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tv   Vremya  1TV  March 13, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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“when in vain you resort to a saying, it will not help you again, and you will not wash away the righteous blood with all your black blood, the poet of russia. civilizations premiere, film eight, russia, part two, tomorrow on the first. hello, the program is on the air “ time." in the studio, ekaterina berezovskaya. here are the main topics. western equipment in the northern military district zone under fire from our military. high-precision strikes. two helicopters were destroyed right during refueling. an american one was hit. about the state of
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affairs at the front, relations with the west and the interests of russia, neither one of the goals that they set themselves last year, they did not achieve, and moreover, now the initiative has completely passed to our armed forces, a great interview with vladimir putn, and support for families with children, the fight against poverty... setting up the tax system, that’s all together we will have to multiply many times over and the future will be secured. the head of state about the tasks for the near future. the products of our defense industry, or rather their price, are the focus of mikhail mishustin. details of the meeting with the head of the federal treasury and locomotive of the transport industry. the head of the company spoke about the plans of russian railways in the state duma. instead of
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emergency housing, new comfortable apartments. dozens of families in the krasnoyarsk territory received the keys. national project housing and urban environment in action. the main technology of the 21st century. artificial intelligence day at the russia exhibition at vdnkh. what neural networks can do today. new life of legendary friendship. the mayor of moscow opened a universal one after reconstruction. at the beginning of the special operation, the ministry of defense report contained a lot of damaged enemy equipment, including those what the west supplies. thus, in the kharkov region , the american patriot air defense system was destroyed right at a firing position. it is clear why the pentagon banned the ukrainian armed forces from using petriots on the front line. several sources reported this recently. kiev has few of them, they are expensive, and it is almost impossible to make up for such a loss. also on the list
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of hit targets are three m-777 howitzers, an m-119 towed gun, 7 bradley infantry fighting vehicles, everything american and two british brave heart self-propelled guns. and in these footage from the dpr the destruction of mi-8 helicopters of the air force ukraine. our reconnaissance discovered the so -called podskok field airfield. an area for a short stop before refueling to replenish ammunition. first, a strike with cluster munitions, completed what they started. rolling weapons, as a result, two helicopters exploded and completely burned out. in the northern direction, in the belogorovka area , our military is wearing out the enemy’s defenses. the task is not an easy one: the militants have been creating a fortified area there for years, digging a network of underground communications, but ours are coping. tankers work in conjunction with drum operators drones. from an editorial report by oleg shishkin. under camouflage. the t-62
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grid is barely visible among the trees, this is the safest section of the route, then there is open terrain, and the tank can easily be detected from the air, tankers of the southern group of troops are working on the enemy entrenched in belogorovka from closed firing positions, from a distance of several kilometers, targets are determined by aerial reconnaissance, closed dugouts, fortified areas, and we try to inflict maximum damage on armored vehicles, several of ours are hanging over the enemy at once reconnaissance...
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you'll fly right here, clear communication with the fire control point, fpv drone operators, you have to act quickly, otherwise the enemy will hide underground, the commander's latest instructions, the principle is simple, you see, you hit, you don't see, you don't hit, i don't know, drink, how did i accept, yes, ashlon , i accepted, start everything, you can clearly see how our drone flies right into the window, oh, well, well, well, we hit, the enemy is also actively using... it’s impossible to hear it over the roar of the engine, tank crews our duty crews help, we are moving forward, someone is watching or the sky is watching us, a bird is watching you there, we must react in time. the t-62 can withstand a blow well, especially since the fighters figured out how
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to strengthen its standard protection. the tank crews modernized on their own in the field, installed a protective grille against kabikadze drones, here they welded additional steel plates and installed dynamic... protection for the tracks, this is one of the most vulnerable places in the tank, these rectangles are plastic when hit by a missile, say, from a missile , the plastic explodes and dissipates the cumulative jet, this protection has repeatedly proven its effectiveness in combat conditions, tankers also carry out daring raids on the enemy’s forward positions, fire direct fire, one of our tanks closely broke through the bristlecone of ukrainian militants, no one goes to the breach before each attack. preparation with each of... we look at video recordings of where the enemy is sitting, how he works, how best we can enter from which side, we make sure that
