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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 19, 2024 1:00am-1:46am MSK

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to destabilize the situation as much as possible, to unleash bloodshed and of course, this was, say, such a dormant role of this organization at this very moment, if this had happened, of course, thousands of people would have suffered from this, much more blood would have been shed. at some point , radicals from among the protesters broke down the doors and entered the building of the supreme council of the autonomy. this is the first act of the scenario to seize power.
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fight back the crowd of radical islamists with all our might. this was the turning point of the civil confrontation in crimea. if in kiev, it was decided to crush the crimean spring not with the help of nationalists in civilian clothes, but using units of the ukrainian army, then even with the support of berkut the crimeans would have a hard time. the new ukrainian government was ready to destroy everyone who disagreed with it. 2 months later. she will show this bloody determination first in odessa. and then in donbass. thousands of ordinary people, of different professions and ages, all as one then stood up to defend their land. we, crimeans, we want to live in peace, harmony, and so that we nothing stood in the way in this matter. victory or death? the crimeans
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had no other choice, they gathered here in a semicircle , aksyonov stood here, guys, we need to block off all strategically important objects, military units are bus stations, this is a railway station, the line reached the airport, everyone of course understood that the objects were dangerous for in order to block it, but to block it... that's one thing, but to penetrate - into the territory of an armed guarded object, to seize this object, that was completely different, right here we break the fence, bring down we run with these barrels, with these tires, we just get to the takeoff here, but we don’t understand where the runway is, where the field is?
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then these blue lanterns turn on along the runway, guys, that’s it, we’re there, and i’m calling, i ’m ready now, i’m right on the take-off, ready to set fire to the take-off, well, wait, wait, that’s it, don’t, don’t, he says, they reported to kiev that the airport had been captured and that the planes were leaving, another detachment from... right sector. anyone who tries to destroy the territorial integrity of ukraine will be severely punished. yakshcho vlada na tse not zdatna, the right sector will form a friendship train. and we
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will go to crimea in the 91st unc, this train of friendship that was formed, it’s true, this is not someone’s invention, yes, these nationalists, well, wow, in 3 months they did whatever they wanted , they got the taste, in crimea it has already begun, everything has already begun to rise in crimea, they are a train of friendship, so that here everything can simply be drowned in blood in crimea, we will together build our crimea, peace for crimea, a moment of truth for crimea.
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lights on flagpoles above the buildings of the council of ministers of crimea and the supreme council republic flags of russia were raised, armed fighters without signs appeared on the streets of the cities. whom later the whole world will know as polite people. the first objects they took under protection were the buildings of the supreme council and the council of ministers of crimea. the operation took only 30 minutes. crimea is russia. on february 27, in just a couple of hours , polite people took control of the simferopol airport. the entrance to the belbek military airfield was also blocked. from february 28th. until the evening of march 1, all air traffic was closed. space over crimea. at this time , heavy military transport aircraft of the russian army were landing at the airfields of the peninsula. it took less than
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a day to block all ukrainian military units on the peninsula, without the use of weapons by polite people. ukrainian military personnel stationed in crimea were offered to either transfer service to the russian armed forces or leave. those standing in sevastopol decided to go ashore. three corvettes, khmelnitsky, lutsk and ternopil stubbornly held on. only on march 19 , crimean self-defense units begin a risky operation to capture warships . the search party boarded a tug
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to enter from the sea. the tug entered tightly between krovet lutsk and krovet khmelnytsky. thanks to surprise and quick coordinated actions, the ship was captured literally in 5 minutes, since the coastal group entered luzsk already in the process of storming the khmelnytsky krovyata, from surprise they did not offer resistance, the flag of the ukrainian naval forces was lowered and the russian flag was raised. already under the protection of the russian army, the head of the executive branch was chosen sergei aksenov, deputy. in russia, the issue of protecting the republic during the preparation for the referendum remained the most pressing. there are still 193
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military units of ukraine, numbering almost 2,000 people, still remaining on the peninsula. they are completely blocked by russian army units, but there are no guarantees. that they would not make a breakthrough, but in kiev they did not dare to give a suicidal order. on march 2, 2014, sergei aksyonov issues a decree on the subordination of all military formations of the armed forces to himself as the supreme commander-in-chief of the republic of crimea ukrainian forces stationed on the peninsula. the monstrous tension of the first days of the crimean spring slowly subsided. we pass the star. on march 16 , a pan-crimean referendum was held in the republic of crimea in the city of sevastopol; almost 97% of voters voted for reunification with russia. by the way, i want to say that at some polling stations there were
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journalists from western tv channels, including american ones. they were really expecting some kind of excess, some kind of seething, some kind of stuffing, something else. and when i arrived at these polling stations, i saw how... they the mood is deteriorating, time after time i come, they are getting gloomier and gloomier, that is , the picture didn’t work out, people are going to the polling station in huge numbers. we need to understand that we live in the real world, where hypocrisy exists. the usa is a country that lives by the rule, do not imitate us, but follow our instructions. we here in america have long become accustomed to our status as a so -called essential nation, an exceptional country. today no one questions russia’s right to consider crimea its territory. this is russian land, inhabited by russian people, historically part of russia. the transfer of crimea to ukraine is a historical oversight that was corrected
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by a referendum. 2 days after the all-crimean referendum, on march 18, 2014, in the st. george hall of the kremlin , a ceremony took place that crimea had been waiting for for 23 long years. president of the russian federation, vladimir. vladimirovich putin. we lined up at the column. i say: listen, sasha, i have a bottle. we'll unfold it. he and i unfurled the flag. and what happened next following. vladimir vladimirovich began a solemn speech. and we realized that...
