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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 13, 2024 12:15pm-3:01pm MSK

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i saw the living eyes of the children of that eighty-eighth year who survived all this horror and found themselves in this deadly trap. 35 years passed, and the children, who became adults, saw their hero. the alpha group was so secret that not everyone in the kgb knew about it. now there is an opportunity for the heroes to consider trying to understand people who live by the law. die yourself, free the hostage. the audience greets them standing, a show for veterans of special services and those who are just about to follow in their footsteps. yana pazyuban, pavel roman.
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take it down and maybe there’s no reason to do it, just in case, it’s clear that much of what was said was addressed not only to us, but also, so to speak, abroad of the russian federation, and we’ll discuss, we heard, we didn’t hear, what exactly we heard, how we heard exactly, let’s talk about all this, a lot was said, a very important programmatic thing was said, i’m not afraid of that word, well, in particular regarding foreign troops, but there is a lot of speculation and there are statements by macron, for some reason some kind of amazing rebuke
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to macron from stoltenberg’s side, it’s kind of good emmanuel should consult with us before making such statements, at the same time the balts confirm their readiness, and the czechs and poles are eager to fight there, and so on, in general, in short, some kind of tension is growing, and tension from one part, as it turned out, is not at all a single and monolithic west, an attempt, so to speak , to smooth out some rough edges, to calm down on the other side, in general, something, something is happening, something, something some kind of solution, some kind of resolution directly suggests itself. also said about interventionists, this is the word he used vladimir putin, in general he said how we would treat these hypothetical, hypothetical arrival of some western troops on the territory of ukraine, let’s listen, well, in the usa they announced that they are not going to send troops, that means , we know what american troops on russian territory are, they are interventionists, that’s how we approach it...
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i don’t think that everything here is rushing so head-on, but, but we are ready for this, i have said many times, for us it is a matter of life and death, and for them, for them it is a matter of improving their tactical position in general, in the situation in the world, well in europe in particular, maintaining their status, their status among their allies. this is also important, but not
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as much as it is for us, well, if i understand correctly, maybe, so to speak, i do not have the right to so freely and easily interpret the words of our president when he says that i don’t think that everything is going so straight in the forehead, it was he who responded to the image that kiselyov offered him, like two cars approaching each other and no one wants to turn, but putin says, says, well, for us it’s a matter of life and death, but for them it’s a question of, so to speak, some kind of tactical improvements, that is, here is my interpretation, that is , it turns out that all these...
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strategic ones between nuclear powers, it ’s clear what this can lead to, therefore, although the president stated several times today that our strategy for the use of nuclear deterrent forces remains unchanged, in the form in which it is good for everyone , by the way, is known to the whole world, but no less, so to speak, this is a very serious, serious warning, and i am absolutely sure that in washington and in other western capitals, even in small european states, like today... the president said, yes, when there is talk about lita i came in, yes, even there they understand that this, of course, is not puke, that this is all very serious, but fundamentally, it seems to me that today the president gave several such powerful messages, one
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of them, in response to dmitry kiselyov’s question, this is what what we need to do to avoid big ones losses? during the operation, he said an absolutely fundamental thing: to increase the power of the pressure of defeat, we have all the necessary capabilities for this, and this, this signal of the means of destruction, he further listed which ones, i will not repeat after our president, he i made it as clear as possible, but in the compartment these two messages, it seems to me that, well, as they say, those who have ears will hear in the west. yes, this is all clear to me, that is, we will destroy progressively, this is completely obvious, and not only infrastructure and manpower, whoever is there, is against us, so we will achieve the goal of the operation, the president said that this is
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a matter of life and death - for us this is a matter of the absolute security of our citizens, our territory, and this task will be solved, which means they want it, please, it means that there are complexes that he spoke about today, historical ones, including complexes, yes, he spoke wonderfully about the french today, great, we are talking about this, but the point is, so to speak, that there are complexes, want to send, if you want to take part , so to speak, in this mess, then you will definitely get the full program, all the opportunities for this are there, there are undoubtedly very few people willing, and the president was absolutely right when he said that among those countries that will first of all fall under retaliation.
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.. yes, i’ll cling to your formula, those who have ears will hear, everyone has ears, well, for the most part, and our, so to speak, opponents and partners, will they want to hear, dmitry, do you think they will hear , is that how they interpret it, because here it is in the last part i heard ruslan say in amazement, listen, and we watched different interviews or something with them and an independent, they heard one thing, is it something else there or are we doing something else and so on, well, you see, this is a question so to speak , as this information is not... this is a property of the receiver, not the transmitter, there is such an opinion, please, the issue of sending troops is discussed in detail, so at some levels, this became the result accordingly, well, in response to this, strictly speaking , this statement became due to the fact that
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the general dislocation is changing somewhat, especially in the context of the next two months of spring, and accordingly, macron said in principle what he is going to do there and where his red lines are, in principle. passes, yeah, so, that is, he is going to hang out there, as it were, in case there is an approach, as it were, in the southern direction, that is, he is interested in the southern direction, well, he said, he said odessa and kiev specifically, by the way, excuse me, but after all, the french were in odessa, and about 100 years ago, i remind you that now there is a significant some of the surface, respectively, drones will be provided , including by the french country, as you know, they were in the crimea, and therefore military operations are going on there and the military personnel are actually represented there, they are just not part of the normal military contingents, respectively , but at the level of special operations, all this is there, and everyone understands this too, and accordingly the problem is that, as it were, the situation in spring is somewhat specific, it suggests, as it were, some specific actions and , as a matter of fact, this answer, which we have seen recently is connected precisely with
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the czech republic’s search for the necessary weapons, accordingly, statements regarding the more intensive sending of systems and long-range combat there are connected precisely with this, but it is obvious that in the near future it will be a little restrained due to climatic conditions, for some it is extremely difficult to use technology, which is related to temperature conditions, of course, everything is on both sides they understand roughly that everyone is waiting, that they are waiting for spring, as long as the soil is in normal condition, that it would be possible to use one or another solution, accordingly , by this time the question will be how much funding will be raised by this time , so far, accordingly , there are restrictions, approximately the gap there is 60 billion plus, so for about 14 days, maybe 20 days. as if this issue is not resolved accordingly, and then accordingly there will be a so-called resolution on dismissal, which will try
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to bypass these restrictions in the lower house of parliament, it is now being prepared, assembled by the democrats, with a high degree of probability, with a high degree of probability, no matter how the financier will be presented, there is an opportunity during this window, which is approximately a month plus minus, a month plus, as if, accordingly, the situation would continue approximately in the current formats, let us formulate it this way from afar, then this would lead , as it were, to the next stage of escalation, so it would be that the next stage of escalation would have to be assumed.
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the related statement that was made somewhat does not work, in fact , the attempts that we are now seeing
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lately are, first of all, attacks on economic targets, first of all, this is an attempt to correspondingly reduce the military- economic potential, because the economy is the strongest country as if this process and if the conflict drags on, then of course the economy will win, that is, whoever’s economy will be stronger, as for the french, yes, we all remembered them and it is not by chance that yes dmitry kiselyov naturally asked a question about macron and his, so to speak , irrepressible french ardor.
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the fact is that the military of western countries are present in ukraine, they have been present for a long time, even before the coup d’état, and after the coup d’état their number has increased manifold; now they are present in primu in the form of an adviser. just as the supply of weapons does not change anything, secondly, this can lead to
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serious geopolitical consequences, because if, say, polish troops enter the territory of ukraine for, like this sounds like it is to cover the ukrainian-belarusian, say, border or in some other places. in order to free ukrainian military contingents to participate in hostilities on the line of contact, then i think that... then the polish troops will never leave there, well, it seems to me so, in this case, then because they want to return, they sleep and see , they want to return those lands that they consider historically theirs and which were taken from them by the father of nations joseph
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vasirovich stalin and transferred to ukraine. they, of course, want to return them, and if official polish units enter there, they are unlikely to leave, but then their example may be followed by other countries that lost part of their territories as a result of the second world war, and i think that these are the geopolitical consequences for ukraine, even from the point of view of preserving its statehood in modern science, they... they will of course stand up in all their beauty to their full height, but it’s clear that in every answer, so to speak, there is always a meaningful part yes, but there is such a well as i wouldn't know putin can be emotional, of course, in one phrase, he said, let’s say, i can say stalin , he said joseph vesserovich stalin, the father of nations, it’s understandable that he would be like this, as
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if it’s almost ironic, but you understand how it’s burned there right now how many people are running around. today the president once again very clearly recalled that the situation has not just changed, it has simply become much more urgent, we said that poland, as usual, proven, one might say, for decades by the hyenas of europe, will begin to tear off pieces from, so to speak, the carcass ukraine, then, when the horse falls, uh-huh, today all the talk about the plant of troops, they, in fact, are actualized by the fact that
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with a high degree of probability, we can say that they understand there. the horse begins to stumble, not fall yet, but stumble , because the horse is obviously not being taken out, the plan in which the horse was supposed to come first to trample the bear did not work out, the plan was that she would gallop along with him, so to speak, and he would not catch up with her , also no longer works, that is, the plan is already underway to ensure that the horse is still falls, a discussion begins, the first option, let's bring in troops to drive out those who are sitting out there in the rear, let them die there in front, we hope that russia will not touch us.
