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tv   Sibiriada  1TV  March 17, 2024 12:20pm-3:01pm MSK

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this is very nice, very cool. the creation of such complexes with infrastructure from bicycle paths to dormitories is part of the national project science and universities. the president of the russian federation, vladimir putin , has set the task of updating the infrastructure of universities, we are implementing a large project, the construction of 40 campuses, in addition to it, starting this year, on the initiative of the head of state , it will be implemented. additional project to renovate student dormitories. first of all, a new campus is being built in novosibirsk state university. personnel training will begin right from school. a physics and mathematics school will be opened next to the student buildings. everything here is adult-like, and even the equipment for children is something that not every specialized university can boast of. for example, one of the best planetariums beyond the urals with a huge dome, an entire house under the starry sky, will help you explore space. technologies provided. 4k
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modeling of celestial phenomena, and it is possible to simulate the milky way, for example, yes, it’s interesting, the movement of the planets, to see this no longer at a teacher’s presentation, but to see a 4k model that will allow you to really immerse yourself and appreciate it. the campus will accommodate 12,000 people, which is 20% more than now. it is clear that new hostels are needed. two buildings designed for 700 seats are almost ready. and, judging by the appearance of the rooms, students here... are guaranteed almost home comfort. alexey kruchinin, mikhail artyukhin, mikhail emelin, artyom tikhonov, tatyana kozlova, larisa nikitina and kirill danilov. first channel. today is the last day of maslenitsa, the final farewell to winter and the welcoming of spring. by throughout the country, large-scale celebrations include pancakes. for example, in moscow at the festival on revolution square, everyone can try them for free until 2:00 in the afternoon. on this day, the orthodox celebrate forgiveness sunday and prepare for great lent, the strictest and longest. he will start. tomorrow will last
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7 weeks and will end with easter, this year it falls on may 5th. russia has never lived just like that, i’m sorry. natural course of events, because she always faced a choice, then she chose between paganism and christianity, then she chose it didn’t occur to anyone to either jump into the window cut by peter the great, or not to come close to it, but to use the open door. in the year 1744 from the nativity of christ, russia chose a bride for the heir. throne of peter fedorovich, the choice
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of a bride is a responsible state matter, on which politics depended not only in russia, but throughout europe, was complicated by the fact that the heir, nicknamed the holstein devil, was of a small mind, had an absurd character, and dissolute behavior, but they were afraid, all this brought a lot his royal sorrows. aunt elizaveta petrovna , your majesty, peter needs to be married urgently, the heir is still young, he’s young, he can’t go a day without wine, he’s completely exhausted, you speak, speak, but don’t talk, forgive me for the insolence, your majesty, you ’re still depressed about the decision, but it is unknown which one is from pyotr fedorovich. will happen to everyone,
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but come on, the child doesn’t give birth at all, what will happen to the russian throne then, god forbid, they are sad, we need to console her, yes, and why are you standing there? hmm, i wasn’t afraid of my co-heir. or my life is inexpensive. hmm, boy, it’s a sin to joke like that, your highness. what? dry yourself. your highness, god bless you. in front of the retinue in this form. your highness, salochki.
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balba, raylina yakuzhinskaya, stop, anastasia, stop! stop, their highness wants to talk to you, keep your hands off, well , we’ll meet again on the hunt, don’t frighten the unfrightened ones, you
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’d better keep an eye on your relative , your guzhinskaya has become too much of a scribe, all like your mother, nothing, we’ll catch you soon, soon. she will become peaceful with us, she had nothing to do with the conspiracy of her mother anastasia, how can this be didn’t have if the begak had a fight with this frenchman? chevaleda brilly kidnapped the girl yaguzhinskaya and deceitfully wanted to take her to paris, someone saved her, bilov, a sergeant of the leigh guard, yonosha was very brave and faithful, yes, i remember, i remember, there was some kind of romantic story in her. the lower ranks, the gordomarins, were also involved, it seems that this is not only a romantic story of your majesty, it was a political story in which the gordomarins deserved great benefit to their fatherland, well, vivat
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the proud marines, vivat, sound the hunt!
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they are separating you and me, the sovereign does not want
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to marry me with the tobolsk governor, the day has already been appointed and committed. the deputy is given a big penalty, it’s the same as exile in siberia, lord , what a misfortune, you need to run, where to run, but what about me, i’ve been on the run all my life like hell, and i have nowhere to run, i don’t have no one. “one old aunt , yes, she’s in berlin, kiss me, kiss me dearly, come to me, my falcon, hug me tight, beloved, what are you, my beloved, what are you
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up to, i’m yours, i don’t want, i don’t want to go to someone i don’t love.” . love me, and whatever happens will happen. here it is a hunting lodge, look at the horse. duzhinskaya, whose second one? now we’ll find out everything!
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orvert! anastasia pavlovna! anastasia can't be destroyed! oh, lord jesus! the heir to the throne and his friends have arrived! ivan, here i am, here i am, kushinsky is here, date! the old country's cocked hat will be fun, eh!
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but like lovers, come here, come here , well, i’ll spill your guts now, i’ll kill you, well , don’t spoil your food, you’re not offended, and i ’ll catch you, next time,
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and i’ll somehow i'll turn around, the devil broke the kennel, and what happened to two friends the heir's face was filled, catch what he put on, but they say some kind of guardsman, now we'll find out, they're jumping, jumping, hurry up, let's go, oh, sasha, look, the whole retinue is assembled, how are you? it’s nothing, wait for me at alyosha’s, go,
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go, go, your majesty, listen to me , i beg you, i beg you, i beg you, you should take better care of your pupil, that’s why i ’m paying you money, in prussia they’ve been waiting for a messenger for your majesty to marry for a long time .
