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tv   Novosti  1TV  March 12, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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the river was taken away, you'll go with him, the story of the ukrainian military who surrendered to russian soldiers and new personnel from the front line, the successful work of our tank crews and paratroopers, music as salvation at the border, the art school became a refuge for hundreds of adults and children during shelling, and now teachers are helping children survive the horrors of those passionate days. i'm sitting in my office , a piece of stormshed fell on us. such a kilogram for 25, i go out, all the children are standing under the wall, they are threatening with deportation, in latvia they are going to check the residence permits of russians voting for presidential elections, our embassy has already responded. in search of the elixir of youth, volgograd scientists, creating a drug for diabetes, discovered a medicine that will help slow down age-related changes, and perhaps invented a pill for old age. i sure that.
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my morning at this age will begin with plans for the next 100 years, and ahead of schedule , to the delight of everyone, spring in the capital region is predicted to come at the end of the week, what temperature is predicted and is it worth putting away winter jackets. first, about how it goes special operation, our tankers destroyed armored vehicles and firing points of the ukrainian armed forces in the ugledarsky sector, thereby ensuring the advance of the assault units. transbaikal paratroopers destroyed an observation post that militants had set up in an abandoned house and launched reconnaissance and attack drones from there. the crew of the fagot anti-tank missile system worked on the target. and in the zaporozhye direction, enemy positions are covered by artillery, leaving the militants not the slightest chance, often the only way to escape - this is... a weapon, a new testimony
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of the ukrainian military, who surrendered, about forced mobilization, about impossible orders, about commanders who themselves remain safe and send their subordinates to certain death. valery kuznetsov listened. the uav crew is in a combat position, we see a bird rising into the sky, now the scouts will be monitoring the enemy positions. i observe a rotation of opponents consisting of six pencils.
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there was one machine gun for two and two horns of ammunition there, that is, well, i mean there are all the cartridges, that is, i count them in two , then they are sent for slaughter, to be honest, i thought that they would cut and torture, as it is presented to us. sergei and stanislav, the thirty-third mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces were mobilized, ukrainian military commissars grabbed them on the street, i usually walk along the streets so that no, here i had to cross the road. we drove up, loaded it up, drove home, took my passport, passed the commission on the same day, i was going there, they told me that i would be a machine gunner, before leaving they just gave me machine guns, that’s how they took it from the old man, you’ll go with him, you can say that you don’t have your own equipment, there are no production facilities, they give leopards, they break down , there are no repair shops for them here, driver mechanics, he says, often disable the equipment themselves, because that they don’t want to carry out the orders of the commanders , whom... they have never seen, and besides
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, the tasks were set to be impossible, of the entire platoon, only the two of them remained alive , first to help, they say, your guys are being stormed, although later, as it turned out, they were already it was two hundredths, we reached the landing where already the russian military and they tell us, come in , as if there is no one there, there was shelling, they ran away, well, come in, come in, we came in, well, then we realized that they were just sending us to the assault, i tried a few at the front. unlike sergei, he was wounded , ended up in the hospital, by the way, there were some french people there, the doctors, as i understand it, are studying, suffering from you, right, so what, well , look after all, well, sergei, apparently, what saved him was that he was conscious on the surgical table, the wound was not serious, but his comrade did not survive, and his relatives they didn’t give accurate information about him, they say 200 , i don’t know, maybe he escaped, maybe he was captured, maybe, maybe...
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just 2 years ago , residents of the border in the lpr had to wait out the shelling. many were hiding in the basement of the children's art school. now that the horrors of those days are behind us, the institutions are being restored. teachers on their own repair classrooms, rescue musical instruments and teach more than a hundred children painting, vocals, and playing the piano.
