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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 18, 2024 12:50am-1:35am MSK

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this made an impression on me, you said that your life is like a waterfall, the number of events, unexpected turns, it is huge, but i want to tell you that in this waterfall there is a huge flow of love, trust, gratitude. citizens , which you should feel, these meetings were so sincere, you know, at the same time i also went to the art school in sevastopol, beautiful, incredible, met with teachers, with children, here they are all children, tell vladimir vladimirovich, hello, we love him so much, of course it is it’s impossible to come up with... to do it on purpose, and
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you know, here i am, why i was talking further in tver, the children suddenly suddenly suggested such a thing, unexpected, he says, is it possible, we have pushkin’s map, is it not possible, we also really love books, isn’t it possible that we have the opportunity to buy books, yeah, so i uh. i did, i said, i ’ll pass on your request, because the guys also told her, maryana antonna told me about going in for sports, but that’s all clear, yes, but when i heard that we love to read books, and they are expensive now, of course, it suddenly struck me, this is where in tver, it was in... in general
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, there are a lot of offers, we put it all together, yeah , we’ll tell you, so as not to distract ourselves too much, thank you very much, yes, thank you, because with us, i’m almost sure, it would be possible to answer almost everything that you discussed with people when you met with him.
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but we were charged with such a crazy message from people, and today this is the result, you see, a special , extraordinary, huge country, extraordinary people, the best president in the world, they will never, no one do anything to us, all attempts, yes, they turn against, the whole world clearly saw this today, we cannot be crossed, we are special the people and we can only cooperate constructively.
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certainly, but there is no single one, now this path has begun in st. petersburg, taken the moscow system, maybe it will really be convenient for everyone, but you need to think about it, work it out, but of course everyone already wants to be in one, in unified communication works in it and given that people move around the country, of course, it is very important that information about their health is available in a single information space, this is clearly demonstrated to us in bashkardostan in fapa in the village. there was a doctor paramedic , you know, it’s great, absolutely, of course , it’s very shocking in general how people react to challenges, in soransk we were at a biochemist, it ’s a waste, you opened another workshop there, and
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colleagues, now there was a problem there with film coating pills are a problem for the industry as a whole, such a difficult one, but one that has brought us down. at a loss for many manufacturers, in 3 weeks they made a film coating, which in its medical properties is significantly better than what we received for their production from germany, this is the attitude towards any challenges as points of growth, it is, but it is touching, crazy, cannot help but please, of course, children please, children, extraordinary children, students, we are in almost all regions...
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and medical teams, adult medical teams can be combined with children's units, they are ready to work in difficult and remote areas to see patients, and this needs to be developed, we brought a lot of proposals, of course, the children were amazed by the world festival, those who
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were there were brought to tears, well, really, i’m a woman, and of course it’s very touching to hear, the girl is crying, telling... how she was not far from you, how proud she was that she lives in russia, because there were foreign delegates around her, they still speak russian poorly, they learned the word russia, they they chanted, they were admiration for our country, and this is the pride that brings tears to a young person, it’s worth a lot, it’s true, the experience is priceless, i’m grateful for this experience. i am immensely grateful for the opportunity to work with such trust in your team, and of course, there are a lot of proposals , from small projects to very significant things that should and should be paid attention to within the framework of the projects that you voiced in your message to the federal assembly, we
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have already started work through a lot of things with popular front, well, we’ll probably summarize all this and offer it to you for consideration in the future, thank you very much. thank you, yes marya, thank you very much, as for the practice in those regions where, unfortunately, it is still not only difficult and dangerous, but we have had many young people undergo practice, you know, this is good during the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, well , i understand that such a movement probably exists, the internal desire of people to be where it is difficult and where people need ...
