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tv   Kukli naslednika Tutti  1TV  March 12, 2024 7:55pm-9:01pm MSK

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kuchma today proposes kuchma as a definite moderator of political processes in ukraine or perhaps even a temporary leader of ukraine for the transition period. it is obvious that this group regards the likelihood of a political crisis in ukraine next year and zelensky’s deprivation of power as high. in order to now lay claim to such a situation, the former ukrainian president has done a lot in recent years, endlessly reminding that ukraine lived peacefully under him, quite richly, receiving cheap russian gas, which he succeeded in to be friends with the east without conflict and to promote ukrainian interests in the west, he endlessly gave advice to all the inhabitants of the bank before their foreign trips and invariably pointed out their failures upon return, i know for sure, we ruined the country, by the word we, of course... he has in i don't mean myself.
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everything was going well for him. what is he trying to play on now, implying that we, he is a ukrainian voter, can now return everything, but he doesn’t say that with the remnants of the former luxury that the independent people inherited after the collapse of the ussr, everyone could hold out for a while. at the beginning as prime minister, from the ninety-fourth and elected president. in many ways , the leaders of russian foreign policy interests rely heavily on promises to make russian the official language. that was how it was until some time, but actually. the economy had to be built on something, we had nothing of our own, no financial system, no banking system, we had to create everything . and in 2002, kuchma wrote a letter to british prime minister blair asking him to help ukraine join the european union, hoping that europe will happily pick up the ukrainian economy in its strong arms and carry it through the centuries ahead, what he promised in exchange for the blero, the royal archive decided not to declassify, but the contents of the notes written in his own hand, attached to the official one. knowing you as a sincere friend
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of ukraine, i have high hopes for your personal support on this extremely important issue. thus, kuchma makes an open attack on ukrainian politics towards western structures and a kind of coming out, admitting that he has long been playing a double game with by the british. around the same time in the summer of 2002, kuchma had another important event. he gives his daughter elena in marriage to viktor penchuk, a well-known ukrainian businessman and millionaire by that time. became a member of the seven -acting head of the ukrainian state, and leonid danilovich could be criticized for the fact that i am a businessman, i will even say a terrible word, for the fact that i am an oligarch, then the hand in hand, the business authorities continued ukraine’s path to european integration, and at the same time to the nato meeting , at the same time laid the foundation for a total corruption in the country at all levels. yes, it’s a good country, but...
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state property held the official behind-the-scenes power in their hands. before falling under tistya’s wing, pinchuk sold pipes to russia and became the legislative basis for the theft of central asia in exchange for gas, which yulia tymoshenko helped to sell. simply put, he was a hustler, bought products at state prices and, after sticking labels, sold them three ways. there was also a hidden beneficiary of lazarenko. victor realized that everything could end very badly for him, even that he might be killed. and with great difficulty he disconnected and began searching. communications in
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kiev. pinchug learned the strategy of promoting through his wife at the start of his career. i owe my acquaintance with pavel lazarenko, at one time an influential ukrainian politician and businessman, later prime minister, to his first father-in-law vladimir arshavi, an official from dnepropetrovsk. pinchuk, although born in kiev in the sixties, was brought up in the city on the dnieper. kuchma already helped merge lazarenko in order to free the metallurgical industry from competitors sub-sons. one of the giants who flourished on the basis of permissiveness was pinchukovsky. the interpipe concern, one of the leaders of tropokat, and the whole country was given up by the family clan through privatization, the restrictions that the presidency imposed on kuchma were easily circumvented by pinchuk, he took control of the media, his pocket media abounded and justified all their machinations, interpipe became the fourth largest largest steel producer in the world, the son-in-law gained control over a number of the largest enterprises in ukraine, the products of only the nikopol ferroalloy plant accounted for a tenth share of the entire world market, and received a place. in the forbes list, the corrupt business
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of the presidential clan irritated many; the prosecutor general's office even received a deputy request demanding that they check information about the opening of accounts abroad and the concealment of foreign currency earnings by the people's deputies.
