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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 14, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm MSK

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it is very important for you to see a psychotherapist , because you had a very difficult childhood, and there was a lot of accumulated internal aggression towards your own mother, and in order to release this, you need the help of someone from the outside, definitely when you can get it out of yourself , sincerely, to feel that you are free, you won’t want to do all this anymore, you will want your huge, you have huge energy potential. you can feel it, you are a very powerful person, you will really want to direct this energy in the right way channel, this is all, what you do , yes, live, you can help with how many people, look from this side, please, we helped many times, it’s just that no one takes into account the good points that we helped, i believe that maybe you had good training, well, it’s just impossible to raise children with words, it doesn’t happen, a mother who...
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sits with a cigarette opposite the child, tells him that smoking is bad, you know, can’t , it doesn’t work like that if you swear, your children swear, if you smoke, go, you see, this is all interconnected, i really hope that after looking at yourself from the outside, you yourself will want to change something in your behavior, you are a good mother yourself, you sincerely love your children, just stop giving them such, well, strange ... not a nice example, that’s all, we live together, i’m afraid that i’ll lose my mother, they might round us up, they drink all the time, it’s great, but what do they live on, they live okay, they get enough for a child, but he comes home from work , i’m tired, i need a drink, he says, i ’ll open my veins now, i say, go give me a knife, but i’m alive they haven’t found out yet, they drink together with the children, just like with the children, why vasilisa has been drinking beer since she was four years old.
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are you really talking about it, that is, she drinks vodka and washes it down, yes, she only goes to work, she doesn’t even leave the entrance yet, when i work interestingly, if i drink, you are ready to go for treatment right today, absolutely, you like gerasim, i agree to everything, but your mother coped with it and still doesn’t drink, she doesn’t drink, let’s meet her, tatyana, come to us. good evening, the big game is live and i am vyacheslav nikonov. today, the president of russia, vladimir putin, is holding a meeting with the government of our country, discussing issues related to the implementation of the president’s message to the federal assembly. a huge range of issues, you know, relating to all aspects of our lives for the next 6 years. and...
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this was preceded by a ceremony, in my opinion also a very important, symbolic ceremony, firstly, the opening, so, first rossat shows us, this is the beginning of the construction of a new power unit at the nuclear power plant, which supplies the northeast of our country, and also the beginning, well, by the way, let’s give the floor to the president.
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energy potential for the development of regions to improve the quality of life of people, i would especially emphasize that during construction , first of all, domestically developed equipment should be used, this is important for further strengthening the technological independence of the country, let me remind you that exactly this task... was set in the message to the federal assembly, the launch of national projects was also announced there technological sovereignty, including in the field of all types of transport, as well as nuclear and energy technologies, by the way, we have 90%, 99% of our technologies used here, their implementation should become a powerful incentive for the technological renewal of industry for the qualitative growth of the entire economy , and of course high-speed. a long-time dream of our
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president, well, let dreams come true, let's listen to his dialogue with german gref. germanich, you and i, when we were working in st. petersburg, dreamed that we would build such road, but actually not only us, our leaders, sobchak and alekseysech beshakov, dreamed then, so we have actually put together a financial scheme now, in your opinion, for this entire rather large project and a capital-intensive project. firstly, i want to say that today is probably such a very significant day, thank you very much, thank you very much to all the colleagues who are present here, because it was a lot of teamwork and indeed without it, it would probably have been impossible to realize the dream of a thirty-year-old
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ago, yes, even after 30 years, but dreams must come true, and if everything goes as it should, then... and this is just the beginning, because we have a very extensive program for the construction of high-speed highways from yekaterinburg to the south to rostov and sochi, adler , it's really.
