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tv   Informatsionnii kanal  1TV  March 19, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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you really threw him, you most likely threw him on the crib. i believe that this is a deliberate attempt at murder, this is my opinion. plus, on top of everything else, yes, a young child. there is an opinion among a lawyer that you should never wish prison on anyone, but... in your case , forgive me, please, you created hell, you created hell for your child, i don’t know if you are protecting your beloved woman, perhaps you created this yourself, but nevertheless we have a psychiatric examination establishes two aspects: whether there are any psychiatric abnormalities, diseases, the second aspect - is aware, aware and can incur criminal liability, they were aware, they are aware even now they...
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lived at his expense, got pregnant, gave birth, wanted, i didn’t want to, it doesn’t matter, you decided that you are the smartest, exactly at that moment in life when you decide in life that you are the smartest, it hits you hard on the ground, you will go to prison , you won’t blame everything on him, this your responsibility too. my children are all mine
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life, if they don’t exist in my life, then that’s it, it’s a failure. my husband and i want to deprive the biological mother of our adopted children of parental rights. have you talked to the children’s mother? no, she never even made contact, we have children, it’s the sixth month, who are you to decide mine, at the moment i’m keeping your children with me, where is your daughter now in prison, yes, why? there was a theft, great. the children's father is in prison, where were you looking when she was born at 14, so be able to give birth, they were strangers, they didn’t throw them away at all, yes, these are not your children, and the children will be better off with their own mother, i want to see the music in the studio, it will be maxim, ekaterina’s husband, the children’s adoptive father, yes.
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congratulations on ramadan were addressed to our other important brix partner, bin salman al-saud, who heads saudi arabia, the crown prince, he also congratulated our president, in general the number of congratulations corresponded to the number of friendly countries, unfriendly countries decided not to let putin congratulate him, and take him on... a visit
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to beijing in may of this year, that is, in this case, this will be his first foreign trip after assuming the presidency, after the inauguration, what will happen, if this is really the case, then this will be the answer to a similar gesture on the part of comrade sidzenpin, who also made his first official visit after his re-election to our country, well, the president today... spoke at the fsb board, made a number of very important statements there, let’s listen to what he said on about those traitors who helped the ukrainian armed forces disrupt our elections and invaded russian soil. recently, much has been done to strengthen
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the state border, especially areas that are actually located in areas of military operations. border agencies are staffed with additional personnel. modern weapons and equipment, we see the results of all attempts to break into our territory by sabotage and terrorist gangs consisting of regular enemy units, foreign mercenaries, and they are also actively used, yes, all kinds of rabble, which through various channels ended up on the territory of the kiev regime, all these attempts failed, and in this regard i want to draw your attention to this: when i said about these traitors, i ask - as it has always been in our history, do not forget who they are, identify them by name, by name, we will punish them without a statute of limitations, wherever they are, and i ask
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you to pay enough attention to this area of ​​​​activity so that it is not a habit for anyone, we remember that vlasovites did on on soviet land, and this will never be forgiven, never... unforgivable, certainly a traitor, a traitor has no place on our land. boris aleksandrovich rozhin, our permanent military expert, is now in direct contact with us. boris aleksandrovich, what today, what provocations were carried out by the ukrainian armed forces, they , in my opinion, have not been going on for a day, they cannot do without terrorist attacks and provocations, and what happened in other areas of the special military operation? good evening, well, the enemy today continued active operations in the state area borders. there was shelling of the border regions in the belgogorod region, belgorod was shelled by the rszzo over the last 24 hours , according to defense data, up to 40 personnel were killed in the main kozenki area, strikes were also carried out in the volchansk area, from where the enemy is launching missiles, including at belgorod, there already destroyed
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in general over the last week, these are already three missile defense systems, each of which was fired, and strikes were also carried out on various equipment in the north of the kharkov region, that is, the enemy here is carrying... regular daily losses and, of course, he was unable to achieve his military goals here, and as for other sectors of the front, in the zaporozhye direction our troops made progress to the north-west of verbovoy, there we occupied several positions, continuing to reduce the size of the rabotinsky salient, despite all the enemy’s efforts to advance here were never fully successful, which means that on the navimiv ledge our troops continued their attacks in the area of ​​staromayorsky north of priyutny. in the ugledar direction, our troops in recent days have been able to advance in the novomikhailovka area , novomikhailovka, as well as south of ugledar in the shevchenkovo ​​area. this means that in the georgievsky direction, our troops are now continuing the battles to liberate georgievka and advance in
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the village. it is worth noting that yesterday 18 people surrendered there at once, along with an officer, who refused to fight further, that is , this is one of the largest surrenders in recent years here's a couple of weeks. yes. this means that in the avdeevsky direction today the ministry of defense confirmed the liberation of the village orlovka, the enemy has already been squeezed out there, and a cleanup has been carried out, so the village is already completely ours. there are also battles underway to liberate the village of tonenkaya, where about 2/3 of us are behind us and battles are being waged for the liberation of the village of berdychi, that is, in fact, the main line is now already in a state of breakthrough, that is, the enemy will most likely retreat further to kumansky and ocheretina, that is, he could not resist here. we also continue to press in the area of ​​the first.
