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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 11, 2024 10:50am-12:01pm MSK

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not soap, and in vain i married you , i thought that you would become attached to the dishes, during quarrels only the subject of the quarrel is discussed, nothing more, then the solution will be started quickly, but you were so silent, people will think that it’s true, something happened, no, we haven’t talked about the purity of sex at different ages, god, germanshevich, that ’s what you were constantly thinking about while we were, you’re all about sex, well, let’s already announce your numbers, statistics have shown that couples from 20 to 30 have sex twice a week, this, in principle, leads to a fairly stable marriage, people with from forty to sixty times a week, statistics about 60 plus, no, everyone chooses what he can, well, you know, we laugh, because it seems to me yes... very
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simple advice for you, the fact that a family is destroyed after 3 years or love passes after 3 years is a myth: i have been married for 36 years, moreover, i will say that especially when the children have grown up, the person with whom you live becomes the most a person close to you, so you can save your family, and i don’t even know what decision you you will accept, but if you want, tell us how you will continue... will you build your family, build this house, i think that i will take the advice, and we will try to give the child to the grandmothers for a while and find time for each other , for an hour and a half from this to an hour and a half a month, guys, this can definitely be achieved, after all, the topic is light, how to save your family, and we all wish you and i each of you to save yours. current
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family, because this is very important, and i also wish for myself to live with my husband all my life, grow old under the same blanket, die on the same day, you and i had a good time, may you live healthy. hello, the information channel on the first starts working live, this is the program “time will tell”, in the studio of ruslan astashka, olesya loseva. a new scandal in social networks, the so-called ukrainian one, in real rage, the italian actress arnela moute came to russia, and even exhibited her beautiful photographs from sochi, where she was a guest of the world student youth festival. by the way, this year a mural with her image appeared in sochi.
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russia is a terrorist country, you are a grown woman, you need to understand where is good and where is evil, dignity has no price, and you have lost it in front of the world, what a humiliation, shame on you from the entire european people, but for some it’s hard to get used to reality, but also there is consolation for them, the americans resorted to their standard.
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you have to defend what was imposed from above, that’s what the west is trying to impose on all of us right after a short advertisement, if you like your work, even those you can overcome minor difficulties that arise with pleasure; we are responsible for our own.
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the ukrainian handed over his parents to a nursing home, in the same way he will hand over the whole of norway to the nursing home of the american regional committee, a conflict can arise at any time in any region, including the arctic. norway is a spear aimed at russia’s northern fleet; the confrontation over the arctic will largely decide the geopolitical outcome of the struggle in general in the 20th century. russia has several key advantages to win this fight. or classic norwegian frostbitten.
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oh, i smell the money they are sharing, whose question is it, isn’t it mine, how much does he have where he has it, i’m not going to rob my father, transfer it through moydan, premiere, watch the time after the program, the master decided to do his legs, money concludes, let's drive the pig, when the red monolith disintegrated, many tiny ideological microorganisms flew out of this monolith, there were tolstoyans, non-resisters of evil, there were cadets and grays, there were gumilyovites who professed russian cosmism, he said that if he failed
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negotiate with me kindly, he will find other means to silence me, very soon at the entrance of my house i was hit in the back of the head with brass knuckles, belgrade people. they were afraid that the americans would blow up the bridge over the sava river, and thousands of belgrade residents stood on this bridge, forming a human shield, i stood with them. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession, first today. according to our legend, petro poroshenko is recruiting fighters for his personal private military company. what is the average price for training one soldier? euro to person, includes accommodation and three meals a day, this is the average price per week for a ukrainian serviceman, that is , ukraine spent so much during these years, well, this is at a discount, even at a discount , poland is largely involved in training the ukrainian army, this gray zone under the army took one chevron , put on
