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tv   Zhit zdorovo  1TV  March 12, 2024 10:00am-10:51am MSK

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sell, that’s the point: sell anywhere, as long as there is money, but specifically there it was suggested that he could go to the middle east, every time he talked with prisoners, he asked questions whether they knew about such facts , and i’ll tell you that a lot of prisoners said that yes, we saw this, and then the british mercenary, eina raslin, who was captured in mariupol, he told the american correspondent john dugan. as he told his friend that when he served in the ukrainian security forces, on sbu officers directly contacted him and, using his connections in syrian kurdistan, they arranged the supply of western weapons through him, then, if you remember, in 2022, 23, the media was full of reports that weapons were leaving ukraine, going into hands criminal groups, even officials spoke about this, it floats in the hands of criminals roughly.
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well, there was only one clue left, and that was the middle east. through, say, our connections, we reached out to the syrian law enforcement agencies. and during a business trip to syria, we, yes, we lucky, representatives of the mukhabarat , thank them very much, they are really doing a lot of work, they are intercepting entire caravans with caches of weapons, including those coming from ukraine, specifically the brightest luck,
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we were probably able to interview a former representative of the terrorist group hizbut tahrir , banned in the russian federation, but he took advantage of the right to amnesty and went over, as it were, to the side of government troops, and he gave us an interview, he was at one time responsible for a small piece of the logistics route from turkey through the province of idlip to the border with lebanon, where the weapons fall into the hands of hamas, but he explained the structure of how this happens, this is actually a well-functioning scheme. mechanism , that is , field commanders of terrorist groups gather there for a weekly meeting, they give direct applications, i need two javelins, one stinger and 10 at4 grenades, this is all collected, accumulated and the application is sent to counterparties in ukraine, mr. netanyahu himself, the prime minister israel, said that yes, they have information that the weapons are western, which arrives in ukraine, then shoots at the gas sector there, that is, the west... i
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understand that they know, but the west is silent, let's try to clarify the details with us now stefan katre, a member of the bundestag, a member of the alternative for germany, we are glad to welcome you, tell me, what do you think about the theft of western weapons ? yes, i always wondered why they don’t talk about this, and if they talk about it, it’s very short, and of course, these thefts of weapons. i think it happens, we know the system, how the united states thinks, of course, they don’t care, they want to keep ukraine at any cost, and a year and a half ago, we published a message from europol, that is, the european police , that weapons are being stolen here by criminal structures.
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thank you very much for finding the time to meet with us today, all the best to you, i think we will certainly exchange news again, by the way, here’s an interesting nuance, you talked about europe, where these weapons can fire, but we noticed that in 2023 year there was a report from the mexican television, they showed a drug cartel militant there, and this militant was walking with an o4 grenade launcher behind his back, and a journalist from a mexican channel said that this grenade came to mexico from ukraine, that is, where is the guarantee that this grenade launcher
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will not be used on the mexican-american border? well, thank you for this material that you filmed, thank you very much for taking the time to come to us today, i remind our viewers that if any news is in doubt. send to our editorial office as reasons to be proud of all of you all the best. the first channel presents. how to fight obesity? it turns out that you need to eat fat. how can this be? foods for the intended purpose for inflammation. how to reduce intraocular pressure? the living healthy program will help everyone. so, friends, here is
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a person with morbid obesity, not alive, but looks alive. symbol of our topic today, we will talk about the deception of substances, it turns out that we are gaining weight not because we eat fat, that is the deception, for completely different reasons, here is this huge man sitting, and he doesn’t know how to lose weight, but we just say thanks to the moscow urban form and those people who sculpted such an ideal for a story about obesity. so it turned out that people don’t get better from fat. we have a guest in our studio today who simply experienced this in her own life. tell us how you wanted to lose weight and how it ended? i wanted to lose weight, and decided
