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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  March 11, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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i was traveling personally as the host of the host country, an airborne landing means refueling fighters in the sky, practicing guidance of anti-missile systems, honing shooting skills in the icy norwegian arctic, the alliance does not hide that scandinavia is being prepared for a potential conflict with russia. we have a large number of marines who have never seen snow before, so to take a marine like that and put him on skis so he can move around is a very difficult learning curve in a short amount of time. convert natives of lousiana. that too task: soldiers melt snow to get water, gnaw out trenches in the permafrost with their teeth, learn to navigate in a hopeless snowstorm, the weather is such that even local weather forecasters get bream. i will soon be presenting to parliament a proposal for the biggest increase in our defense spending since the second world war. the stori government is increasing defense spending and pumping up the country's weapons. purchased
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more than fifty leopards from germany, although just a month ago the prime minister himself boasted that he was persuading the norwegians not to be afraid russian attacks. do you think ukraine should receive long-range missiles if it uses them against russia? we all benefit if we don't see escalation. this is not military action against nato. i think it would be irresponsible to move in this direction. with small cash injections, oslo imitates ukraine's support of $150 million for purchases. shells for kiev, the norwegians clearly do not intend to squander their gas cushion; under pressure from their allies and for the extras, they joined the coalition to adjust air defense systems for ukraine, this is not counting the naval coalition with great britain, the f-16 coalition, however, the fighters are still sheathed, and ukrainian pilots still have not made it to the norwegian simulators. everything is no longer the same as last year, when we easily said ukraine will win, this year we say ukraine will lose, russia will win. we can
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scale up production of cars, televisions and skis, but building military capabilities is a much more complex process. i will soon present to parliament a proposal for the largest increase in our defense spending since the second world war, although norway is not a member of the eu, the government supported all anti-russian sanctions, for its own benefit, of course, the baltic pi gas pipeline to poland opened exactly after the explosions on the nord streams. norway's contribution to european affairs. is to maintain gas exports and increase their volumes. how not to waste the extra crown, but only increase it in any war. the norwegian prime minister, a multimillionaire , knows well: jonas garstera's paternal grandfather controlled everything production of explosives in the kingdom, and his maternal grandfather warmed his subjects with his own fireplaces and stoves. steury's father, one of the richest ship brokers, sent his son to the royal naval academy, where he...
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older people with extensive experience at sea, some tried to rein in me. after service, störi studied political science in paris, from there he went to the usa to study at harvard erufak. returning to his homeland, steria joined the political advisers on foreign affairs in the conservative party, but fate was decided meeting a powerful socialist. young jonos managed to impress the prime minister and she took him on as an assistant. störi carried the bag for brontlan for more than ten years and dreamed of taking her place, but they preferred someone else to him. i have to thank jens stolteng for allowing me to become a deputy minister and a minister in his government. this is an experience of a lifetime. it so happened that gru was something of a mother to jans and me. under stoltenberg, he held the position of head of the ministry of defense and later minister of health. norwegians are frostbitten
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they looked at his dancing on the tables, at the strange parcels with marijuana to his work address, for some reason they were outraged only by the carpets received as a gift from afghanistan. when stoltenberg left for nato secretary general, störi headed the labor wing in his place. what do you usually say when you ski with me, jonas? i quote one of the political slogans of the labor party, namely: everyone should join us. yes, that’s right, and this means that we go out on the route and return together. american policy interests, before the next parliamentary elections he set himself an ambitiously frostbitten goal: to oust russia from spitsbergen. the americans can be offered a strategically advantageous military base at a point that controls all air travel and shipping in the arctic ocean, the key to the entire arctic at once. before the nordic response, norway, by the way, conducted an internal exercise. in conditions
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of large losses, it is clear that they are calculating how it might end. always second, now finally first, and why? because the one who was first has a new friend. i was jonas's boss, i was jonas's colleague in the government. jonas is a warm and pleasant person, he is a wise man. jens, you have continued your career in nato, where you are strengthening the alliance in these difficult times. i'm a little worried because i consider you a good friend. warm male friendship in the european style includes obligatory dancing. well, look for yourself for whom you danced today for all
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the townspeople, which of you two dances better ? raymond, really? you really dance better than storya, we are almost equally good, you need more salsa movements, more hip movements, if anything, the mayor of oslo moved his hips, but still we will continue, because stør turned out to be the most dancing character we have ever filmed, he dances everywhere. one day, norwegian journalists asked quite logically, this is about
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drunken dancing on the table, this is generally like mr. prime minister, this is what he answered: at the party congress,
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i heard that you really like apple cider, you’re just crazy about it, rather i really liked the combination of applesauce and soda, well, let's try it, yeah. it’s delicious, and i also thought maybe you’d like this, strong liquor, please, i have everything prepared here, if you want it, then yes, and you can probably guess why i decided so, you have a popular photo, where alcoholic drinks are visible, among them is a bottle of strong liquor, like it only if it is cold, in this case you like it, but the whole truth is that this bottle belonged to.