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another chevron, this is such a career growth, but again there are many mercenaries there who first went to ukraine, they went to safari, so it was advertised there, what do i think about bandera? yes, that's right, i don't have a problem with it, it turns out that the poles are preparing those who fight under bandera’s ideals, they can go on the attack together with them, money, but i’m not going to participate in assault operations, it ’s too dangerous, i want to help the country, but at the same time i really want to live, all the places are crowded foreign mercenaries are a big target for our rocket scientists, the vavan and lexus show on wednesday on the first. the information channel on the first continues, time will tell the program, we are working live. the american patriot air defense system successfully came under russian fire in the donbass. our guys
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they tracked down and destroyed a ukrainian motorcade with american equipment in the donetsk region near the city of pokrovsk. judging by the video that is now on your screens, three launchers were hit. in detail about the destruction of this convoy with pvu patriot, why did the ukrainian regime send expensive american equipment to the donbass, who to fight, what city are they going to cover, or rather are they going to, and good morning, good morning, ruslan and olesya, indeed it has already been confirmed that two of systems were directly systems patriot anti-aircraft missile system, which was deployed by the ukronazis in close proximity. already from the advanced forward positions
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, this, of course, is not connected with what defensive goals of the cities, but, first of all, in this way they are trying to protect, let’s say, their advanced lines from the use of our factories with umpc with unified planning and correction modules , which are very intensively and, most importantly, successfully used by our front-line strike aviation. that is, it is no longer a secret that avdiivka was also liberated quite quickly, thanks to this application, the effective factories that work precisely from our aircraft, and accordingly, as an attempt to reduce the number of these shelling of forward positions , american patriot systems were brought there in order to increase the efficiency of work on our aircraft, but it did not work out, but were discovered... destroyed with the help of our intelligence, so of course, now
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the military has unleashed a barrage of criticism from western experts on the ukrainian military for bringing such expensive weapons and they are now being criticized for this, but it should be stated that they were forced to do this in order to somehow stop the advance of our fighters. and what they destroyed, we know these are fpv drones, this is our artillery, and is there any understanding, if they have such expensive equipment, probably the most expensive of what the americans have supplied to ukraine , they are currently sending it to the line of combat contact, which means our factories, they really have strategic significance, i’m not afraid of this word, and this is the most terrible and the most powerful weapon now, yes ruslan, absolutely right, this is the most terrible, most powerful weapon, which is very strong, in addition to the fact that it causes ... serious damage to both enemy personnel and armored vehicles, it has a very psychological effect, because i
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talked with prisoners, and they tell , what is worse than the explosion of a factory, they have never seen anything in their lives, this is said by those who survived after the use, who were well at a fairly large distance from it, well, accordingly, naturally we draw conclusions that this is very effective use of this...weapon, so they are trying to somehow protect themselves from this, but to no avail, i repeat, how is the situation in the donetsk direction as a whole? we are moving, we are moving, i can’t say, this is not an easy walk, because they have already sent fresh reinforcements to this direction, they are now trying with all their might to hold the line, the berdychs, the thin orlovka ukronazis, now they are counterattacking. in the area of ​​​​the settlement there is a thin, but to no avail , our fighters are now holding on, repelling attacks, and
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the thing is that, firstly, there is already somewhere to grab a hold from the populated areas themselves, and we know that the ukronazis use the tactics of consolidation precisely in populated areas, yes , where there are, well, let’s say, organic, well, that is, fortifications in the form of buildings, some kind of industrial premises and so on, they cling to them, plus the landscape of the area allows...
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emmanuel macron is going to come on a visit to kiev himself, the french press reports. is the french leader fighting for the freedom of ukrainian nationalism or is it his personal ambitions, which are so desperately climbing outward, are not yet clear, but this is how he claims. western journalists opened the door to send troops, that’s what the french president doesn’t want to think about behind that door. french president emmanul macron has opened the door to sending troops to ukraine. france is creating an alliance of countries ready to potentially send western troops to ukraine and thereby deepening its confrontation with a more cautious berlin. french foreign minister stephane sajournet was in lithuania on friday at a meeting with baltic ukrainian
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counterparts to support the idea that foreign troops could help ukraine in areas such as mine clearance. has repeatedly noted that a military contingent may be sent to ukraine, but this does not mean that it will take part in hostilities. germany is clearly against sending troops, but these comments from mr macron are, frankly, alarming. i think macron rubbed germany's nose in what many people said, that tanks will never, ever be supplied, that they will never be supplied.