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what did you do on the hunt, where were you? her imperial majesty's retinue is lying, and as if your highness is not there, no, you're lying, no way your highness, deluxe, your highness is not there, no, you’re lying, you, but your highness is not there, where is this picture, i can’t know your highness, i’m here and your highness,
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you will recognize this one, intercessor mother, do not destroy your servant. by god, i didn’t see anything, i came running in response to the noise, their highness came up with kisses, she’s smaller than them , what are you talking about, your majesty , it’s like some kind of devil appeared here, the deputy’s face is crooked, and come on everyone, well, we’ll find guzhinskaya from the secret office. no one has left yet, and her wife is waiting for her in tobolsk, so, belov, you were in house alnet, your majesty was not there, if i had been there, i would have protected women, because a woman’s honor is above all, but what about
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military duty, and belov, i see military duty as serving...
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including as the head of government , i take this responsibility on myself, i don’t take it off anyone, premiere, big story, maidan, today on the first, short circuit, how to restore normal heart rhythm, about this and much more in the program
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live healthy, tomorrow on first. seal it, i dare ask your majesty, is that right? did i understand that you deigned to choose guardsman alexander belov for the role of gons, but i’m afraid that he is an extremely unreliable person, unreliable, uh-huh, you speak, speak, but don’t start talking, i...
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he will cope with this task, but he your majesty lied to you during the hunt, he impudently lied, these bastards, but why did he lie? and guzhinskaya fought, and petrushka also taught my idiot a good lesson, no, bel and i understood each other perfectly, he is an honest man, i
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looked into his eyes, and my heart also tells me, we germans believe in facts more, rather than some kind of intuition, yes, but why then do you serve me, and not the king of prussia , frederick, what? pays little, you actually live there, and we are here by the will of god, call me belovo, lord, save, save my original soul,
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demand this package from you, who will take the courage to break the seal of the sovereign, but i know from some people, guests, are traveling at the sovereign's call, so i give you a task, you must follow their every step, who they will meet with, what they will talk about, but most importantly , i need papers.
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to entrust all this to the word, he is now he became proud, treated kindly to the sovereign, he doesn’t know that the favorite, sadis, is an unreliable position, they change often, but beztuzhev always knows how to pay for services, he forgot, how can he forget your lordship, forever? you remember, well, that’s good, keep surveillance secretly, belov too, come back, give me a written
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airport, it’s dishonorable, belov is my friend, i won’t do meanness, shut up, you brat, i gave birth to a son... i didn’t make , how old are you? 21 your excellency, got married, got married, and according to maritime regulations, darkness under 22 years of age is prohibited, it’s forbidden, so your girl is sent to siberia, you’ll be hired as a sailor. well, what are you waiting for, why aren’t you leaving, i realized that
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you need to serve russia, your main assistant in berlin will be our ambassador, count chernishov. with god blessing. son, take care.
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let's go! “i’ll return to st. petersburg, i’ll beg the empress on my knees to have mercy on us, my dear, drive!
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for love, the fatherland, for without a woman, without her love, we are nothing, miracle, miracle, countess, miracle, countess, well, for you, my dears, for you, my sweet ones, for you beauty, well, well, eat, eat, eat, they won’t run away anywhere it’s up to you, for us here in berlin, every russian person. this is a gift , take a bite of ginger, even god have mercy, how pretty you were, well, where did you show up so much, beauty, in st. petersburg, they saw the heir for a long time, our gossips say that pyotr fedorovich is in great loss, marfa ivanovna, mother, but we don’t believe, we don’t believe, we don’t believe, we don’t believe,
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you’ll be late again. and another personal request from their lordship: to shelter his disgraced relative, anastasia yaguzhinskaya, until better times. naterikh, my dear bitozar, we welcome every russian man, today is a special edition
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of the program, elections. president of russia. 10 years ago, the dream of millions of crimeans came true; the peninsula was reunited with russia. i have been living in crimea since 1960. when we moved to russia, our poverty ended. ours really came. i have been living in this state of euphoria for 10 years now. the heart of crimea is open to everyone. people from all regions of russia began to come to the peninsula. the crimean bridge has been completed and opened. an airport was built, roads, hospitals, kindergartens appeared in crimea, delight. i stopped seeing fields that are ownerless, that is, everything is involved. hello, my vines, they are alive, an absolutely incomprehensible phrase, what is our crimea, and what else? to the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia. premiere of the documentary series. tomorrow. on
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the first. fate, breaking through the light, you want snow, just don’t eat it, the cold russian sky with tender fingers. music of the past years, like a little child, i want to go to russia, i miss home, yours to shine, you’re right, well, you’ll catch a cold, well, wrap your fur coat, oh well, when will you come
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it’s going to hurt my ear, pray tell, what is the need for us to leave our place, and where are we jumping so stupidly, where, well, where, home, let’s take a break from germany. yes, we need to study, and not chatter, only my brain has become more active, only the latin has begun to settle in my head, she said, listen, i quote, a well-organized mind, more valuable than a mind, what is a well-filled mind, holy father, look, master , robbers! wait, wait, i won’t shoot for christ’s sake. hello. hello. sudara. yes. nice to meet
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you. maiden. and i’m like a sinner. where you? judging by your appearance, are you foreigners? we are from russia. russia, saint-petersburg? our king frederick honors your empress els. they say she has a golden throne, diamonds on her boots, expensive furs instead of rugs, all the ropes in the palace are made of gold threads. you are charming, you have such a fabulous idea of ​​my homeland. you are in a hurry to russia. and finally, who are you? prince olenev jr., student at the university of göttingen. i'm going home for the winter vacation. by the way, where does this road lead? this? yes. in zermst. there is a decent hotel there. not in our city
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indecent hotels. the germans value accuracy, honesty, cleanliness, thrift, and hard work most of all. you see, your carriage is narrower. in zerpst, you should stay at the three crowns, this is the best hotel in our city, gavrila, a balm for mental wounds, urgently,
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for mental wounds, science helps, keep it for the beautiful ladies. relay from st. petersburg, package for the duchess of anhalt and agana elizabeth, behind me, schneller, please settle down, gentlemen. mein liebling, sie sind so aufgereht, beruhigen sie sich.
