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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 12, 2024 2:25am-3:01am MSK

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of course she is, yes. what can you say about scarlet's sex life? it’s enough there that she’s wretched, where i know that, well, i mean, it ’s written about it right there. well, it is written about this directly that she got married twice , gave birth, several children, that is, in the film they removed the script of these children, left only the last boni, who died, in the book she has a child from each marriage, in general it turns out that she is getting married. and she gave birth to the first one, and she had a son, he, well, in general, she married several times to different men and having given birth, she did not reveal her sexuality at all; in general, maybe this is one of the reasons why she was in love with this ashley, that is, she had this romantic childhood crush, similar to waiting for a prince, and this one was completely undisclosed the sexuality that red was trying to somehow awaken there, in general, do you think it’s plausible? it
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could be with a woman today, listen, well, in general, anything could be anyone, look, the first husband was there, they were together for 3 days and she didn’t really like him either, the second she didn’t like her husband at all, she left for the money, but when she realized something had happened with rhett, she, too, wasn’t there , that she didn’t really get out of his bedroom, although in general there’s quite a lot of that. much attention is paid to the description... what came over her, yes, that is, she felt that this was not at all what she thought about this whole war, before that she thought that this was some kind of duty of a woman that she was forced to endure in marriage , well, yes, yes, yes, well, before that everything is clear, well, how would she really there is no positive experience, plus this experience is not glorified by ladies in general, they don’t talk about it - well, a woman hasn’t stopped wanting this, she should just endure it and yes, but in general the topic of sex somehow comes from there, you know, maybe too after all, the influence of what... the american noticed
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, and especially at the beginning, well, not at the beginning, in the thirties of the twentieth century, anyway, this was not a topic that you can easily talk about, that’s all himingui and milera appeared later, after the war, then somehow under a dark blanket, under a tablecloth, yes this, but you see, she openly talks about a woman’s sexual life, about the fact that she has not revealed herself as a woman. it turns out yes, well, look, somehow scarlett, it seems to me , maybe mitchell too, somehow they are not really about sex, well, about i understand that i can’t know, well, yes, well, you know, it seems to me when you read a book, you already know everything about a person, after all, you, yes, it seems to me, who knows, writers are still cunning, here we can’t be sure, but it’s not really about sex in this book, well, that is scarlett has some even after a relationship with ret, she doesn’t have...
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any strong interest in sex in this topic, well, this is her, well, let’s say, inexplicable romantic love for ashley, she generally says that she is not revealed herself as a woman, because this is all an unrealistic story that she believes in , that is, it seems to you that if a woman is unrequitedly in love like this, especially throughout her life with a man who rejects her, there is some kind of , well, that’s how closed it is. two, right there between her the first frustration on the topic of ashley was given to another, yes, there were so many of these events happening that, in fact , maybe she would have been banging against him for some time in a row. then maybe
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she had something of a decline, and here she was constantly distracted, well, such mundane life, very important matters, almost tragically, and in general everything, but survival, just survival, perhaps, you know, that’s how ashley would cling to books , he clung to memories, and about his former life, and she seemed to want to have some connection with her old life, she clung to ashley, it was her connection, he was interesting to her. with the gate, you know , to some landmarks, to some sweet dreams, in which she still, of course, like a spoiled girl from a rich family, of course, she was in them, what worries she had, just beat off the next groom from a friend and ashley tied up, absolutely right, the whole dress, choose a dress, yes, choose the right dress for the event, yeah, everything is so non
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-linear for them... the dress was sewn from behind the curtain in difficult times, in order to get 300 dollars in taxes out of rat butler, a couple of years ago, i went to learn to sew, but am i still serious? the heart of crimea is open to everyone , people from all regions of russia began to come to the peninsula, the crimean bridge was completed and opened, an airport was built , roads, hospitals, kindergartens appeared in crimea, delight, i stopped seeing fields that were ownerless, that
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is, everything was involved, hello, my vines, they are alive, an absolutely incomprehensible phrase, what is our crimea, and what... for the tenth anniversary of reunification crimea with russia, the premiere of the documentary series, on saturday on the first, shouted, fished, the apostle andrew, the savior walked on water. we know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ. he was quite large, but tall, bravast, nosed, with gray, slightly unkempt hair, there could be no last judgment, yet. all nations will not know about christ, so someone must reach the ends of the universe and preach christ , including the scythian. the apostle stood on a high stone, praying for the enlightenment of the people khersanessky, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stone. he went to preach, to face all the troubles and
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sorrows, his faith moved him forward. why is st. andrew's cross a symbolic name because it resembles the letter x. christ. he was crucified precisely on...
