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tv   Andrei Pervozvannii  1TV  March 16, 2024 11:35pm-12:31am MSK

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and by this appearance you will know. andrew initially became a disciple of john the baptist, when jesus passed by the lake of galilee, saw simon and andrew fishing, and said, “follow me, and i will make you fishers of men.” they left their boats and nets, and from that day they became disciples of christ. andrew, earlier than the other apostles, who followed the lord, received the nickname of the first-called.
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surprisingly, even those who have never read the bible know this story, thanks to vyacheslav butusov, his song actually begins with biblical quote. the apostle andrei was fishing at the pier, the savior walked on the water, and andrei quickly took out the vodka, the savior of the dead people, and andrei screamed.
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the story tells, they are very painfully experienced by society, in a sense, i consider it symbolic that she appeared at that moment, because even then i was 30 years old, even then i had a question about how, so to speak, to reassure yourself and those around you, well, first of all your loved ones, you see that a cross is rising in the bunk. under it , a dozen soldiers were hanging on it, when - i i wrote, and by that time, of course , i was a dark person, i was just entering the fold of the church, i was just thinking about these issues, so for me it was just a human story, when you get tired of it, go back. walk on the water,
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walk on the water, walk on the water with me, it’s very difficult to sing this song now, realizing that you are singing for the apostle andrew the first-called, and even more so for jesus christ, who answers him, yes, the point is that a man came who taught everyone, showed miracles, yes, it never happened, and of course, uh, well, apostle andrew really wants to learn how to do this too. and this is correct, and as if ahead of the event, he demands, in fact, from jesus christ that he quickly, quickly teach him to do all the same things, but to walk on water, there to save drowned people from the water, and jesus christ tells him that you see, there on the mountain, meaning golgotha, the cross has already been prepared, if you want, so to speak , to do everything quickly, to learn everything quickly, go hang it on the cross.
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and so on, this is a very important chapter in gospel, she is just that encouraging. little is said about andrew the first-called in the gospels; it is only known that wherever jesus went, the apostle followed him. only one episode is vividly described. remember, one day jesus. fed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread.
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it was andrew who approached christ and said: “ a boy here has five barley loaves and two fish. but what is this for such a multitude?” that is, the apostle believes in the power of jesus, but at the same time he is very tactful in his request: he asks not for himself, for everyone, he is always a giver for others. it is more appropriate to call such modesty humility, which will manifest itself more than once. everything is non-linear in christianity , here is the apostle andrew i, yes, the first-called, he brings peter, but peter turns out to be much more important, we see in the new testament and in the gospels, in his acts, and...
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on the seashore, in ancient khersanes, a footprint of a bass foot was discovered, incredibly imprinted on the stone. several examinations were carried out. anatomical examination showed that the stone actually contains the imprint of a person’s left foot. it was left by a man who was used to walking barefoot, and most likely suffered from the initial stage of flatness. foot specialists also determined the size of a person’s foot. the size of this foot corresponds to size thirty-eight, that is, it corresponds to part of the relics that are located today on greek territory, that is, the feet of the apostle andrew the first-called correspond to the fact that his size was indeed size thirty-eight. ultimately, the results of the examinations
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incredibly confirmed what was written in the sedate book, one of largest medieval literary monuments, telling about russian history from the ancient times. it is said that the apostle stood on a high stone, and prayed for the preservation of this city , for the preservation of the people, the enlightenment of this people of khersanes, and the stone became hard as wax, and his feet were imprinted on the stones, subsequently, many khersenisites came to
