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tv   Aleksandr Prokhanov  1TV  March 19, 2024 12:00am-1:01am MSK

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elections are a competition of personalities , this is a competition of bright leaders, we have one bright leader, the result is obvious, uh, in ’26 the situation will be different, those are supporters of the communist party of the russian federation, those supporters of the ldpr, who in ’24 faced a rather serious choice , give a vote to a representative of the party, adherents of which they are or...
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after all, it was a leadership party, a personal party, vladimir volfovich is already in the best of worlds, will his successor or successor succeed in some new quality formed in these 2 years, we don’t know, but in any case it will be a competition between various political forces. russia is a huge country, a very different country, we are a multi-generational society, we have five generations living at the same time, these are people with very different views, with very different...
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the place that welcomed empress catherine ii. we came from yakutsk, the very first thing we wanted to see was the swallowtail. as a result of the restoration reconstruction, a unique lighting was created, so it looks like a castle of the night, which rises from the depths of the sea. to mark the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia. premiere of the documentary series. tomorrow. on the first. ukraine has every right to use the services of any forces. viktor shandarovich is an agent. after the start of the northern military district, he promised the russian people terrible punishments and disasters. he regrets that he ended up on the peacemaker site. i was already attacked in vilnius, they sprayed me with a ketchik. if you can divide the money in half between supporting the armed forces of ukraine and refugees, the humanitarian component. that is, he is now confirmed what? what kind of sunshine? what did you help? regarding dugin and so on. we agree with
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what we are doing in relation to crimea and belgorod, it is very tough, but we have no disagreements here, we can say with you that he is the devil, i personally think that he is the devil, when you arrive, there will be questions and about bandera, i have to love bandera, this is the condition for my appearance on the territory of ukraine, they just want to be gouleiters, the premiere, the van and lexus show on wednesday on the first. there's a big game on the air, we talked about how russia is now in a situation of acute conflict with the collective west, that military operations are ongoing in ukraine, that nato is not yet going to give up and is thinking about new ways to lead to a strategic one.
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for the majority of russian citizens, in this sense, there is nothing more important, of course, than healthcare, than medical care for the population, and today our guest is sergei anatolyevich boytsov, academician, general director of the chazov national research center for cardiology, and a person whom i respect very much, both as an organizer of russian science and as an amazing doctor.
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i’m very glad to welcome you, i’ll ask you a question right away, you’ve probably read and maybe listened to the president’s address to the federal assembly.
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would you like to attract yourself? we prepare these shots ourselves. we have a clinical residency, we have a postgraduate course, which in general involves virtually five years of study, and people, finishing this cycle, certainly all strive to stay where they grew up,
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where they studied, so national centers, medical schools, do not suffer from this problem? well this is great, very important.
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this is the detection of diseases through the medical examination system and those people who are diagnosed with diseases either as a result of medical examination or upon their visit, including to hospitals, they are then observed within the framework of the so-called clinical examination, this is the system, but what is it? dispensary observation is regular monitoring of patients within the framework. primary care with a local therapist or a specialist, well, as far as it concerns, let’s say, cardiologists are understandable, this is a cardiologist who, depending on the diagnosis, with a certain regularity
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, are invited for examination and, if necessary, treatment adjustments, that is, this is a proactive invitation, not waiting for the patient to contact him about the fact of deterioration in well-being, but the most important thing is his condition. .. so, when i hear about what you just talked about, it probably requires serious investments, probably, this requires more doctors, more equipment, not so, as for equipment, it it is really necessary, this is where i
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start, digitalization did not begin yesterday, but such a qualitative transition to a new level, this is really happening right now, already... for a long time in all regions there have been medical information systems that allow the functioning of electronic medical records integrated within this medical information system, which not only... facilitates the work of each individual doctor, but this allows the administration to analyze in a timely manner how things are happening the treatment process, in relation to each specific patient, to the therapeutic area, to the clinic as a whole, of course, digitalization is now a new level - this is the development of systems to support medical decision-making and...