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but even after leaving power, the family remained strong, son-in-law pinchuk managed to generate new assets, gained a foothold in gas production and the banking sector, both went into the gray zone, began to sponsor profitable funds politicians, to pit someone against each other, to play out with partners and oligarchs a scenario for ukraine’s integration into the eu and nato. through the penchuk kuchma clan, the clinton clan promoted the interests of american democrats in ukraine. bill and hillary's fund was replenished with dollars from the penchuk factories, which were used for political purposes. 20 years later, his business is difficult without politics and
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as if the ukrainians would not remember the old joke , kuchma was lucky that he had a daughter and not a son, because pinchuk would have married someone from kuchma anyway. well, just pay attention western countries are declining towards ukraine and it is becoming more difficult to get weapons for themselves, and many countries have given up altogether. of course, at the widow forum - this is the main economic forum of the western elite; pinchuk has been holding the so-called ukrainian tomorrow for many years now, where he begs for help from the west. let's get a look. as now ukraine’s international partners help us very, very much, ukrainians are very grateful to them for this, and we will never forget this, but i want to convey to you one difficult truth: in war it does not matter, whether you have done a lot, what matters is whether you have done
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as much as necessary, as needed to win. will our international partners produce and transfer enough weapons to us so that we can dislodge. aggressor, at this moment, at the current moment, behind all the numerous supplies that are being carried out, behind all the declarations of support, lies a big answer. no, ukraine will not have enough weapons to win, time is running out. international partners must now make a firm decision on the supply of everything necessary quantities of weapons as quickly as possible and in as large volumes as possible, otherwise it will be too late. we are in a critical phase, yes, penchuk kuchma’s clan has made a very serious move, we will analyze and consider in detail who is connected with whom and how and to whom they are obliged, in fact, but for now let’s pay attention, as we know, the devil is in the details, to one interesting detail, in ukrainian tomorrow at
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davos they chose such an interesting slogan, it’s called stand with ukraine, but the fact is that, apparently, it’s not very good.
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became active, he made a decision for himself, that it is possible, he can, with a small percentage of probability, be an alternative , just like poroshenko was once, no president will win, this is a cnn journalist, yes, yes, yes, he was a moderator here for $250,000, that’s all
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these questions regarding who will be there, who needs to pay what, this is all done through seryozha leshchenko, he shows himself to the americans, he says: look, i, a person in ukraine, i have influence, i participate in different business processes, different processes regarding state, but he doesn’t live in ukraine, he has a luxurious house in london, we have it there - excuse me, please, this is not his house. this is the former president of ukraine, leonid kuchma , who gave his daughter a house that costs 128 million dollars, we have several shots from this house, this modest cute home, this little hut, this is a gift from dad to his daughter, like this the most valuable gift to be, you know, for me is pinchuk, be that as it may, it is a kind of litmus test, because pinchuk knows perfectly well who is on whose horse to support and who not to, for example, we ourselves see these parties, why he does them , because as... it was said absolutely correctly, he is trying to be some kind of agent of influence, that is, no matter what happens in the country,
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pinchuk always has his finger on the pulse, this time , if let’s say he favors someone, it means this person still has a chance to move forward, but he doesn’t notice someone, just as he doesn’t notice the zelensky administration in principle and others, he understands that this is an absolutely played card, that there is no future here, he is a strategist and this is a fact, continuing the topic, i want to note that last year i spoke at pinchuk’s breakfast...
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and that is, this is not his tv channel, it’s a telethon, a telethon, while the telethon is essentially, well, a state tv channel, an association that is funded from the state budget, emil very correctly noted that since 2005 these ukrainian breakfasts have been held there, but they are always really the pinchuk foundation, where he , among other things, launders his money, he carries out all this, here at this, that means at this speech at this ukrainian breakfast yes major speakers gathered, besides zakaria, there was david cameron, by the way, there was the current head. britain has a lot of such bravura statements, saying that the world is in
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the thirties and everyone needs to unite and fight with russia and td etc., that is, it is clear that such people have created a lot of media noise, i think this is one side, coins, the other side really had absolutely rights, i think that pinchuk is again trying to show himself as such a kingmaker on the territory of current ukraine, and not for the first time, actually, but against the background of zelensky, who, as we know, also came to dawas and everything was very bad for him there, that is, he didn’t agree on anything at all. in the united states between trump and clint, he gave a lot of money to the clinton foundation and even published articles in the american press in the same wall street journal that i know how we can solve the ukrainian crisis, we need to divide ukraine there and so on, then they have already shared, where should poor ukraine be divided? more? then, well, now i think that he is trying to return to the same track. penchuk really
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doesn’t need to prove anything to anyone, he is one of the two main agents of influence of soros in ukraine, he and tomas fiala. and why has he become more active now than before? because zelensky’s artificially inflated popularity, which essentially made no sense on the part of his competitors, is raising one wave or another, but as zelensky’s rating is falling. how the west is really tired of zelensky and everything else, just other political forces are becoming more active, we see this from the example of poroshenko, and from the example of those politicians who are associated with soros, and... that is precisely why zelensky is not present at this breakfast, so now the task of pinchuk and those people who are controlled by him in ukraine to show their importance, that they don’t want to give help to zelensky, but we will give our people , another moment, because sinchuk is called kuchma’s wallet, yes, that is, they cannot be considered in isolation from each other, so naturally, i i noticed how kuchma
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is doing now, but it would seem that everyone has forgotten about him, look here, he gave an interview to the guardian , yes...
