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tv   Novosti  1TV  March 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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this very split will be felt in the united states, the more fierce and irreconcilable will be their internal political struggle. most likely, the losing side in november will not recognize the results of the elections, they will have a full-scale constitutional crisis, possibly with violence spilling into the streets, our situation is really the opposite, i completely agree with you, our strength is in unity, now this unity is in full force shown ahead of the elections. which will take place at the end of this week, we give the floor to the news and the big game returns at 5:00 pm don't miss it. hello, it’s time for news first; we’ll tell you about the most important events right now at the beginning of vladimir’s interview. putin
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, who are already being discussed , and who will probably be addressed for many more days, the president talked with our colleague, general director of mia russia today, vgtrk host dmitry kiselyov, and gave detailed answers to questions about the country’s foreign and domestic policy. economics and demography are the most sensitive topics that concern millions of russians: the fight against poverty, support for families with children, taxes. of course, we started talking about relations with ukraine. konstantin listened carefully and collected the key statements of the head of state.
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the initiative has completely passed to our armed forces, everyone knows this , everyone recognizes it, so the enemy needs to demonstrate something, at least within the framework of an information war, the main goal, i have no doubt about it, is to, if not, disrupt the presidential elections in russia, then at least somehow interfere with the normal process, howled statements from citizens meanwhile, even before the start of the three-day voting, there are still a couple of days, they will also try...
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some kind of wishlist, after using psychotropic drugs, based on the realities that have developed, as they say in such cases, on earth. russia has been deceived more than once by negotiators with a promise of non -expansion of nato, a peaceful resolution of the political crisis in ukraine in 1414, the last big deception was the minsk agreement. therefore, promises alone are not enough here. now to negotiate. just because they have cartridges
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end, well, it’s somehow ridiculous on our part. moscow is not counting on a situational conversation, but a serious one. and we want to resolve, resolve all conflicts, and especially this conflict, by peaceful means, but we must clearly and clearly understand for ourselves that this is not a pause that the enemy wants to take for... but this is a serious conversation with security guarantees for the russian federation . the kremlin is familiar with the details of all current settlement proposals and with all the tricks hidden in these documents. we know those carrots that they are going to show us in order to convince us that the moment has come. we, we want, i repeat once again, to allow it. all disputes and this dispute,
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this conflict by peaceful means, and we are ready for this, we want this, but it must be serious.
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it is necessary to increase the means of destruction, the number and power of means of destruction, and increase the effectiveness of the forces used. we are talking about all types of aviation, high-precision missile weapons, artillery, armored vehicles, we are developing without any exaggeration, by leaps and bounds, so the more powerful , the more weapons of destruction, the fewer losses, every human life is priceless,
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then tomorrow our losses could increase many times over and our children will not have a future, because we will feel insecure, we will be a third country, with no one will be considered us, if we don’t do it ourselves...
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they will never leave, additional geopolitical risks, but not for moscow, but for kiev, for example, regular troops of the same poland will enter ukraine, then i think that the polish troops are from there no longer because they want to return, they sleep and
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see, they want to return those lands that they consider historically theirs and that were taken away from them from... who will not feel the consequences of the provocative statements they made, these are the ones who can feel, they behave in a much more restrained and correct manner, but what if, after all, nato combat units are drawn into the ukrainian conflict, maybe russia should try to attract
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dprk military personnel as an option, for example, in exchange for our nuclear umbrella over half of the korean peninsula, why not, then , well, firstly, the korean people's democratic... the degradation of relations between russia and the united states is already in general . however, the escalation continues to grow, it defies description, so a clash is inevitable? but why? well, the united states announced that they are not going to send in troops. this means that we know what american troops are on russian territory, interventionists, and we will treat it that way, even if they appear on the territory.
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is constantly, constantly in a state of combat readiness, we are talking about land-based and sea -based ballistic missiles, as well as about strategic aviation, and only we and the americans have such problems, and we have advanced much more here, we have it more modern, they are now setting the task of increasing this modernity in value , they have corresponding plans there, well, we know about it too.
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nuclear tests, if they conduct such tests, i don’t exclude it, it’s not necessary, we need it, we don’t need it, we still need to think about it, but i don’t exclude it that we can do the same. well we are ready for this technically, yes we are always ready, i want it to be clear, this is not, these are not conventional types of weapons, this is the type of military service that is in constant combat readiness, in this interview with putin , it seems, for the first time they asked whether there was a question about the use of tactical nuclear weapons at the most difficult moments of the special operation, when our troops left kharkov and kherson, such. the thought never occurred to you, no, why? our armed forces
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left kherson in the fall of 2022, then it was abandoned the last bridgehead on the right bank of the dnieper. but this did not mean at all that our front there was falling apart, nothing like that was close, it was simply done so as not to incur unnecessary losses among the redundant personnel. that's all, this was the main motive. otherwise, supplying our group by water would be similar to the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to hold the left-bank settlement of krynke. it’s just like they threw everything into a meat grinder for their people, they’ve been running around there lately in the literal sense of the word, in the literal sense of the word, that means they tried to throw ammunition there, that means by high-speed boats and drones , what is it, what is it, it’s just for slaughter, they were just sent for slaughter, by the way, the prisoners who were captured there surrendered , they show that they didn’t even know what situation they were getting into there, and let’s say
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they send new units there, they say there ’s a stable defense there, let’s continue, help, they, they couldn’t even get to the left bank, already natural from these points of view, absolutely, at the same time, despite the delay in allocating us funding for the expenses of the kiev regime, weapons in usu already largely correspond to the modern nato standard. for example, the supply of the same german high-precision long-range missiles taurus is not completely ruled out, it already says that these missiles can hit the kremlin, in general they don’t really get lost in their own - such dreams, well, they fantasize, they encourage themselves, firstly, secondly, they are trying to intimidate us, well, they are using these british, american missiles, this is not changes the situation on the battlefield, but they simply cause us damage, of course, this is obvious, but in essence... it does not change the course of hostilities and the consequences that inevitably
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occur for the opposite side. now the question is about expanding the north atlantic alliance, which after february 24, 2022 included finland and sweden. i think that they benefited more from the fact that they adhere to neutrality, because this provides certain advantages, at least as a platform, a negotiating platform for to reduce tension. in the same europe , well, besides, the russian border with finland has now become the border with nato, well, we didn’t have troops there, now there will be, there were no destruction systems there, now there will be, nothing useful for finland from a security point of view.


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