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for pharmacology, which has more and no less become domestic, this is a very impressive
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transition. as for equipment, this is of course difficult in the context of sanctions, but again, if there is money, there will always be somewhere, somehow, willing, let’s say, to meet halfway, russia is discovering this, fortunately in many areas. but there is one aspect where i don’t really know how to compensate for the lack of contact with the west that we are seeing today, these are, of course, conversations between scientists and scientists, and as it seems to me in the past, such conversations, such an exchange of opinions, all this played a very... positive role, what are you doing now, i don’t mean you personally, but medicine as a whole, to
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cope with this problem? well, the world is very big, of course, we have a decreased number of contacts with western european colleagues, with north american colleagues, but we were just at the beginning of a wave of significant intensification of our relations with the eastern states, this certainly concerns china, this concerns northern africa, this concerns, first of all, of course, it was necessary to call it the central asian states, which have now also done very a good breakthrough in terms of the development of healthcare, including medical science, so our communication is very close, and i... of course, i’m not talking about our belarusian colleagues, who are now working at a very good level, but i must say
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that we do not have, well, let’s say, a complete break in communication with western european colleagues, they have become, well, let’s say, less intense, and we see, it doesn’t seem to us, that for those colleagues this is also a big loss, because we were participants common projects. we were participants in all kinds of common registers and so on, and now , of course, the situation is not conducive to this, although they continue mainly through teleconferences, video conferencing, participation , including in scientific conferences, it seems to me that if you have money, then not everything is possible decide if everything.
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medical science is part of general science, this also applies to the fundamental aspects of medicine, this also applies to its applied aspects, which concerns mainly fundamental aspects, the president spoke about this very thoroughly when he was invited to celebrate the anniversary of the russian academy of sciences, and there
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we really heard. research, they, as a rule, of course, are secondary in relation to fundamental ones; they have, well, let’s say, much more room for maneuver. although they also need in money, in need of personnel, and it seems to me that if we take into account such indicators as the number of publications, like citations, these are the indicators that attention is always paid to, as one of the criteria for the level of development of science, but most
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importantly, this is the output specific products , if we talk about medicine, these are... very good progress, now most of the x-ray equipment, it has long been digital in our country, it is domestic, good steps have already been taken in relation to computer tamographs, in in general, both the state and the president see this problem of ours, and i have no doubt that
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there will be worthy and necessary support, well , you have the opportunity to appeal to the government more broadly to the authorities with requests and explain what you need, you have a feeling like this, what kind of dialogue is there between the main medical centers and the authorities, that such a dialogue takes place? there is certainly a dialogue; here, of course, the ministry of health and the russian government always take an active position. federation in terms of clarifying our needs, at the same time, tasks are being put forward that need to be solved, and i want to take a step back a little, i forgot about one more very important thing, we talked about money, a very powerful mechanism is grant support, this is such a universal
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mechanism for the whole world, in primarily for fundamental research - and the russian science foundation has very good opportunities to, in general, really provide for most of our needs in science. sergey anatolyevich, thank you very much, for taking the time, and thank you even more for everything you do, i know how important it is and how much it is in the interests of the state of ordinary people. thank you very much again. thank you. the return of the peninsula to russia began long before the events called the crimean spring. despite attempts at forced ukrainization, local residents resisted it as best they could. the film contains
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unique evidence of how krynga has been used for three decades. i don’t want this gang from ukraine to destroy the colony of moscow. all alive, all alive, crimea
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chose the path to russia many years ago in 1991, when the ussr was collapsing, but then no one knew that the crimeans had another 23 years of continuous struggle ahead of them, russia, russia, russia. conflict, confirmation of this was the return home to the peninsula of the beaten, humiliated fighters of berkut, the burning capital of ukraine in february 2014. literally following
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berkut, a friendship train set out from kiev to crimea, this is what ukrainian nationalists called the train on which they went to simferopol to iron... react to ukrainian nationalism, which was spreading like a plague throughout the still soviet republic. even then they decided in simferopol. that with such a ukraine, crimea is not on the way to the peninsula , a referendum on the state status of the region was announced, on january 20 , 1991, we held a referendum on
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the re-establishment of the crimean autonomous soviet socialist republic as a subject of the union, a party to the union treaty, that’s exactly how we formulated it, because in ninety first year during the period when we held a referendum... about 2% fell short of the 100% desire to leave ukraine back to their homeland, russia. more than 96% were in favor of
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reunification with russia. the numbers are extreme. but crimea was literally forcibly and illegally torn away from its homeland back in 1954. then the decision to transfer the peninsula. caused bewilderment among the crimeans, they always considered their land part of russia, themselves russians, but nikita khrushchev did not care about this; on his personal initiative, crimea became part of soviet ukraine. the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr issued a decree on the transfer of the crimean region from the russian federation to the ukrainian soviet socialist republic. it turns out that this was all done.