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are you wandering around in an unknown place? i'm not wandering around, i'm rode in the forest. that’s why i stayed late, sahdamt, don’t dare talk to your mother like that, she’s good, duchess, she’s behaving like... a filtfebel on the parade ground, hey, someone, damn it, people, lyoshka, it looks like we’ve been locked, look at the other door, unlock it! i
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can’t, some kind of devilry, it’s locked, everything is correct, man proposes, but god disposes, it means it’s fate, great, we go with the flow, so that we have here, a feast of the gods, we won’t die of hunger, are you crazy, whether? come on, where are we going then? lyoshka, i am not the lord’s word gave, why did we come here? if you want to know, to do this on your part is simply dishonest, i know, i know, life is for the motherland, honor to no one, but the beer is good, don’t be silly, there are holy things, okay, don’t get excited, huh? wow,
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mysterious nation. very hospitable.
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good evening, prince, miracle, i was just thinking about you, in my lungs, gavrila, confirm, how, your love has just been composed, very nice, you lost your mittens in the forest, i brought them to you, here is the fur of fiery foxes , warmed not only my hands, but also heart, accept this as a gift from afar. thank you, do me a small favor , it’s happiness to serve you, i need the hands of the russian language, what words would you say to one noble person in order to gain her trust and love, and love, well, i would, i would say this: write, uh-huh, my angel, since
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i saw you, my life has acquired meaning, every moment of my existence belongs to you, i live for one of your glances, your smile, yours, tell me, is this a noble person, is she young, beautiful . it doesn't matter if she's a woman, but a woman always feels young and beautiful, but then i would say so, for the sake of one of your glances, your smile, your kiss. i have to go.
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“let us thank heaven for the gift sent to us to hope for a meeting , to meet, when tomorrow? no, no, this is impossible, at dawn i’m leaving for the base, i will follow you, do not refuse me, i ask you, my mother is too suspicious she’s capricious, she doesn’t like random people , she’ll be furious, it’s okay, i’ll be gentle, and besides, a man’s help will always come in handy on the road.” why not, and let it be our little, dear, secret. yes, but i don’t know your name, i hope, although it’s not a secret, beautiful rhinebeck, but my loved ones just call me fike.
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i hope, jacques, i won’t stay in the mission for long, but look around, i understand, their si are waiting for you, yeah. i received an encrypted message from st. petersburg, the choice has been made, from the church to russia, the bride of the heir of peter is traveling, the devita is accompanied by her mother, angeltserbskaya, such, you know, a decisive and extravagant person,
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with such an adventurous streak, and they are not traveling secretly. did bestuzhev not think of something here? yes, bestuzhev is categorically against this marriage, so elizabeth hides the arrival of the tsar’s people from him, oh, how is it, the sovereign does not deign to be willful, daddy’s character, and
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my task, this task can only be completed in one, hmm, who are you? you must win the hearts of the tserp ladies. chevalier, all means are good here, threats, blackmail, flattery. well, should i teach you? we are nice men. eh, politics, politics. yes, we need to think about it.
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we're getting old, what does age have to do with it? yes, it was russian who left a deep mark on your heart gorgeous. let's not talk about yaguzhinskaya? we will not. good luck, chauvalier. chevalier! “the chevalier is all right , there is a lot of blood, like in a slaughterhouse, my people are in ambush, we are here, master, they will protect us, god is with us, johanna, we are waiting for you
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, a smart person cannot understand russia, one cannot measure it with a common yardstick, she has it’s special to say, one can only see in russia, two feelings are wonderfully close to us, in them the heart finds food, love for the native ashes, love for the father’s graves, don’t sleep, don’t sleep artist, don’t indulge in sleep, eternity hostage to time in captivity,
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russia part two is on the first today. the symphony of five russian empires opened up to me when the russian state arose. from non-existence it achieved power and flowering, and then fell into the abyss of non-existence; after death and pitch darkness, we are resurrected again and move along the paths of improvement. i, along with the whole country, rejoiced, finally, ours have gone, we are breaking. it was a blinding flash, a spiritual explosion that turned me, a prose writer, into a poet. in the blood, in the smoke, in the fires, amid the whistling of bullets. russia attacks, reclaiming its place in history. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession.
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tomorrow on the first. my dear wife, why do you insist that i not accompany you? believe me, this is simply indecent. friedrich's recommendation clearly states, together with his daughter. the king understands. the whole family is traveling, then this is an official visit , which is suspicious, but two traveling ladies, well, understand, dear, it’s dangerous, there’s so much trash hanging out on the roads, and you have so much money, if you don’t want to take me, then why not take advantage of our tasks.
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say goodbye to your father, it's time for your basket,
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my daughter, you will have to live in russia, where the tsars rule, it will be difficult for you, so first of all , pray to god, remember, you are a lutheran. will your fragile body have enough strength to fulfill the behests of the holy letheran church? don’t cry , girl, never cry, you are a soldier’s daughter, i will fulfill your commandments, father, ja gut, dann ja, by the evening we must be in the sub-staff, drive away, well
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, what will the guards do, damn it, open the door, open the doors, sasha, look, look, come on! shpak, hold it, come on, sit down.
