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tv   Golos  1TV  March 15, 2024 9:45pm-11:55pm MSK

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cyber attacks on remote electronic voting resources, the protection system worked flawlessly. anatoly lazarev, svetlana barkova, kirill loginov. first channel. now a special operation, the results of the week from the ministry of defense. the russian army, together with the fsb border service, prevented all attempts by ukrainian saboteurs to break through to ours. border area. over 3 days there were several of these in the belgorod and kursk regions. as a result, the ukrainian armed forces lost more than 550 people, 16 tanks, 19 armored vehicles, including 11 american bradleys. to the ministry of defense told in detail how terrorists were eliminated in the vicinity of the belgorod village of kazinka. sabotage groups of ukrainian special forces mercenaries landed in two helicopters a kilometer from the state border. artillery and aviation were already waiting for them. to prevent the militants from bringing up their reserves, the territory was remotely mined. and... until march 15, the armed
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forces of the russian federation carried out 50 group strikes with high-precision weapons, fire-floating rocket systems and unmanned aerial vehicles, against airfield infrastructure facilities armed forces of ukraine, repair shops for weapons and military equipment, warehouses for storing unmanned aircraft and unmanned aircraft... arsenal and bases of fuels and lubricants. all designated targets are hit. also affected were the locations of units of the ukrainian armed forces and the formation of nationalist foreign mercenaries. missile troops, artillery and unmanned aerial vehicles of groupings of troops were destroyed in a week. launcher of the salvo fire system made in the usa, two combat patriot anti-missile system vehicles made in the usa, and a launcher.
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anti-aircraft missile system s-300 with radiation stations, aviation air defense systems, within a week , a mig-29 fighter and two mi-8 helicopters of the ukrainian air force, a tochku tactical missile, five hamer guided bombs made in france, 86 rockets from salvo systems were destroyed fire, us-made highbros, vampire- made and grad, as well as 915 unmanned. destroyed american abrams tanks are mentioned more and more often in reports from our ministry of defense. the kiev commanders' bet on another miracle of pentagon weapons did not work. these vehicles burn as brightly as german leopards, and the soldiers who knocked out another abrams near berdachi told alexey ivanov in detail how it all happened. ordinary work, they also just did their job, well, a man’s job, yes.
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just as someone works in civilian life, it’s the same for us, it’s just ordinary work. modest siberian guys from the twenty- fourth special forces brigade central military district. five of these fighters, who can only be identified by their call signs for now, destroyed another m-1 abrams tank. footage of objective monitoring of a much-advertised american armored vehicle burning near the village of berdy, podneevka, spread all over the world last week. the details of this unique operation were told by the operators themselves. anti-tank crew, the landing on the northern side was quite dense, that is, because of this , the silhouette was not visible, but as we moved along it to the southern side, we saw it, ahead they defeated him with a shot, that is, the first hit immobilized him, our commander acted ahead of the curve, fired, he left the forest strip at that time, that is, he calculated how long the rocket was flying and approximately how he would leave, that is... well
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hit, hit exactly with the first shot, and his track, as i understand it, flew off and the goose swollen, he stood up for this, the crew abandoned him, then he ran away, was disoriented, then with subsequent attacks we finished him off, after that - started to work artillery, abrams was shot from the carnet anti-tank missile system, a unique system, missiles with a tandem warhead, one of the charges burns through the armor, the second explodes inside. combat vehicle, guidance is carried out by a laser beam, the complex works on the principle: i forgot to shoot, it can even destroy air targets, abrams, as practice has shown, the carnet clicks like nuts. nato equipment, as it was described, is that it is so powerful there, not so strong, but it turned out that it was from our anti-tank missiles, they burn very well, there was a lot of talk, but in fact they showed themselves. our carnet has shown
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that these cars are not scary, the heroic crew came for an interview straight from the front line, here in the rear area, they arrived in this armored vehicle. the tiger has no carnet complex in the car, but there is a machine gun, here it is , covered in cord, immediately after talking with journalists, the guys will again go to the front line work, they usually do night work. in the morning after a successful hunt, air scouts and told the fighters exactly what target they had hit. abrams became for them the thirty-eighth unit of enemy equipment destroyed, nato and old-soviet, on the personal account of the crew commander, who is also the company commander, more than twenty targets hit. he is a hero of russia, he was awarded back in may last year. any work is military, especially in war, so to speak, little depends on one person, everything depends on that team, on that unit, on joint coordinated actions, and so on. this is the fourth the american m1
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abrams tank was destroyed; three previous ones, our brave fighters from the center group, knocked out and burned everything in the same avdeevsky direction in the same way, against western equipment that costs millions of dollars, to use. these are kamikaze jetrons, the price of which is no more than 100,000 rubles. our film crew decided to give a gift to the guys who got out of the front line for the first time in a long time. these are fresh apples from the krasnodar region, so that the steel people actually have more iron. and this was asked by farmers, a family of farmers from maykop, smoked cheese, yes, because they burned it, it’s called an american tank, adyghe smoked cheese, very tasty, thank you. well, thank you from all of russia, come on, thank you for believing us, we will not meet the hopes of our population, our state, the tasks set for us by the state will be fulfilled in full . alexey ivanov, valentin stukanov, alexander napalkov, vladimir belyaev, sergey klishin, channel one, donbass, and now about
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the hero, who is only 9 years old, the facts are straight forward , they speak for themselves, that armed forces units are fighting russian civilians every time. ukrainian terrorists suspected of treason. muscovite collaborated with the kiev special services and militants from nationalist militant organizations. on their instructions, he assembled and then launched drones near our ministry of defense facilities to influence the air defense system. during interrogation, the attacker admitted to his crime and showed where he hid the components for
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making drones. under the article on treason , he faces up to life imprisonment freedom. and in bryansk, a resident of the krasnodar territory was detained, who was on instructions from curators from ukraine. prepared terrorist attacks in the city to destabilize the situation on the eve of the elections, signed, news came from berlin about the results of the meeting of the leaders of germany, france and poland, olaf scholz, emmanuel macron and donald tusk. as the french president stated, after negotiations in the weimer triangle format, paris, berlin and warsaw do not intend to initiate an escalation of the conflict in ukraine. however, earlier macron said that he was ready to send his troops to ukraine, and german chancellor scholz , after a meeting in berlin, announced that the parties had agreed. buy even more weapons for ukraine. the european union intends to use for this purpose the proceeds from frozen russian assets, essentially stolen from our country. in addition, the german leader announced the creation of a coalition on long-range weapons for ukraine within the framework of the ramstein format, in which, let me remind you, the united states also participates. and to add to the situation in the gas sector
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, the number of victims of attacks in turn for agum help is growing. according to palestinian media 100 people were killed, at least two hundred more were injured. palestine blames the israeli defense forces for the attack. representatives of the tdf, in turn, deny everything and claim that some palestinian radicals were hitting gaza civilians waiting for the distribution of humanitarian aid at the entrance to the city. meanwhile, today it became known that benjamin netanyahu rejected hamas’s offer to exchange hostages and approved the plan for a large-scale operation in the city of rafah. the israeli prime minister's office reported that the military is ready to begin. important news for people who saving lives: the government, on behalf of vladimir putin, increased special payments to doctors who work in small towns. prime minister mikhail mishustin announced this at a meeting of the cabinet of ministers. the salary supplement will increase to 50,000 rubles. doctors and nurses will receive it
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in april. also at the meeting they discussed the restoration of the housing stock in new regions of russia, the construction of roads, schools, and medical centers. a lot of money is allocated for these purposes, and... children's families are not left without attention. read more about the decisions made in report by anna kurbatova. people whose calling is to help, save, and often give everything on their second birthday. nurses, filchers, doctors are in the spotlight today. with a population of 50 to 1000, support will be 29 and 13. accordingly, their work deserves the most attentive, sincere respect. such support for doctors is
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a decision of the president, which vladimir putin announced in mid-february at the forum of future technologies, placing an important emphasis. last year, for primary health care workers link, we have introduced monthly payments. i propose to increase their size for specialists who work in small towns, regional centers and villages from march 1 of this year. it is clear that for implementation. such decisions will require time to prepare the regulatory framework, i ask the government to complete such work in a short time, so that from april 1 , medical workers begin to receive increased payments for march, well, as if retroactively, so in april , doctors will receive the march salary with bonuses, according to government, this will affect more than 200 thousand employees of hospitals and clinics, but that’s not all, also on the initiative of the head of state , from april 1 , at least 50%