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basis. what is the french president trying to achieve? president macron caused a stir with his comments that the presence of nato soldiers in ukraine could not be ruled out. and if you thought he might be apologizing in some way or trying to take back his words, you were wrong. he certainly supported them. those initial comments drew a fairly swift pushback from several allies. comes at a time when france has faced some criticism and accusations that it is not provided ukraine with sufficient military support. it is not russia that should tell us how we should help ukraine in the coming months or years. russia should not set red lines, we decide this among ourselves. as they say, it’s not a problem to find
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the entrance, the problem is then to find the exit, because you may not be. warsaw decided to play along with the french in this game. the head of the polish foreign ministry said that nato troops in ukraine are by no means a fantasy, and then he thought and honestly added that it turns out that nato troops have been in ukraine for a long time. nato soldiers are already on ukraine, and i want to thank the ambassadors of the states who took such a risk. unlike other politicians, i will not name the countries that sent troops. poor quality storage in the west spoiled this secret, and spoiled it from the very beginning. nikolaevich. what are we waiting for? the head of the ministry of france honestly, the head of the middle poland honestly said, nato troops are already in ukraine, we can imagine that sergei lavrov would say, well, russian troops have been in mexico for a long time, we just don’t declare it, they would immediately declare war on us, and the poles are honest they said, nato troops in ukraine, this is an official, not some ex, not some odious politician, you are
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an official official, i think that statements of this kind indicate that ...
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i am convinced of in this case, we are considering various scenarios for such a development of events, but this cannot be ruled out in any case, this does not mean that they will participate in hostilities, it means that with their presence they will try to make sure that we do not strike at this parts of the territory, in this case we are talking about the western part ukraine, i think that we need to understand here that this is a direct aggression against our state, the supreme president of russia spoke about this at the initial stage. said, and we must be strict here, which means that at the same time, adequately, but also commensurately, we will say so, because here it is also very important to comply, and what we must do, we must...
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anyway, political and diplomatic efforts are unlikely , but nevertheless it must be part of the un council, the un general assembly, calling ambassadors, this must be present, but at the same time, there must be a military component, in which it is expressed, it is...
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european allies for the introduction of a certain nato contingent, for example in ukraine, and return to the previous idea of ​​​​introducing a joint contingent, as if outside the framework of nato. why did they make fun of them, because they were given a reason to make them laugh. how many red lines were drawn, how many of these red lines they crossed, and what were the responses, well, what was the answer, an adequate, inadequate answer, by the way, i want to correct it, they said the city of pokrovsk, let's not use fascist names, after all.
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and we are waiting for russia under bombing , yes, we are risking our lives, but we are waiting for russia, ovdeevka is a small town before the war, there were no more than 30 thousand people there, more than a thousand
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people waited for russia in the catacombs in the basements, they waited for russia, they took risks, in the same way, people are ready to risk waiting for russia in dnepropetrovsk and even in lvov such people come, and those who are on the other side of the demarcation line are on the other side front line, these are scoundrels, these are terrorists, real terrorists. and what is vsu? it’s just a private military company that is financed by nato, armed by nato, trained by nato, what difference does it make who is fighting in this private military company, well, okay, the expansion of this private military company at the expense of a foreign contingent, as far as is now probable, is already foreign a contingent in this private military company is present, regularly, but they are discussing this at a different level, you know, including there are also regular units, the poles were definitely present according to the same... data that was published about six months ago, at least 1,600 poles left there with a load of two, 1,600, they now want to introduce 60,000 conditionally, not a thousand, they want to increase the level of presence of foreign
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military many times over, it will be a completely different story, specifically what it will be in my opinion, of course, i don’t have intelligence data, i’m just drawing a historical analogy with what happened in the 1918 shooting range in 1921, when the same french were present , the same the british were present, the americans, how many of them there were.
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western robbery of ukraine, ukraine cannot yet understand what is happening, it considers this some kind of salvation. alexey alekseevich , look, about the poles, it’s clear, alexander explained to us, the french, that means why emmanuel macron is trying so hard, perhaps this is due to the fact that ukraine is somehow now going to default on its external debts, and macron is also trying chop something off for yourself? the key phrase sounded in your eyeliner with the words of one.
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and military exercises will continue for six months, because here they are military, here they are maneuvers , this is sekorsky’s statement with the certainly ongoing infrastructure, and i completely agree with my colleague that the western territory of ukraine, possibly central ukraine, will be occupied, this will be a western intervention, we’ll see on what scale, but judging by the number of military personnel who have been recruited for these nato exercises quite strongly, and indeed we are talking about robbing what is left of ukraine, we are talking only about this exclusively, and colleague i’m certainly right, because this has nothing to do with international law, which they abolished in advance, introduced so-called rules, and they form the rules for themselves, but you can, of course, what to do, you can , of course, suffer and say that well, you see, international law is being violated and so on, but the best answer, as you quite rightly noted, is that what is happening in the northeast military district zone, that is why
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they started moving, that is why now... what is happening is happening, russia is certainly showing firmness, showing consistency, adherence to principles in some issues, including those related to the use of different types of weapons, such as nuclear ones, it is impressive, against this background scholz, macron and so on became worried, because they understand that the company is coming, moving to the enspiel, who will play it , this is a big question, now they are trying to create certain positions for themselves in order to participate in this game, but these positions in europe too...