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ukrainian armed forces and intelligence services, but it is much broader. let's listen president. i ask the fsb, together with other
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intelligence services and law enforcement agencies , in coordination with the national anti-terrorism center and committee, to seriously strengthen anti-terrorism work in all areas. realizing that we are dealing with a strong, dangerous enemy in whose arsenal there are broad information, technical, financial capabilities, so what ?
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our entire people, united around the president, will be able to win on all other
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fronts that our opponents are constantly opening up to us. here, you know, i would like end with a quote from one russian geopolitician, this is general van dam, this is a pseudonym, in fact his last name is edrikhin, and he said a very good phrase that we just need to remember, it’s very bad to have inglosax as an enemy, but it’s much worse to have him as a friend, and we too had. well, yes, we have already said this more than once that it is dangerous to be at enmity with america, and to be friends with america is mortally dangerous, this is indeed so, ukrainians are convinced of this every day, first of all, when they were essentially cheated, deprived of financial and military significant assistance, degree help this year, but now ramshtein, the next one gathered all the countries that help ukraine, lloyd austin came and did it.
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austin and after that romshtein prepared a rather caustic article.
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us defense secretary lloyd austin tried to reassure european allies that president joe biden's administration remains committed to supporting ukraine even as washington has nearly run out of money to continue supplying arms to kiev, although austin did not specify how will support ukraine without additional funding, and did not mention congress at all. leading the united states is becoming increasingly difficult. travel to europe to convince everyone that they are committed to ukraine in the long term. the message of these long-term financial, military and economic commitments is contrary to what is actually happening to the capitalist.
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then the second point is very important, they say that the united states ran out of money, when the united states ran out of money, never, they the desire to give money to this regime has ended, which they already ran out of money long ago, if they didn’t print, that’s how we talk about it, that is , it would be possible to print, yes, there is no desire to print, and so there is no longer any for this regime , and why, because this regime has not only compromised itself, it does not fulfill the tasks that... the united states set for them, kiev, on the one hand , lost everything it could on the battlefield, with on the other hand, mr. zelensky demonstrates complete madness as a politician, and thirdly, some strange leapfrog is happening in the military hierarchy of ukraine , which no one can figure out, in fact, mr. syrsky,
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who came on the wave of the fact that he gave up one position after another, he is like this... that figure that the americans think , well, well, if syrsky is the military leader who will surrender, it means front after front, position after position, that means a figure we can’t bet on, that means we can’t bet on zelensky , well, that's it, the story is over, what happens next, well it is obvious that there is a coup and it is not for nothing that we see messages that the ukrainian military themselves send to telegram channels that they want a change of power, and...
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a call for men under 27 years of age to immediately pass a draft law on mobilization, thanks to which more ukrainian citizens will be drafted into army, he also questioned the exemption from repeatedly advocating more aid to ukraine, but last month he changed his rhetoric and voted against an emergency aid package. he stated that donald trump is firmly opposed to it and would prefer to negotiate such assistance in the form of loans. in a conversation with journalists, he insisted on precisely this approach. i was very frank with president zelensky. i will always be on your side, but i think it's fair to ask you and other allies
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to pay us in the future if you can. i think the idea of ​​a loan will not be quite popular.
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will understand that it is useless to continue, it will only be worse for them, they must somehow adapt to gradually change their rhetoric, this will not happen quickly it turns out that the elite is already mired in all this offensive rhetoric in relation, there must be another, where elections are held, there are more opportunities, but again this is cosmetics after all, they are developing it, in fact they will repeat it, yes already call up twenty-five-year-olds there and
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27 more. they even said so, i hope that this is so, so far odessa is being actively fortified, they are building fortifications, and there is actually a version that obama went to london to finally find out if they have anyone alive there king or or or not really, do you think there is such a version, yes, well , i think there were several different ones.
