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tv   Proekt Tsivilizatsii  1TV  March 14, 2024 7:55pm-8:51pm MSK

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completion of the program about where i started, i said at the beginning that ukryreikh is explaining himself, including in order to create some problems with the elections in the russian federation, the presidential elections, which, in fact, tomorrow you can go to vote, today called everyone to this, the president of the country, in development of our topic, about the fate of the motherland and the world, today the chairman of the central, russian federation, ella ponfilova said a really very important thing, that this is not just a presidential election, there is something behind it the fate of russia, how it will further develop, will largely determine how the world will develop. on my own behalf, i will add within the framework of what has been said, peace in both senses of the word, both as world and as peace. time will tell how it will be, and today it is no coincidence that we are watching the film russia from the project.
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konstantin eduhardovich tsalkovsky believed that humanity would reach such a level of development that it would begin to populate other planets. he had many brilliant insights about interplanetary space stations. about
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multistage rockets, about the principles survival in space, about landing modules, all these ideas were brought to life by soviet and russian engineers, designers, the first of whom was sergei pavlovich korolev, he sent the first satellite into earth orbit, he sent the first man into space, yuri alekseevich gagarin. russia has always been and will forever remain the first in space. now there are about 12,500 spacecraft in orbit , not counting debris, it all started with this small ball with antennas transmitting a simple radio signal. we were the first to launch an artificial earth satellite.
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american competitors had many times more money; they had the rocket designer of the third reich, wernher von braun. their country was not destroyed by a terrible war. they made money from it, but what about us? just think about it, only 12 years have passed. after the end of the most terrible war, our great victory, and the soviet union has already paved the way for humanity into space. and only 16 years have passed. after the end of the most terrible war and the great victory, when gagarin said “let’s go.” and for the boys of the sixties, the answer to the question of who you want to become was obvious only to the astronauts. our space for world civilization is not only a breakthrough in science and technology, it is also a huge leap for the entire beautiful half of humanity.
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most often a faithful wife who is ready to undertake a feat. a russian woman is not just a gender, or as they say gender now, it is an image that inspires artists, glorified by poets. first of all, she is a mother, mistress and keeper of the hearth, but not only. since ancient times, when nowhere in the world had anyone ever thought about emancipation, gender equality, our women have already played a vital role in the construction of civilization, as a chronicle of...
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brilliant victories. catherine the great. under her, turkey was forced to renounce its rights to crimea. russia acquired kuban and novorossiya, from the bug to the dniester. poland was divided with austria and prussia. under catherine the great, russian possessions extended to the line delineating the eastern border of modern poland. she took her toll, said the empress. revolutionaries and statesmen at the dawn of the soviets. wife of vladimir lenin, deputy. people's commissar and wife vyacheslav molotov to this day there are no such number of women in power as we have anywhere in the world, and also great artists, ballerinas, writers,
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artists, poets, great athletes, great warriors, russian civilization certainly has a female face. first things first, first things first. our civilization inspires us, so everything is fine with our girls, with the sky. nikolai egorovich zhukovsky was the first to explain the effect of the wing's lifting force and formulated methods for calculating this force, the most important for an aircraft. aircraft designers work according to zhukovsky’s formulas to this day. on august 27, 1913, the famous russian pilot pyotr nisterov brought the theory to life by performing a closed loop in a vertical plane for the first time. the first aerobatic maneuver was called the nesterov loop.
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in the summer of 1937, nizhny novgorod nugget valery chkalov with his co-pilot baidukov and navigator... we set out in complete devastation, yes, we managed to rebuild at the same time to still participate in the arms race, to participate in all these events, realizing that it could not be any other way. the most popular aircraft in history
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aviation, po-2, also known as nikolai polikarpov’s u2, are famous. the fighters returned, having made more than 100 holes, but did not return, they landed, and the engines worked, and kerosene leaked, but they landed, now russia produces the best fighters and bombers in the world,
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equipped with missile weapons that have no analogues in the world. the anti-people regime in kiev was also clearly convinced of the combat power of su and migov. and his overseas patrons.
