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tv   Bolshaya igra  1TV  March 19, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am MSK

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first of all, of course, the civilian population suffers, which is forced to sit at home , now very few people are unusual in belgorod, very few, there are no people at all in grayvoron, yes, and people continue to be evacuated from dangerous areas, what is the purpose of this and already several days of ongoing attack on the russian border areas, it’s hard to say, because kiev is famous for the fact that it often acts contrary to military expediency, but for the sake of... some seven-minute political situation, on the one hand they need to show at least some success in his absence on the battlefield, on the other hand, perhaps they are counting on the fact that the russian command will transfer from some direction dangerous for ukraine, well, for example, donetsk, additional forces to the belgorod region, then they will begin to breathe it’s easier in avdeevka, but of course, there is some kind of full-scale invasion , there is no danger of a full-scale invasion on russian territory now, it is completely...
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occupied, colleagues, thank you very much, i have one question for you: you said that real military forces are involved in the operation on the russian side, these are not only the fsb, not only border guards, this is your impression that this is an ongoing operation, that this is the opening of a new theater of military operations , that they will try to advance... on this russian territory, or still, you think, uh, that this is something primarily at the level of provocation, although very large, for political and not for military purposes. i understand that it is impossible to submit this in advance, but i would really like to know your impression. well, according to my personal feelings, with with the end of the election campaign in russia, this action of the ukrainian troops will not end, but it seems to me that it will take some time.
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perhaps for a long time, unfortunately, this is very similar to an attempt to tear apart our reserves, an attempt to force us to transfer some additional forces here in this direction, and maybe they want to drag us into some rash steps, perhaps prematurely the creation of some kind of buffer zone on the territory of the kharkov region, that is, this could be in including...
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about this at the board of the federal security service. let's listen. i ask the fsb , together with other intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, in coordination with the national anti-terrorism center and committee, to seriously strengthen anti-terrorist work in all areas. realizing that we are dealing with a strong, dangerous enemy, in whose arsenal there are wide information, technical, financial capabilities, what can we say, we are with...
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interethnic conflicts, violate the rights and freedoms of citizens, use russophobia and any other ideology of intolerance must be strictly and immediately suppressed. i have the impression that when i listen to the president of russia, before that we heard a war correspondent, it seems to me that all this, if you look at it together, creates an impression, but an increasingly stronger one. the impression that the elections are really over, but the campaign against russia continues, and that since ukraine is unable to conduct successful operations that would have real military significance, it needs to constantly prove both to its population and to their sponsors that ukraine is not losing, then they are not only taking such actions. i think that we must be prepared
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that such actions will continue, and we heard from alexander kots about multiple launch rocket systems, which are really not suitable. for targeted strikes on military targets, that is, this gives, if you like, what is happening in ukraine a new and quite disturbing dimension, and you are watching this karangeevich nazarov, you were putin’s confidant, took part in the preparation of the elections, generally i would like it to happen after the elections, after such a triumph for the president.
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in my understanding, well, frankly speaking, these were not only elections, and maybe not so much elections in the classical sense, but given this situation, it was like a political campaign, a referendum, in relation to the policies pursued by president putin, and it seems to me that this is still the most important being, everyone understood perfectly, in all cases the majority understood that vladimir vladimirovich would win these elections, but the most important question was how much voters will come to support him, because if 40% came to the elections, that’s one thing,
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50 is also one thing, even 60, this would indicate that 40% are still ignoring the elections, these are the numbers 80. yes, in my opinion 80% of the people who came to the elections, and of them 87, and now percent, who supported the president, already say unequivocally that the people of russia support the president’s policies, despite the sanctions, despite the war, despite, so to speak, everything, as it were, isolation and so on and so forth, so to speak, tests that dropped
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out, maybe 82, 87% of the votes, this, it turned out to be a pleasant surprise, and this turned out to be, according to the head of the central committee, valery fedorov, because the voters who at
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the last moment decided to go to the polling stations, that they overwhelmingly supported president putin, if you look at the size of the turnout. and the size of the vote for putin, it turns out that putin received the support of more than 2/3 of russians, i mean, those who did not participate. elections, here are all russians, and this, of course, is very very an impressive figure, but what happens next on this basis, of course, depends not only on the absolute manifestation of the will of the russian people, but also on what follows this in war and in peace. i want to start with peace. anatoly gennadievich oksakov, chairman, is with us now. state duma committee on financial markets, and you, among other things, will deal, as
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i understand it, with the issue of taxes, and you , together with your colleagues, will probably look at the military budget, these are all very important issues, let’s see what he said putin regarding taxes regarding the military budget, as we see, the plans... are large, the expenses are also large, there will be large-scale investments in the social sphere, demography, in the economy, science, technology, and infrastructure. i propose to think through approaches to modernizing our fiscal system, to a more equitable distribution of the tax burden towards those with higher personal and corporate incomes. on the contrary, it is necessary.
