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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 18, 2024 12:15pm-3:00pm MSK

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here in the united states there is voting by mail, no, you started smiling , and this matters, well, voting by mail, what is it, here is a person, today we have, well, in the states , voting time ends someday, and you can use ballots throw in until 12:00 at night, because they put a postmark on the post office on those days that have not yet ended, they bought a vote for 10 dollars, and then bought a thousand votes.
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well, just today the country is celebrating an important date: 10 years ago, crimea and sevastopol were reunited with russia. the president signed a historical document. before this, almost 97% of voters on the peninsula voted for the return in a referendum. a large festive procession dedicated to the crimean spring took place today at vdnkh. the action was called crimea sevastopol - russia forever. participants walked from the main entrance to pavilion 75. glad these are our people.
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they found peace, they found freedom, happiness to them, good luck, such emotions are off the charts, right, we, when the referendum was held in 1914, we cried, we hugged each other friend, firstly, i am a crimean, of course , this is super important for me, i lived in crimea for 19 years, and they still continue to come there, my parents live there, so for us this is a national holiday, one might say, a family holiday, and for all crimeans, this is simply the best day of the year, crimea, sevastopol, russia. always! hooray! various celebrations will also take place until the end of the day. evening in moscow. rally, concert, 10 years in my native harbor. broadcast after the evening news at 6:00 p.m. and at midnight watch the documentary film crimea. how it was. and on that's all for now. we are monitoring developments, and the information channel on the first will continue with the program “time will tell.” information channel. on the first one he continues
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his work, anatoly kuzichev is with you. and our project, time to remember. today i pronounce these phrases with special feeling, it’s time to remember. exactly 10 years ago, crimea returned to russia, to its native harbor, as they say, this historical event took place after the free will of the crimeans, after the referendum. for our viewers in europe and ukraine, i’ll explain what it is, this is when people come. at the polling station and say what they want, it’s called there, sometimes elections, this is an explanation for ukrainians, sometimes a referendum, in this referendum 96.5% of crimeans voted for the return of the peninsula to russia. people spoke out for their fate, for returning to russia so unequivocally that i don’t know how to challenge their choice logically, but substantively , it was simply impossible. it should be noted that this is a return. it wasn’t just a return,
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it was a return after a long struggle, so crimea returned to russia, the third day without sleep, but now only forward, my spring is coming, let the whole world wait, 8 years. for many years we fought on the edge, and now i see the white light, i hear your footsteps, my homeland is returning, my homeland is returning, my homeland is returning, my homeland is returning.
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there are no tears in my heart, i will remove the evil spell, my land will become bright. and not in black demu, you sent a smile for your sons, forgive me, we did not all reach the victorious fires, my homeland is returning, returning, you know, not there are probably a lot of... events in the world , geopolitical, exactly, geopolitical, so to speak, important events, in which there is a dimension for absolutely everyone, definitely emotional, well, there are events, there are such decisions, and so on, and this is all through , excuse me, this is not just pathos, this
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is my strong feeling of understanding, through everyone’s heart, and look how cool it is, we realized ourselves in the high sense of the word, we used this word before at school and so on. and we realized that we are a country, in a high in the sense of the word, we are a country, and in general, suddenly we realized what it is, it’s us, however, well , i hope you agree with me, now we will discuss from all angles from the emotional, but mostly from the geopolitical, what it is it was right after the commercial. if you like your job, you will overcome even the small difficulties that arise with pleasure. we ourselves are responsible for our lives, and we ourselves must decide what our life will be like. what wonderful people we have, not only women, but all
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people, what a wonderful country we have, together we can a lot. many people go in for sports, and this makes me very happy, so i would like to urge all russians to support this path. now you can exhale and calmly practice only the eu. from this moment on, the confrontation takes on a positional character. yanukovych does not understand that the oligarchs sensed his weakness and are playing a serious game of maidan. i need to go to the maidan. people are waiting for me.
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yanukovych's prospects are heading towards zero. the only way out for him is to take a tough position and fight back. big changes here they're coming, mom. ukraine will be renewed. forward! premiere. i love my country. on saturday, on the first. a symphony of five russian empires opened up to me, when the russian state, emerging
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from oblivion, achieved power and prosperity, and then fell into the abyss of oblivion. after the death of total darkness, we are resurrected again and move along our paths. friends, the green light of a laser is exactly the kind of laser that crushes kidney stones into fluff. get started, doctor, here's how to get rid of kidney stones, about many other super-important and interesting things, live in the program great, tomorrow is the first one.
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lessons should be like a sincere conversation, and what worries children, what worries teachers and parents. if you think about my travels, i have traveled all over russia. we have the kindest people on our entire planet earth, the most responsive, ready to come to each other’s aid and stand up for each other in difficult times. i ask you not to doubt anything, my grandfather is a cossack, by god i’m not lying. and every person who appears in your life is like a piece of a puzzle, he completes himself so that you remain as you are, because you are and there is the real wealth of russia. so that every russian finds himself in this big world and so that we live, as they say,
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and do not grieve. transfer her across the maidan, prime minister. watch the time after the program. so, 10 years ago, exactly 10 years ago, crimea returned. suggest other glory, if you can , changed, if you like, the course of world history, and
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let's see, now we have prepared a story on this topic, let's see how exactly the return of crimea to russia changed and is changing the world order, the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin, march 18. 2014, thousands of people gathered on the crimean streets, everyone is eagerly awaiting the results of the meeting of the russian president with the leaders of crimea and sevastopol, people do not believe until the last that the region is finally returning home, as soon as the signed agreement is sealed with handshakes in moscow, crowds in crimean squares burst into applause, people listen to the russian anthems with tears in their eyes, they defended their right to be with their homeland. the return of crimea home caused a shock
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in the west, they immediately announced that the referendum is illegal and for them crimea will remain the territory of ukraine. these same people greeted the overthrow of the legitimate government in ukraine as a result of the maidan with undisguised joy, and did not see any violations of the law in it. us and european leaders quickly condemned the admission of crimea and sevastopol to russia. words were followed by actions. the west's favorite weapon - sanctions - was used. they were announced on the lawn in front of the washington white house by current us president barack obama. we witnessed an illegal referendum in crimea. russia made its choice, a choice that was rejected by the international community and the ukrainian government. and because of this choice, the united states is taking steps today, as we promised, to impose additional sanctions on russia. also today, i signed a new decree that gives us the authority to impose sanctions not only on individuals, but on key sectors. russian economy. following the americans, many eu and nato countries introduced sanctions. however, most of the world
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did not follow the americans' lead. this split first appeared clearly during a vote at an emergency un meeting on march 27, 2014 . then the americans and europeans sided with ukraine, but the vast majority of countries in asia, africa and south america chose to hold back. interestingly, all the brix organizers were among them. brazil, south africa. china and india. the americans were outraged by the return of crimea for a reason. by 2014, washington had big plans for the peninsula. crimea was supposed to become an unsinkable nato aircraft carrier in the black sea. former cia officer raymond mcgovern admitted that they were going to establish several military bases in crimea. the crimean prime minister announced these plans back in 2014. year , a tender was posted on the american government procurement website federal business opportunity to
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carry out the repair of sevastopol secondary school no. 5. the us navy engineering and construction command was indicated as the customer in the tender. this division is engaged in the design, construction and maintenance of facilities for various branches of the us navy. such a tender can only mean one thing: the school was supposed to be reconstructed as a sub-engineering base for the us navy. in april 2014 the tender was from '. the return of crimea not only thwarted washington’s plans to place military bases, they finally realized that russia was ready for decisive action, and attempts began to tighten the noose around moscow’s neck. it was organized by the hands of the united states. torture of a coup in belarus. the situation in nagorno-karabakh suddenly worsened and a military operation against donbass began. however, almost all attacks turned against the united states and its allies. the coup in minsk failed, and the fighting of the ukrainian army in the donbass led to heavy defeats for the ukrainian armed forces near ilavaisk and
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debaltsevo. washington's attempt to organize a military competition in syria turned into a disaster. as a result, russia won both a military and diplomatic victory. moreover, as a result of the inept actions of the united states in the middle east, europe was literally overwhelmed by millions of crowds of refugees, and the united states itself was forced to shamefully flee afghanistan. the us reputation as a global hegemon has been shaken. during this period our country proposed to the united states draft agreements and treaties on security and guarantees with countries. nato moscow proposed that washington undertake not to accept ukraine and other countries as members of the alliance and not to carry out any military operations on the territory of ukraine. we also proposed to mutually renounce the deployment of weapons in those regions where such deployment would be perceived by the other side as a threat to its national security. the americans didn't just refuse. under their leadership , the kiev regime began preparing a surprise
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attack on the donbass republics. the response to these threats was a special military operation. the tectonic processes launched 10 years ago in the russian spring with the return of crimea to its native harbor have not ended today. russia continues its operation to denazify ukraine. moreover, four more regions returned to our russia. more and more countries are turning away from the united states and creating their own centers of power. in washington they are trying to maintain global influence, but every year...