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russia russia.
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we are at home, we are at home, well, today nicholas ii is a rather controversial figure, even for convinced monarchists, because many criticized nicholas. for the fact that he left his post, deserted from the post of the anointed of god, and
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even more so for others, especially after the revolution, so a controversial figure, in soviet times was called the bloody nicholas, now mainly nicholas the martyrs, so there is something to deal with, all in all, a really interesting personality, yes, and quite often you can hear the point of view according to which the russian revolutions are... the upbringing of nicholas, because in general a lot is laid, naturally in youth,
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some main traits, they tried to educate in general - then all the main, so to speak , historical figures, nicholas, say, raised alexander ii like this, physical activity, training, raising such a man, you can’t complain and so on, in general.
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and what his students, so to speak, first alexander ii, then nicholas, learned, he shrugged his shoulders, he didn’t know, in general , what had happened, what hadn’t, if we talk about upbringing, then still he had one thing...
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with nothing, he didn’t have any plans of his own, in general the force acted such inertia, in both domestic and foreign policy he tried to continue his father’s work to some extent, well, in internal politics, we can remember, let’s say, that he, thank god, continued his father’s economic undertakings, monetary, so to speak, these witt's reforms, yes, but as for foreign policy, well, alexander ii... famous, he was called a peacemaker , and indeed, in general, he was a man of a non-military nature, in any case he did not fight, he had the only serious war, a customs war with germany, economic, here he defended the russian wallet, so to speak, he was the master , so he was really some kind of owner of the russian land, he
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was interested in, say, pacifist ideas, yes, something like that, disarmament and so on. all this lay on his table, but he, sympathizing with it, threw it aside, because he believed that it something utopian, and nicholas ii, well, well , one might say, figuratively speaking, took from the basket what the pope had thrown away, tried, so to speak, to implement this peacekeeping idea, or something, well then there were several such famous works that truly had an impact on society.
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especially between great britain and germany, primarily germany and france, great britain and france, russia was clearly completely lagging behind, so introducing the idea of ​​disarmament was beneficial to russia, despite the fact that at the same time, russia pursued a rather aggressive policy in the far east, which is why there was some kind of living contradiction here, there is a widespread myth that nicholas
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ii was a spineless man, so it’s probably worth saying right away that he was spineless. .. he wasn’t, he was sure of his chosenness by god, but he had a quality, i think you will agree, he was amazingly incapable of selecting people for himself, he inherited all the ministers of his father, the next minister, in my opinion, was just grimykin then left the post of minister of internal affairs or was ill, now i’m afraid to make a mistake, he left , it was necessary to appoint someone new, and nicholas ii turned for advice to two opposite figures in his environment , victorious, they did not coincide with each other in any way. of course, he is a man of great intelligence, but in the modern situation his mind is not flexible enough, and his methods are not pure enough, they can cause criticism, social problems there, and so on. and sepyagin is
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a man, of course, a most honest, honest man, but not clever enough in the current the situation of the victorious people was not a courtier, he answered simply: sepyagin is a fool, a scoundrel. what did nicholas ii do? first he appointed sepyagin, who was killed by the socialist-revolutionaries, then plevya, who was also killed by the socialist-revolutionaries. this is the brightest illustration. that is, he... did not listen to smart advisers, even if they had polar views, even when they coincided, he appointed people, in general, who, among other things, pushed the country towards revolution, the first russian revolution. and finally, one more thing, it is known what influence the german emperor wilhelm had on nicholas ii, because a very interesting point, alexander ii was very contemptuous of wilhelm, he called him a dancing dervish, because he had one. the gait , as alexander ii said, of such a prossky officer who wobbles when he walks, and alexander ii was like that, a straightforward man, big,
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big, and he absolutely suppressed this wilhelm, you see there is a scene where - wilhelm runs on a pyron, meeting alexander ii, to give him an overcoat when our power changed and nicholas came. well, i must say that nicholas ii was very there was no need to seduce, he wanted to go to the far east. moreover, witte himself whetted the appetites, because when
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the agreement on the chinese eastern railway was concluded in moscow in 1896, russia built a railway from transbaikalia to vladivostok through northern mancheria, got the opportunity, well, formally this railway was owned by a joint stock company society, in fact it was the russian territory of this railway, russia received the germans there, seized a port in china, and russia captured the port of arthur, violating its own agreement with china, and on the protection of its territorial integrity, which would actually allow russia to have preferences in china peacefully, then there was the boxer uprising, the khatuania uprising in china, russia suppresses it, including russian troops including those entering beijing led by...