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dropped from a ukrainian drone exploded 5 m from the fuel tanks, if it had hit, there could have been big troubles, and of course, attacks by ukrainian sabotage groups continue on our settlements in the belgorod region with the goal is to demonstrate the achievements of the ukrainian armed forces, well, mainly in tiktok and... try to disrupt the elections, what will come of this after all, well, now boris aleksandrovich rozhen will tell us, who closely monitors everything that happens on the line of combat contact and the activities of the ukrainian rd, well did you manage to unwind them again today? good evening, indeed, the enemy
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tried to break into russian territory again this morning since the shelling of the belgorod and kursk regions, again he was met by border guards, airborne forces fighters and... who also, who were abandoned like cannon fodder, who were also destroyed today by our fighters, that is, they didn’t make a tiktok there, only they, well, the footage there is not what they were counting on, of course they will be try to continue shelling , of course they will try to attack with drones, of course they will throw this
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cannon fodder into our border in order to disrupt the elections, but it is already obvious that they will not be able to do this, and the operation itself looks more and more ridiculous from the point of view exactly military necessity, but... it’s clear that they need purely pr personnel and media results. our military is focused primarily on military results, and they successfully achieve them. as for the situation on the front line, our soldiers continue attacks in the naverbovoy work area, our troops are advancing to the west and north-west of verbovoy, on the temporary ledge today without major changes, in the ugledar direction our troops have advanced north of novomikhailovka, there are good ones there.
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ledge our troops achieved tangible success, we have already entered belogorovka itself, the enemy suffered heavy losses to us today and we can expect that things will be good for us here in the coming days. from the news, and also positional battles continued in the terna area, where our troops advanced a little further to the north-eastern outskirts of the village, well, fierce battles continued in the senkovka, tabaevka and korahmalny areas, in all directions, as we see, the initiative belongs to our troops, also attacks were carried out on enemy rear areas, several locations were destroyed, including our troops placed great emphasis on attacks on the kharkov and sumy regions, where the threat to ours comes from... thank you very much, boris
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aleksandrovich, rozhents, as always, accurate information about what is happening on the fronts of a special military operation. today, the ministry of defense actually confirmed the destruction of 195 servicemen of the ukrainian armed forces in the morning, five tanks, four armored combat vehicles , three self-propelled rocket launchers and... engineering obstruction vehicles, well, it’s clear that we are talking about throwing forces just to get some kind of pr effect in front of the camps, no, well, it’s not just pr, i also see a military meaning, because all these attempts to break through in the belogorod direction, carried out primarily, of course, by the forces of the ukrainian special forces, are budanov's troops, yeah. and he needs to divert forces, for example, from the same orekhovsky,
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artyomovsky, bakhmutovsky, kupinsky directions, because there the situation there is actually very difficult for them, but given that these are special forces, there are special reserves there are none, there is a very limited amount of heavy equipment, especially since it is being destroyed at some record pace, the command of the ground forces is sharing reserves with them and budano. doesn’t want to, moreover, budanov , apparently, is already beginning to irritate the ukrainian leadership, because he obeys no one except zelensky, i play everyone, i think in washington there is a curator in washington, too, by the way, not very, not very are happy with budanov, because there is a lot of pr, but no real success, moreover, he probably remembers the more or less successful breakthrough that they made last year and decided that it was ours, our leadership. our command did not draw any conclusions , conclusions were drawn, so no breakthrough
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happened, it is losing, so to speak , a lot of manpower, and the special forces are still very well trained fighters, and it seems that there are still 24 hours left , maximum two, if there is no success, then of course it will be a complete fiasco, all this will stop, well, in a couple of days we’ll just have presidential elections will already take place. and this is clear, what is connected with, do they really count on the fact that this can somehow weaken the desire of people to come to the polls, and vice versa, to show them that everyone will come, no matter how they want to vote, that’s for sure, true, yes, well , that is, general, i still wanted to clarify with you one important issue related to today’s statements by stoltenberg, the secretary general, in particular, he made many different statements, including that allegedly hypersonic. this weapon is not a problem for them at all, listen, let's do it now let's listen to stoltenberg and you will comment on his words, hypersonic
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missiles are a real challenge, this shows how much russia is investing in more modern types of weapons. at the same time, i believe we have demonstrated that nato has the capabilities to defend against russian hypersonic missiles. ukraine needs even more support, they need it now. ukrainians suffer not from a lack of courage, but from a shortage.