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gavrila, stop what’s happening here, look at the blood, help, it’s an attack, calm down, guy!
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behave yourself, schenk, chenk, schneller, schenk, you will get into the carriage of this kind young man, he will accompany us, these young men are robbers, meeting you is wonderful, it’s very, by the way, how do you feel, oh, soon we'll be there, don't worry, honey. “god, how i miss you, step on mommy’s worries, don’t worry about mommy, we all have enough strength to endure the misfortune of our neighbor, until meeting, excuse me, touch me, let's go, glorious
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country of germany, bastards." for robbery , let's take out a pistol and load it, but dear, what unfortunate people, oh god, where am i? i see an angel, he's already better, who are you, just a everything, i risked traveling without security , i paid for it, countaon, at your service,
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paris, i was introduced to madame de... oh, with my daughter, i thought you were sisters, how beautiful your daughter is, what are you reading, lovely child , la roche foucauld, la roche foucauld, and what does this great frenchman, the mocking philosopher and... teach you?
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sudr, sir, sir, sir, but my daughter is still a child, uh-huh, uh-huh, ah, sir, i have a little request, could you give me a small amount of money, the bandits stole my luggage, but didn’t have time to search me, what’s wrong? sir, they won’t make it difficult for you, it won’t be difficult to unbutton the jacket, it won’t be difficult, where is our
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debtor, debtor, why is the debtor, why, why is the debtor , it’s all just, it’s all just mutual, mutual, i’m your slave, interest, interest, cheating. madam, oh, fikke, he’s feeling bad again, on the tent, please, just don’t let anyone jump out on them to think that the sweetest women are suddenly such a bitch,
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look, what is this? it looks like something happened here, it’s as if the duchess’s corita was attacked, the traces are fresh, the blood, damn it, coincides in time. now it’s not easier for the patrimony , look, look, some kind of upside-down chest, yeah, some kind of tripe, listen, tracker, fishing line, look, let’s quickly get through this damn place, maybe our help is needed there, sashka, sashka, ay, well what , let's run, well, well, come on, faster, faster, damn
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, where, sasha, sosada, well, well, come on, come on, come on, come on, don't bother the horse, i'll take them on myself, command, we will leave together. fuck, here's another one, well, come here, come on, come on, come on, quickly, quickly, now get it, like this, accept it, accept it, go away, bite , thank you lyosha, take a rest, guys, come here quickly,
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come on, no need, the puppy is unfinished , kzhak, well , we met, kzhak, yes, well, lezka, and now forward, forward, dead, catch up, kill.
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stop, wait, lyoshka, here, take the horses away, now, now, now, take away the horses, let's go, let's go, come on, come on, dear ones, come on! and sorry, guys, let's go, let's go, dalina, go ahead!
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alyoshka, look, yes, stop, the countess's carriage, and this, and this is the reindeer carriage, look, gavrila, olenev are with us, they met, ukraine will be in nato, they want ukraine to be.
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crimea, how it was, the premiere, look at the time after the program, here with the guys we calculated how much this maidan costs, look, before the event , 700 people constantly lived on the dynamo, now there will be 15-2000, this means everyone needs food, communication, medicines, rental of two stages, generators, spotlights, ambulances, dry closets, field...
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why, pray tell, do the three of us have so many enemies, but we shouldn’t sulk at fate, others have god knows in the distance, but here we have enemies, it would be an honor, it would be an honor, don’t hang your nose, gardenarines. is
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life bad and good, one sail and soul, one sail and soul, fate and homeland are one, why, why did the duchess of andatser lock us up? what is she hiding? age, while we are here neighing like horses, will our ladies run away again? no, my dears,
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why are you so gloomy? i want to go home, i’m tired of everything, to my son, to sophia in matters of love, as if peaceful, the pursuit of lovers is such that the russian contribution for the happiness of the dear ones is not a wallet, but a head, but the whistle and the howl of buckshot, and the darkness of the prison silence, for the long look of a short meeting, oh, this right is not the price, because garde marina’s nose is bad life is good, one sail and soul, one sail and soul, fate and homeland
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, one, oh well, gardymarina, the last time and that... for you, sashka, write a note to anastasia, i miss you, heaven, well, for the maid anna.
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midshipman, you have made a great impression on the king. divine, bravo! divine. i really want to eat, i ’ll tell you a secret, don’t feed me here, friedrich wants it, badly,
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under the protection of the russian mission, mother, but i’m afraid, i want to go home, calm down, there ’s only enough excitement here for one pie, friends, you show me- it ’s nastasya’s palace, let’s go, my dear, let’s go, i’ll show you how you ended up here, my angel, i told you, there are no barriers for a lover, why didn’t you settle with us, it would be safer, we decided to stay next to the hotel de brilia. and oh, how he clung to the duchess, be careful, we are being watched, please,
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my child, oh, your majesty, it is a great honor. don’t be shy, my child, the first couple is always in sight of everyone. you need to get used to the envy of aristocrats and the shouting of the crowd, but the most important thing is not to lose tact, once or twice. and one two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three. your
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proximity drives me crazy, oh my god, how beautiful you are, crazy, hush, i beg you, i’ve lost my head. you brought me back to life, my angel, i am waiting for you, i am now, divine, i did not imagine that passion. enough of me completely, completely, completely, i ’m exhausted, let’s go out, lovely,
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oh my god, damn it! here with me. what are you doing to me?