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this ends, as it were, the poetry of the return of our our joy and that’s it other things, joy does not end, but poetry ends, such heavy prose of life begins, because, so to speak, to blur the map of everyday life, so to speak, to turn the development of the world in a different direction, this is a big, hard, sometimes bloody job, and if i i understand correctly, the word
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“united states of america” was often heard here, because our task is not to deprive the united states of america there, but also... to deprive the title of hegemon, but this is not an end in itself, no, of course, this is not an end in itself, as i understand it, what is our task suggest some other device altogether, and can you describe it? well, i can, first of all, thank you for the story about the president’s last statement, because not enough attention was paid to this phrase, because this is what the new putin said, the new one for real. who, whom we have seen over the past 2-3 months, in all his speeches, yeah, that is, very often putin reproached the west and the united states for this kind of behavior, that they don’t care about everything, about the international system, about international law, they i want it that way, they do it that way, he he gave himself examples of yugoslavia, iraq and so on, but he ended these paragraphs, he
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usually did it differently, he called on the united states to return, as it were, to vaughn.
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i was lucky, i formulated this in 2003, in our foreign policy concept this term appeared in 2011, it’s called a network alliance, but in a scientific way, if this is real, i think these are the structures of the future, of course, and they are in unlike all blogs, they are vertical, not integrated, in the network alliance there is no boss, in nato there is, in the network alliance everyone is equal, regardless of size, economy, military... ethiopia and russia, we can say that brix or brix+ is such a prototype or image of the definitely future structure of the world, and one of the principles of the future
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was also formulated by vladimir vladimirovich, well, relatively recently too that if problems and challenges arise, especially security challenges, then these problems are solved only by those countries that are directly involved in them and that are concerned. an example is the south caucasus, they even listed it there, that is, this is armenia, azerbaijan, georgia, plus russia, iran , turkey, what does the european union have to do with it, where is it, what does the united states have to do with it, well, you remember, but because obama, this is the image of the current world, if brix is ​​the image of the future, then here is the image of the present, obama is standing on the lawn in front of the white house and says, the international community has decided this, everything, and everything, everything is everything, this is the international community, our barracks. obama, please, vladimir vladimirovich, well, in general, they really think that the opinion of the united states of america, this means the opinion of that very
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rules-based world, you remember, but this term rules-based world, it appeared in wide use relatively recently, as if to demonstrate that russia is violating some then the rules, yes, well, to the rules, well, if yes, if we say that the un, then we are not violating anything. we comply with the un security council resolution, participate in discussions, and so on. that's why, okay, we're pushing back the un, yes, that's why we're not for it is a centric world, the west says, there is a world based on rules, it developed, in fact, in the early nineties, when it was formed after the collapse of the soviet union, this very unipolar world, they just don’t call it unipolar, but that’s all the analysts are all many are open. western politicians openly say: yes , of course, a world based on rules, this is a world in which the united states of america is in charge, that is, we
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remember how when the events began in syria, yes, i remember the interview with barack obama gave, and the journalist threw it at him several times, but you are being challenged, your leadership is being challenged, i remember this, barack obama was so infuriated, how is it possible, yes, the united states. someone challenged , yes, indeed, sooner or later this had to happen, we, china, russia, and india have repeatedly warned the united states, by the way, excuse me, this is a little aside, but i also caught myself thinking now, here that means crimea happened exactly 10 years ago in 1914, and syria began in my opinion in the eleventh, well, yes, and i remember that it was then that, so to speak, well, especially so to speak, doubt began to creep into the minds of attentive observers, because they had such a slogan, and they like to work with... slogans “assad” must leave, i also asked barack obama this question, he just didn’t hear, but i kept saying on air who i owe it to, and assad owes it, that’s it,
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yes, they decided so, so we discussed it and decided , maidan is right, yes, there’s a referendum in crimea, but it’s wrong, well, look, as they are now, elections in russia, this is tyrony, the absence of elections in ukraine, complete, a ban, as a phenomenon of elections, yes, this is democracy, that’s all, that’s what they decided, you know? here in russia they spread the word that this is why this referendum is not democratic, look, when we held it in the falklands, we gave time there, there was campaigning, we were there for several months and so on, i read it, i read it, wait, so you are now proving that the referendum... the ukrainian 1991 on independence was illegal for the same reason logic, since they were there in august at the end of august, they admitted that by the way
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, the referendum is also a funny story, i remember it was in our studio back in the last studio , remember and we asked a question to one of our experts, so to speak liberally oriented, now what are they -they don’t go, i don’t know, that means we are asking a question on purpose, to be honest, we prepared with artyom, then we worked, we say, listen , well, well, you remember the numbers of the referendum in kosovo, he says, i don’t remember now, but i and there was no referendum there, guys.
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may come to ask what is good and bad, but only they can answer what is good and what is bad, they are sincerely perplexed when someone challenges this , the first time a challenge was challenged in 2007.
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he mentioned our elections, yes, i understand , that there is very close attention to them, such comments are predictable and so on, well, this means that such an american political publication was born in such a big, well, kind of conceptual article, although for me it ’s a little bit schizophrenic, well, maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be, but i don’t know , here they are, so how they write how we, well, that is, they, can build russia, look, the west needs to return to the old strategic principle: trust, but verify, don’t... be too enthusiastic about russia’s democratic prospects, repeat the mistake that too many in the west made in 1990 years. and then there’s another phrase, there’s a phrase further down, i ’ll read it myself, which means it’s possible for western sanctions and restrictions on hydrocarbon prices to be lifted, but in exchange for specific reforms, nikita sergeevich, the resentment is really visible they didn’t finish it off in 1991, and what ’s happening now actually happened
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in 1991, by the way, speaking of the system of international relations, here are the last three systems, if you remember, post-dame or yalta, yes, after the great patriotic war, after the second world war, probably the main initiator and frankly speaking, in western terms, the stakeholder of this system was, of course, the soviet union; in the ninety-first year, the root cause of the new pax americana system of american global dominance was the collapse of the soviet union. it is russia that shows that the previous system, which was based on american rules from the year ninety-one, it no longer works, look, it’s also very important, only russia, in general, shows that this can be done in a different way, but we have conditional our network allies, our
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partners, but only... shows that we can use force in the same way as the americans, adapt to the realities of the global economy and try to create our own chances in the year ninety-one and, probably, until the year ninety the ninth, actually, until vladimir putin came to power, they really had the keys to all the doors in our, in our apartment, i don’t know, in our garage, in our dacha, they calmly
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formed our constitution, in our services that are responsible for security, in the same way western advisers sat there, everyone knows about it, i’m not even talking about energy, i ’m not talking about education, culture and so on, but they didn’t finish us off... at some point they realize that this is a chance, yes, they didn’t finished off, this chance has historically been missed, all they have to do is on the pages politics talk about the fact that if suddenly something changes in russia, there are some positive trends, there is no need to delude yourself , they hint that any absolutely political architecture that exists in our country will, by definition, challenge the unjust .
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it’s interesting here, i’m, well , that is, so to speak, at the level of a general image or formula, this is understandable, this is probably fair, i repeat, but in a very general way , well, like, what didn’t finish us off in the nineties, even politics, in other words on this already writes that it is not worth repeating, which means that the mistake we made in the nineties, we assume that they meant that they, so to speak, did not destroy russia, on the other hand there is such an approach, and i also think it is quite well, it seems logical that they weren’t going to kill us, so to speak. to strangle, so that they twitch slightly with their paws, but do not die, this is much more profitable than killing, because from destruction, you yourself understand, so to speak, firstly, something needs to be done with this whole story, and secondly, the fragments of this
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collapse of the monstrous, they will of course affect everyone and so on, so i repeat, maybe i ’m so to speak, i’m already getting caught up in some details, but it seems to me that this is interesting, because the two are actually different approaches, but if this approach that i’m there now i quote, he was, but what does he look like? to drive into a stall and to keep it in a stall, i used the same metaphor, as if the most important thing in this case is not to give russia the opportunity to make independent decisions, that is, everything is all through the ringer, and for this we need people the necessary posts, for this it is necessary, for this. plant your people everywhere, nikita forgot when he talked about the keys in our house, they also had keys to the safe, they also had keys to our safe, that the master key is still there, but we are working on it, listen, it’s not like they have were, that means this is our tragedy
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, remember, here i am many times, vadim bakatin themselves , remember this famous story, when he says, here are all our, so to speak, plans for wiretapping everything else, themselves, they didn’t get it key to the safe, this is us... let me remind you that in 2000 , a western-liberal became the president of russia, in 24 years this evolution, that is, we all evolved together, well, some, well, i understand, some did not change in the nineties, yes, but the whole country is in
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for the most part, it started like this, but today we are different and like us today, some people really like us, that’s when you talked about geopolitical alignments, about multipolarity. after all, if there was a map, these countries look at russia more than at china for one simple reason. they are all afraid that pax americana will be replaced by what came before this, and the world will become bipolar again, only there will be the united states and china, no one wants this, and russia is for everyone, for them, this is the key to a multipolar world, because if there is russia, it is no longer bipolar, yeah, but you know what the only thing that remains to be clarified is everyone who, so to speak, votes for this with their feet or with their words.