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whoever writes what, yes, it seems to me that some of it, yes, the syllable is heavy, maybe the translation is bad, and some of it is just almost fascinating fiction, well, what to read, what kind of literature, well, all this korenina, well , listen, it’s still a woman’s will, no matter how there, in tolstoy’s party, this is how it ended, but still there is a woman there, in general, she shows an iron will in the pursuit of happiness, one way or another, and the same czeslavia fair, strong characters, emilia. also in some sense strong, like blown away by the wind, but just what kind of optics, that’s what your optics are, then he reads it to you, if you want to find in everything how you became a victim, you will be a victim all your life, everyone offends you, in at school they bullied you, and your mother insulted you, and even your psychotherapist insults you, you know,
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well, it’s like that’s it, you have such optics, although yes i didn’t read something, scarlet is the antiposition of the victim, it’s just the position of a strong person, and it’s also interesting that there are optics... women, after all, this is a great novel about a time of crisis, which falls on any crisis situation, in fact , destruction and change, and how a woman behaves, and how a woman sees this crisis and how she survives in it, that is, mitchell herself said that gone with the wind is a novel about survival, and this is, in general, a relevant topic, by the way , just now i thought that almost all of these books there - here is yarmacheslavia, there is also a war with a girl who behaved badly, so she must die, everything ended badly for her,
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it seems to me that mitchell still has such a moralizing position that this is bad optimism, that is, you are reading this book, and despite the fact that terrible pictures of this destroyed world are described. these terrible crowds, wounded soldiers, it’s like the psychology of people whose world has collapsed, against this background there is such optimism and love of life, so historically. it worked out, well, i mean, so you start reading, there you are, how old are you, yes, you you start reading, usually, well, when i’ve gone through the stage of the carlsens, yes, well, children’s , modern, not modern, yes, well, basically a person starts reading, if he went there at all, from the classics, almost all the classics are written by men, for example, i read jane austen, you know, well, 27 or 30 years ago, i somehow, i didn’t even know that she existed, yes, and that’s okay. life didn’t change , taking into account the fact that at that time, because most of the writers were men, yes, and they
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were men, of course, you know, of a completely different generation, yes, they were , wild, i don’t know, techers, anyone, tolstoy, leskov, these were men of brilliant education, then brilliant education meant philosophy very much, that is, these people are extremely reflective, and if this is something... it's cool if it's something smart. become that there are conflicts that are still clear to us, she’s generally a winner,
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well, it seems to me, yes, she understands, look, anyway, somewhere under the layers of time, yes, under the layers of fashion or something like that, character is people are the same, well, the same passions, passions, vices, that is, in this novel there is truth, there is character, what is most important, she has very cool multi-faceted characters, in fact... this is a pop novel, but it is great, which means, as it were, pop, as if you said something bad, well, this is an example of pop, when it’s good, wait, war and peace is pop, no, the most popular book in the world, well, among the most popular is a complex one, but here is a romance novel, that’s all, because it shows female optics, doesn't it, i don't understand, here we are just now, i told you, i i don’t understand what women’s optics are like, but takir’s. the same feminine optics, that’s how much snot balkonsky let out, how
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much snot made bezukhov, the fat one has bigger men , his heroes in the sense, but not not all the characters, they all walked, everything is true with him too, in general he has some kind of - well, apart from the generals described, the real ones and kutuzov, he doesn’t have male characters who have achieved anything. well, at least internal growth, well, which of his heroes has grown internally? no one, well, do you agree that gone with the wind is a great novel, yes, of course, i agree, thank you for the interesting conversation, thank you, so finally seeing you, books in general, i don’t want to leave here, let’s do something else, books are interesting to talk about, no one understands this, well, that is, i want to show it directly in our program it is a must -read that... books, they are very interesting, and they show life from completely different
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sides, and it is very modern. this is a must-read podcast, i'm glaina batnikova, today we discussed the novel gone with the wind, margaret mitchell, the most beautiful novel about the war north and south in america with arina hollina, blogger. greetings, dear friends, i’m vadim golygin, this is the jokes podcast on the first, today i would like to introduce you to my great friend in all respects, by the way, i lost 24 kg. roman yunusov, please love and favor. great, romka, great, i lured you in, you're there all the time.