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of the salary funds of medical organizations will be allocated for the salaries of medical workers, while salaries should remain at levels below last year. we talked today about supporting our new regions. the president emphasized that there are no trifles in their work to revive them. in the donetsk republic, builders from all over russia are now actively repairing and sometimes rebuilding houses, roads, schools are being rebuilt, new medical centers are appearing. 200 passenger vehicles with a cargo body, they have increased cross-country ability and are used for a wide range of tasks,
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including the transportation of humanitarian aid and medicines. measures to support people who are especially in need of care were also discussed. we are talking about those who, due to age or health restrictions, find it difficult to independently cope, for example, with organizing their daily life, nutrition or hygiene; such care should be provided to them by specialists patronage services. which, among other things , train family members. the federal budget has already allocated about 12 billion rubles for the implementation of a long-term care system this year. the government will allocate more than 4 billion 200 million rubles to the regions. under the supervision of professionals, people in need of such help will not need, for example, to move to a boarding school; surrounded by care, they will be able to continue to live at home as usual, and another state priority is supporting families and especially large families. now parents will not need to apply for providing them with benefits on property taxes, they will automatically receive them
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from other topics that were discussed today, support for the agricultural industry, our farmers harvest impressive harvests year after year, about 147 million tons of grain were threshed last year, the year before more than 157, this is historic record. these volumes of agricultural products influence the domestic market on the global market in order to maintain the profitability of our farms. the intervention mechanism in the grain market has been operating in russia since 2001, when prices fall, the state purchases products for the state fund, and if they rise sharply, on the contrary, it makes a decision to sell. saturation of the market makes it possible to contain the rise in prices, ensuring stability; this year an additional 7 billion rubles will be allocated for these purposes. anna kurbatova, pavel rudakov, alexander gornostaev, channel one. and again to
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the russian presidential elections, which for the first time in history are being held in a three-day format. according to the latest data from the central election commission, which we just received, turnout exceeded 36%. 2 more to go voting day, polling stations will open again tomorrow at 8 am and will remain open until 8:00 pm. elections will be held in the same manner on sunday. cognac monte shococa is a product. stellar group romca product stellar group vodka vedo product stellar group cognac old barrel product stellar group bourbon stirsman product stellar group whiskey mankatcher product stellar group
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gin сnop product. stellar group el, u thorn, e, everyone! best on channel one, hello everyone, welcome to the show, about the most important questions in history, why not sing loudly after 11, if the neighbors like it, why are you too big for toys, but
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still too small to go out late, and finally, why can’t you eat a lot of sweets? if it works out great, on channel one, the biggest show about the smallest geniuses, the best. in our studio there is no jury, assessments or competition, only young talents who talk about their talents throughout the country. the first participant is already rushing to us, and he, of course, is the best. our next participant has two three and. four complex friends, because since childhood she has been friends with rhyme, kira zapevalova comes out on the sofa, well, they are young, well they are young, well they are young, let ’s be young, let’s be young, let’s be young, let’s be young, come on young people on their way, hello little bastard, my god, how
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beautiful you are, you’re like a doll, right? where did you come to us from? from the city of mnyamdom, mnyamdom? i can still dance ballet, what are you saying, show me! patrice, is that a cat, is that a cat? yes, we do this at dances. come on, let’s make a cat together, show me. no, wait, yeah, oh, pestilence, pestilence, i must say, this is some kind of aerobics, and where is the city of yamdoma, in the north, in the north, sit here,
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it’s not cold there and there are a lot of slides, what kind of poems do you like, sad grief, moidadyr and of course, dear sun, but tell me, how did fedora return the dishes? well, did she wash it? yeah, what did she do with the cockroaches and spiders? you kicked them out, kicked them out and just like that, on you, on you, yes, but could you drive out the cockroaches and spiders? no, i'm afraid, are you afraid? yes, friend, how will they bite me? necessary be brave like fedora, yes, but i’m afraid of spiders. i have a lot of dirty dishes, can you help me clean them? yes, thank you, then bring us the dirty dishes, i love washing dishes, but the fly doesn’t bite? no, it doesn’t bite, there shouldn’t be bugs and spiders on the dishes, right? yes,
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we need to wash them off, you and i need to collect them, look, we need to take them like this. peel off like this once and stuck a fly, where is the cockroach there, i see, come on, collect the cockroaches, come on, come on, come on quickly, here’s a fly, oh, look, oh you can take my cockroach already , come on, those with wings will be here, and the cockroaches will be here, come on, and you said that you are afraid, now you are kissing them, so, come my cuties, here, that is, they are for you already liked it, huh? oh, look here , why, show me, show me, show me, oh , wow, what a cutie, this particular cutie was
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just called, that's the one you took, it's a bug, oh my god, oh my god, look, there 's a frying pan someone is sitting there, it seems to me that we need to turn it over, kirochka, have you ever seen something like this in your life? dirty... court, well, yes, two more cuties , kira, at the very beginning you were very afraid and said that they would bite you, now you, look, fell in love with them, they are toys, no one knows, sometimes you look, it seems , that it’s a toy, and then once he jumps, look, there’s someone in the frying pan, it seems to me, my god, another cutie, we need more, we need, wow, more.
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“hello, it’s true that your child helps you at home, look, mom, how many cockroaches, there are cuties here, i see everything, i see the sun, i see, yes, kira helps us at home, wash the dishes around the house, clean up, and where does she get such a love for poems? she started talking to us for 2 years, at first we taught little poems, then more and more, in general, at home she likes to give us concerts, do you want to be an artist, yes, she we have an artistic one, well then we go to the stage better than anyone else, i’m tired of being with the little ones
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, tired of being with the little ones, tired of being , by the way, tito in the fields, a trough of evil, because a broom came down the street, axes, axes, they’re falling like that mountains, the goat was scared, and the stopper eyes, what is it, why? i don’t understand anything, well, how the black iron leg ran , jumped up, the poker, knives rushed down the street, hey, hold, hold, hold, hold, and the suit was running, you shouted to the wall, i’m running, running, running, i can’t resist , here comes the teapot, running after the coffee pot, chattering, chattering and running, the irons are clacking, they are jumping over the vuzhi, over the guns, and behind them are saucers,
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saucers, melon-la-la, melon-la-la, rushing down the street, zen-la-la, zen-la-la, ding glasses are bumped into, and zen glasses are broken, a table fell out of the window. went, went, went, went, on it, on it, as if riding on a snake, the smovarishche sits, shouts to his comrades, go away, run, escape into the iron pipe, boo-bubu-bubu, boo-bubu-boo, follow them to the fence fedora's grandmother is galloping, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, go back home, but the trough answered fidura, i'm angrily, the poker said, i'm fidura. not the servant, but the porcelain saucers on the fidura , we will never, never return here, they ran through the forest, galloped over the hills and over
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the hummocks, and the poor woman was alone, crying, crying, she, the woman would sit down at the table , the woman would leave the table behind the gate, the woman would cook everything in a saucepan, go and eat and the cups and glasses are gone, only cockroaches are left... and woe, fedori, woe, and the dishes are all overflowing, it's going through the beaver fields, and the tyanik hissed at the iron, i can't go any further, they began to cry and vomit, it wouldn't be better to go back, and you see fyodor walking out of the dark forest and gorge, well , a miracle happened, fedora didn't get up, kinder, quietly follows them and a quiet song sings, oh you are my orphans, irons, frying pans... you go home cats, i'll blow you with mine, i i’ll treat you with sand, but i want you with boiling water,
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you’ll oblige. sunshine shine of filthy cockroaches i remember the parties and spiders i said by the sweeping pin the rolling pin told me fidura it’s a pity the cup ah ana the poor thing kissed and caressed them for a long time she washed caressed caressed them she won’t, i won’t i will love the dishes i will love the dishes they laughed at the fire samovar don’t bend, well fidora, so be it, forgive you early, amituata, amitua, well, completely cheerful, braided, hushed, didn’t leave fidora’s dusters but on a white tablet, yes, on an embroidered napkin, the samovar stands as if it were burning, puffing, looking at the woman, i forgive fedora, with a bright light, kosche, eat, eat fedora egorovna.
