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tv   Vremya  1TV  March 18, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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87, 1113.127 of our dear voters, that is, we have a turnout for the first time, it is record -breaking, unprecedented, it has never happened before, it is 77.44%, i repeat, 77.4%, yes for... well, in general, in the history of the new this was not the case for russia, the first time. this, according to pomfilova , happened, among other things, due to unprecedented pressure from the so-called collective west on our country. the emphasis was on two things: to bring down turnout, to reduce it. what was done for this? to achieve this, methods of intimidation were constantly used to sow panic. nothing
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they abhorred, starting from the endless arrivals from the border of the belgorod region, others, people experienced for themselves what democracy is in the understanding of the west, which supports what is happening in ukraine. the country has shown that no pressure, sanctions, let alone threats of destruction can influence us, the turnout in the same belgorod region is 87%, and of those who came to the polling stations.
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no one has ever, as i already said, anything like this in history, it hasn’t worked out now and it won’t work out in the future, never, the election results are the trust of the country's citizens, their hope that we will do everything as planned, the support of the country today, according to vladimir putin, are those who protect the interests of russia, we mean
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exactly people who think closely, empathize, who have common goals, like-minded people, but let's think about the meaning of this word, where did it come from, comrade-in-arms, who is a warrior in ancient russia? this is a warrior, and not just a warrior, but a militia, these are people who stood up to defend their fatherland, people who thought about their homeland today, about future generations. the fact that very young people think seriously about the fatherland was also shown by the president’s conversation with representatives of the youth wing of the popular front, who worked in the elections in the recently liberated region.
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and words of gratitude to them, first of all, we have done a lot of work over the previous few months, but without any doubt, the main task now is not to fix the election results, on the contrary, on the basis of - these results, move forward, fulfilling everything we talked about during the election campaign. i once decided for myself that i will not promise anything that cannot be done, but you must always be extremely honest with people, and not indulge in verbiage, everything that i said in my message to the federal assembly
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is all achievable , everything was calculated there, it is indicative that the current presidential elections took place without violations. today's super-majority, as the director of vtsom called the level of trust in putin, is not only his 100% supporters. a significant part of russians who usually vote in duma elections for the communist party of the russian federation, for the liberal democratic party, they supported him. have they ceased to be
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supporters of the ldpr and the communist party of the russian federation? no, but they supported the national leader because the situation itself required it, and this, in general, does not contradict the position.
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and for russia and russians. anton vernitsky, zulfiya khakimova, sergey romanov, channel one. let's get back to the numbers. these are the accents placed on the presidential elections. for the first time , residents of our new towns took part in the voting. territories. despite the threat from ukraine, turnout everywhere was above the russian average. as in the regions that , even before the elections, were subject to ukrainian terror on all voting days, primarily the border kursk and especially belgorod regions, the plan of the kiev regime was clear: to intimidate people,
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to push them away from participating in the fate of the country along with it in their own destiny. people made a choice, but not at all what the enemy expected, personal courage and responsibility for the future. do not intimidate, people wanted, people waited, people we were waiting for the elections, the old ladies came, the old ones go and are not afraid of anything, my mother went, i had to lead her, because she said, i’ll go, at least send me through, and i ’ll vote, get such percentages in
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the elections of 87%, of course, this brought people together very much, no one will intimidate the russian people, it is the russians who are not the strongest people, there is no need to scare them, terrorist attacks from the ukrainian side continued today, in belgorod at half past eight in the evening the missile danger sirens turned on again . the all-clear was given when our release was already on the air, and increased to four. they are provided with the necessary medical assistance; the village
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of golovchino also came under fire, 10 private houses and two cars were damaged there, one of them was completely burned, there were no casualties. a little earlier , the ministry of health of the belgorod region reported that during the week of shelling in the region, 11 people died, then the bodies of two women had not yet been found in a house in nikolskoye, 44 people were in hospitals. let's start with the belgorod region and report on the progress of the special operation, the ministry of defense reported. two attempts to enter were stopped saboteurs across our state border, some were preparing to move out from the outskirts of the ukrainian lukashovka on an infantry fighting vehicle, but were spotted and, at the moment of loading, struck by an fpv drone. the enemy lost eight men killed and wounded. one vsu officer fled, leaving the wounded behind. and before that, other groups of saboteurs tried to move towards the village of kazinka, attacks were carried out on places where manpower and equipment were concentrated by several enemy brigades and traitors from the terrorist group.
