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tv   Zhizn svoikh  1TV  March 17, 2024 10:15am-11:05am MSK

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voting day, i want to wish all our colleagues who are now, all commissions are open, yes, that everything will be held at the highest level, everything that we taught, everything that we talked about, the elections should be held as cleanly, honestly, correctly as possible, so that no one had the slightest doubt, there was strength, knowledge. there is, there is a focus on the fact that these elections should be at the highest level, there is, so i want to wish everyone success and i want to wish our voters also a good day, and that each of them who loves russia, who is worried about its present future, there were no obstacles, that everyone came and voted, the development of events at noon, life is now on channel one.
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theirs. avangard and yaroslavl lokomotiv met in omsk in the first match of the quarterfinal series of the gagarin hockey cup. ivan nikolishin opened the scoring in the 13th minute, realizing the hosts' numerical advantage. lokomotiv forward maxim shlunov responded with a goal in the forty -fourth. 1:1 and it came right up to the second extra period. period in which maxim berezkin brought a strong-willed victory to yaroslavl. the second game of the series will be held here in omsk on march 18. in moscow, dynamo and chelyabinsk tractor began their dispute. the hosts took the lead in the middle of the first period, having only just survived in the minority. maxim dzheoshvili successfully completed his team's powerful attack. the tractor drivers responded quite quickly with a puck from nikita soshnikov, who played deftly. on
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the finishing move, maxim shabanov, with a rebound from vladimir tkachev, brought the guests ahead, and a minute and a half later, danil yurtaikin during the game in the majority, with the same pass from shabanov , the guests increased their advantage. in the second period, tractor defender artyom blozheevsky hit dynamo goalkeeper maxim motorygin with a flick from the blue line. before the break , canadian forward erikol shot into the near corner. dynamo fell behind, but in the third period the score did not change, 4:2, the tractor won and the second meeting will again take place in moscow on monday. the king of skiing, alexander bolshunov, still has no setbacks in personal races this season. three-time olympic champion, won twenty-second victory in a row, becoming the best in the sprint at the russian championship, which takes place in the arkhangelsk region.
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the eurasian cup in diving continues in yekaterinburg. more than 80 athletes from eight countries take part in this tournament. three-time european champion nikita shleicher won a landslide victory in the ten-meter platform diving. cuban carlos ramos unexpectedly took silver. he lost to schleicher by 37 points, but managed to get ahead of another representative of the russian team. kazantseva and ekaterina belyaeva. team russia and belarus in handball, having moved from kazan to moscow, played another match.
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the starting segment remained with our team, which immediately took the initiative into their own hands, the visiting defenders could not cope with the point guard kotov, who... the team continued to fight, the hero of the previous match, sergei mark kosorotov, was especially active, but still the ending remained with the belarusian national team, winning by a minimal margin (28:27). in
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the saudi arabian football championship , cristiano ronaldo again distinguished himself, the star portuguese brought his club al-nasr win away over al-ahly. it all started with the fact that the referee did not count his goal due to offside, as well as the return goal of the famous brazilian roberto fermin against the guests, but in the 68th minute cristiano converted the penalty, setting the final score 1:0. after 24 rounds of the saudi pro league championship, al-nasr is in second place, nine points behind al-hillal, and al-ahly is in third. unix basketball players retained their leadership in the vtb united league table. the kazan club suffered an away defeat krasnoyarsk yenisei. after the first half , the guests' advantage was 5 points, but in the second half they brought the matter to a rout (93:69).