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handed over these cookies, it was just that a photograph of his wife ended up on the quitoria table, he fueled not only the maidan, but also the anti-maidan, it was simply a legend of himself in the matter of his involvement directly in the maidan itself, it seems that he is back in business, he is counting on the possibility of some radical scenario, this could be the third maidan, intimidating zelensky with the fact that after may 20 his legitimacy is in doubt, he will wait for the moment, put his claws in the liver and will pull this liver out, tents, firewood, food. we’ll pay in kiev, we’ll pitch tents in the marina park , lyovochkin will now have six months for a real robbery and such a vampire ball, the americans have already picked it up, exclusive information that
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has not appeared on air before, now we will show it and discuss it. sergey lyovochkin, gapon maidana. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. ukraine has every right to use the services of any forces. viktor shindorovich as an agent. after the start of the svo, he promised the russian people terrible punishments and disaster, he regrets that he ended up on the peacekeeper’s website, i was already attacked in vilnius, they poured ketchup there, if you can divide the money in half between supporting the armed forces of ukraine and refugees , the humanitarian component, that is , he has now confirmed what a sunshine , that he helped regarding dugin and so on, not everyone agrees with what we are doing in relation to crimea and belgorod, it is very tough, but here we have no disagreements, we can... say with you that he is the devil, i personally think that he's the devil, when you arrive, there will be questions about bandera, i have to love bandera, this is the condition for my appearance on the territory, they
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just want to be gouleiters, premiere, vavan and lexus show, tomorrow on the first, today we will introduce you to the man whose work day by day causes more and more interest, this is the director of the circus and theater valentin, i came to the school to... become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clown, a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus , this the fleetingness that i want to capture, the circus that i want to create, it doesn’t exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovetsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman and after 2 days i realized that she was gone, and that i needed to start from scratch myself, i knew that my homeland is my language, this is not the soviet union,
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this is the language in which i write , it was such a really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine on good verses, my 49 and a half minutes of jazz are not just a program for me, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in st. petersburg...
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the big game is live. nikolai malinov often has to take a lot of puff on our program. he represents a nato country in bulgaria; in fact, he heads the worldwide russophile movement. and the last action was participation in monitoring the presidential elections of the russian federation. what did you end up seeing? what's your mood? we had a fairly large delegation, but... three of us, i, jan chernogursky, the former prime minister of slovakia and suleiman dae, my deputy from africa, we went to tver, we decided to go into the outback, what can i tell you, i already said yesterday at a big press conference in the center that i think that this is also important for our western viewers to hear, who somehow see that the elections were very professional and...
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we are going, greeted with concerts, with pancakes, but we are not going, because there is someone... then i ordered a concert, well, yes, maslenitsa, but nevertheless the holiday was everywhere, flags were everywhere, there were flyers, there were posters , that is, the awareness of the population was at a very high level, which can be congratulated, speaking about professionalism and the absence of these mistakes that i’m talking about, calmly, because we deliberately, each of us went to a different section, in 12 o'clock promised provocations. we have never seen, heard, or noticed such provocations, so i’ll say again, honestly, professionally , these elections were held calmly, so we can congratulate you, thank you for not being afraid to participate in observing the elections, that welcome, naturally, in nato countries, but what i noticed is that austin speaks at ramstein, announces the existence of a coalition of possibilities, there is no bulgaria, where, where, where has it gone.
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well, romania doesn’t, okay, but romania , in any case, has now announced that the largest nato military base in general will be built on its territory in the constantia area, well... the largest there, much larger than romshtein himself, almost in one and a half times, this is the largest american military base in the world, in my opinion, here, the romanians, so to speak, paid off, but the bulgarians , for some reason, did not, what is happening there, it is known that there is now a rather difficult political situation there, and the situation in the spiritual sphere after the death, three main plots, plots, very briefly, the first, about which, unfortunately, not a single bulgarian media said, the coalition of neutral bulgaria, which includes rusaphila for the revival of the fatherland, the party of which i am the honorary chairman, on friday submitted a proposal to parliament for bulgaria to withdraw from nato, because the 18th expired on monday
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the twenty-year term of our agreement with nato, unfortunately not a single media outlet , of course no one was involved in this, but i use your high platform, that after all, those who then...