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they come down from this top of the food chain and
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end up who knows where, it’s clear, but they don’t want to, why lose this status, of course, you know, it’s in sports, well, it’s believed that you can join the pantheon with great athletes, if you go to prime when you are at the peak of your capabilities, or well, you won some championship and then decided that it’s unlikely that you can repeat it, then you really become a legend , when you are trying to finish the game there 5
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more. what are they afraid of most, and you know , you mentioned politics, which is thinking about how to organize russia there, yes, yesterday i was just touched, the editorial column of the observer, discusses the russian elections, and comes to conclusion, no, putin is not the president that russia needs, yes, they are in britain, the british newspaper will decide what kind of president we need, and at the same time, you know, complete illiteracy, today british defense minister schabs gave in the daily telegraf . column , which decided to offend putin very much
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, compared him to stalin, offended him so much, so unbearably, it’s simply unbearable, friends, i ’m forced to curtail, so to speak, the smooth course of our program, so i’m leaving, however, i want to convey an example of greetings to emmanuel macron , we quoted him, there is another one from the last one, that he calls so pathetically for russia, that means for the duration of the olympics, cease fire, emmanuel, but if i remember correctly, russia on this... think, the news is on channel one. this is news first. hello, in valery korablev's studio. so, the turnout in the presidential elections is a record in the modern history of russia. the head of the central election commission, ella pomfilova, spoke about this at a briefing. more processed now.
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87 1113.127 our dear voters, that is, this is our first turnout.
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new regions also actively voted, where russian presidential elections were held for the first time, but for the entire country, this is the first presidential election , during which an innovation of recent years was used, three-day and remote electronic voting. the head of the central election commission reported on the actions of unfriendly countries that sought to disrupt the elections; the number of attempts turned out to be unprecedented. more than 12 million ddos attacks have been carried out on the resources of the election commission center since the beginning of the presidential campaign, 150 times more than usual.
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russia, who came to the polling stations and voted. the source of power in the country is the russian people. the single will of the peoples of the russian federation is compiled from the votes of every citizen of russia. putin called this the most important pillar of the country, its development in a variety of areas, including in the field of defense capability. according to him, we are all obliged to those who risk their lives to protect the country's sovereignty. the guys who...
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when we use this word "comrade-in-arms", we usually mean precisely the people who think closely, empathize, who have common goals, like-minded people, but let's think about the meaning of this word, where it came from, comrade-in-arms, who is a warrior in ancient russia.
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to intimidate, no matter who and no matter how much they want to suppress our will, consciousness, no one has ever, as i already said, anything like this in history, it has not worked now and will not work in the future, never, the election results are trust with on the part of the citizens of the country, their hope that we will do everything the way...
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i once decided for myself that nothing i will promise something that cannot be done, but you must always be extremely honest with people, not avoid verbiage, everything that i said in my message to the federal assembly, it’s all achievable, everything is calculated there, during a trip to barnaul maryana losenko fell ill and participated in the meeting. via video link, please get better, marya anatolyevna, according to vladimir moshkov, the co-chairs of the headquarters brought from their trips a lot of orders
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from voters, there are a lot of proposals, we have compiled all this, we will pass it on to you so as not to distract your attention a lot, thank you very much thank you yes thank you, because here , i’m almost sure, you can answer almost everything that you discussed with people when you met, i stopped by, at the forefront of my guys , i would like to convey a word of gratitude to you about his battalion and his guys, they , if i don’t tell me this, they won’t forgive me, huge words of gratitude and support, thank you, a big hello to the guys too, words of gratitude addressed to them first of all, the president noted, while traveling around the country, his trusted persons, people far from politics, have established many human connections with like-minded people, and putin really wants these contacts not to be lost. pavel pcholkin, pavel rudakov, boris kamenov, channel one.
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to the russian armed forces, in some areas our guys are simply shredding their enemy now, advancing every day, gradually, carefully, but every day. congratulations to vladimir putin on his convincing victory in the elections come from different countries, one of the first to re-elect the president russia was welcomed by beijing, congratulations from chinese president xidinping. earlier , the chinese foreign ministry spoke about the development of a strategic partnership with our country. iranian president ibrahim raisi and cuban leader miguel diaz canel also sent a message. venezuelan president nicolas maduro recorded
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a video message in which he emphasized: vladimir putin’s victory is a reflection of the values ​​of russians. north korean leader kim jin-un also sent a telegram to moscow. warm words from colleagues in the cis, vladimir putin was congratulated by the president belarus, alexander lukashenko, heads of uzbekistan, shavkat mirziyoyev and azerbaijan , ilham aliyev. leaders of tajikistan - imalei rahmon, kazakhstan, kasym zhumar takaev and kyrgyzstan sadyr dzhaparov. these presidential elections were held transparently, openly, democratically, and the main result was a powerful victory for vladimir putin, with an unprecedentedly high turnout. this was stated today by the chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko. according to her , the vote brought russian society together even more. there is obvious value behind these results. titanic work president, in his building of a sovereign, independent, respected state, this
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is evidence of real... such unity, the unification of our society in the face of the threats that face us today, we must separately note the very high turnout, almost one hundred percent there in crimea, sevastopol, and our new regions , this suggests that people in new regions who suffered from the aggression of the kiev regime, they believed in russia, they did their part... they were not afraid, they were not afraid, they came and showed their will. about what happened there are a large number of attempts from abroad to disrupt the elections, they said today at the situation center of the public chamber for
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monitoring the voting, but the provocateurs did not succeed. a completely unprecedented historical maximum turnout at the elections, this is a very important result, despite terrorist attacks, shelling, intimidation of members of election commissions, the information war, people came and voted, it’s clear why they did it, they did it because voting, voting now was a manifestation of patriotism, itself the result is not calls...
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in the great and mighty russian language with this incredible landslide victory of vladimir putin in the current elections. as for us as a party, we seriously, like the country, united and grew in these elections. we have become much closer to people, this is the main task facing the ldpr. now
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the news from the special operation zone, near artyomovsk is ours. the paratroopers have improved the position along the front line, and a ukrainian armed forces support officer has also been captured. in the same area, crews of howitzers d-20 destroyed the drone control center the enemy is more than 17 km from the target. the artillery struck the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in areas bordering the kursk region, where the enemy concentrated forces to shell our territory. the supply of ammunition was disrupted near avdeevka. russian fighters fired from rszzo uragan. donetsk direction. the tankers attacked the positions. aviation took a direct hit in the southern donetsk sector; su-34 fighters hit the command post of the ukrainian armed forces. 10 years in my native harbor, today is the anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia. march 18, 2014 at the gala ceremony in the st. george's hall of the kremlin , a historical document was signed. it was the will of the inhabitants of the peninsula themselves.
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almost 97% of voters voted in favor of the referendum. in 10 years. has been radically transformed, new schools and gardens, hospitals, roads have appeared, of course, the crimean bridge is our pride. russia is celebrating today. large program at vdnkh as part of the russia exhibition. the procession has already taken place, crimea - sevastopol, russia forever. dozens of people marched in a parade column to the music of a brass band, unfurling giant flags of russia, crimea and sevastopol. governor mikhail greets this day with special feeling on the peninsula in sevastopol. heroes of the russian spring and deputies laid flowers at the memorial to the heroic defense of the city. in honor of the important date, a special program on channel one. this week on weekdays, watch a multi-part documentary under the skies of crimea after the news broadcast at 9:00 am. well, tonight there is a big rally and concert in the very center of moscow. broadcast at 18:00 after the evening news. well, right now the information
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channel on the first will continue the program. time will show. the information channel on the first continues, the program time will show we are working live. votes, in second place is the candidate from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov, he has 4.30%. in third place is the candidate from the new people party , vladislav davankov, he scored 3.84% of the vote, in fourth place is the candidate from the ldpr, slutsky , with 3.21%, everyone has already announced that they recognize the victory of vladimir putin. but these days, naturally, our opponents in the west, the same ones who so love to talk about
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democracy, about freedom of speech, for the sake of which they ready to silence anyone about freedom of choice, with the hands of the kiev regime they tried to disrupt the holding of elections in our border regions, they acted as usual, with their favorite, proven terrorist methods, that’s what they said about it.