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lazirkon, they are not yet interceptable, the patriot is a miracle of weapons born in the seventies, this is by no means the same system, i could still believe it, so to speak, if we were talking about the s-400, theoretically possible, but certainly not a patriot, so what stoltenberg said, why did he say that, you see, in passing,
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basically pushing on artillery ammunition, well, let them try, as they say, let them try. rusa, well, it must be said that attempts to ruin our elections, and in general the situation, are being undertaken not only by the ukrainian leadership, but by the western ones, in particular there were serious efforts related to undermining the russian economy, suddenly just before the elections they began to analyze what is going on with the economy in russia, bloomberg publishes an article, it turns out that our economy is working, it’s amazing, let’s listen, 2 years later... after the invasion of ukraine, many russian residents have reason to believe that the wartime economy is working well. wages are showing double-digit growth, the ruble has stabilized, and poverty and unemployment rates are at record lows. on the eve of the presidential elections in russia , the population's dissatisfaction with the economy is mainly absent. well, bloomberg immediately gave statistics on the dynamics of wages in our
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country, quite an interesting dynamics, you see, we had an influx, and there was never an invasion. a very important thing, the whole point is that industry, why the russian economy . everything is correct, we must understand well that one demonstrates such good indicators, especially against the backdrop of global trends, is precisely due to the fact that military production, the strengthening and increase in the
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share of military products has led specifically towards the modernization and development of industry. because industry can really be the basis of a modern economy, this must be well understood, because it is in industry that it is determined, industry most often determines the dynamics of wages, it is determined, and this is very important to understand, the prospect of economic development, what is not provide other areas of development, and most importantly, a certain kind of groundwork is created for technological re-equipment and technological modernization of many other industries. economy, including civilian, this is a very important idea that needs to be understood, as for the western data, here is precisely the fact that they hoped, perhaps, that there are many weapons systems in the warehouses of nato countries, they can be sent all for
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border, that is, to ukraine, to take advantage of, maybe, i don’t know , some american handouts, but as a result... our own industry, so it failed, and two more points are very important from my point of view, why this is happening , the point is that industrial development requires for requires precisely low or low costs of energy resources , utilities, that is, cheap infrastructure, when europe abandoned energy resources, when the costs of these... utilities, water supply, and other forms of services began to rise sharply, then in general, the economy and industry began to sag, it became uncompetitive, products became sharply more expensive, as a result , a sales problem arose, and another very important point, the point is that european policy,
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the european economy, especially the german economy in the last maybe even a decade. the production site moved to china, because only in china was it possible to produce profitable mercedes, so mercedes lovers, i think, can
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be congratulated on this, but today we are waiting for macron’s speech, who promises, i don’t know what’s true, but something grandiose, more about this after the advertisement. often for me it's coming to my ultimate goal, never stopping, always going towards my dream and never seeing there are limits to it. when everything is alive and well internally, there is this peace of mind, when i get very high grades and are given medals. this is an obligatory love for your child, otherwise it will be easy. look after the child, and not be a father, since the grandmother is a teacher, she can reincarnate to be a snow queen today, tomorrow a hedgehog grandmother, whoever you want, even if settled by pechkin,
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live happily, live in the moment, everything will be fine with you, there is peace in your soul so that every person achieves what he wants and so that dreams are forgotten. russia's mind is not to understand, common arshins cannot be measured , it is not special to become, one can only see in russia, two feelings are wonderfully close to us, in them the heart finds food, love for the native ashes, love for the tombs of the fathers, do not sleep, do not sleep artist, do not indulge in sleep , you are a hostage to time in captivity for eternity, hiss, be angry, my friends, wedge! “you and them will not quarrel with me, to your great regret, i am not going to fight with you because of your lies, your statement, i just don’t give a damn about you, when in vain you
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resort to words, it will not help you again, and you will not wash away with all your black blood, the poet of russia's righteous blood, civilizations, premiere, film eight, russia! part two, today on the first , take me across the maidan, there are 10 thousand of them here, no less, through i want to know that now and in 100 years no more will come to my house, neither moskal, nor la, does not live, not china,
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not i thought that everything would end like this, you carry me like a river, he sang the most important song for me, when we first met , i personally didn’t have any opportunity to guess him as a future national artist, this the guys from our yard are outside.
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poverty has ended in russia, our people have really come, i have been living in this state of euphoria for 10 years now, the heart of crimea is open to everyone,
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people from all over have begun to come to the peninsula. region of russia , the crimean bridge was completed and opened, an airport was built, roads, hospitals, kindergartens appeared in crimea, delight, i stopped seeing fields that were ownerless, that is, everything is involved, hello, my vines, they are alive, an absolutely incomprehensible phrase, what this is our crimea, and what else, to tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia. the documentary series premieres on saturday on the first. big game live. today , the ministry of defense released figures for the number of mercenaries from western countries on the territory of ukraine. well, it turned out that there are
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a huge number of these.