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kira zapivalova, it was great, kirochka! kira, do you know what you should get for such a gorgeous reading of this poem? yes, a medal, of course, that’s right, a medal to the studio! two uncles and tyopa brought you gifts, this, i know, the medal is the best of all, and also, look, this backpack, and there are sweets, this bunny, he will bring you good luck and will become your new friend, i still didn’t have enough of this, i need, i need to collect the whole collection.
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yanukovych does not understand that the oligarchs sensed his weakness, they are playing a serious game of maidan, i need to go to the maidan, people are waiting for me , yanukovych’s prospects are heading towards zero, the only way out for him is to take a tough position, fight back, big
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changes are coming here, mom, ukraine . virtual reality is a place where everything impossible is possible, i see you, you are now in my room, yes hello, you can be in virtual space several people at once, that is, for example , the plant is located in talyat, the customer is in st. petersburg, so they can meet together and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it actually already physically exists, our company is engaged in development and production
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diagnostic tests. it would sound like this: a seven-year-old planted a turnip, and also potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots , peas, strawberries and corn, and how this fairy tale ended, he himself will tell us, meet young gardener dima kotenko, and on the way are young, let’s be young on the road , let’s be young on the road, let’s be young on the road , let’s be young on the road, let’s be
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young on the road. hello, dima, hello, hello, hello, my dear, hello, this is the most unusual pet i have ever seen. is this a pumpkin? no, what is this? tomato, is it a tomato? show me closer, maybe i can’t see it well, how is it a tomato? well, like this, that is, you want to say that this is a natural ordinary tomato that you grew yourself? with grandma? is it frozen? yes, how much does it weigh? you you know? now he weighs something like a kilogram , but before he weighed somewhere. 600 kilograms, but now when it is frozen, it has used up all its moisture, and it has become, maybe you don’t need to iron it so that it doesn’t melt, when you grew it this summer, not when
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once upon a time, a long time ago, three or four years , wow, i mean, this is truly a family heirloom that has been around for many years. the ice cream is in the freezer, it finally came in handy, yes, you brought it to the show the best, well , hello, tomato, you like to lie in the freezer for 4 years, listen, listen, you i like it in the freezer for 4 years, let me go free, defrost me, eat me in the end, do you mind if we put it back in the freezer to preserve it.
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family members who are staying at home, yes, yes, when was the last time you bought vegetables at the market? in the winter sometimes we have to, if something frozen doesn’t work out, then we buy, well, or something exotic, in fact, for years now we have had a huge chest, a freezer, everything is already prepared for the production of borscht, for the production there other soups, that is, such thrifty, yes, yes, but as i understand it, grand tomato has its own. this one on a red cushion, and what is the most exotic thing that grandma and dima grow? well, we can say that for the moscow region, the most exotic , perhaps, are melons and watermelons, we
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grow them in a greenhouse, because, of course, it is impossible to grow in the moscow region, it’s all in the open air, but it turns out very tasty, and although the sizes are not the same... they are grandiose, but still you cut the sweet, tasty. watermelon, tell us what grows on it, just list it, so, well, here, if you take vegetable garden, then this is the classic tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, zucchini, onions, garlic, then we move on to the garden, these are apples, plums, honeysuckle , raspberries, strawberries, pumpkin, well, watermelon, melons, now, just a whole farm, and now the most relevant the question is, how much? you have serfs , i can say, come on , we have zero serfs, that’s right, everything you and your grandmother are trying to do, yes, yes, with your own hands, how is it
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possible to grow watermelons, melons in the moscow region, firstly, i i understand that you need a lot of love, no, well, no, but without it , is it really possible to do something, or maybe that’s if even without love. i’ll think that you love the watermelons, because you water them, fertilize them, so that i can still understand, maybe you and i will go to our garden, we ’ll try, not in words, but in practice, to show your skills, yes, i agree, class , let's go, let's go to the garden, best of all, hurray, i 'm first, i'm first, in order for our success to be guaranteed, we need a person who understands seedlings, no worse than you, she understands absolutely everything, because this tv presenter of channel one, svetlana
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zeynalova, gardeners! hello we are here, light, hello, hello, what do we need to do first, first - we need this, well... take this watermelon off, let's go, let's go pick a watermelon, of course, let's go pick a watermelon, you see, he 's resting in the govok, why is there a watermelon into the hammock so that it doesn’t fall and get run over there, someone gets cut, that’s it, it smells like summer, oh, good, the aroma, then, let’s take it out, come on, take out the seeds, dima, how long do we need to dry the seeds? a month, wait, but we
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don’t really have that time, you know, i have one more month, but i have a microwave time, our special device where we can speed up everything, we put it in this time microwave on the spot, come on, we put it right like this, oh, this is with a rag, but i adore these new technologies, oh, it ’s already standing still , let's go. we're waiting like crazy, but you have a transmission here, wow, who doesn't have one, and here it will pass in a second, wow, that's it, dry seeds, oh, beauty, tell me more, let's see what you're going to do, we'll check, are they good or bad, it’s like, where is our glass of water, here it is, all the seeds are here need to be put in, or why did we first dry them, and now soak them, and now wet them again, who cares?
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now it’s necessary, but we won’t soak the bud somehow, no, so that it’s why we soak it, then we’ll just post-it, in my time, dim, you know how they did it , they put it on the battery, they then sprouted in this rag , when they sprouted, then the little ones were already taken out. svetlana remembered her own times 100 years ago, oh yes , the jar of color remembered how it was, and how much should you pour in? dim, pour the pot, don’t sting. why, well, we have a big country , we have a lot of land, it will go, it will go, it will go, great,
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where is our seed, now they sprinkled it and watered it, and we will do insurance, insurance, which my grandmother taught me, she says, you look and say that’s for sure grown up, you say that my grandmother taught me, my grandmother didn’t teach me that way, you remember that the light’s way is poo-poo-poo over the left shoulder, at least it would rise. put my dark place for a week, let's go for a week, now the week is about to arrive, turn it on, before we open it, we need cast a spell, why, well, why, for a miracle to happen, watermelon in winter, akhalay-makhalay, akhalay-makhalay, zhanna, just look at the miracle we have grown here, where should
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we put this root, i put it in the brightest place for 3 weeks, the brightest place, and where we have the brightest place , turn on the light there, get it, what a miracle, real, wow, that means it’s time for us to transplant it into a greenhouse, dim, this is the first time i ’ve seen a plastic jar planted directly in the ground, seriously , you me today, this is not a plastic jar, a plastic pot, but there is such pots, i’ll just tell you more, dima, they are made of peat, they can be planted directly, they mix with the soil, they are unnoticeable, the watering can, where is ours, maybe we can sing a song , dima, why, well, how... to make it more fun, do you have a favorite song? yes, what kind,
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these are my raps, wow, do you read rap? yes, come on, let's water it together, i'll help you, come on and read a rap, every time i come up with them i forget, then again i come up with new ones, so these are rap guys, right, you 're a child of the streets, or rather you're a child of the garden, come on watermelon, grow big, you are a karapust , you will be delicious, we will eat you and this is... the cycle of watermelon, the cycle of watermelon in nature, that’s when our watermelon became a tennis ball, then we have to gomag it, well, this is a little more than . lie like that, and he needs to be rocked , or maybe he’s doing well, he’s doing so well , dima, you and i couldn’t have done it without svetlana zeynalova, i suggest you give
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svetlana this watermelon that we grew, look how happy she is, give it human watermelons. yes, i'll hug you, thank you, dear, it’s amazing to grow watermelon in the moscow region and this achievement, of course, is worthy of an award, a medal for the studio! svetlana, would you like to give me the honor?