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are you surprised by my request? that you,
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my angel, each of your kisses is worth a whole kingdom. i am ready to give not only my wallet, but also my life. why do i need your life? i would like to sort it out, but the money is a loan. in st. petersburg i will turn everything around in full. we will enter the hall through different doors. "light the candles in his majesty's office, it will be done, curtain all the windows,
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bring coffee for two people, lock the flowers all the doors, the king has a date in the blue drawing room, i wonder who he paid attention to today, you don’t touch the floor, your eyes are lakes,
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you can drown in them. you have already drowned in the eyes of my mother, courts, i hate drowned people, don’t worry, sudarnik, i am an excellent swimmer, but my angel, you are too smart for your tender age, my dear pie, you have lost all your pie from worry. you have to think broadly in a national way. prussia entrusts you with a great mission. does your daughter understand the task assigned to her? understands. you must win the hearts, the hearts of empress elizabeth, the heir of peter. your
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task is to convince empress elizabeth that politics. tuzheva is criminal, alas, we cannot fight with russia, she is too big and powerful, and therefore we must make her our ally, and after that russia can be given a good deal. now i'm interested in her army, army, navy, navy. trade, uh-huh, finance, finance, uh-huh, i will, i will think broadly in a state-like manner, but i would like precise instructions, i need people and money, money, money, wer will es aber nicht,
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"earn the rest in russia, you have enough intelligence for that, okay, your chief assistant, my ambassador in st. petersburg, mardefelt, mardefelt, yes, you will conduct all correspondence through him, with him there is a code, a code, yes, by the way, i hope that you are not taking it with you. my letters to you, don’t worry, they are in a safe place, but let’s return to my guests, i don’t want our absence to be too noticeable, then i i must talk to your charming
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daughter, i promise, i will send her to you. gentlemen, this is an old french song, grooms sang it to their brides, great, sing it to us, what a surprise! please , to my old garden, lanfra, lanfra, my dove, there are dreams hanging, lanfra, lanfra, on all
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the branches, dove, lanfra, lanfra, lantati, there is a fresh stream, the grass is thick, the bed of lilies of the valley is empty, fly to my garden , darling, good girl. we are a light dream, frenlanfra , we will pluck from a heavy branch, how sweet it is, lanfren, lanfra, such dreams, so rare, lanfra, lanfra, lantatita, wait for us, reproach us, your lips are sweeter than sleep, and the rose falls from the bush,
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on your chest until... glubka, my premonitions did not deceive me, i will always meet, i won’t hide why you are trembling. the meeting with you stunned me, and i was scared, my girl , do you really think that i am capable of harming you, and i will kill the first one who dares, but this is not necessary, calm down, i swear not a word about love, but meeting you is incredible, this a sign from above, it tells me that our destinies are destined to cross, let me in, see you, my star, see you soon, my angel, the king is waiting. blue living room in my garden lanfra-lanfra, three nightingales and a raven, they predict trouble,
1:44 pm
lanfra, lanfra, love is prophesied well, lansprad, lanstar, lanspartika, candles, farewell star, love, the last, pure, fly to my garden, dove, events on the kiev maidan and the crimean spring is already 10 years old, on the first channel ostroy plot series, transfer it through the maidan, people want kurasan from parisian coffee shops, so you need to create the illusion of rebellion, rebellion of going to the west, european values ​​were presented as an alternative to corruption, an american appears...
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normal rhythm hearts, about a lot of things it’s great to live with a friend in the program, tomorrow is the first one, sasha, dear, don’t tempt
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fate, she so mercifully brought us together far from home, take me with you, do you hear , i’m scared, i’m afraid, if i... could, i i don’t dare risk you, our journey is unpredictable, i don’t know what will happen to me tomorrow, but shaved won’t leave me, he told me about it himself, and if i’m destined to die, then together, i won’t be able to live without you, i beg you, take it , what are you, why are you sad, be it your way, our fatal shadow is visible, and where did he come from? but i won't give you to him. thank you, darling. well, now get ready. just
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warn chernishov. yes, they are good people. sash, light it up. yeah. yeah. you know, i can't see her crying. okay, don't make excuses, at least she understands everything. yes all. don't worry, honey, i'm not afraid of anything with you. well, when will our ladies finally go? it's a secret. she fooled everyone , a dark horse. how? guardian? she doesn’t trust you either, she doesn’t trust anyone, she uses us gavrilas as security, and takes money, unfortunate, adventuress, this
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for sure, don’t lend me money, he won’t give it back, but what should we do with brelya, what should we do , in my opinion, we are doomed to brelya, i can say for sure, he will not get rid of the countess, all the way to st. petersburg, i heard it myself. so, what should we do now, live, life itself will tell us, and if necessary, we will take the fight, guy, the germans are loading a carriage, they have sent for you, they demand it, urgently, we will accompany them to the very border, proud marines, on horseback.
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idiot, old ass, whale, trick me, me, like the last brat, what happened, finally, kaitan, this asshole ran away, the carriage was guarded by three, they attacked me, i accidentally stayed alive, so i couldn’t warn the owner, these are gorodny, i remember them very well, corsa, belov and... olenev, and i’m
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still wondering who this lady is next to siguzhinskaya , such a familiar mole, now everything is clear , what a baseness, to come to the palace in a woman ’s dress and follow me, they will pay me dearly for this, oh that’s it, it looks like our business has failed, as soon as your guards cross the russian border, they or rather , they will report to the authorities that the heir’s fiancée brought a french spy on her tail, damn , you know, he will inflate this situation into an international conflict and thereby he will win the case, god knows, i didn’t want to kill them, but these boys signed their own death warrant, brelya, remember, this is pointless , you will not kill all the witnesses in a row, including the duchess and her daughter, this madam is now in my hands, from the secret correspondence of king frederick of our johanna, where from? from the personal vault
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of the duchess of cerbse, you are a bravo bregli, i was not mistaken in you, hurry up in pursuit, i can’t hurry up, she robbed me to the skin , you can’t imagine how much money this adventuress extracted from me, i don’t have any money left, calm down, brely, if the case goes through and the madam from zerbst helps us bring down bestuzhev, the king of france will pay such a jackpot, yes , but for now, i ask you, gather people, the main thing is to intercept the puppies before the russian border, for eternal youth, for my star.