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well, how about norwegians, in my stereotypical view, perhaps, they are still like that self-possessed, cold people, here, maybe they warm up like that, you know, when i came there to work, i worked there for several years as mr. tas, i went with such rosy, generally incorrect, as i later understood , ideas about this country, i thought that this was a country of vikings, strong courageous people, yes, it turned out that this is a country, firstly, of victorious sadomia and secondly, this is a country... almost without exception, there is widespread alcoholism - since friday evening in every city, i'm not even talking about the donkey, all the bars are packed, a drunk is loud, that means screaming, then the same thing continues all saturday, on
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sunday there is no one on the streets, they sleep off, so that on monday they can carefully come, take their place as a clerk, sit down like that beautifully, but i immediately reminded them. this is such a gray mouse who, quite by accident, in my opinion, made his way to the big leagues, and maybe not completely by accident, here it must be said first of all that this character cannot be considered outside the context of gruhar brutland, the former prime minister of norway, who in fact is still an eminence grise norwegian politics and in particular the norwegian labor party, he worked as her assistant, absolutely right, so here he is, if she is an eminence grise, then he is a gray mouse with her. well, it’s clear that the darker the night, the brighter the stars, it’s clear - outwardly, yes, why
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did brultolt choose him as her assistant, brulant’s, uh, younger son committed suicide, yes, few people know about this, and störy was a friend of the eldest knut's son, yes, i got the strong impression that she sees her youngest son in the eras, she gives to him what she could not give - to her dead son, why is this woman very strong, she is never at home, she was the prime minister of norway three times, and she was the secretary general of vos, by the way, she applied for the position of secretary general of the un, she was waiting for clinton's call, as she later said , you had some kind of relationship with her, of course, we asked her a question many times at a press conference, there was even a long, long exclusive interview with her in her office, but this the iron ice is absolutely like that. yes, they don’t know much here, but that’s me i think this is a norwegian techer. but when you interviewed astery there, there was
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an example nearby somewhere. störy was always with her as an assistant. it was just a shadow, absolutely faceless, this is a man who, in the literal sense, carried around by his bootstraps, you showed a good picture of him stretching, so he was playing exactly that role, when it suddenly turned out that he held the post, first of the minister of health in the stoltbeg government, then suddenly. post-minister of foreign affairs, this is already serious, and it became clear to me that he was simply being tested, and i i wasn’t at all surprised when in 2014 he was suddenly made the leader of the norwegian workers ’ party, that we are called the libarian party, well, it’s correct to call the norwegian workers’ party, the correct name, but since the man is absolutely gray , it was clear to everyone that he was drawn to brutland, i think that this was the reason that for many years this party did not win elections, from the fourteenth year until... precisely because of his anti-rating, absolutely correct, but since he is brutland’s personal protégé,
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he was of course pulled, by the way, even those election, which, as we know, was the reason why he became prime minister, in fact the norwegian party received only a larger part of the votes than the others, but not an absolute majority to form a government, it was then that bruton said: i i doubt that this person will ever become prime minister, i said this publicly in an interview with nrc. the central norwegian television and radio company, but it turned out that fate turned out completely differently, but everything started so well in his life, so look what he says about his parents: i remember very well that as a child my father took me into nature, we spent weekends skiing, hiking, i have vivid memories of this, if he loved his parents so much, together they went to skis, how did he hand them over to a nursing home , let's see... "i experienced the loss of my father, my father turned 91 years old, he lived a long life,
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the crown of which was his great love for my mother, he was in the center for the elderly, for two years my their sisters came and left this nursing home, experiencing a feeling of joy and sadness, they came with their sisters to the nursing home, looked at their dying parents, sighed heavily, sometimes they were happy, sometimes they were sad, he tells all this from the podium, this is also considered the norm. just like alcoholism, or what? in fact, if you look at what the norwegians say about him, then they blame him for this, and they blame him for the fact that, accordingly , he does not understand at all what the meaning is and values ​​of norwegian society, he is accused of not defending them, in fact, he is accused of bending when necessary, he is accused of not understanding what social, ethical problems are, what social norms , moreover, he is on...