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our next participant can greet you using rettle, belting or supton, you are intrigued, she will teach you this too, meet our music mentor for the next 10 minutes , the smallest vocal coach stefania uskova, young, well, well, young, well, young, let's go young, let 's go young. hi stefane, hello, hello, how beautiful you are, thank you, what vocal tricks do you teach, any, growl, i can, what is growl, vocal growl, growl, no, no, it wasn’t vocal, but what kind of
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it was, ordinary, but show me how it is sounds? but i don’t know, supton i can, supton , come on, it’s me when i come home, it’s me, hey, dogs, go for a walk, cook something for yourself, eat something, who were your first
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students, my sister, the youngest, she was my very first student, she continues her vocal career, well, sometimes she doesn’t want to. a sometimes she wants to, when she doesn’t want to, you force her, no, yeah, but you’ve already taught your parents to sing, they themselves know how, well, mom, for example, yes, it’s more difficult with dad, with dad, yes, he refuses or he just doesn’t have time, he works, in his free time, let him roar, do you have any vocal idols, who do you like, who is pilogea, maya kresalinskaya, i also love them very much, and what do you want to become when you grow up?
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this is wonderful, this is the biggest compliment from a teacher. let's agree this: if
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stefa doesn't teach me now, i'll go growing and will come to your classes. and suffer, then you. i'm no stranger to this. well, stefa, maybe we can start the lesson? yes. so, are you ready to open the first branch of a large network of vocal schools? stephanie uskova. yes, i'm ready. in order for our classes to be more productive, i will immediately invite the group with whom we will perform together to this stage, after you teach us vocals? okay, look, meet the bunny boy choir. and of course. mother hare, hello, stefane stanislavovna, hello, gentlemen, hares, we have big
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problems, stefania, what, none of us can sing, and next week a tour of the golden ring is planned, posters are posted, tickets are sold out, help us out, we’ll start with relaxation, for this we walk intensively, come on, come on. next we need to straighten out the neck, like this, and if i bend worse in one direction than in the other, this is important for vocals, this is normal, but normal, this does not affect anything, nothing at all , it seems to me that you something so sluggish, sluggish, sluggish, yes, yes, i agree, i agree, twist your neck, that’s it, that’s enough, that’s enough already, calm down, look, the third one is dizzy. you see, he’s already barely standing, and now we need to tense up and we do
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it, we pump up the balls, to check the correctness of the exercise, we need to put one paw here, the other here, they can’t even put their paw normally, put the paw normally, just like that, and the other back, like this, and now we’ll hiss it together, this is to pronounce it correctly stefania stanislavovna, no. so now we start singing, we do it this way, it’s to help ourselves, or like this, it’s to even out the sound, chekoti nose, that's it, that's it, that's it, you're probably tired , yes, the second part of our exercise will be related to food, yum-yum-yum-yum-yum, i love the exercise, well, at least there's no carrot
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for an empty stomach, this dangerous exercise, drool will flow all the way, no use, so that you are not afraid of the gray wolf, now i will teach you my most favorite vocal trick , retle, grol in the progeny, glass burp, about that very famous one. that you don't like someone or something, but you're too well-mannered to tell him so, so we do, eh now let’s stamp with one paw, demand your carrot, don’t be silent, great, great, imagine that our lesson is coming to an end, a big, tasty carrot is waiting for you, hurray, hurray, that’s it, you’re doing oh-e, oh-yeah, well done,
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well, that's it, that's it, that's enough, now to be white , let's imagine that we are in the forest, and we are lost , you said that our lesson is coming to an end, imagine, i said, no, it’s not suitable yet, and you are lost, or someone steals something from you and you shout, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, guys, what are you yelling at, don’t take your breath, otherwise you won’t have time, he will run away, everyone who runs away, we ourselves are lost, the robber, who, which robber will run away, what we just stretched out, with a scream and roar, the belt is needed in order to hit high notes in the chest register, without forcing damage to the ligaments, it is absolutely clear, that is, we are all done, we can sing, yes, we can already try, well, we looked at how... you are a teacher, now all of us can’t wait to find out what kind of performer you are, so we we invite you to perform one of
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your favorite songs. it’s snowing, and it’s snowing, everything around is waiting for something, under this snow, under the quiet snow, i want to say in front of everyone, my most important person.
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look with me at this snow, it’s pure , like something i’m silent about, what i want to say, who brought me my love, probably good santa claus, when i look out the window with you, i... thank you, it’s snowing, snowing goes, everything flickers, floats because you are in my destiny, thank you, snow to you.
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it's snowing, everything's freezing, it's floating because you're in my destiny, thank you, snow for you, thank you, snow for you, thank you, snow for you,
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stefania uskova, vocal teacher from st. petersburg, wonderful performance of a beautiful great song. tired of being small, tired of being small, tired of being small, so stefania, your medal. the best thing is a backpack with sweets, your bunny, these hares are strangers, but they are also great, all these applause are also yours, stefania uskova, the best.