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the information that i read, that most likely she will refuse from drawing up a government with other such euro-atlantic forces, then the main, main reason is precisely the disagreement to appoint as minister of defense
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this war-lover, whom the other part of the opposition wants to appoint, of course, if there are two more experiments, the very fact that at 12 o’clock today the american ambassador visited the bulgarian president, this means that they will try to break -
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that russia will not stop in ukraine, russia must be stopped there, charles michel, the chairman of the european union, spoke in the same vein, saying that it is necessary to double arms production , ammunition by 2030, why, let's listen to him, 2 years after the start of the war, it became clear that russia will not stop in ukraine, just as it did not stop in crimea 10 years ago, russia continues its tactics on... the situation in moldova, georgia, the south caucasus, the western balkans and even the african continent. russia is a serious military threat to our european continent and to global security. if the eu does n't take the right steps and give ukraine enough support to
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stop russia, then we will be next. therefore, we need to be prepared for defense and put the economy on a war footing. it's time to take responsibility for our safety. we can no longer rely on others or depend on the us elections or. other countries, we must aim to double the volume of purchases from european industry by 2030 . if we want peace, we must prepare for war. prepare for war. both ostyan and michel are talking about the same thing, what is it, they are talking about the same thing, but in different words, who should prepare for war, that the united states is preparing for war and has always been more or less ready for it , well, there is no news here, they increase their military budget every year, bases are scattered all over the world, they are more or less they are ready for some kind of military conflict, or pretend to be ready, and europe finds itself in a situation where it is being pushed to the forefront. there are just people like charles michel, faceless bureaucrats, whom
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no one will remember in 10 years, who this half-bald guy with glasses is, why after he retired, the military spending of the european union countries increased, no one will remember , but pay attention to this rhetoric, here is some common sense: if you find yourself in a situation, let them think that there is a threat, although you and i are fine we understand that russia does not pose any threat to the european union, but... who, who will be pushed to the forefront? the united states of america is pushing
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its european allies, and the european allies are pushing sweden and finland to the forefront so that they, in the forefront, in a hypothetical military conflict, can defend the french, germans, and british, and they, in turn, stand in the way of defending the united states america. in general, two words literally, to imagine hypothetically, to... so that these people you discussed, at least had the consciousness at all, to understand, hypothetically, to crush russia, yes, to force it, that’s all right, europe in 5 years will generally be behind the backyard of the united states, which has already sucked it out, precisely when russia is strong, then europe, as its partner, is gaining the global weight that it played for 400 years or 500, exactly. the decline of russia is at the same time the decline
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of europe, don’t they understand this, it ceases to be a place where events of world-historical proportions take place, like it was, therefore, a stunning absence of any historically panoramic thinking, events of world-historical scale are no longer taking place in europe, that’s it, it’s already over, now the most popular politician in the federal republic of germany is this. pistorius, minister of defense, he made some statements here, let's listen to him, well, firstly, he said that germany helps the most and will continue to help. we help ukraine with what it needs most in its defensive war against russian aggression. as i already said, our aid package amounted to half a billion euros. in total , we have already allocated more than 7 billion euros for this year. so you see that the help and support from germany remains unchanged and is still there. but at the same time, he reacted negatively to
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macron’s initiative to send troops to ukraine. let's listen to pistorius. in the last couple of days, french president emmanuel macron confirmed his words about sending the military to ukraine. we heard olaf scholz's statement on this issue, that they are not unanimous, that if the front line in ukraine collapses, will germany then be ready to side with france and do whatever is necessary to help? well, i've learned a lot in my political life, especially in the last 12 months as german defense minister, and what i don't usually do is answer hypothetical questions. what to clarify the question? the chancellor emphasized several times that there will be no boots on the ground in ukraine, at the moment we have nothing add. and of course, those promises for the supply of weapons and shells that were given by nato and germany were not fulfilled.
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russia causes tension, georgia, ossetia, which means all the countries listed, which act exactly where they are not.