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the president’s ability to very quickly assess the situation, most importantly, to react to it very quickly, one of the things that this war showed, it showed simply the enormous speed of accumulation of experience and its implementation, that is , this is the very case when what was a month ago still some distant future, today becomes reality, but after a month it becomes the past, and you are talking about something specific.
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again, that many times it has also been said here that nuclear weapons are, after all , the king’s final argument, but there is nothing at the front now to indicate that russia needs to resort to nuclear weapons in order to - to change something, we quite calmly solve problems without this, and of course in this case a reminder that we have been multiplying mercenaries and military specialists by zero for the past 2 years, i’ll remind you of the famous blow, if...
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listen, i think that there is some kind of resentment, but when we maintained direct contacts with him, we spoke quite openly on this
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topic, we did not interfere in africa and did not squeeze france out of there, but the problem is in another, this is a well-known group - wagner, which first carried out a number of economic projects in syria. then it moved to other african countries, the ministry of defense provides support, but only based on the fact that this is a russian group, nothing more, and we didn’t push anyone out, just african leaders some countries agreed with russian economic operators, wanted to work with them , did not want to work with the french in some way, it was not even our initiative, it was...
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i say this without irony, because in many countries where france has historically been a metropolitan , well, they don’t really want to deal with them, we have nothing to do with it, but well , it’s probably, probably, it’s more convenient to be offended by someone, without seeing your own problems, well, maybe, maybe that’s it. ..
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no, it’s clear, that’s clear, here’s the second example, today we are talking a little about this, this is the crimean war, france played one of the leading roles, anti-russian roles, it all ended
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in defeat, the wildest defeat in the franco-prussian war, yeah, with all the consequences for france, the most difficult for a decade, which it was able to partially overcome only in alliance with russia, this is very interesting, in that very franco-prussian war, by the way, which you won. who won, history teacher, parish priest, so i quote us, who, who, who bequeathed, this brilliant politician, military leader bequeathed to his people never to fight or raise a hand against russia, then yes, this is a very interesting signal, by the way, but as for the foreign contingent, if possible, just one word, one, one , one thought, or rather, you know, to go there, that’s what a colleague. he said absolutely correctly, they can only enter in one case with contingents, so if they get the go-ahead from washington or a command, then
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they won’t get it yet...
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germany is an economic monster, but a political dwarf, i don’t know, when we talk about the franz adamovich contingent, that’s what we mean in general?
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strategy, remember, this is a single strategy, in the first world war they destroyed the russian empire, in the second world war they decided to finally solve the unfinished russian empire, which was called the soviet union, and thanks to unity, like today as a nation and a strong leader, they have it didn't work out, yeah, they did it. in the ninety-first year, when the leaders were weak and traitors and did not destroy the soviet union, they didn’t finish off russia, because then there were soviet generals left, smart people who relied on fire, main fire, destructive weapons, the nuclear triad, gave the entire budget, saved the country in spite of all these things in the complete absence of air defense
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, despite the fact that no were absolutely doomed. i will tell you very serious things so that you understand what is happening, and these military operations began with the use of space-based aviation missile artillery grouping, tied to artificial intelligence and a unified system control, three sevens , the adjustable block, adjustable
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speed was put back a long time ago.
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negotiates, for example, with south america, signs open market contracts, and of course, farmers suffer greatly from this, they also suffer from sanctions, they all understand that his policies do not take into account their interests at all, then there is a second point, as you know , there will be european elections in june, and macron’s party wants to look very much like that, well, proud, ready for anything and ready to just wage war. well, yes, that he is the same, the most the strongest, the bravest, dares
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to stand up straight against, well, against the russian aggressor, and the french like to feel like they are almost a superpower, well, as you know, they felt like that for a very long time.
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will end. according to our legend, petro poroshenko is recruiting fighters for his personal private military company. what is the average price for training one soldier? from 5 to 2.0 euros per person, includes accommodation and three
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meals a day. this is the average price per week for a ukrainian serviceman, that is, so much spent by ukraine during these years. well, this is at a discount, and even at a discount. in many ways, she is involved in the training of the ukrainian army. on the first, you carry me river, kulya, well
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, the most important songs for me were sung, when we first met , i personally had no opportunity to guess him as a future folk artist, these are the guys from our yard, this style is closer to me, that is, like this intimate conversation with the audience, first rehearsal, the boss is irritated, just goes to the microphone, only the first words are uttered and i was completely turned over. who doesn't love them? lyuba, lyuba, on friday on
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the first. in our studio we hear songs and poems dedicated to the defenders of our fatherland. i am young again, you are a man who renounced everything worldly, being a military man, you decided to return to the front line. for a monk, this is, of course, an unusual life that...
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i'm already in tears, because i live, and these brothers are there with me, it's worth it when you 're doctors, volunteers, surgeons, excuse me, i drew what i was thinking, i was thinking about victory, on saturday at the first pier, i was fishing, apostle andrey, the savior walked on water, we know that. there was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ, he was not small, but tall, bravast, nasad, with gray, slightly unkempt hair, there cannot be a last judgment until all nations know about christ, therefore someone must reach the limits of the universe and preach christ, including the scythian. the apostle stood on a high stone, prayed for the enlightenment of the people of khersanes, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stones, he went to preach, to meet all the troubles, sorrows, he was moved forward by faith. why is
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st. andrew's cross a symbolic name, because it resembles a beech tree ha, christ, he was crucified on just such a cross. this letter ha, such a sign across the whole country, which christ will exchange, and which will exchange the faith of the apostle andrew the first-called. andrew the first-called, premiere on saturday on the first. hello, it’s news time first, we’ll tell you about the most important events right now. so, the main topic is vladimir putin’s statement on the most important and sensitive issues that concern millions of russians.
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this is artillery, armored vehicles, our development is progressing without any exaggeration, by leaps and bounds. vladimir putin commented on the recent attempts by ukrainian militants of foreign mercenaries to attack the belgorod and kursk regions. these sabotages, as the head of state noted, occur against the backdrop of the failures of the kiev regime on the front line. they did not achieve any of the goals set by vysu. russia is the president, let me especially emphasize. it is known that it was not our country that disrupted the negotiations the process in istanbul and the kiev authorities openly admitted to boycott the agreement; they were instructed to never refuse dialogue. good in the west. despite this, moscow wants and is ready to resolve the conflict peacefully, but everyone must clearly understand that this will be a serious conversation with guarantees of the security of our country. during the interview i started talking about
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the united states, including the election race. russia, according to vladimir putin, is ready to interact with any leader who is favored by the american voter. today is about increasing productivity labor, because in conditions of a shortage of workers, labor resources, we have only one way of effective development, to increase labor productivity, this in turn means that we must increase the innovative
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start of the economy, let’s say, increase the density of robotization, we have today 10 robots per... in my opinion, per 10,000 workers, but it is necessary that there be at least 1.0 robots per 10,000 workers, in my opinion, this is how things are in japan, in my opinion, that is, so that people can work on such a new technology, well, not only to use robotics, but also other modern means of production, you need to prepare them, another problem arises, this is personnel training, we have a whole direction for this.
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priority attention in russia is given to the fight against poverty. a lot has already been done for this, vladimir putin noted. 20 years ago
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, almost a third of the country's population was below the poverty line. now the figure is slightly higher than 9% - this is also a lot, the president emphasized. this means we need to work further in this direction. set up your tax system to it was more equitable and contributed primarily to solving social problems. it was in the soviet union. now about how the special operation is going, our military. destroyed the command post of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction, enemy positions were attacked by su-34 fighters with unguided aerial bombs with a special planning module. it allows you to deliver precise strikes from a safe distance. the ovdeevsky section is the work of our artillerymen. they hit the so-called rolling mortar of the militants, which they constantly transported with place to place and fired from it at the positions of russian troops. two sighting guns then made a direct hit on the cover where the enemy was trying to camouflage the car.
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at night, soldiers have to work more often than during the day, it’s safer, plus the effect of surprise. our military is opening the defenses of the armed forces of ukraine in the belogorovka area, not far from seversk, this is a powerful fortified area, the militants have dug in there for years, created a whole network of underground structures, getting to the enemy is not an easy task, tankers are working in conjunction with an operator... drones, act you need to quickly and accurately, blow by blow, and also protect your cars from enemy fighting birds, with an advanced report by oleg shishkin. under the camouflage net the t-62 is barely visible among the trees. this is the safest section of the path, then there is open area, and the tank can be easily detected from the air. tankers from the southern group of troops are working against the enemy entrenched in belogorovka from closed firing positions, from a distance of several kilometers. targets are determined by aerial reconnaissance. open dugouts, fortified areas, and we try to inflict as much damage to armored vehicles.
