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tv   Sibiriada  1TV  March 17, 2024 3:20pm-4:46pm MSK

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training to repel enemy terrorist attacks, including using unmanned boats. to defeat enemy drones, it is necessary to install additional firepower. in addition, sergei shaigu looked at the progress of construction of a new military hospital in sevastopol. the complex will be completed this year; it will include a diagnostic and treatment building, an infectious diseases department, and a blood transfusion station. in total , more than twenty buildings and structures, the company should be alone. in the second turn we reached construction pits. meanwhile , as they are being caught in ukraine , the western press is increasingly paying attention to conscripts. the american washington post writes that in some localities there are almost no age-appropriate men left. employees of the military registration and enlistment offices, in an attempt to plug holes in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, organize real raids on the streets and seize them. collection, and
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often do this while wearing the uniform of couriers or doctors. residents, as journalists note, create special chats where they warn each other about the appearance of military commissars. people are not angry; those who could have fled the country. let me remind you that the kiev regime plans to tighten mobilization even more. the verkhovna rada is discussing a controversial bill. in addition, some regions are taking their own measures, for example, in the cherkasy region they will begin to track citizens using a video surveillance system. to stop supplying western weapons to ukrainian militants, protesters in paris called on, thousands of people gathered on the central streets, holding fire posters with slogans to leave nato and the european union. the french were outraged by the statement macron, who did not rule out sending troops to ukraine, and as western media reported, tried to assemble a coalition of countries ready to transfer their soldiers there. the demonstrators say france should strive for peace, but instead it is the other way around. today is the last
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day of maslenitsa, the final farewell to winter and the welcoming of spring. throughout the country, large-scale celebrations include pancakes. for example, in moscow at the festival on revolution square, anyone could try them for free. orthodox christians celebrate forgiveness sunday on this day and prepare for lent. the most strict and long-lasting. it starts tomorrow, lasts 7 weeks and ends with easter. this year it is falling out. true mercy has no boundaries, accept my gratitude, from now on you have no more faithful friend than me, i want to give you a gift, this is a family heirloom. in return for your
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sword, which through my fault rests on the bottom of the sea, oh, this is too expensive a gift, family heirlooms should remain in the house, ah, leave the corsac, which can be more expensive than life, love, allow me to deviate, the ship cannot remain long without a captain , i beg. “darling, my husband, king frederick , was informed that you were captured in russia, but i was waiting for you here, as we agreed, i prayed for you, oh my queen, hello my love.”
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señoras, i ask you, don’t make noise, hurry up, but let down the curtains, dear servants are watching me , god, hey, morio, yes, you see, the captain, yeah, he must be killed, killed, hurry up, signora, everything will be all right, see the devil there.
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explain what is happening, why you are so excited brokdor, i saw everything, these people there are gandoli, as they are called, bravo people, assassins, bring them back, captain, a good person, and good, bad, bad, good, these are all assessments of peacetime, now is war, there are only friends and enemies, you are too generous and kind, you know who you brought into the house today, whom? chancellor bestuzhev has excellent cabbage soup, this is impossible, he is a terrible man, once by his grace i
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was expelled from russia, i know, extremely imprudent. you can’t leave traces like this behind you, when you just entered this house with him, i was almost speechless, nonsense, he never asked me about anything, and you were unconscious , you were delirious, you can’t say anything in delirium, then he didn’t question you, but you did it yourself, he handed me over to the secret police at the first port, and why ? yes, why didn’t he put me in the holds, let me go on all four sides, because now he knows that the conspirator who escaped from the russian fortress was received in the house of the queen of prussia, and now not
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only state interests are under threat, but also the royal honor , so why give me back my people? "let it be your way, in every way case, he will die like a soldier with a sword in his hand, and with what sword, captain, don’t get cold, don’t pass, captain, he’ll smile at you, we’re sailing in one step.”
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tiki, i spilled the beans, we’re going secretly, we’re going secretly, i didn’t say a word to her , but you know , there are no secrets from her, uh-huh, someone already managed to warn her, damn, she has a relative here, venice, but i couldn’t, i couldn’t refuse her, you know, here you go, lover, the slut is unleashed, proud marines , no matter what happens, let me know immediately. wait behind me, come in behind me, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on,
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rinse, set it down, go away, open it, take it
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apart to the right, devil, look what's wrong with it, ready? take it, also take it to help , finally explain what happened here, this is our friend, your friend was attacked, six
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people, here, we saw, he didn’t kill, here’s him, a knife, what prison they took him to, no i know, let’s go to court, maybe that means i’m going to this damned palace, yeah, and you and them look for a prison, we’ll meet on the ship.
