 529 rubles. yes, but here it costs 1.0 rubles. yeah, it turns out that you overpay only for 100% packaging. yes, of course, it is more profitable to buy such a large piece of cheese, which they already cut for us in the hypermarket. true, if you eat everything at once, you don’t plan, it’s sealed, everything is already more practical. another thing is that cereals are stored for a long time, but there is an eternal debate whether they are in cooking bags or not. it would seem that 128, here it is 109, here the packaging is larger, it would seem that this difference in price is justified. well... here we have the cost of a kilogram of 322 rubles, and here we have 121 rubles, that is, the overpayment
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for such a box is almost 200%, even more, but what about beautiful gift wrappings, let’s calculate how much we spend on them, the same black tea in a cardboard box in a tin, i have 250 g in this box. yes, i have 100 g . if we look at how much a kilogram of this tea costs, we will see that it costs 971 rubles here, and here we already have a kilogram of tea worth 4. 390 here i think the packaging is more expensive than the tea itself, but it can be reused. another stereotype: is it always more profitable to buy by weight ? transparent packaging, anyway we'll throw it out at home right away, saving 20%. exactly the same overpayment for the workpiece. sets with cosmetics , but here everything is justified, we buy it as a gift, the main thing is to think at least
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for a minute whether it will be necessary, most often in such sets they add something that does not sell well, that is, here the manufacturer, he immediately pursues two goals, moreover , that we overpay for packaging, plus we also overpay for something that we would not have bought otherwise, now in hypermarkets you can even buy dishes individually, of course, not always exactly the one in the set, but in general you can really save money without a box, it's half the price. now let's calculate everything. my basket cost me 1,900 rubles. well, mine is 3,600 rubles. the difference is obvious, but you must admit that there are still reasons when packaging is indispensable. anna grebenshchikova, pavel dits, channel one. today on channel one there is a premiere of a multi-part political thriller, take her across the maidan. the film takes place in ukraine, in 2013 and 2014. the main character is being investigated. a major bank robbery, but as a result finds himself in the thick of political intrigue, life is like spinning without
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musical accompaniment, they went out on the street , chanting, whoever doesn’t jump is a muscovite , you can’t jump off, you can’t jump off a burning train, maidan nezalezhnosti is just a background, this is a film about behind the scenes, who and how made decisions at different levels, that the last one, you’re not resignation, drove off.
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slowly kills the us secretary , feeds him at times, this compensates, prototypes and characters embody a collective image, the actors are skillfully chosen, some women are suited to a surge of ambition, i won’t go to poroshenko’s union, but yatsenyuk, whose, make whose cuckoo, in in the center of the plot, in the fog of political intrigue, a whirlwind of death and love, is sbu lieutenant colonel igor melnik, his father-in-law, the general. jsi,
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directorate of foreign policy military intelligence of france. the confrontation between the intelligence services of different countries, the internal affairs of the sbu, the security forces, criminal groups, the oligarchs of ukraine - this is a multi-layered picture. channel one, like the prime minister’s exposed nerve, take her across the maidan today. yanukovych decided to hide behind the christmas tree. let's call lyovochkin. no need. the head of your administration is playing some kind of game of his own. victoria bolenskaya, first channel. we just celebrated international women's day, and maslenitsa week has already begun, it's time to choose a frying pan, unless of course you were given one last week, just as you didn't give me a novel, and why, by the way, are you only addressing women, men bake pancakes too, you know , i’m about to start this year, and in general, in general , you can cook so many things in a good frying pan,
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well, maybe you can at least bring a pancake, maybe, here ’s a frying pan like grandma’s, cast iron for all occasions. the new frying pan needs to be washed, dry, coat with oil, heat on fire for 20-30 minutes, it will smoke, naturally, it is better to do this in the open air or in a well-ventilated room, and even after that the first pancakes will be lumpy, cast iron becomes truly non-stick...