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several of our surveillance drones are hovering over the enemy at once. the cameras allow us to see what is happening on the ground in detail; in almost every dilapidated building , ukrainian militants have equipped firing points. but he's digging. tankers demonstrate sniper accuracy. the first shot destroys enemy fortifications. ay, there, gray, there, let him go. it also gives it right there, very clearly. it is not an easy task to smoke out ukrainian militants from underground fortifications: tank crews are trying to destroy the building in order to fill up dryers with concrete debris. as a rule, one projectile is not enough for this; a series of accurate hits is needed, which is called a perfect hit. kamikaze drones are coming in too. a reconnaissance bird operator discovered a militant supporter on the first floor of the building. there are these two windows, but you can’t fly in here, it’s clear right here. fpv drone operators need to be in touch with the fire control center.
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our tbla is moving forward, someone is watching or the sky is watching us, watching you, there’s a bird there, we have to react in time. the t-62 holds up well, especially moreover, the fighters figured out how to strengthen his standard defense. t-62 tankers were modernized in their own villages and in the field, they installed a protective grille against kamikaze drones, here they welded additional steel plates and installed dynamic protection for the tracks. this is one of the most vulnerable places in the tank, right? rectangles are plastic; when hit by a rocket, say, from a ptor, the plastic explodes and dissipates the cumulative jet; this protection has repeatedly
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proven its effectiveness in combat conditions. tankers also carry out daring raids to the enemy's forward positions, firing direct fire, and one of our tanks broke through close to the ukrainian militants' stronghold. no one goes ahead before every attack, careful preparation. we are with each of the military personnel of the tank crews, we are sorting it out.
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assistance in the amount of $300 million, the pentagon has already announced details, this money will be used to purchase stingers, anti-tank weapons, air defense ammunition, 155-caliber shells, while the white house admits that this is not enough and will only be enough for kiev for a few weeks, so that congress should approve additional funding as quickly as possible, let me remind you about 60 billion, but for now there is an emergency package and joe biden has instructed to work on the issue of allocating another 126 million on top of those 300. in addition, more than 2 billion crowns is more than 300 million dollars are being provided to ukraine by denmark, the funds will also be used for the supply of caesar artillery systems. well , poland’s president andrzej duda and prime minister donald tusk also announced plans to purchase ammunition for the armed forces of ukraine. by the way now usa, negotiations took place with biden. as a result, it was announced that washington is giving warsaw a loan for the purchase of helicopters and is also going to sell missiles.
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the west is ready to support ukraine and pour colossal funds into it. even to its detriment , the german armed forces have a shortage of shells, military equipment and personnel, and this despite the fact that berlin has decided to invest an additional 100 billion euros in the defense sector. this data was provided by bundestag commissioner for military affairs eva högel. according to her report, in several military units there is a real shortage of personnel, there are problems with the barracks, and the shortage of weapons and equipment concerns everything, right down to spare parts. a car with russian license plates was confiscated in lithuania. the first since the ban on the movement of such cars began to take effect in the country. a foreign car, as reported by premium class customs, costs over 40,000 euros - that’s about 4 million rubles. in addition, the owner will have to pay a fine, however, where will they look for the owner? the question is: another person was driving the car, an employee the checkpoint stated that they did not know about the ban. the restrictions came into force at the beginning of the week; they do not apply only to diplomats and those
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traveling in transit to the kaliningrad region. after a large-scale reconstruction, the universal sports hall "friendship" was opened, the famous shell is one of the symbols of the 80 olympics. moscow mayor sergei sobyanin took part in the ceremony, the builders of berezhny created the architectural appearance of the complex, everything inside is new, competitions in volleyball, basketball, martial arts and other sports. grandstand capacity over 3.00 people in the central hall alone. historical sports complex druzhba, olympic complex. received a new life , a new breath, a new birth, after a long, complex reconstruction, and now again thousands of athletes will train here, enjoy training in such a beautiful hall, and this fall we are waiting for the world friendship games here, which will be held in moscow at the olympic stadium stadium in archers and of course here in
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the famous shell like this. congratulations to all athletes on the new birth of this complex, thank you, thank you, friends, thank you , the entire olympic complex is being updated, for example, on the site of the old open-air tennis ports, a center has been built where you can practice all year round. that's all for now, the broadcast is on the first, the program will continue, time will tell. information channel forward. continues its work, we are still working as always, however, live, anatoly kuzichev is with you and we continue to discuss vladimir putin’s interview, the interview, well, it’s clear that it’s important, it’s clear that it’s programmatic, it’s clear that many of his theses, his comments, his thoughts were directed not only at you and me, but also , so to speak, outside, i wonder how it is, how we heard it, how they heard it, did they hear it, here is konstantin
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konstantinovich in that part said, says , having ears, yes... is expressed in attacks on our territory, let 's listen to the question and answer of vladimir putin, please, these attacks on the belgorod and kursk regions are simply military actions that are taking place in our regions, they behave more brazenly, they feel something than this
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caused, well, the explanation is very simple , and moreover, now the initiative has completely passed to our armed forces, everyone knows this, everyone recognizes it, here i think i won’t say anything new, but against the backdrop of those failures , we need to show at least something, and mainly attention should be focused on the information side of the matter, well, this is difficult. if not to say, it is impossible to argue, another thing is that let us, too, so to speak, not be led, so to speak, into the euphoria of their failure, so to speak, on the battlefield , on the front, it is clear that they are the ones from
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hopelessness, but nevertheless, from despair or from something else, the blows are quite sensitive, we see them, we feel them, yes, we understand that, so to speak, as long as they can, they will at least continue this business , in order to demonstrate at least something that this is true, let ’s talk now with yuri podalyaka, a journalist...
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i wrote about this yesterday the day before yesterday, because yesterday was not the first episode, it all started on the tenth and we need to take all this provocation in the context of three days, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, and two main such two main phases were on the tenth and twelfth, because we revealed their preparation in advance, apparently the reconnaissance worked great, we covered the places where their forces accumulated in the area of ​​​​the south sumy region, the north kharkov region, then they lost more than 10 units of equipment . under a hundred personnel and yesterday also did not lose a huge amount of personnel and equipment, we are talking about large numbers, in fact, if you add everything together, then this is such a loss of one day on the battle line
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contact, well, not counting , probably, the last two months, that is, that’s how much they lost for this provocation, and mostly they lost in killed people, and they also noticed scarce equipment there, including about three pieces; they lost only soviet-made tanks, nevertheless, this indicates that very serious preparation was not carried out and they were counting on approximately what happened, for example, last year, remember, visits to different villages, they thought that again it would be such an easy walk, in fact the result was discouraging everyone, honestly, i knew that we would have an effective repulse, but that it was so effective, even our guys surprised me, especially since, again, conscripts took part in repelling this attack, that is...
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they are trying, well, that is, to make maximum use, be it drones, there , i don’t know, some kind of sabotage groups, provocations, information provocations, although pay attention, yes, that’s when this knock all happened, i just followed it very closely, which means that , who writes what, everything was there, everything was thought out, obviously absolutely, some kind of schedule was probably set, they at some point, at some time x, which they told them, here we are already there in kursk, now we’re talking to people there, now we are holding a referendum. at this time, at this time, all this, excuse the harshness, the vyrus was already there, had already fallen, all these tanks had already been destroyed, and had already been knocked out, but there is a schedule, a media plan, so they
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implemented it, so to speak, so this just in case, i repeat there for the thousandth time, friends, be careful, be extremely careful, so to speak, careful and as it is called, maintain information hygiene, two words from yuri ivanovich about the situation on the fronts, which vladimir putin said, so to speak, that they say... what is happening with attempts at information victories is all a direct reflection situation at the front, on the line of combat contact, comment , of course, of course, because somewhere from the end... autumn until now, until today, the initiative firmly belongs to us, the only thing the enemy can do for now is including entering the battle their strategic reserve , to stop some of our breakthroughs, they are stabilizing, trying, well, in principle , they are doing a good job of stabilizing, but again , introducing a strategic reserve into battle is not the best result from the point of view of global warfare, because if you introduce a strategic reserve , which means that tomorrow you may not have enough of this strategic reserve in another direction, but here they were able to do so in a comfortable manner. stabilize
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the situation, but again they stabilized there a little to the south, yesterday, the day before yesterday they were very interesting battles, our troops , according to a statement from our ministry of defense, also took the settlement of nevelskoye, and a little earlier our guys entered the central part of pervomaiskaya and thus captured a small group of enemy support forces in a half-pincer, and here, so you understand, this is very an important point, because there are battles for the city of krasnogorovka, and this is an exit to the north, essentially to the flanks, to the rear of this group, that is... and the enemy simply cannot retreat, they simply have nowhere to retreat, they will retreat a couple kilometers, they will lose the most important line of defense, after which it will be much easier for us to attack, they need to hold on to all this, and, well, scatter their reserves, send them to slaughter. journalist and military expert
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, the more interesting, the more interesting yes, against the backdrop of all this that is happening, to hear the word negotiations from the lips of vladimir putin, and putin said that such a small, so to speak, announcement, negotiations are possible, but not for the sake of saying so , as he said, there was a good phrase there, i remembered. he says, well, that's pretty stupid. enter into negotiations, how to say, because of what they say, they are running out of ammunition, and we are immediately like, okay, we realize this, naturally, yes, nevertheless, we are ready for negotiations, on what terms, let’s listen to putin, are we ready for negotiations, yes, we are, but only not ready for negotiations, not based on
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some - some wishes, after the use of psychotropic drugs, but based on the realities that have developed, as they say on earth in such cases, this is the first, the second for us many times already promised, promised not to expand nato to the east. then we will see, we will see them at our borders, they promised, if we don’t go deeper into history, they promised that the internal conflict in ukraine would be resolved by peaceful means, political, as we remember, three foreign ministers arrived in kiev, poland, uh , germany and france. promised that they would be
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the guarantors of these agreements, a day later there was a coup, promised to implement the minsk agreements, and then publicly announced that they had no intention of fulfilling these promises, they just took a pause for the armament regime in ukraine, they promised us a lot of things, so here promises alone are not enough, now to reduce them. negotiations only because they are running out of ammunition, well, this is somehow ridiculous on our part, we are nevertheless ready for serious conversations, and we want to resolve, resolve all conflicts, and especially this conflict by peaceful means, but we must clearly and clearly understand for yourself that this is not...
