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tv   Vechernie novosti  1TV  March 15, 2024 6:00pm-6:41pm MSK

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percent, but the president, despite the fact that elections are going on, is working, there are now meetings of the security council, where issues are discussed, including those related to the provocations that the ukrainian armed forces are carrying out to disrupt our elections, but this will not get us through , on the contrary, now we must demonstrate unity and vote, even if just out of spite, our cause is right, victory will be defeated , we will give the floor to the news, all the best, goodbye, see you next week. hello, the evening news is on air in studio ekaterina berezovskaya. and we start with the footage that we received shortly before our release. vladimir. putin held
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an operational meeting with permanent participants of the russian security council. it took place via video conference. the president worked from novo ogorev. the main topic is the presidential elections that have begun in russia , kiev’s attempts to disrupt them in some regions of our country. and this is what vladimir putin said? distract. as you know, today in our country, in accordance with the russian constitution, presidential elections have begun. in order to disrupt voting process, intimidate. people, at least in the regions bordering ukraine, the kiev neo-nazi regime is planning to try to carry out a number of criminal, demonstrative armed actions, this is, first of all , striking peaceful settlements on russian territory, about 95% of enemy missiles are destroyed by our air defense systems. however, we, unfortunately, have casualties...
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thrown back everywhere and retreated, or rather, fled with heavy losses, about 60% among personnel, over 50% in armored vehicles. purpose these senseless actions, from a military point of view and criminal from a humanitarian point of view, are, as has already been said, an attempt to interfere with the presidential elections in russia. i am sure that our people, the people of russia, will respond to this. even greater unity, whom they decided to intimidate, the russian people, the multinational people of russia, this was not sure, would never happen. another possible goal of an action of this kind is to divert the attention of its own people and the public of other countries, from which the kiev regime is trying to humiliatingly beg for money of all kinds. donations, distract attention from the real situation.
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the future of our homeland, which, despite any efforts of our enemies and ill-wishers, will, without a doubt, be reliably secured. in the belgorod region, which the terrorists of the kiev regime are constantly trying to attack, residents continue to go to voting stations, they go, no matter what, they say that they cannot be intimidated by provocations. now the future of the country is being determined, all the sites, there are over 1,200 of them in the region. in
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some areas voters took part in the presidential elections ahead of schedule. report from the belgorod region by dalmira beryukova. the shelling of belgorod began. as soon as the polling stations opened, 8:15, a series of explosions over the city. our air defense system shoots down several air targets. the cannonade has passed, now there is a lull, which means the air defense has worked, and most likely the missile warning signal will soon be removed. at one of the shelters we meet local resident elena kulinskaya. she was just going to the polls when the shelling began. have you already voted or gone? no, right now i’m just trying to get to voting, to the polling station. our people are holding out. support each other, our task is to hold on to each other , help in an emergency, that’s it and don’t panic, one of the shells fell next to a residential building, windows on several floors were broken , a bank branch was destroyed, here’s the second siren of the day, the systems are working again air defense. sergey, sergey,
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where are you? residents of the high-rise building help us and other passersby take shelter in the entrance, here they say that what... now there is a real provocation from the outside apu. considering that these attacks have become more frequent in the last week, it is most likely connected, as this week was never the case. yes, this is a provocation, it does not affect anything. in the morning, the windows in the apartment of eighty-two-year-old maria irshova were broken. she, like many, is also convinced that the kiev regime is trying to intimidate people. and you know what, even if they scare you, they don’t scare you, but they only make things worse for themselves. this time 10 targets were shot down. defense confirmed that czech- made vampire shells were destroyed. the target is again civilians residents. a man who was in a store nearby died. one of the shells fell near the polling station, where the mfc is located. olga, who came here today, says that the shelling of belgorod was intensified specifically for the presidential elections.
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it seems to me that this is what is intended, so that people don’t go, don’t go out, intimidate, so that people leave, go somewhere, for the sake of leaving, just to show that we...