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you guessed it, the people didn’t get anything, but special people got it, and kuchma even justified this, he says , otherwise it’s a war of everyone against everyone, so let’s better give it to rich people, they will rob ukraine, take money abroad, but that will be normal. yuri, we have a small graphic about how everything is organized there, there are a number of clans, explain to us what kind of clans these are, who gets what belongs, these are the clans that were born during the reign of kuchma, which on the left side we can see, in the ninety-fifth year, kuchma initiated the law on financial and industrial groups, this is the beginning of the oligarchy, the so -called beginnings, the law on the creation of financial groups, financial industrial groups, well, right away they would call everything organized crime groups, if you allow me to add , you know, i know this information from the mouth of chechetov, this is the former head of the property fund, suddenly such
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a story, a coup in 2014 jumps out , is thrown out from... to chechet, the former head property fund, and after some time semenyuk, also the former head of the property fund, shot herself, and chechetov before that, and i was in one faction, he told me that after the elections of ninety-nine, kuchma gathered all the oligarchs and was chechet, as the head of the property fund , they distributed zones of influence and sectors of influence, to whom is the region, for example, well, let’s see, what to whom? it became, well, for example, the same thing, poroshenko, vinnytsia region, this is his base region, yeah, dnepropetrovsk, it’s clear that somewhere kolomoisky influences, pinchuk is somewhere, and not from there, yulia tymoshenko is somewhere, but she was not on this list then. the same pinchuk is donbass. so, when they wrote it all down, and described it, for example, by sector, who is involved in gas, who is
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involved in metallurgy, who is in chemistry, and so on, they wrote it all down, it is clear that he seemed to be speaking. kolomoisky, penchuk should have the third, and so on in all areas, no super monopolies, no exceptional situations, something like this, this is tb, this is me, yes, but when...
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rom kastro is a product of the stellar group. vodka veda,
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product of stellar group. old barrel cognac, a product of the steller group. bourbon stirsman is a product of the stellar group. mancatcher whiskey, a product of the steller group. of all the civilizations living on the planet today, the most ancient chinese civilization has almost always been the most populated country and the first economy in the world. we can recall the famous travel book of marco paul: the italian merchant described with great amazement the power and level of economic development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century, the famous monochronic painting, chinese poetry, refined literature, china, of course , was ahead in sophistication, well, almost all countries. after the end of world war ii , the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. more than 10 thousand specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created
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almost the entire modern chinese economy. one of pin's first decisions after he became the leader of china was to create an institute for the study of bukharin's ideas, so that the sinicized model of nepa operates in china. premiere of civilization. the seventh film. china. behind. the mercenaries who initially went to ukraine, they went to safari, that’s how it was advertised
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. this is such a career advancement, but again there are many there, what do i think about bandera? yes , that’s right, i have no problems with this, it turns out that the poles are training those who fight under bandera’s ideals, they can go on the attack with them, money, but i’m not going to participate in assault operations, it’s too dangerous, i want to help country, but at the same time i really want to live, all places where foreign mercenaries gather are big targets for our rocketeers, vavan and lexus show, tomorrow on the first.