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it is as safe as possible for our crews. belogorovka is one of the most powerful fortifications in the northern direction; the enemy has been digging in here for years, but ours are gradually moving forward, pushing through. more about our defenders: private artur garipov repelled an enemy attack in a strategically important area and destroyed ten militants with targeted fire. junior sergeant andrei inyutin , during reconnaissance, discovered an enemy armored group that was moving towards our positions, transmitted the coordinates to the command post, and the column was destroyed by our artillery. about the state of affairs at the front, the role the west in the ukrainian conflict, the possibility of negotiations to strengthen our army. vladimir putin spoke about all this in a long interview with the general director of the international information agency russia today, vgtrk host dmitry kiselev. kirill
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brainin watched and listened attentively. no matter what presentation kiev makes for its sponsors, the real situation on the battlefield cannot be ignored. the russian army explains the increasing frequency of mentioning the word negotiations, and this is only at first glance, against the backdrop of the western idea to inflict on our country's strategic defeat may seem like a split personality: firstly, the west really has many faces, and secondly, there is a completely pragmatic explanation: the prospect of investing in the ukrainian project is, to put it mildly, vague: those who are smarter have begun to think about what is needed to change some kind of strategy towards the russian federation, that’s when the idea appeared... to resume the negotiation process, to find some ways to end this conflict, to look for where russia’s real interests are,
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these are dangerous people, by the way , because with with people who are guided by such base principles, it is easier to fight them. more complicated, they are more dangerous, because they influence the consciousness of society, including ours, they will throw out all sorts of their wishes under the guise of carrots for us, this is where the contradictions arose within, within the western
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community, this is an obvious thing, we see it, we are not going to to engage in splits there, they themselves will do this brilliantly, but we will unconditionally strive to ensure that our interests are respected. at the same time, without forgetting about, so say, the baggage of relations, from unfulfilled promises about nato’s non-expansion to the east, to trampled european guarantees in february 2014, to outright deception with the minsk agreements. not based on some kind of wishes after the use of psychotropic drugs, on... based on the realities that have developed, as they say in such cases, on earth, now
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to negotiate only because they are running out of ammunition, well, it’s like -this is ridiculous on our part, but we are nevertheless ready for a serious conversation, and we want to resolve resolve all conflicts, especially this conflict, by peaceful means. but we must clearly and clearly understand for ourselves that this is not a pause that the enemy wants to take for rearmament, but this is a serious conversation with guarantees of the security of the russian federation, how can we even hope that they will finally conclude an honest agreement with us? the agreement that they will...
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these attacks on the belgorod and kursk
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regions, just military actions that are taking place in our regions, they behave more brazenly, they feel something about what caused this, well, the explanation is very simple, all this is happening against the backdrop of failures on the line of contact, on the front line.
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nine, of which seven were american -made bradleys, others were used , other armored vehicles, well, mainly to transport personnel, they bring them up and throw them out immediately, this is on the belogorod section of the border, but nevertheless the main goal, i have no doubt about it, is in order... if not to disrupt the presidential elections in russia, then at least somehow - somehow
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interfere with the normal process of will statement citizens, first, second is the information effect, which i have already mentioned, but third, if at least something works out, to get some chance, some argument, some trump card in a possible future negotiation process, well, we will we will return it, and you will return it to us. well , i said that with people who are guided by the principle - rash, drunk and nose, there is known material, then it is easier to talk with them, because you can count what they collect. do, they will also try in some other areas, we will we see. a striking tragic example is the village of krynke on the left bank of the dnieper, which the ukrainian command attacked regardless of losses. here is the actual contrast between russia’s decision to leave kherson in the fall of twenty-two for the sake of preserving the lives of soldiers and kiev’s desire to demonstrate at least some successes to its western allies. they just
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threw everything in there like into a meat grinder. they've been running around there lately, in the literal sense of the word, in the literal sense of the word, which means they tried to throw ammunition there, meaning in high-speed boats and drones, what is it, what is it just for slaughter, they were simply sent for slaughter, by the way, the prisoners who were captured there and surrendered, they show that they didn’t even know. what situation do they find themselves in , and let’s say they send a new unit there, they say there is a stable defense there, let’s continue, help, they, they couldn’t even get to the left bank anymore, this , by the way, is in many ways a response to quite popular in the west there is talk about the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons on the front line. the american press even wrote that