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states, including the united states and germany, who said that they would not send anyone, well, it’s true that estonia today joined macron’s calls, but the most interesting thing is to look now at the reaction of french politicians who are considering the different kinds of options that could follow as france implements its brilliant idea. let's listen to what domenic devpin, who was recently prime minister of france, said. if we send troops to ukraine, we cannot be sure whether other countries will enter the conflict on the side of russia, whether african, asian, middle eastern fighters will oppose us, or whether countries of the global south that also want to connect with the west will join them , if the western europeans, the french will send there your soldiers, do you think that solidarity on the russian side will not reduce, i believe that we need to ask this question, in any
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case, our diplomats did not. everything necessary to isolate russia in the international arena. if russia were isolated, we would see this. i think that we are actually more isolated than russia. and another worrying issue: the likelihood that new conflicts will flare up. ukraine is a dangerous situation, but what happens if another front opens? there are already battles in gaza and the middle east. the situation on the ocean peninsula and africa remains tense. then we will wage war on five continents. you must take this reality into account. the world does not come down to the tragedy of ukraine, like this, like this, they would like to fight with others who want to figure it out with the participants in the vampire ball, as putin characterized the west yesterday, here’s another interesting opinion of marine lepen, who is now generally- the most popular, probably the politician in france, let's give her let's listen. macron's statements were unanimously
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rejected by the international community, from washington to berlin, from oslo to madrid. i would like to take this opportunity to remind those of our officials who confuse verbiage with firmness that the best strategic ambiguity is silence, which plunges the enemy into uncertainty. this wise model of behavior has unfortunately been forgotten, causing denial from many capitals regarding the sending of troops, emmanuel macron, unfortunately, has finally calmed down.
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to decide anything at all, it is absolutely clear to them that putin, if anything, will generally talk with the united states, not even with britain, which is flitting back and forth there.
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they say, so macron, of course, well, he has already received, so to speak, an answer, but on the other hand there are experts who believe that this is not all by chance, that he did it thoughtfully, he was either instructed or agreed upon, but maybe not, in fact, in the usa, in my opinion, they are also not very happy with his independent escapades, but he threw this trial balloon, so to speak, to find out who he is with, and, as always, poland, which pushkin will not yet lead you through poland.
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it is important to be ahead this year and to become, as it were, at the head, but if not at the head, but you are in the forefront of this main thing, but he took a very unsuccessful step, well, since we remembered pushkin, how do you remember his words, so send your embittered sons to live, there is a place for them in the fields of russia among the coffins that are alien to them, so you are welcome, and of course, hear from france. such things are surprising to europeans, because france, in general, lags behind everyone else in providing military assistance to ukraine, the ratio of military supplies to gdp there, one of the lowest indicators, compared to germany, which
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, on the contrary, is now criticized by everyone for insufficient assistance, which helps more than anyone else in europe, is now generally the main sponsor, probably, because the united the states somehow covered their fuse. against this background, scholz is under very strong pressure to still deliver taurus missiles to ukraine, without going through the uk anyway. and now in the bundestag there are powerful debates on this score, and for some reason scholz took a completely tough position. let's listen. zaraga and it is clear to say that we carefully weigh all decisions, prudence is not a weakness, but it is that. 500 km, since when using it it is important not to lose control over it, it will not be possible to use it without the deployment of the german military, i do not consider it possible to allow its use without german soldiers, it
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will be necessary to decide where to aim, where to shoot to strike, german soldiers should not it's up to me to do this responsibility, germany cannot be allowed to participate in this war, i reject this option. what is happening is that the scholz are putting pressure, obviously, as has already been said, america has deprived germany of any subjectivity, and germany as the center of the european union, as the main subject of influence in this policy. apparently, macron decided to intercept this, again, against the backdrop of a very small amount of supplied weapons, very growing pressure from the closed joint stock company, the collective west, which sponsored all this, they understand that the conflict is going on by the end it must be intensified in any way so that one way or another there will be some dividends there...
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this is an attempt in any way to bring military
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topics to the front pages of publications, to all editorial pages, thereby , including replacing the topic of elections, strange things help with this attempts, attacks by ukrainian drgs, and so on and so forth, this is all within the framework of one policy, and today’s speech by stoltenberg is included there, one thing is mentioned everywhere, i very much agree with you, regarding odessa, today stolpinger said that long-range weapons are used to preserve the black sea corridors. on february 21, macron said that our guys will be in odessa, he said it in lemmon. everything, everything, everything, and the british, of course, clung to the new gibraltar. therefore, i think, here , when macron was told that kiev and odessa would be a red line for him, this is just preparation, an attempt to stake out territories, to free, as the president said, the rear towards the contact line , the french, the americans, the british, will become in odessa in kiev, thirty-eighth parallel according to the korean scenario.