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peaceful life is gradually improving in the city. where shells had recently exploded, the guys are kicking the ball again. report by oleg shishkin. 2 years ago, during foreign battles. this basement of a children's art school became a refuge for 260 local residents, half of whom were children. to keep the kids occupied and distracted a little, the idea was born to organize a concert venue in one of the premises. we had concerts in the evenings at 6:00 pm, we sang every day, i left my voice there in the basement. school director elena ganshina recalls that they spent almost 2 months in a damp, cold basement, and music helped them maintain their presence of mind. my vocalist was sitting here, we were with her...
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a graduate of this school admits that she could not imagine that she would have the job of reviving an educational institution, things are not going well, the walls are breathing, there is no heating, in winter the temperature in the building drops to - 5, teachers conduct classes in warm clothes, instruments suffer from temperature changes, blankets and pillows for them were collected all over the area, we are now trying to entangle these instruments with blankets so that they do not become saturated with moisture and at least a little, well, more or less temperature. the regime was observed because they spoil every day. now the school has more than 100 children studying glass, painting, and piano.
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there are only 12 km from the front line to the front line, and artillery cannon sounds here constantly. i’m sitting in the office, a piece of stormshed fell on us, about 25 kilograms, and i go out. all the children are standing under the wall, i try to make as calm a face as possible, and say: well, why are we standing, we don’t know where to go, one second, everyone is in the basement. everyday troubles are not so bad, elena anatolyevna admits, the heaviest load is responsibility for the life and health of children. this is a wild answer, that is, they gave me the children, and the parents left, and it is unknown what will happen, and it is unknown whether they will arrive or not, the feeling of responsibility gnaws every day, but... an even greater responsibility is to abandon them, i cannot imagine this allow, such thoughts do not allow football veteran anatoly khudovikov to sit at home, he played for the local team khimik, now, on his own initiative, he trains children for free, for children, so that children can teach them, so that
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they don’t run anywhere under the guard, you can get a green one also, please, the class schedule depends on the weather, the boys train on the only surviving sports ground, and it was full of shell craters. we fixed it, yes, then we covered it with this cement, mortar and fixed it, there was such a nice hole, in the football section there are about 40 boys of different ages, deep down everyone dreams of winning big tournaments, but so far they lack the most necessary things, goalkeeper gloves , balls, football uniforms, a room where you could practice, despite the rain and snow. one, two, three, four, that's it today it has warmed up a little, they are moving a little. and so they sit at home and say: when will there be football, when will there be football. most of bezhnoe is still in ruins, but residential buildings have already begun to be restored in the center. over time, hands will reach sports facilities, kazan has taken patronage over the city, and local residents joke, while their team is not here, they will root for kazan rubin and
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akbars, not forgetting, of course, about the lugansk dawn. olek shishkin, vladimir grinevich, andrey stoyko, channel one, lugansk people's republic. an agent was detained in mariupol ukrainian. avdiyevka, which the russian military liberated in mid-february, was visited by the first deputy head of the presidential administration, sergei kiriyenko, together with the head of the dpr denis pushilin, he visited the coke plant, examined how much the enterprise suffered at the hands of ukrainian militants, the damage has yet to be assessed, specialists are working, sergei kiriyenko also talked with local residents and gave them humanitarian aid. revelation of ukrainian human rights activists, they said, children who...
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of all
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the civilizations living on the planet today, the most ancient chinese, china has almost always been the most populated country and the first economy in the world. we can recall the famous travel book of marco pola, an italian merchant, who described with great amazement the power and level of economic development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century, the famous monochronic painting, chinese poetry, refined literature, china... of course, was ahead in sophistication of, well, almost all countries. after the end of the second world war, the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. more than 10,000 specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy. one of dinapin's first decisions after he became the leader of china was to create an institute for the study of bukharin's ideas, so that the sinicized nepa model operates in china. premiere. civilizations. the seventh film. china. tomorrow on
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the first. if your little sister or brother cries, don’t calm him down with words. it's better to hug silently. calls my castle, says that nikolai we received a letter from one of the fathers who writes that, you know, our girl also studied in this class, and we understand that she is not suitable for you, but maybe you will give her a chance so that she at least lives in peaceful life. august 30. we are counting children, one girl has a question: if you are scared by loud bangs, and you are afraid that debris will fly at you, wrap yourself in a blanket like a cocoon, try to stay away from the windows, this is not just a fight for ukraine, so that people there will change their minds, have become different, this is a war for children, this is god's help, saturday on the first, apostle andrew was fishing at the pier.