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once upon a time, a long time ago, because this aviation hub was created, everything is there, they intend to invest a huge amount of billions there, so why, apparently, to cut it up, because everything else is there , there are runways there, it means there, but what -that similar to control systems and so on and so forth, why this was done, it is clear that this is a cut, that’s right, we not only cut, but still control the south, the balkans, bulgaria and so on. now, that is, please, they have already occupied this hub and can do it, but why do they announce that they will develop it, everything that concerns the rest of the story, of course, and mr. charles michel and, well, i don’t know, he is not very similar, of course, to this one, to macron,
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because macron generally behaves like crazy, and this one behaves like an american clientele, but it was rightly said that in a few years everyone will forget who this person is? but nevertheless , here they are, and not only he, but they set everything up with them, they will transfer us to europe, why do i think that in europe no one knows who he is, most likely, but nevertheless they will bring us there is no need to bring europe there, they once asked me if the west could be described in one word, so the word hypocrisy immediately came to mind, because that hypocrisy and lies are what characterize the west in general as a system, as a civilization. recently in january we had the eightieth anniversary of the tragedy of the siege of leningrad, on this occasion the german foreign ministry made a statement, then, let ’s listen, we remember the horrors and suffering that the german wehrmacht brought to leningrad and its inhabitants. germany is committed to
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preserving the memory of the horrors of war crimes committed in the second world war and acknowledges its historical responsibility for the crimes committed. wehrmacht in leningrad, the german government encourages meetings with victims of the siege in st. petersburg. the memory of the siege of leningrad must be strengthened and passed on. so we believed, but if they really want to confirm these words, they should probably respond positively to the note from our foreign ministry, which was presented yesterday to the german government. let's listen to tas' message. russia demanded from germany. parties to officially recognize as an act of genocide of the peoples of the ussr, the blockade of leningrad and other crimes of the third reich. the corresponding note is available to tas. the russian side notes the contradictory nature of the german side’s approach to the issue of officially recognizing crimes against humanity committed by germany in the past as acts of genocide. having recognized its
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crimes during the era of colonialism as an act of genocide, the german side has still not done so in relation to the blockade of leningrad and other crimes against the peoples of the ussr during the second world war. war, the russian side insists on official recognition the german side of these atrocities of the third reich were acts of genocide. in addition, germany has been regularly paying social benefits to former soldiers of the third reich, members of the ss and collaborators of the nazi regime for decades. this approach casts doubt on the sincerity of the german side’s statement about germany’s historical responsibility for the terrible crimes of the nazi regime on the territory of the ussr, the document says. so, do you recognize genocide? they won't admit it.
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for 40 million people, they are nowhere in any in the war of modern times there was no such death of the civilian population, my mother went through the german concentration camps without
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... therefore the german hypocrisy, it is simply limitless, they really never recognize theirs - that the monstrous crimes of nazism for acts of genocide, but we are all that we know very well, and we understand perfectly well, that we are now dealing with the fourth reich, and maybe even with the unfinished third, but we will continue after the advertisement, well, it’s time to think about the future, a revolution will begin here soon, clashes continue demonstrators with soldiers of internal troops and special forces berkut. the miller is now
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on our hook, for some reason i don’t believe that he will cheat his father-in-law. yes, he is nothing without his father-in-law, just an opera. major tsibul, right hand of general filimonov. ideological? not at all. through him we will work in a low-key way. transfer it through the maidan, prime minister. look after the program for the time. viktor fedorovich, this is the minimum evil we need now, which will lead you to victory in 2015. the island of crimea has flourished again and become a place of power. this can be seen even by people's gaze, people began to smile more. look how we live here now. we have completely new equipment, we are happy. the school is new, wonderful, and opportunities have appeared. we didn’t expect it to be built so quickly. it’s impossible not to love crimea. to the tenth anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia. premiere of
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the documentary series. tomorrow on the first. the illusion of deception is a test. one person writes both letters and numbers at the same time. letter, number, letter-number, the second person writes the letters first, and then the numbers. all this is called. multitasking of the brain, i won, about this and much more in the program to live healthy, tomorrow on the first. ukraine has every right to use the services of any forces, viktor shenderovich and as an agent, after the start of the svo, he promised the russian people terrible punishments of disaster, he regrets that he ended up on the peacemaker’s website. there have already been attacks on me in vilnius, they poured water on me there, well, if you can split the money. half-and-half between supporting the armed forces of ukraine and refugees in the humanitarian component, that is, he has now confirmed that what a darling, that
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helped? regarding dugin and so on, not everyone agrees with what we are doing in relation to crimea and belgorod, it is very tough, but here we have no disagreements, we can say with you that he is the devil, i personally think that damn it, when you arrive, there will be questions about bandera, i have to love bandera, these are the conditions for my appearance on the territory of ukraine, they just want to be gouleiters. premiere, show vavan and lexus, tomorrow on the first. today we will introduce you to a man whose work day by day causes of increasing interest is the circus and theater director valentin gneushev. i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clown, a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus. it’s the fleetingness that i want to capture, the circus that i want to create, it doesn’t exist. we continue our series
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of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovivsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2 from the 2nd day i realized that it was not there, and that i needed to start from scratch myself. i knew that my homeland is my language, it is not the soviet union. this is the language in which i write, it was such a really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49 and a half minutes of jazz are not just a program for me, an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at the table in the st. petersburg cafe, where they play programs from 49, ciao baby, matodor on friday on the first, virtual reality is the place. so
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they can meet together and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it actually already physically exists, our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests for determining allergic reactions, using our reagents, the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that can be detected. the main motif of our collections is sheepskin coats; we also produce leather items, suits, coats, trousers, skirts. i love my country on saturday on the first.