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this place and drew water from his feet and were healed of every disease. today , pilgrims with various requests. the priests teach everyone who comes to sevastopol and wants to venerate the apostle’s stapa how to do it correctly. people read prayers in the name of father and son, the holy spirit, holy apostles, or holy apostle andrew, pray to god for us, be baptized, you know how to be baptized, well, that’s good, let’s be baptized, illuminate our minds so that there are no doubts, right? then we illuminate the belly , yes there is such a thing and the right shoulder so that the right actions are good and the left ones are also good, the heart is connected, otherwise it turns out
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the priests are asking for only one thing: please don’t chip off stones and don’t try to take pieces with you when i was last there... then i saw a terrifying picture, that this foot was in this big stone, it was a little chipped off from different sides, i realized that these are people like that right here ... ultra-orthodox , i call them, who not only want to receive by faith, but also to endure something with you, so they take this, these pebbles, where they break off the foot piece by piece, pinch it off, in order to take it with them as a souvenir take it, you need to write a sign, don’t bite the stone, plom... russia is not understand, you can’t measure it with a common yardstick, you
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can’t become special with her, you can only see in russia. two feelings are wonderfully close to us, in them the heart finds food, love for its native ashes, love for fathers and slaves. don’t sleep, don’t sleep, artist, don’t indulge in sleep, you are a hostage of time in captivity for eternity. hiss, be angry, my friends, wedge you, you will not quarrel with me. to your great regret, i am not going to fight with you on your lies, on your statements, on you, i just don’t give a damn when you resort to vain i say, it will not help you again, and you will not wash away with all your black blood, the poet of russia, the righteous blood of civilization, film eight, russia, part two. tomorrow on the first. short circuit. how to restore
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normal heart rhythm. about this about many other things in the program to live great. on monday on the first. khersanez is not the only place in crimea that is associated with the apostle andrew. he walked literally the entire peninsula. based on fragmentary information, it is possible to reconstruct his march. it is believed that andrew originally arrived in panticapium, the present kerch, isashet erected a cross. the cruciform church of st. andrew the first-called is now built on this site. next, the apostle went to feodosia, then to sudak, alushta. in memory of his stay in these places, near the village of generalskoye, olushkinsky district, the healing spring was named in honor of the apostle ai andrey. then the preacher followed
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the coast towards hersanes. here, on the approach to sevastopol, near the village of ternovka, there is the chelter marmara monastery. lord, poor monks, how do they come here? the cave monastery can be seen from below. pilgrims they go there on foot, overcoming the steep slopes in just over an hour. give it a hard time, i wonder what it's like to live here. far below are squares of fields, rectangles of greenhouses, a scattering of houses. on wooden bridges attached directly to the sheer rock, you need to carefully climb 100 steps. and here it is, the monastery. chelter marmara, carved right into the karst rock, those who want
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to get here, of course, get there with pleasure, although it can be difficult, well , as you yourself saw, well, hard work, to get to the top, you have to work hard, for humility. our monastery is located on mount chelter marmara, from the turkic word chelter means lace or lattice, and mormora is greek marble, mormora was a settlement at the foot of the mountain, the greek settlement was mormora, and from the side our mountain looked like marble, why else is there lattice or lace, here in round recesses punched out on the floor were inserted. special poles and on them the platform and passages were built and from the side it looked like
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a lattice, here at the top there were monastic cells on top of the temple, how to get there to climb, well, they’ve put up some perches, ladders please, a monastic cell, here’s one of the small cells.