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on august 6 and 9, 1945, american b-29 super-heavy bombers dropped nuclear bombs on the japanese cities of jeroshima and nagasaki. the americans were the first to make nuclear weapons and the first and only ones. it was used against peaceful cities, they thought about maintaining the nuclear monopoly for a long time and hatched plans for nuclear destruction . our country would have been destroyed if we had not tested our own bomb in 1949. our civilization has revealed to humanity the power of the peaceful atom.
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the world's first nuclear power plant was built in 1954 in the city of obnensk, kaluga region. this station was created under the leadership of the father of our nuclear program, academician igor vasilievich kurchatov. and then the soviet union overtook america in creating thermonuclear weapons. 12th of august. andrei sakharov, in 1961 they successfully tested the tsar bomb, the most powerful explosive device ever created by mankind, 59 megatons in tratyl equivalent, this is in a lighter version, it could be 100 megatons. today russia
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is one of the world's leading producers of nuclear energy. 36 power units and 11 nuclear power plants on its territory. rosatom also operates in 15 countries, being the world leader in construction of reactors. russia occupies about 40% of the nuclear fuel enrichment market, providing them with russia. largest of the northernmost and coldest countries in the world. 2/3 of the territory is covered
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with snow 2/3 of the year. in some ways this is not bad. severe winters protected against tropical diseases that devastated other parts of the globe, but the size of the country's climate took its toll on any activity. most of russia is located in a zone of risky agriculture, where the harvest is not at all guaranteed. not a harvest. not once became the cause of a terrible famine, when people died out in the thousands. if in western europe, agricultural work is carried out within 300 days from february to november, then in non-black earth russia only 130 days are suitable for farming. during this period, russian peasants were forced to work hard for a long time, because otherwise a long winter awaited them. death, hence probably the frequent spree forms of relaxation in the moments during
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the long winter months of rest. thanks to the heroic work of the russian peasant, our civilization managed to survive, our great scientists, such as michurin, vavilov, elevated selection to the rank of art and developed agricultural crops that made it possible to collect record harvests, despite the difficult climate. today our agriculture . in one of the most technologically advanced in the world. we not only feed ourselves, we extend a helping hand to those most in need of food in the country. in 2023 russia. produced 143 million tons of grain. in terms of wheat exports, we occupy a solid first place, holding 20% ​​of the entire world market. however, the feat of the russian peasant left such a deep mark on our culture that even today in the 20th century many, even city dwellers, cannot imagine life without a vegetable garden from their own
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experience, comprehending the hardships of traditional farming and the joys of a hard-won harvest. in terms of the number of dacha plots, russian civilization ranks first in the world by a large margin. take me through the mod. there are about 10 thousand of them here, no less. i want to know that now and in 100 years no more will come to my house. not a muscovite, not lying down, not living, not a chinese.
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i didn’t think it would all end like this, like oldbarr cognac, a product of the stellar group, bourbon.