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to go on a low-fat diet , that is, i excluded all types of oil, butter, sunflower, olive, and so on. bought low-fat yogurt, yes, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat kefir, excluded milk, i lasted exactly 2 weeks, i was tormented by hunger, i gained weight and dreamed of a big piece of delicious khachapuri. well, in short, i dreamed of khachapur ; i couldn’t eat khachapur, because there was cheese and so on, but i probably ate everything else, that was understandable. so, low-fat foods, but the person did not... lose weight, not only did he not lose weight, but gained weight. what is the deception? let's start with the most important thing: fat by itself does not lead to weight gain, why? for fat glucose and insulin respond. and here’s german
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shaevich, let’s go with you from our beaded man to these beautiful models of ours. so, fat has no sugar, fat is just fat, that is. the glycemic index of fat, and it’s just zero, fat has just zero, any sugar, it’s direct sugar, it’s glucose, it’s jam, anything, everything you can think of sweets plus cereals, plus everything else has a glycemic index from 70 to 100, if we eat fat, on my side there is fat, on herman shaich's side there are carbohydrates, do you have am i at risk of being corrected? now let's see how much fat is formed , that is, practically none, in principle, you ate calories, but did not stimulate your appetite, you do not want to add more, i have a product with a high glycemic index, buns, cakes,
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low-fat yogurt is always sweet, there is always glucose, always, because otherwise it is impossible to eat, that is, low-fat. look what happens, we add a product with easily digestible glycose, it enters our body, insulin is produced, we do not waste energy, glucose, which we processed goes into fat, we get better and at the same time we still want to eat , and we also add the same thing, this is how obesity arises, that is, the main cause of obesity, a huge consumption of foods contain... carbohydrates, this must be understood, therefore, when people go on a low-fat diet, today it is not scientific, because all low-fat products contain carbohydrates, if you remove the fat, the product is tasteless, skim
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milk is tasteless, in order for it to be tasty for us, they add, well, roughly speaking, sweets, glucose, so that we can somehow eat it, that’s why you don’t... with cheese, but this is to tell us what is there to tell us a fatty product, a tasty product, what do the armenians say about khochepuri? this is a miracle product, in fact, in fact, you only gained weight, there was nothing else, now not only do fats not lead to weight gain on their own, but there are amazing studies that say that from fats and the diseases that we thought about do not exist, and so we will now show you the results of scientific research, 2021, published an analysis of almost 150 people who
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were observed for nine years, and it was shown that the consumption of saturated fats from dairy products reduces the risk of diabetes, hypertension and obesity, that is, globally , foods containing fatty foods are not... harmful, if you consume in sufficient quantities, that is, fatty foods, just by themselves, butter, lard, they do not lead to obesity on their own, they reduce the risks of diabetes and cardiovascular accidents. look, these fats, as it turned out, are not suitable for our body are harmful and even reduce the risk of illness, solid fats are saturated fats, unsaturated fats are vegetable oil, avocado, avocado is a fatty product, a high-calorie
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product, 140-160 kilocalories, but they reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke, it’s clear, here you go and deception of substances, and if earlier we thought that these plaques were all from fat, they themselves consist of fat, not at all, now we will show what happens in the body when you eat foods with sweets, with carbohydrates, once again i repeat, this is straight sugar, this is all sweet, this is all flour and these are cereals such as rice, wheat, and cereals, oatmeal too, look, before our eyes a person eats a piece of cake, the cake also contains fat and carbohydrates, then glucose in the blood jumps, insulin jumps further, this is what happens in the body , first of all, part of the glucose... is deposited in the liver, because the body saves it , and secondly, look, the purple balls