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formally and voluntarily did not intervene in the conflict, sending troops to kiev means a step to a unilateral escalation that will erase the path to diplomacy, we need to think about how to help ukraine regain territorial freedom and security in another way, namely by more activating diplomatic channels. but the problem is that macron's allies do not want to become complicit so openly. now political scientist and publicist raphael auclair is contacting us from paris. rafael, hello. hello, rafael, please tell me why, in your opinion, france decided to play almost a major role in the topic of sending military personnel to ukraine and in the ukrainian conflict in general? well , first of all, i want to tell all russians that the main thing in this matter is to maintain composure, because we must keep in mind the internal political context in europe, firstly, as we know, nato is retreating.
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as they say in french, the flag effect , that is, he wants to seem very much like that, well, very nationalist, very brave, with an army and so on, like a real commander like this, and he probably partially expects that this will be for him beneficial for for for the party for the european elections, then the second point, well, as one can assume, this is
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of course... the question of leadership in europe, the fact is that there is obvious competition between france and germany for leadership in europe and to an even lesser extent with italy . well, including italy 2 days before macron’s statement, that is, its leader was in kiev as part of the g7, at that moment macron was not mentioned at all, probably he could feel that he was being forgotten, and thus, of course, he claims, well yours presence and french leadership, about italy, to be honest, well, for me this is a kind of revelation, i thought it was more so here. macron, his intentions regarding the creation of a coalition to introduce
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a certain contingent into ukraine, and i am also interested in the military, because we remember the scandal that took place several years ago, when the french generals, remember, even wrote a letter to macron expressing their dissatisfaction, and there is such a... the resignation was quite significant of high-ranking military in france, that's how i wonder, the military in france and ordinary french people feel about macron's decision? well, i can tell you that everyone was definitely shocked by such a statement, that ordinary french people, they think that he is completely crazy, that no one needs this, that is, no one wants to invade this war, everyone thinks that this is not our war, that these are not french interests, which is absolutely true, that’s how it
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would be. the only way to increase the supply of military equipment to kiev, in the meantime they are trying to persuade
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each other the old fashioned way. the british minister of defense grant schabs specially came to kiev, another tourist route, to film a video with a call to help ukraine and, apparently, to send more military equipment. i am the british minister of defense in kiev to sound the alarm, if we allow a dictator like putin to take over a democratic country, how will our inaction characterize us, what will be said about our values, freedom and democracy, this cannot be allowed to happen, western countries with easily managed if we could find all the necessary resources, if we could muster the will into a fist, the meaning of my appeal is simple: world, wake up, we must be sure that ukraine will win this war. viewers that he starred in this video against the backdrop of a tank with a fascist swastika drawn , directly and specifically, without hiding it, but this does not bother him at all, they prefer not to notice it, but shaps decided that it was best to personally, while in kiev raise
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the alarm in order to create another attack of panic in the west, but confidence in the ukrainian victory is melting day by day and now british supplies of equipment may be expected to take a long pause. in addition, those units that kiev already has at its disposal turned out to be an excellent target for our anti-tank guided missiles, you can see the video for yourself, in addition, the tanks showed negative resistance to ukrainian black soil, here is a photo of a sunken british vehicle that appeared on the internet, here many are interested in why there are knocked-out leopards, there are knocked-out abrams, but with british equipment, not with challengers, they just don’t reach the front they get there, well, against this background... the english publication the sana publishes disappointing statistics. half of the tanks delivered to kiev are already scrap metal. only seven of the 14 challenger 2 tanks delivered to ukraine in march 2023 are in combat-ready
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condition. one tank in september. well , it’s worth noting that american tanks are doing no better here. another ambrose abrams was spotted by our scouts, further along the western one. the vehicle could not withstand a hit from our anti-tank gun, as they say, the score is four in our favor, but as our soldiers proved, in addition to tanks the american patriot air defenses are burning beautifully, the western press is now looking for it. the right words, expressions, phrases, excuses to explain why almost a billion dollars burned beautifully in the steppes of donbass. for the first time in 2 years of war against ukraine, the russians were probably able to detect and hit part of the ukrainian battery of the american patriot air defense system. the russians struck this blow at the perfect time. the russian crew of the iskander earth-class hypersonic missile took aim at the ukrainian convoy from a potential distance of hundreds of kilometers. two from the assumption.