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at the presidium of the central committee, then there was no politburo, there was a presidium of the central committee, the issue was resolved in 15 minutes, despite the objections of the communist leadership there in crimea, despite the objections there of molotov and some other leaders, the main thing for khrushchev was the concoction. first secretary of the cpsu central committee, khrushchev made a royal gift to ukraine in order to gain the support of the influential ukrainian communist party in the preparation of the twentieth congress. crimea has become a bargaining chip in a big game. khrushchev won the game in a behind-the-scenes fight. so the crimeans suddenly found themselves in another republic, with which they had never been connected either culturally or historically. there was a city committee here, the communist party of ukraine, that is , it partially belonged to the territory of the ukrainian ussr, but then there was no, you know, principled, fundamental dependence there,
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which is the most important thing, no one imposed anything. and legal status. by the way, this was the first referendum in the ussr. in january 1991 , official kiev simply ignored the crimean referendum, adopting a law on the restoration of the crimean autonomous soviet socialist republic within ukraine. of course, we thought about returning to russia, but the year 1991 came, the famous disaster of boris nikolayevich yeltsin.
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so to speak, and the fleet refused, unlike the military districts that were on the territory of ukraine, to swear allegiance to kiev. it was the black sea fleet that became the main support of crimea in confrontation with kiev in 2014. for crimeans, russian sailors were a guarantee that the situation would develop. peacefully, and if the black sea fleet had not been here, then everything could have turned out completely differently. st. andrew's flag on russian ships in the sevastopol bays was a symbol of security. old people, veterans, adults, active military personnel and women and children understood this, as if the fact is that sevastopol has some kind of special spirit, unity, because of the fleet,
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because of such a history. city of russian sailors they tried to intimidate for a long time and more than once. on march 1 , 1992 , the so-called friendship train departed for sevastopol: 10 carriages filled with unso militants, ukrainian nationalists who would become the main fighting force during future coups d'etat in 2004 in 2014 , headed by stepan khmara, a deputy.
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to maintain order, and active sevastopol residents came out to meet uninvited guests; among the nationalists who came to the demonstration action was one of the leaders of the combat detachments. that we are not on the same path with independent ukraine, despite the actions to deter the threat in crimea at that time they still believed in a civilized divorce from ukraine, but already in march 1995 it became
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clear that one should not count on normal relations on the part of kiev; ukraine sent armored troops to simferopol. the guards were disarmed, i won’t retell how this was done. all means of communication were turned off. the first president of the republic of crimea, yuri mishkov, was overthrown and expelled. it was a real coup staged by the ukrainian authorities in crimea. 19 years later, in 2014, kiev was going to act the same way, not managed. in the late nineties, everything was different. these are the years when overseas businessmen developed a serious appetite for crimea. in may 1997 , an agreement on friendship, cooperation and partnership was concluded between russia and ukraine. presidents yeltsin and kuchma gave mutual guarantees not to use their territories to the detriment of each other's security.
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but already in august of the same 1997 , the first naval exercises in the ukraine-nato format took place in the black sea off the coast of crimea. sybris. 97. the first deception at the state level took place. subsequently it will become calling card of ukrainian politicians. there were some jokes: we take from russia the maximum of what could be taken, and at the same time, being independent, we develop our policy towards the west to one degree or another, accepting something from the west. in this case, they already have, they have already made a choice, that is, they are all done, they are from russia. turned away and are leading ukraine to europe, but at the same time they want ukraine to be a member of nato, so that ukraine is not just not russia, but that it is anti-russia. this is exactly what the russian federation can never arrange. today, when the only meaning
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of ukraine’s existence is in confrontation with russia, activist of the russian community of crimea, oleg radivilov recalls that the construction of anti-russia began from the very first days of the ukrainian one. and you remember kravchuk, kuchma , who said, no borders, what are you talking about, what customs, formality, look at europe, they openly lied, the power bloc, in this case, the us naval forces, together with ukraine conducted these exercises in the summer of ninety the seventh, as the first step towards mastering, towards squeezing out, now the word is after the fourteenth years, after donbass appeared. crimea from russia, but why did the united states, with which russia had the best possible relations in the nineties, even then set its sights on crimea? it is the nineties
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that are considered to be the period of the closest friendly relations between moscow and washington. it is all the more surprising to realize that it was then that the beginning of the military confrontation between russia and the united states in the black sea began.