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are glucose, two fat molecules are formed from each purple ball, now oh, look, there are white-white pieces - this sugar, now you will see that from each white piece of sugar two molecules of fat are formed, one, two molecules, one two molecules, that is, from every piece of sugar, from every piece of glucose. two fat molecules are formed, so the conclusion is: we don’t gain weight from fat, we gain weight from carbohydrates, is it possible to gain weight from khachipuri? well, judging by me, yes, but why? well, because there are carbohydrates, because there is dough, and not because there is cheese, if you just ate cheese, it is safe when you eat khachipuri. you trigger the release of insulin and you are doubling the amount of fat you have
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in your body, can this process be stopped? yes, you can, you can only eat cheese , well, that’s also possible, but you can do it in a different way, carbohydrates can be spent, what structure in the body spends carbohydrates, german shaich, muscles, so you ate khachipuri, everything is fine, then you showed up for a two-hour walk in the botanical. .. at a fast pace, because in the muscles the glucose will burn to the ground, of course, and will not turn into anything, but we don’t do that, that’s right, we sat down in front of the tv, khachipuri they put it on, they put on tea, then we add candy during the time, we don’t even add it, we sat down, watched some tv series, and we couldn’t be torn away until the night, and then we lay down, so we have two positions, sitting and lying down,
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fat, which everyone is afraid of, is generally safe , solid fats have a positive effect, carbohydrates are the main cause of obesity, of course, so you need to reduce carbohydrates, not fats, remember that low-fat products are... saturated with carbohydrates so that they are sweet and we could eat them, don’t be fooled, don’t be deceived, clearly, now not for long. let's take a break and then continue, food as directed, i'll mix it, and as a medicine, one spoon in the mouth, products that doctors recommend to reduce inflammation, it's dazzling, glaucoma occurs, gradual
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trophy of the optic nerve gradually these wiring. fade and fade, what should i do to avoid losing my vision? look carefully, it is very important what kind of family a person grew up in, that is, the first thing i pay attention to is the family, what to pay special attention to when meeting a potential groom or bride girl, she must be noble, that is, she must have some refined manners, she must be sophisticated, we celebrate the second day of maslenitsa, the bride. russia cannot be understood with the mind, the general cannot be measured by an arshin, it has something special to become , one can only believe in russia, two feelings are wonderfully close to us, in them the heart finds food , love for the native ashes, love for the father's
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crabs, don't sleep, don't sleep, artist, don't indulge in sleep, you are a hostage to time in captivity for eternity. "hiss, be angry, my friends, wedge, you don’t quarrel with them, i, to your great regret, am not going to fight with you, about your lies, about your statement, about yourself, i just don’t give a damn, when in vain you resort to words, it won’t help you again, and you won’t wash away with all your black blood, the poet of russia, the righteous blood of civilization. premiere, film eight, russia, part two, on thursday, on the first. if your sister or brother cries, do not calm him down with words, it is better to silently hug him. he calls my castle and says that nikolai, we received a letter from one of the fathers who writes that you know, our girl also studied in
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this class, and we understand that she is not suitable for you, but maybe you will give her a chance so that she can at least live in a peaceful life. august we are counting children, one girl has a question: if you are scared by loud bangs, and you are afraid that debris will fly at you, wrap yourself in a blanket like a cocoon , try to stay away from the windows, this is not just a fight for ukraine, so that people there will change their minds , have become different, this is a war for children, this is god's help, on saturday on the first, i was fishing at the pier. we know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ. he was quite large, but tall, bravast, big-nosed, with gray, slightly unkempt hair. there cannot be a last judgment until all nations learn about christ, so someone must reach the limits of the universe and preach christ, including as a scythian. the apostle stood on a high stone,
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prayed for the enlightenment of the people of khersanes, and the stone became like wax and... his feet were imprinted on the stones, he went to preach, to meet all the troubles, sorrows, his faith moved forward, why the st. andrew 's cross, a symbolic name, because it resembles the letter christ, he was crucified on such a cross, this letter x is such a sign across the whole country, which christ accuses and which denounces the faith of the apostle andrew the first-called andrew the first-called, premiere in saturday on the first. this program is to live healthy, friends, i’m standing here in front of this medical prescription, which prescribes medications for pain and inflammation, a special project of our program is called food for the intended purpose, here we go to these pills