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and after a few seconds the command intercepts target, as a result, the missile was eliminated by what is called a head-on strike, the plane was hit in pursuit, our air defense also shot down a ukrainian mi-8 helicopter, our special services prevented a terrorist attack in the crimea in simferopol, fsb officers detained a russian woman who, on instructions from ukrainian curators, was planning sabotage on railway, the goal is to disrupt the transportation of our military equipment, during the search they found a homemade bomb in the phone and... the detainee faces life imprisonment. let's return
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to the presidential elections and numbers. now about regions that showed the highest turnout. if the national average was, let me remind you, 77.44%, then, for example, in the chechen republic it was almost 99%. the turnout was almost 96.5 in kusbas. it amounted to about 96 in kabardino. balkaria is tenths less in tuva, and 94% in the yamalo-nenets autonomous okrug. and also from the data array: 84.4% is the average result of vladimir putin in the centers of the federal subjects. the three other members of the company nikolai kharitonov, vladislav davankov and leonits slutsky have already congratulated vladimir putin with his re-election and were invited to the head of state, for whom it is important to take into account the useful.
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credit policy and so on, i , of course, would like to listen to what people told you, what they set you up for , in order to use the feedback to work together and... achieve common goals. nikolai kharitonov came to the meeting with a folder for the president. it contains ideas, suggestions and questions from russians collected over 2–2 months of pre-selected trips. for example, because of a conversation with a guy in chukotka , the topic of unevenness crystallized salaries of public sector employees in different regions. the work is the same, but the salaries are different. where are you from? from altai. why are you here? nikola mikhailovich
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in altai salary is 35,000. i say, how much do you get here on the check? 100-110. well , i say, life is more expensive here. but he still says there is a little gain, that is , this is the question that you voice and constantly seem to be on the lips of teachers, doctors, regardless, sometimes they say, here is the average salary for the region, it is still necessary to make it the same for the federation, if you pull it up as if teachers and healthcare workers should not come here to moscow, st. petersburg, as for salaries in the social sphere, then right now we will be actively working on... this will be actively dealt with, i also said this in the message, it is necessary to level out, another question is connected with this, the question of sources, i also spoke about this in the message, this concerns proposals for changes in the tax system, here we need to be very careful, we need to create a system that we do not change, it must be stable for as long as
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at least 6 years, the taxation system must be fair, the government will... offer its solutions, how, from whom, how much, and here you need to be very careful, but the decisions must be verified. leonid slutsky came to the meeting without a folder, but he collected no less proposals for election trips, and additional concessions for small businesses, and mandatory distribution to the regions for 3 years for graduates of medical schools, and how to stop the outflow of young people from villages to cities, young people leaving from the village
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to our generation, well, i’ll be honest, people during meetings, they sincerely say this, and they believe that only you can win this confrontation. vladimir putin called on the former rivals to now consolidate their efforts in parliament to achieve common goals. anatoly lazarev, anna zayakina, ilya zhuravlev, channel one.
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vladimir putin spoke with reporters about the elections and goals facing russia. at the election headquarters, the communication took place at night. kirill brainin about the main thing. by the beginning of vladimir putin’s night press conference there was already it is clear that the turnout during the elections exceeded all forecasts, and in the morning the central election commission called the number of those who cast their votes a record. and here’s a question for the elected head of state: what does he attribute such activity of citizens to? this is due to the drama of the events the country is going through. connected with the current situation, connected with the fact that we are forced... in the literal sense of the word, with arms in hand, to protect the interests of our citizens, our people, to create a future for the full, sovereign, safe development of the russian federation, our homeland, and the results, including, first of all, turnout, show that people, ordinary people
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feel this, understand that from them, it is from them that much... a lot depends, behind the seemingly common phrase “every vote” is important, in fact is hidden much, sometimes without any pathos, is the courage of the people who came to the polling stations under fire. kiev’s plan to disrupt elections in the border regions turned out to be exactly the opposite result, and this, despite daily attacks by militants trying to break into the belgorod region and kursk. ukrainian the authorities openly admitted that they were using terrorists, the so-called russian volunteer corps. recent events in the belgorod region are connected. with the russian volunteer corps, do you know something about this structure, what is its strength, what is it ? you know, even during the great patriotic war there was such a... formation that was created by the traitor to the homeland vlasov, the vlasovites, well, they also fought against their homeland with weapons in their hands, what they ended up with is well known,
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then these people, these traitors and scum , fought on the side of the nazis, now there are exactly the same people who fight on the side of neo-nazis, the neo-nazi regime, they took up arms against their... against their homeland, we do not have the death penalty , but we will always, now in the future, treat these people as those who are in a combat zone, we will assume that they are with weapons, all law enforcement agencies will be given instructions to identify everyone by name and accept them into relations. people who are they are fighting against russia with weapons, the corresponding actions, and we will not give them peace, they should know about this, uh, the effectiveness is minimal,