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the use of its vaunted air defense systems as mobile air defense. our source at the general staff said that the pentagon demanded that tsirsky stop using the patriot as a mobile air defense until clarification. situations with the reasons for the destruction of launch systems. the americans are dissatisfied with the loss of the patriot systems and the death of us military personnel who served the air defense. american discontent is usually a harbinger of greater grievances and problems. kyiv should think about it. yeri ivanovich podalyaka joins our conversation. ivanovich, hello. good afternoon. over the last, probably, 10 days, one cannot help but notice that the amount of western equipment burned by road, abrams, leopards, patriots, it has simply increased sharply. and here. several questions at once, the first one means that the ukrainians
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are already getting out of their bins, because this is probably the last thing they can throw into battle, because the west prohibits showing photographs of video of destroyed equipment, well , the issue of the economics of war is very important, because it is expensive the billionth patriot was killed, as i understand it, by our artillery, perhaps they took part in pividrones, and we are actively knocking out american abrams with the help of fpv drones and artillery.
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will immediately reveal where the enemy needs to dig, and this all ultimately leads to the fact that we now know much more by an order of magnitude than we could know about the enemy’s movements, for example, even there six months a year ago, and accordingly, if we carefully monitor all these events, i would also add here: the first confirmed destruction of hymers, also in exactly the same way, in the same way, yes, our artillery, most likely iskander, as well as two archers destroyed literally one after another, and this is, in my opinion, the best self-propelled gun in the world, which can effectively operate up to 70 km, an amazing thing, the swedes of course know how to make them, only eight of them were delivered, here two things in a row with an interval of a week were destroyed, again, by our drones, and i would also add here. yesterday's defeat of a group that tried
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to invade the belgogorod region in order to take another selfie, as i understand it, was opened in advance and completely destroyed up to 10 units of equipment, about five tanks, several units of self-propelled guns, rocket launch systems , several infantry fighting vehicles and up to a company of infantry, these are the special operations forces of ukraine, which planned to do this yesterday, were destroyed on the way, accordingly, judging by the video that has already been posted on the internet, the employees have now abandoned everything, but no, they
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are actually abandoning it, because there are a lot of holes, there are few reserves, for example, the same abrams, which they did not save until the last moment, are now one after another they're burning already several units were destroyed and literally almost every other day they are destroyed, and of course, if they need to counterattack under berdych, where all these abrans were destroyed, then of course they will lose them for a long time, they won’t have enough challengers, by the way, they are absolutely wrong, two challengers were destroyed, the only thing is... they were also not destroyed in an attack, they were caught moving and two destroyed challengers, they are also in the network, that is, two were destroyed, relatively speaking in battle, five broke, in fact such... arithmetic for all western equipment is now normal, that is, a huge number of their tsau tanks break down and not because we hit them, again the same abrams, which we know, how many were destroyed on the battlefield, how many were destroyed, again we inflict a lot attacks by our cabs, our artillery on
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warehouses and how many of the same aprants are in these warehouses, no one knows, naturally the enemy will not admit it, however, i think there is also a certain amount, so they won’t last long, against this background... ukrainian the party is intensifying attempts to obtain american f-16s, as far as this is relevant now, especially against the backdrop of burning western equipment, the americans really don’t want footage of the burning products of the american military-industrial complex appearing online, will they risk delivering f-16s now or will they try the same french conditionally, conditional mirages will force them to deliver, but in fact they won’t deliver the f-16, because the f-16 has not been a miracle weapon for them for a long time... let me remind you that the f-16 appeared in service with the american army in the seventies, that is name this is not a super-modern weapon, this is an ordinary front -line fighter bomber, the workhorse of the american army, i don’t even think that there will be modern modifications, especially since the task of these aircraft is simply to be