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or what they will let you hear there, yes, because everywhere, we talked about this in the last parts, there are elections looming in many key countries, primarily in america, so all the logic now...
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this, by the way, reinforces our future negotiating position, so do they hear this? i think they are hearing, undoubtedly , the question is not what they will hear, the question is what conclusions will they draw, but conclusions, i think they will be, now at this stage i am absolutely convinced that before the elections, undoubtedly ours in these remaining days , unsuccessfully, but they will , of course, they will sanction terrorist attacks in kiev in every possible way, undoubtedly this short. these are our elections , it’s not for nothing that the president mentioned the position of the deep russian people, our citizens, who really felt now at this critical stage that the future of our country depends on them, the future of our
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country depends, this is manifested, they work there in several shifts , our workers, factories are working, enterprises are working, and in fact, in general, the nation essentially stands as one, but let’s not take some small ones there. otchepentsev everything is clear there, but , in general, this is so, the consolidation is absolute now society, around the president’s course around, so to speak, these goals, yes, including the goals of our security, the second thing he said was such a signal there, yes, that we will not abandon our people, because we cannot abandon our russian people , for us this is a question of our destiny, of historical russia, this is not just our security, only this is our destiny, and if they abandoned it, then...
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they are not capable of drawing conclusions, i think they are probably the ones who is higher than these leaders, higher than the same macron, let's let’s not forget whose protege is macron , well, macron is a protege of the rothschilds, he worked great there in the bank, became a managing partner, this is understandable, a well-known thing, and the roschilds were very active in buying up debt obligations in ukraine from the fourteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth years, then there is a direct... interest in ensuring that this conflict is not just continued, that it moves, as our president said today, into the geopolitical plane, yeah, you know, i want to say that now this hysteria in the west, and the fact that the attempt to send troops now to the theater of military
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operations, well, in any case , has been declared, whether they go for it or not, it has been declared, by the way, somewhere tomorrow, in my opinion, macron will be addressing the nation, already announced, yeah. i think that this is happening because this is the military situation in the theater of military operations that has developed today, and it is clear that today the initiative has passed to russia, we didn’t just launch, we went on the offensive, but it’s hard while it’s going on , but you know, it’s like 1940 there the third, forty-four years, when it was impossible, hitler gave up everything. the entire west, which worked for hitler, threw everything, all possible reserves, and new weapons, this cat of the soviet russian red army, it was already unstoppable, feeling this, as i understand it...
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so you see, this will make our strategic task, because i do not trust any security guarantees that the west can give us. the only guarantee of our security is the cessation of the existence of the state of ukraine, in the form in which where it is today may remain. there may be some kind of little russia, which will be in partnership with russia,
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but in this form, if at least a piece of the state remains, which is the americans, where the united states has an advantage in owning not only minds, everything, in the economy, everywhere, this inevitably, what our president talked about, in a very short time, will rearm them, and we will get a resumption of this war.
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that means everyone took pencils, notepads and began to write down, everyone wrote down their own, and
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then not only wrote down, but published, so to say, in the form of a headline, my colleagues quite rightly said in the part of our program before last, that listen, whoever reads beyond the headline, what kind of stupid old-fashioned approaches , well, you read the headline, putin is threatening to destroy the world, well, please, why go inside, inside, inside, show me, what was shown there? russia is ready for a nuclear war, but while we have a piece of direct speech, let’s not be like the independents, let’s not make forays abroad like that, yes, so, so as not to be like to show our, so to speak, western colleagues what the real level of journalism is, let’s watch a fragment from vladimir putin, who talks about our true readiness. readiness to use nuclear weapons, now, now
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we’ll find them, dear friends, and that’s what we’ll deliver, let’s go from a military-technical point of view, we are of course ready, they are constantly with us, constantly in a state of combat readiness, this is the first, second and this is also a generally recognized thing, our triad, the nuclear triad. she happens to be more modern than any other triad, and only we and the americans have such triads , and in fact we have advanced much more here, we have it more modern, the entire nuclear component as a whole in terms of carriers and charges, we have approximate parity.
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naturally ourselves, we will survive what the states will experience if this does not happen on their territory, i have no doubt, across the ocean without an enemy’s knowledge that this is not a long-term infection of the area, as after the well-known, so to speak, fukushima and before this
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chernobyl, which, by the way, was much less scary than fokusima, but for some reason it’s still not customary to talk about it. does not concern their city, their country , their region, they seem to have it, only the arguments are all very crafty, because it turns out that they are selected by americans, american scientists, in which case the europeans, whose countries, excuse me, will have to answer often you have to search on the map to find it, so in this case... i would say that in fact they are already using shells with combined uranium in ukraine , the so-called ubobs, that is, feathered armor-piercing sub-caliber shells, rounds for tanks, and what’s more, i even posted pictures of these shells on my channel directly as combat shells with the tank hatch open, this, by the way, is scary for ukrainians, because what is this radioactive dust, and what consequences does it
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have in terms of childbirth and how does it affect a woman with a placenta, and it passes through the placenta. by mass standards, a kilometer from lubra, like ours, a kilometer from the kremlin, for a salary, which was, well, ten times less than what was needed to buy it, that is, they simply gave him this money, therefore - as far as the french understand who they are dealing with, they understand whether they will object, they won’t, just everything the fact that both the french and the germans, i remember once again pushkin, sit peaceful peoples, your heart will not be awakened by a cry,
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why do the herds need to be slaughtered or sheared, they shear their herds, nothing else is clear. impoverishment is happening, everyone understands that the taxes of ordinary citizens go precisely to those military actions on those weapons that they transfer to ukraine. therefore, in this situation , it is quite obvious that citizens do not understand, there is no victory, everything has dragged on, why europe
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is suffering from that rash act from which only the top one makes money. oh, sorry. countries of asia and, of course, no one has forgotten this, i have a feeling that it’s not even
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the leadership of these countries who want this, although it is very important, but ordinary citizens of these countries, they feel in their hearts what is happening, our fight for your independence, true sovereignty, they associate with their aspirations. they have been accustomed for centuries to fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money, but they must understand that the vampires
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’ point ends, this is beautiful, you must remember, the vampires’ point ends, another thing is that if you believe american films, vampires never, say, understand, that the point ends, they don’t bow and leave, you have to push out. there are silver bullets, so i think that this is where everything could very well end, but continuing after such a deep analysis, which our president has just made, it is quite obvious that we have already passed, i mean our planet earth, already this historical turning point, when ...
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they say that ordinary citizens their compatriots who are abroad welcome them, say that they support them, but do not really support the policies of their leadership, and this is also reinforced by the events that are taking place in the former colonies, which indicate precisely that yes, this one here the historical process has already begun on our entire planet.