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a european politician, well, what we see first of all is a person who controls his emotions, can perfectly put on the right face in the right situations, but the fact is that... his clothes , his internal, external appearance completely refutes everything he says, that is, his statement about how he shares the despair, the anxiety, and the ordinary norwegian worker, about his family. his clothes indicate that this person lives in luxury, this person prefers expensive, high-quality, status clothes, and chic, excellent suits with an individual fit, this is evident,
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and a wonderful collection of ties, the best european fashion houses, as well. 180-200 euros up to several thousand is normal , so i decided to look at him in conjunction with the average price of such ties there from his wife marit slaksvalt, who is very active lady, i would say that yes, this is the personification of the image imposed by the west. a successful modern woman, she is a certified, in general, specialist in gestalt therapy, gestalt psychology, well , i think experts here will be able to explain better, although in simple words, qualified, everyone has a problem that he did not solve once, this is his torments, and
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it is simply necessary to close this problem, if you just explain it on your fingers, in general, a very very successful woman is fashionable, but in my opinion, that’s me. attracted, it's a matter of that in the twenty-first year this woman was ordained, i don’t even know how to say it correctly, priests, priests into pastors, yes, the lutheran church, the church of norway, pastors, so i, as a woman , asked myself the question, what might be missing a woman of 59 years old, and a high-status woman who has enough money, and she is recognizable, she has an excellent loving husband, as he says, yes, three grown children, in order to do such somersaults, she has made a lot of effort. candidate for prime minister, he will be prime minister of norway, you want to be the wife of the prime minister, you feel that you want it, this is not my project, being in
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politics is not my path, i am married to jonas, if he becomes prime minister and i... they did joint family therapy and talk about it, it’s very western, very western, you mentioned that you went to family therapy, what kind of it was, how did they help you? we attended courses for married couples, yes, there was a lot to learn, learn how to see better, hear each other friend, to truly understand another person,
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to listen to what you hear, and not what you think you hear, you are good at looking and listening. "i try very hard, but i can also act in accordance with what i think i hear. look, you and i see photographs of mr. stör, we see videos, but why, when he dances with someone or somewhere- then, his wife is not around, why in all the fun places where everyone is having fun, he feels good, his wife is not around, then the wife went into public life, what to do, if the spouse is somehow in himself, he is an egoist at his core, that’s the essence. the wife sincerely tries to be good for him or tried before, because if we read, and this is described, their love story, she saw it and fell in love, she wrote his names in a notebook, drew hearts, and they did n’t really care about her , and i understand that in this couple the driver of such a warm relationship is the wife, i’m also finishing a small moment when we were talking about mom and dad,
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about dad, he started crying, tears in this case, i understand that they are appropriate, but you know this is such a sharp... difference from general caring, that’s what he says nursing home, to the fact that here it really hit him, like that, he didn’t, he cried, he every time came, watched his parents die, was upset and happy, everything is fine , well, yes, yes, yes, as they say, if you want to understand a person, look carefully at his surroundings, how he behaves with his relatives, what kind of relationship he has with his spouse or with his wife, then it will be possible to draw a targeted conclusion in order to understand: still a weak-willed puppet or a puppeteer? we'll continue in a few minutes.