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to shorten it, what was done for this? for this, methods of intimidation were constantly used, to sow panic, they did not disdain anything, starting from endless arrivals, border crossings, when just yesterday morning a 16-year-old girl died in belgogorod in the belgorod region, that is, this targeted terrorist attacks, drone. not on military targets, not on tanks, but on residential buildings, several, in donetsk a week ago three children died in
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one house, that is, these are targeted, during the elections our colleague was blown up, unfortunately, she died, they wanted to intimidate in the zaporozhye region, what happened, her son came to work in her place. commission, the more such terrorist acts of intimidation, arrivals, strikes, unfortunately, civilians and units died, the more people in as a sign of protest, they decided to go vote, and look, it was there that the highest results were achieved, look, it was in our border areas, the belgorod region, and others, that people experienced for themselves, what is this? regarding the belgorod region, regarding the fact that they have already tried by all means, so to speak
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, to disrupt the elections, or at least i don’t know how to mess with them, because there is some kind of unprecedented turnout, that’s of course, well, that’s just what it’s called, that’s place and there are better than a thousand words of explanation for some non-political calculations and so on further, this is how people react to this, this is the first, second unprecedented election. please note, those people who for decades did not actually go to the polls, including those living abroad, and somehow considered it their duty to come and vote after all, because well, because everything is at stake, in continuation of this, as it were simple observations, in my opinion, quite obvious, these are the methods that were used to disrupt these elections. konstantin konstantinovich, there is such an english saying, like love is all in war the means are good, these are just two points, but in love in war that is.
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they love each other very much, we know how they fight, but the most interesting thing is that they know that they still have genetic memory. there, they also know how we fight , therefore, there is, there is, i know there, not only the military knows this, and the more, that’s what yesterday once again, what lesson history taught them, they will learn, they will not learn again, remember all our conversations, we’ll see what they learn there, yes, but what a lesson, the more you put pressure on russia, the more we unite the people are rallying around our values, around our leader. and vladimir
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vladimirovich confirmed yesterday, i listened to him, that’s all he said after the victory, he immediately began with absolutely business meetings to discuss the tasks that now need to be solved, starting with the northern military district, with the victory in the northern military district, the development of the country, and the co-chairs of the headquarters, during the press conference, he spoke about this, he was not talking about the holiday, he was talking about what the country under... his leadership should do now, this is the most fundamental question, uh, this, he confirmed that he is the absolute national leader, and the russians confirmed this in their absolute majority yesterday, i have never seen such a number, we just exchanged with colleagues, i have never seen so many people at a voting station, i went to vote traditionally , newsletter, paper, i didn’t either...
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that the country was moving in the right direction and that it was moving in that direction under the leadership of our leader, under the leadership of putin, it was very important to me, personally, i have grown-up sons myself. this listen, yeah, and this suggests that consolidation, and a record turnout, undoubtedly, we did not have such a turnout, record figures, percentage of votes.
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now to comment on this record turnout over the last few years, when they had the opportunity to vote as part of ukraine now. well, you know, i’ll tell you a story, the easiest way is with examples. show - as soon as avdiivka was liberated, and a day or two later, the popular front immediately went there with humanitarian convoys, that is, our guys we went there, and despite the enemy’s work with drones, they came to people
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, made lists of what they needed, there are hundreds of people now continuing to live in avdievka, by the way, they are not going anywhere, this is their homeland, and i looked at the report every day.. .lists of what people are asking for, it is clear what is there, of course medicines, in the first days there was no hot bread, they really asked for fresh bread, generators, gasoline, well, everything, everything, everything that is needed in order organize to improve your life in general, at first, the first thing that made an impression on me was asking for newspapers, so we kept organizing other publications to deliver the truth there, because, because they didn’t understand what... was happening, he said, we need to read, to understand what is happening in our russia, the second thing in each report was a list, well, these are basements, we understand, a list of basements and a small number of private households, where people said, be sure to let us vote for the president, we worked directly from the list with the administration, with commission
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donetsk republic, they sent there a mobile polling station, a mobile uik, surny, according to this list and until the last day, guys. they went out and said: no, no, no, no, no, please , we haven’t gotten here yet, we haven’t gotten here yet, yes, that’s the mood, it seems to me that this image describes everything, that’s how they voted, we see an unprecedented turnout , which our new regions and borderlands were talking about, the belgorod region, which is being affected by terrorist attacks, people came and told us not to intimidate us, so these are we have people with people like this, i ’ll say this, sorry, this is without any irony, this is what i said, this is just the truth.
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i hope to speak there are plans and again plans for 10 years, in what quality do you mean the following plans for the coming 10 years are all the same as in the future, they all programs have been adopted until the thirtieth year, all actions have been approved, all are related to the volume of funding, that is , with direct support from the federal center , so of course everything is planned, but once again i say the main achievement is respect and peace on the territory of the peninsula and to people of different nationalities. one way or another, keep it, i say again, respect is probably the most difficult question, well
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, thank you very much, thank you sergei valerievich, thank you, friends, thank you, goodbye, see you, i would also note one very important thing the achievement of the crimeans is that they gave , as if by their example, an image of the future, a picture of the general way in which life will further develop in those regions that today have shown such responsibility, such a civic position, i... understand, on the feodosia embankment, yes, sergey, you are, hello, hello,
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colleagues, yes, happy holiday to you, i am on the feodosia embankment. well, how are you in the mood, how are the residents in the mood, what events are planned, i would like, we are talking here, but about the picture, the image of the future that you give to those residents who no longer see themselves in any other way except as part of russian federation, these are your expectations then, because look, the referendum then was also a record one. and turnout and 96.5% 10 years ago they voted for russia to join, you trusted, so i want to understand your expectations and the reality of today. yes, colleagues, well then in 14, we were faced with an existential question, the question of our existence. of course, we don’t regret anything, we remained russian, we retained our right to speak russian, think in russian, love in russian. and... during this time , crimea has changed so much that it is very difficult to explain to those who have not seen it. 10 years
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seems like a short period by historical standards, but everything has changed, the roads, gas is being brought to the most remote villages, where for generations they used coal and firewood. doctors now have medicines and new equipment, and hospitals are being made for them and hospitals are being renovated. i turn on for you against the backdrop of the aivazovsky art gallery. in which a major historical restoration was carried out for 870 million rubles. by the way, i highly recommend tickets there for 500. i am on aivazovsky avenue, i have lived in feodosia all my life. this avenue has been broken all my life, it was impossible to walk along it. guests from russian federation until the fourteenth, when they arrived, they could not understand whether this was really the main street of our city. now there are 2 km of beautiful tiles, new ones, new lighting, landscaping, and this process is happening.