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all sorts of unpleasant, treacherous thoughts, so to speak, that in fact everything is arranged, it seems, is not the way it was explained to us, is there any point in relying on this at all, will they hear , well, in putin’s next interview, another,
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so to speak, calm, like a second-grader teacher , and in general, today’s interview with the president, it is of course very interesting, deep and, what is important, relevant precisely to the events taking place today, many answers were given, for me personally, but by the way... more interesting than the interview with tucker carlson, that ’s more interesting, on the issues that were touched upon, on those - for me personally, i got that impression, and maybe a little bit. answering your question, you know, today this phrase seemed to me one of the key ones, that russia is not at a crossroads, it is on the path of its strategic development, because this phrase actually says a lot, if in simple terms, that sooner or later there will be a conflict the hot phase will surely end, sooner or later some peaceful
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agreement, but those who
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will reach serious peace negotiations, as the president said, a serious conversation, then the issue of lifting economic sanctions should certainly arise, why? because he defined that economic sanctions are not fair economic competition, and if a new world is being built, more fair, multi-polar, then economic competition must be fair to a certain extent. that's why i say that for me today's interview is much more it’s interesting, because it seems to me that it contains such very serious strategic messages. well, literally one more moment that i liked so much, and a certain line was drawn between the united states and europe. yes. please note, if suddenly, united states ground forces find themselves
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on the territory. russian federation , god forbid, or even ukraine, then russia will perceive them as interventionists, i think that says it all, and yes, of course, the president said that thank god, this is still far away, the states made a corresponding statement, and a completely different approach to european troops, because here the president suggested , first of all, ukraine to think about whether there will be anything left of ukraine, absolutely, absolutely. it is the european countries that may be less likely to be afraid, but the large european countries may not fare well. concluding the program, here is the summary, thank you boris for remembering very important words, but there is no crossroads, we have already passed the crossroads, no crossroads, this is clear, i would like to draw your attention to which, probably for the first time, vladimir vladimirovich so clearly and harshly defined this very globalist
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elite, they are tearing it apart. they are parasitic and would like to tear russia apart, unfortunately, i agree with my colleague here, there is a scenario of this nuclear armageddon, packaged in europe and the russian part, the european part of russia, and vladimir vladimirovich also said this today in his answer, will nuclear tests be carried out on these people, this globalist elite, these vampires? can only be stopped by force, so most likely nuclear tests... will be carried out, and we saw this today from and those that will show this very top of the united states of america that they will not sit overseas, but this nuclear armageddon must be stopped, and today our president said it very clearly in his interview, it sounded very clearly, on a number of positions, yes, it sounded very very clearly, very clearly and i will allow myself to quote there, yes , in my opinion, dmitry kiselyov, i quote in my opinion alexander dugina said that there is
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an opinion that... the words of the president, why, we will win anyway, but to show that we are ready, we have power, and that they will not sit overseas, this is necessary, thank you thank you very much, thank you all for your attention, friends, advertising on the first channel, do not switch, of all the civilizations living on the planet today, the most ancient... chinese has almost always been the most populous country and the first economy in the world. we can recall the famous travel book of marco pola, an italian merchant with great amazement described. power, the level of economic development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century, crumpled monochronic painting, chinese poetry, sophisticated literature, china, of course, was ahead in sophistication, well, almost all countries;
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after the end of the second world war, the soviet union immediately took patronage over china, more than 10 thousand specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy, one of ping’s first decisions after he became the head...
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pumped up the country of ukraine from europe , now, when people don’t want to leave the square, you are extreme, that yanokovich decided to hide behind a christmas tree, several berkut members are attacking one person, allow me to resign, this is not a resignation for you, they are not
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afraid that the radicals are in power they’ll take it, yanukovych has his hands on the steering wheel, and whose hands are these, here they are, take her across the maidan, prime minister. watch the time after the program. maidan should not subside under any circumstances. 10 years ago , the dream of millions of crimeans came true. the peninsula was reunited with russia. since the sixtieth year i live in crimea. when we moved to russia, our poverty ended. ours really came. i have been living in this state of euphoria for 10 years now. the heart of crimea is open to everyone. people from all over began to come to the peninsula.
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the documentary series premieres on saturday on the first. premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. in our studio we hear songs and poems dedicated to the defenders of our fatherland. i am young again, you are a man who has renounced, yes, everything worldly. being in the military, we decided to return to advanced.
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today we already recalled the interview with vladimir putin to tucker carls, let me remind you. what a sensation it created, they filmed something like this on
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tucker carlson’s phone in moscow, look, just a minute they have food in the stores, the metro is like that, people seem normal, what’s going on? i want to go there now, let’s add to this treasure trove of amazing facts about russia , now we have girded ourselves, so to speak, with our last mouse, and by the way organized a space chess tournament in korolev near moscow, this is what sergei said about this tournament in the popular front stream. koryakin , look, and today, by the way, in the moscow region, on the initiative of the vice-world chess champion, grand master, and member of the central headquarters of the popular front sergei koryakin and deputy of the state duma allakova , a space chess tournament is being held, tell me, what kind of tournament is it? yes, it turns out that i will play such an exhibition match with the astronauts, they will connect from orbit, and this is also a very pleasant bonus.
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the board is opposite me, that is, he will sit instead of the cosmonauts, they will make their moves together with me, so he will broadcast them , accordingly, wait, wait, sergey, you are playing alone, on the space station all the astronauts are playing together against you, so yeah, well, i don’t... i don’t know, they it will be all together or separately, it’s hard for me to say, but in principle it doesn’t matter, i think that the match is an exhibition, the most important thing is to draw attention to chess, space, chess, americans, news. hello, on the air news, in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya. so, the topic of the day
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vladimir putin’s interview with the general director of the international news agency russia today, vgtrk host dmitry kiselev. a detailed conversation about how our country will develop in the next 6 years. according to the president, russia now feels confident in many areas. we rank fifth in the world in terms of gdp, displacing germany. vladimir putin paid special attention in the interview to support. the head discussed the topic of the country's security separately. state emphasized: strategy towards the collective west
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russia has not changed, in the event of a direct threat to the existence of our state, damage to sovereignty and independence, the country is ready to use any weapon, including nuclear. our triad, the nuclear triad, it is more modern than any other triad, and only we, and the americans, have such triads... in fact, we have advanced much more here, we have it more modern, the entire nuclear component in in general, in terms of media and charge, we have approximate parity, but ours is more modern, but everyone knows this, specialists everyone knows, but this does not mean that we should measure ourselves by the number of combat charge carriers.
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they want to start this nuclear war, well, why do it, we are ready. during the interview , vladimir putin spoke about nato expansion. due to sweden and finland joining the alliance, russian troops and weapons systems will appear at their borders, the president said. previously , we had fairly good and stable relations with these countries, but, according to putin, they took a senseless and unsafe step. the president commented recent attempts by ukrainian militants and foreign ones.
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on some kind of wish list after the use of psychotropic drugs, and it is based on the realities that have developed, as they say on earth in such cases, now to negotiate only because they are running out of cartridges, well, this is somehow ridiculous with our sides. “we are nevertheless ready for a serious conversation, and we want to resolve, resolve all conflicts, and especially this conflict, by peaceful means, but we must clearly and clearly understand for ourselves that this is not
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a pause that the enemy wants to take for rearmament, a dispute, a given conflict through peaceful means, and we are ready for this, we want this. and just news from the special operation zone. in the avdeevsky direction, units of the center group destroyed the position of the so-called rolling mortar crew of the ukrainian armed forces. the forward gunners managed to detect the enemy gun.
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the target was hit with a direct hit from the d-30 towed howitzer. the ivanovo paratroopers operate in the artyomovsky sector; they provide support to the assault groups. at with the help of the solntsepek heavy flamethrower system, as they say, they clear the way for advancement, eliminate fortified long-term strongholds, dugouts with armored vehicles, as well as manpower. now, personnel from the federal security service , department employees in chekhov near moscow , have detained three armenian citizens who organized the production and sale of synthetic drugs on an especially large scale. 86. mephedrone, as well as special equipment and various chemicals were seized from the clandestine laboratory. criminals taken into custody, a criminal case has been initiated against them, which provides for punishment up to life imprisonment . russian railways plans to increase passenger traffic in the next 6 years. by 2030 it should
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exceed 1,200 million people per year. this was stated by the general director of the company oleg belozerov. he spoke today in the state duma as part of the government hour. for all travelers traveling with children under 18 years of age. the penza region is gasified by almost 90%.
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over 800 applications have been processed recently, the region is now one of the leaders in implementing the presidential program. the secretary noted this.