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i didn't think it would end like this. cognac,
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monte shoca, product of stellar group. rum, castro, product of stellar group. vodka, veda, product of steller group. microorganisms, many tiny ideological ideologies, from this monolith there were tolstoyans, non-resisters of evil, there were cadets and grays, there were gumilyovites who professed russian cosmism, he said:
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confession today. on the first. of all the civilizations living on the planet today, the most ancient - chinese almost always china has been the most populous country and the first economy in the world. we can recall the famous travel book of marco paul, the italian merchant described with great amazement the power and level of economic development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century : monochronic painting, chinese poetry, refined literature, in china, of course. in terms of sophistication, well, almost all countries. after the end of world war ii, the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. more than 10 thousand specialists from
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the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy. one of denciopin's first decisions after he became the leader of china was to create an institute for the study of bukharin's ideas, so that the sinicized model of nep operates in china. premiere, civilization.
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these are the guys from our yard, this style is closer to me, that is, this kind of intimate conversation with the audience, the first rehearsal, the boss, irritated,
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just goes to the microphone.
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now all the power is in his hands, this is how he uses it, we will find out right now. in the set the ideal european politician lacks one thing: ukraine, here, is missing. and therefore, that means, accordingly , what stery does is go to ukraine, meet with zelensky, and then zelensky goes to see him, and then they, well, in general, this is how it all happens, in general relations with ukraine, uster is very interesting, when here they are having a meeting, he pushes.
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this is kind of an escalation from my point of view, and don't you think it's time to negotiate a new peace agreement this time, i think the f-16 is quite a distant prospect, because it is impossible to operate such a system without a long time to prepare for the creation of significant infrastructure, but as i already said. diplomatic paths should be sought that can put an end to the fighting and bring the situation into a diplomatic direction. we used to use f-16s as fighters, and now we in norway are replacing them with f-35s, and the f-16s have been almost entirely sold to romania, our nato ally. but we have a few units left that may be handed over to ukraine, and this will not
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happen. short term, so i don’t think that the provision of the v-16 will be practically implemented in a short time, that is, he essentially says: well, we promised you the f-16, but we are not sure, maybe someday someday some other life, please igor, internal moral uncleanliness and readiness to betray these are the distinctive features that were erased as a politician, he betrayed his parents. to a nursing home, in the same way he makes his country, which leads a hostage to external forces, primarily washington, in the same way he will hand over all of norway to the nursing home of the american regional committee, based on the fact that he is constantly trying to win positions for himself in any situation, in dirty shoes he climbed onto the banquet table on white tablecloths, walked and showed in this is yours. and it’s not about
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alcohol, it’s about political, moral qualities, this is a politician who is ready to wipe his dirty... shoes on any clean surface to achieve personal political success. now let's see what concerns the related question with a ukrainian case. of course, the norwegian military-industrial complex is making money from this war. there is a company called consberg. consberg group is one of the largest european arms manufacturers. it also produces weapons in the interests of nato countries. the same systems. the united states of america also purchases anti-ship missiles for its
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national defense, as do other countries. therefore, this fuss around the ukrainian case is again an attempt, firstly, to be in the mainstream, anti-russian and pro-american. once again i show that the erasers are characterized by politics, internal moral uncleanliness and readiness to betray at any moment when it is beneficial. i’ll add a few words to what igor yuryevich said. norway makes money not only from
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promoting its military-industrial complex. norway is perhaps the only european country over the past two years that has sharply increased its earnings due to carbon supplies.
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for gas exports, and if you look at the same prices, it turns out that in 2013-21, the expenses of the eu countries were , well, strikingly less than now, that is, this discount, they really
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earn a lot from this, by the way, in general, norway’s european partners constantly complain that gas is very expensive, not so long ago this was stated by the already retired prime minister of poland, matelusz morowiecki, and even demanded that norway share this... for 2022, at a time when gas prices were soaring, it is clear that this would lead to internal moments of crisis and norway itself, that’s really correct he noted that prices for electricity have increased, for gasoline, for everything else, inflation is very high, there is 5-7%, that is , the population suffers, they don’t seem to make money from this, but either the state or those there make money who are sitting on this gas pipe, because... this business is still nationalized in norway, well , this is their huge investment fund worth a trillion dollars, a trillion euros, which they invest mainly in, well, in american treasury bonds, well in in general, this all comes full circle, but as for our comrade
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today and for some reason he reminds me more of another such hot northern european politician, this is sana marin, yes, who also has one public image, and then suddenly a scandal with parties, a girl dancing and so on, well, she resigned because this scandal, but now... he landed very comfortably, works at the tony blair institute, so, as for his belonging to this labor party, yes, which we also talked about today, that this supposedly such a champion, a defender of workers, he is absolutely absolutely without... principled character, he started out with the conservatives , then switched to the laborists, and in that era in the nineties, when the laborists, as a whole in europe, began to move away from their left-wing positions, but they went towards neoliberalism, this is the privatization of the economy, and just in the nineties there was a major privatization of state-owned enterprises, the public sector, tax cuts and everything else, that is, they went in line with the same british laborists and tony blair, this is the new course, the new liberists, and from the twenty-first years, he is the prime minister , we don’t see anything that... would resemble some kind of intelligible, consistent,
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coherent policy, that is, he cannot be called right, he cannot be called left, he is a person with absolutely no principles, no morals and without ideology, such an absolutely convenient gray apparatchik, and norway, let me remind you, despite the fact that the country is not so large, 5 million people, not such a large economy, but has been in the top five in the supply of military tranches to ukraine since twenty-two , with f16, i think it's really here i correctly noted everything in a conversation with our pranksters, that they are in such a bad state...