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eighth russia part two today on first. cognac monte shococa - product stellor group. 10 years ago, the dream of millions of crimeans came true. the peninsula was reunited with russia. i have been living in crimea since 1960. when we moved to russia, our poverty ended. ours really came. i have been living in this state of euphoria for 10 years now. the heart of crimea is open to everyone.
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people from all regions of russia began to come to the peninsula. the crimean bridge was completed and opened, an airport was built. roads, hospitals, and kindergartens appeared in crimea. delight. i stopped seeing fields that are ownerless, that is, everything involved. hello my vines. they are alive. an absolutely incomprehensible word. understands that the oligarchs sensed his weakness, they are playing a serious game of maidan, i need
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to go to the maidan, people are waiting for me , yanukovych’s prospects are heading towards zero, the only way out for him is to take a tough position, fight back, big changes are coming here, mom, ukraine will be renewed, up to 1,000 people took part in the action, mostly activists of the nationalist freedom party. 10 no less, great, spread this topic in social media, transfer it through the maidan, premiere, tomorrow after the program time. ukraine. united states of america, if something doesn’t suit us, we will do what we think is necessary. listen, a short message to russia. don't worry about me, our benefactor will be glad to meet me. this is exactly what
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catherine would like to hear. how did you do it? force england to open a loan? your majesty, a gentleman who arrived from russia is asking for an audience with you, ask him, her majesty, the queen of prussia, russian, russian, russian, i think i’d better avoid this meeting, rockdorf, i... advise you to do the same, perhaps i’ll follow your advice, russians alone all day, i’m listening to you, sir, i’m passing through
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venice and have an order from their highness grand duchess catherine, she waiting for you from russia a present and... a letter, oh, from my royal daughter, what a meeting, what a meeting, i am glad to see you, prince, prince alenev once rendered invaluable service to us from a pike , how is my daughter, have you seen her, is she healthy she, don’t worry, what’s wrong with her, everything is fine with her, thank you, oh, this scoundrel without the cold, forbidden, don’t even worry, the fike is fine. what is this, what a delight, a true gift for the queen, an excellent thing. oh, baron, what a surprise! prince, meet baron brockdorff, the marshal of my mini-court, and this is prince olenev, russian
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traveler, at your service, prince, how do you like venice? “i am fascinated, this is a mysterious city, you were on time for the closing of the carnival, the great hour of extinguishing the lights, i invite you to spend this evening with us, it is a great honor for me, i am waiting for you at 7 pm, i i hope i will also be invited, of course, my dear duchess, thank you, i am with you, prince, i will send a gift to the grand duchess, it is a pleasure to serve. thank you, please, we are waiting for you, prince, i have the honor, letter,
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empty, recommendation. nothing more to the giver , what pike wanted to tell me, sending this, this dear prince olenev was once crazy about my daughter, give me something spicy, quickly, quickly, quickly, here take it, thank you, i recognize my daughter. the lioness is dying, this is emperor nelizaveta, the russian army will not, the russian army will not will fight with prussia, praxin's army is on the border, the old man is instructed to create
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only the appearance of war, what does appearance or army mean? or not, this means that old apraksin will bog down his soldiers in meaningless exercises, inspections, collecting fodder and treating the sick, of whom there are a great many in the russian army, like treacherous people, i didn’t finish reading, i’m in an extremely difficult situation. without cold , he suspects a conspiracy. brokdor fled.
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that you have not yet fully recovered from your wounds, and will gain strength in a life-giving climate venice, and documents of this kind need to be delivered immediately, we will do this, we need horses, a carriage and security, we leave tomorrow at... dawn. the duchess will prepare everything, but the utmost secrecy must be observed. no one should know about your departure,
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my dear, our servants are not always reliable. i'm so sorry, yuganna. you should take the time to go to the mainland. wait for me in dezintsaana on lake garda. the owner of the hotel is our man. i have to finish the encryption for your daughter. thank god, we found a messenger to russia, prince alenev. open the gate, that's it! change your clothes!
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tell someone who won’t believe it, you didn’t bother anyone all of a sudden, you’re mistaken, sir, you really bothered someone, they wanted to kill you, i’m a witness to that, petra, petra, petra, my name is petra, and you, alyosha, alexey!