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thank god, our journey is coming to an end, tomorrow we will cross the border, great things await us, i will be honest with you, we are not going to russia in order to... lie in bed with a drunken fool, yes, i mean the heir, to grow up, it's time to grow up, we must learn to think broadly in a statesmanlike way, the benefactor expects great services from us, you are talking about king frederick, about the benefactor friedrich, i spoke about this... your
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father, i repeat, i, your mother, your true homeland is prussia, and everything must be done so that the russian sovereign becomes a devoted friend of our king, i understand, i must charm not only the heir, but also. .. aunt elsa, hike, i always knew that you were smart and capable! well again repeat once again what you say to aunt elsa, my angel, from the moment i saw you, i
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remember, beautifully, praying, in my opinion, we...
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tiki, i’ve already missed you. “we haven’t talked for so long, but your face is always in front of me, i hear your voice, my angel, i live for your look, your smile, your smile, your kiss, listen, do you hear”? the cricket is singing, a little violinist, and the moon 's rays, its strings, you know what the cricket is singing about, no, but i know, the nurse sang to me about it, it's a very sad story, with a wondrous light
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the night was breathing, then the star was in the window. i gave birth, oh, how the bow sings when a cricket is in love, why bother to love me, why love me, the star tells him. and yours was not for the future such a wraith, one is bright, pure, duty tells me
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to live in a cardboard, but can i forget from now on. why does the bow sing like that? when a cricket is in love, you, you, in this terrible hole, how unfair, in the end, it’s just for one night, but i’ll tell you a secret, i’m so tired of this poverty. "this is so humiliating, my angel i promise, when you are in russia, i will i will do everything so that you never feel the need for anything, the word of a nobleman, russians are all so kind, gentle, impetuous, generous,
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i don’t know, now i want to talk only about you, then repeat after me." i swear, i swear, to keep love and loyalty to princess vika, keep love and loyalty, princess, and never break an oath, and never break an oath given at an inn, given at an inn, near the city of riga, in the forest of the city of riga, kiss me!
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wizard, fuku, true love is like a ghost, they all say it, but few people say it. i saw that we
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will set off after half an hour and will keep our distance, midshipmen, something happened, master, master, about 10-12 people are galloping, they took all the horses from our farm, they asked about some two ladies and a black carriage, lord, she brought it, yeah, so... i went, so he caught up with us, go ahead, well, prince, drive to the forest, along that road to the border, there a cossack patrol is waiting for the duchess, here is the road, and you, oh, you are for us don’t worry, we’ll take charge of the breleys, buy the horses from the owner, hmm, we’ll wait until you open up in the forest, and we’ll lead the tide into the other side, over there, uh-huh, let’s take a ride in the carriage at least once, i’ll tell everyone. forward! gardomarinas. courts - i don’t understand anything, where is
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my carriage? shall we go to my shea butter? the path on the hollows is calmer, safer on the polyn river. where's my carriage? she will be repaired, she will catch up with us. it will fix it, these natives will fix it. thank you, we're a good boy. have you forgotten your book? about love. thank you. which fate gave us to see. look, wild children, wild people, and the nuluskans were falling, push hiss-hiss, let's go, bet, quickly, get out they, master, help! alyoshka, anastasy, quickly
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, give the horses to your mother, watch the wagon, alyoshka, alyoshka, drive, that's it, deer is fine, and now let the dear see, anastasia is alive in
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the carriage, the carriage, johannes' carriages, are leaving the yard, remember, chef, the horses have been driven in, mistress, hey, the horses , look, they have been pulled out, the net, look, we have pulled them
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out, well, dear ones, come on, come on, little darling, drive, drive to the forest,
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sashka, that’s it, it’s arrived, lyoshka, be careful, carriage, hold on , hold it, anastasi!
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let's go, hold the horses, they're galloping, look,
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anastasia, don't shoot, don't shoot, damn it! well, stand forward, where forward, the monsters are fencing, in the mouth, we’ll break the horses’ legs, owner, i’m local, next is the mill, they won’t leave, you see, the horse is stuck, everything is snowy, calm down, they won’t go anywhere, this is the only way to mill, look. russia cannot be understood with the mind , general arshins cannot be measured, it has something special to become , one can only believe in russia, two feelings are wonderfully close to us, in them the heart finds food, love for the native ashes, love for the father's
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crabs, don't sleep, don't sleep artist, not indulge in sleep, eternity held hostage by time in captivity. be angry with my friends, cursing, you won’t quarrel with them, i, to your great regret, am not going to fight with you, about your lies, about your statement, about yourself, i just don’t give a damn, when in vain you resort to a slogan, it doesn’t suit you will help again, and you will not wash away with all your black blood, the poet of russia, the righteous blood, civilization, film... eighth russia part two today on the first gin сnop product of the stellar group.
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hit, master, master, yes! there is another way no, no, everything is snowy, all the roads are hushed, and the krill river will not rush, he realized that we are trapped, he will give his people a rest, and then he will try to get rid of us, he also thinks that the duchess is with us, will start bargaining, and this will also help us gain time, in general, there is only one thing left to do, fool him until the first bullet, when he, that we are his... it will be late, the guests will already be in russia, let’s pray to god, lord have mercy, for the name , lord, god, the only begotten
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valeria is created, the baby valery is baptized, in the name father, amen and son, amen holy spirit, amen. valery began a visa of truth, in the name of father and son and the holy spirit. show off your brilliance. god is merciful.