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the audience loves the ensemble, they love, they love these songs, they know them, they sing together, i am very grateful to the audience for the fact that they have been with us for these 30-odd years, god willing, everything will be fine with us in the future, i i drew a cat for you there, knowing that you love them, who doesn’t love them? lyuba, lyuba on friday on the first. the apostle andrew was fishing at the pier, the savior walked on water. we know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ. he was not small, but high brovaz, nosed, with gray, slightly unkempt hair. they may be the last judgment until all nations know about christ. therefore, someone must go to the ends
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of the universe and preach. christ , including the scythian, the apostle stood on a high stone, prayed for the enlightenment of the people of khersanes, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stones, he went to preach, to meet all the troubles, sorrows, he was moved forward by faith, why st. andrew's cross, a symbolic name because it resembles the letter christ, his crucified on just such a cross, this is the letter ha of such a sign, such across the whole country that christ unites.
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let’s do a little profiling on him, let’s do it, i’m wondering, is he bringing kuchma into politics early into big money? kuchma, or will he also write off later, because they are both strong players, who has what? it seems to me that one of joseph vissarionovich stalin’s guardsmen, for example... well, since we are talking about a prosecutor here , vyshinsky, in my opinion, vyshinsky was a prosecutor, got into the soul of our prosecutor, hence his actions, i flew from boryspil, firstly, why would they suddenly detain me, what do you have a little, or something, so i said there exactly 5 years ago that this was a monstrous provocation against ukraine, against the president, against ukraine, i
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stood in these positions. and i will stand, you chose these particular videos for profiling, but the first and main question is probably still, if pinchuk and kuchma, who is the dominant one? i think that, well, at first kuchma was certainly dominant, it’s understandable why, but now you know, these are equally players, also, they different, but they are very similar to each other, they complement each other very much, so i think that this is even some semblance of friendship, although such people can be friends with difficulty, these are the people who, in principle, are not capable of friendship, but they have good partnership, and if you allow me to very briefly talk about kuchma as an individual, you know , this is a person from... not possessing any external qualities, well, he very well realized that she has an innate, firstly, her mind, it's definitely very smart, he is very fast, has a good mind, as a rule , such people play chess very well, they understand cards very quickly, very quickly,
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and he is also very very sociable, if necessary, he will find an approach to anyone, he speaks very well, how did he earn money money, when he was a student, he himself admits it, there is a quote, he played preferential. i thought he was playing preference, moreover, then later in his own quote he admitted that for me, and he played well, the game of preference became in a certain sense a ticket to life, yes, it for him to say, you know, some kind of communication center and also, pay attention, when kuchma talks, he looks down, he does not , as a rule, look at the interlocutor’s face, and he speaks, his speech begins slowly, then louder, louder and louder, it starts to sway, it’s called accelerating yourself when you don’t believe it. in what you say, by increasing the timbre of your voice and swaying, you demonstrate that what you say is true, i said yes, because it will be, that is, he presses in this way, and here, if we see this, i understand that a,
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either he doubts what he says, or b, he knows that it was different, and he is trying to convince you that it was that way, how does he say this, but what do you think, is he a cold and calculating person in himself? in this audio, a voice similar to kuchma discusses the possible elimination of objectionable opposition journalist and editor-in-chief of ukrainian pravda georgy gangadze. he published accusatory articles in the press and
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even personally asked the then president ukraine has the wrong questions. since the summer of 2000, gangadze reported that he was being followed, as well as threats received against him. he disappeared in september, and his headless body was discovered a month and a half later. in the tarashchensky forest 100 km from kiev. after another 2 weeks, the leader of the socialist party of ukraine, alexander moroz, said he was glad that he had come into his hands with an audio recording that proved kuchma’s involvement in the murder of kangadze. it was allegedly secretly made by major of the presidential guard nikolai melnichenko. it was these films that formed the basis of the accusations of address of the president of ukraine. western experts confirmed the authenticity of kuchma’s voice on the tape, but could not say whether the recording took place in the conversation or in which video it was. published, the voice of kuchma instructed his security forces to deal with gangadzo, as well as with the head of his own administration, vladimir lytvyn. the matter proceeded extremely slowly, encountering resistance from officials at various levels. in 2003 , general of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine
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aleksey pukach came to the attention of the investigation, who was subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment as the main the perpetrator of the crime, but then the general was released, the whole situation was used by kuchma’s political opponents against him. i'll do it again. or as many times as i want, i’m ready to swear on the constitution and the bible that i did not give such a criminal decree and could not, in fact, give it. another cassette scandal occurred after an attack on people’s deputy alexander yelyashkevich, who was an ardent opponent of kuchma and openly criticized his policies. after he was severely beaten on the street, elyashkevich immediately called his customer the failed assassination of the president of ukraine. and the second entry was the same security guard melnichenko. later it was proven that nordep was attacked by a former kiev resident convicted of robbery and drug possession while intoxicated, apparently with the aim of robbing a well-dressed deputy, but the opposition, which wanted kuchma’s resignation, could no longer be appeased. he was reminded of 1996, the murder
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of the ukrainian politician and oligarch overseeing donbass, yevgeny shcherban. he was shot on the tarmac at the donetsk airport, after the plane landed, the killers quickly disappeared, without encountering resistance from security at the exit from the security area. these actions that took place at the airport, they could not take place without the sanction of the top officials of the state; the organizers of the murder were named yulia tymoshenko, who then directly participated in the division of property. in eastern ukraine, as well as her predecessor, former prime minister and lover, pavel lazarenko, who fled the united states. however, shcherban’s partner, yuri grandfather, argued that the contract killing was more beneficial to leonid kuchma than others. shcherban allegedly planned to initiate impeachments, kuchma eliminated him as a major political threat. kuchma's involvement in all three episodes remained unproven, but dedicated experts, using their example, hinted at the particular cynical cruelty of the ukrainian president, who did not tolerate anything.