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his behavior, but from the very beginning of his reign, this did not succeed, let us remember the hadynka, this tragedy that occurred , a stampede, a bloody stampede, during coronation celebrations, distribution of gifts, they rushed for some kind. circles of something else there , well, in general, in short, a tragedy, in general in such cases it declares, i don’t know, national mourning, well, i don’t know, but in any case they don’t behave the way nikolai behaved in this situation, of course, he wrote in his diary that yes, it all happened somehow unpleasantly, it was not good, but at the same time, despite his mother’s protests, he went to a ball at the english embassy after that.
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1905, of course, the russo-japanese war. yes, the russo-japanese war, of course, is a topic for a separate conversation, follow our podcast, we will continue this topic. all episodes of the historical podcast of russia west on the swing of history can be viewed on the website of the first channel this is a historical podcast russia and the west on the swing of history. today we are dealing with the controversial figure
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of the last russian emperor nicholas. the second is an interesting topic, such family relationships, in the royal family, because under autocracy, any step at the very top ends up at the bottom, one way or another, and here it is very various moments are interesting, including alexei’s illness, the very fact of his late birth, because daughters were born. therefore, such a completely humanly understandable love for a son and so on, which influenced politics in many ways, in this sense, i would like to remember the confrontation between nikolai’s mother maria fedorovna and alexandra fedorovna, but these two figures, they were, of course in a very difficult relationship, and it was not a matter of contradiction between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.
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petrograd, st. petersburg with the beginning of the first the world, as everyone remembers, was renamed from german-speaking petersburg to russian-speaking petrograd, when he trusted her most of all, when under influence.
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the following, yes, but i can’t , i can’t, i can’t from the emperor, this, of course, is dictated by purely family, personal relationships, yes, he saw a lot, but
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he couldn’t, because he would then upset alexandra fedor, with this is advice from our friend, as it is in correspondence, a friend with a capital “f”, yes, he accepts, accepts, he accepts, including in personnel policy. but also, but also not, most often, far from directly, through, again, through alexandra fedorovna, this is her role, a huge role, russia is sliding into war, russia concludes an agreement on the division of spheres of influence with england after the russo-japanese war, cedes , accordingly, what is called the big game ends, well, this stage of the big game ends, meaning the confrontation between russia and england in the east, russia cedes a sphere of influence in tibet, russia. undertakes to respect demarcation lines with afghanistan, russia withdraws from central and southern iran, divided iran's spheres of influence. by the way, a small detail, because of this, for a long time the railways went only from west to east, they did not go from north to south, so as not to intersect the spheres of influence of england and russia. god forbid
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they don't compete. well, yes, but uh, russia is gradually sliding towards the first world war. russia tried there; nicholas ii tried to prevent something there. that after the russo-japanese war we need decades of peace, stolypin will say almost the same thing verbatim, give me 20 years of peace, but where did we get 20 years of peace then, nicholas ii, all this advice from different people, bad ones at that, witt and stalypin each mutually did not tolerate each other, yes, but... there were sober people, but they absolutely united in this, that does nikolai? russia finds itself in the first world war, which as a result cost russia from the beginning of the february and then the october revolution. the only thing that can
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be said to justify nicholas ii is that if he got into the russian-japanese to a large extent on his own initiative, then here the whirlpool simply sucked in the weak swimmer, so to speak, simply. the situation was this: nikolai also did not want to fight, and yet he fell into this whirlpool and it sucked him in. here it must be said, of course, that war is a well-known fact. there is a significant share of the blame on his shoulders, but
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many are to blame, the revolutionaries are to blame, the tsar is to blame, the liberals, who, so to speak , played at war, in many ways played at war, if we talk about the personality of nicholas and look at him in another critical situation in the first russian revolution, a little ago now let's move away, then also this idea of ​​spinelessness. his behavior does not demonstrate, it must be said, that during the first russian revolution, which begins, well, with a terrible story, with bloody sunday, which the tsar knew about, that is, not about bloody sunday, but the fact that the troops are preparing to disperse armed rebels, this is also a separate big topic of the first russian revolution, but nevertheless he treats this completely calmly, he mobilizes troops, gives dictatorial powers to grand duke vladimir aleksandrovich, whom he will later thank again, for what happened, and... his reaction is as follows: his