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nothing will burn, it won’t stick, yes, until the first scratch, and it’s easy to damage the secondary plastic , marble or granite chips can be added to it for strength, such pans last much longer, they are not afraid of either forks or metal spatulas, there are also a ceramic coating , the most environmentally friendly made from clay and sand, excellent non-stick properties, but ceramic ones are more fragile, under the coating in most cases there is aluminum, it has thin walls and the bottom is deformed from strong heating, the forged version is stronger and more resistant to high temperatures, but the best is cast, such a frying pan has no seams, weak points, massive walls and a thick bottom, whichever is heavier, we take this one, but it’s usually heavier, it’s more expensive, so it heats up longer, so it’s evenly
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heat is distributed, it does not move, check the fastening of the handle, it is more secure with bolts than with rivets. there are also removable ones, such a frying pan can be used in the oven. by the way, if you are going to fry more often than stew, take a wide one, not a deep one, as it allows the moisture to evaporate and an appetizing crispy crust forms on the product. yulia kozlova, vladimir elin, nikolay smirnov, channel one. on the calendar on march 11, our ancestors watched the birds on this day, saw if they had returned and where they made their nests, if it was sunny side of houses and trees - this is a novel for the cold summer. and if on the shady side, on the contrary, to warm weather, you will have to watch birds today, how much free time our ancestors had, i’m surprised, by the way, what people think about this day of astrology, let’s find out right now, march 11, second lunar day, twenty the seventh sunny, cheerful, purposeful , restless in a good way, literally overflowing with energy, it would be a pity to waste it on empty
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talk, all sorts of fussing, let's direct it to something creative, very this day is good for... beginnings, working with equipment and metal will be great , engineers and it specialists will not be offended, and in general everyone who does not like to sit idle. on the downsides: he is impatient, hot-tempered, and has little self-confidence. on such days we react nervously to a remark, while we ourselves like to criticize someone, and sometimes we are unrestrained. because of this, aries risk getting into a delicate situation and even quarreling with someone. in general, before you say anything harsh, count to ten. otherwise the day was great, in numbers. other things he will help you learn something, master something, learn something new and be careful with fire. taurus may have to work around the house, repair or make something. please be careful with sharp tools and take care of yourself if you need to move or carry something heavy, and you also have something cultural and educational to do today. it's a good day for the twins, it's true that there will be a lot of work, but
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the result will please you, and the evening will help you forget about business. two pieces of advice from the stars: take care. your personal data and not try to please everyone, be yourself. cancer: you may have to go back to something that was considered already completed, finish something, correct mistakes, perhaps settle things. old conflict, a little money may come for something pleasant, and they may also thank you for something or celebrate you in some way. a very productive day for leo, when you can shovel a bunch of things and achieve a lot, just take your time and don’t try to solve everything in one dashing swoop, be patient and don’t get worked up over trifles. virgos it’s also a good day, although not everything will go according to plan, but it won’t cause you any problems. rather, it will make life more interesting. the main thing is not to demand the impossible, neither from yourself nor from others. and be careful while driving. libra is your motto, trust but verify. this applies to purchases, especially on the internet, incoming information; libra bosses would do well
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to monitor their subordinates more often. feel free to make a date for the evening. wonderful day for scorpios. the only thing that can spoil it is excessive talkativeness, but the stars have warned you. scorpio and ladies hint for you personally, this is a very good day for a little shopping. sagittarius are at risk of falling in love, moreover. but really, what to do about it, the stars are silent about business, today it is better if possible not to deal with money, especially general money, and in the evening expect guests. today capricorns are beaming with charm, the ladies of this sign are simply irresistible, the other side of this coin, gossip is envy, but who pays attention to them, that’s what, how are things going with the water taps in your house? check, this day will help aquarius to deal with some old problem and complete something.
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hello, on the air news, in the studio sergei tugushev. russian pilots destroyed an enemy stronghold in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation. the enemy was struck by sphere-sound fighters and su-34 bombers, which they use. unguided rockets equipped with a planning and correction module. it allows the crew to launch from a safe distance without falling into the range
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of enemy air defense systems. and in the kherson region , artillery units of the airborne forces eliminated ukrainian saboteurs who tried to cross the dnieper. they were discovered using a drone, and the coordinates were immediately sent to the command post. the attack on the militants was carried out by a crew of a hyacin howitzer. he has hit many targets. judging by the footage, the cars were completely burned out. just like the abrams, which our military knocked out near avdeevka, it became the fourth
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tank of this series destroyed by russian soldiers. mobile election commissions continue to operate in the special operations zone; paratroopers from the dnepr group of troops were able to take part in early voting, and also fighters of the fifth combined arms army of the eastern group. full-fledged polling stations were organized for them in rear areas. military personnel serving in remote areas of the arctic were also able to vote in the presidential elections. the election commission delivers sailors from the northern fleet there. thanks to them, mobile teams posted most of the remote observation posts, military units and lighthouses in the murmansk and arkhangelsk regions. russia is causing colossal damage to the ukrainian armed forces. bear serious losses due to the use of the new fap-1500 guided bomb. its use changes the balance on the front. cnn has already openly admitted this, citing the words of one of the ukrainian
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militants. he complains about the very fact of shelling with such ammunition, which is launched from fighters located at a distance of 60-70 km outside the air defense coverage area. the consequences of strikes by one and a half ton factories significantly undermine the morale in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, says a cnn interlocutor. video recordings of the action of these aerial bombs are noted , demonstrating their enormous power. they they are literally leveling the ukrainian defense line to the ground. fab 1500 was shown for the first time. by the russian ministry of defense in january during the trip of the head of the military department, sergei shaigu, to one of the enterprises of the tactical missile weapons corporation in the moscow region. the bomb is equipped with a controlled planning and correction module. in the west , they are actively discussing the idea of ​​sending nato troops to ukraine, and they are increasingly inclined to think that nothing good will come of this. so the italian defense minister believes that this will lead to escalation and close the way to diplomatic settlement. at the same time, guida crozet.