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they stood there for six months, but of course, everything is in the hands of the united states to a much greater extent than france or great britain, here oleg sergeevich already said that when trump comes to power, but in fact there is still a question, if trump comes to power. in any case, now is a new stage of the election campaign, and biden and... trump have already received a sufficient number of
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delegate votes, which ensures their victory at the congresses, respectively, of the democratic and republican party. well, everything is decided, biden versus trump, and what is it that will determine the outcome of the vote, well , throughout, since you are an economist, don’t let me collect, economic factors have always been in the first place, if the economy was growing, the president.
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i hope this will happen, but in 2021 you said that inflation would be temporary, now you regret your words, i regret it.
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from my point of view, first, the ruling class, at least the liberal one, part of it, in general, is somewhere digesting one very important thought: the fact that trump triumphantly returned 3 years later to american politics, in general , does not fit into the consciousness of this part of the liberal elite, in general , somewhere they are somehow thinking about what else to expect from trump, because the calculation there is no excuse for the fact that he will stumble somewhere, that he will fall somewhere, as for biden, then the situation is different, yes, he seems to be old, feeble, but look, the voting results, the democrats are voting, the democrats are voting , in general, unanimously, unanimously, well, maybe it will also be in november, they will also vote unanimously, unanimously, about
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the economy, things are really starting to be quite interesting, because in addition to the general indicators, indicators of economic growth, which in general can... suggests that this is not the worst time , inflation really ruins everything, what is the problem of inflation, and the problem of inflation sharply increases the problem of distributional effects, who gets what? inflation creates and shifts the center of gravity to this sphere, not to the sphere of production, to the sphere distribution, the result is such a thing that if you look at public opinion polls, well, 20%. they are satisfied that their situation has improved over the past 3 years, but 50% think that no, precisely because inflation is sharply affecting the state of their finances, it is sharply increasing the cost of living in general, that is, the standard of living, and, most
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importantly, it is depriving ability to plan for the future, home ownership, american families are increasingly under pressure.
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classified issue in the context of national security, as well as the topic of the border, they they were never able to organize this meeting, they didn’t intend to, when he finally showed up, there were five more people with him. this president is difficult to communicate with on a regular basis, in fact it seems to me that they are afraid to leave him in the same room with me, they are afraid of what he might say without a script. yes, i think, in this mood, the house of representatives will not support any of biden’s initiatives at all, especially so. during the pre-election period, especially since biden now has a lot of mined fields, one of them in the middle east, about we'll talk about that after the commercial. march 17, special edition of the time program,
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russian presidential elections. ukraine will be in nato. they want ukraine to exist. this is a historical oversight that was corrected by a referendum, more than 96% were in favor of reunification with russia, we are in
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russia, guys, hurray, for the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia, crimea, as it was, premiere, march 17, at the first, in russia i i’ve been living here since 2012, the sbu opened. this is, of course , a form of such information-psychological aggression, if they think that they can intimidate, they are very wrong about this, i will continue to do my job. a famous artist, born in russia, lived in russia, but for ukraine he is still supposedly ukrainian. and they have double standards. i was brought up in the russian cultural code, but i’m still ukrainian. and the exhibition train will travel through all of russia with various exhibitions that tell stories about it. with the heroism of the russian military, anti-fake premiere tomorrow on the first nazareth, don’t wake her up at dawn, she
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’s sleeping so sweetly, byana it’s true what she left on away he drove away on the night train , he just sees your reflection in my coffee pot, he sees your reflection in the coffee pot , he said such hockey. at the very peak of his career, he was only 32. zhenya said: “oh, i can’t imagine what it’s like to be old, here at 40 you don’t know what you’ll look like, it’s enough until you’re forty, crowds
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of fans, fleeting novels, meetings, all this time he loved only her, i say, you know, i don’t want to live like this, i decided for myself, if i decided for myself, then that’s it. mother of her beloved daughter zhenya belousov for the first time after loss, she had the courage to admit, before her death, belousov begged her to return to him, she came home and thought about how we would start living, this is with forgiveness."