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this temple is ancient, but during the great patriotic war there was one of the observation posts of the nazis here, then ours also sat when they were fighting back to sevastopol, watching the germans, well , they made a grotto of rest especially for people after a hard
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, grueling climb, so that people could get up and come to your senses, relax a little , have a snack. there is somewhere to sit, naturally, they planted plants to make it more pleasant for people it was so that there were no bare walls, it was homely, cozy. maxim came here for the first time several years ago, he came to restore the monastery. surprisingly, he didn’t seem to notice the everyday difficulties, fell in love with this place the first time and stayed forever. now, together with the abbot of the monastery, he solves economic problems that modern people are concerned about. doesn’t even suspect that, in fact, starting in early autumn, we begin heating, that is , heating all our points, potbelly stoves, because the brothers actually live in cave conditions, from early autumn and, one might say, until late spring, these rooms need to be heated,
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therefore, we need to carry firewood, throw it into the city from a cliff, then saw, then chop, respectively, even in the summer... sometimes, when in damp weather, we heat the temples , so that the icons, uh, are more or less preserved, so, therefore, like this, yes, we live, work, pray, the cells where the monks live are located right in the open niches of the rock, for humility it was normal to have a small space to go in, lie down, sleep, pray, nothing else is needed, holy, for example, desire lyudmila turned 2 months after she came here with her lover, when alexey was wounded, after rehabilitation the question was whether he should go back and fight or
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live. worldly life, when we visited this monastery, he came out and said: “listen, he says, i asked the almighty to give me a hint on what to do.” and after that , we come to moscow after vacation, he receives an offer to create a volunteer, volunteer detachment at that time, and then continue to fight... to fight, that is the answer came in concrete actions. on october 14, the banner was illuminated in the alexander nevsky cathedral in st. petersburg, and under this sign the detachment had already grown into a brigade. that is, alexey continued the
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warrior’s path. the girl asked the lord god, if we were destined by fate to be together, that the lord god would order so that our union would take place, when alexey was already leaving to fight, before that he proposed to me on april 23, 2023, we got married, it was an alliance already before god, bless,
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it’s even harder for these people, they’re actually here there were even cases, but they lasted literally one or two days, that’s all, they could no longer live here. the first
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christians lived in caves and catacombs, the conditions in which the apostle andrew preached were no better. at his advanced age, he traveled thousands of kilometers, setting off towards the unknown. he moved forward with fearlessness and courage, and what inspired him was that he had nothing, he was a simple fisherman, unseasoned, neither physically nor a warrior, he was moved
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forward by faith. before entering khersanez, the apostle andrew decided to stop in a cave cape fiolent. today there is a monument to st. andrew the first-called here. its author is vadim tsyganov, whose fate has been connected in an amazing way since childhood. him with the apostle , apostle andrew the first-called, this is my destiny, all my life i wanted to become a fisherman from the very beginning, i grew up in allagadonsk, i never thought what i would become now, a fisherman , of course, this is my image, my favorite, saint. vadim is not only an artist, but also a music producer for his wife, singer vika tsyganova. their meeting is also connected with the name of st. andrew the first-called, we were baptized with a vadik also in the church of st. andrew the first-called at the vagankovo ​​cemetery, yes, i had another such moment in my life, it was there,
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then we got married there, on cape fiolent, the apostle andrew performed a miracle, with his prayer he destroyed the ancient pagan temple of the virgin, dedicated to the goddess diana , to which local residents made blood sacrifices. here, of course, is the greatness of nature , the greatness of god’s creation, it is very visible, the beauty of nature , this is jujube, he attacked, but no one is gathering bandits, we need to force them, and jujube has another name, jojoba, in shampoo, so i read in the shampoo, jojoba, i think, god, what is this, impossible beauty. oh, this is our girl, how many fruits, well, really , you can take a risk, this
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wood itself is poisonous, they make a tincture from this, as far as i know, the main thing is not to bite into the seed, oh well, i don’t think i’ll die with one, i’m overweight a lot, father alypius, monk of the st. george monastery, the monastery arose here at the end of the 9th century, in 891 in the grotto where, according to legend, st. andrew the first-called lived, today the cave church of the nativity was created christ's. he really preached here, so he had to visit the largest cities, and he also had to pass by feolent. history of the monastery, the emergence of monasteries. dates back to 891, which is practically the end of the 9th century, and the monastery was founded 100 years before