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let's prescribe food, what do we prescribe, flaxseed oil, corn bran. and cloves, food against inflammation and pain. today the main characters of our program are foods that a doctor should also know to prescribe. now please bring us this wonderful food into the studio. so here we are. flaxseed oil, corn bran and cloves, today we have a guest who suffers from joint pain and drinks buprofen all the time, come to us, please! tell me about your suffering, your knees and joints constantly hurt,
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i take painkillers, they help, but that’s all. i also want my joints not to hurt , but there are a lot of such patients, usually these are people who have crossed a certain threshold, that’s right, herman shaich, and the joints hurt due to degenerative changes, because... the lord god has measured out about 40 years of life for us, how old are you? 55, 55, outlived by 15 years, and my mother is 90, she is 50 years outlived the life expectancy for which our body is designed, it is not designed to last 100 years, second, since we all get better over the years, we destroy our joints weight, so before we talk. about how the products that we brought to the kitchen work, we’ll give you the first advice, you need to lose a little weight, okay, because you’re
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small, and for you, every kilogram of your weight just kills your joints, okay? well , look, we have three products: cloves, flaxseed oil, corn bran, what do you eat every day, well, unfortunately, if only flaxseed oil can, how much flaxseed oil do you have. here is flaxseed oil, i am now preparing special salachi for us, it is bitter, it is tasty, it is very tasty, so the first product is flaxseed oil, against inflammation, which makes flaxseed oil, why do we have it, because flaxseed oil has a superior content of omega-3 polysaturated fatty acids, there is no other. oil, where the concentration of omega-3 is greater than in flaxseed oil. flaxseed oil suppresses excess inflammation, because we constantly have an injury, a constant load,
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an inflammatory reaction occurs , cytokines are released, our lymphocytes, white blood cells are outraged, and this toothy lymphocyte gnaws the cartilage of your joints, just like that, om-yum-yum- yum-yum, i see. he needs to be calmed down, it turns out they conducted a study we learned that it is omega-3 polysaturated fatty acids that reduce the synthesis of these cytokines, calm these cells, remove this excessive inflammation, there will be less inflammation, and regulatory oil directly reduces it.
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oxidants, then in this case they will be damaged, here in cloves, in cloves there is a substance, fgenol, one of the most with i am now trying to destroy the cell, but the cell is protected by the substance fgen from cloves, look, the cell remains completely healthy, because there was protection, what this substance does, this substance removes so called free radicals, it's...
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it's corn bran, corn bran, ever eaten corn bran? no, i haven’t eaten, for our beautiful lady , we’ll give her a drop, like this, i’ll take this wooden glass, i’ll take a spoon, put in some bran, like this, a drop of flaxseed oil, like this, we’ll do everything according to great science, i'll add one clove. i mix and like medicine one spoon in the mouth like medicine, like medicine, it went well, yeah.
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uh-huh, thanks. let's talk about doses. so, we have three products: flaxseed oil, corn bran and cloves. what doses, andrey petrovich, and how does corn bran work? this means that corn bran - the daily dose - is only 30 g. and they work as follows: corn bran is needed not so much even by us, but by ours. beneficial microbes, bacteria that live in our intestines, this is their food, our healthy microbes in the intestines regulate our immunity, a lot of our immunity is bad, our joints hurt, our immunity is not enough, we will have infections, so therefore, good nutrition for our healthy microbes is corn bran, then there is no
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unnecessary inflammation and... protection from infections , we made a very simple dish, we made a salad with tomatoes with bell peppers, bell peppers and herbs, added oil there, a little a little clove, just like that , and i poured it in, and i did the same, i ground it a little more, because in this case it stands out better in the gene, and then, and this is a life hack, by the way, you need cloves. lose lose antioxidant effect, here we give you a little, but it’s tasty, to try, a simple dish, accessible to everyone, all these products protect, in addition to the immune system, our blood vessels, yes, and in our case, blood vessels