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so in the kitchen, here i sit, drink coffee in the morning and admire this gorgeous view, and not this, wake up feeling happy, this is how natalya cherkashina describes her mood after moving to a new apartment, for the last 18 years she lived in a dilapidated house, now she has a bright, spacious apartment, almost 60 square meters, two rooms, a bedroom, which is cozy, i like it so much, so organized for me, for me to live. here with me living room, just when i was visiting , the guys came to me here, the grandchildren have their own favorite place in the new apartment, the loggia, with
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binoculars they are trying to see the birds on the branches in the forest, you see, you see, you see, for those displaced from the emergency housing of the apartment we rented out already with decoration, interior doors , suspended ceilings, wallpaper, flooring , as they say, come and live, next door to natalya is the morozov family, great happiness that you can... sit down at one table all together, we ate in the old apartment and drank tea queues, yes, children or guests first, and then everyone else. the home library is still stored in the hallway, but very soon hundreds of books will go on shelves, they waited 8 years for morozov to move in, it’s a real miracle when a boy is still driving around the apartment in his car, and he is not cramped, and even three whole boys are not cramped here, this is so pleases the soul. which is difficult to put into words. two seventeen-story buildings were erected on the banks of the enisei, thanks to the national housing and urban environment project. apartments here are provided to
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orphans and displaced persons from emergency situations. housing. there are parking lots, recreation areas and playgrounds . the district's infrastructure is actively developing. a kindergarten opened its doors the other day. does the helicopter fly? yes. does the lizard fly? no. teacher arina luneva also received housing in a new house. and as soon as a kindergarten opened 5 minutes away, i got a job, and i was waiting for the kindergarten to open so that i could move into an apartment and go to work in this particular kindergarten. in the region, the resettlement program is ahead of schedule, in the krasnoyarsk territory during the work of the national project housing and the urban environment have already resettled more than 14 thousand people from dilapidated houses; it is planned that by the end of this year another 300 residents will celebrate housewarming. sergey burkeev, channel one. a monument to the heroes of the anti-fascist organization "young guard" was unveiled in moscow today. it was installed
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by activists of the russian military historical society on behalf of vladimir putin. this is the first monument in history to depict six heroes of the soviet union together, as well as a hero of russia. all of them were part of an underground organization of teenagers who during the great patriotic war, they bravely resisted the nazis. in january '43, young guards, many of whom were not there. 18 years old were brutally executed by the enemy, their feat forever remained an example of perseverance and courage. this street was named young guard in honor of the heroes of the young guard, more than 50 years ago, a foundation stone was installed here to mark the future monument, the monument was not erected, hands did not reach it, more than 50 years have passed, the monument to the heroes of the young guard has found its place. technologies
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of the future at vdnkh. at a grand exhibition today is artificial intelligence day in russia. the area is complex and certainly promising. neural networks penetrate almost all areas of our lives. even musicians demonstrate how much progress has come. for guests of the exhibition there will be a neural network concert. sometimes it happens. key.
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chosen, but very deep, and maybe even historical, because in it the president clarified and developed a lot of points that he touched on in his recent message to the federal assembly, in an interview with tucker carlson, the president outlined the outline development of our country for the next at least 6 years, and sent very important signals to our strategic opponents in the west. the president, for example, said that russia
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has every chance in the coming years to become the fourth economy in the world, or else. by gdp size at purchasing power parity of japan. he also said that russia is not at a crossroads, on the strategic path of its development, and will not turn away from this path. and the west, according to the president, demonstrates impotence, since its attempt to inflict on us strategic defeat and the end of russia as a global great power once and for all, collapsed. let's listen to what the president said about this. at least some of these are western elites. blinded by their russophobia , they were happy when they brought us to the point after which our attempts to stop the unleashed western war in ukraine began in 2014, by force, when we moved on to conducting a special military operation, they were even happy, i think because they believed that now they were with
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they will finish us off, now - well... under this barrage of sanctions - practically a sanctions war declared on us - with the help of western weapons and war at the hands of ukrainian nationalists, they will finish off russia. this is where the slogan came from: inflict a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield. but later it became clear that this was unlikely.
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that the crossroads in the west at the moment are not with us, everything is clear to us, the trend, as they now say, or the vector is clear, and if we take western thought, then starting from the third basket of helsinki, they have been with us for more than half a century they were preparing for a collapse, it started naturally with the oil needle, back in the era of leonid ilyach, it continued, we know how the generation of all living, several generations, now
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they really don’t know what to do, because the arguments don’t work, because they are behind. and the supreme commander also spoke about this, from the point of view of strategic accounting , innovative thought, so i am not going to sympathize with our enemies, but i can say that now we only need one thing: to press on, to bring to fruition that at one time was not completed , to the end with taking into account the fact that the experiment, as they say, to have mercy, to spare the growth of some more or less rationally thinking generation in the west, unfortunately, was crowned with a lack of success, then we will draw a conclusion from this, i completely agree with you... i agree, the west today stands at a crossroads in front of a stone on which it is written: if you go to the right, you will lose your honor, if you go to the left, you will lose your head, if you go straight, maybe you will lose everything, right? this is the situation in which the west, the west has driven itself into this situation, this is the powerlessness about which the president said quite rightly, it is connected, in fact, not only with our heroism and efficiency, this is also very
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important, and the effectiveness of our economic policy and the heroism that our guys show on the battlefield, but this powerlessness is also connected with the main trends of global development, with the fact that the formation of a multipolar world is not steadily approaching, but epochs... to fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money for centuries, but they must understand that the vampires’ point ends, here
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the vampire score usually ends when the sun rises, yes, and today it seems to me that the sun is rising in the form of the rise of russia in the form of the rebirth of russia as a sovereign great power. as the rise of the world majority countries, do you very briefly agree with this? yes, i agree, i agree that the sun is very effective against vampires, but don’t forget the millet stake either, it also needs to be kept ready in any form, if suddenly objective circumstances do not work out, therefore without force, without very strong material positions, only on structural realities in any interaction with the west. even if this interaction is so strong, it cannot be calculated, therefore, an aspen stake in a nuclear version, in a non-nuclear version, without it you cannot deal with the west with these vampires.
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we agree, sergei sergei, i absolutely agree , the collective west is faced with its illusions, the problem is that they could not separate two realities, one invented reality, and the reality that exists on earth, one russia, which they invented, is weak with missing teeth like ... war, this is all just a manifestation of these very points, vampires, enough, enough, yes , now the sun has really risen, this is not only russia, but this is the world majority as such, brix as the vanguard of this
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world majority, in these conditions , of course, a vampire ball is no longer possible, you are completely right, you are fair about the need for an aspen stake, so that the night does not return, yes, so that these do not regenerate. the very vampires who can hide now. well, actually, today another very important historical date: exactly 80 years ago, on march 13, 1944 , kherson was liberated from fascist occupation. and he will definitely be freed again forever from the new current ukrainian nazis and return to his native land. and it is very symbolic that it was this night that our troops carried out a raid on the right bank of the dnieper, exactly in the place where they landed 80 years ago. landing under the command of colonel vasily margelov during the operation to liberate kherson and, as stated by the governor of khitsonovskaya region vladimir saldo, the ssu did not have time to react in time and suffered losses of up to 30
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people, but the kiev regime, which is not able to show victories on the battlefield, continues the terrorist information war in an obvious attempt to destabilize the situation in russia on the eve of the elections, it will not succeed , but nevertheless this night...
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asya’s stake and provocations, yesterday was the best day, well, you know, continuing the topic, the main event was an attempt to break through to terrorist groups in the territory of the kursk and belgorod regions, and all i was disheartened by how clearly the russian defense system worked, because it did not give the enemy a single chance, except that they suffered huge losses in personnel and equipment, we also achieved this using preventive measures with a minimum number of losses. what i would like to draw your attention to separately is that this is sharply different from what, for example, was there six months, a year ago, when these groups in some places entered our territory and even entered populated areas, but fought out , nevertheless they entered, it's not like they're here we met them at the border in places, they were met even before the border, we delivered the first serious blow to them with artillery and drones on the tenth, when they concentrated, our reconnaissance revealed all this and largely determined what happened on the 12th, the 12th. this already happened
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before the defeat of these groups, which wanted to inflict a kind of moral defeat on our authorities, and, accordingly, commit terrorist acts. at the front so far, as the president said in today’s interview, everything is fine, everything is going according to plan, in fact the initiative is tight, our enemy clearly has problems south of avdeevka, this is krasnogorka, there are problems with the stability of their northern flank, the same problems only south of novomikhailovka, well, very serious battles in a matter of hours. let's keep our fingers crossed, we're monitoring the situation, thank you very much, yuri ivanovich , keep us informed, but now let 's turn to another regular guest, or a very frequent guest of our program, anastasia mikhailovskaya, this is the military correspondent of the russian spring, she is with us on direct contact, anaasiya leonidovna, tell me where you are, what’s happening next to you, now i ’m visiting the tenth brigade in next to god, next to artyomovsky. here
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, but now we have just arrived from the line of combat contact, there are a lot of transport workers working there, which are being handed over by our belarusian brothers, so they have already handed over to us more than thirty vehicles to the front, handed over urals, kamaz vehicles, handed over these wonderful loaves of bread, who are now working at the front, transporting the wounded, delivering food and ammunition, the alexey talay foundation is involved in everything. our friend dmitry, an entrepreneur who has already supplied us with such a number of cars , they also start humanitarian aid, our friends bring us to hospitals, and help children, takes children to belarus, children who suffered from hostilities there, takes them on vacation to belarus , which speaks about our brotherhood with the belarusians, that this state, well, this is our generally fraternal state, with which we have always been together and will be together, they are very happy for that... in order for our victory
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to come closer as soon as possible, now, unfortunately, one of the cars suffered from fpv, the fact that a reset was made into it, and we are now repairing it right here, in the courtyard of the house, very i ask you to help us with the collection for our rap, electronic warfare is exactly what helps fight fpv, with drops, with maviks that bomb our medical vehicles and do not allow our fighters to get through on their own. at the forefront, so we thank you very much when you help us, our the collection has already reached 2 24 million, which is very, very nice, it is you, the viewers of channel one, who are helping us with such huge funds, thank you very much, today i will go to the hospital and tell you about what is happening in the hospital next week on the next broadcast, thank you very much, join our gathering, thank you, for my part i also encourage everyone to join. electronic warfare
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is one of the most important factors in general combat operations and what brings us success and security in modern conditions war, we thank anastasia leonidovna, and once again i emphasize the importance of this gathering, we urge everyone not to be indifferent to this, especially since our strength is in unity, thank you very much, take care of yourself, and after a little advertising we will talk about other statements of vladimir putin in today’s interview . it was you who pumped up the country of ukraine from europe for a year, now, when people don’t want to leave the square, you’re the last one, that yanukovych decided to hide behind a christmas tree, several berkut officers are attacking one person, allow me to resign, so you won’t resignation, they are not afraid that the radicals will take power, yanukovych keeps his hands on the steering wheel, and whose hands are these, here they are, move it across the maidan, prime minister. watch the time after the program.
