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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 19, 2024 4:10am-4:58am MSK

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words of gratitude and support , thank you, hello to the guys too, words of gratitude to them, first of all, we have done a lot of work over the previous few months, but without any doubt, the main task now is not to fix the election results , on the contrary, on the basis of this result , moving forward in...
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will be the situation itself, and this, in general, does not contradict the position and policy of their parties. the super majority numbers about 76 million people, this is of course not accidental, and this is what a reality that will, i think, determine our political situation, our political development for years to come. this popular support was also noticed by international observers, some of whom came to our country.
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99% of observers out of a hundred saw the principles of freedom being observed, and even this one in a hundred has probably already changed their idea of ​​our country, however, the elections were not for observers, but for russia and russians. anton vernitsky, zulfiya khakimova, sergey romanov, channel one. let's go back to the numbers, here they are the presidential elections placed emphasis. for the first time , residents of our new territories took part in the voting, despite the threat from ukraine. everywhere the turnout turned out to be higher than the average for russia, vladimir putin’s result was very high in the republics of donbass, in the zaporozhye and kherson regions, as in regions that, even before the elections , were subject to ukrainian terror on all voting days, primarily the border kursk and especially belgorod regions. the plan of the kiev regime was clear: to intimidate people, to push them away from participating in the fate of the country along with it in own destiny. people made a choice, but not at all the one... as the enemy had hoped,
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personal courage and responsibility for the future were companions on the road at the site, i voted for vladimir vladimirovich, because i know that this is ours, we see the result when he us i took it for myself, everything worked out, god willing, it will work out completely, well, we believe him , we hope that everything will be fine, we are very happy that we are in russia, that we are with putin, we went and voted, of course. we had only one choice, for putin, we are for russia, yes, don’t be intimidated, people wanted it, people were waiting, people were waiting for elections, grannies came, old women come and are not afraid of anything, my mother went, i had to lead her, because she said, i’ll go, at least send me you will vote, and i will vote, to get such percentages in the elections of 87%, of course, this has greatly united people, no one will intimidate the russian people, the russians are the very thing that is not a strong people. there is no need to scare him,
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terrorist attacks from the ukrainian side continued and today in belgorod at half past eight in the evening the sirens turned on again missile danger, there was a call off. the number of victims of the attack on the village of nikolskoye in the belgorod region has increased, the tragedy of an entire family, as a result of a direct hit by shells on a residential building, parents, their seventeen-year -old son and grandmother were killed, her little granddaughter was pulled out from under the rubble alive, the girl is in intensive care, a regional hospital with head injury and fractures on artificial ventilation , doctors managed to stabilize the child’s condition, regional governor vyacheslav glodkova reported in his telegram channel. in belgorod, two victims a woman has a chest wound in a man 's arms, they are receiving the necessary medical care, the village of golovchino also came under fire, 10 private houses and two cars were damaged there, one of them was completely burned, there were no casualties, a little earlier the ministry of health of the belgorod region reported that a week
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of shelling in the region, 11 people were killed, then the bodies of two women had not yet been found in a house in nikolskoye, 44 people were in hospitals. region, let's start with a summary of the progress of the special operation, the ministry of defense reported that two attempts by saboteurs to penetrate through our state border. some were preparing to move out from the outskirts of the ukrainian lukashovka on an infantry fighting vehicle, but were spotted and, at the moment of loading , struck by an fpv drone. the enemy lost eight men killed and wounded. one vsushnik fled, leaving the wounded. and before that, other groups of saboteurs tried to move towards the village of kazinka. strikes were made at places where manpower and equipment accumulated. several enemy brigades and traitors from the terrorist formation of the rdk, which is banned in our country. the enemy lost up to 150 militants, two tanks, three cars, as well as the czech combat vehicle rszzo vampire. also from the report, a high-precision strike was carried out on the place where representatives of the command
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staff of the sbu and the armed forces of ukraine were meeting. and the details of the destruction of the ukrainian fighter nik-29, west of volnovakha in the dpr, became known. and an american anti-radar missile fired. and our special services prevented a terrorist attack in crimea in simferopol. fsb officers detained a russian woman who, on instructions from ukrainian curators, was planning sabotage on a railway road. the goal is to disrupt the transportation of our military equipment. during the search , a homemade bomb was found in the phone and incriminating correspondence. the detainee faces life imprisonment. let's return to the presidential elections and numbers. now about the regions that showed the maximum turnout. if
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the national average was, let me remind you, 77.44%, then, for example, in the chechen republic it was almost 99%. the turnout was almost 96.5 in kusbas. average result of vladimir putin in the centers of the federal subjects. the other three members of the company are nikolai kharitonov, vladislav davankov and leonits slutsky have already congratulated vladimir putin on his re-election and were there. invited to the head of state, for whom it is important to take into account useful proposals from candidate programs. report by anatoly lazarev. at the beginning of the meeting, vladimir putin thanked the former presidential candidates for the fact that the election campaign took place in a civilized manner within the framework of the law. i hope that such a constructive approach is already on
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the platform of parliament, on the platform of interaction in the federation council, where representatives of the regions of russia work, we will be able to save in the future for achievement.