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“i won’t let you in, don’t leave me, i ask, but i have to return, but what about our oath at the inn near the city of riga? believe me, i am yours with all my soul, but the circumstances are above me, our journey is over, it was dangerous, and my friends remained there, i must help, the cossacks came for us, what is it, where can i find you in st. petersburg? oh, it won’t be difficult, we will definitely meet.
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thank you, dear prince, for our beautiful secret, which made this journey such, such. i will never forget this, kike we are waiting for you, i’m coming, mom, i will definitely call you, goodbye, goodbye, prince, your services were very useful, it’s a pity that we will part, i’m forced to return. they're waiting for me, see you, let's go, touch, hey, go ahead!
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everything that happened came to me, here, didn’t it seem like, hurry up, hurry up, let’s go, yeah, go around everything, check all the posts. so that not a single mouse gets through, it’s clear, it’s clear, but what should we wait for now? they would attack at night and take their warm clothes , talk to me, idiot, you will shoot all the women in the dark, zach, come to me, i’m coming, sir, our little business, knock out those kindergartens, come here, i’m coming, i’m coming, so faster, okay, i understand,
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stop, stop!
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how could you, how could you, and you didn’t say anything, lyoshka, this is betrayal, betrayal, if i betrayed anyone, it was only myself, and the truth is a cruel thing, in my case, also dirty, i thought, talk,
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not talk, and then i decided, why do you care, why should i shift this onto you? frozen, here you are, you could rummage through the things of your beloved, like i could then at the inn, so it was you, yes, i, i, well, i had to do it, but why, because, this is a separate conversation, and you, would you be able to violate secret orders?
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true, he said, a girl with a pup in siberia, then i broke down. the vice chancellor not only threatened me, he said that russia needed this, he turned out to be right. the duchess of angolcep, a prussian spy, and this report must be conveyed by the one who remains alive.
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i don't want any trouble with you. are women, let them out, my people will escort them to the inn, i promise, nothing will happen to them, you are cowards, cowards from a brat, a real man, never hides behind women's skirts, shame, who will dare to challenge me? well, come out, let’s go,
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master, master, let’s surround the mill with straw and smoke them out, but the idiot, i would have burned them myself without a second thought, but there are women there, chevalier. anastasia is bringing you misfortune, go away, i beg you, anastasia.
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sir, we have been fooled. i always said anastasia will destroy you. this is not a woman, this is a curse, ew, creature, don't you dare, hey, puppies, i'm going to steal, come on, all together, brother, eh!
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here they are, come on, come on, come on, get it, what a shu, excuse me, where, come
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on, go for a ride, stand, rest, and now take a walk , leave only the woman alive, hey, you bastard, come here, come closer, closer, like this, sasha, i’m here, don’t bother me, i’m on my own, well, let’s continue the old conversation, and you have nothing to talk about, dishes. don’t touch me, we’re not
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tired, man, i’ll strangle you, the word bites, you’re a whore, you’re a whore, sasha. don’t touch me, hide somewhere, oh, sasha, hold on, huh!
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2:27 pm
well that's it, now you will belong to me forever, let's go, mugiyu, he loves me, he loved me, my girl, now.
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and my, seryozha, don’t go.
2:29 pm
the events on the kiev maidan and the crimean spring are already 10 years old, on the first channel there is an action-packed series transferring it through the maidan, the people want kurasan from parisian coffee shops, so you need to create the illusion of rebellion, a rebellion of going to the west, european values ​​were presented as an alternative to corruption, the american mccain appears who says: i give you everything...
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premiere, big story, maidan, today on the first, short circuit, how to restore normal heart rhythm, about this and much more in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first. the central bank of ukraine announced the arrival of the first.
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says: we will do as we think necessary.
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little one, sir, again you are shying away from a decision, again you are tormenting me at the wrong time. today is such a bright, solemn day for us, we will discuss your affairs after the reception. your majesty, yes, a letter from a policeman, not a king, an instruction in espionage, to whom is this message addressed? one very noble person, your majesty, i believe she is not refuses to confirm this, the sovereign does not want
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to see the duchess of angal-serbia with her daughter, we are on the threshold of great events, life, without proto-sensations, lifts me up, keep up, up, up, stopped, what a view, what a view, melt your shoulders , raise your head, higher, smile, splash, be more cheerful , like this, well, what do you say, aunt elzy, i remember everything, mummy, oh i’m natya, oh my year, let’s go, yeah? wait, what else, one, and two, and three, angel, i saw you, since i saw you, madam, are you familiar with this letter?
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no, do you know who wrote this letter? the handwriting of the poison fritz, in the russian king , you read it, my daughter knows nothing, which means there is something that your daughter should not know, what exactly, god knows, my soul, how i waited for this meeting, and how sadly
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to realize that i was deceived, majesty, no, no, don’t go, you were not deceived, i am so grateful to you, the worst thing is your disfavor, believe me! “the king of prussia explained to me in detail my
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duties, what they are, to achieve your friendship, to be his eyes and ears with the russian yard, to report, don’t believe it, don’t believe her , poor thing.” girl, she’s out of her mind, understand, she’s out of her mind, forgive me, forgive me, come to your senses, be silent, what is behind your frankness, my child? a danish lutheran, king frederick, patron of your house, my small, dependent, childish house. the invitation to st. petersburg was
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the highest happiness for me, such a fairy tale is similar to my former life. i still know little russians, but those whom i met captivated me with their nobility and generous. i thought a lot, i chose russia, i want to become russian, i will do everything so that the russian people love me, your majesty, i could swear to you on the icon. stand, my child, don’t be a bride, the heir to the throne is lying at your feet
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, put the princess in order, wait for me, he’ll be in the hall, no, no, not there, you and i will have a long time. thank you, chancellor, you have provided me with an invaluable service, i understand what this girl is worth. “i am your slave, your majesty, i thank you for your mercy for the lesson, but my city marins, what
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should i tell them, your majesty, they are waiting, oh, these young men deserve great praise, call them, i wish to speak with them immediately. please, you and i will go to your majesty’s audience hall. bah, this is our young rembik, and where is mother?