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canceling retroactive payments for a child after receiving refugee status for the previous year, limiting the possibility of travel between ukraine and norway for persons who have received refugee status. norwegian services will ensure that refugees actually live in norway most of the time, and if trips home conflict with the conditions for obtaining this status, they will have to explain them. refugees are required to apply for assistance will not be provided to the national reception center in the municipality of rode for those arriving in other regions of the country. there are more hotels. will not be used to accommodate refugees, we explain in simple
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language, but there will be no cinema, no more hotels will be given, and the norwegian special services will very carefully watch you very kindly, if you decide to behave in any way incorrectly, they will quickly deal with you, so either you become one of our own, or you won’t become one of our own there anyway, the problem is that ukraine is the most positive for... erased from the agenda, the fact is that the public at least approves of him for this, so the ukrainian topic and even ukrainian refugees are considered by him as an opportunity to still earn at least some political points, it is clear that, given the fact that most of the refugees from ukraine came to norway, if you compare norway with other countries of northern europe, they themselves believe that this is 60%, but they also offer to pay more than a thousand dollars to those who immediately leave the territory of norway, moreover, yes .
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passed, as we know, the money ran out, and meanwhile norway finds itself in the center of a global confrontation over a very important piece of land, for the arctic. what is the role of stör and his state in this, we will find out in a few minutes.
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we do everything right, everything will be fine. you are now offering me to distribute power with my own hands. only a real crisis on the maidan will allow you to retain power. what do you need from me? we need moshenko, the only guy in ukrainian politics, the americans are bringing a lot of weapons here from poland. water over are you going to peacenik? i will not give such a command. transfer it through the maidan, premiere,
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watch the time after the program. there is information that they want to liquidate you. manmencher whiskey, a product of the stellar group, gin сnop, a product of the stellar group, monteshoka cognac, a product of the stellar group, rom kastro, a product of the stellar group, veda vodka, a product of the stellar group. the imam of russia cannot be understood, the general cannot be measured by an arshin, she has a special stand, one can only believe in russia, two feelings are wonderfully close to us, in them the heart finds food, love for its native ashes,
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love for the coffins of your fathers, do not sleep, do not sleep artist, do not indulge in sleep, you are a hostage of time in captivity for eternity. “hiss, be angry, my friends, cursing, you will not salt me ​​with them, to your great regret i am not going to fight with you, your lies, your statement, yourselves, i just don’t give a damn when you resort to words in vain , it will not help you again, and you will not wash away with all your black blood the poet of russia, the righteous blood, civilizations, premiere, film eight. russia, part two. on thursday, on first. you carry me like a river. fields, he sang from the most important song for me. when we first met, i personally didn’t have any opportunity to guess the future national artist. these are the guys from our yard.