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lessons should be like a sincere conversation,
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and what worries children, what worries teachers, parents, i’m proud that at the age of 30 i had a son, it makes me happy from morning to evening, if you think about my travels, i’ve covered all of russia, here the kindest people on our entire planet earth, the most sympathetic, ready come to each other’s aid, lend a shoulder in difficult times, i ask you not to doubt it, my cossack grandfather. by god, i’m not lying, every person who appears in your life is like a piece of a puzzle, he completes himself, so that you remain as you are, because you are the real wealth of russia, so that every russian finds himself in this big world and so that we can live, as they say, and not grieve, the central bank of ukraine announced the receipt of the first tranche of russian financial assistance in the amount of 3 billion dollars. now you can exhale and calmly practice only the eu. from this moment on , the confrontation takes on a positional
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character. yanukovych does not understand that the oligarchs sensed his weakness and are playing serious maidan games. watch after the program time ukraine c- united states of america, if something doesn’t suit us, we will do what we think is necessary. the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place today. ah, yuri nikolaevich, everything
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is clear, you rented a hotel room, come here. will you catch it? i was at... studios, me saw dozens of people, you’re still lying, why are you lumping everything into one pile, and we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll separate anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but then come up with something, so, gentlemen, from the nichaev spouses you know a statement was received, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, want to live together in the next world with my wife, elena mikhailovna nichaeva, well, what kind of love can there be? what an eternity, i’ll tell linka right now that i’m leaving, after all, she’s not the first, cry and calm down, where is the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he loves only his wife and does not want to part with me, hello, lian, a frivolous conversation, are they themselves sure that this is for real love each other, what are you ready for, that’s it, life. after life
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, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first one. often for me it’s coming to my ultimate goal, never stopping, always going towards my dream and never seeing the limit in it, when that’s it. alive and well there is this inner peace, when i get very good grades and are given medals, this is an obligatory love for your child, otherwise it will just be watching the child, and not being a father, since the grandmother is a teacher, she can reincarnate to be a snow queen today, a grandmother tomorrow
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hedgehog, whoever you want, even settled by pechkin, live happily, live in the moment and... everything will be fine for you, there is peace in your soul, so that every person achieves what he wants and so that dreams come true. this, friends, is a green laser light, just like that kidney stones are simply crushed into fluff with a laser. start, doctor, here's how to get rid of kidney stones and many other super important and interesting things in the life program. great! tomorrow on the first. premiere. i love my country. on saturday. on the first. transfer her across the maidan. premiere. watch the time after the program. program time will tell,
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we continue our broadcast as part of a large information channel on the first, yesterday answering a question from journalists about the possibility of a direct conflict between russia and nato, vladimir putin said that this is absolutely not our choice, but the west is not averse to playing these games, what do you think, a full-scale conflict between russia and nato, perhaps as likely as possible, thank you, well, i think. that everything is possible in the modern world, but i have already said, and this is clear to everyone, that this will be one step away from a full-scale third world war, i think that hardly anyone is interested in this, but in the end this is not ours choice, if someone wants to slightly cover up internal political problems
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with their aggressive external rhetoric, well, this is known all over the world and often... this is an idiotic idea to untie and so on, then we, of course, are ready for it, now everything, everything previous is cut off, which means we are taken and ready, and presented as, so to speak, title, here is putin , it’s hard to pull it out here, franz adamovich, after all , one step away from a full-scale third world war, i think that hardly anyone is interested in this, end of quote, i’m interested, these are what alesya called games, well, there is, yes, indeed , such political games, yes, that putin says that... to hide their problems with such rhetoric, this statement, this unwillingness of russia to unleash, to play such games, someone will hear, understand,
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appreciate, no, they will not appreciate, they have tasks set, and when we we discuss this complex political process and sum up the results of the upcoming main military, main political event in our country, then the question immediately arises: why is this so?
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groups and assault units in one direction alone numbering several thousand people. in this case it must be said
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thanks to the ministry of defense, the federal security service and the ministry of internal affairs, who managed, they don’t talk about it, but we have to say thank you to them, that they prevented and the worthless results that they have, with great losses, will not give this result.
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positive aspects, all the advantages, we were sure that this ear of clay has a foot of clay, if you poke it, it will fall apart, they...
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tens of millions of russians, the vast majority of our citizens, he said two things yesterday: first, that there will be a sanitary zone, yeah, he said it carefully, but very, we he says, let’s think about it, when the correspondent asked him what width, he said that this is a separate question, which means this is a signal, a powerful signal, that we will hit hard,
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additionally, all the tasks. very serious and large-scale tasks will be solved, this is the first thing, yes, no matter what is being prepared there, no matter what forces are concentrated there, this is the first and second, most important thing that the president said yesterday, well, can i say, in my own words, he said it wrong , death is a traitor, yeah , that means he remembered that we don’t have the death penalty, but at the same time, but at the same time very clearly said that he is waiting for these people who went against their country, their people, this is a signal, this... this group, therefore, who are trying something there, they are trying to use them, the most important two theses that immediately after the elections , and this is the path to our victory, 100%, moral, if two theses are put into one formula, as i understand it, did i understand correctly, there is vladimirovich putin and you konstantin konstantinovich, so if two theses are put into one formula, then the formula is like this , stop saying that, no, i understand that you don’t
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the president, the president, not me. i mean, the games are simply over, remember putin said , we haven’t started yet, perhaps these words can be interpreted as, well, the time has come , so to speak, to begin, perhaps, the entire tactical depth to lvov, and regarding signals, yes, which was just mentioned, we have a representative of the collective west, liseo, i’m glad to see you in our studio, here’s lavitoria putin, i’ll ask the question in italian so that we don’t have any translation difficulties.
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appearance to the president of the russian federation vladimir putin, who will triumphantly win, and i know that in italy many, many were expecting this result, this is without a doubt, i can confirm this, putin, in my opinion, is the choice of the world, and why is the choice of the world, because if he wanted. escalation of the situation , which we know well, is very dangerous, you said , we are closer to the third, maybe the third world war and there will be a nuclear war, but there is still peace, not such a war, and we must thank vladimir putin, because he led this complex, really it it's a difficult situation, so i'm convinced that today is a historic day for russia,
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yeah. russia today wrote another page of history, and for the west, and for the west, and for the west, because of peace or war, but i am convinced that for the west this is a successful day, because putin, president putin, a man who knows well, how to manage the situation, the situation is very complicated , a small mistake is enough to make, can you clarify, you said that i am sure, i am quoting you, that in italy many people were waiting for this result, at what levels of power, or this or who do you mean? listen, there is a question: first, firstly, i know that yesterday the russian community voted for russia, they are wonderful people, they are worthy, they are patriots, because
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despite the fact that here, not only in italy, but in general, the west, russophobia and propaganda against russia continue, they decided to vote, they decided... there is always such propaganda, well , it’s non-vital, it’s unrealistic, well, it’s unrealistic, who says, why don’t you come here to watch, i have was as possible as to observe, it is wonderful to observe what
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happened, i observed there the participants of the brother sites in moscow and also outside the city of zaraisky, well, so when you say that many in italy were waiting, so to speak?
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laughter is laughter, laughter is laughter, but this is quite regular, this is the mainstream, in fact ilizieva, this is the mainstream, such statements, such as the statement of the polish ministry of defense, how we should live with this and how we should react to it, will it have this is some kind of, so to speak, well, i don’t know influence on the development of the situation, a question for you, pavel viktorovich, poles are traditionally russophobic, but in this case they act as skirmishers, are they these countries of the troyebaltiya, or what are they called? now the baltic states are in the emirates, they are, you know, mongrels who run and bark, but against the backdrop of the reaction from the western community, the owners of this discourse will look at whether it is worth
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supporting these mongrels, or whether it is necessary to adopt this idea of in order not to recognize the results of the elections, because they have already spoken in the european parliament, in the bse diplomatic before the elections took place, a statement that the elections in russia would be illegitimate, that is, they initially knew everything in advance, but this is an absolutely normal strategy for the actions of these pocket organizations in washington, which were actually created in order to promote real democratic values, let's remember, yes, in fact , they are simply conductors of the will of the hegemon specifically in this case, just as all, i repeat, all so-called leaders are conductors of the will of the hegemon...
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vassals or slaves of pocket test tubes, and the behavior of the owner, and what the behavior of the owner will be, we will see in the near future, because it will be tied to the election campaign in the united states of america, which begins with the end of our election campaign, yes, absolutely, it is it’s already going at full speed, mihai mikhailovich , concluding this hour, say, these are the numbers, numbers and turnouts, completely unprecedented, amazing numbers. support, here they are, i think it’s impossible to ignore this, you’ll have to somehow live with this , work with this, there are two options, either it’s really just stupid to say, we don’t believe this, or after.
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one after another, the plan falls apart in their hands, first their tanks burn, it’s very unpleasant, yes, when the leopards burn, then the abrams burn, the vaunted challenger cannot get out of the hole with mud, it shoots as if it’s being thrown in there with a canopy, this is very painful self-esteem, so further attempts at these terrorist attacks, yes, they were counting, they were sure that we will all get scared, the evacuation will begin, we will close the electorate, it turned out exactly the opposite, then these crazy... provocation with this green stuff, it’s, well, listen, i
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talked with our co -chairman of the popular front, sergei anatolyevich kogogin, director of kamaz, and he says, well, we have 90% turnout there, so everything is fine here, the woman is alone, uh, in a kamaz, which means they called her, introduced themselves as law enforcement officers, told her to take a taxi, take a house bomb and come to the station, thank god, i called my husband, here she said, stop, well , that is, this is already, well, this is completely ridiculous, so, in short, they will have to understand something about this, that they are these... at the last presidential elections , a record
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turnout in the modern history of russia was recorded: 77, 44% of voters took part in the voting, this is more than 87 million people, this has never happened - noted chairman tsikalova, she also said that almost 100% of the ballots have already been processed, there is another record: vladimir putin wins with a result of 87.3%, the highest figure in history. the final results will be summed up on march 21 next thursday, as the head of tsikamova noted, the elections were held very well, despite all attempts by unfriendly countries to discredit them.
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this is how they have never organized themselves, they have organized themselves, there are specialists , there are services, they tried, but it didn’t work, there were no violations calling into question the legitimacy of the elections in russia, the work of the election commission was distinguished by openness and transparency, the head of the observer mission of the shanghai organization spoke about this today cooperation, sco secretary general jan min, he also noted the active participation of voters and high...