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for yenisei, this defeat was the fifth in a row. they remain the only team in group a that... has not yet opened a winning account in the second stage of the regular season. cska hosted parma, an awkward opponent to whom the red-blues lost twice in a row this season. in the first ten minutes, the hosts defended reliably and managed to create a +9 lead. but the permians responded with a cool leap towards at the equator of the meeting they reduced the gap to two points. however, after the shift. on both sides, cska regained control of the game; the army team's standout was olivier henlen, who scored 22 points. the difference in the score grew steadily, and in the end the moscow club won by a significant margin. 96-72. in the nba championship,
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the charlotte basketball players, who had already lost tournament motivation, hosted phoenix, which was leading. atlanta's hosts' newcomer kiyonte george, a twenty-year-old defender, scored 25 points; atlanta's best was de john temurey. 33. it was he who reduced the guests’ gap to -2, but in the end it was still utah’s victory 124-122. victor gusev, sports news,
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channel one. hello, can i ask you a couple of questions, who are you guys, and we are from the first channel, life is our program, from the first channel, right? “so, we have a lot of charlatans traveling around here, if you have an id and it’s signed by ernst, then i’ll talk to you. once soltukov shchedrin wrote about this city, there is something peaceful, patriarchal in its appearance, something- something that soothes the soul
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the silence that reigns on its streets may be why the great russian artists, brothers vasnetsova and ivan shishkin, loved these places so much and immortalized them in their own. “we are in kirov, friends, and this is the life of our own, if i had been born in kirov, i could have become a scientist paleontologist, many millions of years ago, here...” there lived a huge number of lizards, if i had chosen the profession of a lumberjack, i would have become would be the best, you have to work, money doesn’t come for nothing, if i lived in kirov, then every sunday i would try to conquer the amazing an ice icicle, damn, it was epic, maybe i would have become a champion in ice climbing, and if i worked...
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i could have become the master of the famous dymkovo toy, some kind of penguin turns out, repeat 100 times there will be an ideal beautiful dymkovo bird, but whoever whether i was a collector of local folklore, an engineer at a factory , a farm worker or an artist, a seller at the market or a designer of modern dinosaurs, i would live in one of the most ancient cities in russia, surrounded by cheerful and inventive people, here please look at us for a moment, hand-on by evgeniy valeryevich.
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kirov is one of the oldest cities of ancient russia. the first settlers appeared here in the 14th century and called the city vyatka. in the 14th century it was renamed khlynov, but in the 8th century it again became vyatka. the city received its modern name after 197 friends, behind me is the oldest building
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in kirov, which has survived to this day. just imagine, this masonry is already more than 300 years old, because the temple began to be built under peter the great. almost all the houses on spasskaya street are these are architectural monuments, ancient, beautiful and very cozy, just like the gingerbread houses from kaska. i noticed that in kirov they carefully treat everything connected with history, and... especially with ancient history, very ancient history. the kirov region is considered a paradise for paleontologists, all because many millions of years ago, a huge variety of prehistoric lizards lived here, but as we all know well, the climate in our country is quite harsh and we have to state a sad fact: lizards are extinct, but there is a positive aspect with paleontologists. so far everything is in order, we are about to meet one of them.
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the director of the local paleontological museum, alexey toropov, knows all the secrets of the historical world of the vyatka region. how are lizards different from dinosaurs? dinosaurs are just a troop in the class of reptiles. and this group differs from other creatures in the specific structure of the pelvic bones. what was the reason that these creatures became so widespread? here. the banks of the vyatka river are one of the largest places in the world, where the fossilized remains of ancient creatures are still found. two hypotheses. either they died during migration, or they fell into a state of hibernation and did not emerge from this state. and recently a real, non-mythical snake gorynych was discovered here. gorynych was, in fact, a very severe, dangerous predator that lived on the territory of the kotelnicheskoe locality 260 million years ago. it was gorynich who stood at the top of this food pyramid, what a maniac of all for himself, well, if we