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play a key role in inflammation. delicious, a discovery, cloves and a discovery in general, cloves taste very good, flaxseed oil is a little bitter, i adore it for that, but a person is not accustomed to this food, tasty, tasty, tasty, it should be healthy, apparently, healthy, tasty , and gachepura is better, yes, but in fact we are accustomed to this food, we love it very much, this is it for me. it really seems very tasty, in this in the salad we combined everything, bell peppers, tomatoes, herbs, flaxseed oil and ground - this is important, as andrei petrovich said, cloves, and i want to tell you the dose, you have flaxseed oil at home, but you don’t eat it, because in 100 g flaxseed oil contains from 20 to 30 daily doses, then literally half a teaspoon, it was food for its intended purpose, consider that i
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put the pills into the family, understand? thank you! well, actually, everything is about food, it’s time for us to talk about medicine. according to our legend, petro poroshenko recruits fighters for his personal private military company. what is the average price for training one soldier, from 1,500 to 2.0 euros per person, includes accommodation and three meals a day. this is the average price per week for a ukrainian soldier, that is, this is how much ukraine spent during these years. the mercenaries who first went to ukraine, they went on safari, it was advertised there, what i think about bandera, yes, that’s right, this is such a career growth, but again many there , i have no problem with this, it turns out, the poles they train those who fight under bandera ’s ideals, they can go on the attack together with them,
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money, but i... i’m not going to participate in assault operations, it’s too dangerous, i want to help the country, but at the same time i really want to live, all the places are crowded foreign mercenaries are a big target for our rocket men, the vavan and lexus show, tomorrow on the first, you carry me recal, the most important song for me, when we first met , i personally couldn’t imagine guessing him as a future people’s artist. no possibility these are the guys from our yard, this style is closer to me, that is, such an intimate conversation with the audience, the first rehearsal, the boss is irritated, he just goes to the microphone, only the first words are uttered , and the whole world turned upside down for me, the thoughtful rastorguevskys, so to speak, let's go well, the audience loves
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lyuba’s ensemble. i drew a cat there, knowing that you love them, who doesn’t love them, anyway, anyway, on friday the first, today, dear friends, is world glaucoma day, every year up to 100,000 people in our country fall ill with this disease, we will have it today. .. talking about glaucoma is a disease of increased intraocular pressure, unfortunately , the consequence of this disease is complete loss of vision, that’s right, this is one of those diseases that lead to complete loss of vision, the fact
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is that if atrophy of the optic nerve occurs, then information from the eyes are not transmitted to the brain and the person becomes blind forever. i want mikhail egorovich to introduce us. their fellow ophthalmologists who came to us today, because now this is a family, these are already two generations of doctors, now in our children came to medicine, and my son and daughter mikhail egorovich, already full-fledged doctors with mikhail egorovich, my daughter is an ophthalmologist, my son is a surgeon, an electrophysiologist, he deals with arrhythmias, the head of the family sits with us, imagine mikhail, well, let's start with the head of the family. vladimir ivanovich, lapochkin, children, dmitry vladimirovich, the children are already uncles, and andrei vladimirovich, what is the patient’s pressure, the patient’s pressure is 12 after surgery, this is the ideal normal, so we are very
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aware that the intraocular pressure is normal, the norm is from 11 to 21 mm , if we measure at pneumotanometry, i have a question for you, is this your patient, dad or brother, no, i operated on olga nikolaevna more than two months ago, now we see excellent results of the surgery. olga nikolaevna, what happened, what happened? i was diagnosed with glaucoma in 1920, even though i was in perfect health, it was discovered by chance, my intraocular pressure was accidentally measured, right? yes, during a routine examination. well, this is another conversation about how important it is to measure intraocular pressure. and can i ask you to measure again, can i ask you put.