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not russia, but that it be anti-russia. it was clear that there was a coup in the state, there was no power in the country, such a good situation had been created in which it was possible to make a decision in accordance with the will of the people. aksyonov stood here and said: “guys, we need to block all strategically important objects.” we sent a letter to the russian leadership. federation, we understood that we ourselves could not control the situation, we needed our troops to come quickly already russian. the transfer of crimea to ukraine is a historical oversight that was corrected by a referendum. more than 96% were in favor of reunification with russia. we're in russia, guys! hooray! to the tenth anniversary
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of the reunification of crimea with russia. crimea, what was it like? premiere on march 17 on the first. a symphony of five russian empires opened up to me, when the russian state, emerging from oblivion, achieved power and prosperity, and then fell into the abyss of oblivion. after the death of total darkness, we are resurrected again and move along the path of improvement. i i rejoiced along with the whole country. finally, ours have gone. "we are breaking, it was a blinding flash, a spiritual explosion that turned me, a prose writer, into a poet, in blood, in smoke, in fires, amid the whistling of bullets, russia. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession. in attacks, regaining his place in history. monday, on the first. sometimes you can
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hear that russia was unlucky with civilizational elections. its fate would have been happy if it had accepted christianity not from constantinople, but from rome and joined the bosom of western civilization. it is necessary just keep in mind. milk, in orgies of all kinds, videoducts are still working, the forum of democracy is collapsed, that rome is not there. there were
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indeed western europeans, compared to the inhabitants of constantinople, but it was a remote, dirty and completely undeveloped province, there - well, civilization was not yet developed, that ’s not their problem. it may not even be a problem, it ’s not their fault, but it so happened, they walked in high heels so as not to get dirty in the excrement that was splashing out of the windows there, etc., etc. nothing there was nothing like the grandiose, absolutely gigantic constantinople, with its cathedrals, hippodrome, theaters, well, not even close. russia was very lucky; it received direct access to the treasury of the world's mind. culture from the most advanced and civilized country on the land of that time, the ramey empire, with which, if anyone could compete, it was only china. when vladimir's ambassadors arrived in
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hagia sophia, they saw an absolutely colossal temple, the like of which did not exist in the west until the 14th century. and when they saw this stream of light, this famous liturgy, this magnificent singing, everything. taken together, they saw that we thought we were in heaven and not on earth. the entire byzantine civilization descended on us in all its diversity. orthodoxy gave russia one of the main spiritual foundations, icons. there were icons not only in churches, there were icons in houses, in the red corner of any orthodox home. trinity, kazan, vladimir, icons of the mother of god, not only symbols, but also... god is unknowable, incomprehensible, it is impossible to imagine him, no human imagination
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or knowledge is not enough for this , why do we love the icon so much, why do we have an icon, catholics also have them, they have them, they have them, but they admire our icon, its otherness, because on the one hand it is a human image, of course, with on the other hand, this is... great russian painting. bryulov, shishkin, aivazovsky, vosnetsov, levitan, repin, all
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in one way or another relied on the fine art of theophanes the greek, andrei rublev, icon painters who managed to carry through the centuries, preserve in holy places, churches and monasteries, the same byzantine heritage. russian civilization. universal, since it absorbed the treasures of the whole world, both east and west, we never isolated ourselves in our national shell, and we never fenced ourselves off from other peoples, those peoples who are now fenced off from us. an attentive eye will see the byzantine trace. in one of the main symbols of our civilization, which appeared already in the 20th century. the moscow metro still causes foreigners the same cultural shock
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that ours must have experienced. this was to a large extent taken from byzantium and again transformed, russia also created absolutely amazing temples, but many of them, including those built by aristotle feravanti in the kremlin, were already largely under the strong influence of byzantium. great western architects, having worked in our country,
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discovered that they were, in fact, already... russian architects. bartolomeo , who built the winter palace, was shot and turned out to be bartholomew bartholomew. well, the french architect, gust montferand, became august augustovich. it was under this name that he went down in history as the creator of st. isaac's cathedral and the winter palace, and st. isaac's.