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use communication to work together and achieve common goals. nikolai khritonov came to the meeting with a folder for the president, in it ideas, proposals, questions of russians, collected over 2 and a half months of pre-selected trips. for example, because of a conversation with a guy in chukotka, the topic of uneven salaries of public sector employees in different regions came to light: the work is the same, but the salaries are different. why are you here? nikola mikhailovich in altai, salary 35. i say, how much are you do you get it here? 100-110, but i say, life is more expensive here, but i say, there is still a little gain, that is, this is the question that
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you constantly voice, as if on your lips, to teachers, doctors, regardless, sometimes they say, here is the average the region's salary, it is still necessary to make it the same across the federation, so if teachers and healthcare workers are given a raise, so that they do not come here to moscow, st. petersburg, they do not come, as far as salaries are concerned. in the social sphere, then - right now the government will do it engage actively, i also said about this in the message, we need to level it out, another question is connected with this, the question of sources, i also spoke about this in the message, this concerns proposals for changes in the tax system, here we need to be very careful, we need create a system that we do not change, it must be stable for at least 6 years, the taxation system. must be fair, the government will offer its solutions,
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how, from whom, how much, and here we need to be very careful, but decisions must be verified. leonid slutsky came to the meeting without a folder, but he collected no less proposals for his election trips. and additional concessions for small businesses, and mandatory distribution to the regions for 3 years for graduates of medical universities, and how to stop the outflow of young people from villages. young people leave the village, they graduated and flew away, to big cities, to universities there, a very simple key, they tried to solve the problem in different ways, until it is resolved, this is a problem of lowering quality mortgage rates lending for rural youth, then he actually graduated from school, was built in completely different conditions, and where he was born, he was useful there, then there will be agricultural holdings, workers...
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and here is a question for the elected head of state, to what does he attribute such activity of citizens? this is due to the drama of the events the country is going through and is connected to today. situation is due to the fact that we are forced, in the literal sense of the word, with arms in hand, to protect the interests of our citizens, our people, to create a future for full, sovereign, safe development of the russian federation, our homeland, and the results, including, first of all, turnout, show that people, ordinary people, feel they understand this. that a lot, a lot depends on them, behind the seemingly common phrase, every vote is important,
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in fact, a lot is hidden, sometimes, without any pathos, the courage of people who came to polling stations under fire, kiev’s plan to disrupt elections in border regions turned out to be exactly the opposite result, and this, despite daily attacks by militants trying to break into the belgorod region, kursk, the ukrainian authorities openly admitted that they were using terrorists of the so-called russian volunteer... corps, the latest events in the belgorod region are associated with the russian volunteer corps, do you know something about this structure, what is its strength, what does it represent? you know, even during...