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recalled that nato, from the very beginning of the conflict , kept aloof from the issue of sending western troops to ukraine, and since france and poland allow this, then let them speak for themselves, and they speak on behalf of the entire alliance. it is not easier for the czech republic to take part in this adventure, sending its military instructors there to train recruits in the ssu, the local press writes. why does prague want to do everything so that it doesn’t get anything for it, but it will, experts point out, as soon as the czech soldiers. crossing the ukrainian border, they become a legal target for russia, although the head of the polish foreign ministry confirmed the fact that the nato military is unofficially already present there, speaking in parliament. at the same time, radoslaw sekorski did not specify which states. participants in the world youth festival, which ended in sirius last week, are now getting acquainted with russian regions. a large delegation of foreign guests visited volgograd. they visited
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one of the main ones. mamaev-kurgan memorials, and then went to grozny. in a programme a lot of national color. local cuisine, costume shows. foreigners were shown an architectural pearl, the heart of chechnya, one of the largest mosques in russia, as well as a training center for elite units, a huge complex where you can, for example, fly in an eleven-meter wind tunnel. and, of course, there were excursions to the mountainous areas; one of the points on the route was the ushkaloy twin towers. according to one version, this structure in the rocks was used as a lighthouse. unique original nature and the architecture of the caucasus inspired the guests so much that many promised to return here more than once. and the last cosmonaut oleg kononenko became the commander of the iss. management was handed over to him by dachanin andreas mogensen. the russian will be in this role until the end of september. it is worth adding that oleg kononenko, during the current orbital expedition, has already become a world
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record holder for total time. march 11, monday, our good morning continues in moscow at vdnkh , the russian forum exhibition continues its work, if you have not been there yet, be sure to come, come, stock up on new, bright impressions, and completely free of charge. we are sure that you will definitely come for the second time for the third time , by the way, we remind you that the russia forum exhibition has been extended until july 8, and today the exhibition is open, tomorrow is a technical day, do not confuse it, the russia forum exhibition, 75...
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there are stands of 89 regions in some countries it's already spring. come here for spring mood and photos in charaite boots. by the way, this mineral is called the lilac miracle of siberia and it is mined only in the irkutsk region. and in leningradskaya area you can try on a knight costume. helmet, shield, banner, sword, and more. do you want a horse? doesn't want a horse. two meters away.