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even on the battlefield, the commanders tell me that it is immediately clear that these are irregular units, they are moving in a crowd, well, just to the slaughter, as they say, if they like it that way, then in principle it suits us, because they attack mindlessly, this is such a meat grinder for them, well, it’s even beneficial for us, let them try. the initiative, according to vladimir putin, along the entire front line, is with the russian army, every day there is progress, and this is more than active defense. the development of the issue in the belgorod region, absolutely barbaric attacks, yes, by the ukrainian regime, and many died, well, people died, and many were wounded, a year ago, governor golotkov, when he was asked, in fact, how to solve this problem, said that in order to ensure safety. regarding what and how we should join when, but i do not
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exclude that, bearing in mind the tragic events taking place today, we are forced at some point, when we consider it appropriate, we will create a certain sanitary zone in the current territories subordinate to the kiev regime, which means... creating a security zone to overcome, which will be quite difficult, using the means of destruction that the enemy uses, first of all , of course, foreign production, what depth such a zone could have is a separate question. the details, of course, are a matter for the military, but in this sense the example of avdiivka is indicative. the liberation of the city significantly reduced the ability of the ukrainian army to shell donetsk. of course, kiev does not give up attempts to intimidate the residents of novye.
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to protect them, and this is the main motivation for all our actions. secondly, they, of course, expect the development of the social sphere, the economy of these territories, and we will do everything to ensure that these aspirations of the people who live in this territory are realized. needless to say, the west denies the residents of donbass, crimea and novorossiya the right to self-determination and does not recognize elections in these regions, but at least the assessments the so-called cradle of democracy has long been left behind.
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and there were other cases when people in places of deprivation of liberty passed away, but didn’t this happen in the united states, it happened more than once, uh, by the way, well - well , i’ll tell you, it will be so unexpected, a few days before about the departure of mr. navalny , some colleagues told me about his life, and not just employees of the administration, some people there said that there is an idea to exchange mr. ...
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nothing can be done about it, that’s life, and if you want to know my opinion on regarding whether our elections are democratic or not, i believe that they are democratic, on the contrary, in some countries, well, for example, in your country, how can it be considered democratic to use administrative resources to attack one of the candidates for president of the united states , using, among other things, the courts, but this simply became a ridiculous disgrace to the whole world for the united states and for your democratic, so-called, in quotes , system. i have every reason to believe that there is no democracy, at least during
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today we are not observing pre-election processes in some western countries, including the united states. if there were a competition for the opacity of electoral systems, the united states would undoubtedly win by a landslide. here we have the institution of electors, voting by mail, and a ban on the work of foreign observers. all this, however, does not prevent washington from jealously assessing the democracy of other people’s processes and openly interfering, financing the so-called opposition into exile. in these elections some oppositionists, particularly from abroad, called today. at noon, massively vote your supporters against you, there were also cases of arson at polling stations , damage to ballots with green paint, what do you think about this? well, as far as i understand, as far as i heard reported to me, calls were made to come vote at noon, and this should have been a manifestation of opposition, so what if
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they did?
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investments in the ukrainian army do not change , as do multi-billion-dollar western situations on the battlefield, even menacing and frightening allies, the french president's reasoning about the possible direct participation of nato troops in the conflict is not exactly a surprise. military personnel from nato countries are present there, we know, we hear both french and english speech there. there is nothing good in this, first of all for them, because they die. in large quantities, but in the end it ’s not our choice, if someone wants to slightly cover up internal political problems with their aggressive external rhetoric, well, this is known all over the world and often used welcome, but i would really like france to play a role that does not lead to aggravation of the conflict, to its aggravation, would not provoke this situation,
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on the contrary, by the way, in france. many consider macron’s belligerent statements to be preparation for elections to the european parliament; if everything is so bad that approaching world war iii is the last trump card, one can only sympathize with the leader of the fifth republic, and even in some. the russian electoral system was able to resist all attempts to interfere with presidential elections, valentina matvienko stated this; the chairman of the federation council also noted an unprecedentedly high turnout. according to her
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, voting brought the community together even more. behind these results there is an obvious assessment of the titanic work of the president in his construction of the sovereign. respected state, this is evidence of such real unity, the unification of our society, in the face of the threats that we face today, we must separately note the very high turnout, almost one hundred percent there in crimea, sevastopol, our new regions, this says that people in new regions who suffered from...