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washington was preparing to react somehow crushingly, but russia, according to the president, simply did not. and there was no such need, that is, such a thought did not occur to you, no, why, but weapons exist in order to use, we have our own principles, what do they say, that we are ready to use weapons, that is including, any weapon, including the one you mentioned, if we are talking about - the existence of the russian state - damaging our sovereignty and independence, everything is spelled out in our strategy, we haven’t changed it. in the west , they cannot help but know about this, as well as the fact that in the nuclear sphere russia has decades-long technologies that put a potential enemy in the position of catching up, and these are not cartoons, as they said after the famous presentation in 2018, but
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weapons on combat duty , that same red triangle or floating vanguard block against which... air defense systems are useless, our triad, the nuclear triad, it is more modern than any other triad, and such triads only here we have, and the americans, in fact, we have advanced much more here, we have it more modern, uh, the entire nuclear component as a whole in... in terms of carriers and in terms of charges, we have approximate parity, but we are more modern, but everyone knows this, experts know everything, but this does not mean that we should measure ourselves by the number of warhead carriers, well , you need to know about this, they are now setting the task of increasing this modernity, it is obtrusive,
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they have corresponding plans there , well, we know about this too, they are developing. all yours components, we too, but this does not mean that , in my opinion, we are not ready to start this nuclear war tomorrow, well, they want to, well, so do that , we are ready, another contribution to the treasury is sobering and the fact that it is gradually coming to former partners, is fully confirmed by washington’s clear refusal even of the hypothetical presence of american troops in ukraine, there are many fairy tales about red lines and attempts to move them.
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determination regarding the supply of long-range taur missiles to kiev. mr. macron's fighting spirit, among other things, may explained by resentment towards russian activity in africa, the traditional sphere of interests of paris, which.
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it’s clear that if, if an independent state wants to develop relations with its partners from other countries, including russia, it wants to develop relations with russia, we didn’t touch them, there are former french colonialists in these countries, well, yes, i even say that without irony, because in many countries where france has historically been a metropolis, they don’t really want to deal with them , but we are here... and, that is, bearing the white man's burden, a look in the mirror would no doubt be useful, especially since the reflection of the so-called golden billion is no longer as brilliant as
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representatives of the western minority would like to think, and for the former colonies the example of the ukrainian conflict, which has long become an existential battle between russia and west, very indicative. it's time to recognize that you play a key role not only in russia, but in the world. that billions of people pin their hopes on you for international justice, for the protection of human dignity, to protect traditional values, how do you feel such a scale of responsibility? to tell you honestly, i don’t feel this at all, i’m just working in the interests of russia, in the interests of our people, and yes. i understand what you are talking about now, i’m ready to comment on it, but for me to somehow feel like some kind of arbiter
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of some kind of world destinies, then there is no such thing, believe me, not even close, i’m just fulfilling my duty to russia and before our people, who consider russia their homeland... they associate sovereignty with their aspirations on their own sovereignty, independent development, uh, but this is aggravated by the fact that in
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the western elites, in the western elites there is a very strong desire to freeze the existing situation, the unjust state of affairs. various areas: supporting families with children, modernizing industry, transport, setting up the tax system. more details about everything, konstantin panyushkin. dmitry kiselyov
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began the interview with the president's message 2024. figuratively speaking, you pulled trillion after trillion out of your sleeve. on the last day of february, on for 2 hours and 6 minutes, vladimir putin announced the launch of new national projects and social programs, each time naming specific amounts of funding. taking into account the tasks that were set.
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place among the largest economies in the world, if everything develops at the same pace as today, then we have every chance to take over local japan and become the fourth economy in the world. the task, however, is not only to increase the volume of the russian economy, but also to rebuild it structurally. today we have 10 more robots, in my opinion, 10,000 more working, but you need to have at least a thousand robots for the over-active workers, in my opinion, this is how it is in japan, in my opinion. increase labor productivity. as for the lack of qualified employees at enterprises, another problem arises: personnel training. all these are guidelines for the next 6 years for the government, which in the message has become a kind of
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election program for vladimir. after the elections, after the votes were counted, it seems to me that now this is simply incorrect, but in general the government is working, as we see, the results are obvious, these are objective data, it works quite satisfactorily. the 2024 message did not announce anything other than new defense-related expenses, but for obvious reasons, they have been going on for the last 2 years.