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carriers of missiles, long-range western missiles, and nothing more , for this , an ultra-modern aircraft is not needed, its task is to take off, but go to the launch point, launch, and leave. back, that's it, there is more of it, naturally, for air combat this plane, as we have already said more than once, is not intended for air combat they have other aircraft f-22 and f-15, that is, these are interceptors, these are air combat aircraft, it is just a carrier of long-range missiles and nothing more, again today information confirmed that only a few aircraft will be transferred before the end of spring, there are different numbers called six eight, but it doesn’t matter, these are small quantities after all, they are already being sent for spare parts, they say they are being assembled somewhere. i don’t seem to have such information, but as i understand it, the issue has already been resolved and they will be forwarded. how is the situation on the fronts? there are no changes on the fronts so far, so the enemy, in order, as i understand it, to stop our attack on ovdeevka at chas ovyar, is throwing in reserves, well, i also understand that this is connected with the election campaign, they are trying in every possible way to
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spoil us and the elections, in order to inflict at least a local defeat in this way, for this, thousands of ukrainian soldiers are now rushing to the slaughter, and... we have movement in the tonenkoye area, in the orlovka area, in the berdeche area there is a very powerful counter battle, well, there are these abramtsy is burning one by one in this battle and at the beginning there are also local successes, but again there are also large reserves rushing in to prevent us from entering the city territory,
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there is already a small engagement on the hills between ivanovsky and bogdanovka, this is a good movement , but in fact the battle there is still very, very powerful and bloody, and we also have some successes in the liman direction. on the outskirts of ternov, there are local successes in the kupinsk area, this is senkovka, and there are also good successes, this is georgievka, novamikhailovka, this direction to the south, yes, in principle there are battles here, in the rabotinsky direction four oporniks were also taken over the weekend, but there is rapid progress, i said there will be no, but in fact i think that the main task here is to regain strength the enemy and prevent them from being transferred to the main direction. thank you very much, yuri ivanovich, podalyaka was in direct contact with us in the meantime. they are looking for new ways to carry out a package of military aid to ukraine, they have found the old proven method of a loan, so nbc journalists write that in congress, it turns out that everything is ready for this, the plan has matured, and against the backdrop of this , the united states state department is making a decision, or rather making a statement about
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expanding the staff of its staff in kiev, apparently in order to control the flow of american money, guest. the us department plans to send dozens of diplomats to the overwhelmed us embassy in the ukrainian capital and give officials more flexibility to move around the surrounding region. we are talking about 30-40 new employees in the american embassy in ukraine. us lawmakers also want more officials in kiev to oversee the movement and use of weapons from the us. well , the americans decided that it was best to keep their finger on the ukrainian pulse at the throat. they seem to be putting forward demands to ukraine now, pushing it into something, expecting a certain result from kiev. well,
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firstly, new ways are being sought, new mechanisms for transferring money for free, which is called credit. great idea, very good indeed, it's completely highlights the plans of the united states of america regarding ukraine. and it fits very well with the general theme: why, in fact, the united states stopped allocating money, well, firstly, it sees that it is really being spent. and the democrats have already spent quite a lot of money through their lobbying companies , they have already received everything, the republicans say: that ’s enough guys, that’s enough, you’ve had enough, now give
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it to us, this is actually what we are talking about now in the usa itself, well, of course ukraine, being on in this strange position she seeks now there are ways to put pressure on their western partners, be it europeans, americans, japanese, what difference does it make, it doesn’t matter, as long as the funds continue to be scraped out? do you remember the famous, well-known fact of blowing up a member of the election commission in berdyansk, yes, this is a very, very important, alarming symptom, and what
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colleagues said, here yuri podolyak, regarding the intensity of the fighting during this period, he says about what they want to disrupt, including normal peace processes, the restoration of these regions, normal political processes, the build-up of civil infrastructure, and so on, all this, unfortunately, is completely ignored by western actors. is completely ignored, they live in the paradigm that ukraine should not lose, and russia should not win, unfortunately, this irrational fear of russia, it now continues to dominate minds, but i think that this information bubble that is inflated around ukraine, it has already burst, it just still exists in the information space, but everyone already understands everything, everyone understands that ukraine lost, now they are trying to save face, this is connected with this. this is the fuss of scholz, macron and so on related to how to get out of this situation, but still come out with money, so loans, yes,
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so yes, so perhaps options are being considered - these expeditionary forces to ukraine, aka occupation, and in order to ensure that europe, those people who countries that allocated money, got theirs back, they are trying, you know, it seems that the last carriage will jump in, an attempt to organize a global one.