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the baptism. russia before the baptism of prince vladimir in khersanes. 10 years ago, the dream of millions of crimeans came true; the peninsula was reunited with russia. i have been living in crimea since 1960. when we moved to russia, our poverty ended. indeed, ours have arrived, now i have been living in this state of euphoria for 10 years. the heart of crimea is open to everyone. people from all regions of russia began to come to the peninsula. the crimean bridge has been completed and opened. an airport was built, roads, hospitals, kindergartens appeared in crimea, delight. i stopped seeing fields that were abandoned, that is, everything was used. hello, my vines, they are alive, an absolutely incomprehensible phrase, what is our crimea, and what else? to mark the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia, the premiere of the documentary series starts on
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monday. on the first. 2013 is leaving, year difficult, but by and large became a year of progress for us. through maidan national round tables, political disputes and frank dialogue, we are moving along the path of interaction and national consolidation. transfer her across the maidan, prime minister. from monday on the first. this one is very thorny, but we must go through it together, shoulder to shoulder. khersanez is the final point on the path of st. andrew the first-called in crimea, and the first for the holy prince vladimir, the baptist of russia. in 988 ad, 9 centuries after the apostle andrew, he came here
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a pagan, but left a christian. beast, he was a passionate man, this suggests that this man was like a man who had many concubines, this is a man for whom human life was not valued at all, the fact is that the inexplicable happened in khersanes, vladimir during the siege of the city ... became very ill and almost went blind, and after baptism he regained his sight, it was a miracle that divided the prince’s life into before and after. both russian and foreign chronicles indicate how much vladimir has changed. the prince refuses the death penalty and strictly fulfills all christian commandments. i’m not talking about these carts of bread there, and...
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not with external acceptance, the acceptance of christianity, but precisely with the internal, that’s what christianity should, in principle, do with people, therefore, well, i don’t know , we love him, we love him very much, although it was a very long time ago, and the fact that khersanez became the cradle of orthodoxy is not just beautiful words, it is our story, which continues to this day, on the night of
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november 26-27.
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then the russian fleet, then it really stood there, and people with andriev flags we were sailing past, and something came together in my head, which means a monument, a church, and some kind of thing like this for life. village, it seems to me that people will become better people if a temple is built. sergei uusov improved the embankment, installed benches, a children's playground, and watched with pleasure how people really change. you know, people now come to the monument, people pray, really, i look out the window in the morning, who is jogging, who is walking, stopping, praying, now such noisy groups on the shore have stopped gathering there, which was in at the beginning, people come, sit on benches, and relax. well, some thoughts probably visit them, good ones, now you can’t behave there as if you were on a wild beach , sergei learned about the storm from the news, by that time there was nothing left of the flowerbed benches, iusov sat and prayed all night
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, if only the monument survived, but i looked at the camera all night, it was all visible there, i was afraid, frankly, for the monument, i was afraid that it wouldn’t stand, but he said, can you imagine, not a single stone flew in, nothing no harm, miracle, well, yes, i think so, i’m probably not an expert in this , it seems to me that it’s a miracle, there are different versions of how the path of the apostle andrei passed after the crimea, according to one of them he went from the vorak to the greeks, but in the opposite direction, our tale of bygone years introduces the story about the journey of the apostle andrew along the path of the thief greeks. it is included, that is, it is described, albeit from the varangians to the greeks, first from the varangians to the greeks, and then it is shown how the apostle andrew walked back this way from the greeks to the varangians. there are no details of the trip, it is told about the awning and dnieper, apparently knowing this point, then the chronicler began to connect this with
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the izvoryak’s path to the greeks, but does not name any other points except kiev and novgorod. in the north, in those lands that would later become novgorod, there is material evidence of the path. the apostle has not survived, but andrew the first-called was always especially revered in these places. in novgorod, the first church in the name of st. andrew the first-called appeared in the 21st century, and peter i, who moved the capital to the north, considered the apostle not only the patron of the fleet, but also your personal. during the founding of the new capital of st. petersburg, he laid the ark with a piece of the relics of st. andrew the first-called into the foundation of the fortress on the hare island.