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the regime, they took arms in their hands against their country, against their homeland, we do not have the death penalty, but we always and now in the future, we will treat as those who are in the combat zone, we will assume that they are with weapons, all law enforcement agencies will be given instructions to identify by name everyone
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in the territories subordinate to the kiev regime, which means creating a security zone, overcoming, which will it’s quite difficult, using the weapons that the enemy uses, primarily, of course, foreign-made, what the depth of such a zone could be is a separate question. the details, of course, are a matter for the military, but in this sense, the example of avdiivka is indicative; the liberation of the city significantly reduced the ability of the ukrainian army to shell donetsk. of course, kiev is not abandoning attempts to intimidate residents of new russian regions, but the voting results speak for themselves. as for the results in the donbass, novorussia, and crimea , by the way, i basically thought that they would be so good, significant, positive, but that they would be the same as we
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see them today, i honestly , i didn’t even expect it, but still, what does it mean? first, this means that we are doing everything right. people are grateful to us for the decisions we made to protect them, and this is the main motivation for all our actions. secondly, they, of course, expect the development of the social sphere, the economy of these territories, and we will do everything to ensure that these aspirations of the people who live in this territory are realized. needless to say, the west denies the residents of donbass, crimea and novorossiya the right to self-determination and does not recognize elections in these regions. estimates the so-called cradle of democracy has long been beyond our attention to them, no one is stopping representatives of former partners from asking a question to the head of state; russian journalists, by the way, are generally deprived of such an opportunity in thoroughly democratic countries. boris nadezhdin, who opposes the war, was not allowed to participate in the elections, and alexei navalny died in one of the prisons during your election campaign,
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is this democracy, in your opinion? this is life, which means if mr. all this is known to a journalist from the american nbc news, but no one has canceled the laws of the genre, relate to the second part of the question. as for mr. navalny? yes, he passed away, that's always the case. sad event, well, we had other cases when people in places of deprivation of liberty passed away, but didn’t this happen in the united states, it happened
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more than once, by the way, well, i ’ll tell you, it will be so unexpected, for a few days before mr. navalnaya’s departure , some colleagues told me, and not just administration employees, some... people said that there is an idea to exchange mr. navalny for some people who are in prison in western countries, you can believe me, you can not, the person who spoke to me has not yet finished his sentence, but i said, i agree, but unfortunately, uh, what happened happened, but only on one condition, he said that we will change him, so that he doesn’t come back, let him sit there, that’s all, but it happens, nothing can be done about it, that’s life, if you
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want find out my opinion about whether our elections are democratic or not, i believe that democratic, on the contrary, in some countries, well, for example, in your country, how can it be considered democratic to use administrative resources to attack one of... of the presidential candidates the united states, including through the courts, but this has simply become a ridiculous disgrace to the whole world for the united states and for your democratic, so-called system in quotation marks. i have every reason to believe that there is no democracy, at least during election processes in some countries. including in the united states, we are not seeing today, so take the puck back. if there were a competition for the opacity of electoral systems, the united states would undoubtedly win by
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a landslide. here we have the institution of electors, voting by mail, and a ban on the work of foreign observers. all this, however, does not prevent washington from jealously assessing the democratic nature of other people’s processes and openly interfering by financing the so-called opposition in exile. in this election some oppositionists. well, if there were calls to come vote, for this, as i say in such cases, i will praise you for this, the important thing is that
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some spoiled the ballots, this is bad, because if you yourself do not want to vote or or want to trust that the candidate you think should, or just don’t vote if you don’t like anyone, that’s one thing, but if you decide to spoil those. people who came and considered it necessary for themselves to vote, fulfilled their civic duty, and you don’t give a damn about their position, then this bad, this, this is at least not democratic , and also criminally punishable, but the customers did not warn the participants in such actions about this, cases were opened on 61 counts, up to 5 years in prison, another 31 attempts to spoil ballots in ballot boxes, commission employees and police prevented, but be that as it may, any attempts to influence the vote from outside are an even waste of money, as well as multi-billion dollar western investments in the ukrainian army do not change
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the situation on the battlefield, even the menacing and frightening reasoning of the french president the possible direct participation of nato troops in the conflict is not exactly a surprise. military personnel from nato countries are present there, we know, we hear both french and english speech there. nothing good. this is not the case, first of all for them, because they die in large numbers, but in the end it’s not our choice, if someone wants to slightly cover up internal political problems with their aggressive external rhetoric, well, what is this, it’s known all over the world and a frequently used technique, but i would really like france to play a different role than this, which leads to aggravation of the conflict, to its aggravation. would not provoke this situation, on the contrary. by the way, in france, many consider macron’s bellicose statements to be preparation for elections to the european parliament, if everything is so bad that approaching the third world war is
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the last trump card. especially against the backdrop of the results of our presidential elections. i thank you all citizens of russia for the trust you have placed in me, i will do everything in my power to solve the tasks that have been set for the country and achieve those goals that we consider absolutely priority. thank you. the russian electoral system was able to resist all attempts to interfere in the presidential elections, valentina matvienko stated. the chairman of the federation council also noted the unprecedentedly high turnout. according to her , voting brought the community together even more. behind these results there is an obvious appreciation of the president’s titanic work. its