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game live, the germans who staged genocide on our land during the great patriotic war, they did not recognize the results of the presidential elections, well, we are not hot, not cold, in fact, well, they recognized, they did not recognize, but this is simply the height of blasphemy, well, because well, it is impossible not to recognize the will of the people , the americans performed a little more fatally, so jake salevan made such a statement, let's listen. there was nothing free or fair about this election, so the result was known in advance, yet the reality is that president putin is the president of russia, we had to accept this reality throughout the war in ukraine, other instances of russian aggression, and all other moves that have been contrary to u.s. national security interests that we have seen from this president and the russian federation under his leadership, and we will continue to work within this reality.
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i like it, yes, linda thomas greenfield, the us permanent representative to the united nations, immediately also made a statement, turning to us with a proposal. yes. yes. the united states is ready to enter into bilateral discussions on control over weapons with russia and china, right now, without preconditions. all you have to do is say yes and come to the negotiating table in good faith. well, right there . russia called the us proposal to begin an arms control discussion with russia an exercise in hypocrisy and demagoguery. american functionaries, declaring their alleged desire to enter into arms control discussions with russia without preconditions, clearly did not bother to familiarize themselves with the text
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of vladimir putin’s message to the federal meeting, where our... principled assessment of this kind of exercise in hypocrisy and demagoguery against the backdrop of washington’s policy of inflicting strategic defeat on russia is exhaustively outlined, in the meantime we are invited to conduct a dialogue exclusively on us terms only on those issues that interest washington,” they said agency in the russian ministry of foreign affairs. the department concluded that russia is ready to discuss issues of security and stability only in a single complex with an emphasis on those aspects that directly affect its security interests. what is this suddenly there was a rush to negotiate disarmament? well, because 87% of the vote for putin in the elections is a reality that is impossible not to take into account, the same lincius graham called it very impressive , this result, but look, after all, the west continues certain crafty games, they find themselves in a situation where they wanted and were preparing not to recognize the results of the presidential elections in russia,
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preparatory statements were made by all kinds of foreign... agents, direct traitors to the motherland who fled abroad, but the reality turned out to be such that it simply means cutting off all communication with russia once and for all, it’s impossible, so they don’t say that they recognized, but they don’t say that they didn’t recognize, they say this is the reality, no, you know, this , by the way, a very interesting point, nikolai was right to note that now is really a psychological moment to speak in such a way, because conversations in...
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in negotiations, does it even make sense to talk about anything with the west now? we just noticed two approaches: european american. the americans, of course, are trying to destroy rival europe in two ways: by setting it up for a war with russia, including all the statements by france and germany and other foreign ministers that not recognizing the elections and almost leading to a breakdown in diplomatic relations, that is, the fate of europe is to fight with russia once again in 100 years, and america at this moment... will negotiate, these are two absolutely ready-made scenarios, they were deliberately made. well, in my opinion, america calls for agreement on arms only when when it lags far behind in these weapons.
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natal alekseevna, sweets for you. texas. the supreme court of the united states of america ruled that texas does not have the right to arrest illegal immigrants. abbott, the governor of texas immediately issued a statement. let's listen to him. the u.s. supreme court has temporarily suspended the state senate's ruling, but texas continues to use its powers to arrest illegal immigrants for criminal trespassing and other offenses. we continue to build the wall. our national guards are erecting a razor wire fence to keep migrants away, and buoys remain in the river. that is, we will ignore what is translated as barbed wire; this was ignored the last time during the civil war. this is a constitutional crisis, of course, they are trying to hush it up, because it is clear that if the whole nation pays attention to this, then this is generally a crisis of the american political system
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, this is the presentation of american political institutions as a kind of standard that works like a well-oiled machine, so doesn't work, you know? yes, but with this ban, by the way, they confuse the police as to what action they should take.
6:00 pm
hello, evening news on channel one, andrey ukharev with you. eliminated
6:01 pm
on the way, the ministry of defense struck.


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