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it’s difficult, difficult to estimate, but something can still be compared: the approximate cost of creating an american system about our avant-garde hypersonic complex, which easily overcomes this system. we plan to spend, well, up to 14 trillion rubles through various channels, this is a lot of money, but it’s not just about money, you know what still puts us in a positive mood, the mood in society, 70% of men and 72%
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of women want to have two or more children, so the state should support them, another way to solve the problem of population decline is immigrants, it’s not a sin to look at experience of others. countries, first of all, of course, we need to talk about the repatriation of our compatriots, citizens of many cis countries are also striving to russia, of course, everyone must comply with our traditions, the laws of the russian federation, and of course, compliance with sanitary standards is very important and so on further and so on, ensuring the safety of citizens of the russian federation should come first, a separate state. and all together, in a couple of days , russians will go to the polls; polls predict a very high turnout.
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a new quality of russian society has emerged, it existed, it simply manifested itself, and it is very good that we gave the opportunity to this deep russian society to express itself. i have a feeling that people have been doing this for a long time...
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various benefits, this is about long-term care for people who need this, in general, i would like to say that people of the older generation are the ones thanks to whom today we have a fairly strong, stable statehood and economy as well, because despite all the vicissitudes and difficult trials for the economy in the nineties, it survived thanks...
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all this together we will have to multiply many times, and the future will be secured. konstantin, pavel rudakov, dmitry zhgenti, channel one. news. of the presidential campaign, contenders for the highest government post are using the last days pre-election campaigning for meetings with voters, early voting is actively underway abroad and in new regions, in such remote areas as the kuril islands, the lighthouse keepers of the pacific fleet voted there, our heroes in the north-east military district make their choice. valentina solovyova will continue: here is your ballot, here is the voting booth, the booth is equipped. right in the dugout, after completing tasks ahead of schedule
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, fighters of the west group of troops vote, polling stations have organized their own at the positions of all formations in these frames the choice is made by the military of the twenty-ninth combined arms army of the vostok group, which this month was awarded the honorary title of guards for the massive heroism of its personnel. great interest in early voting is recorded among civilians in the front-line territories. today the visiting commission worked in donetsk makeyevka at a polling station in one of the courtyards. safety. provided by employees of the russian guard, a large group of young people and volunteers of the all-russian student rescue corps vote. for the development of donbass together with russia, for the long-awaited victorious peace, for the bright sky above the heads of our children. residents of donbass made their choice 10 years ago, our choice is russia, and today we once again confirm it. and these are shots from the other end of the country. in a helicopter, members of the election commission get to the north
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of the kuril ridge to the lighthouse keepers of the pacific fleet. on the island of shimshu there are two of them, on paramushirey there is only one person, every vote is important. the early voting stage will end on march 14, the last days of campaigning for presidential candidates campaigns. vladimir putin's confidant, co-chair of the campaign headquarters maryana lysenko, today in the altai territory, visited several medical institutions and inspected the new building of the barnaul hospital, which was built within the framework. national health care project, there are several diagnostic units equipped with high-tech equipment, in addition , many young specialists work here. together with altai doctors, the head physician of the moscow hospital maryana lysenko discussed the further modernization of primary care healthcare. what has been done and is being done allows us to count on the fact that in the near future we will be technologically relevant, i mean technologically sovereign, because of course what has been done in...
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today practically this memory is kept in good condition . i, as a siberian, a novosibirsk resident, could not help but come here. why? because there are a large number of siberian divisions, the archives say differently, but about twenty siberian divisions were here and fought to the death. presidential candidate from ldpr, leonid slutsky said today that if he wins, candidates for the government have already been determined. during the campaign, sludsky managed to visit 17 regions and... these are the tasks he named as priorities. the main goal of our participation
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in the elections, of course, is to consolidate the status of the ldpr party as the second party in the country, which is always close to the people, as melikie zhirinovsky taught in his will, always close to the voters, which offers a constructive and professional solution to pressing, pressing current problems today's russia and its citizens. meanwhile.