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perhaps they will partially be left on the territory of ukraine so that they will then join russia and sprout there with those - those sprouts that should poison russia, they are finishing the ukrainian project, they are not finishing the anti-russian project, which has been going on for centuries, with varying success, sometimes they succeed more, sometimes less, but when leaving ukraine they will definitely leave bookmarks, this is what these new people are doing too, so where will they leave these bookmarks - apparently in those territories that will be liberated by russia. and apparently someone is still counting on slipping through, this was after the great patriotic war, when many avver agents there, the gestapo remained on
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russian territory, and then... this card index, for example, general elen, who created the bnd, other comrades, the germans, passed it on to the americans, the americans used this against our country, and used it quite successfully, but judging by the results of the ninety-first year, they already won a stunning victory once victory in russia in 1991, they expect that they will repeat it, here, well , nothing happened under a big knife by force, they will retreat, but the project will not be curtailed, so you know, to talk about some kind of strikes on ukraine, these are the conversations i want. .. about the attacks on ukraine from one side to the other they remind of a film, remember the children ’s one about octopuses: you hit my octopus, i’ll hit yours, and so on, in fact, two big, two big guys are fighting, and even if we talk about some blows, then maybe it’s time present an ultimatum to begin with, simply outline that if within a week, say, you do not take your western weapons from the territory of ukraine, then something will happen
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that you definitely will not like, then anything can happen, actually do it something. ah , it didn’t work out well, well, it’s a pity, there was such a country, now there will be a big sea here, that’s it, there are actually points that neither the french, nor the germans, nor the americans, nor the americans, will say a good word about the british after their death, but there is a lot of unpleasant things for them is happening on the territory of ukraine, now the situation with the supply of western equipment is, to put it mildly, stalemate, except for the so-called western advisers, in quotes, yes, about
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whom we are so actively talking, ukraine actively needs american mechanics, because it turns out that the armed forces of ukraine are not in able to repair most western equipment. in accordance with american law, ukrainian companies do not have a license to repair the barrels of american m3 seven howitzers. ukrainian companies may try to make copies of them, but then they would face the risk of infringing intellectual property rights. well, the lack of intelligence in ukraine is easily compensated by excessive activity. in the meantime, kiev really needs to do something, become even more active. this is not the first time. american journalists write that russian high-explosive aerial bombs have changed the balance of power at the front. the powerful fab-1500 aerial bomb is controlled by a special guidance system and, with the help of retractable wings, reaches the target. it causes very serious damage great pressure on the morale of soldiers. fab 1500 changed the balance of power on the front line. what other surprises await our enemy
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on the line of contact were discussed in the popular stream. a major success for our troops , avdeevsky was of great importance during the assault , in preparation for the assault our so-called smart bombs played a role, if we are ahead of the planet, we really are with these bombs, because the information is that vtu exchanged smart bombs against our strongholds , at least i didn’t find it at all terrible force, because
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they used it, in fact, the americans developed it, used it in afghanistan, in iraq they used jdm in english , they also dropped it from airplanes, the problem in ukraine, first of all, we don’t have a platform there that can lift the drop is missing, because we knock them down all the time, yes the carrier, and secondly , the problem is that american electronics, which is in these ms, in these factories, it is inadequate, our raps.
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conflict, yes, they have a conflict, but still europe follows the vector that the united states of america is asking, they are being told: in any way, help, supply, including visits, like this british
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minister of defense came, including supplies of various types of weapons, including decommissioned ones, the countries of europe already understand, i think, they probably already realized a long time ago that their military potential is being depleted by the supply of these types of weapons, but if faulty missiles, firstly, missiles of different types, it is not so easy, it means foreign production, to carry out launching them, in any case, requires specialists, or they are trained, which means, like the pilots now on the f-16, yes, some of the ukrainian armed forces, or it means that instructors come here, as was the case on the american patriot, so i am convinced that most likely , in any case, these missiles have instructors there, and there are very serious risks here, they must understand, realize that this...
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understands that even when delivering the f-16, yes, this is a fourth-generation aircraft, but nevertheless an air- air, air surface, rockets that do not reserve, maybe so, but we have other more planes, this leads to what, this leads to the fact that ukraine as such does not exist as a state, when we talked earlier about the possible introduction of nato countries, i think that another goal that stands today is not to to turn out to be a mess for him, roughly speaking, guys, we gave you money and so on, we didn’t give anything in response...