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regions of our country, of course, i would like more, but i didn’t have enough time, i’ll gladly take the opportunity and travel through the rest of the regions, well, so to speak, in terms of tourist trips. uh, first of all, i would like to say hello from the military guys, i stopped by at the front line to see my guys, to the guys who are holding the line of defense next to my guys, from the guys who are undergoing recovery, rehabilitation in the hospital, that’s a huge support, huge words of gratitude from every hospital, from every ward in which i entered, they directly conveyed, asked shake hands, he says, as a rule , shake five hands and allow you to shake, well, here ’s a huge word of gratitude and support
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, and also from the teams of enterprises, i visited several defense enterprises in perm and zhevsk, the volume of work they are now producing really amazed me, because that we, being at the front, understand that the artillery is now working, well , as much as possible, we always had worries about what would happen to the barrels after the abundance of such... i stopped by the plant in perm, i realized that everything was in order, that is, there will be no problems, work is in full swing, the teams are really energized, they work three shifts seven days a week, constantly , well, again, huge support, huge words of gratitude, because the enterprise really works, they are busy, i don’t know , it’s 200 to 300%, that is, there is even a shortage of personnel, because well, it’s hard , so to speak, to raise this level, but the volume of work is big, the volume is big, yes, but in principle the situation turns out, that is, they are already
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, so to speak, leading their future specialists from school, uh, secondary technical institutions educational, accordingly, that is, it also works in this direction, it’s also huge, you know, as i was once asked, is there hope for our youth, you know, confidence, looking at our... youth, after talking with them, you feel great confidence in the future of our country is that they will indeed continue our work, and the country will be in clear hands in the right direction, they will preserve our identity, the vector of development of our country, the development that you set in your message to the federal assembly for the coming years there really have been there and strategic plans have been voiced, which i think for... youth, our generations will continue to develop, i have heard many wishes, and from
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myself, probably, personally, to develop tourism, these are the tourist routes, we really have something look in our country, and i saw it with my own eyes, even in those short periods of time that i was allotted to this or that region, and i realized that there really is room to go deeper, to study. these are historical facts, these are the culture of the peoples who live in these regions, there are a lot of historical monuments, which i really discovered for myself, i recommend to all my friends to visit all the historical places to get acquainted, because indeed history repeats itself in many things, that’s if you know the island mudyuga, this is where the first concentration camp was created, for example, a lot. i knew about the interventionist war, yes, the twentieth year of that century, but i didn’t know about this concentration camp,
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history really repeats itself, right there i was in simphepol and was in the red concentration camp, which is called and the story is the same after a certain number of years, and you know very well that now in the united territories that we liberated, the same traces of crimes are being discovered on the other side, and i think we still have quite a few crimes against civilians. yes, these places really need to be restored and tourist routes made, so that our youth really get acquainted with history and understand why we are doing all this and why, so that in the future they will not encounter such things again dangers, well, and a huge thank you to you for the trust that you have shown us, my colleagues and i communicated with our friends, indeed we received great... mm pleasure from visiting and communicating with our people, as this is the expression
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in earth, because really - that support, those words of gratitude are impressive, well, really, well, impressive, they have formed today in percentage terms and this is really the expected result, once again i would like to convey to you the words gratitude for my battalion, my guys, if i don’t tell me this, they won’t forgive me, huge words of gratitude. give them support too, our battalion is waiting for commands, ready to carry out orders from its supreme commander, thank you, thank you, a big hello to the guys too, and words of gratitude addressed to them. first of all, but uh, you know , i would like to return once again to what i just said, i would ask you then to summarize everything that - you have developed during meetings with people of direct contact, direct communication, and we you will do everything in order to realize to the maximum what people expect from not
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even me personally, from the authorities in the broadest sense of the word, if necessary, we will conduct, ask the deputy on...
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election commissions, and the numbers now are as follows : vladimir putin gains 87.18%, nikolai kharitonov 4.22%, vladislav divankov 4.2% and leonid ludsky received 3.16%. that's all, keep an eye on the time, stay updated on events, the processing of protocols of precinct election commissions continues, all the details are in the releases news on the first. i don’t want to miss the channel, i don’t want this gang from ukraine to destroy the colony of moscow, all alive, all alive.
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crimea chose the path to russia many years ago in 1991, when the ussr was collapsing, but then no one knew that the crimeans had another 23 years of continuous struggle ahead of them, russia. but the main catalyst for the crimean events was the coup in kiev in the winter of 2014. it is our responsibility to create a people's council. in crimea they clearly understood that the new authorities in kiev, embracing radicals and
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ingratiating themselves with nationalists, would doom crimea to a bloody conflict. confirmation of this. there was a return home to the peninsula of the beaten, humiliated fighters of berkut , the burning capital of ukraine in february 2014, a low basement for you guys, literally following berkut to the crimea, a friendship train set out from kiev, that’s what ukrainian nationalists called the train they went on with appreciative humor to simferopol, in order to force the russian crimea with iron and blood...
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crimean autonomy is not part of, not ukraine, but the soviet union, voted 93% of the inhabitants of the peninsula, a unique figure.
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the document is questioned, since changing the borders of the former soviet republics was not within the competence of the presidium of the supreme council, but work on the mistakes was carried out in the same 1954. on april 26, the supreme council of the ussr issued a law that approved this decree and made corresponding changes to the country's constitution, but why was this decision made? historians say:
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there was also a politburo, there was a presidium of the central committee, the issue was resolved in 15 minutes, despite the objections of the communist leadership there in crimea, despite the objections of molotov and some other leaders, the main thing for khruchev was to cook it up. the first secretary of the cpsu central committee, khrushchev made a royal gift to ukraine in order to gain support from the influential ukrainian communist party in preparing the twentieth congress. crimea has become a bargaining chip in the big game.