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the entire history of new russia, the president received more than 87% of the votes of support from our population, that there has never been such a turnout in elections , which is why there are such attacks on him, they are trying to discredit , are doing everything to weaken our country, so when we talk about russia, we must... understand this, and citizens, taking into account the challenges of vladimir vladimirovich’s previous tenure as president, united around him. behind outside russia, presidential elections
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were held in 295 polling stations in 144 countries. how everything went in the unfriendly ones is, of course, of separate interest. pavel krasnov in london observed the world picture. and to the shooting location. the capital of sweden, stockholm, the setting for this song itself would not have been anything unusual for its performance, if not for the voters who came to cast their votes and started singing the song while standing in line in front of the russian embassy. you could say, imperceptibly, a little frozen. we have made our choice. these with the queues that stretched in front of sites opened abroad, clearly made an impression on the western media. the voting itself and its results are the main topic of the evening news. the first official results show that the russian leader won almost 88% of the vote, which he says
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is a symbol of the people's trust. british sky news generally devoted the evening to the presidential elections in russia live, showing viewers vladimir putin’s conversation with volunteers, headquarters leaders and his press conference. europe and the world. articles in western newspapers, dedicated to the voting results, written as a carbon copy.
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who will you vote for? to be honest, this is a very personal question, but i will vote for putin, he is our president, i am happy with him, i know that tastes are different, opinions are different, but people vote for whoever they want. russian polling stations had their own reasons for the appearance of queues the day before , for example, a reduction in the number of polling stations; 6 years ago, there were almost four hundred of them abroad, this time there are less than 300. in the same germany, the authorities closed four russian consulates, leaving only two places for russians to express their will in bonn and berlin. as a result, the line stretched for several blocks, but today the german media write about the past elections in an offended tone, saying that from now on the german foreign ministry will call putin. by name only, without mentioning the presidency. the eu took cool
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note of the results of the pseudo-elections in russia. it was an election without elections, said foreign minister burback. chinese president xi, on the contrary, congratulated putin over the phone. the chairman of the people's republic of china, of course, is not the only one who sent congratulations to the russian leader. the heads of the cis countries and the leaders of friendly states congratulated vladimir putin on his re-election, but china and india still stand out in this row. we are ready to maintain close cooperation with russia to promote the continuous, healthy, stable and in-depth development of russian-chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction in a new era for the benefit of the two states of their peoples. i'm looking forward to working together work on further strengthening. years of time-tested special and
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privileged strategic partnership between india and russia. against this background, the west looks confused, and its politicians clearly have nothing to say. the head of european diplomacy, barel , collected almost all the well-known clichés in his statement. looking ahead, i would like to note that these elections were not free and fair. there were no osce observers, and the elections themselves took place in an extremely limited environment; repression and methods of intimidation of citizens were used. elections were also held in the occupied territories of ukraine, violating its sovereignty. freedom and fairness are debatable. a western journalist asks a question about the elections at a press conference in the kremlin, receives an answer from the president and his press secretary. russian journalists in europe and the usa are deprived of this opportunity. alexei navalny's widow is calling on leaders around the world not to recognize the election results.