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look at the size of the skull, then most likely it could be the size, well , perhaps, of a modern wolf, yeah, so still yes , and the gorynych is, well, this is the power of the skotel’s location, in general it’s clear, the gorynych is the kotelnichesk, word, lizard, i must say that... prehistoric lizards in the kirov region they are not only studying, but using modern technologies they are recreating a real jurassic park. what exactly can this triceratovs do? what he does is move his head, clap his eyes, imitate breathing, move his tail and jaw accordingly, i can show you, yes, it would be of course it’s great to see, a minute of entertaining anatomy of the kirov dinosaurs, inside each lizard there is a cavity where a moving
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mechanism is placed, well, in this case i’m just using my own. inside, there are control levers inside, and accordingly the operator climbs in there and there is a monitor, that is, he sees everything. he hears everything and can move his head, eyes and move directly, he weighs quite a lot, that is, such a powerful operator is needed, powerful operators are always needed, just look, oh well, don’t look, comrade, i urge you
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i recommend visiting a dentist, it definitely won’t make you worse, this is probably what the skies of the earth would have looked like if i had lived in prehistoric times, but to be honest, i wouldn’t want to come here 260 million years ago, just imagine , you’re walking around the neighborhood in the evening and suddenly you see this toothy guy, and i wouldn’t just have a phone, i ’d give anything if only he wouldn’t bite me. all these dinosaurs are very similar to real ones, but still they are just toys, albeit cool ones. i like that people in general, they came up with this exhibition and... that everything is advanced here, large but completely harmless animals also lived here 2 million years ago, everyone knows their horned descendants today. have you ever heard the expression: white oil? so in the kirov region they call it that, so what do you think? that’s right, milk, because they produce a lot of it here and it’s
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incredibly tasty. i went to one of the largest agricultural farms in the country, they say that local cows live. here, almost in a five-star hotel, by cow standards, of course, cows are very sensitive and gentle animals, in order for them to feed well, special conditions must be observed and the animal must be protected from stress as much as possible, so here at the kirov farm, each cow has its own bed, a special diet has been selected for them, well, if the cow does get stressed, there is even a massage device, which local workers affectionately call a scratcher. ksenia starodova makes sure that all the cows are healthy and well-fed. this is what we can do. this is where the rations are mixed. for each physiological group we mix our
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diet. what does physiological group mean? damn, i can’t, i can’t either, i personally don’t understand anything, the physiological group, the main components are silage, hay, straw, and concentrates. local cows do not complain about food; they go to milking three times a day in a disciplined manner. let's go, let's go, let's go, come on, come with me, come on, how much one gives. milk on average on average one cow uh liters 25 liters 25 per day per day, are there any record holders, how much is the record? record holders cows 50 liters. what should
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calves eat so that everything is fine with them. our calves up to 2.5 months old are fed whole milk. plus the feed is balanced, and why do they need earrings? the identification of animals is now very strict, an individual number is written on it, the date of birth is required, and also a nickname. why do these calves need houses? he sleeps in the house, it’s warmer there, it’s cooler outside , in the winter he goes there to bask, in the summer he can go there in the shade, but if you want to try something... i’ll tell you the address in kirov, today is a special edition of the time program.
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on the one hand, they constantly put pressure on yanukovych’s entourage, threatening sanctions if he suppresses the so-called peaceful protest, on the other hand, they encouraged these peaceful demonstrators in every possible way, began to flirt with the nazis, they will bury you, as for tymoshenko, yanukovych resuscitated her as a politician, created a halo of a martyr for her, which they then rolled out onto the maidan, there were weddings around, people walked peacefully until blood appeared, we see, that’s when berkut burns and cannot appear.