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honey, fike, well, i finally found you, no, no, you were mistaken, how unfamiliar we are. sofia, augusta friederika. the bride of the heir to the russian throne, follow me, her majesty does not like to wait, the night breathed with a creative light, then the star in the window. reflected, oh,
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how the bow sings when a cricket is in love, why bother loving me, why does he love me, the star tells him. but yours was not in vain, this is my fate, one is bright, pure, duty tells me to live in a cardboard, but you can forget from me.
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why does the bow sing when a cricket is in love?
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and no one could have predicted that these were the first steps to the throne, and even the most sensitive ear could not hear the small, menacing step behind the light steps.
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1757, russia is at war against prussia.
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the fog has cleared, raise the sails. i understand, guys, let's go.
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boat, boat on the left side, captain, boat. on the left side, left rudder, there is left rudder, look, look, oh, bad omen, alyoshka, this is not good, we are all under god let's go, oh, captain, it's a bad omen to meet at the beginning of the journey...
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ich weiß, ich weiß nicht, calm down, you are safe, nein, ich werde meinem könig schlagen. three miles from kronstatt , a seriously wounded man was brought on board, the unknown person is very ill, delirious, near
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death, i haven’t seen you for a long time, prince, i ’m a bookish, homely person , i haven’t acquired a secular gloss, and i have no desire to serve the state and fatherland , in the field of enlightenment, enlightenment. the rope is crying, what's the matter, count, you say about my friend, a traitor, your friend, a traitor and a criminal of the sovereign, sniffed by a zasprussian
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spy, helped escape, hid him on his ship, this is slander, i vouch for korsak, alyosha was slandered, i will be frank with you, prince, there is a suspicion that he is a resident brock.
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so, go to venice and bring me brockdorff. i undertake this only for the sake of my friend, count. can i be free, yours, no, wait, if korsyk is an honest man and faithful to his oath, he will help you. i have no doubt about it, but just in case, take it with bring someone with you to help, because you had, uh, well, in the navigating school there were dashing midshipmen. they didn’t keep bad people there, well, for example, guardsergeant pavel gorin, that at 30 years old he’s still a sergeant, but there’s no one smarter.
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goren is smart, brave, but slipped down after that scandals, drunkenness, women, why do this, duels, champagne, beautiful women, it’s good, you’ll do the job, i’ll return gorina’s rank, corsyk too, they’ll prepare the papers for you, go, thank you, your lordship . god bless, well, vasily, the darim fountains, i’ll bathe you, oh, hold on, vasily, take the sword, and champagne like a fountain of crimea, gorin, what can we bet on, let’s bet, come on, well, hold
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on, let’s go, let’s go, hey, hey, i won’t let you go, vasily , get ready, pashenka champagne, hey, hey, be careful, important, vasily, well , dearest , come on.
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no, my faithful knight, i have a small request for you, it will not bother you, you are heading to venice, don’t be surprised, there are no secrets in the palace, tell this to my aunt, remember the address, venice, venice, canal.
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passed the strait of gibraltar, the crew is in good health, the unknown person is stronger, from conversations evades, suggested that i take up fencing, you saved my life, captain, without thinking, am i friend or foe? you were near death, at the hour of death everyone is equal before god, friend, of course, friend, allow me to introduce myself, baron brokdor, a prussian officer in the service of your sovereign elizabeth, was brought to the fortress because of duels, i do not tolerate insults. on
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my mother’s side, my family has english pirate titles, so you see how dangerous i am, well done, captain! oh, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to, i didn't expect such agility from you, you're really dangerous enemy, ah, captain, i will teach you this technique, your ship is a merchant ship, but there are plenty of guns on it, your route is not a secret. by no means, instead of fighting, we are going to venice, to venice, ha, we will go to the carnival, to the carnival, as a friend i will trust you with my secret, there the most beautiful woman is waiting for me, the queen of prussia, she has never shared a marital bed, for king
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frederick is endowed with every talent except one: to love. kittens are miracles, pashka, look, you see a lady coming out of the gondola, in a black bouta, well, yes, well, in a black velvet cocked hat with meshur on
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the shoulders, i see, do you know who this lady is, no, duchess elizabeth johanna of angaltserva, pretty, mother of grand duchess catherine. a great adventurer, several years ago she was in the service of king frederick of prussia , i wonder what she’s doing here, let’s go see, no, brakdor is more important, ah, now we’ll throw one... a feast with alyosha, but first we’ll arrest dorf, ah, korsek, alyoshka, the captain went ashore, for st. andrew's flag, for the sea, for the navigation
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school, guardsmen, forward, forward, mm, good wine, good, the best in venice , it was just brought to the ship by brackdorf's relative, thanks to the crew, how she looked, charming, black bout, black velvet cocked hat, with meshura, with meshura, middle-aged, so attractive, magnificent, for a wonderful, it’s clear where the corsac went, you know the address, i ’ll look now, i have everything recorded, it seems, the grande channels, the neuro palace and...
3:00 pm
you’ll have to wait, hello, the news is on the air, in the studio ekaterina berezovskaya, election marathon, the main one is about, how is the final day going? in in some regions, voting has already ended, and civic duty and iron will. in belgorod, people go to the polling stations, despite the shelling, high.


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