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russia is voting for a common future for the first time a leader who... the big election marathon swept the whole country, for the first time, our new regions are taking part in the company, and the turnout there is one of the highest in the country. 29 sous. conducts remote electronic voting, it is very popular among muscovites. the entire process is monitored by international observers; 706 people from 106 countries are accredited. by the way, among those who voted there are foreigners who recently became citizens of our country. more details about everything
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ivan prozarov. the morning of every election began with the russian anthem. areas in our country, where people were in a hurry even before the opening, the first our voters came, citizens with a good position, with such civic responsibility, they came, they were just waiting, waiting for the polling station to open, responsible choices were made by entire work collectives and large families, this is a family and a country, one might say that how the same thing, only on a different scale, we have nine children, and so that they are always friendly, i tell them this story that all the children... you are all like a fist to me, when, fingers separately, it hurts each one separately when we are together we are like a fist we are very strong, just like our country. the three-day voting scheme for the presidential elections was introduced at the request of russians, and this allowed each voter to choose the most convenient time. i had
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a special desire to do this before the working day, in order to have time to have a free weekend; it seems that now russia is in the maximum mood for unity, for unity. the big marathon started at the far end. east, where voters were not stopped by a blizzard on the smoking hills of cars on the roof in the snow. there are no spring frosts in chekotka, but on the first day there are already 64% of voters voted. in one of the villages , a 100% turnout was ensured. in just 2 hours, almost half of the residents of sakhalin and kamchatka made their choice, actively voted in primorye, probably the time is now such that we need to show solidarity, unity in society, this is our future, this is the future of my children, so that every voice of our of a large country, polling stations are open in the most remote corners, this is the coastal village of yamsk, in kolyma with a population of only 70 people, now the buryat ulus of ulintui, where to the electoral commission we arrived on horseback,
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federation, this is a very important day, we make our choice, we fulfill our civic duty. the foundation for further development of russia is also called russia by its new citizens, the kirsch family from germany. 3 years ago, the couple sold their business in europe and moved to nizhny novgorod, where they are building a village for... germany. i regularly went to
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the polls, but i went with the thought that nothing would change, now i have come and i know for sure that i will choose the one a person who will make our lives better. for me it was very it is important to come here to make your choice for your president. i am very proud to be here today; electing a president is very important.
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a topic that performed well in the mayoral elections. an innovation for residents of the capital is electronic voting. every resident of moscow registered in the city can use such a system, and there is no need to register in advance, just a terminal is used instead of a paper ballot. in any case, the procedure takes no more than 5 minutes. the choice remains confidential, and the process is monitored by several cameras at once, all for transparency and protection from interference and provocations. observers are closely monitoring the elections. according to the cec, applications were received from 330.00 people. these are representatives from candidates, their proxies, from political parties, public chambers, and
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representatives of 106 states also arrived to monitor the voting. i am very impressed by the organization, i am glad to see that voters were given the choice to vote using paper ballots, as well as electronically. the electronic ballot box counts the votes, but if questions arise, the paper ballots remain inside, they are then counted manually, this completely coincides with the procedure that we have in new york.
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deputy prime minister andrei belousov, head of the republic of crimea sergei aksyonov arrived at the site in simferopol. patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia voted in the presidential elections at his residence in the capital's danilov monastery. deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko said that he had chosen a remote electronic form for filling out the vote, accessibility of any device, computer, laptop, mobile device. we go to the official portal
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for residents of the regions, this is the portal. ru for moscow voters is mos. we choose the remote voting service. attention, redirected to the page, start voting. we receive the code, wait for it, enter the code 31 45. identity is confirmed. so, here we have candidates, we choose to vote. thank you. you have successfully voted, i want to thank everyone who has already voted, here i was very pleased that at this polling station, a very large part of the voters have already come, cast their vote, and i also want to urge those who are making plans for this weekend, in the remaining two and a half days, to be sure
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to come to vote, fulfill their civic duty, and these are not some pretentious words, i... people will vote for the course of national revival, we are confident that this course will continue, do not stand aside, do not be indifferent, cast your vote for the future of our country, for security, for development, for economic development, for the life and health of our children and grandchildren. and as we have already said, for the first time within russia, presidential elections are taking place in
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our new regions. in the zaporozhye region , voters can still cast their votes at home; members come to them. election committees and international observers. it will be possible to come to the usual voting points on sunday, march 17. well, in the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, as well as in the kherson region, a total of more than 1,200 sites have already opened. many people they admit that this day is a holiday for them. oleg shishkin spoke with our citizens. for journalists during elections in regions under martial law, three main ones are not allowed. there are no addresses, polling station numbers or recognizable objects in the frame. intimacy, otherwise complete freedom. everyone is interested in the elections being held in strict accordance with the letter of the law. like throughout the country, polling stations in lugansk opened today at 8:00 am; some immediately formed small queues. many people got up early today to be on time vote on the way to work. state symbols, transparent ballot boxes, information about presidential candidates on the walls. externally, this area is no
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different from similar other parts of the country. but the proximity of the front lines is felt in people’s moods. all dreams and aspirations. about our victory: for peace to come to us, for us to live peacefully, we see changes, thanks to russia, i love russia, i think it is necessary to elect a president, a head of state who will lead us to new victories and successes. already in the first days voter turnout exceeded all expectations. you can imagine how important it is for us, who, led by whom, we will win. we choose victory. for older people. voting at home has been organized, the married couple of victor and aleftina yarov celebrated their wedding anniversary a couple of days ago, they have been together for 67 years, the family has three children, five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren, viktor vasilyevich will soon turn 94 years old. i believe that this is my former reward for being able to take part in such an extraordinary event, the election
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of the president of our country. i'm waiting for the elections peace. peace, because that pack that does not allow us, but many in the world to live in peace, must cease to exist. the couple admit that they believed and expected that the lpr would become part of russia. i prayed from morning to evening for this to happen. we live with him, enjoying life, enjoying our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, our homeland, our people, but it’s true, russians are extraordinary. experts from italy, greece, indonesia and syria are monitoring the voting process. today they visited several sites in lugansk.