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poverty has ended, our people have really come, i have been living in this state of euphoria for 10 years now, the heart of crimea is open to everyone, people from all regions of russia began to come to the peninsula, the crimean bridge was completed and opened, an airport was built, roads, hospitals appeared in crimea, kindergartens, delight, i stopped seeing the fields, which are ownerless , that is, everything is involved, hello, my vines, not alive, an absolutely incomprehensible phrase, what is our crimea, and what else is it for the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with
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russia, premiere of the documentary series, tomorrow on the first. since ancient times , trade flourished on the vyatka land, there was an active purchase and sale of flax hemp seed, hops, wax, honey, and leather. i wonder how things are going with this? today i’ll go for a walk around the central market and find out how local sellers surprise picky buyers, here’s the famous kirov milk, hello, hello, how are your milk banks, very good, flowing, buyers are flowing and the banks are flowing. halloumi, straccitello, spicy cheese and fermented baked milk, yes, how much 1.141 please you'll have ribs, chicken and garlic,
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good, tasty, excellent, 1.124, excellent, we've heard a lot about your kvass, but we've never tried it, very tasty, really, thank you, yeah. well, it’s very tasty, generally super, great, just what you need, great class, how much i owe you, but nothing, it ’s killing me from movies, movies, so we’ll come to you every half hour, excuse me, please, what are you buying, can you ask what this is, these are pork intestines, i will bake a pie from this , an old vyadsky pie, grandma taught, yes it is called. kishochnik , where you can try this, i can cook it, you can ask to visit you, i’m welcoming, come, as it turned out, my random
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friend maria saurova turned out to be a specialist in povyad cuisine, so i asked to visit you to try the mysterious kishochnik pie, how much we need half a kilo, you say, give us half a kilo of pork intestines, friends, but how much are noncha intestines? how much is 3.0 rubles a kilogram? yes, it was probably necessary to first clarify the price, then offer yours fee services. let me treat you to some more vyadsky khlopontsy, come on, do you know what khlopontsy are? but of course not, aladas are made from peas, but you know what i need for this, bring with me a bucket of snow, a bucket of snow, yes, vyadsky, seriously, from the forest, vyadsky snow, yes. i just love working in nature, well, firstly, it’s beautiful, the snow creaks under your feet, you get visual
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pleasure. more than half of the kirov region is dense , impenetrable forest. it is not surprising that this region is one of the leaders in russia in terms of logging even 100 years ago, a woodcutter wanted to cut down a tree. i spent several hours cleaning it, now with the help of modern technologies the same thing can be done in literally 5-10 seconds, here you go, a real man’s work, my guide through the impassable forest thicket was viktor krotov, a modern mechanized woodcutter. how long is your shift? 12
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o'clock, i have to work. money is not given for free, you get piecework, how much you cut, that’s what you get, well , let’s say, a cube of wood, how much do you pay for it? pays, well, about 150 rubles per cube, 150 rubles per cube, this is shared by everyone, divided into four, wow, that’s not much considering the fact that the cube is then sold for 15-16, or even 2000, well, this is no longer it’s up to us to decide what potential dangers lie in wait for you , the worst thing here is somewhere... the overhanging piece of wood may be hers, but during the day it’s easier to see it, at night you might not see it, of course, it’s not a five-star hotel, but it’s quite possible to live , please, kitchenette, microwave, refrigerator, now let's look into it, see what's inside, so...
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it smells like borscht, eggs, pickles, a bunch of different sauces, quite worthy, pleasant, it should be noted that there is water, and it’s even hot, in general , this heater is responsible for our heat, let’s see if there is water, yes, there is definitely water, so everything is okay, why did you decide, so to speak, to go into the forest to live, this is most likely survival, in order to... earn something somewhere, that is, if you want to live, be able to move around, this is relevant what do you eat mainly, lard, meat, bread, i’d rather eat a piece of meat than some kind of sweet gingerbread, yes, i absolutely agree with you, i can’t stand sweets at all, and meat is what keeps us strong, do you have any kind of shifts, like, i don’t know, today you are a cook, tomorrow you are, i don’t know , cleaner, one person, for example, stays cooking, the second person goes on the chains. victor
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explained to me that kirov forest has excellent properties needed for construction, which is why houses built from it are considered the best. still, the vyadsky lands are amazingly beautiful and full of talented people who with skill they can turn an already beautiful nature into a real fairy tale. ah, babble! meet sergei saransky, more than 10 years ago he moved to the village from the city and built baba yaga’s hut, a nest, the robber’s nightingale, leshcha’s kingdom and many other
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wonders. here you immerse yourself in... a real fairytale reserve. locals call this unusual building the starship house, but to be honest, i don’t really understand why. to me , it looks more like a fairy-tale hut with a painting by viktor vosnetsov. home, starship yeah to our ancestors, they built such tented houses in the shape of conical pyramids, part of heaven and earth. here is the smarchok house from glinochka, such plastic houses, zovomor. excuse me, as you said, clay pot, clay pot, this is clay, material, clay, and the bottles, who hammered them - in the clay pot, hammered them, who hammered them, slogans out of nothing are candy, that is, we carry out well in life, and whose throne, elven, looks like, looks like an elf, so my ears are fine now, let's sharpen up now, my wife is not home he’ll let him out later, horns, no, we don’t need horns.