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a volcano crater, and you and i will now watch a volcano erupt, a gift from the land, but to find ourselves in the crater of a volcano , here is a piece of lava for every visitor, to the stavropol region we go for the bird of happiness from bast, and here they are also treated to raspberry jam, almost everyone residents grow raspberries, this is a raspberry paradise and the capital of raspberry growers, which is not a filling for pancakes, this same week at the exhibition is also maslenitsa. driving the winter will be fun, in the lipetsk region they already dance round dances around the braid, a symbol of the sun and maslenitsa . we weave a braid of friendship, we become one big family. on march 14, there is a big concert of folk ensembles from different regions, maslenitsa, on the same day all the maslenitsa entertainments. at the stand of the yaroslavl region they will also teach you how to make an oil can, like a three-piece doll, without a needle or scissors. this is most likely some kind of
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sign that maslenitsa week is coming. small performances, including immersive ones, at the stand of the samara region, petrushka is rehearsing cleansers. sing and play with maslenitsa! do not forget! at the end of the week of march 17 they will celebrate maslenitsa. the best chefs from different regions will compete in the skill of baking pancakes, and any visitor can treat himself. in addition to the pancake tournament, there is another surprise - neuromaslenitsa - a unique multimedia show at various venues at vdnkh. karina makaryan, nikita kulakov, anatoly brikalov, channel one. i live in the depths of russia, the land of lakes and rut rocks, here the mountains are blue, the rivers are blue
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metal in blue tints, i do journalism i had a desire, well, to create my own project within the framework of which i am interviewing, i am a clothing designer and today i should be in fashion. russian , and this is very cool, happiness for me when close people are nearby, they understand, love , appreciate, respect you, my land is sad with you, and celebrate with you, a neighbor, brother, someone else passing by will wish you well morning, here it is happiness, the hero of our next video is a lazy man. but he’s inventive, he doesn’t have any special equipment for peeling apples, so he went and invented his own, yeah, he just planted the fruit on drill and brought the peel to the potato peel, all you have to do is press the button and in a matter of seconds the apple is peeled, it’s not for nothing that they say that everything is ingenious, just open
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your own business, but on maternity leave, this is possible, there are special and free programs and courses that help for young mothers, and just for all families, to set up a business, albeit small, yes, this is very important. and in general an excellent help for those who do not want to sit idle and who have their own dreams. galina okhlupina florist, creates unusual compositions, i dreamed of my own business for more than 10 years, last summer i took the first step, signed up for the “mom entrepreneur” program. the program was structured in such a way that every day experts in different fields came to us and told us their success stories, their failures, and financial ones. we also talked about building a business plan, after 5 days of training i opened a creative workshop, now they not only arrange bouquets to order, but also conduct master classes with my eleven-year-old daughter. i'm an artist, i am i see, right? yes, when we have a lot of
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orders before the holidays, polinka always helps me, and i gained self-confidence, i met very interesting people, we still communicate, keep in touch, and any questions that arise. small and medium-sized businesses are being implemented under the national project, the task is to help women with children, for example, even while on maternity leave, open their own business. 2024 was the eleventh year of the program, during which time more than 1,000 women took part in it, more than 300 women became winners of the program. consists of a training block, which takes place over 5 days, as well as business visits to the enterprise; at the end of 5 days, participants defend their projects, and the winner can receive a grant in the amount of 1000 rubles. come on, come to work in
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the workshop, let's go, take off your jacket, undress, change clothes, let's work, together with my husband we opened a family workshop for making leather accessories back... 8 years ago, but recently i also applied for the program, there and developed a new plan for her business ideas. the idea was to create corporate gifts for employees, for colleagues, for managers of various enterprises, respectively, to brand and present corporate gifts on a wholesale scale. won a grant of 100,000 rubles. he was very helpful. i bought a punching press, invested it in the first payments for... opening an ap and added it to a laser machine, that is, to equipment. if previously we had wholesale orders, just one-off, then after registration i am already concluding contracts with legal entities, concluding agreement... and car orders became
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regular, well, there are already about ten orders a month. it’s easy to take part in the program, just submit an application by filling out a special form on the website mamael.rrf, registration has already begun. anna grebenshchikova, dmitry roshkov, nadezhda zypkina, channel one. let us remind you that on the calendar on march 11, the muslim holy month of ramadan began. a time of spiritual cleansing, prayers, fasting and... good deeds, but how to close them, look here, all weekend guzelya and her sisters were making montages, we are filling everything in the freezer, homemade semi-finished products, this is how bashkir housewives are preparing for ramadan, the holy month has already begun today, muslims are keeping a strict fast, you can eat anything, but only after sunset and before dawn, so the housewives are trying to make the cooking process easier, all day without a crumb in your mouth, without a clutch holding out on water is not easy, but it is... important, namely, when a person fasts, he teaches himself
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restraint, manifestation, humility, patience, these are the qualities a person has, they are reborn and the person becomes strong and spiritually strengthened. every muslim tries for these 4 weeks to become a little better, pray, read the koran, don’t get angry, help your neighbor. and in ingushetia, every day of fasting , 15 minutes before iftar, the evening meal, volunteers go to the intersections of the federal highway to treat drivers and pedestrians with water and dates; this is how they break their fast. beautiful, she makes hearts kinder, and even
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the owners of catering outlets across the country, in honor of those fasting, are revising the opening hours of their establishments, in this tyumen restaurant they are now open until one in the morning and the menu has been updated, the dish is called lyabne, they make it from fermented milk products in arab countries, this is ricotta cheese, cream cheese, and in muslim homes they will also feed you deliciously, during ramadan all guests are especially welcome, in the village of kistym in woodmurtia it is customary to gather with someone almost every evening then from the residents for breaking the fast, even in... the queue is signed up , the prophet said, the prophet muhammad, that if someone feeds a fasting person, then this person will receive a reward for that guest's fast, so guided by this, the more people you feed during fasting , you get you earn more pleasure from allah, more rewards on the daily day, which is why they are trying to invite people who are fasting and not only those who are fasting. so, the whole month of ramadan will end on april 9 with the big holiday of eid.