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actors from all over italy come to the carnival, you can make good money and have fun. how they know this song, i don’t know, it would be an honor, it would be an honor. don’t hang your nose, proud marines, whether life is bad or good, one sail and soul,
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one sail and soul, fate and homeland are one, damn, i don't see anything, look who's there? help, sit down, well, oh, madonna, everyone is assembled , well, who is there, alyoshka, alyoshka, there are some unfamiliar gentlemen, there are two of them, they are talking about something with my father, well, what are they like, tell me what they are like , ordinary in carnival cloaks and hats, oh, one of them writes something, be careful, alesya.
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alyoshka, we’ll arrange an escape at night, guards, guards, thank god, seniors, buy some gifts, make wishes for happiness, so that,
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hurray! dear siteorists, dear sinerins, now you will see the rarest, most amazing a trick, a daring woman who turns an ordinary judge into pure gold, petra, it's me!
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polo, this is my brother, at midnight, when the clock starts striking, stay in the corner farthest from the window! well, don’t cry, don’t be afraid, everything will be fine, take me with you, to the sea, alesio, you like me, yes,
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very much. and you tell me, then why don’t you want to kiss me, alesya?
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i ask you to do me a small favor, to convey a return gift to their highness, catherine. i will be glad to serve you, attention, attention, dear seniors, before you cut it out.
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to the rescue, oh mamolia, to the rescue, hey, hey,
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lost beshol. pashka, quickly drag the brakdor into the boat, nikito, gorin, what fate, then i’ll explain, friends, quickly, come on, come on, help, like a brakdor, this, this is a brakdor story, he’s, he’s mine, then, then, hide it, make sure it doesn’t choke, that’s it, let’s leave. alesio! my dear! may madunna protect you!
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alesya! alesyao!
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the events on the kiev maidan and the crimean spring are already 10 years old, on the first channel there is an action-packed series, transfer it through the maidan. the people want kurasana is from parisian coffee shops, so you need to create the illusion of rebellion, a rebellion of going west. european values ​​were presented as an alternative to corruption. the american mccain appears and says: i will give you everything, just let’s take the decisive step. we want to support your desire for peace. the americans, on the one hand, constantly put pressure on yanukovych’s entourage, threatening sanctions if. he will suppress the so-called peaceful protest, on the other hand
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, they encouraged these, in quotes, peaceful demonstrators in every possible way, began to flirt with the nazis, they will bury you, about tymoshenko, yanukovych revived her as a politician, created her a martyr eagle, which they then rolled out onto the maidan, there were weddings around, people walked peacefully until there was blood, we see when the berkut is burning and cannot render resistance, without even service weapons , of course, the ukrainian government is guilty , including me, as...
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turned into a poet, in blood, in smoke, in fires, amid the whistling of bullets, russia attacks, regaining its place in history. premiere, alexander prokhanov. confession, tomorrow first. the great shakespeare was a great clever man, but, unfortunately, our paths diverge. he believes in beauty, and i believe in my genius, my army in english gold. “bravo, queen of prussia
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, she performs her marital duties perfectly, where is our broddorf? oh, your majesty, i was waiting for him at the appointed place, but he never showed up, and i decided to immediately go to you, don’t hesitate, your majesty, message "my daughter, i remember word for word. the baron, apparently, did not recover from his wounds, their majesty." the queen is very she is concerned about his health, she believes that the queen thinks correctly, she has earned a holiday, but people’s rumors, i am afraid that fear should not command the mind, otherwise we move away from accomplishments, like an animal, when it seems to him, ah, the great shakespeare, the great dante . so what does young ficke write, what’s
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new in russia? russia will fight prussia without fighting. i don't understand, please explain. now field marshal opraksin is located in a huge camp on the border. he is ordered to create only appearances. war, he will wind up his soldiers in countless exercise shows, will heal them in the infirmaries, good, and then you look, the lioness will give her soul to god, she is very bad, the heir pyotr fedorovich to your servants, this is exactly what i need now, first i’ll finish off my enemies quietly by... i’ll capture, and the russian bear stirs
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in his den, i will have the strength to deal with him, and he will behave moderately, he will receive a small piece of sugar, the treasurer, this money will go to the war with the russians, stinginess and caramel decorates, i am not stingy, “i know how to count money , my gold, bullets, guns, soldiers, diamond horses, why do you need them, tell me?" "i have so much money, live according to your years, great daanta, you didn’t guess, great shakespeare, shakespeare, maybe the horses are ready,