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it was great, so we know where we are going, why we are going, we vote. for security reasons, polling stations in the zaporozhye region will only be open on march 17. today, members of election commissions,
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accompanied by observers, gave people the opportunity to make their choice of place of residence. in the kherson region, turnout during the preliminary voting exceeded 58%. the gastronomic festival kherson samobranka was timed here to coincide with the elections. the cooks set a record and prepared a huge pan of birch. in prague, in hungary in the building of the russian cultural center in budapest, and this is footage from cyprus, about 120 thousand of our citizens live there. in the capital of the republic of nicosia
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, there is a queue at the polling station; the elections are taking place in katora at a polling station located at the russian embassy in doha. the main voting day abroad is sunday. this is the busiest time for the central election commission. the information center is watching. monitoring the voting process, they continuously receive information from all polling stations and summarize preliminary results. according to the latest data, voter turnout in the country as a whole, it is over 25%. all the latest information was collected by anton vernitsky. data on voter turnout at the polling station, which first appeared at the central election commission in the morning, are now updated very often. in many regions, despite the fact that today was only the first day of voting out of three planned, polling stations were active. somewhere the number has long exceeded 50%.
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the high turnout is also explained by the fact that in new regions it was possible to vote early from february 28 to march 14, but this does not mean that voting there has already been completed, far from it, for those who have not yet voted early, polling stations throughout the country will be open until march 17, simply thanks to early voting it was possible to avoid queues. in the regions bordering ukraine can be dangerous, they told us today about incidents at the sites. we have an emergency in three polling stations - in kursk, voronezh and karachay
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circassia, where people, women, men, took and poured ink into the ballot box, what they wanted to prove by this, i don’t know, but this is definitely a criminal offense for which there will be punishment . it is claimed that they are someone i called, promised money, we are trying to restore these ballots. in addition, all commissions, according to ella pomfilova , have been warned about strengthening the security of the sites. in any case, such actions are criminally punishable. this is article 141 of obstructing the electoral exercise of voting rights or the work of commissions for up to 5 years, especially for all the scum who are ready because of these pieces of silver. destroy the voices of people who came and voted in almost all polling stations in the country, there are 94,000 of them installed video cameras that record everything, this one
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the most. paradoxical, the so-called collective our elections in the world, and the situation of the west, countries unfriendly to us, on the one hand, suddenly began to complain why russia did not invite representatives, for example, the osce, which had previously rejected all invitations, on the other hand, in every possible way prevents observers from their countries to come to russia. why we don’t care, no matter what sanctions scare them , 706 people from 106 countries have already arrived, some of them, even unfriendly ones, are already working in the regions, some were in the central election commission, which is why, according to ella panfilova, their openness, the refusal of some european organizations to come to us will not affect the purity of the elections, like all attempts at provocation, they will be suppressed, well, finally, the first of three days of voting for all of russia in 29 regions of the country is ending in as an experiment,
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you can vote: it was done online, having previously left a request at the government services, convenient for those who will be at work all this time. as promised, i vote remotely via mobile phone, under all the ballots in the dining room of the election commission center, symbolically, for whom i will not say, but vote. oh thank you, you have successfully voted. anton vernitsky. the first channel , now there is a small advertisement, we will be back in just a couple of minutes, stay with us on the first channel, one morning you wake up and feel that your heart is ready to open up to something new, you want to create the effect of a metal sheet, and what happens there does not matter, never we don’t know what will happen, because there are no rules here at all, hands are a delight. we were here
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i propose a quest, we still have one detail missing, maybe it’s strong, slender and aesthetic, my god, how i love it all, it’s incredible, it’s really an antique, well, now let’s put everything in order about the comfort of the prime minister, tomorrow at first.
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to the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia, the premiere of the documentary series, tomorrow on the first. welcome to the city of kirov, row, kirov, heel, of course, kirov, let's go, let's go, it's milking time, it's true that the browns and the cow give chocolate milk, no, it's not true, let's try make a bird, the simplest figurine in the demkovskaya toy.