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construction of a sovereign, independent, respected state is evidence of such real unity, unification of our society in the face of the threats that face us today, we must separately note the very high turnout, almost one hundred percent there in crimea, sevastopol, our new regions, this suggests that people... in the regions that suffered from the aggression of the kiev regime, they believed to russia, they made their choice. the presidential election campaign was open, competitive and legitimate, this opinion was expressed by the head of the lower house of parliament, vyacheslav volodin, at a meeting with his colleague from burundi. the speaker of the national assembly gave vladimir congratulations to putin on his victory in the elections. as volodin noted, the voting results are an answer
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to all of us. when we talk about the past election campaign, we must emphasize that there has never been such a turnout at an election in the entire history of new russia, the president received more than 87% of the votes of support from our population, which is why such attacks are coming against him, they are trying to discredit him, they are doing everything to in order to weaken our country, so when we say: russia must definitely understand this, and citizens, taking into account the challenges, all vladimir vladimirovich's previous tenure as president united around him. outside russia, presidential elections were held in 295 polling stations in 144 countries. how everything went in the unfriendly ones is of course of separate
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interest. pavel krasnov in london. i was watching the world picture, i am russian , to spite the whole world, there would be nothing unusual in this song itself in the surroundings for its performance, if not for the location of the shooting, the capital of sweden stockholm, the voters who came to cast their votes began to sing, standing in line in front the russian embassy, ​​songs with our dances, time flew by, one might say, unnoticed, we froze a little. the russian presidential elections, with queues that stretched out in front of polling stations open abroad, clearly made an impression on the western media; the voting itself and its results are the main topic of the evening news. the first official results show that the russian leader won almost 88% of the vote, which he says is a symbol of the people's trust. british sky news actually dedicated the evening to the presidential elections in russia live
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broadcast, showing viewers vladimir putin’s conversation. evaluate the elections in russia. these same newspapers, the western press, explained to the audience , as i write, that the opposition called on its supporters to come to the polling stations by noon, from which a strange conclusion was drawn, as if everyone who stood in line at this time, by the way, is the most popular time for going to elections, opponents of putin. the media in the west believed in this so much that they clearly did not expect such
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a response. russian hyper-institutions had their own reasons for the appearance of queues the day before, for example, a reduction in the number of polling stations: 6 years ago there were almost four hundred of them abroad, this time there are less than 300. in the same germany, the authorities closed four russian consulates, leaving only two places for the will of russians to express themselves in bonn and berlin. as a result, the line stretched for several blocks. but today the german media are writing about the past elections. in an offended tone, saying that from now on the german foreign ministry will call putin only by name, without mentioning the presidential position. the eu took cool note of the results of the pseudo-elections in russia. these were elections without elections - said foreign minister berbak, the chairman of china and,
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on the contrary, congratulated putin on the phone. the chairman of the people's republic of china, of course, is not the only one who sent congratulations to the russian leader. the heads of the cis countries and the leaders of friendly states congratulated vladimir putin on his re-election, but china and india were among them. still stand out as the largest countries in the world in terms of population and economic power. i believe that under your leadership russia will be able to achieve even greater success in development and construction states. we are ready to maintain close cooperation with russia to promote the continuous, healthy, stable and in-depth development of russian-chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction in a new era for the benefit of the two states of their peoples. i'll sleep.
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receives a response from the president and his press secretary. russian journalists in europe and the usa are deprived of this opportunity. alexei navalny's widow is calling on leaders around the world not to recognize the election results.
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politicians are only stereotypes that are not stand the test of facts, and yet the numbers speak for themselves. abroad , 360,000 people voted in the presidential elections, 78% of the votes were cast for vladimir putin, and sometimes in order to participate in the elections, estonian residents had to make an effort to cross the border with russia due to obstacles caused by local authorities. 7.00 voters voted in mobile polling stations deployed on buses near the polling stations.
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the report was broadcast, it became known about a telephone conversation between the presidents of russia and turkey. receb tayyip erdogan called to vladimir putin, to warmly congratulate him on his convincing victory in the elections and wish him new successes in his government activities. and a congratulatory message signed by the president of turkmenistan serdar berdimuhamedov was sent from ashgabat to moscow. the results of the presidential elections are natural, as mikhail mishustin commented on the voting results. at a meeting with his deputies , he noted that this imposes additional responsibility on the government, including in the implementation of national projects and other tasks tasks before the cabinet of ministers. anna kurbatova will continue the topic. the results of the presidential
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elections are the number one topic at today's government meeting. prime minister mikhail mishustin began his meeting with deputy prime ministers like this. people trust our president, because he does everything to improve the lives of citizens and to develop our country. this voting result is a logical, obvious result of systematic work in which the government took the most active part as the president’s team. of course, much has been done safely under the national project. pace, mishutin noted, because there is no less work , this has never happened in the history of our country, new schools and hospitals are appearing, there are reasons for pride, there is no reason to reduce the priority of those initiatives that the president announced in his address to the federal assembly, this is a national project - family , preparation... for the launch of national projects youth
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of russia, personnel, data economics, creation and testing of a new model of remuneration for public sector employees, solutions that will help strengthen technological sovereignty, here’s more there is one instruction from the head of state on the agenda of today’s meeting: to ensure the phased implementation of measures to combat hepatitis c and minimize the risks of its spread. 4.5 billion rubles annually for 3 years by the government.