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in the legal field, and of course, external threats played a role in uniting the electorate, and shelling of border regions, new regions, had the opposite effect, this allowed us to unite citizens and come to the polling stations. foreign leaders congratulate vladimir putin on his victory in the elections. chairman of the people's republic of china sidin ping expressed confidence that under the leadership
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of the current head of state russia will achieve even greater success in development. messages to moscow were sent by iranian president ibrahim raisi and the leader of cuba. venezuelan president nicolas madu recorded a video message in which he noted that vladimir putin's victory is a reflection of the values ​​of the russians. north korean leader kim jong-un sent a telegram of welcome to moscow. sincere congratulations from colleagues in the commonwealth, president of belarus alexander lukashenko, in a telephone conversation with vladimir putin , emphasized: the russians pulled together and showed the whole world that they cannot impose someone else’s will, and this is a serious signal to the west, which was trying to shake up the situation from the inside. vladimir. putin also received calls from the heads of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev and azerbaijan ilham aliyev, the leaders of tajikistan emam ali rahmon, kazakhstan, kasym jamar takaev and kyrgyzstan sadyr japarov. all of them warmly congratulated the russian president on his victory, and especially noted the widespread support among citizens for their leader and his course in domestic foreign policy. that
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there is a lot of work ahead and the voting results will allow the russian people to achieve the country's development goals, vladimir putin said. with representatives of his election headquarters and volunteers, the president also answered questions from journalists about the vectors of development of russia and our foreign policy. olga knyazeva, first things first. the preliminary election results exceeded all the expectations of sociologists regarding the result of the winner , not only in russia, but abroad. this is due to the drama of the events the country is going through, it is due to the current situation, it is due to the fact that we are forced, in the literal sense of this words. weapons in hand, to protect the interests of our citizens, our people, the vector of the country's development for the next 6 years, experts have already called the person centric: protection of the family, new support measures and extension of the previous ones, opportunities for the development of each of us, the program was built by the president on the basis of conversations with by a variety of people on work trips around russia. it is important for me,
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the choice of the russian people is important, i rely on the russian people and work in the interests of this people and our state. and i very i am grateful to the citizens of russia for their support. separately, in a conversation with journalists, putin paid attention to our new regions, for which these are the country’s first presidential elections, a high turnout is an almost unconditional choice in favor of a stable, protected future. as for the results in the donbass, in novorussia, and in the crimea, by the way, i basically thought that they would be so good, significant, positive, but that they would be the same as... as and as we see them today, to be honest, i didn’t even expect it, but still, what does this mean? first, this suggests that we are doing everything right, people are grateful to us for the decisions we made to protect them, and this is the main motivation for all our actions, second, they, of course, expect
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the development of the social sphere and the economy of these territories , border regions continue to suffer from shelling and drone attacks by ukrainian militants in the belgorod region. more than 80% of voters voted, despite the terrorist attacks, and you and i already know this well, citizens living in these territories they showed not just civic maturity , they showed and showed courage , no one intimidated them, no one intimidated them, it is impossible to intimidate our people, the turnout is even higher than in the country as a whole, this is simply the response of these people to actions related to an attempt to intimidate them. it’s just that those who do this do not understand who they are dealing with, but in part, maybe it ’s good that they don’t understand, because in this case they will certainly face defeat, and in general the enemy has concentrated his group in the border zone where - up to 500 people, not directly on the state border line, but
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somewhere in their immediate rear, but the loss overall is about 40%. of which approximately 35% are irrevocable, they attack thoughtlessly, this is such a meat grinder for them, in general, the initiative entirely belongs to the russian armed forces, in some areas our guys of their enemy are simply shredding the advance every day, gradually, carefully, but every day, the most it is important today to protect people living in border towns and villages, completely barbaric attacks and ukrainian mode. golotkov , when asked how to actually solve this problem, said that in order to ensure the security of the belgorod region, it is necessary to annex the kharkov region, what do you think about this now, i ’m not ready to talk now about what and how we should annex when, but
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i do not exclude that, bearing in mind the tragic events taking place today, we will be forced at some point... then when we consider it appropriate to create a certain sanitary zone in today's territories subordinate to the kiev regime means creating. the vlasovites, well, they also fought against their homeland with weapons in their hands, these traitors and scum fought
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on the side of the nazis, now there are exactly the same people who fight on the side of the neo-nazis, the neo-nazi regime, the total number is somewhere around 2,500 people, here now they are being thrown like meat into assaults, meat assaults, that’s for sure, that’s what i would like to say in this regard: they went against their country, against their homeland, with weapons in their hands. we do not have the death penalty, but we will always treat these people, now in the future, as those who are in the combat zone. let's assume that they are armed, all law enforcement agencies will be given instructions by name.
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well, we have had other cases when people in places of deprivation of liberty passed away, but hasn’t this happened in the united states , it has happened more than once, by the way, well, i’ll tell you, it will be so unexpected, a few days before at... when mr. navalny lived his life, some colleagues told me, and not just administration employees,
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some people there said that there was an idea exchange mr. navalny for some people who are in prison in western countries, you can believe me, you can not, the person who spoke to me has not finished his sentence yet, i said, i agree, but unfortunately, that’s it. .. on the condition that he said that we would change him so that he would not come back, let him sit there, that’s all , but what happened happened, only with one thing it happens, nothing can be done about it, that’s life, they told the president, foreign observers during elections, they said that they had gained excellent experience and it would be nice to adopt it, so tell me, we’ll share, but of course, what’s secret here is all in plain sight. we also have a secret, i won’t tell you much right now , a couple of years ago there were doubts about
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the need to expand the possibilities of electronic voting, in the end we began to expand this practice, firstly , it’s uh, it’s transparent, it’s absolutely objective, that’s not what here in the united states there is voting by mail, no, you started smiling, and this matters, well voting by mail, what is it , here is a person, today here, well , in the states, voting time ends someday, ballots can be cast until 12:00 at night, because the postmark is put on the post office on the day that it’s not over yet, they bought a vote for 10 dollars, and then they bought thousands of votes, came in a bunch, threw it in until 12 o’clock at night, that’s it, here’s voting, here’s democracy, questions for a foreigner.
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emergency services are now clearing the rubble, two women may remain under them, and this morning in the sky over belgorodskaya area were shot down. 10 shells were fired from the chersk vampire rszzo. in moscow they say goodbye to alexander shirvint, the people's artist of russia passed away last friday, he was 89 years old, of which he dedicated more than sixty to the satire theater and was its artistic director. it is in the satire theater that the ceremony is taking place today. a line had formed at the entrance to the building since the morning;
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colleagues, students and numerous admirers of his talent came. bright. witty, endowed with subtle self-irony, this is how the actor was remembered by a million viewers, movie passwords and television plays, where he often acted as a script director. it ’s very sad, it’s very sad, it’s such a loss, when you realize that an entire era, an entire civilization is passing away, it’s somehow very difficult, very difficult to come to terms with this, because this was a man... whom everyone loved, so so you have to manage to live a life where everyone loved you, everyone respected you, and you were a wonderful artist, an amazing person, this is a person you couldn’t be offended by, envy, quarrel with, it was impossible, it was impossible to quarrel, and one could only admire, the object of our admiration disappeared, well,
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for many, many years. we have been friends for 45 years, we have been friends, and i think that this is a huge loss, both for art, and for family, and for friends, he was a friend of the highest category, witty until his last days. the country today celebrates an important date: 10 years ago, crimea and sevastopol were reunited with russia.
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to come, my parents live there, that’s why i lived in crimea and still continue to go there for us, this is a national holiday, one might say, a family holiday, and for everyone for crimeans, this is simply the best day of the year. crimea, sevastopol, russia forever, until the end. from the day there will also be various celebrations, in the evening in moscow a meeting-concert 10 years in the native harbor, broadcast after the evening news at 18:00, at midnight watch the documentary crimea, as it happened. and that’s all for now, we are monitoring the developments, and the information channel on the first will continue the “big game” program. good
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afternoon, “big game” and i, vyacheslav nikonov, are live. sincere congratulations to vladimir vladimirovich putin, our to a president who won an impressive election victory. the popular vote was held with unprecedented enthusiasm, the turnout was off the charts and the result of support for the policies of our president was off the charts. and my most sincere congratulations to all russians who showed their efforts on this day. unprecedented unity, unprecedented political activity and maturity, demonstrating that we are a monolith, we are a country that not only stands firmly on its own two feet, but is ready to solve any problems, giving our president the opportunity to complete a special military operation to successfully implement the tasks
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that he himself set in his message to the federal assembly for the coming years. 6 years, and this is a program that will make our country qualitatively stronger and more prosperous. truly amazing results, first of all, of course, the activity, the political activity of our citizens, which surprised even ella pamfilova, the head of our central election commission. that's what she said. we now have, yes, in the state automated system, i want to say again, gas elections, almost.