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mishustin held a meeting with the head of the federal treasury in the spotlight of the head of government, mikhail roman artyukhin. this service monitors the accurate and most efficient execution of the budget. the volume of purchases under state defense orders has increased, but this should not lead to higher prices, the prime minister emphasized. there are a lot of treasury departments and... how the country’s budget is executed depends on the work of the treasury, so that the regions receive money for their programs for national projects, funds are allocated so that everyone the state's budgetary obligations are fulfilled so that the system works quickly and accurately, government agencies receive money from accounts opened within the framework of a single treasury
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account, the implementation of national projects, government programs, and socio-economic initiatives depends on how quickly the resource is delivered to the recipients' budget without delay. which were supported by the president, today, the efficiency of the treasury during the transition to a single treasury account has increased significantly, i would like you talked about the results of this work for the twenty -third year, of course, last year was a landmark year for the entire budget system, due to the fact that the execution of the federal budget was the best indicator of 98.2%. in conditions of increased expenses, all payments were made uninterruptedly, precisely thanks to the system of treasury payments, an especially important innovation for us...
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procurement also ensures the participation of small-medium businesses in regular procurement, which is not present, of course, the share is constantly increasing from year to year . federal the treasury also checks the ministry of defense's expenses for a special military operation, how much is spent on the supply of personal armor protection, communications equipment, fuel for the repair and production of weapons and military equipment. i would consider it necessary to draw your attention to the fact that it is necessary to work more clearly with the state defense order. we have. there should be a situation where, with an increase in purchase volumes, when we are planning large, significant government funds, the price , along with an increase in purchases, grows, and it is imperative to look at this on a competitive basis, the treasury, as the main auditor and analyst, should take an active part in this together with colleagues from the front office, from the federal tax service, in the commission that will work
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to monitor all relevant approaches related to pricing with ... with the fulfillment of budgetary obligations in defense procurement, since this is a very important area, indeed the treasury is now the internal auditor of the government of the russian federation, there is a special body, this is the federal dark-field service, which, according to the law of the state order, is an authorized body, but under the leadership of the government of the russian federation we will provide the necessary assistance and assistance, all our analytical capabilities and resources will be used to solve the task you have set. there are
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enough reserves of gasoline and diesel in russia before the season, when demand for fuel grows. retail prices are stable, the ministry of energy announced this today. the situation with motor skills stable fuel of the constituent entities of the russian federation is under daily control of the ministry of energy of russia and the federal antimonopoly service of russia. there are no risks of rising retail prices for motor fuel. diesel fuel production is twice as much as the domestic market needs. today, the reserves of motor gasoline at oil refineries and oil depots of companies amount to 2 million tons, diesel fuel - 3.5 million tons, which is a high indicator of readiness for the season of increased demand in the retail segment, prices are stable and have not increased since the beginning of the year. renewal of the fleet of passenger cars, increase in the volume of transportation by rail, construction of high-speed highways, and once...
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cope with such a load. particular attention is paid to the people and the company to ensure that they pay special attention to the development of railway tourism. we set ourselves the task: by 2030 , the volume of services will triple to 3 million people. in the year of the family, announced. taking into account the new national project family, presented by the head of state in the message federal assembly, we are launching a travel with children campaign, which will offer a 15% discount on travel in long-distance compartment cars for all travelers traveling with children under 18 years of age. the penza region was gasified almost for...
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before gasification was announced indefinitely and now it is free of charge, without attracting funds from regional and local budgets , social facilities, our schools, our kindergartens, hospitals, clinics, paramedics and obstetric centers, in penezhevskaya are also being gasified preferential areas are supported categories of citizens, the president’s instructions, all 13 categories of beneficiaries have been implemented in full, and the problem of emergency housing is being actively solved in the krasnoyarsk territory. the national project housing and urban environment is in action. housewarming is celebrated in two seventeen-story buildings on the banks of the yenisei, and by the end of the year
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, another 300 people should receive new apartments in the region. report by alina sanoeva. and what a view, what a view i have from the kitchen window. here i sit, drink coffee in the morning and admire this gorgeous view, and not this one. wake up feel yourself happy.
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in the old apartment we ate and drank tea in turns, first the children or guests, and then everyone else, the home library for now... when a boy is still driving around the apartment in his car and he is not cramped, and even the whole three boys are not cramped here, this it pleases the soul so much that it is difficult to put into words. two seventeen-story buildings were erected on the bank of the river, thanks to the national project for housing and the urban environment, apartments here are provided to orphans and displaced persons from emergency housing, there are parking lots, recreation areas and... playgrounds, actively developing district infrastructure a kindergarten recently opened its doors. does the helicopter fly? yes.