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while other children are reading fairy tales about dragons, our next guest creates them right in his room. all he needs is some paper, glue and a couple of days of free time. in our studio, young master of scissors and cardboard, ilya belyaev. come on, you're young, let's be young, come on, you're young, let's be young, let's be young, let's be young, let's be young. hello, hi, ilya, so, tell me, what do you do? my hobby is papercraft - the art of modeling all sorts of characters or things out of paper. the main principle of papercraft? the principle is very simple: you buy paper, print some details on it, that is, draw or fold the paper, draw
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i couldn’t manage it, you take it, you just look for it. there are a lot of sites on the papercraft internet and there you can simply print out the developments, then you need to cut out these parts, bend them, there are numbers drawn there and you need to glue them together. how many years? this year i will turn 12 in the summer, aka 11. 12 years old, i ’m sitting here listening to a twelve-year-old man, i understand through the word. if you looked, i 'm sure you would figure it out. i’m a restless person, you see, i already have to sit and sit like this, and it seems to me that i would i couldn’t do it smoothly, i would have freaked out. does it happen to you? of course, what are you doing? i remember i made an owl, it was so complicated. when i had almost finished it, everything was fine and good , the detail, it didn’t fit together, and you at that moment, when she and i just took it and, well, are you going to make the second owl, no, i won’t, i’m
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sorry for my nerves, what was the very first thing you collected, the very first thing, i collected a cat, my mother forbade me to have one, i decided to find a paper cat on the internet and made it, it lies like this: cool, handsome, after that your mother didn’t take pity, didn’t buy you a cat, i didn’t tell her that i made him because of this, teach me how to do something simple right now, i can teach you an origami fortune teller, cool, we we handed out the paper to all the spectators in the hope that at least someone would succeed, let’s make a square out of it, look, this is what we need, so that we can cut off this strip, oh, you don’t have scissors. so just bite off, tear off, whoever is capable of what, now we take the corners and bend them towards center, it should turn out like this, turn it over, bend all the corners towards
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the center again, and how much you can bend your head to get a square again, you need to bend it in half, bend it like that, now turn it around and see, here they are formed like this things, pockets, pockets, we put our hands into them. put your fingers in, i translate it like this, unfold it like this, uh-huh, here we write yes, here yes , we understand, here we write, no, no, yes, okay , that’s it, ready, that’s it, now we’ll teach you how to use it guess, look, i’m asking you a question, will i get the best medal today, interesting, straight, it will stop, yes, really, yes, yes , cool, come on, now... will our show tefi receive the best program nomination , let's poke-poke-poke-poke-poke-poke-poke-poke-poke-poke-poke stop, let me look, it's cool, look,
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if it weren't now, i would squeeze him like your owl, and please tell me who you came with today, here is dad sergei, sergei, hello, mom elena, and this is yulia, sister. your dog, this is the cat, you what? this is not a paper cat, that is, mom agreed to a paper one, already a plush one, what’s wrong with the cat, why are you against the cat? in general, we are not against a cat, i heard, we just didn’t know that ilya so wants to have a pet at home, and now maybe everything will come true, dreams should come true, think seriously, well, you see, well, okay, we told fortunes with you, folded the square, you have prepared us for us to see your real super-professional works, you will show us, of course, then i invite everyone to the exhibition of works by ilya belyaev, i’m tired of being
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small, tired of being small, tired of being small, welcome to the best art space! today there is an exhibition of contemporary artist ilya sergeevich belyaev, meet him yourself, this is your first exhibition, how does it feel, it’s very exciting, you can tell us, uh, let’s start with the black cat, this is the same cat, this is bagheera, i thought it was that very first code, no, the first code, it’s right here, this is the first cat, yes, come on with the bagheera. you can’t talk about your work of art like that, you have to to say, i sweated over them for years, i cut off
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the unnecessary, leaving the very essence, these two works are always exhibited in pairs, i did them separately, they look good together, i agree, very cool, this is my most difficult work. at the same time, it’s my favorite , it has a name, yes, it’s from the game of thrones, look, it’s familiar, how many elements does this head contain, 80 parts. 50 tons of glue, i crawled on my knees for this glue and begged for more of it, it’s just bravo, let me tell you about this, i took harry potter with a magic wand to make it in reality and then... put it on
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paper, can you imagine how difficult it is, no, how can you agree with harry potter, i can’t understand, but i have key connections, your work masterpieces of art, and you know what they do with such masterpieces, how artists make money, they sell them at auctions, right now we will hold your first real auction, there will be a man knocking with a hammer. something tells me that you are about to earn money, and a man with a hammer will help us with this. so, the auction is the best. the works of ilya belyaev are declared open. in the role of auctioneer, a great friend of our show, tv presenter konstantin anisimov. our first lot, please. i think it will be a green dragon. great. so, someone said now in the hall 5.00 rubles. there are 5.
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14500 step we have 1.0 rubles then 15 then 15 is three pieces of paper of five or what?
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to her new owner, now we have the mother of dragons in the hall, let’s move on to lot number two, the legendary red one, the head of a dragon, starting price for 7500, 10,000 rubles, not be afraid, these are people with money, here is a charming girl in white, 10,000 rubles. 15,000 rub. do you think a person has that kind of money? come on, yes there is, of course. i already want it 25 25 thousand rubles the eyes are burning 25 thousand rubles two by two 25 thousand rubles and the head of the dragon goes into the reliable hands of the proton do you feel like a rich man already? i think we should
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continue, what lot will be next? that 's where he started, so to speak, the orange cat, i always, when i see a cat, and i'm in a tuxedo, i say, you want to buy a cat, but you ask, this is without regulations, well, the starting price is 20, 20, you, come on, come on, let's start with six, with six, bye, yes, six, where's the six? look, people just have money falling out of their pockets like in a popcorn machine, let them play, let them play, rich people with a cat, give 6,000 rubles, nine, look how modestly the girl in gold-rimmed glasses is offering only 9.00 rubles, 20 people are shouting 20,000 rubles, as if you were sleeping all ours, the auctions here woke up, please, 23, and you... the price is 30,000 rubles.
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30, 30,000 rub. we fix the amount of 30,000 rubles. one, wait, wait, stop, i just realized i don’t have a cat. uh, so i'm doubling 30 to 60 and we're ending this trade because i don't have any more money today. jean, 60,000 rub. you? i can’t call it a waste, it’s not a waste, it ’s an investment, it’s an investment, yes, a cat’s investment, it’s even a family heirloom, it will be passed down from generation to generation. my husband will be happy, it’s sold, in the end we collected for today’s auction, and you earned 100,000 rubles. i'll ask for a check
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for 100,000 rub. tell us what you will spend these 1000 rubles on for charity, charity is always good, i personally add 100 thousand rubles to this amount.
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thank you so much medal to the studio i'm tired of being little white ones. keep this medal for you and of course, be sure to have a backpack with sweets, this is also a cool backpack for you , and of course, this bunny is for good luck too , which peppercraft master from moscow ilya belyaev is the best. investors rejected walt disney 302 times, john rowling's manuscript was rejected 12 times publishing houses, they didn’t want to take our next participant into the section for 2 months, meet
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the european eurasian champion and the world champion in jeujitsu, emir jandarov. sit down, come on, how long have you been wrestling? exactly a year, and before that what were you doing? grappling, fighting, gymnastics, war, boy-boy, boxing, everything. just, how old are you? six, and you, six years old, me, and i’m almost, soon turning 16, and you’ve already won a lot of competitions? well, yes, a lot, two cups, a lot of
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medals, three policies, wow, so let's go let's see, this is the world cup, right? world cup, look, they are all so huge , this is in europe, so they are the size of my frying pan, i fry eggs at home on these, wow, emir, which one do you like best, this one , yes, yes, the biggest, the hardest, brilliant, brilliant, yes, do you remember this fight, was it recently? who did you defeat? yusyfa? yusuf? yes. it was difficult to. no. well, yusuf probably also wanted a medal. yes. is yusuf also 6 years old or 16? 6. you are 15, i am already 16, i am already.
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you said you'll be 16 soon. oh, i told you that it will soon be 16. well, that means 15, yes. well done, you are attentive. yes. they told you that yours is gorgeous. hairstyle, yes, yes, and everyone confuses me with a girl at competitions , everyone takes pictures, we have a great video about you as an athlete, let’s see, he takes you by the hand to the ring.
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how cool you are, yes, yes, you are a super professional athlete, yes, who did you come to us with? with mom, with dad, with thomas, who is this? this is presidentite. what's your dad's name? arthur, what about mom? fatima. arthur, good evening. good evening. how did you give your child away in such age for this fight? well, it was like our eldest child was walking around, and he just stuck to him like a tail, saying: “i want it too.” our coach, he says: “he ’s small, let’s do it later, let him get a little stronger, grow up, and you can say that for 2
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months they really didn’t want to take us into the section, and he turns out, even now he’s the smallest one in our section.” , now it’s like we’re taking prizes at all the venues , can i talk to fatima, you were probably against it at the very beginning, but no, in fact i wasn’t against it, he’s very he likes to go to the gym to train, and he doesn’t even want to... never go there and wants to go to all shifts to train more, because he himself sees what success he achieves. thank you very much , yes, megasa, we keep talking, we’ll negotiate with you, but we want to see what a great athlete you are, well, these are medals, you’ve already won the european championship and even the world championship, so the next level is the galaxy championship. you are ready to beat creatures
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from all nearby planets. yes. then i suggest you take part in the final intergalactic rowing league. yes. greplinka. yes, how many times do i have to say, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. but until i say it correctly, you will say yes. klepling. i can speak, but i can’t speak, but on the greplink, yes, bravo, before you and i go to the final, i must introduce you to the person who will judge this final. in our studio we have russian champion in jiu jitsu, winner of european and world championships, master of sports daud odaev.