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that the president is our national leader, but we answered the question to ourselves, what is modern russia about, what are we, and we can say with confidence that russia today is strong, united and decisive, sovereign, independent and moving forward,
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and this is the most important quality, because that the vote of a large multinational people from kamchatka to kaliningrad demonstrated the greatest unity around the president, in the world vladimir vladimirovich putin is personified as a defender of the russian. peace, each of us always feels this security that we have a guarantor of the constitution, but i think that the vote of russian citizens also confirmed that the citizens of russia, the people of russia, stand behind the president, and the colossal trust and support that the president has means that course of development of victory, it will be ensured. you know, today is a very important historical date: 10 years of the crimean spring and... these are interconnected historical events, in my opinion, i’ll explain why: 10 years ago, when crimea returned to its native harbor, as it was very succinctly said president,
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an unprecedented political and economic aggression was unleashed against russia, and 19,000 sanctions, which , according to the western plan, should convince us that we must act somehow differently, that we must act with our national interests. think about it, because today they are confronting more than just one president, but the president and we are one whole, they , confronting such a huge, strong state, must understand the extent of their
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responsibility, well, the president also feels his unity with the country, after the polling stations closed, he came to his election headquarters to tell the voters for what they did that day, let's listen. today, in the conditions in which we live, special words of gratitude to our soldiers, the guys who are on the line of combat contact, providing the country with the conditions for its development and existence, who do not spare themselves, risk their health and lives, and provide the most important task of defense. our people in the so-called new, actually historical russian territories, yes and in general for the country as a whole, we have a lot of specific... important tasks ahead,
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the election results mean the trust of the country's citizens, their hope that we will do everything as planned. i want to thank all of you, all citizens of the country, for your support and this trust. thanks a lot. well, in fact,... the last years for our country, for our people, have been very difficult, well , look, a pandemic, endless sanctions, which irina anatolyevna just reminded us of, a special military operation, the most important for country, for the security of the future of our country, but this is not just everything, and of course, there is a lot of such an emotional background. difficult,
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these elections show absolute trust in our national leader vladimir vladimirovich putin, and you said correctly, this is a mandate for further transformation, did the west play a role here, of course it played, of course it played, i think someone is biting themselves there elbows, someone, maybe someone intended to do this, but the more pressure is put on russia, this has always been the case. through the centuries, the the more our people unite around our, our historical leaders, now our leader, president putin, the more consolidation of society and the more desire to go further, to go forward, so that no one interferes with us, these are the conversations of people at the polling stations, those who voted on areas there and in the traditional way, i just...
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it's really, it's, it's, it's positively received by people that the state will even more help our key social institution, which is important for all of us. this, this, this is part, right, the president now reminded, part of his message, part of the election program, but this is a program for decades to come, this is not a program there just for a few years, we understand this perfectly well, this is all positively received by people, but this is pressure, these these... bombs that fell, unfortunately , on polling stations, attempts, other attempts, terrorist attacks, this, this is all absolutely perceived by our people as additional evidence that the president is right, has done and is doing everything right, and that now is a turning point for of our country, he said correctly, to be not to be, this is a question of...
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even more united, even stronger, that means additional reasons to be friends with us, to cooperate, this is also a very important result of the elections, this is also a very important result of the elections, the country is united. they were not afraid to go to the polls where they were under fire, people went to polling stations all over the country because they felt involved in their great power, immediately after the break we will talk with boris rozhen, who
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represents crimea and sevastopol, with pavel kukushkin, who voted in donetsk, well, let’s talk about that pressure. to which our country was subjected, and how we voted , no matter what , i go to the choir, sing and perform at various events in my city, the restoration of monuments, of my country, is an incredible honor, of course, and i directly live my business, my business happy results of my children and what i invest in children, so that they always have money, happiness is always
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cheerful, i wish those who want to become a great football player, everything worked out for them, well, or even if he became famous somewhere, the three most important qualities, i think, are confidence. reliability and love, the most important thing, yes, montechoca cognac, a product of the stellar group, the guys and i calculated how much this maidan costs, look, before the event , 700 people permanently lived on dynamo, now 15-2000, this means...
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fighter with architectural treasures, vorontsovsky, levadiysky, masandrovsky, count's pier, the place that met empress catherine ii, we came from yakutsk, the very first thing we wanted see - this is a swallow star, as a result of the reconstruction of the restoration, a unique illumination was made, here it looks like a castle of the night that rises from the depths of the sea, for the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia, the premiere of the documentary series. tomorrow on the first day, is this the same one who ratted out his partner, or what? what have you done? nobody wants to work with him; behind the wheel, he’s like a duck to water. we are launching an experiment. taxi, undercover taxi.
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colonel, is this legal? i had my own plans for this car, but you were forced on me one joint and you'll fly out of here like a traffic jam . from champagne. an interception plan has been introduced. armed attack at severnaya 27. it looks like we have a new maniac. another corpse. what should we call you now? taxi driver in uniform, bombed by law? cobboy is unfinished. did you decide to start the actual investigation? assertive and quick-witted. so, what kind of puzzle do we have here? why are you helping me? you won't rest until you catch them, yes. what's your name? i you? taxi driver. undercover taxi. premiere of a serial film. coming soon on the first one. then you fell, then what? well, this is how to live with you? well, you don't live. this, friends, is the green light of a laser. it is with this
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laser that kidney stones are simply crushed into fluff. let's get started, doctor, here's how to get rid of kidney stones and much more. tomorrow at the first, today the grand opening of the twelfth film festival took place. and yuri nikolaevich, everything is clear, you rented a hotel room, yes, i am clear, come here, and you will catch me, i was in the studio, dozens saw me man, you’re lying all the time, why are you lumping everything together, and we’ll get used to living separately , we’ll separate anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but come up with something, so, gentlemen, a statement has been received from the non-tipping spouses you know , after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, yuri nikolaevich nichaev, want to live together in the next world with my wife, elena mikhailovna nichaeva, well, what kind
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of love can there be, what eternity, i ’ll tell linka right now that i’m leaving , after all, she won’t be the first to cry and calm down, where is the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics, horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he loves only his wife and does not want to part with her, hello, lyon, not a serious conversation, are they themselves sure that for real... love each other, what are you ready for? for everything, life after life, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first one, a big game live, the enemy in every possible way.
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now they are trying again at this very moment, they are also trying to get somewhere there to go somewhere, they were destroyed, almost one hundred percent destruction was of those who climbed some 100 meters into our territory, destroyed 25 tanks during this time, in general the enemy concentrated a group of about 5.00 people in the border zone, not directly on the state border line somewhere in their immediate rear, but... the loss in general is about 40%, of which approximately 35% are irrecoverable, 25 tanks, there are
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dozens of armored vehicles and so on, if they like it that way, then in principle we are happy with it, because they attack thoughtlessly, this is such a meat grinder for them, well, it’s even beneficial for us, let them, let them try, that means there will be less...
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it doesn’t seem to exist separately, that is, it is also a factor of history, all the policies that are being pursued in the country in ukraine, it enjoys the support of the people and, accordingly , has popular support, you can actually achieve those goals that were set back in 22, attempts to prevent this by military means in the belarusian region , of course, ended in complete failure,
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the enemy’s attempts to persist, they are simply carrying out additional attacks, today the enemy shelled the border areas, just tried again. collaborators , as the president said, will now deal with them very harshly, much harsher than before, in addition, we know that they lost their equipment there, a captured flag was captured, we now already have it somewhere then they will throw it somewhere somehow, there is a prisoner, one of these collaborators, but i think he was lucky, because others may not have the opportunity to surrender, well... in most directions, indeed, our troops remained active we have the initiative on the rabotinsky ledge and on the vremevsky ledge, our troops continue to attack there, we have progress in the novomikhailovka area, where we are pressing in the village itself to the north of the village, there is progress in georgievka, and there is progress in the avdeevka direction, the enemy there is suffering very heavy losses in attempts to slow down our offensive, it
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costs him a lot, and at the same time we are still advancing in orlovka, in berdychi in thin clothes. well, let’s say the enemy’s reserves are not unlimited, and our troops have also been expanded control zone in the village of krasnoye, somewhere now 65% of the village is already under us, we also continue active operations to the west, east of chasar, which means that in the krasnolemansky direction there will be fighting in the terra area, where the enemy, by the way, lost another leopard tank, well in the area of ​​svatovo kupyansky direction, there we seem to have activity in the area of ​​​​tobaevka, krokhmalny, well, in the petropavlovo area. in general , the enemy is not conducting serious offensive actions in any of the directions, but the fact is that no matter how they try to attack in the belgorod area, we all see how this ends for them. yes, thank you very much, boris alexandrovich, once again our congratulations in your person to all crimeans and sevastopol residents on the crimean spring. well, what is significant and significant here is that citizens elected the supreme commander-in-chief, and everyone
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in the west needs to remember this, because russian citizens very clearly know that the president of russia. this is the guarantor of the constitution and this is the supreme commander in chief, which means that all strategic plans for the denazification of ukraine are fully supported by citizens russia, i think, they also paid attention to the fact that voting in the armed forces gave a result of 99 and, in my opinion, 7% for putin, well, our president received the greatest result precisely in those regions that were under fire all these days.