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facts, and yet the numbers speak for themselves: 360,000 people voted abroad in the presidential elections, 78% of the votes was given for vladimir putin, and sometimes residents of estonia had to make an effort to participate in the elections; due to the obstacles of their local authorities, they had to cross the border with russia. 7,000 voters voted in mobile polling stations deployed on buses near the checkpoints; putin’s result was 98%. in addition to the authorities, voters in the baltics were often disturbed by provocateurs, and this
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is how the provocateurs were responded to in washington. in response to anti-russian rhetoric , “katyusha” sounded at the gates of our embassy. alexander anonichev, channel one. well besides the already mentioned phone calls and telegrams, while the report was on air, it became known about the president’s telephone conversation. russia and turkey. receb tayyip erdogan called vladimir putin to warmly congratulate him on his convincing victory in the elections and wish him new successes in his government activities. and because of shgabat , a congratulatory message signed by the president of turkmenistan serdar berdimuhamedov was sent to moscow. the results of the presidential elections are natural. this is how mikhail commented on the voting results mishustin. at a meeting with his deputies, he noted that the government. this imposes additional responsibility,
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including in the implementation of national projects and other tasks assigned to the cabinet of ministers. anna kurbatova will continue the topic. the results of the presidential elections are the number one topic at today's government meeting. prime minister mikhail mishustin began his meeting with deputy prime ministers like this. people trust our president, because he does everything to improve the lives of citizens and to develop our country. this voting result is natural obvious. never, new schools, hospitals appear , this has never happened in the history of our country , there are reasons for pride, there is no reason to slow down, mishustin noted, because there is no less work , priority is given to the initiatives that the president announced in his address to the federal
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assembly, this is a national project - family , preparation for the launch of national projects youth of russia. personnel, data economics, creation and development of a new model of remuneration for public sector employees, solutions that will help strengthen technological sovereignty, here’s more there is one instruction from the head of state on the agenda of today’s meeting: to ensure the phased implementation of measures to combat hepatitis c and minimize the risks of its spread. the government will allocate 4.5 billion rubles annually for 3 years to the regions for the purchase of necessary medicines. taking into account. people with hepatitis c have been receiving free medical care under compulsory medical insurance since last year; a federal register of such patients will be created this year. two main categories
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of patients have been identified, those infected with hiv infection, combined with hepatitis c, the treatment of which carried out at the expense of the federal budget and the patient. with hepatitis c receiving treatment as part of compulsory health insurance at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the russian federation. and another important decision to help people diagnosed with blood cancer and in need of bone marrow transplantation, a register of not only patients, but also donors was created in our country. the latter already has more than 320 thousand people. to date, more than 100,000 people wishing to become donors have submitted their application to the federal medical and biological agency. from other topics discussed today.
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heroes on the street named after hero of the soviet union ivan shchepakin, there is baikal in miniature, heated benches, a cozy park, in an area built up with high-rise buildings, it is included in the federal register of the best landscaping practices in the country. it’s generally great to come here with a child, not every area has such a cool place, the grandchildren really like it, good playgrounds, that’s all. our new regions are now actively participating in improvement programs. for the first time last year, people took part in the voting residents of donetsk, lugansk republic, zaporozhye region. this year the kherson region also joined us. this year , almost 5,500 more spaces are up for voting across the country. since march 15
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, 4,700 people have already taken part in voting, this is simply a gigantic pace, we have never voted at such a pace. it is necessary that... our cities and towns become modern, comfortable, beautiful, all this is happening today, we see these results. and will there be more? national project for the formation of a comfortable urban environment, by decision of the president , extended until at least 2030. anna kurbatova, maryana soboleva, sergey valetov, channel one. now advertising is in the second part of the program. 10 years of common history, crimea and sevastopol in their native harbor and farewell on stage. it was held at the satire theater. they don’t want to, you’re extreme, his wife was also handing out
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these cookies, it was just that a photo of his wife ended up on the quitoria table, he fueled not only the maidan, but also the anti-maidan, it was just a legend about himself in the matter of his involvement. he's counting on the opportunity some radical scenario, this could be the third maidan, intimidating zelensky with the fact that after may 20 his legitimacy is in doubt , he will wait a moment, put his claws into the liver and pull this liver out, tents, firewood, food will be paid for in the kiva, pitch tents in marinsky park, lyubochkin will now have six months for real devastation and such a wave of a vampire, the americans have already picked it up, exclusive information that has not appeared on air before. now we will show it and discuss it. sergey lyovochkin, gapon maidana. dolls of the heir of katutti. tomorrow on the first. cognac oldbar is a product of steller group bourbon