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calmly, and people didn’t seem to understand, well, yes, they gave me a certificate of maturity in two languages, in russian and ukrainian, so what? some specific culture, there was more i take exams in russian, no one demands anything from me, all this was normal, however, when the soviet union approached its last point, the centrifugal forces of nationalist sentiment strengthened in the republics, a referendum on state and legal status was announced in crimea. by the way. this was the first referendum in the ussr. in january 1991 , official kiev simply ignored the crimean referendum, adopting a law on
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the restoration of the crimean autonomous soviet socialist republic within ukraine. we, of course, thought about returning to russia, but the ninety-first year came, the famous boris nikolaevich yeltsin, he gave up crimea. considering that this is all temporary, we still have a taboo within the cis to discuss the events of the ninety-first year, you see, therefore, unfortunately, it is also our fault that ukraine has become the ukraine it is today. and then this process, it simply crystallized. immediately after the signing of the belavesh agreements in december 1991, the main question arose about the ownership of the military naval base in sevastopol and the black sea ships. fleet. captain first rank sergei gorbachev served on the headquarters at that time fleet, in the commander's office. he remembers well what plans kiev was making then.
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ukraine wanted to completely privatize the fleet, one might say, the main forces of the fleet were in crimea, in sevastopol, and the fleet is makhina, it is 833 ships, 30 submarines, 50 ocean zone ships, 9,400 military personnel, about 1,000 white-collar workers, these are families , these are veterans, that is , well, the minister, so to speak, and the fleet refused, unlike the military districts, which are on the territory... it was the black sea fleet that became kiev in 2014. russian sailors for the main support of crimea in the confrontation with the crimeans was the guarantor that the situation would develop peacefully, and if there had not been the black sea fleet here, then everything could have turned out completely differently. st. andrew's flag on russian ships in the sevastopol bays was a symbol of security.
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old people, veterans, adults, active military personnel, women and children understood , as if the fact is that sevastopol, well, there is some kind of special spirit, unity, because of the fleet, because of such a history, they tried to intimidate the city of russian sailors for a long time and more than once. 1 in march 1992, i went to sevastopol on the so-called friendship train, 10 carriages filled with militants from...
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sevastopol residents, black sea residents, veterans, everyone. it was such a moment of truth when i looked at this coven, hooligans , nazis going wild, everyone in general we came to the conclusion that we were not on the right path. with
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independent ukraine, despite the actions to intimidate the threat, in crimea they still believed in a civilized divorce from ukraine, but already in march 1995 it became clear that one should not count on normal relations from kiev, ukraine introduced simferopol troops and armored vehicles, the guards were disarmed, how this was done, i will not retell, all means were turned off. the first president of the republic of crimea, yuri mishkov , was overthrown and expelled; it was a real coup d'etat staged by the ukrainian authorities in crimea. 19 years later, in 2014, kiev’s plans to act also failed. in the late nineties, everything was different; these were the years when overseas businessmen developed a serious appetite for the crimea. in may 1997.
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but at the same time they want ukraine to be a member of nato, so that ukraine is not just not russia, and for it to be anti-russia, that’s exactly what a russian federation can never be. the power bloc, in this case , the us naval forces, together with ukraine, conducted these exercises in the summer of ninety-seven, as the first step towards mastering, towards squeezing, now the word is after the fourteenth year, after donbass appeared, crimea from russia. but why
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did the united states, with which russia had the best possible relations in the nineties, already put its voice on crimea? exactly. the nineties are considered to be the period of the closest friendly relations between moscow and washington. it is all the more surprising to realize that it was then that the beginning of the military confrontation between russia and the united states in the black sea began. slowly but surely, they tried to push us out of crimea. during the cold war, the peninsula was of strategic importance to the soviet union in terms of control of the black sea. this state of affairs exists to this day. pursuing their policy of weakening russia, the united states and nato hoped that by supporting ukraine they would be able to deprive russia of control over the base in sevastopol. ukraine's military cooperation with
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nato and the united states has been systematically expanding. a resident of sevastopol, a graduate of the naval school , ian gagin, observed this process for many years. only on lease, for a period until 2017 , the fleet found itself in a difficult situation, it was difficult with fuel, food, the ships did not go to sea, they stood against the wall, of course, this affected the preparedness
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of the crews, in the nineties, the fleet, of course, did not could receive modern weapons, ukraine did its best to prevent the supply to the fleet of new weapons, in fact... if in march 2014 ukraine had decided to conduct a force operation against the russian fleet, then there would have been nothing to hold the defense with. such a development of events at that moment did not seem at all impossible, especially since nato structures were already firmly entrenched in sevastopol by that time. all the activities of the foreign powers of the nato countries boiled down to pushing the forces of the black sea fleet out of the peninsula altogether, and we all know very well that the americans, their other colleagues in the bloc, they did everything to ensure that ukraine terminated this treaty, in order to push the black sea fleet out of here, permanent
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nato presence posts were formed, primarily in sevastopol. so what interested western emissaries in the first place? representatives of foreign services of special foreign armies were interested in objects that were somehow... connected with the black sea fleet, with the russian one, in order to exercise some kind of control, some kind of surveillance, collect information about the activities of the fleet and so on, and so on. accordingly, suitable objects were selected, that is, for example, here is also a naval school, it is located on one of the capes, from which it is very easy and simple to collect information about all ships that go to sea, that are at sea, carry out radio interceptions, carry out electronic reconnaissance, plus the school was also interesting because - from the very beginning, from the first courses, the enemy selected the most talented cadets of the ukrainian school for service at home, that is, they trained them for themselves. in the sevastopol the appearance of the american military was invariably accompanied by protest rallies.