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we can go, it’s still early, we’re almost all of europe at night galloped, why take the risk when there is only one stage left to russia, pashka, yes... “you’re afraid i’ll run away, don’t worry, the prussian officer knows how to lose, what the hell are you an officer, you are a man of dishonor, a real officer, he meets the enemy face to face, and you stabbed me in the back, you are ungrateful
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and vile murderer, your filibuster ancestors were turning over in their graves, out of shame for their..." he sprang an insignificant one, a prisoner, it’s easy to insult, if i were in a different situation, don’t flatter yourself, baron, there won’t be a duel between us. "oh my god, for don’t worry about me, our benefactor will, pashka, pashka,
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continue the correspondence with apraksin, what is this? continue the correspondence with the aproxim, the haircut is sensitive to signs of attention, hand, hand, bastard, lyoshka, lyoshka, see your legs. well, come on, come on, get him, look for the brooch,
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the note case, yeah, he trampled it into the sand, bastard, help, chill out , what are you doing, nikiton, the note disappeared, what the hell, it couldn’t have disappeared, i told you, he needed to tie his legs, who knew, drink an important note, he’d deliberately trample on it although, damn it, we’re coming, we should have looked at this box earlier, it’s not in vain that he’s hunting for him without effort. some kind of mysticism, i found the case, there is nikiton, oh my goodness, oh you are mine, read, the apraksin stream is sensitive
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to signs of attention. here is a brochure, put it on my dear, come on nikiton, give me this one poundlittle, i'll hide it away, well , guys, it's getting dark, it's time to go, hey, hey, hey , you're leaving, you're leaving, damn it, on the cutting edge, stop, he'll leave, he'll leave, he won't leave, he won't leave. and oh scum, wait,
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forward, wait, you won’t get away, forward, forward! “i’ll get you out of the ground,
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stand, stand, come on. it was clear that there was a coup in the state,
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there was no power in the country, such a good situation had been created in which decisions could be made in accordance with the will of the people. aksyonov stood here he said: guys, we need to block all strategically important objects. we sent a letter to the leadership of the russian federation. we understood that we couldn’t control the situation on our own; we needed our russian troops to arrive faster. the crimea-ukraine transfer is a historical oversight that was corrected by a referendum, with more than 96% in favor of reunification with russia. we are in russia, guys, for the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia. crimea, as it was, the premiere. watch the time after the program,
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happiness for me is coming to my ultimate goal, never stopping, always go towards your dream and never see its limits. when everyone is alive and healthy and there is this inner peace, when i... get very high grades and are given medals, this is necessarily love for your child, otherwise it will just be looking after the child, and not being a father, since the grandmother is a teacher, she can reincarnate, be a snow queen today, a hedgehog grandma tomorrow, whatever you want, even a settled pechkin, live happily, live in the moment, everything will be fine with you, there will be peace in your soul so that every person has achieved. what he wants and for dreams to be forgotten, i have no hope, the rank promised me for this pirate, and now i think
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that the east will put everyone together, served him faithfully and truthfully, and after the first denunciation i wrote him down as a traitor, soon our good will be forgotten, that means so , you and i are looking for brackdorf, well, an order is an order, and you go to st. petersburg, hand over an encrypted note without an ink. well, the brooch is full of grief, prince, fate itself will win, look around, you never know if there is a lot of resentment in russia, ask a man, granny, there is no resentment in russia, what to humiliate a girl without shame, what to detect?
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lapa without trial, drunk or sober , ask, insult is cheap in russia, even if it’s a small town itself, get insulted for tarma, nasya, light a golden tobacco, what do we care about someone’s insults, but maybe a crazy cricket is creaking, but your conscience is not sleeps, ah, the prince is smoking a golden cigarette, what do we care about someone’s insults, but...
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either a crazy cricket is creaking, or maybe your conscience is not sleeping, the devil or the angel, ask, it’s cheap , insult in russia, because and the devils are bright, that’s why the angels are pale, aren’t we friends of our fatherland, and why? well, without strength we are princes, as if from falsehood , don’t ask for the truth, insult in russia is cheap. oh, prince,
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light up a golden tobacco, we don’t care about anyone’s offense, but either a crazy cricket is scratching, or your conscience is not sleeping, it’s necessary to drag this pirate through three borders and let him pass.