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it was possible to transform about 4,500 territories
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, for example, this is what the embankment in the small ural town of verkhnyaya tura now looks like; until recently there was a wasteland here; in the stavropol territory, a heroes square appeared on the street named after hero of the soviet union ivan shchepakin. there is baikal in miniature, benches with heated a cozy park in an area built up with high-rise buildings was included in the federal register of best landscaping practices in the country. it’s generally great to come out here with a child. not every area has such a cool place where. i really like it, there are good sites , there is a lot of everything, our new regions are now actively participating in improvement programs, for the first time last year residents of the donetsk, lugansk republic, zaporozhye region took part in the voting, this year the kherson region also joined us. this year on almost 5,500 more spaces have been voted on across the country. since march 15 , 4,700 people have already taken part in voting, this is simply a gigantic pace, we... have never voted at such a pace, it is necessary for
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our cities and towns to become modern, comfortable, beautiful, all this is happening today, we see these results, and whether there will be more, the national project for the formation of a comfortable urban environment, by decision of the president, has been extended at least until 2030 . anna kurbatova, maryana soboleva, sergey valetov, channel one. a little more an hour ago , a concert dedicated to an important date in the modern history of the country ended on red square. 10 years. connections of crimea and sevastopol with russia. 80 thousand gathered, the ministry of internal affairs reported. the grand event in honor of the anniversary was attended by vladimir putin, the head of state, who wins the elections with a historic result, and stood on stage along with other campaign participants. konstantin paneshkin saw everything. it so happened involuntarily that the decade of the reunification of crimea and sevastopol with russia was not the only reason for today to gather on red square, so the question asked itself. have you voted?
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russia! russia! russia! putin came in the company of all the participants in the election race, with whom he held a meeting in the kremlin today following the voting results, but first, crimea. on reunion day, march 18, 2014, vladimir putin performed at a similar concert near the kremlin walls. exactly 10 years ago, on
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red square, here, moving to this same stage, i remembered that crimea is often called an unsinkable aircraft. exactly this prompted the idea to say that crimea has returned to its native harbor, but crimea is not only a strategically important territory, it is not only our history, our traditions and the pride of russia, crimea is, first of all , people, sevastopol residents, crimeans, they are our pride , they carried faith in their fatherland through decades, they never divided themselves. with russia, this is what allowed crimea to return to our common family. in fairness to donbass, navorossya also announced for the first time their desire to connect the future with russia exactly in the fourteenth year. their journey to their homeland turned out to be much more difficult and tragic, but we still did it. and this is
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also a great event in the history of our state. railway from rostov to donetsk to mariupol and berdyansk, we will continue this work and soon trains will travel directly to sevastopol, and this will be another alternative road to the site of the crimean bridge. the co-chairs of vladimir putin’s headquarters also addressed those gathered on red square today. crimea and sevastopol with russia was a long-awaited event fair, this is a holiday of unity, and you know, all crimeans and sevastopol residents are grateful to all of russia and our president,
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they see how their interests are defended and how much has been done for them in these 10 years. yesterday. the whole country, our entire huge homeland made its choice, they put pressure on us, they tried to manipulate us, but we united and proved that we are together, and we chose our president, while the memory of our ancestors lives on, while we are all together, while on the territory of our vast caring people live in our homeland, we can handle anything, a lot is said about the fact that russia is doing for crimea and sevastopol, this is what the crimeans are giving. in the country along only one line of the popular front. our branch in crimea, our volunteers, every week they assemble a convoy to send to the guys, volunteers, crimeans who are fighting in the zone of a special military operation. the crimeans, together with us, are defending the future of our country today, they did not waver anywhere,
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were not afraid for a second and confirmed that this is the real big russia. finally, in direct communication with the capital crimea and sevastopol. every year, with every problem, with every task, we were always supported by our national leader, our president, vladimir vladimirovich putin, so yesterday the whole of sevastopol, or rather the next three days that have passed, the whole of sevastopol came to the polling stations to say that we trust our leader, that we thank him, that we we believe in him, this lineup has gone through a lot of tests, but the fight continues, first of all, it’s a fight for a comeback.
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russia russia the president's victory speech was especially valuable for residents of the new regions of russia. we accomplished the feat for 10 years, these 3 today our residents accomplished another feat. despite the danger that is on their way to the polling stations.
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us for siberia, for the caucasus, for the light of distant cities, for friends.


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