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as usual, he violated all the general norms of diplomatic ethics when he announced zaluzhny as the british ambassador before the formal approval of britain itself, but apparently , in kiev they are very, very afraid that zaluzhny will change his mind and will remain in ukraine. president vladimir zelensky invited ex-commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny to go to london. the world has millions and the leader of the ratings agreed with a not too heavy heart, because he was tired, because he did not want to sink into the mud. politics and because he believes that london, where he has established good human professional contacts, is the best option for continuing his career. as a result, the technological calculation of the bank to knock off an extremely teasing figure from the electoral field,
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ideally overlapped with zaluzhny’s unwillingness to become a politician and pose a real competition to zelensky in the upcoming presidential elections. in the entire history of mit, no one has ever made advance statements about the direction of agriman, a request for the country's consent to provide all the diplomas. so obviously those in the presidential circle were afraid that zaluzhny would change his mind. there are also details of this appointment, which has not yet taken place, but has already been loudly announced, but firstly, a military man is never appointed as an ambassador to another country, because military diplomacy is , to put it mildly, different nuances, but in order for zaluzhny to stop being a military man, he was humiliated, he was sent to a military medical commission, according to the results, which, the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces literally 2 months ago, was declared unfit.
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to perform military service, if this is not humiliation, then what, alexander anatolyevich, what is zelensky trying to do as a loser, how is he playing this card, well, many military men, many of you who listened to this matter have already reacted to this matter, because it turns out that here vlk takes absolutely everyone into the armed forces of ukraine, that is , if you have cancer in the last stage, you have 2-3 months left to live, you will get away with nothing, if you have epilepsy, some kind of mental disorder, here is a certificate of disgust, you were directly treated and did not complete psychiatric treatment.
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then they will blame it all on russia, then this could be, especially since he was sent to a military medical commission, including, well , you see, he was already sick, and on may 20, the problem of may 20 has not been canceled, a short advertisement, we will not return, do not switch, prime minister of norway, jonas garster in special dance number called "i'm dancing drunk on the table." many norwegians do not understand how such a person became prime minister, it so happened that “that’s
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what i will call myself, we decided to transfer the norwegian f-16, despite the fact that the country is not that big, it is in the top five for the supply of military trenches to ukraine, he handed over his parents to a nursing home, in the same way he will hand over the whole of norway to the nursing home of the american regional committee. a conflict can arise at any time in any region, including the arctic. norway is a spear aimed at russia’s northern fleet; the confrontation over the arctic will largely decide the outcome of the struggle in general in the 21st century geopolitically. russia has several key advantages to win this fight. jonas garstøre or classic norwegian frostbite. dolls of the heir tutti. today is the first one. the three of them broke into the bank. in masks, they started beating, shooting, it was
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very scary, a private bank was robbed in donetsk, your cells were cleaned out, viktor fedorov, find it, you will take this business for yourself, this is a chance, you will move to the major league, lieutenant colonel igorelnik, is now involved in the donetsk case, they should not get too far, the main intrigue is whether ukraine will sign an association agreement with the eu?
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transfer her across the maidan. premiere. watch after the program time. there is information that they want to liquidate you. of all the civilizations living on the planet today, the oldest is chinese. and almost always, china has been the most populous country and the first economy in the world. we can recall the famous travel book of mark paul, an italian merchant with great amazement. described the power and level of economic development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century, the famous monochronic painting, chinese poetry, sophisticated literature, china, of course , was ahead of... well, almost all countries. after the end of world war ii, the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. more than 10 thousand specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy. one of dinapin's first decisions after he became the leader of china,
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an institute for the study of bukharin's ideas was created. so in china there is a chineseized nepa model. premiere of civilization, film. seventh china on wednesday on the first. how to fight obesity? it turns out that you need to eat fat. how can this be? food for its intended purpose, against inflammation. how to reduce intraocular pressure? the living healthy program will help everyone. tomorrow on the first. according to our legend, petro poroshenko recruits fighters for his personal private military company, what is the average price for training one serviceman, euro per person, includes accommodation and three meals a day, this is the average price per week for a ukrainian serviceman,
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that is, ukraine spent so much during these years, well, this is at a discount, even at a discount , poland is largely involved in training the ukrainian army, this is a gray area when army. i want to live, all the places where foreign mercenaries gather are big targets for our rocket scientists, the vavan and lexus show on wednesday on the first. today in our program we briefly
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touched on the topic of the f16 transfer to ukraine, the new york times has confirmed the information that ukraine will receive six fighter jets. at 16 already by the end of spring, but here it is necessary to recall that last year they promised 45 fighters, but will receive six. well, all birds have wings, but their flight range is different. we give the floor to the information service of the first channel. hello, on the air news, in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. and we start with footage from the special operation zone. artillery units of the airborne forces destroyed sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the armed forces of ukraine during attempt to cross the dnieper. the targets were identified during aerial reconnaissance. the paratroopers struck with howitzer hyacinth b.


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