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does the lizard fly? no. teacher arina luneva also received housing in a new house, and as soon as a kindergarten opened five minutes away, she got a job. and i was waiting for the kindergarten to open so that i could move into an apartment and go to work in this particular kindergarten. the resettlement program in the region is ahead of schedule. in the krasnoyarsk territory, during the work of the national project , more than 14,000 people. it is planned that the housewarming will be celebrated before the end of this year. sakov, kristina ivanova, channel one. you are looking at the time, now is an advertisement, right after the day of artificial intelligence at the russia exhibition at vdnkh and a new life, legendary friendship in luzhniki. the universal sports complex is open after reconstruction. stay with us on channel one. transfer me.
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i didn't think it would end like this. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. сnop gin, a product of the stellar group. cognac monte chococa. product of stellar group. rom castro. product steller group.
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was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ, he was quite large, but tall, bravast, big-nosed, with gray, slightly unkempt hair, there cannot be a last judgment until all nations learn about christ, so someone must reach the limits of the universe and preaching christ, including as a scythian, is actually the thread that has connected us since the 2nd century, because the scythians lived on our territory, peter dedicated the order to andrei, the apostle andrew is our patron, the apostle stood on a high stone, prayed. coverage of the people khersanezsky, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stones. why is st. andrew's cross a symbolic name because it resembles the letter x. christ. he was crucified on just such a cross. this letter x, such a sign across the whole country, which accuses christ and which accuses the faith of the apostle andrew the first-called. andrew the first-called, premiere, on saturday on the first.
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ukraine will be in nato. they want. for ukraine to be a member of nato, for ukraine to be not just not russia, but for it to be anti-russia, it was clear that in the state there was a coup, there was no power in the country, a good situation had been created in which decisions could be made in accordance with the will of the people. aksyonov stood here and said, guys, we need to block off everything strategically important. objects, we sent a letter to the leadership of the russian federation, we understood that we ourselves would not be able to control the situation, we needed our already russian troops to arrive faster. the transfer of crimea to ukraine is a historical oversight that was corrected by a referendum, with more than 96% in favor of reunification with russia. we are in russia, guys, cheers for the tenth anniversary
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of the reunification of crimea. with russia, crimea, as it was, premiere, march 17, on the first. this is the program time and we continue. the key technology of the 21st century, artificial intelligence, complex, ubiquitous. today a day is dedicated to him at the grand exhibition russia at vdnkh. in our country , every third company already uses it, and more will continue to do so. in 6 years, neural networks will be used in all regions of the federation. areas from construction to medicine. in general, artificial intelligence is no longer fantastic. ours is with you. ordinary life, which technology can make more comfortable, report by anna kurbatova. let's consider this a greeting. meet alyosha,
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a fourth generation robot, he can shake hands or, for example, give a high five, but this, of course, is not his main purpose. alexey is an intelligent assistant, or more simply put, a bot. you can meet at the mfc and at many airports. today is artificial intelligence day at the russia exhibition. when a large-scale digital digital transformation, in russia it seemed like something out of science fiction, but now the year is 2024, it is already difficult to imagine that it was once different, take public services for example, over 430 million services were provided online last year alone. while we are completing documents on the portal in a few mouse clicks, the minister of digital development is announcing the future of voice commands. we're not talking about replacement. that is , we are talking about the fact that a new channel of interaction for the user will be added, we hope that at the end of the year we will already have test ones services will be available through a smart speaker, including through a smart speaker, and
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there will be more, artificial intelligence, we see, is now really becoming a key technology of the 20th century, and today humanity has at its disposal approximately a trillion times more computing power than 40 years ago, digital brain to perform. work tasks are now used by a third of russian companies, today it is already used in almost all industries, take, for example, transport passengers on the moscow central circle this year will ride on an unmanned swallow. at the end of last year , the country's first unmanned ferry made its first voyage in russia. unmanned trucks deliver goods along the m11 st. petersburg-moscow highway. and by the end of 2030, not only the niva highway will be able to accommodate such trucks, but another 20,000 km of russian roads. well, here's what else in...
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the countries of germany, dubai, czech republic, saudi arabia, cuba, india, kenya, nigeria are now open.


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