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the throne of a generation of kings of france. needless to say, anna was much more educated than her husband, king henry i, anna, who took the oath, was able, unlike him and his retinue, not only to read, but also to write, including in latin. the cities of ancient russia were largely literate, this is clearly evidenced by birch bark letters found during excavations and inscriptions in novgorod cylinders tags. graffiti inscriptions on the walls of ancient cathedrals, why russian philosophy , having begun so late, in general in the second half of the 19th century, actually turned out to be immediately non-provincial, absolutely, these are solovyov, berdyaev, vulgakov, and because full-blooded church life with liturgy, it meant
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you to fight on your lies, on your statements, i, to your great regret , am not going to fight against you, i just don’t give a damn, ah , it’s not difficult to deceive me, i myself am glad to be deceived, this is about you, gentlemen, russian civilization. gave humanity what is rightfully considered the peak of world culture, when today the word theater is uttered anywhere in the world, they mean konstantin sergeevich stanislavsky, they say drama, anton pavlovich chekhov, great literature, they will name you leo nikolaevich tolstoy and fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky, they will say great music, they will name pyotr ilievichaikovsky and sergei vasilyovich
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rachmaninov, and these series and... can be continued endlessly, if we exclude western consumer culture and everything connected with it, then exactly our culture will find itself in the backbone. not only russian, all of human civilization, what is culture, the village of irkhin, vologda region, which was going to film pro-kruzhivnits, came there, one guy lives there, tolya, tolya got a leave in some forty-third year, went home, went there two days. i got to vologda, then in some kind of car, by car, then in some kind of car, on a sleigh, frost, february, then 5 km to my village irkhin, got there at 4:00 in the morning, frost, 35°,
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got there to his hut, there is his wife, nastya, two children, he caught his breath, that is, he knocked on the window. the moon is shining, nastya got up , caught her breath, the spot in the glass, saw her roofing felt, and decided that it was a dream, looked at him through this window, but he did not wake her up until dawn, did not break her from this wonderful dream, although it was not a dream , this is what it is, this is the greatest culture. now they are trying to cancel russian culture in the west, to erase it from the information space, to pretend that it never existed, but russian culture does not live in the information space, it is registered in
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civilizational code of every person, try to cancel it, you will cancel a part of yourself. russian domestic art, our art collided with the well-known. quite aggressive discrimination with attempts to cancel our history, and music, and ballet, and theater, literature, painting, uh, our achievements in this area, it is obvious that those who have taken this path, who seek to erase russian, russian culture from the world heritage, first of all, rob themselves; such actions are insignificant against the background of greatness. russian art, that's all, first our daughter was born, then we got married, and then we officially signed, the will of belousova’s wives, the public’s favorite passed away at the very peak of his career, he was only 32, zhenya said, oh, i can’t imagine how to be
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old, here at 40 you don’t know what you’ll look like, enough until you’re forty, crowds of fans, fleeting romances, meetings, all this time he loved only her, i say, you know, i don’t want to live like this, i decided for myself, if i decided for myself, that’s all, the mother of her beloved daughter... zhenya belousova for the first time after her loss plucked up the courage to admit, before his death, belousov begged her to return to him. i came home and thought about how we were going to start living, this is all over again with forgiveness, that’s all. many years after those events, beloosov’s wife and daughter were faced with an attempt by the singer’s illegitimate son to sue for part of the inheritance. he can now enter into inheritance either with my permission or through the court. our exclusive is a unique document, the existence of which only a few people knew. exclusive with dmitry. borisov premiere on saturday at the first romca product stellar group, veda vodka, stellar
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group product, old barrel cognac, stellar group product, steersman bourbon, stellar group product. when the first national project appeared , a state program for the development of agriculture appeared, up to 70% of meat is consumed within russia, it was imported, there were no tires in the country, there are no tires for agricultural tractors, they got bumps, got scars, but the ethics was to create your own production, seed we have been buying only domestic material for about 7-8 years. because our seed the material is much better than foreign ones, we produce grain in quantities that have never been seen before, neither in tsarist russia, nor in soviet russia, sanctions are an incentive to want to build an independent economy, an independent power, confrontation