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this highest award could only be received for extraordinary services to the fatherland. the first knight in 1699 was fyodor galovin. under his supervision
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, a system of diplomatic missions was created in russia abroad, for which the emperor personally awarded him. peter ii himself received an award for the capture of the neva by swedish warships and became the sixth holder of the order. and peter himself, who, together with menshk, would have been simultaneously awarded this order, who bestowed these signs on himself only after his famous, truly absolutely such a military success, when they were boarded in two shnyavs in ustinev and the swedish. under soviet rule, the order was abolished, but in 1998 it was restored and today it is the highest state order.
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worthy to accept the same martyrdom through crucifixion on the same cross as jesus christ, when i read his walk, i was of course struck by the very moment of his... execution, here why the st. andrew's cross has a symbolic name, because it is, as it were , diagonally, and it resembles the letter x. christ, yes, he was crucified on such a cross, and the ruler demanded not to nail him down, as in the case of jesus christ, so that he did not bleed and hung on the cross for as long as possible. he ordered to simply
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tie his hands to his feet, he hung on the cross for several days, i continued to preach, since this sermon had a special impact, the people still begged and asked the ruler to have mercy on him to be removed from the cross, by the time they came to untie him, and... andrei, realizing that they wanted to remove him, he prayed, which means that the lord took his soul at that moment, that is, he still ended his life on cross, just as he wished. it is this cross that is depicted today on the st. andrew’s flag. it is known that tsar peter ii dreamed of creating the russian fleet.
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at each of them there was a st. andrew's cross. according to legend, the final version of the flag took shape like this: peter fell asleep at his desk, when he woke up, the rays of the sun were shining through window fell onto a white sheet of paper in a bluish diagonal cross. the color of the sun and the color of the sea, that’s what st. andrew’s flag symbolizes,
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” peter exclaimed. the flag was accepted so that russia received holy baptism from this apostle. this gave the fleet a kind of patron, yes, its own, but, most importantly , perhaps, it created such an ideology of our antiquity that here we are - since the apostolic times we have not been born with bast, but don’t you think that we have only just become people from trees, if not. in ancient times we have our apostle, patron apostle andrew , this is a hint that the russian tsar is the heir of the byzantine emperor, and that we have , as it were, a single apostle and that he is the patron saint of all orthodox christians in the world, this is the sign of the cross in the form of the letter x, it signified the christian territory that russia united, from the distant seas, from the baltic to the pacific ocean, from the northern seas to the southern seas, that is, this letter k is such a sign across the whole ... country we know about the christian worldview,
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the christian state on on this territory, which christ accuses, and which exchanged the faith of the apostle andrew the first-called. it was under the st. andrew's flag that russian ships made many geographical discoveries, including the discovery of antarctica in 1820 and won many victories. the traditions of venerating the apostle andrew, established in peter’s time , are being revived today. there are monuments to the saint in mordovia, the moscow region, the rostov region, the crimea, valaam and even the kuril islands. the symbolic circle of history has closed. once upon a time, the apostle andrew the first-called installed orthodox crosses in places where centers of orthodoxy later arose: crimea, kiev, veliky novgorod, valaam, old ladaga. today, worship crosses-monuments to the apostle-preacher himself are already being erected. moreover, all over russia , and
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even if it did not pass throughout the entire russian land, prayers to the saint are heard in every corner of our big country. the fact that christian crosses were erected in russia long before the formation of our state, this predetermined a lot and determined the fate of russia. we are the last stronghold of orthodoxy, as they say. monks in solovki, we are the second noev kavtek, and russia is the second noevkovchek, on which... we will be saved.
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hello, this is a podcast of esenstein's witnesses and we are its hosts, film historians natalya ryabchikova and stanislav dyadinsky. we talk about who made cult, classic, forgotten, and unknown soviet films and how. today we have a special program, a special guest, we are talking with andrei sergeevich konchalovsky at...