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there cannot be a last judgment until all nations know about christ, so someone must reach the ends of the universe and preach christ, including the scythian. the apostle stood on a high stone, prayed for the enlightenment of the people of khersanes, and the stone became like wax, and imprinted his feet. they fell on the stones, he went to the sermon, to meet all the troubles, sorrows, he was moved forward by faith, why the st. andrew's cross is a symbolic name, because it resembles the letter ha. christ, he was crucified on just such a cross, this is the letter ha, such a sign across the whole country, which unites christ, and which embraces the faith of the apostle andrew the first-called. andrew the first-called, premiere on saturday on the first.
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this is the news on the first, and we continue, they were called unscrupulous by the russian embassy. russians who come to the polling station to vote in the presidential election will have their documents checked; those whose residence permits or visas have expired will be deported by the police, border services, and the migration department will ensure this. our diplomats said that the embassy will do everything so that russians can exercise their right to vote. and not growing old is a fantasy that may well become a reality in the near future. scientists from volgograd are sure of this. they are now working on a drug that will help slow down age-related changes. moreover , experts discovered the properties of the elixir of youth while creating another medicine for diabetes. elena pich looked into what the anti-aging pill is based on. here you are lived 300 years, 300 years passed. so what
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now? now, like everyone else, all that remains is to grow old. die or take it again, but what is it? means of acropulas , numerous films of the book, where the main advantage of the characters is the ability not to grow old, for hundreds of years humanity has been looking for a recipe for youth, which of us, at least women, having noticed wrinkles on ourselves, did not dream that scientists would finally invent a cure for old age, so what is now being done here in volgograd... in the center of innovative medicines can be considered a real gift to humanity. small glowing dots of sugar molecules begin to stick together white threads of collagen when a person is only 20. after a few more decades, sugar, as scientists call it, has lost its elastic structural protein, leading to the appearance of wrinkles, but this, alas, is only a visible part of the aging process. slower gait,
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decreased muscle strength, the appearance of wrinkles, sometimes these are some kind of disease. for example, cataracts, many of these manifestations are associated precisely with a violation of the structure and youth, biological youth of collagen. the volgograd center for innovative medicines does not promise an elixir of immortality, but they are already working on a substance that, as they say here, will help slow down age-related changes in the human body. one of our developments is precisely aimed at maintaining the normal structure of the substance, these are primarily the collagen molecules that are present in them.
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on laboratory mice and rabbits, only then, when the safety of the drug has been proven, will it be possible to proceed to clinical trials, that is, testing on humans, the invention of a new medicines are a long, expensive process, especially since the recipe for youth is, as they say here, complex therapy, not only collagen will need to be protected, so what will it look like, well, let’s say, in 50 years , we asked roman letvinov, who
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then, by the way, will be 86 years old, how will his day begin, with the winning of pills? i am sure that my morning at this age will begin with plans for the next 100 years, and at breakfast i would like to see that these medications would be included in the structure of food products. does not exclude letvinov and the fact that some age-related breakdowns in the human body can be repaired with the help of a vaccine, but this is still very far away, while research is underway on a future pill for old age. do not forget about traditional ways of maintaining health and youth. this is a lifestyle, this is quality of life, this is proper nutrition, physical activity, sleep patterns, it is very boring. well , this is what is in our hands. elena pich, alexander vekhtinsky, victor overin, dmitry orekhov, channel one volgograd. the real spring will come.


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