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globally, of course the country must have this sovereignty in all areas, including food security, in order to survive, here she is, mother potato, here she is, we will feed our entire country. will be asked abroad to feed, premiere, bread ours on saturday on the first. it is not without reason that crimea is considered the cradle of russian orthodoxy. here, 2,000 years ago , apostle andrew, the patron saint of our country, began his journey through the future russian lands. we know that he was a fisherman, we know that he was one of the closest and beloved disciples of christ. he was not a big man, but he was tall. bravast, nosad, with gray, slightly unkempt hair. there can be no last judgment until all nations know about christ. therefore, someone must go to the ends of the universe and preach christ in including scythian. this is actually the thread that has connected us since the 2nd century, because
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the scythians lived on our territory. peter dedicates the order to andrey, apostle andrew, this is our patron. the apostle stood on a high stone, prayed for the dedication of the people of khersanez, and the stone became like wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stones. why is st. andrew's cross a symbolic name, because it resembles the letter ha, christ, he was crucified on such a cross, this letter ha is such a sign through. the whole country which christ accuses and which accuses the faith apostle andrew the first-called. andrew the first-called, premiere on saturday on the first. one of the relatively new symbols of russian civilization is the ostankino tv tower, our television cannot be confused with any other, but there are programs that are shown... only here, because only we
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have such a large number of cheerful, resourceful and smart people like you guessed, we are talking about the kvn club, that somewhere, when, both programs are on channel one. in december 1977, the game was played for the first time at a round table with six players. and there was already a spinning top, viktor zaretsky and i were sitting at this table, this is actually one of our two games, russian ones, which are and will be held on, the second kvn, we are starting kvn , why, why, we changed the money, gagarin flew, there was broadcast one program, the presenter was 20 years old. i want to congratulate the symbol of eternal
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russian youth, alexander vasilyevich maslyakov. kvn continues to play in schools, universities, large cities and small towns. its popularity has long gone beyond the borders of our country, acquired without any exaggerations are international in nature. this is the answer to the skeptics, kvn alive. they even allow you some jokes. and where in the kremlin? domestic television will soon turn a century old. in 1931, the moscow broadcasting technical center was created, and regular television broadcasts began from there. comrades radio viewers and radio listeners, says moscow. the technology itself and television were also invented by our people. back in 1880 , porfiry bakhmetiev developed. light energy
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into electrical energy. st. petersburg professor boris rosing patented a method in 1907 electrical image transmission. and on may 9 , 1911, he carried out the world's first transmission of a static picture, four light stripes on a dark one. background, and the first ever transmission of a moving image was carried out in 1928 in tashkent by inventor boris grobovsky using a device called radiotelephot. in 1925, leningrader alexander chernyshov patented the vidicon, a prototype of a video camera tube in 1931, almost simultaneously, independently of each other, in different parts of the world, three russians at once... people, student boris rosing, vladimir zvarykin in the usa, and
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semyon kotaev and alexander konstantinov in the ussr, create an image transmission system that has survived to this day. have a nice new year. and aren’t you going to meet him with us? and, don’t persuade me, now in our time the main decoration of the table. what? tv, and it shows putin. i will go to my place, of course, without television, what a new year, this is also our civilizational feature, the new year is celebrated all over the world, but this is what we have for this.
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people went to the cinema, and people needed cinema, and cinema needed people, they coincided, so whole , so to speak, quotation books from films arose, but imagine, all my life i was proud of my work,
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my father was proud and my grandfather, but others were proud of their wealth or nobility, and we were proud of our profession. what kind of profession is this? defend your homeland? is there such a groovy profession? do you know this poem? i found out that i have a huge family, a path, and a forest, every ear of wheat in the field. you bastards will answer me for sevastopol! ukraine is being torn away from our civilization, forced to destroy everything what our ancestors created, including ukrainians from ukraine, are making anti-russian weapons aimed at our hearts, they raised generations of russians there who kill russians because they want to speak russian. we
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saw how it began and warned where it was going, because it didn’t start yesterday. seeds of betrayal and hatred. were dropped into ukraine many times. mazepa, petlyura, bandera, the heroes of today's ukraine, as well as yushchenko, poroshenko, zelensky, they all relied on the support of the west. orange the revolution of 2004 and maidan 2014 were organized under the manual control of western politicians and intelligence services, which no one tried to hide. this is about your future, about your country’s future,
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the point is that it’s important to whom, well, it’s important for me to be.