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hello, are you familiar with the world, right? yes, we meet at championships, serious ones tournaments, i watch his development as an athlete; we were together at the eurasian championships. fights, we had fights of the evening , so to speak, i had among the adults, and the world competed among the kids, he also had the fight of the evening, you could say, yes, the main fight of the evening, yes, and we both won, the main fight, i think , he has a great future, if he continues, you will continue the world, yes, yes , of course, he can become a great athlete, truly, definitely, if you don’t set such goals, then there’s no point in training, right, right? should be number one, yes, emir is about to have the most important fight in his life, because this
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is the final of the intergalactic grepling league, let's go, let's go, tired of being small, tired of being small, intergalactic grepling super final. so, in the right corner: a real lion, master jiu jizzu from nalchik, kabardin balkar. european champion, eurasian champion and world champion, winner of the all-russian grappling tournament, emir jandarov!
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and invite his opponent, in front of you is a steel tentacle, the strongest octopus man and human octopus in the universe, the winner of fish, shrimp and one seahorse, the unique steel tentacle! emir, are you ready, tentacle, are you ready, fight,
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both, pass to the legs, mount. and the elbow lever, stop, fight, partovsky translation, back suffocating stop, the tentacle has practically no strength, but we have to fight to the end, fight, oops, tightened the guard. stop, and this is the super final of the intergalactic league, the emir is ready, tentacles, fight, both, hanging, stop, who is for the tiger, this
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lion, with a score of 600! emir zhandarov wins, in addition to the loudest title in the world, he also receives a medal, the show is the best, tired of being small, tired. daut adaev presents the medal to the best of all, and mir also receives a backpack with sweets, this is for you, my dear, come on, this cute bunny, which i hope will become your talisman, emir jandarov, best of all, best of all,
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samiya! hello milita, hello, hello, you were walking straight, as i saw, a makeup artist was walking, she was jumping up and down, just like that, you walk around with such amazing makeup all the time, of course, i’m
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a makeup artist, all makeup artists should always look gorgeous look, right? well, you don’t go to school like that? well, if only there is a little bit of balm, a little bit of shadow. and how old are you? i'm seven years old. and how long have you been wearing makeup? i was still going to kindergarten back then, my mother always, that is, touched me up somehow, and that is, when she left, i already kind of put on my makeup myself. mom, wow, wow, i have glitter there, and bright lipstick, and something else. all the girls. how much cosmetics did you bring with you to moscow, there’s a lot of cosmetics there, show me what you have there, wow, there’s a lot of makeup for makeup, you can decorate the whole of moscow, of course, with this cosmetics, but what life hacks can you give
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for all women to look beautiful, so that they can choose? the wrong shade, well , foundation, choosing the right mascara, choosing the wrong shadows, but how to choose the right mascara, choosing the right mascara for your eyelashes, if... you have some dark, light ones like mine, then a light mascara will suit you , dark mascara, curly and brown eyelashes, what kind of mascara should it be, well, this mascara, you can take black, so, well, light color definitely won’t work here anymore, well, white mascara is somehow strange, yes, and also if you don’t have mascara, for example, then we can take eyeliner, this is my life hack, that is, we unscrew it, onto the eyelashes we wear , yeah, this is a good trick, remember it, write it down, i don’t recommend doing it yet, choosing
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the wrong lipstick for yourself, i don’t recommend it, i don’t recommend it at all, but my lipstick is fine, of course it suits you, both under eye shadow and i wear good makeup under my lips and under my hair, right now my makeup artist is sitting and thinking, thank you god, yes, and even if you don’t have the same one. lipstick that you need, you can do the same thing, take eyeliner, again, so what to do with it take a brush, this is always the main thing, the main thing is to take a brush from the makeup artist , because there will be microbes, that is, we take lipsticks like this, you need to take it from me there is a brush, yeah , a brush like this, that is, you have to paint not with lipstick, but with a brush, of course, with a brush, we take it like this, brush, yeah, we take it and just like that, from a tick only to... from anyone from a tick, this is here, from this beautiful place, yes, i will tell my to the makeup artist, she painted me with lipstick , can you imagine who you came to us with, with
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your mother, with your mother, what is your mother’s name, alina, now i understand who melita is such a beauty, thank you, who taught her how to paint, who bought her so much cosmetics in the first place , the cosmetics there are almost all mine, well, already hers, actually mine , girls, don’t fight, every professional stylist and makeup artist should have their own video, a professional one, you also have one, of course, pay attention to the screen.
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cool, have you heard the phrase that beauty will save the world? yes, it turns out that the world is in yours hands, well, yes, i invite you to your
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own beauty salon , we’ll grab some tools, they’ll come in handy, let’s go, i’m tired of being small, tired of being small, melita , what an amazing salon, i would like to work here myself, milita, you know, according to tradition, i i don’t take part in extreme numbers, and we are inviting a guest, so let’s invite a beautiful person to make him even more beautiful, our guest is zhenya iskandarova, welcome! artist, beauty, actress and stand-up comedian, hello, i'm
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zhenya, if anything, my salon is called better all makeup artist melita. looking at zhenya with a professional eye, tell me, is there anything i can do to help her? of course you can, you think, yes, yes, i will make it beautiful. a lot of work, i want to go to a restaurant with my friends, so i need a discreet evening, very strong makeup, okay? let's take a cotton pad and micellar water, be sure to massage along the lines towards the ear, moisturize the skin from imperfections, take a brush, definitely like this, why can't we have one like this, it's beautiful lilac, this brush is only used for eye shadow, but here's one like this once chick moisturized the whole face, no, this is just for...
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yes, i apply it on the skin, it’s very pleasant, i ’ve never felt so pleasant in my life, let ’s leave it like that, look, it’s so cute, by the way, but you understand, zhanna, then here you go here i will have young skin, all the rest is old, after we have a drying cream, uh-huh, yes, we take a beauty blender, yeah, that, or rather a sponge, we check. near the chin or does it fit under our skin, come on, let's check, oh, it seems to me perfect, yes, it suits us very well, in general zhenya, as if it’s completely unnoticeable, so and it should be, uh-huh, blend it all in, uh -huh, let's blend it in, blend it in, let's blend it in, blend it out, apply it a little on the neck so that our makeup is seamless, and this is how
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seamless it is, what about this? do you remember when girls used to put on makeup, their faces were orange and their necks were white? no, zhen, i didn’t have that, orange and white, i had it even this morning, it’s clear why, after we applied the foundation to you, you have to make a correction, but i won’t apply the correction right away, because we have make-up artists this is the rule, dry to dry, liquid to liquid, so i take the powder, shake it with my finger and... let’s do it like this, wow, shake it, you know, in this, cinderella’s sisters, remember how we painted the paint, but can i we can also shake something up and help you somehow, we can too, look, i ’m doing the right thing, of course, oh, it seems i’ll find myself a new job soon, we put a smile on the apples, wait, please take out
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the apples, paint the edge. paint it, yes, these are liquid shadows, i have never used liquid shadows in my life, no one has ever used them i used it, we apply them like this, not with a brush, because the brush will not be shaded, but with a finger pad, a tiny pad, carefully cover the eye with a small finger, well done, come on, come on, it’s really very beautiful, i thought it was all giggles and giggles, and it turns out that this color suits me very well, you ’re great, sparkles, uh-huh, to add a little sparkle to the top of the liquid shadows, driving in movements, oh, like little jumps, just jean, without your comments everything was so cute, well beauty, beautiful, though i'll correct it a little.