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this style is closer to me, that is, such an intimate conversation with the audience. first rehearsal, the boss is annoyed. and just goes to the microphone, only the first words are uttered , my whole world has turned upside down, the thoughtful rastorguevskys, one might say, the boats have gone, we will go with the horse, the audience loves the ensemble, love, love these songs, they love them they know, they sing together, i am very grateful to the audience for the fact that for these 30-odd years they have been with us, god willing, everything will be fine with us in the future. i drew a cat for you there, knowing that you love them, who doesn’t love them? lyuba, lyuba, on friday on the first. 10 years ago, the dream of millions of crimeans came true; the peninsula was reunited with russia. i’ve been living in crimea since 1960, when we
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came to russia, our poverty ended, our people really came, i ’ve been living in this state of euphoria for 10 years now. wide open for everyone, people from all regions of russia began to come to the peninsula, the crimean bridge was completed and opened, an airport was built, roads, hospitals, kindergartens appeared in crimea , delight, i stopped seeing fields that were ownerless, that is, everything was involved, hello, my vines , they are alive, an absolutely incomprehensible phrase, what is our crimea, and what else? to the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia, the documentary series premieres on saturday on the first. in our studio we hear songs and poems dedicated to the defenders of our fatherland. you a man who renounced everything
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worldly, being a military man, decided to return to the front line. for a monk, this is not typical, of course, the kind of life i live now, it’s all mine. won, i wanted to thank all the doctors , volunteers, surgeons, excuse me, i’m already in tears, because i live, and these brothers are there with me, it’s worth it when...
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in sorrow, he was moved forward by faith, why st. andrew’s cross, a symbolic name, because it resembles the letter “he was crucified on exactly such a cross, this is the letter ha there is such a sign across the whole country, which accuses christ and which accuses the faith
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of the apostle andrew the first-called. andrew the first-called premiered on saturday on the first. today our focus is on mr. støry, prime minister of norway. norway is a very important country. for the arctic, and perhaps for the future of the whole world, is it really there that the next confrontation awaits us? nato has already officially announced that the next theater of military operations in the confrontation with russia, after the end of the ukrainian crisis, will certainly be arctic. norway, here is an american unsinkable aircraft carrier, it is from this bridgehead that all operations will be planned and carried out. against the russian armed forces. it is important to note that norway is a spear aimed at russia’s northern fleet, the most powerful,
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strike and combat-ready fleet in the russian navy. norway is an important intelligence base. i would like to mention the legendary, well in certain circles, electronic reconnaissance ship, and the norwegian maryata series is so buoyant electronic. interception complex, they are the ones that give us problems in terms of the fact that we need to take a set of measures to counter norwegian electronic espionage. by the way, i would like to note that the norwegian intelligence services, in particular counterintelligence, are quite active in building various kinds of anti-russian provocations, including by expelling our representatives, initiating various kinds of artificial, absolutely espionage scandals, and, most importantly, constantly pedaling theme of imaginary russian espionage, fueling this complex in norwegian society. therefore
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, norway is a military-political adversary of russia and we must consider the norwegian armed forces and the norwegian intelligence complex in direct connection with the united states of america. it was absolutely rightly said that norway is an outpost, not even of nato, but of the united states in northern europe.
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let’s not get ahead of ourselves, but the fact that this is an arena of confrontation is certainly concentrated in the arctic, according to various estimates,
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up to 70% for... all the world's hydrocarbons, and sooner or later the center of production of the world's hydrocarbons will definitely move to the arctic zone, if today about 10% of the world's oil and about a quarter of the world's gas are produced in the arctic, then in the future this share will only increase, this is the first aspect, the second aspect, which today, before everyone ’s eyes, is gaining more and more weight - this is the northern sea route. it’s very difficult to do without russia here, because the northern sea channel essentially runs along the coast of the russian federation, and is now beyond influence on the northern sea route , a very serious confrontation will unfold. even these two factors are enough to understand that there will definitely be further fights in the arctic.