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the bone from the eye should flow away, if it does not flow away, but remains inside the eye, then the pressure inevitably increases, so it presses in all directions, and the first thing that suffers is the optic nerve, we have this model of the eye, here it is the eye , and we specifically, mikhail yegorich, hold, well, if you figuratively imagine that there are millions, millions of such fibers in the optic nerve. and postings, each posting takes information from a certain section of the grid to build a picture, of course, all this information along these postings is transmitted to the brain, when these rise,
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gradual trophy of the optic nerve occurs, gradually these wirings go out and go out and thus the eye can live... in its life with this diagnosis and not weaken, now i want to invite the head of the medical dynasty, professor doctor of medicine sciences vladimir ivanovich lapuchkin, because he is the author of the technology for the treatment of glaucoma
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, which received an award for the best doctors in russia, vocation, so we made an eye like this for you, vladimir ivanovich, right for you, how this technology is, what is the essence, how to give outflow. is designed to create two new pathways for the outflow of fluid, these are artificially created outflow pathways, which means that the mucous membrane is formed, first the mucous membrane is exfoliated, then, then we take a two-pronged disposable knife and make parallel incisions of the sclera at a very precise depth, forming such a scleral rectangle, 300 microns, that is, the surgeon has no room for error here, because the knife is dosed, then the flap is carefully discarded and the surgeon forms
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two additional holes in the limbus area, that is, at the junction of the corneas, these are straight holes through which the liquid must pass and a second spare hole, which we need to guide a special tool, then we take a special windowed spatula, which we insert into this rectangular hole under the remaining sclera, carefully draw it along.. . the disease will be in the form of drops in the eye, so
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the person will be fully conscious, this is very good, this means that the operation has practically no side effects, that’s right, and such contraindications as some there are practically no cardiovascular problems here, the age of the patients can be any, so professor, the oldest patient you operated on is 94 years old, that’s it, so don’t worry about your parents, the operation will be as simple as that. comfortable and good, you are comfortable , everything is in order, well, lie quietly , remember any happy stories from life, okay, the professor has a special dosed scalpel in his hands, it is he who allows, by making two incisions at once, to cut out a thin strip in the sclera of the eye as wide as only 2 mm, it is from this that a special three-valve mechanism will be created, movable petals
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, a tool that makes two cuts at once, you can show it to us just in the code, here is the tool, here it is, the professor will continue to operate for now, here it is, here, this one the instrument is not even visible to us with the eye, but it actually highlights a thin, thin strip; the two sharp sounds of this instrument are literally equal to 3 mm. they are sharpened sharply, to what depth is 350 microns, that is, about 3 mm, just the depth of the cut, but it so precisely dosed that we will not cut deeper than we need. well, can we lift the patient when you remove the bandage from her, when you allow her to look? on average, the bandage is worn for 5-7 days, and after 5 days the person is completely without the bandage, and things are getting better, good luck, thank you. well, our operation
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ended there, here we are too, where the fluid will flow, how it will flow, vladimir ivanovich, this means that the entire mucous membrane is closed from above and there are two, two outflow pathways under the mucous membrane are activated the membrane into the venous network into the laminar network of vessels, and also the supracellar space of the longitudinal stripe, and that is , two outflow paths remain, which means there is no accumulation of fluid, no increase inside. eye pressure, i want to say that all the instruments for this operation, the models that we have here, were made by vladimir ivanovich lapochkin, this is our russian technology, a vocation prize was awarded for its creation, and today they operate using this method in which cities, this the operation has now been in practice for 3 years now. superfluous in voronezh, saratov hospital in moscow, of course this is the flagship for this operation, chelyabin. this year to get comfortable in yakutsk, but lipetsk, well, in general, the whole
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country, the whole country, that’s what it means to love your job, let’s invite your patient to us, please come to us, but we’ve already seen that the pressure is absolutely normal, another lapochkin junior, come here too, the pressure is normal, that’s right , yes, how are you feeling, good, thank you, good, where do you live, i live in moscow. we share daddy's pride wholeheartedly, thank you thank you very much, good health to you, nothing more, let's take a break for a while and then continue. look carefully, it is very important what kind of family a person grew up in, that is, the first thing i pay attention to is the family. what to pay