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i’m drinking a grinder, if it suddenly sits there, well, okay, let’s check now how it works, oh, oh, come on, we’re sitting, shurly, murly, durly, horns, what kind of furniture do you have, of course, there are interior items here, a boomerang, an airplane carpet , dragon chandelier, here are the space-saving sawmills, they will pick up such clumsy logs, hang them down for me , i will buy it for the price of firewood, and give it all a second purpose, it releases life again , with a light wave, the excess is easily removed, as... michelangelo said, that is it turns out that this is a planet with continents , you don’t sell your creations, i sell everything that is here, everything is for sale, let’s say i wanted to buy a chair like this, well, how much will you pay for, well, i have these 1.60, there are things that are more expensive it takes 3 years
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to do it, it’s undesirable to go against the grain, yeah, i get it, i get it, i see, i’ve already messed up, they brought these journalists from moscow. all the planets have already been ruined, try this tool, fix what you messed up, and get a job, stay with us, boy, you will be our main grinder, great, i finally found my second calling, yes, there is so much here, as they would say at a sawmill , of illiquid wood, some stumps, snags, but it is from this seemingly unnecessary material that sergei evgenievich creates his fairy tale. well, it’s time for me to return to kirov, but before that i have to
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do something, bring with me a bucket of snow, a bucket of snow, yes, vyadsky, seriously, from the forest, vyadsky snow? yes, well, i promised maria to find the purest vyatka snow and my... refrained, hello, hello, hello, come in, mara vital, yours the task was completed, i got the purest vyadsky snow, while i was cutting down the forest, star ice was studying the snow , maria was preparing the mysterious vyadsky intestine, i never found out its secret recipe, oh, pie, yes, this is the same intestine, yes, intestine, intestine , yes, which we , wait, if you have a pie ready, then... why did i bring snow, it was all in vain, and we will prepare vyadsky flappers, i will conduct, and you will cook, it turned out that these are just pancakes from pea flour, mung bean, why do you use snow,
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why can’t you use plain water, so but it’s much simpler, no, precisely because the snow gives such texture, reveals, airiness, right? the hostess called me to the table, i make a wish, for the first time i will try the signature vyak kishochnik pie, delicious, slightly unusual, but what do you think, considering the fact that we only have one today. is it expensive or not very expensive for expensive for vyatka expensive yes yes but how much does it cost to go to the store here to buy groceries, let’s say for the next 3 days, well, 2-3 rubles is possible, taking into account even yes, if
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we consider it for a week, then maybe even more more even benefits and a communal apartment how much does a communal apartment cost a communal apartment about ten comes out we also have lads please ir you somehow look like that? very skeptical about this dish , eat it with sour cream, please, take it all , pay attention, masha doesn’t take it, i still, apparently, apparently know something, that i know that it is not made from pure vyatka snow, uh-huh, good pancakes are delicious, i tell you, vyadka cuisine is not only tasty, but filling, which means... after a hearty lunch, you need to move a little, and i know where you can do it. there are no mountains with glaciers in kirov, but there are climbers who would like to conquer them. so how to solve this problem? the locals have found an elegant solution: every winter they fill
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one of the supports of this springboard with water, it hardens and voila, the glacier is ready. the townspeople call this place the kirov icicle. and in the cold season , lovers of active recreation from all over the region come here, meet masha, a woman with a cat on her feet, with two, with two cats, ideal. how to handle them? mash, well, tell me what we are going to do today, what should i do? how dangerous is it? this is a sport of ice climbing. what's your personal best? 9 seconds, wow, how many meters up is that ? 15 m up in 9 seconds. they say it's faster than an elevator. even so. masha, faster than the elevator. i think this is the perfect caption for the credits. what is this called anyway? it's called fifa. fifa is used to cling to the ice, logically. got in the way, it doesn’t have any teeth,
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just as quickly as it went in, it came out quickly, wow, just don’t rush, we have a training camp after all, i don’t know how to climb slowly, but the problem is, that ice has the property of crumbling, which is surprising, and chipping in an unexpected way, a little more, you have to try, once you try, masha, how much? you do pull-ups, 40 times, how many? i recommend sosolya to everyone, because firstly, it’s strength, and secondly, it’s endurance, and thirdly, it’s just cool. masha, thank you. in the winter season, the kirov icicle gathers the best ice climbers in the country.