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you are in no hurry to see me, prince, it seems that you are not so devoted to your fic, mine? do you doubt this? come on, repeat, i swear, to maintain love and loyalty to the princess. i forgot this oath, madam. what does it mean? you made me your toy political intrigues, or a lucky chance saved me from betrayal? no, i didn’t deliver. have you betrayed me? where is the letter? at
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bestuzhev's. and here is a gift to you from queen christina. leave it to yourself. don't cry, everything will work out. what have you done? my god, you ruined me, because you are the heir to the throne, the mother of the heir. she will forgive you. yes it is possible. don’t forgive you, leave me, outside the knight, the black knights of the palace, for the sake of the royal favor and career you betrayed love, i believed you so much, your highness, the sovereign does not want to see you and does not hesitating, go, i follow you, here i obey your highness, prince, help
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me, lace up quickly, listen, i could not do otherwise, with all my love, what was written in the response message? it will help you find it, don’t worry about me, yeah, our benefactor will be glad to meet me, meet, continue correspondence with apraksin, the old man is sensitive to signs of attention, oh really, how can i thank you, prince, wait for me behind the screen and don’t unlock it for anyone , well, let the girls push themselves,
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it’s not according to rank, mother, nothing will happen, it’s a painfully sensitive matter, yes, where is the coffer, i must appear before this fic in full detail, don’t worry about me, our benefactor will be glad, continue meeting with me, with kusopravzin, old man, sensitive to signs of attention, oh,
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worn out are you your earthly image elizaveta petrovna? it appeared. oh, and we will have a serious conversation, i only need the truth from you, swear before the images, well, i swear, do not let me lie before your face, in the name of father and son and the holy spirit. amen. and punish me and my entire family for every word of untruth. god. sir, explain to me what this letter means? can i guess who this letter is from?
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my poor mother writes this, but why did the queen of prussia give it to her? is she a relative? but i forbade you to correspond with the yuaganna, she serves frederick, it was not for nothing that i expelled her from. russia, whether she is good or bad, but she is my mother, okay, well, what were you corresponding with sopraxin about, what gift are we talking about? but i don’t correspond with field marshal, i once congratulated him on his birthday, and my mother wanted to give him a gift, she has known tapraksin since
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visited russia, what kind of benefactor are we talking about, this is another... admirer of my mother, and his name is frederick of prussia, oh your majesty, you don’t believe me, the worst thing for me is your disfavor, i can no longer live in fear and suspicion . the hatred of the grand duke , gossip at court slander without pushing, this is eternal torture, it is so humiliating, i beg you, let me go home to my poor mother, you have a son, i will take him
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with me, my poor boy, he is not a poor boy, he is the heir the russian throne, bypassing his father? parsley is a fool and a drunkard, no that it is held by a russian skipper, and not a child? may the almighty god hold you back, may the almighty god prolong your days, so that he will ascend to the throne as a mature husband, that you will finish, do they live so long, he will ascend to the throne as a gentle youth, a smart and devoted regent, no, i don’t want a terrible fate for my son.
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“my grandson, his father and mother have tea, no, it’s not right for a son to go ahead of his father, the throne of inheritance does not tolerate leapfrogs, the russian throne has suffered enough from this, it’s my destiny , anna leopoldovna doesn’t blaspheme, i won’t give it to you.” “okay, broke up, it hurts like me
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i’ll say, it will be like this, i see right through you, i know your whole game, you’re a bitch, but you’re smart, the russian throne could use a little intelligence, just don’t be too smart, otherwise you’ll turn into a total fool, go!” remember, no one can see you i'll let you down, goodbye your majesty, your mother, it's not like you believed her , you said it yourself, we need to crush the reptile. who
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will i leave the throne for? petrushka is a fool, pavel petrovich is a baby, and kaska, don't tell me, has character and a good head shoulders. but what about apraxin? write the order to march immediately, stop friedrich tearing europe apart, smash to smithereens, and give berlin to my swords. nom.
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to your great regret, i’m not going to fight with you, about your lies, about your statements, about yourself, i just don’t give a damn, when in vain you resort to words, it won’t help you again, and you won’t wash away the poet of russia with all your black blood , righteous blood, civilizations, film eight, russia, part two, today on
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the first. 10 years ago, the dream of millions of crimeans came true. the peninsula was reunited with russia. i have been living in crimea since 1960. when we moved to russia, our poverty ended. ours really came. for 10 years now, i have been living in a state of this euphoria. the heart of crimea is open to everyone. people from all regions of russia began to come to the peninsula. the crimean bridge has been completed and opened. the airport has been built.
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you can go out, prince, i apologize for keeping you, i didn’t want to let you go without a farewell word, you didn’t pass the exam for a paladin, but you passed the exam for a subject, well, honest people are still needed by the fatherland, i i know how to forgive and i won’t hide it resentment towards you. understand, russia does not need to fight, but to be friends with frederick, here is health, vigor and the future. an alliance with frederick will make us stronger. the cold-hearted politics has become numb, like our poor
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empress. go, prince, i release you from our oath. sometimes remember the little fike, you fool, farewell, fike!