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forty-second, yes, i was 5 years old, but i still have the script of ivan the terrible with einstein’s inscription in verse in english for my mother. about we will definitely talk about this later, but first we wanted to talk about sibiriada, not even sibiriada, but about the continent of giants, because in principle, sibiriada could no longer celebrate its forty-fifth anniversary, but its fiftieth anniversary. i've been thinking about this film for a long time. before it eventually came out? i know about myself only one thing, that i was actually supposed to film the cherry orchard with the italians, then my good friend mayada agreed to play in the film, in general they had already announced what we
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would do and there was a festival the day before festival invited me to... immediately began to think, my god, a big picture, a very big, epic, well, qualia izhou and so on, in general we agreed, the festival began, lolzhida is coming, all in anticipation, now we will announce, i will tell her i say, you know, i’m thinking that i won’t photograph
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the cherry orchard, because i have such a big, other job, she was taking off her boot at that time. well, when they started thinking, this is what, how, why, a hero, and to understand the hero of an oil worker, you need to understand who his parents are, and to understand who his parents, you need to understand who the grandfathers are, yeah, and so a completely different kind of picture began to be born, which told about
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the history of the earth, therefore. here is the culmination, as they write in textbooks now, no, you know, i told my students a long time ago, don’t write a script using gps, gps in general.
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of the film, he recalls that the original plan was for a scene to take place in the 2000s, and there was even communism in the script, the trans-siberian railways, it was there, we wanted to start there and end ahead, but then it didn’t work out communism did not work out and the technology was not clear, and we decided to end it in general, this is a logical thing, the culmination, of course,
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lay. he was as easy as mozart, he had a phenomenal sense of form and he usually
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came to me to listen to something, he arrived around 2:00 in the morning, but we listened to evangelis, of course,
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very wonderful music, and he understood everything, and he did no worse, maybe even better, his theme is wonderful, in general he was one of the greatest melodists of the 20th century, i think, just like the idea arose to combine this final colossal explosion with this epic music that i set... the absolute scale of this entire story, how it generally happens in the director’s head, it’s impossible to say, this is a layering of the most varied kinds of circumstances, starting from who is chosen as an actor, then how it is filmed, then what works, what doesn’t work, then how to put it together in a sequence of images, does it all lead to some kind of climax? or it doesn’t work out, this, this layering, structure, construction, similar to music, at the same time on architecture
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, there is such a concept, architectonics is a form that goes against gravity, i would say so, all great buildings, they will never fall, because if built correctly, the same piece of music was famous story, when he played the third concert, it was a success, the hall exploded, and he comes into the wings, goes to his room, angry, and his wife tells him that you, seryozha, well, look, he says, that’s it, i’m everything, i, i blurred the climax, she says, well, viewers, look what’s going on, with listeners, he says, no, what difference does it make, he tore off the architectonics, but this is an internal thing
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, you know, the climax is complex - in this sense, cinema, since it is an art that develops over time, requires a sense of time, musical form, in my opinion, here andrei torkovsky and i always argued about this, because he was an architect, and i was a musician, he studied at the architectural school, and i studied at the conservatory, and i said, time is very important for development. and he said skalptiking sculpture in time, and we were like since we had a lot of discussions about this, sculpture, yes, sculpture, pelishan wanted to ask about khrennik, because the scale of sibiriade is largely determined by documentary footage, selected, as far as i understand, by pelishan, but how did you find each other, how did it come into being? idea, i didn’t
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know, i was told pelishan is a talented guy, he acts in feature films for a reason, it’s calculated, the directors try to tell the story, the cameramen try to film, they teach composition and other things that don’t happen in documentary films, here you are look at how war documentaries are made, as a rule, the cameraman lies behind
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some stone or behind some tank... an atograf, he worries me very much, i read that when you were working on the script, you had business trips to siberia , almost the same berezovskoye field, and the same beryozovoye field, where fewer were exiled, that is , in general, these were such rich places that were steeped in history in many ways, but what did you and valentin yezhov take away from these?


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