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sevastopol was supposed to become the location of nato forces, but according to the terms of the big treaty, the sevastopol bays were still russian and ukrainian ships. russian black sea fleet. in the city of russian sailors remained only on a lease basis until 2017. the fleet found itself in a difficult situation, it was short of fuel, food, the ships did not go to sea, they stood at the quay wall, of course, this affected the preparedness of the crews, in the nineties - the fleet, of course, could not receive modern weapons, ukraine did its best to prevent joining the navy. new weapons. in fact, if in march 2014
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ukraine had decided to carry out fleet force operation, then there would be nothing to hold the defense with. such a development of events at that moment did not seem at all impossible. moreover, by this time nato structures were already firmly entrenched in sevastopol. all the activities of foreign powers, nato countries, boiled down to squeezing the forces of the black sea fleet - generally from the peninsula. and we all know very well that there was some kind of lease agreement, and just that the americans, that their other colleagues in the bloc, they did everything to ensure that ukraine terminated this agreement, in order to squeeze the black sea fleet out of here, permanent nato presence posts were formed, primarily in sevastopol, so what was of interest to western emissaries in the first place, representatives of foreign services of special foreign armies. we were interested in objects that were somehow connected with the black sea fleet, with the russian
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one, in order to exercise some kind of control, some kind of surveillance, collect information about the activities of the fleet, and so on, and objects were selected accordingly - suitable ones, that is, for example, here too naval school, it is located on one of the capes, from which it is very easy and simple to collect information about all the ships that go to sea, that are at sea, carry out radio interceptions, carry out electronic reconnaissance, plus another school. it was interesting because, uh, the enemy from the very beginning, from the first courses , selected the most talented cadets of the ukrainian school for service - at home, that is, they trained them for themselves. in sevastopol, the appearance of the american military was invariably accompanied by protest rallies. a resident of the city of rome, matsarik, has been participating in such actions for 15 years. and we never missed a pass every time. so it is. these freaks, bandera freaks
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, they know what they did, they were the last calls of nato ships, mostly there were american ships, they took and that means this one there is an iron grate, he is over there where the mink is, you see the sea port, right here for this a flagpole, and they had all the bars so that we wouldn’t break through into a fight, with posters there and so on, they... took it and covered it with fuel oil, and ours came up with an even better idea, so to speak, ours sevastopol pensioners, walruses, who swam into the water, the water was icy 7°, and they swam to these ships, then they began to make boom barriers, they directly protected us, they were so afraid of our grandmothers, who were the walruses who swam to them with their grandfathers. we managed to find a unique document: a tender
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for the renovation of school number 5 in sevastopol for the needs of the pentagon, the order was published in 2013, by the us naval engineering command, the estimated cost of construction is from 250 to 500,000 dollars, for altitude, this is exactly where it is located, this is where it was supposed to be located - according to the plans of foreign specialists. their reconnaissance center is right in the attic of this building, where the equipment after repair would be located just in the attic from this height, again , the entire bay is clearly visible and nothing would go unnoticed here, plus you can also remove radio monitoring. on the map of sevastopol there were objects that could easily be called presence posts of foreign intelligence services. they were then kindly allowed onto the peninsula by the new one.
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on may 27, 2006 , the american transport ship advantage arrived at the seaport of feodosia, ostensibly to prepare for the seabris, but the cargo that... was left by the american ship could not help but attract the attention of port workers. information that the united states and nato, under the guise of exercises, were going to settle in eastern crimea, spread with lightning speed: the port was surrounded by hundreds of people. why did a purely
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american ship, of american registry, with military equipment enter the commercial port of the city of feodosia? we started blocking on the 26th. here at this place they brought tents , people came and started putting up tents, we had about 50 tents here on this side, this building was not there, there were also tents everywhere, all these port gates were literally covered with banners, no natu, gooho home, we are with russia, shame on the minister of defense, it will later become clear that about 100 containers, more than 50 hummers for the military, rollers, bulldozers and other engineering and military construction equipment were delivered to feodosia, the cargo was guarded by american marines, all this was to be delivered to the ukrainian training ground near the town of old crimea, it was here that it was planned to begin the construction
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of another nato base, but the protesters never released a single car from the sport, and if we had not then stood up and raised it.