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that you don’t agree, to be honest , it’s not true, why i don’t think so, because - every time a certain process takes place, here were the last ones, when the new government came, kuchma came and tried to come to an agreement with penchuk, questions from alexey pukach, so that this question close, the fact is that when the general - he didn’t strangle him, he him, he cut off his head when he was alive, we say that he was framed, and the general says: “ kuchma personally gave me the order, no, except for kuchma,
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everyone, anyone, knows this of a person, studying his type, i’ll tell you this, and even this can be seen in the video, of course, he understands who has something to do with this, who did it, but he ’s a different person, he most likely said this, do something, shut up him, that's what he said 100%, let's listen to what he said, novel, come on, give evidence that as a matter of fact, he said?" "
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belgorod region and kharkov region, if ukraine is not russia? the answer was very simple, and i remember that he said to kuchma’s embarrassed face: “no, no.” and then, of course, the orange revolution happened, the orange revolution, in which kuchma, let’s say, supported the orange forces, and therefore was, let’s say,
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the murder of gangaza, and you know, then suddenly it happened that it started literally 7 months later... .euromaidan and, as it were, the interests were already defended, let’s say, european direction, and thus this process was stopped, that is , kuchma, by and large, made a deal with his conscience, and we see that to this day the united states, which in 2002, by the way, stated that the film is authentic, talk, the names of the americans said it, they carried it out. yes, when they said this, the kuchmas were thinking about whether they should write me a book, quickly ukraine, not russia, but the next moment, when the ukrainian people looked at this slightly khutarian elite, excuse me for making such comparisons, he wondered question, tell me, why,
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why do we need these borders that are in the way, why do we need, accordingly, the management of these not entirely adequate people, why do we need the existence of two states, then the western partners thought about the need for direct justification for why ukraine should exist, and even kuchma himself explained this, he somehow came out with repentance, almost shed a tear and said, well, i’m sorry, there were times when i was wrong, but why, let’s listen, well, you have to pay for everything , in number... we have to pay for independence, however, who pays what amount is the second question, ordinary people always pay the largest amount, because they only believe the promises that were made, but the fact is
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that to some extent we people were deceived that when they said that ukraine feeds all of russia, they thought everything was for ukraine. by the way, it’s interesting that both republicans and democrats are at once, here he is pinchuk, he managed to do everything everywhere, stay with us.
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lessons should be like a sincere conversation, and what worries children, what worries teachers, parents, i am proud that at 30 years old i have a son has appeared, the evening makes me happy, if you think about my travels, i have traveled all over russia, we have the kindest people. people on our entire planet earth are the most responsive, ready to come to each other’s aid and lend a helping hand in difficult times. i ask you not to doubt anything, my grandfather is a cossack, by god i’m not lying. and every person who appears in your life is like a piece of a puzzle, he completes himself, so that you remain as you are, because you are the real wealth of russia, so that every russian i found myself in this big world and so that we can live, as they say, and not grieve. cnop gin,
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a stellar group product, monte chococa cognac, a stellor group product, rom castro, a stellar group product, veta vodka, a stellar group product, old barrel cognac. product of steller group. we are doing everything right. first, we calm the east of the country. we let russia understand that there is a real threat of maidan in the country. people want kurasana from parisian coffee shops. on the maidan in kiev , activists lit fires and set up chambers. what should i tell zapadok? singing about gas again? ukraine for ukrainians. you don’t have the brains to hold the power to flirt with the nazis.