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a resident of the city of rim matsarik has been participating in such actions for 15 years. and we, every call we never missed were these freaks. bandera freaks, you know what they did, they were the last calls of nato ships, mostly there were american ships, they took it, so this one there is iron.
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us naval command. the order was published in 2013 by engineering. the estimated cost of construction is from 250 to 500,000 dollars. on top, here she is this is where it is located. it was here that , according to the plan of foreign specialists , their intelligence center was supposed to be located in the attic of this building. the equipment would be located in the attic after repair. from this height , the roadstead and the entire bay are again clearly visible. and... foreign intelligence services. then they
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can kindly be safely called presence posts that were allowed onto the peninsula by the new ukrainian government. the sbu building was such a reference point. on the map of sevastopol there were objects that are here on lenin street, right here again, control over our ships, which were located in the southern bay, was precisely... the building of the headquarters of the ukrainian naval forces, well , was also one of the workplaces of representatives of nato intelligence services, that is, they also felt at home there. on may 27 , 2006 , the american transport ship evantage arrived at the seaport of feodosia, ostensibly to prepare for the seabris, but the cargo was delivered by the american ship. the united states and nato, under the guise of exercises
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, are going to settle in eastern crimea , spread with lightning speed: the port was surrounded hundreds of people. a purely american ship of american registration with military equipment entered the commercial port of the city of feodosia. we started blocking on the 26th, here at this place they brought it.
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at the session of the city council at the next convocation, we accepted that our territory of feodosia without nato, the republic of crimea accepted that the entire territory of the republic of crimea without nato, this went throughout ukraine. let's fast forward for a moment to 2014 and try to imagine the american contingent with weapons and military equipment on the crimean peninsula. how could i washington’s response to the fact that...
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emphasized that if nato infrastructure is placed on the territory of ukraine, russian missiles could be aimed at this country, not only to say, it’s scary to think. that russia, in response to such a deployment , will aim its strike missile systems at ukraine. well, just imagine for a second, this is what worries us. viktor yushchenko hastened to assure in response that the rapprochement between ukraine and nato does not pose a threat to anyone.
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ukraine will be in nato. this is a historic occasion for our people. gradual surrender territory of ukraine for the needs of nato, under the pretext of euro-atlantic integration. cooperation in the black sea region is one of the key directions of ukrainian foreign policy for european and euro-atlantic security. in 2008 , the ukrainian navy planned a high-profile ideological action, the installation of a bronze plaque on the count's pier in honor of the ninetieth anniversary of the formation of the ukrainian fleet, thus establishing the legitimacy of its presence. on the retaining wall of the gravsky pier, here they tried place a sign that
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would immortalize this great event, in their opinion. well, when did the townspeople find out about it, in general.
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they are waiting for the power of nato to come here in order to close russia, close it, ensure, well, violate its guarantees of its security, well, imagine, here next to it there are more than 200 kilometers of russia, and here nato stands, well, these are their dreams, plans for the creation of a nato base in sevastopol was delayed due to the signing of the kharkov agreements in 2010 by russian president medvedev and ukrainian president yanukovych. extended the stay of the russian black sea fleet in crimea by 25 years at once, but despite this, cooperation between ukraine and nato continued under viktor yanukovych, but no one was going to calmly wait until 2035 until russia itself leaves crimea.
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in the winter of 2014, the issue of the future of ukraine was being decided in the center of kiev; the protesters were openly supported by representatives of the united states and the european union. those who recently defended nato officers from the crimeans found themselves literally on the other side of the barricades. the berkut special police unit stood up against aggressive crowd. after the maidan victory , a real hunt began for the berkut soldiers. when the event.


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