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this war did not begin in 2014 or even in 2004. this war began when we took the word of the west, showed weakness, did as they wanted, lost a great country, our common home. with the formation of the commonwealth of independent states. his activities as president of the ussr. the collapse of the ussr, the largest geopolitical catastrophe in history, threw the country
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back several decades. russia has lost the status of a superpower, which was the soviet union. our civilization was divided. the state has lost half of its population and economic potential. with the loss of the southern regions, russia became an even more northern country, losing a significant part of its fertile lands. for the first time in 500, russia finds itself surrounded by states and groups that are economically, demographically and politically more powerful or dynamic than itself. in the nineties, the russian federation lost another half of its gdp, they started talking about how we had turned into an upper volt with missiles. the country found itself in the weakest position relative to the main world centers of power since the mongol invasion. in this moment. russia was flooded with foreign advisers, economists, and political strategists. someone then thought that they could help, but now,
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looking back, we know for sure that their goal was the opposite. western military, economic, political elite we they were only satisfied when they fell into pieces, but this is not part of our plans. on february 24 , 2022, we finally launched an offensive operation at scale.
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production, and not on soap bubbles that are inflated and deflated by posts on social networks. fossil fuels still
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produce 70% of the electricity consumed by humanity, and the main fossil fuel in global generation is natural gas. russia ranks first in the world in its reserves and not only in gas. fresh water, wood, palladium, nickel, diamonds, iron ore, gold, the world's largest area of ​​taiga, tundra and permafrost. arctic territories, whose riches still cannot be assessed. we are a resource superpower, an immense territory containing up to a third of all the natural resources of the planet. russia occupies a very strong place in global energy markets, both directly through the supply of oil, gas, coal, and indirectly, through the supply of products that are.
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carbon. russian industry says that our world still remains ranks first in the production of aircraft titanium and palade mining. the largest production and export of mineral fertilizers and nuclear fuel. our country is the leader in the total value of mined diamonds and amber. first place in total production and export of hydrocarbons, leader in the production and export of armored vehicle tanks, as well as in heavy tanks. and anti-tank weapons. russia produces and sells abroad the largest number of air defense systems. russia is the only one in the world that builds nuclear icebreakers. russia is one of the few countries in world, is capable of acting as an independent center of power. we are a permanent member of the un security council. the only euro-pacific power, an energy, nuclear, space, resource superpower
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that has made a significant contribution to development. world civilization, we have considerable foreign policy resources based on the high professionalism of the foreign ministry, intelligence services, and the expert community capable of thinking in global categories. i have been living in russia since 2012. the sbu has opened a hunt for miss donbass 2011. this is, of course, the uniform informational and psychological aggression. if they think they can intimidate me, they're very much into it. they are mistaken , i will continue to do my work, a famous artist, was born in russia, lived in russia, but for ukraine he is still supposedly ukrainian, and they have double standards, he was brought up in the russian cultural code, he is still ukrainian, train, exhibition will travel across all of russia, with various exhibitions that tell about the courage and heroism of the russian military, anti-fake, premiere, tomorrow on the first, you carry me river. sang
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the most important song for me, when we first met , i personally didn’t have any opportunity to guess him as the future folk artist, these are the guys from our yard, this style is closer to me, that is, such an intimate conversation with the audience, the first rehearsal, the boss is angry, just comes to the microphone, only utters the first words , my whole world has turned upside down, the pensive rostorguevskys, so to speak, let's go, let's go with... the audience loves the ensemble, love, love, love these songs, they know them, sing them together, i am very grateful to the viewer for these travels along the m12 highway, let's go, dmitry, how are i doing, you are doing well, but the ball is not doing so well, oh, well
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done, good fellows, good fellows, to the red girls, nikolai egorovich zhukovsky, space - sergei pavlovich korolev, nuclear energy, igor vasilyevich kurchatov, lasers - nikolai gennadievich basov and alexander mikhailovich. what else remains? the bearer of the truth about them speaks russian, and this truth is stronger than all the lies about russia that may come to their heads. we won't let ourselves be deceived anymore. russia is no longer the same country it was 30 years ago. we are not so naive and much stronger.


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