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why was the legendary soviet aircraft designer antonov assigned to the ukrainians? objective shortage of national heroes. his entire engineering and design life took place at moscow enterprises. after the collapse of the soviet union, the antonov concern went to ukraine. the ukrainians, through a misunderstanding, got this inheritance, which they killed. a museum was opened in mariupol , allegedly to hide crimes. modern mythologists, ukrainians are trying take out all the good stuff.
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love for native ashes, love for fathers and slaves. don’t sleep, don’t sleep, artist, don’t indulge in sleep, you are a hostage of time in captivity for eternity. hiss, be angry, my friends, damn you, you won’t salt me ​​with them, to your great regret, i am not going to fight with you. i just don’t give a damn about your lies, about your statements, about yourself. when you resort to a saying in vain, it will not help you.
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tears, because i live, and these brothers are there with me, it's worth it, when you painted, what was you thinking, i was thinking about winning, on saturday on first, leonid kuchma started to disrupt ukraine, at least... so they say, his son-in-law, a certain mr. pinchuk, closely connected with the americans, helped act as a mediator, which the kuchma and pinchuk clan agreed on right now. in general, here is the entire kuchma pinchuk clan, which is a very structured financial scheme in which, surprisingly for me, both political parties are involved, to which
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pinchuk donates money, he immediately gave money to trump.
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we have a democratic party, that is, this whole history took place already in those years, and what, let’s say, does this scheme say, that in 2005-4 kuchma surrendered ukraine to the americans, in fact we lost sovereignty, along with yushchenko , let’s say, pro-american agents of influence entered, they entered into sbu, to the security forces , these are the murders that we discussed, it was , let’s say, the story of compromising evidence, which, probably, was his...
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further, i think that pinchuk himself was approximately well, they understood, took into account all these points, realized how influence trading works in the west and tried to get right into it get involved, integrate, yes, that is , here we see that he really gave decent money to a lot of people in the west, well , of course, there the largest donations came in twos. foundation, the first is the clinton foundation , which he donated, in my opinion, something in the region of 25 million dollars in total, and it was not just by throwing money like that ; it’s great there when hillary clinton came to some visit, although such there were also visits and even there they had some private lunches with bill and hillary clinton, he even by the way, they even invited them to crimea, that is, it got to the point that penchuk provided his personal private jet to hillary
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clinton for flights, that’s when she was still, if i’m not mistaken, a senator, probably. from new york even before she became secretary of state, that is, there the level of such personal private contacts was quite high. then later, i think that he tried, of course , to throw a little at the republicans, well, bush sr., after all, it was the very beginning of the nineties, but the scandal of the sixteenth year is curious, yes, indeed, pinchuk put everything on hillary clinton’s victory; all ukrainians hoped that she would win, but it did not happen. in december 1916, he suddenly transferred $150,000 to donald trump’s campaign headquarters.
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in my opinion, half a million dollars annually, due to this he becomes one of the leaders of this fund, constantly makes some speeches and so on, that is, it is clear that on the one hand this is lobbying for the interests of ukraine. as pinchuk understands, but on the other hand, this is, of course, influence trading, he he himself is trying to build some positions of his own in the west and is trying to use this money to make sure that he is accepted as one of their own, but there is also another point, that is, on the one hand, he runs up and gives money to trump, because why does a conflict arise with ukraine’s interference in the american elections, but he then participates in the conflict with burisma, and what does pinchuk have to do with burisma in general? the fact is that pinchuk in certain years. he resolved the issues of everyone, and kolomoisky, he resolved the issues, and rinat akhmetov, he resolved the issues, and solved the issue, according to zlochevsky , the fact is that it is located, well , through certain companies, in everyone’s shares, on
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a small share, but it is located, well, as they had, yes, two factories here, and one for themselves, here this story is about weapons and iraq, on the tapes there is also a mention of the sale of chain mail to iraq, chain mail is a radar system that is produced. at the donetsk topas plant, these systems are capable of detecting american stealth aircraft, wow, all this information sheds light on the eve of the invasion coalition in iraq, now information appears that four kalchuk complexes were sold by ukraine at a time when iraq was under an international embargo, this was a serious violation, accordingly, kuchma was taken, in addition to the murder of the gangaz, kuchma was also caught on the hook for this situation with chain mail, they had to where is the hook here? what is he wearing? well , ukraine did not recognize the fact of the sale. it was recorded on the tapes that kuchma gives instructions to the head of the company ukrspetsexport, this is a defense company that sold
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ukrainian weapons for export, gives instructions, sell through a jordanian intermediary, just keep his mouth shut. and krivorozhstal? why is everyone saying that this is so really important? before the orange revolution, krivorozhstal was sold 50/50 to two.