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documents have been preserved, and witta reports, then he held the post after the manifesto of october 17, after the first attempt to establish constitutional monarchy has taken place, holds the post of prime minister, reports on the commander of the punitive expedition in the baltic provinces, which in general shows excessive enthusiasm, mass floggings, executions without trial and so on, which means the highest resolution over well done report. yes, that means, oh, uh, a workers’ demonstration is being shot, several dozen people are dying, nikolai resolution, it’s a pity that it’s not enough. the same thing, the law on military courts is introduced on the initiative of stalypin, but nikolai forbids him to submit a petition for pardon. here, uh, and, uh, there, despite the fact that there a certain city that rebelled was peacefully after negotiations, brought into obedience, nicholas imposed a resolution, all this was preserved. it was necessary to destroy the entire city, that is, nicholas ii regarded this
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everything is like an attempt on his unlimited , god-given autocratic power, this cruelty, tenderness in the family, yes, a good family man, well, this cruelty was also present in the character, this is a historical podcast russia and the west on the swing of history, we are discussing nicholas ii today. question: nicholas ii. this is really the main culprit of the revolution, that. supported not only the liberals, the cadets,
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let’s say, yes, he supported in every possible way, and after the revolution, by the way, many people believed that the center was revolutionary, well, after february revolution, the revolutionary center was in the english embassy, ​​the english ambassador, george bugnan, is almost the organizer, so to speak, of everything. russians fought, including in the interests
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of britain and france, but at the same time they generally turned a blind eye even to the radicals, the radicals in france, for example, felt quite good before the start of the war, in a number of european countries the revolutionaries felt great , before that the populists, then, so to speak, the marxists, and so on and so forth. so yes, the west is very is also guilty of the russian revolution, they were once again mistaken, they miscalculated, of course, they calculated. in response to the victory of the moderates, the maximalists eventually came to power, and in many ways, thanks to the west. still, i would say that the russian revolution is still, first of all, an internal problem, of course, no, first of all, yes, again, if we go back to the first russian revolution, then here is a very characteristic episode of how the famous
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manifesto was signed on october 17, 1905, which almost made russia constitutional monarchy, why it almost happened, because it was then actually cancelled. largely abolished during the so-called third june coup in 907. in general , the behavior of the king’s personality again at this moment. we mentioned bloody sunday, after bloody sunday the tsar, this also needs to be guessed from a propaganda point of view, forgave the workers for the unrest that occurred. amazing. yes, and this was published. i quote: you allowed yourself to be drawn into delusion by traitors to the enemies of our homeland. strikes and rebellious gatherings only excite the crowd to such unrest as...
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some kind of compromise, it’s not even worth talking to them, stalling for time, reaching is being considered, it’s not even discussed, resulting in punitive measures and a sharp drop in authority, because the nickname is bloody- then when it appears after bloody sunday 905, and the number of victims of which is still disputed, from several hundred to more than a thousand, it is quite difficult to precisely answer this question. in general, in general, of course, there has accumulated a bad thing, a bloody resurrection, the russian-japanese war, the lena execution, this is already the twelfth year, no, well, all this is added to the piggy bank, so to speak, the nickname of the bloody nicholas, yes, when the tsar signed the manifesto, he didn’t want to write witt under the manifesto, witt understood that saving the monarchy in
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the conditions of a general strike, which could develop into an armed uprising, the army is already thinking in that direction, it shoots, the manifesto was such a tranquilizer pill. to sign the manifesto, he is convinced by grand duke nikolai nikolaevich, the tsar’s uncle, who threatens he will shoot himself in his eyes if the tsar does not sign. the king signed was very offended, he believed that the manifesto had been snatched from him, he did not understand that this was what saved the monarchy. the marxists turned out to be the most lenient towards nikolai in the sense that they believed that no matter what nikolai did, no matter how he behaved, what?
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this is a permanent delay for the train, i would say this, when we were talking about peter the great, i once said that russia at that historical moment pulled the joker out of the deck, because it was very successful, very timely.


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