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product lar group gin сnop product stellor group, maslenitsa, komoeditsa, obezudha, the brightest, most delicious spring holiday dedicated to farewell to winter, yes friends, let's begin. make a snow slide, along which you can guess
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who will ride longer, who will travel further, who will get married, that is, well, somewhere else village, maybe to the capital, the girls have already made plans for grooms, what good luck, to give gifts, high, so that there is also a brunette, gleba, and he knows that you want to marry him, according to tradition, he builds a hill on the first day of mas. there will be a good one, our rich one, who else
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needs to tell fortunes here? come quickly, now we ’ll tell fortunes about the girls, you see your eyes right behind you, the girls from the class are watching, is there a favorite? you have it, but doesn’t tell anyone, they tell fortunes not only by looking at pancakes, take two eggs, knock one at a time with a spoon, we don’t touch the second, then we mix it, we ask important questions, when i grow up, will i have three dogs, yes, you guessed it, a whole egg means yes, a broken egg means no , lyubov ivanovna taught them this, she has already predicted a happy fate for herself, husband , three children, since thursday. the festivities begin, the neighbors are invited to visit the mother-in-law at a party on friday, i don’t know, of course, how anyone does it, but here it was mandatory for us, even though he may live 100 miles away, but the son-in-law always came to the mother-in-law to ask for forgiveness, i ask you mother-in-law, forgiveness, on saturday, there was a get-together, they invited my husband’s sister, yes
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, they treated her, they made sure to give her an expensive gift, on sunday, go wild, farewell... no, where did he go, i wonder, i wonder, i’ll come see, and besides, the snow melts faster on the streets than in the park or in the forest, i wonder why, our correspondent, sergei abramov sotnik, figured out the chemistry and physics of spring. the winter was snowy, the sun was a little warmer and there wasn’t even a wet spot left from the snowdrifts. just a couple of days ago here on
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there was snow on the sidewalks, but it had evaporated somewhere, and if we, for example, went into the park, here you go, there are snowdrifts and ice. why does it turn out that the secret in the composition of snow in the city is a lot of impurities, reagents and salt , the park snow is cleaner, that’s why they melt differently, a clear example, we froze some ice, which one, which one, well, this one, probably with salt, yes, it’s even clear that he’s so cat-like, considering that they ’ve been in the freezer for what, like this one, for several days. salt prevents it from growing together crystals of water, collects them around itself, the result is a porridge that melts slowly, but even at sub-zero temperatures, how... will the room one behave, i propose now to install a camera so that we can see how long it will take and how it will melt, and so on. to speed up our process, we will also shine an improvised sun on our ice, you see how clean ice quickly turns into a stream, salty ice slowly melts, this is the point, if during the day
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the temperature is above zero, well, like in the spring we have above-zero temperatures, and then it's still minus at night appears, then this ice without salt, it ... will still start to freeze, that’s right, if there, well, for example, -5, and if -5 outside for salty ice, this one, then it will still continue melt a little , melt, melt, a little slower at night , because it’s a little colder, and faster during the day, because it’s warmer, so in big cities mountains of snowdrifts can quietly disappear overnight and we won’t see any streams, there will be puddles of snow in the parks, in fact, park snow simply loses in terms of melting speed, but in general by spring the snowdrifts are no longer... as high as 20 years ago, frequent winter thaws are to blame for this, that is, it is destroyed in several stages during the winter period, during the period now, by the beginning of spring, when it should as they say , as a rule, it is no longer possible to actively participate in floods in urban areas, ideally it should
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accumulate and lie until spring, plus, due to warming, winter rains have become a frequent occurrence, in principle, everything and the lower part are getting warmer. spheres, so the conditions for snow formation disappear, and we have been observing this regularly over the past 20 years for sure, and even residents of small towns and villages notice this, although there are still snowdrifts and streams there, but less and less every year, so we enjoy it, perhaps in 50 years it will become a curiosity. sergey abramov sotnik, vasily valetov, vladimir repin, oleg soshin and anton tolstolutsky. channel one st. petersburg. well, now attention, dear women, in the next 2 minutes, face fitness trainer elena karkukli suggests dedicating yourself to our beauty, turn away roma. okay, this time she will tell you what a gua sha scraper is and why it is needed at all. this is the so-called guasha scraper. there are people who endow it