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“i will remind you that renat leonidovich’s mother, she was in the same period of time in kazakhstan at baikanur, when leonid kuchma was in charge there, can you imagine, and there are so many of these wonderful coincidences, and then another wonderful coincidence that when azovstal the people's account was restored, modernized, made, let's say, an advanced plant, then in 2003." kuchma is sitting there, saying, we need to give it to good hands, preferably inexpensively, but good, then renat leonidovich akhmetov, again mentioned above, appears, saying that just like that
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happened, by the way, in some way you know, they look similar to me, look, well, if they showed a photograph of kuchma’s daughter and young renat leonidovich, i think there would be questions. there would be even fewer questions. elena franchuk pinchuk and renat leonidovich - i thought she was childhood? no, it’s just akhmetov, incredible, well, yes, i i must admit that bestiality still exists, daimer, let’s still return to kuchma and penchuk, specifically kuchma, a complete scum and scoundrel, i’ll explain why, you mentioned the guardian newspaper, you can find out from the interview, it’s quite interesting.
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hordes than moscow, and what’s more, kuchma , by the way, is a man who has spoken russian all his life, this is a man who considers ukrainians morons and idiots, he wants, he again... vitel, his wings have been crucified, he’s all like that flew, no, just a second, he gets excited about things, every time, whoever comes to power, every time the gongadze case comes up, when poroshenko came, lutsenko raised this case, poroshenko gave the order to raise the case, they promised puchuku, now there will be a review of the case, he says, yes, i’m ready to give the case, they started promoting all this through the press , the puchuk was brought into the courtroom and the verdict was left as well, but why was it left, because with the two of them. agreed and for a reason, now
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his daughter comes to the forefront periodically, she is an heiress, he will not give all the assets to penchuk, so he periodically began his to take his daughter out, when the new government came, this scoundrel came first of all to negotiate with kolomoisky on the issue so that this issue could be closed once and for all, but no, the americans said, they did not allow this issue to be closed, well, this is a classic tandem of government and business, without which ... you can develop a business tied to family ties on some secrets, for pinchuk, if we take the former work of kuchma himself, that he was still involved in yuzhmash missiles, he was the first step that brought him to the world level, this is serious, then there’s more pinchuk began to move like the second stage, higher and higher, they work in tandem, realizing that they cannot live without each other, there is a secret, and not just one, i think, both banking and others, now...
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a statement that you know, behind all independence must be paid, yes, it must be paid , but not by the state, you understand, today the state will be destroyed, and we fought for independence, isn’t this a policy of idiocy, yes, well, as for this whole clan, if we generalize our current transfer, of course, in my opinion, the most interesting question is who they go to next will be put in ukrainian politics, yes, because it is obvious that ipinchuk and most likely kuchma consider zelensky and irmak as such already downed pilots, but they, by the way, are not the only ones. yes, that is, we see how, for example, poroshenko has now become more active, is betting on razumkov, not so long ago, by the way, alex soros, the heir to this huge empire of george soros, came to ukraine , he met with zelensky’s office, but he met from the side table, such an absolutely pro-american character, so it is quite possible that there they have already given him the go-ahead that he can work, well, probably the second point is connected with the fact that those ratings that are now being carried out in ukraine, those measurements show that he is even surpassing zelensky in popularity at the moment, so if he will do... as you saw,
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based on our program, interesting details are beginning to emerge , which we will also dig deeper until we sort out and present to you this whole big web with the main puppeteers at the head. hello, the program is on air at the time studio ekaterina andreeva, the main event of the day. the enemy has been driven back, our military and border guards have cleared up the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to break into russian territory in the belgorod and kursk regions.


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