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and now about who is thinking about what, very briefly. in 1900... 6 , an organization called the arctic council was created, it included eight countries, and initially the arctic council in its founding declaration clearly stipulated that the arctic council would not consider dealing with issues of military security, and the first 20 for about years, everyone adhered to this agenda, the arctic council put it on the agenda, decided it, occupied it. the united states of america, mark pompeo, uttered a phrase from which, probably, in many ways we can build on, i will even allow myself to quote it. pompeo said: the arctic region has become an arena for power projection and competition. by and large, in this short phrase, a high-ranking official
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of the united states expressed. vector of policies that the united states plans to pursue in the arctic, and as has already rightly been said colleagues, norway really is, well , a key link in the implementation of this policy , it turns out that when pompeo made a statement, he actually gave the start, and that means everyone else can, look, nato generals are already openly saying that yes, the arctic is a battle ground action that awaits everyone. although nato remains a defensive alliance with ambitions only to prevent conflicts and keep tensions low in the high north, the current security situation requires a stronger response from alliance. we must prepare for the russian threat that may come from the far north. well, of course, we can’t go anywhere without the russian threat. listen, there’s still a moment,
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right before the new year, america began quietly. hegemony, transport logistics combined with the possibility of hydrocarbon production on the shelf is the future resource base. development of any state in the next 100 years, and the united states of america, designating the place of future battles, reinforces this with economic expansion, putting forward its claims to hydrocarbon-rich areas of the shelf of the northern seas. russia has several key advantages in order to win this battle, firstly, it is
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a powerful nuclear icebreaker fleet, which none of them have... this is my favorite graphic, oh my favorite, i especially liked it even the americans, the us national security council recognized the key backwardness of the americans in this segment, this is our trump card in winning this battle, in addition, this is year-round navigation along the northern sea route, this is important. the second question is control of airspace, because through the airspace on...
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the advantage is the submarine forces of the northern fleet, which today are replenished by new nuclear attack submarines with huge strike...
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in relation to russia, well, it’s quite complicated, he’s the chairman and its behavior could lead to russia even leaving the arctic union. just in the northern regions of norway and, in principle, they smoothly transferred all the exercises there, and if we look, even the last ones, they still raise a question, for example, the cold answer exercise of 2012, one of
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the large-scale ones, also a question on the shelves, the shelves were attacked, in the twenty-second year of the exercises norway was attacked, that is, the question is who is the attacker, you yourself understand that in the twelfth year it was completely obvious that who was what?
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his photographs with american leaders, yes, most of them are democrats, it was hillary clinton, it was joe biden, back when he was vice president, and now with the president of the united states, well, but if tomorrow donald trump wins the election , returns to some of the same mike
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pompeo, he will communicate with them in the same way, that is, for him, in principle, this is the general attitude, pro-american, pro-western, even in many ways pro-globalist, although trump can say, not quite a globalist, but nevertheless, he will also work with him, so we can remember again that america has these claims to the arctic. they also do not change depending on which party is in power, but the same trump, for example, at one time i even wanted to buy greenland, a big story in 1919, well then it didn’t work out, so they simply strengthened the military presence there on this island, in norway they conducted exercises under trump, and under obama, and under biden and will continue to carry out this, that is, there may probably be some nuances here related to the development of the arctic, but simply because i remind you that even though the americans have now added to themselves such a huge part of the shelf there, the size of... than spain, but the biden administration has banned there now to do any research in terms of oil and gas production, that is, this is a story for the future, that’s why there are nuances, but the general vector is that america understands
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the confrontation for the arctic will largely decide the outcome of the struggle in general in the 20th century geopolitical, but in independence depending on which administration is in power, they will be, and as for our character today, yes, i think that he is quite possibly, in the future they are aiming somewhere at the supranational level, again... a prestigious horse of the united states, always there has always been britain, always, and of course britain too, always in the eighties, in the nineties. now there is a particularly small
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example, when we started the svo in ukraine, the norwegians did not want to stop cooperation in the field of fisheries with russia, why? because russian trawlers deliver fish to norwegian bases, they are also repaired there, this is very profitable for the norwegians, and støry said, despite what is happening in ukraine, we will not break in with the russians, we will be like an employee, then we acted accordingly, which means instructions from...
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it does no harm at all to dance drunk on the table, a person who only outwardly creates the appearance of such an exemplary man and such a person with the people, but the people themselves do not believe this, and in general all this turns into some kind of absolutely terrible evil farce, and this is not only about norway, in general , the whole of europe has plunged into this, and this happens when a country loses sovereignty only when...
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we, in turn, should look at ourselves and think about how to make our country stronger. maria butina, doll, was with you heir tute, now the program "time". hello, the program is on air, in the studio quiz andreeva, the main event of the day. our defenders came close to the city of chasov yar in the donetsk people's republic, the ukrainian armed forces turned it into a bridge.


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