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with some kind of magical power; they say that the ancient chinese practice of guasha rejuvenates. here i will disappoint you. you won’t be able to sleep while sleeping, but a massage with a scraper can relieve us of swelling, and this significantly improves our appearance, so i recommend doing it in the morning, the procedure has... in general, before you take up the scraper, consult with doctor. if everything is in order, then before the session we wash our face. i also wash the scraper thoroughly. apply cosmetic oil or slippery sticky serum to a clean, dry face. we begin to work on the face of the chin area, use for... the slightly concave side , we always move along the massage lines,
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for beginners it is better to hold the tool at an angle of 15°, that is, almost flat, the smaller the angle of inclination, the less pressure, move the scraper slowly, at the end each movement we do this rocking, we lightly press the tool into the skin, repeat, movement five once again, we work on the entire face along the massage lines, perform a smooth massage with light pressure, there should be no pain or discomfort, for the first time it is enough, wash off the remaining oil or serum, apply a moisturizer, after this procedure morning swelling will go away faster. go ahead. rural mortgage. this is a special state support program for the purchase of housing in
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rural areas. here's how this program works, who can take out a loan, what are the rates? this is not just about right now. anyone can take out a preferential rural mortgage, for a house, apartment or plot, in a village or town where no more than 30,000 people live. mortgage for 25 years, you can mow ahead of schedule. the maximum amount is standard. issued 6 million in one. hands, that is, it is possible to take the husband 6 million and the wife 6 million. the average rate is only 3%. there are a number of territories where it is even lower than 10%. special conditions for the border territories of russia, which include some municipalities of the republic of altai, dagestan, korchaev, and circassia. what is the down payment? good news since february of this year, and the down payment was reduced from 30% to 20%. and if spouses apply. then the contribution is no more than 40%. with a rural mortgage you can buy a finished house. vladimir and olga martyanov have already chosen
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and planned everything, where they will put the cabinets, where they will hang the tv. school, new construction site, kindergarten, forest, lake nearby. the bank will approve a loan for a new home builder, for a property owner on the secondary market. there is only a requirement for the age of the building. an individual's house must be no older than 5 years. a legal entity is no older than three. the martyanovs chose a house in the village kaymar, now there are very few inhabitants, at the beginning of the 16th century there were about 500, even peter ii stopped on his way to kazan. the bank will definitely check whether the village participates in the preferential mortgage program. you will need to download the application, select the region, locality, it is suitable. you can first buy only land, as svetlana mamontova decided to do, but you need to quickly build a house on the site. and within 24 months the house will need to be registered as residential. there must be water, sewerage, heat. if the conditions are not met, the bank will raise the rate. it is important to find out in advance whether it is possible to build a residential building on the site; if the land
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is used for gardening, this will not be possible. svetlana chose a different category of land. the plot is tender, you can build a house on it for permanent residence. you can buy a ready-made house kit of domestic production or hire a private construction company that is accredited by the bank. and finally, you can take out a preferential mortgage for an apartment in a low-rise building. up to five floors. the most important condition for a rural mortgage is in an apartment or house in within 6 months to register. otherwise, the rate may increase to the key rate plus a certain amount of interest. at the moment this could increase to 17%. therefore, the payment will increase significantly. the rate may increase in one more case. it is fixed in contracts with banks. the state subsidizes your mortgage exactly until... there is money in the state, if there are no subsidies, the rate will rise to the key rate, plus the one that was specified in the contract. nadezhda pravdina, mikhail korasev,
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channel one. our morning broadcast ends, with you there were anastasia orlova and roman budnikov. we wish you good health, good mood and only good news. stay tuned, stay on top. hello, time for news, first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. a successful hunt for german leopards, as well as precise strikes of our acacia trees on enemy strongholds, footage from the front line and everyday combat of one of the most effective sniper groups of the airborne forces. central television announcer,
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whom the big country knew and loved. to her was 84 years old. the caucasus mountains, architecture, local cuisine - a warm welcome, as in grozny they greeted foreign guests of the world youth festival who are discovering russia. time to bake pancakes and say goodbye to winter, one of the warmest, most delicious holidays. we begin to celebrate maslenitsa on each day of the week with our own signs and customs. how did it happen? in ukraine, who benefited from it and where was the point of no return, a serial film about the events of stories that have already become, transfer it through the maidan, already today on the first. and first the special operations.


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