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not only to say, it’s scary to think that russia, in response to such a deployment, will aim its strike missile systems at ukraine? well, just imagine for a second, this is what worries us. viktor yushchenko hastened to assure in response that the rapprochement between ukraine and nato does not pose a threat to anyone. ukraine will be in nato. this is a historic moment for our people. already in may 2008 , a decree signed by yushchenko appeared. ukraine-nato target plan. a unique document that
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remained unknown to the general public for a long time. in essence, it was a report on the gradual surrender of the territory of ukraine to need. nato under the pretext of euro-atlantic integration. cooperation in the black sea region is one of the key directions of ukrainian foreign policy for european and euro-atlantic security. in 2008, the ukrainian naval forces planned a high-profile ideological action: the installation of a bronze tablet on the count's pier in honor of the ninetieth anniversary of the formation of the ukrainian fleet, thus confirming the legality of their presence on the retaining wall of the city pier, here they tried to place a sign that, as it were, was supposed to perpetuate this great thing in their opinion in my opinion, the event, well, when the townspeople found out about it, in general, they were of course outraged, having overcome the barrier,
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hundreds of indignant sevastopol residents broke through to the count's pier, that day andrey merkulov... found himself in the thick of things , there was a sign right here in this place, they fixed it here, right here in this place, when it was torn off, it was dragged to the pier-count's pier, the captain said: “i know where it is. ” deeper, we’ll go out now, i ’ll tell you, i’ll give the command when to throw it, we went out there to the middle of the bay, at the command of the captain, they threw it out and drowned it.” “it still lies there, everyone in the city knew it , they understood that, well, the naval forces of ukraine...
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in the winter of 2014, the issue
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of the future of ukraine was being decided in the center of kiev. protesters openly was supported by representatives of the united states and the european union. those who recently defended nato officers from the crimeans found themselves literally on the other side of the barricades. the berkut special police unit stood up against the aggressive crowd. after the maidan victory , a real hunt began for the berkut soldiers. when events were already heated to the limit and when the media , corrupt journalists, berkut was discredited and he was outlawed.
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the berkut fighters, who escaped from the fiery hell of euromaidan, do not yet know that after
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for several days they will again have to stand in the way of a crowd of brutal radicals. at this moment, preparations were already underway in sevastopol for the rally of the people's will, which was scheduled for sunday, february 23. it was clear that there was a coup in the state, the state ceased to exist from the point of view of its characteristics of the state, including the organization of power, there was no power in the country, power was seized by incomprehensible, illegitimate people, and such a good situation was created in which it was possible to make a decision in accordance with the will of the people. the residents of sevastopol understood that after kiev , the maidan would come to the peninsula. vlad reigns here. if in kiev militants fought with the police, then in crimea a bloody massacre awaited everyone,
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it was necessary to act immediately. well, i now have in my hands a unique document, a historical document without any exaggeration, this is permission to hold a rally in sevastopol on february 23, 2014, a rally that took place on nakhimov square, with which the russian spring began.
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russia russia, we have already mentioned the friendship train that never reached simferopol in february 2014. the crimeans thwarted this landing of the kiev nationalists, but there was another force on the peninsula that could cause mass unrest.
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february 23, 2014.
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on the same day, on the square in front of the supreme council of crimea, registration began for the people 's militia, the ninth company on the list of the 128th page , the 128th ninth company, cheers, when the regiment was formed, some kind of protection was needed, which my father, crooked, did. oleg nikolaevich, he said, let’s make shields, well, at least a small amount, but it was necessary in 2 days form at least up to 80 people, but in 2 days we made 80 shields, we slept here, ate, painted, everything here was in the haze of our flag, the crimean one. back on february 25, the armed soldiers of the sevastopol special unit berkut went to
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the perekop isthmus to plug the narrow...
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the supreme council of crimea appoints a session to which it will be submitted.
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