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what else is left? of course, what color mascara are you? pink? of course we'll take her black one. great, this is the backlight, because i have a barbie style. zhen, i think that today, when your friends see you, you will no longer have friends, because they will understand what kind of beauty has come to them and will run away. and add a little bit to the lower eyelashes. uh, no, i don't know, wait. open your eyes and don't blink, come on, i'm holding her, come on, and don't breathe, not everything is so dangerous, not dangerous at all, oh lord, don’t be afraid, zhenya, zhenya, relax , yes, think about the good, cheska, well done, everything, very beautiful, you know, by the way, our makeup is a little similar, even though you have flowers, i have something like that too spring
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, well, yes, now we're getting started, to the lips, lip gloss, i'll take you this pink one with sparkles, yeah, the most important thing is that it tastes like cherries, cherries, poke harder, poke, poke, well done, yeah , you need to carefully, poke carefully, that’s all, melitochka, the image is finished, of course it’s finished, we can let zhenya go to meet her friends, of course. we can, wait, i want to look, come on, god, it’s very beautiful, come, come, you see, we are with you. now we are about the same age , all thanks to your makeup, it’s very beautiful , thank you very much, i wish that you really had your own studio like this in pink, thank you, you’re great, such
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work deserves the highest reviews of the most wonderful award, i’m tired of being small, tired of being small. melita, i am so happy with such a beautiful face, i’m giving you this medal, thank you, and of course, a backpack with sweets from our show, this bunny, and you know why it’s white, why, so you can paint it, hold it, thank you, milita petrenko, today is the best.
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the central bank of ukraine announced the receipt of the first tranche of russian financial assistance in the amount of $3 billion. now you can exhale and calmly practice only the eu. from this moment on, the confrontation takes on a positional character. yanukovych does not understand that the oligarchs sensed his weakness they are playing serious maidan. i need to go to the maidan, people are waiting for me. yanukovych's prospects are heading towards zero, the only way out for him is to take a tough position and fight back. big changes are coming here, mom, ukraine will be renewed. up to 1,000 people took part in the action, mostly activists of the nationalist party svoboda.
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the tula dance will now be told to us by the leader of round dances and the king of squats, the tula boy, dima goncharov, well, the way is young, well, the way is young, well , the way is young, let’s go, young people, on the way you're young, you're young, you're young, you're young, you're young, hello, dima, hello, i said hello to you. as a populist, i did the right thing, yes , tell me what you came with, with your parents, mother elena, not bad either, dad peter and choreographer shalneva ekaterina valerievna,
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what a wonderful company you have, lina, hello, hello, how did it happen, what exactly he chose folk dance, hip-hop was enough, he didn’t have to choose, because he started dancing at almost 2 years old, at that time he didn’t understand, but he really he loved to move to the music, he really loved dancing, as far as you can depict it at this age, now, probably, he jumps better than anyone, yes, well, i jump high, i have no doubt, but what is the main thing in russian folk dance, i think the main thing is emotions , and what emotion should there be? well, if you have a conflict with someone, for example, i have a conflict with some girl, that means i’m not friends with her, and if she makes some kind of movement, then i’ll just wave my hand and turn away, otherwise that's
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it, yeah, that's the main thing, oh, that's it, oh, this is about i know this emotion, you know this one, and if you are friends with her, i must definitely have a smile. and hugs, yes , like that, yes, joy, this is wonderful, but tell me, do you have uh, idols, like someone you look up to in dance, i have an idol ramil migdiev, with whom i i dream of meeting him, he has emotions, yes, yes, he is just a professional, in terms of emotions, and who do you dream of becoming, i no longer dream of becoming, i am planning to become a dancer. you understand what an amazing answer, i don't dream, i plan, well done, how do you feel about new styles, such as... rap, hip-hop, don’t you respect them, well
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, i don’t really want to dance, it was folk dances that got into my soul, and so, if i came to a disco or arranged in your room, then you already want to dance, you want to, but do you sit down at discos or not, yes, too, yes, you can’t be stopped at a disco, yes, yes, let’s go see what you are capable of, of course. then i invite you to the best stage, let's go, tired of being small, tired of being small, tired of being small, right now the stage is the best, tula dance, cockerel.
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dima goncharov. tula! dim, this is just an incredible dance. this is your diagonal. just drove me crazy. especially for me, can i ask you to repeat it again. yes, oh, come on. dima, you are simply an amazing dancer, and like every professional, you already have your own imitators and one of them was so impudent that he showed up. right here on this stage,
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the famous diagonalova, honored artist of russia, ramil mehdiev, hello, zhana, hello, hello, ramil, very nice,
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i think there was something like that at the end, did you understand? i have new boots, oh my! dima, answer him. wow, i think he said, it’s clear who’s in charge here. ramil responds with the phrase,
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this, youth, youth. yeah. what is the load on the achilles? and something together, let's do it,
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bravo, bravo, bravo! when two great dance masters meet on the same stage, nothing else can come out of it other than a gorgeous number, and you are now convinced of this, the magnificent goncharov, honored artist of russia, a medal to the studio, be small, tired of being small, tired of being small, dima, look, and from you i want to give, this is from my personal library a book
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about the genius of folk dance, the creator of the ensemble named after igor moiseev. i served for many years in this team, and i want you to read it, because this is my alphabet, i want this alphabet to become yours, thank you, and of course, as they say, a magical gift, boots, and these are boots self-dancing, dimochka, a backpack with sweets, and this bunny is also for you. eight-year-old master of folk dance and chairs, dima goncharov, the best,
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another episode of our show has come to an end, but talented children will never end, in exactly a week. watch the special episode best of all, dedicated to our little brothers, see you on the first channel and don’t rush to grow up, in this space of a corpse, windows, roofs, in a church and alleys, created over a long time, there have always lived a lot of different people, so different that only a few managed to stand out among them, those who managed to greatly surprise the rest, then their names went to the cities of inheritance, namely such a person was born here, in a house on
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tablecloth lane in a communal apartment on the fourth floor. time passed, and two figures of eight stood behind him. like mystical infinities, and we decided to talk to him about the main words in his life. didn’t agree, push, you know , what a story, everything i knew, i said in my life, it’s clear, therefore, that means, uh, i’m forced
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to be wise, you know, that is, you will be honest, uh, wisdom and honesty are not synonym, these are different things, yes, a wise man and an asshole are a synonym, which means it’s not possible to be honest you are afraid, absolutely, but why should i be afraid , you know how old i am, yes, well, listen, then let’s play the words now. as agreed , let’s go straight in order, here’s the first letter a: i have ambitions here, and authority and an actor, well, an actor, you’ll probably choose after all and profession, your lifestyle, i know that you think that you belong to the category of actors who sigh after the performance, thank god, it’s all over, right? yes, yes, yes, yes, exactly these, and not those who are now dreaming of the stage and there die. well, why did it suddenly start working now, explain to me, it’s not me, well , let’s speed it up, we need to work, this is
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for beauty again, this is for camera beauty, so that the rays are visible, you know, when the smoke clears, there was no grushnitsky on the set , how do you know this, but no, it was lermontov, well, after martynov’s shot, but the truth is, when the smoke cleared, krushnitsky was no longer on the site, but you remained on the site. that's for sure, still explain to me why you think that you are an artist who after the performance he says , thank god, it’s all over, because, unfortunately, i’m not one of those artists whom i’ve envied all my life , i still envy, who can’t help but play, they can’t, it’s a pathology, it’s perfect, to play, it doesn’t matter that, bass , remember, there was a wonderful bass, suddenly turned on...
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in an intelligent family, my mother was an editor all her life, first of the philharmonic, then of the stage, my father was a very good violinist, when in the house of obukhov, yakhantov, kachalov, tesov, zhuravlev, yes, how could i go to pharmacists, you know, but they didn’t want to, for you to be an actor, by all means possible.