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maidan should not subside under any circumstances. veda vodka, a product of stellar group. of all the civilizations living on the planet today, the oldest is chinese. and almost always, china has been the most populous country and the first economy in the world. we can remember the famous travel book of marco paul, the italian merchant described with great amazement the power of the level of economic development he observed in chinese cities in the late 13th century. twisted monochronic painting. chinese poetry, refined literature. china, of course, was ahead in sophistication, well , almost all countries. after the end of world war ii, the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. more than 10,000 specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern
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chinese economy. one of denciopin's first decisions after he became the leader of china was to create an institute studying bukharin's ideas, so that a sinicization system operates in china. during these, well, this is at a discount, even at a discount, in many ways, poland is involved in the training of the ukrainian army, this gray zone in the army was removed by one shabron, put on by another shabron, this is such a career growth, but again many there are mercenaries who at the beginning went to ukraine, they were going on safari
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, it was advertised there, that i think about bandera and yes, that’s right, i have no problems with this, it turns out that the poles are preparing those who fight under bandera’s ideals, they can go on the attack with them. money, but i’m not going to participate in assault operations, it’s too dangerous , i want to help the country, but at the same time i really want to live, all the places where foreign mercenaries gather are big targets for our rocket men, the wawanan and lexus show, today on the first, he sang the most important song for me when we first met the future folk.
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here, 2 thousand years ago , apostle andrew, the patron saint of our country, began his journey through the future russian lands. we know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ. he was not small, but tall. bravast, garden, with gray,
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slightly unkempt hair. there can be no last judgment until all nations know about christ. therefore, someone must reach the limits of the universe and preach christ, including with keef. this is actually the thread that connected us. already from the 2nd century, because the scythians lived on our territory. andrew, peter dedicates the order, apostle andrew is our patron, the apostle stood on a high stone, prayed for the dedication of the people of khersanes, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stone. why st. andrew's cross, a symbolic name, because it resembles the letter x. christ. he was crucified on just such a cross. this is the letter ha, such a sign, such across the whole country, which accuses christ and which accuses faith.
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or at least they talk about the possibility of another option, namely negotiations, a kind of freeze, offer us all sorts of carrots that are not very acceptable to us, and by carrots they mean freezing the conflict without political obligations without guarantees of russia's security, well, vladimir putin said today that in general it is more profitable for us to negotiate with those, i quote verbatim, whose nose is covered in cocaine, and this, by the way, gives answers to many questions, for example, why , why don’t we strike at zelensky’s motorcades when he travels through ukraine, why are we
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still talking about the fact that he should probably cancel his decree, which prohibits negotiations with russia, that is, we, apparently, we still don’t rule it out for myself, the option of negotiating with those with whom it is easier, but of course, vladimir putin said that russia is ready to negotiate with those in the west, who are smarter, who offer us some options, but of course we are not ready to talk. those realities that have developed, as they say in such cases, on earth. now to negotiate only because they
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are running out of ammunition, but this is somehow ridiculous on our part, we are nevertheless ready for a serious conversation, and we want to resolve, resolve all conflicts, and especially this conflict, peaceful means, but we must clearly and clearly understand. for myself that this is not a pause that the enemy wants to take for rearmament, but this is a serious conversation with security guarantees for the russian federation, and the president emphasized that these guarantees must be clearly stated, they must be such that russia believes in them and they should be verifiable, in general, taking into account the history of policy over... towards russia, including over the last 30 years, is it possible to imagine such guarantees about which
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just said the president, or is there still a need for a guarantee on the one hand, on the other hand in the hand there is an aspen stake in the other hand a pistol with a silver bullet, yes, all this is also under the sun, yes, dmitry vyacheslavovich, i must say that no one can blame the russian federation for what we prefer. military means to diplomatic ones, russia has a very extensive history of the fact that we prove in words and deeds to everyone in the world that we don’t need a jungle in which everyone is fighting with each other, we don’t need a return to some realities from which humanity has already grown, we all have greater self-awareness, but this does not mean that for the sake of not being in the jungle. we will agree to a colonialist, neo-colonialist order, which is now called
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a rules-based order, because if the colonialist, then, can’t hit everyone on the head the most, he comes out with a stick and says: well, let’s agree that everything continues according to, this is not negotiations, this is a deception, russia definitely does not agree to deception either, so this is why from my point of view, it cannot go, and there is also an element that the west often perceives negotiations as... after all, it’s worth agreeing on something on that territory, not to mention the fact that this month the legitimacy of this
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cocaine-terrorist regime , maybe, indeed, if someone is ready to seriously discuss something, then it’s worth talking about what to do with this bandit zone, well, negotiations are with those who are smarter, yes, and those who are dumber in the west , they are actually drowning for another alternative, this is blackmailing russia through escalation, right? while the generals, in a recently published conversation , spoke about the possibility of using taurus in order to destroy the crimean bridge, immanuel macron speaks about the possibility of deploying.
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actions in those consequences that inevitably occur for the opposite side, do not change the course of hostilities, do not change the overall balance of forces, that’s what the president said about the possibility of deploying regular western military personnel on the territory of ukraine, the military of western countries are already present in ukraine
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for a long time, even before the coup d’etat , they were present, and after the coup d’état. their number has increased manifold, now they are also present in the form of advisers, they are present in the form of foreign mercenaries and suffer losses, but if we are talking about official military contingents of foreign states. then i am sure that this will not change the situation on the battlefield, this is the most important thing, just as the supply of weapons does not change anything, secondly, this can lead to serious geopolitical consequences, because if, say, polish troops enter the territory of ukraine,
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i think that polish troops will never leave there. will appear in all their beauty at full height. alexander germovich, well, i would say that regarding the poles, what he said, according to my sources, today the losses of the poles amount to up to 30,000 people on the territory of ukraine, including heavy ones, which is incredibly easy
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to calculate the proportion. therefore, of course, little by little, gradually, you know, like a school problem, where is the bathtub. of course, threats, missile threats, are nothing more than terrorist threats, and terrorist threats work according to the law of optics, angle the incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. they also have production centers, if they are located in ukraine, we know well where leopards are produced, where the same vaunted french or clerks make them, or rather they did, well, where are the other centers of their production, everything was measured a long time ago, calculated in a weighed manner , as right from the bible tekel,
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menespharod, in this regard nothing terrible threatens us here, except for what has already happened, now...
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already formulate a policy towards russia and take some extreme measures, including, let's say, to lead troops and so on , these are still those states, they understand this, which will not feel the consequences of the provocative statements they make, those who can feel, they behave much more restrained and correctly, this is very important putin's statement, yes, because when he spoke about those states... that can feel and behave more restrained, he meant primarily the united states. please note that the biden administration is not enthused by macron's statements. biden administration
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excludes for itself the possibility of stationing american regular troops on the territory of ukraine; they do not really want to supply even their long-range missiles to the kiev regime. and here's what the president had to say directly about the biden administration's position. in the usa they announced that they were not going to. troops, we know what american troops are on russian territory, these are interventionists, we will treat it that way, even if they appear on the territory of ukraine, they understand that. sergey sergeevich, that is, it turns out that if if poland sends its troops into ukraine, then this is a threat to the statehood of ukraine, but for us fundamentally little will change, but if the americans send in their troops, this will be an intervention for us with all the ensuing consequences, we have repeatedly said that. the united states of america is an existential enemy for us, that is, it is the country that has been doing everything for many years to ensure that we cease to exist, to deprive us
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of our subjectivity. poland, the baltic countries - these are all those countries that are trying to bite and bark at the big bear beast. but in any case, we are not the ones who stop every time to pick up a stone to throw at this mongrel. if we do this all the time, we will reach our goal. but there are other bears, there are boers.