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we know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ, he was not small, but tall, bravast, nosed, with gray, slightly unkempt hair, there cannot be a last judgment until all nations learn about christ, so someone must reach the limits of the universe and preach christ, including including the scythian, this is actually the thread that has connected us since the 2nd century, because the scythians... and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stones. why is st. andrew's cross a symbolic name, because it resembles the letter x. christ. he was crucified on just such a cross. this letter ha, such a sign throughout the whole country, which christ accuses and which accuses the faith of the apostle andrew the first-called. andrew the first-called, premiere on saturday on the first.
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big game live. the holy month of ramadan is considered a month of peace, but not this year, not in the middle east. here as ramadan was celebrated in jabaliya last year. the picture on the right and how jebali looks now, naturally, there is no time for a holiday, and philippe lazareni, commissioner general of the un middle east agency, cited horrifying statistics in 4 months of the war in gas , more children died than in all wars on planet earth over the past 4 years, a terrible conflict, and at the same time the end of it...
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netanyahu is the destruction of hamas, well , firstly, hamas is not only a military organization, it is also a political wing, and in general this is an idea, to destroy the idea, practically it’s unrealistic, moreover, israel , now netanyahu, to put it diplomatically, does not agree with the americans, with biden, and if we don’t speak diplomatically, he sends him to hell, saying that as we decided,
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it will be so, so we decided to destroy gaza , destroy it completely.
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with the naked eye, here scholz held negotiations with the prime minister of malaysia anwar ibrahim and, of course , spoke as usual in support of israel, its right to destroy hamas there, that’s what the malayan prime minister noted to him, let’s listen, decades of cruelty cannot be erased, it is impossible to find a solution using such a one-sided approach and not paying attention to 60 years of cruelty, the solution
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is not only the release of the hostages, i support. but this will not solve the problem. what about the settlements, what about the behavior of the settlers who have not changed it to this day, what about the land grabs, what about the dignity of these men, women and children? won't this bother anyone? have we abandoned our humanity? why is this hypocrisy? where does this selective attitude towards to a certain race, and to each other? i cannot accept the fact that when discussing problems, we address only a single incident to only one of the affected parties, forgetting about many thousands since 1900. 1947, anyway, i must say, what an amazing language , however, such a deep , intelligent diplomat, for real, this is not scholz, but in general israel - built, i have already repeated this, built the whole concept of its status in world history, as a universal victim, the only global history, before which the whole world is inescapably guilty, which cannot be criticized,
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the slightest criticism of israel is an accusation in response. what if suddenly the usida actually strike the american fleet with hypersonic weapons? i think in this case, it’s much more painful to have another attempt, one more, or rather another operation on underwater infrastructure, which is more painful than anything, any hypersound that could be, well, they say, firstly, as for this, this is of course a victory, this is a voice global south, it is not absolutely clear in this case and one american commentator
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said that what was happening in gas said said... together with scholz, it was just the end of america's soft power, because in gas it simply died, it no longer makes sense to support it, no matter who you support, you will lose, in fact zukzwang, what concerns the houthis, they are trying to collect.
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civilization they declare themselves to the fullest is actually happening in reality and voice, today we are watching the final film of our cycle of civilization, the second part of our native russian civilization. our civilization, which are both the civilizations of space and civilizations of great art, great science, great cinema, and of course , wonderful television, we are watching the civilizations of 1850, and of course, we are preparing to go to the elections, which begin tomorrow, president putin made a statement on this matter, let's listen to the president, we have already proven , that... we know how to be together, defending the freedom, sovereignty and security of russia, defending our values, traditions, history and culture, acting in conscience and truth, in fairness, we have
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our own view of how and what kind of country we want build, what plans to implement, and today it is critically important not to deviate from this path, to achieve what is planned, to achieve the set... large-scale goals, so a lot in the coming days depends on each of you, i will say frankly, participation in the elections today is and there is a manifestation of patriotic feelings, this is well understood by the residents of donbass and novorussia, who in the most difficult conditions voted in referendums for unity with russia, these days will also make their choice, our soldiers at the front will vote.
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expects something else from us, we will disappoint him , because our cause is just, victory will be ours, the enemy will be defeated, we give the floor to the news, the big game will return at 23:00, hello, the evening news is on the air about the most important... we'll tell right now the president discussed the tasks of implementing new national projects at a meeting with


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