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i starred in one project and there, according to the script , i’m running away from collectors, we’re filming jogging, how i’m running away from them, it’s around the city, not in a building, a novel, you owe us money, i’m like hosting a concert of some kind and they’re standing and i’m running away from them , a new product from this company, here i am running , filming a jog, as i run backstage from the stage, and not behind me, going down the stairs, and not behind me and... we film the moment where i run along the corridor, the collectors are behind me , i’m running towards them, i look, i turn around, and i don’t notice the door jamb of the door and just like that, with all my thoughts, the displacement of three vertebrae, and the rib is broken, the third one, count me, i just came to you here on the podcast sose, so if i i will
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shout words like ah-ah, this is not cider, now roman will show us a somersault, now will say something like this... please tell me what needs to be removed in this way, what product, where are the collectors chasing you? well, there is such a thing - a company that allows you to go bankrupt completely legally, of course, very interesting, in general, i was attacked by a door frame, and now i’m here for you, well, this is your door frame, you know, not the door, you know , rum, this is your mowing, because no matter what, i’m with you, because i’m very pleased, thank you very much for coming to me, uh. let's just talk about what called in a big sense, that is, work , yes, busyness, because, well, a large number of actors, actresses, performers, everything that is connected with the holidays, as a rule, well, i won’t call anyone, everyone is busy, i can’t talk now , i’m in the frame, i’m filming, i
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’m doing this, i’m doing that, please tell me, are you succeeding in this? with a busy schedule , it’s really possible to have a proper rest, listen, well , as you know, december feeds the artist for a year, so naturally, i always welcome any work that is available in december, but then i rest, yes, well, let’s talk about rest, by the way, winter rest, that is , as far as i understand, some people, some people who work, work and wait for this time. in order to relax , they still choose to vacation there in warm countries, there on the seas, let’s call it that, yes, they want to go to the sea there, so that there is sun, someone, someone, convinced vacationers, they choose winter, they go straight winter to winter, where there is more snow, more severe frosts, mostly there are some kind of ski slopes and so on
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and so on, or just traveling to see what kind of person you are, a summer camper, a winter camper in the winter? oh, well, to be honest, in the winter you want, of course, winter, real winter, cool, frost, to ride with the children on sleds, on buns, on them, on tubes, on ice skates, but of course, sometimes in winter you want to take a piece of summer and fly away somewhere warm, the average russian is like that, well, actually, i kind of want to, last year we went - veliky ustyug to the land of santa claus, a special tour, and the belt, which departs from moscow and ... the great ustyuk goes, i have a story with this , so, come on, come on, yes, first of all, i want to remind you, dear friends, that santa claus really has a homeland, he exists exists, my friends, he exists , he is real, he has a huge estate, a museum , there is a museum of santa claus costumes, he has a lot of costumes there, he dresses, by the way, he recently had a birthday, on the eighteenth,
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in my opinion , november, from which you can conclude that santa claus is scorpio according to the horoscope, and he received a whole crowd of us, my friends and i got together, bought a ticket, we had a whole carriage with children, the children wrote letters to santa claus, each from their own school, we said that we would go to the real santa claus, who exists because who reads these letters, yes, because the rest, the rest of santa claus are his assistants, managers who come to congratulate the children, the real santa claus, the most important one, he sits in veliky ustyug and is waiting for all the guests, so we gathered with friends. ae with children and bought a whole carriage, yeah, 5 minutes before departure, we have wonderful friends, and they live in ryazan, they came specifically on this train - to go to santa claus, veliky ustyug, they arrived and arrived - about two hours later, sat down in some not to miss, so as not to miss, yes, absolutely right, they sat down in a cafe and naturally, everyone went to boarding,