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vladimir putin was that he said that russia had never considered the use of tactical nuclear weapons in ukraine during the northern military district. our nuclear weapons exist for other purposes; these purposes are spelled out in our nuclear doctrine, which, as emphasized. the president has not changed in the near future, apparently, it won’t change, yes, and this goal , of course, is a war with the west in case the west, in case nato and the united states pose an existential threat to us in military terms, here ’s the thing, use nuclear weapons, well this is really not our caliber, we’ll talk more about nuclear weapons after a little advertising, of all those living on the planet today. civilization is the most ancient chinese, china has almost always been the most populated country and the first economy in the world. we can recall the famous travel book of marco paul,
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the italian merchant, with great amazement , described the power and level of economic development that he observed in chinese cities at the end of the 13th century, the famous monochronic painting, chinese poetry, refined literature, in china, of course, it was ahead in sophistication of, well, almost all countries. after the end of world war ii , the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. more than 1,000 specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy. one of pin's first decisions, after he became the leader of china, an institute for the study of bukharin’s ideas was created, so that the sinicized model of nepa operates in china. premiere, civilization. the seventh film. china. today is the first one. according to our legend, petro poroshenko recruits fighters for his personal private military company, what is the average price for training one soldier, up to 200 euros per
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person. there is no problem with this, it turns out that the poles are training those who fight under bandera’s ideals, they can go on the attack with them, money, but i’m not going to participate in assault operations, it’s too dangerous, i want to help the country, but at the same time i really want to live, all the places where foreign mercenaries gather are high targets for our rocket men, the van and lexus shows are on the first day.
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the audience loves these ensemble any , they love, they love the audience is grateful for the fact that these 30 from the song, they know them, they sing together, i am very many years old, they are with us, god willing, everything will be fine with us in the future, i drew a cat for you there, i know that you love them, who doesn’t love them? lyuba, lyuba on friday
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first. in our studio we hear songs and poems dedicated to the defenders of our fatherland. you are a person who renounced, yes, everything worldly, being a military man, you decided to return to the front line. for a monk, this is , of course, not typical of the life i live now. birds begin to fly, or shelling begins. i’m driving and thinking, well , if we have...
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it’s worth it, when you painted, what because i live and these brothers are there with me, did you think? i thought about winning on saturday in the first. ukraine will be in nato, they want it for ukraine to be a member of nato, for ukraine to be not just not russia, but for it to be anti-russia.
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there’s a big game on the air, so a very large part of vladimir putin’s interview today was devoted to nuclear issues, and it must be said that the overwhelming majority of western media paid the most attention to this and are already blaming
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the russian president. yes, the president emphasized, and this is very important, he emphasized during this interview that our nuclear triad is more modern than any another nuclear triad. yes, we understand that the united states is modernizing nuclear weapons, but we are one step ahead, and we will remain one step ahead, because we also continue this modernization, but this is in no way blackmail. russian-american relations are in such a confrontational state that deterrence is strengthened. this is an imperative for peace, and this is the most important thing, in fact, what exists today at the level of global security, the president spoke about this, including emphasizing the nuclear triad, moreover, the president emphasized during this interview that he does not believe that we
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are going straight to a nuclear war, he does not believe that the united states wants a nuclear war, but if suddenly something does not creak behind us, let’s listen to this part of the president’s speech, representatives of the traditional political school, confirms this, and well, besides biden and others, there are enough specialists in the field of russian-american relations in the field of strategic restraint, so i don’t think that everything here is rushing so head-on, but well we are we are ready for this, i have said many times. for us it is a matter of life and death, but for them, for them it is a matter of improving their tactical position, in general in the situation in the world, well in europe in particular, maintaining their status,
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their status among their allies, this is also important, but not so much , as far as for us, it seems to me, this is the fundamental point the president has now formulated. i completely agree with our president that, dmitry vyacheslavovich, that you are paying attention to this, because it really is fits in with the parts that you previously showed, the last stage of decolonization is taking place, the last stage of decolonization, the west must understand that yes, we know that its status is tied, among other things, to material privileges, of these conceptual privileges they are... they get material privileges and all we want from them is for them to play honestly, without cheating, without these colonialist habits, in this sense, yes, the situation is a little not, well, so asymmetrical, they want
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to exploit us and the rest of the world, and we we just want them to play, to play honestly, but i want to draw attention to the fact that in expert discussions we very often draw attention to the fact that , unfortunately, a whole... generation of not realistically thinking people has grown up in the west , they really don’t understand all the risks, the president correctly said that there are still those who remain in america who know everything about themselves, they know that they are exploiters, they know that they are exploiting the whole world, it is very difficult for them to give up these privileges, but you have to i hope that we correctly assess that they will not go to nuclear war for the sake of this status, we have reason to hope so. yes, those who are completely indoctrinated will probably go for it, but for now there are still more or less rational thinkers. i agree with you, and it seems to me that this is still one of the most important parts of today’s interview with vladimir putin, because he
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literally explained on his fingers why we will not be defeated in the hybrid war that the west is waging against us, because for the west this is a hybrid war against russia, this is a question of prestige, their hegemony and place in world affairs, but for us this is a question. existential for us is a question of survival, and if it really comes down to our survival, then we will use any tools and resources that we have at our disposal, this seems to me to be fundamentally important, and i would really like to the west heard this part, well, when the question of nuclear weapons arises and in conditions of confrontation, naturally, another one arises the question that flows from it, from it, is the question of exhaustion... through the arms race, and we remember that in the previous cold war, the united states managed to involve the soviet union in a debilitating arms race, they would like to replay this again, president i spoke about this in my message to the federal assembly, but
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here’s how to prevent it, the president also said this , as an example he cited our avangard system against their missile defense system, i’ll quote the president verbatim, we essentially nullified everything they did. everything they invested in this missile defense system, which is much more expensive than our avangard complex. in this regard, i will say that the president, forgive me, was modest, due to the fact that... of course , we have a vanguard with a speed of mach 23 , provided that the interception by air defense of the us air defense system does not exceed three three with half the machs at best, the british have the same thing, but we also have the petrel, which can fly from anywhere in the world, due to the fact that it has a range virtually unlimited 18,000 liters, the minimum will come not from the side of the great arc of the pacific ocean, but maybe from the side of the south pole, mexico can come from anywhere, we also have poseidon, which i will reveal may not be quite a... great secret , but nevertheless, it could cause famine in the united states,
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due to the fact that there it is enough for us to today to eliminate four or five ports supplying the united states, they live on imports, so that just 300- odd million people begin to experience total hunger, and this will be very interesting scenario, absolutely, as they say, without a pinch from the point of view of our intervention, on this occasion , of course, for the first time i will remember other words of our president, we are not in a position where we are catching up with someone, they are trying to catch up with us, because now they are trying to understand, yeah. tonight another democratic and republican primaries took place in the united states, and according to their results, that’s all, both donald trump and joe biden guaranteed themselves the nomination, they received the necessary , sufficient, required number of votes. voters, electors for party congresses,
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and vladimir putin emphasized during this interview that we do not interfere in american elections, but nevertheless he gave a general assessment of the state of the american political system. let's listen. as for today's pre-election situation, it is becoming more and more uncivilized in nature, i would not like to give any comments on this matter. well already. absolutely absolutely, i think this is obvious to everyone, the american political system cannot pretend to be democratic in every sense of the word. sergei sergeevich, for some reason i always remembered such a model democracy in america, starting from the time of the famous french travel, who told how cool it was there, absolutely right, in his two-volume book, which he told everyone that it was... which should be equaled , no, there is no need to be equal, standards are others, standards
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are those who understand that truth and truth are somewhere nearby, they come from the same source, russia has become the country that keeps its word, does not give empty promises, this is important, today the elections that are taking place in our country, it is impossible to doubt them, you can ask your neighbors, you can ask your friends, relatives, for whom they will vote, it is clear, the choice is made when we are talking about the united states of america, we see... deepening and expanding, and the closer the november
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elections in the united states, the more acute this very split in the united states will be felt, the more fierce and irreconcilable its internal political fight, most likely, the losing side in november will not recognize the election results, they will have a full-blown constitutional crisis, possibly with violence spilling into the streets, our situation is truly the opposite, i completely agree with you. our strength is in unity, and this unity is now on full display ahead of the elections that will take place in our country at the end of this week. we pass the floor to the news and the big game will return at 17:00, don't miss it. hello, news time is on first, oh we will tell you the most important events right now
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at the beginning of vladimir’s interview.


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