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storsman is a product of stellar group. mankatcher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. сnop gin is a product of stellar group. cognac monteshoca. product of steller group. product of stellor group, vodka veda, product of stellar group, today we will introduce you to a person whose work is becoming more and more interesting day by day, this is circus and theater director valentin gneushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be, there are a lot of geniuses people who found some kind of poetic... fantastic reality in the circus, this is the fleetingness that i want to capture, the circus that i want to make does not
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exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovetsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman and after 2 days i realized that she was gone, and that i had to start from scratch myself. i knew that my homeland was mine. virtual reality is where everything impossible is possible, i see you, you are now in my room, hello,
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several people can be in the virtual space at once, that is, for example, the plant is located in talyat, the customer is in st. petersburg, so they can meet together and discuss , for example, a car, a model, as if it actually already physically exists, our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests for determining allergic reactions, using exactly... our laboratory reagents have the widest the range of allergens that can be detected. our collections mainly consist of sheepskin coats, and we also produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, skirts. our brand's style is everyday luxury. ours is everything. premiere. on saturday, on the first. this is the program time and we continue. a little over an hour ago , a concert dedicated to an important date in the modern history of the country ended on red square. 10 years of reunification
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of crimea and sevastopol with russia. 80,000 people gathered - reported the ministry of internal affairs. vladimir attended a grandiose event in honor of the anniversary putin. the head of state, who wins the election with a historic result, took the stage along with other campaign participants. konstantin saw everything. so involuntarily. it turned out that the decade of the reunification of crimea and sevastopol with russia was not the only reason for gathering on red square today, so the question asked itself, they voted, of course, this is our duty, they voted, yes, they voted, your candidate won , of course, with a huge breakthrough, vladimir vladimirovich tore everyone into another it couldn’t be, without options, and what, what do you expect from him in the next 6 years, only the prosperity of our country, so that our country.
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those who voted for vladimir putin on monday evening were right under the windows of their candidate’s office. president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. all participants in the election race with... who, based on the voting results, held a meeting in the kremlin today, but first crimea on the day of reunification on march 18, 2014, vladimir putin spoke at a similar concert at the kremlin walls. exactly 10 years ago, on red square, here, moving to this same stage, i remembered that crimea is often called an unsinkable aircraft carrier. this is what prompted the idea to say that crimea has returned to its native harbor. but... crimea is not only a strategically important territory, it is not only our history, our traditions and the pride
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of russia. crimea is, first of all, people. but still we did it, and this is also a great event in the history of our state. russia has been developing within its updated borders for a year and a half and there is more to come grandiose projects. just this morning i was informed that the railway from rostov to donetsk, to mariupol and berdyansk had been restored. we will continue this
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work and soon trains will pass directly to sevastopol.
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they didn’t flinch anywhere, weren’t afraid for a second and confirmed that this is the real big russia. finally, in direct communication with the capital crimea and sevastopol. every year, with every problem, with every task , our national leader, our president, vladimir vladimirovich putin, always supported us, therefore, yesterday the whole of sevastopol, or rather the
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next three days that have passed, the whole of sevastopol came to the polling stations to say.
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another feat, despite the danger that was on their way to the polling stations, the voting took place with a huge result, with huge attendance, just with such huge support from our supreme commander-in-chief, our president of the russian federation, which is very pleasing, the residents really believe our idol, our leader, our commander. not only the guys on the front line, but all the residents. donbass 8 for years he has been proving that he wants to be part of russia, is part of russia, so for us the victory of the president was not a question, it was a statement, and we are happy and donbass, in my opinion, produced one of the greatest results. those who regularly visit the liberated territories know the reasons for such results. these are people who have been waiting for us for 10 years, well, 8 years. crimea entered 10 years ago, and zaporozhye, kherson region and
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donetsk, struna, his name is vladislav.
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for russia, for our great future, for the president of great russia, i will never i will forget my feeling, that feeling of pride for my country and my president, exactly 10 years ago, i congratulate you on this holiday, congratulate you on the holiday, long live russia! russia is our sacred power, russia is our beloved country. mighty
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will, great glory, your heritage for all time. panyushkin, anastasia kobuzeva, pavel likholetov, victor golovin, ekaterina yaravenko, alexander kovalev channel one. 10 years since reunification with russia is a period of rapid growth in the standard of living and industry of crimea and sevastopol. built new infrastructure that the whole world knows about. the bridge across the kerch strait, the tavrida highway, in total more than 300 km of new roads, power plants, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, comfortable housing. fresh water is no longer in short supply. and also billions of investments and the return from which is already felt, of course, the strength of crimea is in the people who, over the years, have brought love to our great russian land. yuri lepatov will remind you of that...


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