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approached - that means to the carriage - mother, uh, my... friend, kolya, that means her husband, and two children , they enter the carriage, and the conductor says passports, your passports, please, where is the birth certificate for the children? they they realize that they were sitting in a cafe and forgot their backpack , uh-huh, my wife quickly, katya runs to this cafe, somehow we persuade the conductor, so as not to delay us, to let us in, because well , it is written in the passport that there are children. sign with birth certificates running from this cafe along the platform the train leaves there you know the last car leaves goes further and further further we will see her as she runs but the train doesn’t have time to leave all the train
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left mother stayed santa claus left dad with the children imagine it reminds me of the situation like sour milk, mom, dad, don’t bother me, that’s how it was, the windows were frosty, you know, all these and on the train , what to do, what to do, well, all the children were crying there, now mom will take a taxi, she will get there, and mom took a taxi, and they brought kogon, and this there are 800 or 900 km, by the way, it’s far, far away, and can you imagine, we arrive in veliky ustyuk, we go out onto the platform and my mother drives up in a taxi, can you imagine, she managed to get there, the taxi leaves, she says: i found our documents, oh, they are married,
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in exile, listen, but we didn’t, we didn’t know at all, that it’s so beautiful there in kamchatka, listen, and we were in the pavilion there altai, oh that, now tourism is developing very strongly inside, so i want to say about this, you ’ve been somewhere where it’s just beautiful, because i get the impression that not all people have even seen the same baikal, they have been, for example, somewhere, sakhalin, this is simply unrealistic, and even in winter, it is clear that somewhere probably in the winter. russian cities , plus or minus, well, let’s say they’re all the same, well , there’s a lot of snow, what a blizzard in the south, what a frost it makes a difference in what city
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you want to say at home, the christmas trees are all beautifully decorated, no , well, i’m talking approximately, but in the summer, but still there are some differences, for example, there is also baikal, and although in the winter it’s also beautiful on baikal, but in the summer you can swim in baikal in the winter on baikal has its own life, all sorts of races are held there. it’s simply incredible, and if you close your eyes, take a boat somewhere and open it, i swear, like in thailand there are the same islands, small, small ones that stick out from
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the ocean, it’s all a beautiful region, and you need happen, that’s what we’re talking about now , that we want our viewers to understand that you can have a quality vacation here, and it’s all very, as they say, delicious, because each region has its own authenticity.
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bulldozers brought white sand there and pour it in, in general he arrives after another 2 days, everything looks like sand, everything is gorgeous, he’s like, what is this? he says: the sea, he says, well , look how dirty it is, there are some kind of algae floating here, so that’s how the boss doesn’t like it, it needs to be perfect it was, that means clean everything here , put everything away, and then put some mechanisms there so that a wave like this rolls somewhere once every two minutes, like that with lambs with white foam, he says, but he says we pay once... arrives already there, literally in 2 days, this oligarch will appear , he’s already accepting everything and he’s like, what’s this , there are seagulls flying and shitting, we see he says seagulls, he
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says that means it won’t do that, yes, the boss doesn’t like it, that means no one flies, cut the wings so that they didn’t shit, put them in some kind of traffic jam, yes, because well the boss doesn’t like it, well, he says, well, how are we going to catch birds now, we pay, he takes out the cutlets, he paid extra again, well, that’s it, the day of arrival, this oligarch arrived, which means he walked along the white crispy sand, sat down, a wave rolls in with the lambs, in general, seagulls walk around , no one shits, there are two of them, chinese, almost always china has been both the most populated country and the first economy in the world. we can remember the famous travel book of marco paul; the italian merchant described with great amazement that power and that
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level. institute for the study of bukharin's ideas, so in china has a sinicized nepa model. premiere, civilization. film seven, china. on wednesday on the first. according to our legend, petro poroshenko is recruiting fighters for his personal private military company. what is the average price for training one soldier? euro per person. includes accommodation and three
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meals a day. this.