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what kind of sad girl do you think is bending over the water and wants to launch a boat? this is asol, the main character of alexander greene’s famous slack sails, after all, the writer was a native of the vyatka province and it should be noted that this land gave birth to many talented people whose names are known. all over the world, i learned with interest that it turns out that ivan shishkin and the vasnetsov brothers also come from here, i should also join in with the beauty. now we will find ourselves in the holy of holies, a place where artistic traditions laid down by great masters, natives of vyatka, have been passed on for generations. look for the overall silhouette, cutting off directly to highlight the main elements. which define the general
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the whole character of our production. igor smetanin took up a brush thanks to his mother, who was also an artist. now he teaches painting to students. this is a good basis for many other specialties: some become a designer, others become a director, an artist, a stage director. many outstanding personalities passed through the city of vyatka, who naturally left their mark. not only from the point of view of a professional, like artists, people's thinking and so on, but in itself the constant desire and desire to create there is a beautiful world around us, people are pushed precisely, drawn into creativity, drawn into this story, we are looking for the connection between the objects of our production, we clearly organize this connection with the help of light and shadow, today we are drawing a cube, a cube, this is the simplest one. the side of a cube is a square, all sides of a square are equal,
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and here, moreover, we can finally seize the glory of mr. malevich by making not just a square, but a volumetric square, this is of course true, yes, yes, with a slight movement of the hand, yes , we try to pack it as tightly as possible line, bolder, this is the pencil falling down, under the weight of the pencil, well, practically you have already created a vertical line, i like it practically. this is a subtle remark, i ’m even ready to give you an elastic band that will help you get rid of the wrong move, this is an absolutely wonderful straight line, that is, we still still have a chance to enter an art school. well, igor anatolyevich, in principle, you did a very good job, but i got the feeling that the fly is...
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well, i’m going to get acquainted with those who the largest enterprise in the region has already achieved success. in kirovochepetsk, almost every family is connected with chemical production. you can only get into production.