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because if you don’t love it globally and want to not do it, then it’s all work, you know, but i’m fit, why are you thinking to yourself like that, you know, the acting profession is a lottery, it needs someone to win you saw, fell in love, believed, if it doesn’t exist and doesn’t happen, you can be a simpidi in the forehead, maybe... an absolute genius, yes, and come true. tell me, now you’re going out on stage in the makeup
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of an old clown, that is, that’s how you feel inside, i feel like this, yes, i feel like this, but why? why, because i am 88 years old, because i am an acting profession, this is a club profession. so that's what i'm like, oh my god,
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theatrical excellence. well, okay, the second one emasculates this scrupulousness of our letter b, which consists of the following words: loved ones, gratitude, bohemia, future, maybe we’ll choose the future, how do you
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feel about this? there are many other words that can be used now. and you won’t be mistaken, but as for the future, this is not for me, you know, but why should i understand this, well so ephemeral, illusory, you understand, and that the future for me is great-grandchildren, these are grandchildren, i have a lot of them, that’s why they run around, and it doesn’t mean very much - this is the future, but as for the personal future, yes... i ’m somewhere in, i think it was, we’ll live until monday , i watched the film recently at night insomnia and the wonderful kasatkina plays in it , the phrase is absolutely philosophically wonderful , naive, naive, the only medicine that works for all diseases is work, i
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can’t go out on stage. temple, oblique, snotty, without a voice, but on stage i forget about it, and they say: “oh my god, look, he’s still walking, look, he’s talking, look, he ran, he didn’t run, but look, he went, and that’s how it is, people “all their lives they commit actions for which god must punish.” he won the first round against me, i have to take revenge in the second, but in general he is not playing fair, he always has all the trump cards in his hands, someday he will win anyway. but when,
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well, let’s move on, the letter for the word is wine, don’t be afraid of it, guilt is terrible, because it cumulative, you understand, when you become completely ancient, then these guilts, they create a huge list of things you feel guilty about, can you share? i can for cowardice, cowardice, you are a coward - why? cowardice is the absence of action, so what? i very often, it means, walked away from the act, cowardice very often implies, well, if not meanness, yes, then opportunism, and betrayal, this is
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my great fault, my absence. in the character of real courage and fearlessness of actions. why do you still blame yourself? i say i almost now i’m sitting, i think , i haven’t betrayed anyone, uh, i haven’t killed, i’m not confused, but little by little, in total , yes, you’re lying in the name of not causing pain, lying in the name of the future, it’s all lies, lies, here i’m guilty more than once , you’re just a soft person, yes, soft, soft, a rag, well , a rag and soft are two different things, you know?
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indica from these future geniuses, the bus is moving exactly according to our schedule, let's go, stop one, school, stop two, prizes at the physics olympiads, the bus is moving, gold medal, the bus is moving, university, first-class placement , and then something went wrong, he takes on one job, it doesn’t work out for him, he goes for the second one on the side, the third one gets out there, they get out there... the brothers look, well, what is this, and the bus, a luxury one, was moving, but
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it was definitely moving according to our schedule , maybe in the wrong direction, ah, how figuratively, it’s funny, so did he... he who did something during the day blames himself at night, reproaches and stigmatizes fantasizes about what he would do if he were whole, brave, sharp
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, sober, you know, this exists in me globally, well, we will definitely leave this, one more word, what a heavy, very heavy, serious word faith. how do you feel about him? are you generally a religious person? i envy truly, deeply, sincerely believing people, before less, now towards the end, more and more, because faith, when it is faith, i think, so i had a nanny, i was a nanny, she walked with me, there ’s a small church there, yeah, in this church i spent my entire conscious youth, from birth
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to school, my dad and mom knew it in general, they then they found out when it was too late, she baptized you there, i’m afraid so, but why are you afraid, are you an atheist or something? and then i became an atheist, and then i was forced to be. this is an absolutely ephemeral concept, because there are a lot of great people who are lost forever. there is such a writer leikin,
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whom chekhov studied. amazing, funny literature, he doesn’t exist, but he studied with the czechs, like me, for example, and this is everywhere, no matter where you throw it. therefore, it is a very dangerous thing to think about, to be afraid of, or about i don’t have to think about this, will it remain for centuries? to stay in eternity, we need to agonize over this and it’s very dangerous to remain shit for centuries , you know, so it’s better to wait it out, not everyone understands this, but let’s hope that we succeed, well, what next do we have the letter g, oh, good, and what's good, what examples do you have? the association evokes the following word: excuse me, shit, well, shit is a good word, there were great jokes from the soviet era. one
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of my favorites, you know, no, like a terrible winter, fierce, and somehow lonely, by chance, a little sparrow crawls out from under the roof, runs somewhere and doesn’t have time to hide, begins to realize that he is falling, everything is a blizzard, and he begins to freeze, dies and freezes, a random cow runs, also somewhere, but made a huge pile on him, by accident hit and ran, he warmed up and chirped, at that time a mangy scary cat also ran to where, heard, saw, enough and burned, this is where three morals come from, not everyone is a friend, who is he... gave a shit, and not the whole one
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enemy, who gave a shit about you, not all the friend who pulled you out of shit, and third, you’re sitting in shit, so not cherik, this is amazing , by the way, i have one more letter word gregory says, you don’t feel guilty for stopping him from writing, it’s not like it’s not guilt, it’s a cross, then grisha .
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here, hello, yes, yes, i, i told you , i have a rehearsal, yes, i’ll call you back myself, i’m sorry , i’m sorry, i’m tormented, one fan is called, whose, whose, my, no, i mean our, our , ours is not necessary, yours, ours, my fans and your fans are two different social lights, my fans know that a rehearsal is a holy thing, immersion in an image, what bw? well, what could it be, how urgent is it all, for the stage to ring during a rehearsal in this disgusting thing, what am i, what happened, well , they’re offering you stupid advertising again from paris to nakhodka, your tights are stretching, some kind of wiki theater was created almost like this benefit players, all the workshops are in place, the lights are in place, the scenery is almost ready, butterflies, i begged the guys to make butterflies, they made butterflies, here they are, butterflies, i asked fly, fly, oh my god, this is...
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i mounted and secured this reinforced concrete i’m interested in the person personally , who is the butterfly, well, i, i attached this butterfly, i begged, the butterflies were not snot, on a spring, they did it like that, it seems, that’s all , it seems, and the performance will work out, it seems, guys, dears, at the beginning of the work we gathered, well, it seemed like we understood everything, i told you, the ostrovsky forest, the play is special, here the forest is so... unusually important, that ’s okay, we understand, we would understand, we alturupili, that’s how we gently moved on to letter d. friendship is the main word in your life, right? friendship, as i once said, is a phenomenon round-the-clock, and not casually at a table, it is somehow different from acquaintance, friendship, friends. arise only at
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the beginning of the journey, so i think the circle of true friends is always narrow, so it turns out that there are derzhaven, gorin, arkanov, zakharov , mironov, akudzhava, zyama gert, elekrizanov, i think there are 15 people there, real friends. there is no one left, can you imagine? yes , i can imagine, but do you see them all inside yourself as alive? yes, i think so, because one way or another you come across the need to remember, the need to speculate seek advice on the need not to do this, because he... wouldn’t forgive it,
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i could list the parameters for you when you remember this bunch, you know, a warm grape seed. i will bury the earth, and kiss the hole, and when it is ripe, i will pick the grapes, and i will call my friends, i will set my heart on love , otherwise why would anyone on this eternal earth be alive, gather with my guests for my treat, tell me straight to my face who i am known to you as , the king of heaven will send me forgiveness for my sins.


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