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special attention to when meeting a potential bride or groom. girl, she must be noble, that is, she must have some exquisite coins. it should be sophisticated, we are celebrating the second day of maslenitsa, the bride, three of us broke into the bank in masks, started beating, shooting, it was very scary, a private bank was robbed in donetsk, cleaned out your cells, viktor fedorich, find it, you will take this business for yourself, this is a chance, you will move to the big leagues. lieutenant colonel igor melnik, now involved in the donetsk case, they should not go too far, intrigue, will ukraine sign an association agreement? we do everything right, everything will be fine. you are now offering me to distribute
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power with my own hands. happiness for me is coming to your ultimate goal, never stopping, always going towards your dream and never seeing its limits. when everyone is alive and well and there is this inner peace when
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they give me very high marks and give me medals. this is an obligatory love for your child, otherwise it will be easy. look after the child, and not be a father, since the grandmother is a teacher, she can reincarnate, be a snow queen today, a hedgehog grandma tomorrow, whatever you want, even in your own pechkin way, live happily, live in the moment, everything will be fine with you, there was peace in your soul so that every person achieves what he wants and so that dreams come true. honest people climbed in, what to pick up the gate, the golden carnival is coming to visit us, have fun, good people, say goodbye to the winter, go to sleep with us, and eat the pancakes, soon the snow will melt,
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teach the pigs, they will warm the earth again. the second day of maslenitsa, we must walk, we must walk, young people must meet each other and must look closely at each other. thank you very much, girls, for this air of maslenitsa festivities, once again, maslenitsa,
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the second day, the show of flirting - these are russian traditions, young people meet. young people communicate and look closely at each other, why? because then there are 40 days of lent, no weddings , nothing, only a wedding is possible on the red hill, so we need to see where to send the matchmakers, to somehow understand the situation, we are having maslenitsa again in our studio, and in this situation we want figure it out, so, what to pay attention to when you... choose a life partner or at least think, well, this is who i would like or would like to date, this is what we will talk about today, well, i want to say that they work for us. medical students are students first moscow medical university named after sechin, faculty of medicine-future,
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then of course it is very interesting to ask the youth of today what qualities they identify in people as the main ones? alexandra blinova, come to us! sasha is a future surgeon, right? yes, she works, she walks, she is on duty. she is such a person with a goal and a perspective, sasha, what course are you on now? fifth year, in the fifth year, when we were studying at the medical institute, i thought that if i didn’t get married before the end of the institute, that’s it, old business, i i didn’t get married until the end of college, my fate was sealed, and as they say, my parents had to think what to do, but this is so, a saying, say, here is your generation, well , now you all don’t get married until you’re thirty, you have a different life now , what do you pay attention to, here you are, when you’re with a girl? communicate, what qualities do you highlight in men, as important to you, whether you like it or not, for the future, maybe for
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starting a family. no matter how different our generations are, all the same, first of all, it seems to me, it is very important what kind of family a person belongs to i grew up, that is, the first thing i pay attention to is my family, then, since i myself want to get a good profession in the future, constantly study, then i look at what the person also wants to do. attention, what research showed when the spouses both had higher education, and
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a large study was published, which was carried out in 2016 in norway, the chance of divorce was much less, this was tested on 270,000 people, that is, the life expectancy of these people also higher, but i think that sasha said it correctly. go forward, you may not have a higher education at the moment, but you must want to educate yourself and be like people who are educated, they take better care of themselves, they relate. more tolerant of her traveler, this is what determines everything , in general, our beautiful girl, sashenka
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blinova, these are the girls, future doctors, beauties, yes, mikhail egorevich, we wish you the groom good happiness in your personal life and a great medical career, sit down , please, we also have one more guest, too first meth, come here, vlad. well vladik , now please reflect to us the opinion of men, i already have a girlfriend, well, regarding your question, i think, answer my question, what do you pay attention to in girls? i think, first of all, behavior attracts attention, that is, a girl , she must be noble, that is, she must have some exquisite manners, she must be sophisticated, this all attracts attention, this is what attracts yes, then there is if with a girl with tattoos, you you’ll be scared, well, not that i certainly won’t be scared. well, i probably won’t consider her as my future chosen one. vladik, you have grown another 20 cm in my eyes.


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