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russia is our president, we are in any case, i’m not hiding anything, i vote for vladimir vladimirovich, because he is our supreme commander-in-chief, so the strong president, great russia, conducted a small poll in the central square of donetsk, on lenin square, if it’s not a secret, for whom voted, well, we have a single candidate , vladimir vladimirovich, putin, for putin, a man who responded to our pain, because... that only his programs, in my opinion, are worthy of his choice, of course, for the president of the russian federation , vladimir vladimirovich putin, the whole family fully supports our current president. everything , this is our choice, here in the dpr, not only in the dpr, in all new territories, people feel with their skin, people understand what the president does
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personally, what his team does, in order so that these regions integrate as soon as possible into russia, and everyone here understands, there is no doubt, people have been on the front line for 10 years. and of course, everyone believes the current president, yes, please, yes , vyacheslav alekseevich, well, as can be seen from the report, the ukranazis failed to disrupt the elections, although donetsk was shelled, shelled, shelled the western regions, kirovsky, kievsky, petrovsky, kuibyshevsky, etc. unfortunately, not without casualties, three children died during the shelling, this is a terrible tragedy, three young children the youngest was. the youngest girl was 2 years old, the mukranazis tried to intimidate the civilian population, but donbass had already proven over these 10 years that they could not be intimidated, people went to
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the polls, these are very important figures, the average turnout for elections was 77% in the country, in the dpr 88 % turnout, on average more than 87 percent voted for vladimir vladimirovich putin, in the dpr
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and many others, literally telegraphic and lukashenko, mirziyoyev, takaev, aliyev, rakhmon, raisi, the president of iran and maduro, venezuela, luis arce, bolivia, seamara castro , honduras, daniel ortega, the president of nicaragua, kim chanin, the north korean leader, onmin hlaing, the president of myanmar, and so on and so on and so on and so on, this is truly the global majority.
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strength, and what we used to think, i personally thought that these were just budanov’s, so to speak, exercises, with special operations forces, apparently, no, they concentrated a normal group and tried to simply inflict the maximum on us, well, i must say that in friendly and unfriendly countries of our embassies there were very long queues to vote in the presidential elections, but it was in unfriendly countries that they simply chose to ignore them and announce our elections. unfree and unfair, why after advertising.
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happiness for me is coming to my ultimate goal, never stopping, always going towards my dream and never seeing limits in it, when everyone is alive, healthy inner, there is this peace of mind, when i get very high grades and are given medals, this is a must love for your child. otherwise it will just follow a child, and not be a father, since the grandmother is a teacher, she can reincarnate, today be a snow queen, tomorrow a grandma yoshka, whoever you want, even a bedded pechkin, live happily, live in the moment, everything will be fine with you, there will be peace in your soul so that every person has achieved what he wants and so that dreams can be called, trobank of ukraine
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announced the receipt of the first tranche of russian financial assistance in the amount of $3 billion. now you can exhale and calmly practice only the eu. from this moment the confrontation takes a positional character. yanukovych does not understand that the oligarchs sensed his weakness and are playing a serious game of maidan. i need to go to the maidan. people are waiting for me. yanukovych's prospects are heading towards zero. the only way out for
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the united states of america, if something doesn’t suit us, we will do as we think necessary. crimea is a special place. blorets with architectural treasures, vorontsovsky, levadiysky, masandrovsky, the count's pier, the place that met empress catherine ii. we came from yakutsk, the very first thing we wanted see - this is a swallow , as a result of the reconstruction of the restoration, a unique illumination was made, it looks like a castle of the night, this is the laser that crushes kidney stones into fluff, start, doctor, here's how to get rid of kidney stones about many other super important things and interesting.
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it’s great to live in the program, tomorrow is the first one, the premiere, i love my country, on saturday, the first one, there is an award, but he drives like a duck to water, is this the same one who ratted out his partner, or what? surely in any department of the city your fame will precede you, we we are launching an experiment, we decided to put you behind the wheel of a pilot taxi, you can work alone without a partner, taxi, why covering a taxi driver gives such excellent results, and because no lawbreakers ever pay attention to the taxi driver and taxi.
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at the same time, if necessary , with the help of built-in flashing lights in the radiator, with one press of a button , it turns into a police car, not a car, but an animal, let me go about my business , and you do yours, we find a gunner, we cover the gang, our people among yours are everything for him they'll do it, we're working. undercover taxi, the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first. a big game on the first, the west's reaction to the election results in our country can be characterized very simply: gnashing of teeth. putin declared victory in...
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putin wins in quotes in the fraudulent elections in russia with 87% of the votes, here is the official representative of the eu for foreign affairs, borel, made an official statement. stated that this was an imitation
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of ukraine, since the elections took place in its occupied territories. well, zelensky elections, not elections, he doesn’t even try to imitate anything, he simply doesn’t hold them, but for some reason... criminal activity against russia, which is carried out by those who call themselves the political elite of the west , this is already an established formula of their official behavior, and here are all the means of false information propaganda that are launched, they are aimed at
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discrediting russia for a very long time, all these 10 years we have already heard more than once at the most authoritative, it would seem, international platforms are completely outright nonsense and lies, but what is opposed to this and what? today we can state about the elections that took place, in general, the presidential elections in russia 2024 are an example of honest, real people's democracy, this is an example that, of course, these countries will never be able to follow, because the political elite of these countries is so limited in their capacity that they will never even allow inclinations to try to find out what their citizens think about them, because the system of deception that... attitude towards europeans and americans, this is a total lie in which, unfortunately, these countries live, but something else is fundamentally important for us, we talked about who followed the elections in our country, in general, putin’s victory , russia’s victory is the fundamental basis
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multipolar world, and this is the basis of the world order, in which equality means, equal indivisible security, justice has a future, and this is the key quality that does not suit this elite, not a bunch of these... in fact, this was not a question, but a statement about that the elections in russia took place absolutely, this is a confirmation of the honesty and openness of russia’s position, to which putin replied, let’s listen, can it be considered democratic to use
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an administrative resource to attack one of the candidates for president of the united states , including through the courts. we have no preference for any of the candidates for the presidency of the united states of america, we will work with whoever has the confidence of voters, but the use of administrative resources judicial system, well, this has simply become a ridiculous disgrace to the whole world for the united states and for your democratic, so -called system in quotation marks, i have every reason to believe that there is no democracy, at least during... the election processes in some countries we don’t see the west, including in the united states, today, so accept the response, the president literally in a few sentences revealed all the numerous flaws in the american
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electoral system, in general, in their so -called democracy, he said correctly, that there is a catastrophe, not democracy in the united states, is absolutely correct, but you know, we don’t like our elections the way we conducted them, now we will see how they are conducted. let's see what kind of violations there will be this time, there will be voting by mail , everything else, but something else is interesting here, they will definitely be, another thing is interesting, look with what... disdain the western ruling elites treat the citizens of russia, this is such support president, and this is all dishonest, that’s all, who are they going to do business with later, because they will have to do business with our president, they are cutting off such an opportunity for themselves, in fact, this is the same thing ; ukraine tried to disrupt our elections, and there organized an attack, well, what are they achieving with statements of this kind when people came and voted.
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and dead people can vote in large numbers by sending their votes by mail, a third of american voters already voted by mail in the last elections, and for some reason everyone voted for biden, and there you can become president by receiving a minority of votes, as is no longer uncommon it happened, because it is not the voters who vote in the end, but the electors who are elected by the voters and no one knows them...
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after the big game on the tenth anniversary of the annexation of crimea, we watch the film crimea, as
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it happened, today, the first episode. well, our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. let's give the floor to the news. the big game returns at 4:30 p.m. rally, concert in honor of the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia. live broadcast from. red square today on the first, this is the news on the first, hello, in the studio valeria korableva, record turnout in the modern history of russia in the central election commission sums up the results of the presidential election, almost 100% of the ballots have already been processed, there is one more.


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