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when the russian state, emerging from oblivion, achieved power and flowering, and then fell into the abyss of oblivion, after death and pitch darkness. we are resurrected again and move along the paths of improvement. i, along with the whole country , rejoiced. finally, ours have gone. we're breaking. it was a blinding flash, a spiritual explosion that turned me, a prose writer, into a poet. in the blood, in the smoke, in the fires, amid the whistling of bullets. russia attacks, reclaiming its place in history. premiere. alexander prokhanov. confession. on monday. on the first. this is the evening news and we continue. the fsb reported the prevention of a series of terrorist attacks in
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bryansk. a supporter of ukrainian militants, a member of a terrorist organization banned in russia, was detained there. a recruited resident of the krasnodar region, on the instructions of kiev curators, planted bombs at the entrances to the buildings of energy companies and terrorists to attack the belgorod and kursk regions over the past 3 days, which vladimir putin previously spoke about during a meeting with members of the security council, were stopped coordinated actions of russian troops and border services of the fsb, including one of the last ones in the area of ​​​​the village of kazinki. in total
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, hundreds of terrorists and dozens of pieces of equipment, including american bradley infantry fighting vehicles, were destroyed by air strikes and artillery fire. our ministry of defense today also talked about what was done during the week in the special operation zone. carried out fifty group strikes, destroying a ukrainian mig-29 fighter and two mi-8 helicopters, as well as two combat vehicles of the patriot anti-aircraft missile system from the united states. during the week enemy losses in manpower in all directions amounted to about 7.00 militants. from march 9 to march 15, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 50 group strikes with high-precision weapons, fire-floating rocket systems and unmanned aerial vehicles against airfield targets.
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foreign mercenaries. well, among the destroyed western equipment, vaunted american tanks began to regularly appear in reports from the front lines. they were delivered to kiev last fall , so at least four can already be written off. russian units are calculating heavy vehicles are easily and easily destroyed. soldiers from the twenty -fourth special forces brigade of the central military district, which disabled one of the abrams near avdeevka, told the details of the operation to our film crew, saw how the tank rolled out of the forest belt, fired at the long-awaited target from the carnet anti-tank missile system, hit with the first one.
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for doctors it will increase to 50,000 rubles. and for middle staff up to 30,000 rubles. in settlements with a population of 50 to 100,000, support will be 29.00 and 13,000 rub. accordingly, their work deserves the most attentive, sincere respect. such support for doctors is a decision of the president, which vladimir putin announced in mid-february, placing important emphasis. last year for primary care health workers. we have introduced monthly payments, and i propose
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to increase their amount for specialists who work in small towns, districts, centers and villages from march 1 of this year. it is clear that the implementation of such decisions will require time to prepare regulatory bases. i ask the government to complete this work quickly so that from april 1 , medical workers begin to receive increased payments for march. well. as if in hindsight . and in april , doctors will receive their march salaries with bonuses. according to the government, this will affect more than 200,000 employees of hospitals and clinics. but that's not all. also, on the initiative of the head of state , from april 1 , at least 50% of the salary funds of medical organizations will be allocated to pay the salaries of medical workers. at in this case, wages should remain at levels below last year. we talked today about supporting our new regions.
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thanks to this, republican clinics will receive about half a thousand ambulances this year. also, for the needs of the region, 200 passenger cars with a cargo body will be purchased; they have increased cross-country ability and are used for a wide range of tasks, including the transportation of humanitarian aid and medicines. measures to support people are also on the agenda of the government meeting, who especially need care, and sometimes even surrounding guardianship. we are talking about those who, due to age or
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health limitations, find it difficult to cope independently, well, for example, with organizing everyday life, nutrition or hygiene; such care should be provided to them by specialists from patronage services, who, among other things, train family members . the federal budget has already allocated about 12 billion rubles for the implementation of a long-term care system this year. the government will allocate over 4 billion more to the regions under the supervision of professionals, people, those in need of such help will not need, for example, to move to a boarding school, surrounded by worries, they will be able to continue to live at home as usual, and another state priority is supporting families and especially large families. now parents will not need to apply for benefits on property taxes, they will automatically receive them, from other topics that were discussed today, support for the agricultural industry, our farmers harvest impressive harvests year after year, about 147 million tons of grain were threshed last year , v
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the year before more than 157. this is a historical record. these volumes of agricultural products affect the domestic market and the global market ; in order to maintain the profitability of our farms, we are using a whole range of measures, from providing subsidies to farmers who grow grains to increasing reserves in the federal intervention fund for agricultural products. the mechanism of intervention in the grain market has been in effect in russia since 2001. when prices fall, the state purchases products for the state fund, and if they rise sharply, on the contrary, it makes a decision to sell, market saturation makes it possible to contain price increases, ensuring stability; this year an additional 7 billion rubles will be allocated for these purposes. anna kurbatova, pavel rudakov, alexander gornostaev, channel one. and in conclusion, let’s return to the topic of the russian presidential elections; voting for the first time will last 3 days and will take place in all regions, including the new one. territories, all information on appearance,


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