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you breathe chemicals one way or another, in this particular place it is, well, roughly speaking, relatively safe, we don’t climb there, we breathe calmly, well , we try to do as little as possible here. ammonia is one of the components of mineral fertilizers, and this dangerous poisonous gas flows through these pipes. to be honest, i’m even afraid to imagine what could happen if he suddenly breaks out. and here is maria, sergei’s wife works far from noisy and frightening conveyors, it’s true. also with hazardous substances, the fact that a little spills slightly eats up the table, this is normal, this is for yes, this is a chemical laboratory, chemicals are used here, we have now poured a reagent, this is an alkaline reagent , we have an acid in the flask, a reaction occurs between them, we have now seen how
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the liquid has changed color, what does this mean, it means that a neutralization reaction has taken place, and now you can drink it, no, it is undesirable to drink, here we have a undesirable, but you can use a salt solution, yes , which is generally undesirable to use, here i see that you have granules of different colors, but what does this mean? for example, these granules are granules of ball silica, these granules are granules of neutram foschia. creating fertilizers is a complex process, and the effectiveness of the final product depends on how accurate the chemical formula is, so we can confidently say that the employees of this laboratory... know how to turn a desert into a blooming garden. a how does knowledge of chemistry come in handy in simple life? i have three children, so washing is, so to speak, a daily activity for me, but maybe my knowledge
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of chemistry helps me wash off the stains that appear on my children’s clothes. even though the spouses work at the same enterprise, they only meet each other in the dining room during lunch breaks. it was always believed that this place was prestigious for work, that there were good salaries, that is, well , the most important thing is probably prestige, a good salary - how much? i’ll tell you directly in numbers, well give or take at least, i think that a beginning engineer can count on a salary of about 50,000. which one of you gets more? it’s not necessary to announce the numbers, to be honest, we just didn’t even count it, but how is this possible, it’s not serious, do you have a total budget? no, no, the principle is like saying, well, there is no common bank, i spend, spend, spend mine, as soon as i run out, i turn to the collection, the lunch break is over, it’s time for us to return to production, the most important thing happens here, three main elements: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium
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are turned into ready-made granular fertilizer, for this all three elements are mixed in this huge hundred-ton container... after the process is completed, the fertilizer can be used in agriculture. i know that fertilizer is used not only to fertilize the soil itself. how else can your product be used? yes, this is an additive to concrete, my stagnation is used in the oil industry, when repairing spazhins, and the most interesting thing is that moscow airports use it as anti-fouling mixtures, here so here it is. oh, i know that, not only that. sports, this mixture is scattered in every yard in moscow, all residents of the capital remember it with an unkind word, because every season we are forced to change our shoes, we, like you, are not given them for free, but russia cannot be understood, a common arshin cannot be measured, she has something special
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to become, one can only fly to russia, two feelings are wonderfully close to us, in them the heart finds food, love for the native ashes, love for fathers and slaves. don’t sleep, don’t sleep, artist, don’t indulge in sleep and eternity as a hostage to time in captivity. hiss, be angry, my friends, wedge , you will not quarrel with them, to your great regret i am not going to fight with you, about your lies, about your statements, about yourself, i just don’t give a damn when you resort to vain... russia part two is on the first today. ukraine will be in nato. they want ukraine
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to be a member of nato, for ukraine to be not just not russia, but for it to be anti-russia. it was clear that there was a coup in the state, there was no power in the country, such a good situation had been created in which it was possible was to make decisions in accordance with the will of the people. aksyonov stood here and said: guys, we need to block off all strategically important objects. we sent a letter to the leadership of the russian federation; we understood that we ourselves would not be able to control the situation. we need our russian troops to arrive quickly. the transfer of crimea to ukraine is a historical oversight that was corrected by a referendum. more than 96% spoke. for reunification with russia, we are in russia, guys, hurray, for the tenth anniversary
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of the reunification of crimea with russia, crimea, how is it it was the premiere, watch after the program time. the central bank of ukraine announced the receipt of the first tranche of russian financial assistance in the amount of $3 billion. now you can exhale and calmly practice only the eu.
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empire, when the russian state, emerging from oblivion, achieved power and flowering , and then fell into the abyss of oblivion, after death and total darkness, we are resurrected again and are moving along the paths of improvement, i, along with the whole country , rejoiced, finally ours have gone, we we break, it was a blinding flash, a spiritual explosion, who turned me, a prose writer, into a poet. in blood, in smoke, in fires, among whistling bullets, russia attacks, regaining its place in history. premiere, alexander prokhanov.
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confession, tomorrow first. remember the old fairy tale, in which the evil mother sent her stepdaughter into the forest to collect snowdrops? so, my producers also sent me today, but not for snowdrops, for... mushrooms, and something tells me that we will cope with this task without the participation of 12 months, mushrooms, bye bye, where are you, come on, come to me, mushrooms, mushrooms, for the spouses of dedicated mushroom pickers anastasia and maxim elizarov, waist-deep snow is not a reason to stay at home. dear mushroom pickers, how did you manage to come up with such entertainment, where to look for mushrooms in winter? this. here, not there, but they are all in the trees...


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