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this is a podcast of jokes, my guest is roman yunusov and we are talking about vacation, i remembered about the beach, history, we were in sochi, we went to abkhazia with friends, and you know, when in sochi the whole beach is pebbly, in abkhazia it’s like to say, such small, small pebbles, such large large, coarse sand, so, you know, granular, that is, neither sand nor pebbles, but it’s inconvenient. as if it’s like it’s like sand, but it’s so large, such grains, such small pebbles, coarse sand or small pebbles, now you want them to come up with a name, but i don’t know how they roughly imagined everything, like i did i went into the water, took a swim, came out, and why was the mood so high, well, because in abkhazia, the wine is good, these ones in one and a half red shirts, here this, which foams very well , it immediately becomes, i took a swim, went out and
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lay down on this... i started skating, i just started skating, like skating, it just sticks, sticks, that’s it, you know, i get up like that, peeling , massage, for some reason i’m standing up in all this here, look, breaded yunus, you really know how a breaded chicken cutlet stands, listen, you can roll in the sand, as they say, yes, that’s also a joke, winter, skiing such a descent, in general, people are skating suddenly rushing. with a whistle, a guy like that, you know, in a bright suit on skis, jumps up on the springboard, just like that, lands very clumsily, and also into a tree, boom, it means his mask is cracked, right here, the poles are so crooked, one ski dangles like that, and he stands up like this, looks around and says , it’s still better than at work, so, should you rest in winter
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, do you like this kind of rest, there’s a tent, basically a bowler hat, fishing, like in the joke when watson, it means they put up a tent, well, too. .. we went camping, set up a tent, and holmes said: tell watson what you’re talking about say these twinkling stars? says: well , they tell me holmes that tomorrow there will be beautiful weather, you, but they tell me about one thing, that our tent was stolen, and i remembered an anecdote when, for some reason, about distance, about cities, vasya, tell me please, what’s next from us, luna or saratov? sveta, don’t bother me, come to the window, what do you see? you see the moon, yes, saratov, well , yes, this is, let’s say, the right to choose, to go somewhere in comfort, yes, well, i mean some kind of hotel vacation, and where
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everything is organized, where you are, you know, they will take you around, show you everything , tell you everything, everything is prepared, service and so on, or , after all, they rolled you up there, listen, some kind of sleeping bag, there is a tent, a bowler hat, too - that is, where will roma yunusov rush to the hotel ? so i want to say that in fact there is some kind of misconception among many, it seems to me, that we don’t have a service there somewhere, now domestic tourism is developing very strongly, and i also want to say for example about altai, that year in november we filmed one project and we were in altai, my first time was not the first time altali, i was in altai, but we came here, as you know, we come the evening worked yes. snow-capped mountains, of incredible beauty, and i want to talk about the service, you say massages, there
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and so on, it’s all there, these houses, chalets, some kind of transparent hemispheres in which it’s cozy, warm, walking in the mountains there and so on, and there and there it’s all there, please, if you want a tent, they’ll organize a tent for you, if you want a massage, please, a massage. on the other side there is such a fault just along gorges and a narrow log, in general , you can cross the log, no, i won’t go at all, let’s stop here, he says no, we can’t go there, the base is there, we’ll get there, there’s
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a rest waiting, we need to walk along the log, there’s a group of 20 people, no, we won’t go and they’re discussing how go suddenly looks like a grandfather is coming, such a caucasian man with a ram, he’s just walking , he’s walking up to... well, he took the ram on his shoulders and walked with him like this on this little baby, just like that, swaying a little, they all froze and they told him his father, yes, he says, listen, maybe you will endure each of us and we will endure you let's throw in a mower there, look, we have 20 people, that's going to be a lot of money, he says, well, let's go from the first to the second, well, the whole group was moved and the last one is carrying, carrying, carrying something, he's tired and out of breath. threw him into the abyss and moved on, is about to leave, they are in shock , they say, what have you done, you, what have you done, and he, and the mowers are more, the mowers are less,
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winter vacation, yes, for example, you, you do you ski, ski, no, i ski, very professionally, i ski on a bun, on a tube, very professionally, this, this means, what, what, what do you put in, simple. for years i skied, cross-country skiing and i liked cross-country skiing, yes it’s cool, skate up a hill, then you slide down, but it’s very cool, but on alpine skiing it’s somehow not no, i know, i’m just a person prone to injury, i already told you at the beginning of our program, well , it’s clear that they are the door jamb for you, i have a gold card at the tram point, in all the tram points in moscow i have a gold card. our mutual acquaintance, you know him very well, this is my close friend, this is seryoga sharkov, i’ll even call him, because this history, well, just a movie, i guess.


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