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done, you and i, a package for the battery , you serve here, send here, an order from the sovereign, mr. field marshal, since when don’t volunteers carry dispatches from the sovereign, the sovereign, seeing...
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yes, the channel’s priest is up to something again, but give me yesterday's message, darling, that it was delivered to us by pigeon mail, eh? “advice for hannibal, take care of the slurp,
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you can’t deny their highness the foresight, come on, this is a note to bestuzh, he made it all a joke, and the translation of this pistol is simple , don’t interfere, take care of us, lord, win against frederick, so we like and we don’t climb, lest frederick climb himself, surprise is his strategy, but the sovereign does not demand a victory battle, now i’m like vitsya from the russian fairy tale: you go to the right, you’ll lose your horse, if you go to the left, you yourself won’t live you will, but if you go straight, the russian knight doesn’t walk straight, he runs to drink the selection, or maybe it’s better to save the bread? tell me, where is
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the cavalry? that little forest over there, baren, you see, they were just taken there behind him into the hollow, thank you, they gave up again, plow, and what is that village called, where the prussians are standing?
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but praxin did not deceive us. tram-tam-tam-tram-tam-tam. our time has come, gentlemen. you should attack suddenly, when the enemy is eating, sleeping or praying, he is unarmed. so, let’s advance by platoon. with a quick step, as always, bypassing the attacked center, cavalry strikes powerfully on the flanks. “you know, i was even given the title of genius of quarry strikes, and all my genius is six
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shots per minute, one more charge, one more shot than the enemy. rockdorf, what do you say about the company’s plan? honestly, your majesty, you should always answer honestly . your kitchen is becoming monotonous. you are not embarrassed by the location of the russian cavalry, your majesty, owner
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of an exceptional gift, vogel spoils people's mood at the wrong moment, of course , i don’t like the russian cavalry, but i i’m sure that they won’t be sent into battle this time, so go ahead, my generals, the disposition is clear, i ’m with you and...
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the power of light is to the right, the first line in the russian camp, fire, lord, what to catch, lie down, damn it, horse ! melnik grigoriev, build an order for the battle, and i’m good to the headquarters, go ahead, drink, french, calmly, without panic, prepare the regiments for battle, who dared to violate the order, friedrich,
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yours. i feel sorry for the soldiers, frederick’s recruits are shooting just as fast, the rate of fire is sudden, his tactics, yes, your lordship, the cavalry
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is ready for battle, the enemy has exposed the left flank. for warsaw, for moscow, for the urals, join, this is
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not for you to take snow fortresses, this is a strategy. i got stuck on strategy, the old one helped, the enemy takes it, go ahead, the lessons should be as spiritual. conversation, what worries children, what worries teachers, parents? i am proud that at the age of 30 i had a son, he makes me happy from morning to evening, if you think about my travels, i have traveled all over russia, we have the kindest people on our entire planet earth, the most responsive, ready to come to each other for help, to lend a shoulder in difficult times, i don’t ask you in any way
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doubt, my grandfather is a cossack, by god i’m not lying, every person who appears in your life is like a piece of a puzzle, he completes himself so that you remain as you are, for you are the real wealth of russia, so that every russian has found himself in this big world, and so that we can live, as they say, and not worry, the events on the kiev maidan and the crimean spring are already 10 years old , there is an action-packed series on channel one, transfer it through the maidan, people want kurasan from parisian coffee shops, so the so-called peaceful protest, on the other hand
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the parties did their best to encourage these, in quotes , peaceful demonstrators , began to flirt with the nazis, they will... bury you, about tymoshenko, yanukovych revived her as a politician, created her a martyr eagle, which they then rolled out onto the maidan, there were weddings around, people walked peacefully , until the blood appeared, we see this how...
4:44 pm
in the history of prime minister alexander prokhanov , confession tomorrow at the first one they missed a mistake, and why there was no alarm signal , i say they missed it, the germans outwitted us, nothing, stay close to the prince, you’ll be lost, hear, do you hear, it seems that our people are being pushed back, oh, we should get help from our own people, it’s time to strike, they drove the devil into the swamp, what is praksin thinking
4:45 pm
about, an order is an order, the prussians, the prussians broke through the line, we are retreating, and you were burying the enemy here, laying them down in knots.


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