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in general, this, this is a lot, but, but this is very moderate, explain to us what will happen now, the president said that is required, now a lot will depend on you, your colleagues in the duma, tell us what your plans are, well, first of all, it should be noted that already last year we had very serious growth in the gross domestic product, and if we talk about the processing industries, then there is growth was twice as much, in some regions the growth was measured in double digits, even thirty percent or more, i
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represent chuvashia, there the growth is more than 30%, and i will say that not everything is connected with the defense industry, it is clear that now this sector will receive additional financial injection, but there is a problem related to personnel, we now actually have a key problem - this is manpower, and there is only one solution to this problem: modernization of production, robotization of production, increasing labor productivity, this is where significant funds will be directed, including those which the president spoke about, for example, the industrial development fund is practically doubling, it allows , among other things, to reduce the interest on loans that are issued in such areas, as a result, well, i expect that already in the current year... we will observe a serious modernization, restructuring of industrial
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production, including those related to the defense industry, well, russia is on such a march, and this march will accelerate due to a serious, well, serious technological restructuring of production, we are literally there 3- in 4 years we will see a completely different country in terms of labor productivity, it will be modern. fair today we already have tax differentiation, those who have incomes up to 5 million rubles pay 13%, those who have incomes of 5 million - this is per year per year, 5 million per year, those who have over 5 million from the increase to 5 million, for example 5,100,000, and up to 5 million pay 13%, on 100 thousand they already pay
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an increased tax of 15%. from what the president said, i understand that there are people who receive 10 million, 15 million rubles. there are those who receive more, yes, there are those who receive more, including not in the form of wages, in the form of dividends of all kinds, these increases, they can be taxed at a higher rate, well, let’s say, if the income is 10 million rubles per year and higher, then accordingly the rate can be 17%, and not 15, as it is now, if... your income is 15 million rubles and above, then accordingly the rate could be 20%. i believe that this is what we are talking about, just in case, last year, thanks to this 15% rate on increased wages or income, we received an additional 600 billion to the budget. it is obvious that thanks to this change
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in the system, we will receive additional income, and the president voices that these incomes should... go to low-income segments of the population, to large families, to in principle, a fair redistribution of additional income that the budget receives from the rich part of our society, you know, when you say this, it seems not only very fair, but from an economic point of view very logical, and you are not talking about some kind of radical increase in taxation , but let me share with you my concern: you just said about personnel, and personnel are needed, and not only workers, but also personnel of people who, for example, deal with information technology, who are advanced scientists, well, in general , people who really earn a lot, and if they are additionally taxed, then very few people in the country will say,
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oh, what poor millionaires, but if these... people, there will not be enough incentive working in your own country, making every effort, working, well, rolling your sleeves, this may also not have the best consequences. do you share this concern? well, the first thing to note is that a progressive tax scale, and a more stringent one than the one i voiced, is in effect in other countries, almost everywhere, in europe and the united states of america,
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with these technocrats of ours and with those who earn very well, including in the field of information technology, they are already investing money, uh, including irrevocable, they are charitable, all kinds of investments are being carried out, i just said that i am a deputy from the chuvash republic, there is an entrepreneur there, an information specialist, who simply spends millions of money, tens of millions of rubles, on training new information specialists. and he does this in the form of charitable assistance, but at the same time he understands that it is preparing personnel, including for its business. gren georgievich, will we lose some leading actors and directors, will they discover that they have an irresistible craving for freedom outside the borders of russia, well, no, i don’t think this will happen,
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i think it’s very simple here, in principle , in our profession, it is impossible to work anywhere outside the homeland, we are tied like it or not to our audience to our language, so to speak, actors, i don’t remember a case where anyone could, did at least somewhat successful career abroad, although i must say, many tried, well, i will say that we were a couple of years ago. their countries are actually much higher, much higher, that is, in these words, if i understand correctly, we come, unless
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you decide to disagree with us, dear senator, we have a feeling at this table that this is not only such a new scale, not only fair, not only will it bring additional income, but in general there is no serious negative country, so well , to be honest, i don’t know yet which one...
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much worse conditions than them, so in fact, this is helping those people who need such help, sleep peacefully, pay taxes and sleep peacefully, good, although of course it’s not very good when you have to raise taxes, but it’s good when it can be done painlessly in the name of justice 98% this certainly does not apply to the population, if not 99, under all conditions. if this is the worst thing that the authorities have to do in a war situation, then it seems to me that everyone should understand and support this, let’s go to advertising, but after that we’ll talk about the war,
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let’s leave, ukraine has every right use the services of any force. viktor shandarovich, as an agent, after the start of the svo, he promised the russian people terrible punishments and disasters. he regrets that he ended up in well , if you can divide the money in half between supporting the armed forces of ukraine and refugees in the humanitarian component, that is, he has now confirmed, what a darling, that he helped about dugin and so on, not everyone agrees with that , what we are doing in relation to crimea and belgorod is very tough, but here we have no disagreements, we can say that he is the devil, here i am i personally think that he is the devil, when you arrive , there will be questions about bandera,
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everyday luxury, our everything, the premiere on saturday on the first, this is the same one who
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ratted out his partner, or what, what have you done, no one wants to deal with him work , behind the wheel, he’s like a duck to water, we’re launching an experiment, taxi, undercover taxi, comrade colonel, is this really legal, i had my own plans for this car, but i had...
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then you fell, then what else, well, this is how to live with you, well, you don’t live, if someone had hopes that after failure ukrainian, so-called counter-offensive, and ukrainian patrons in the west will decide that it has come...
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they recently announced new aid packages for ukraine, this is another contribution to ukrainian resistance to russian aggression. in addition, this is an investment in our security, in the security of europe throughout the world. we'll all be a lot less safe if putin gets his way, and we'll all be a lot less safe in a cruel world where dictators can invade someone else's territory and wipe entire states off the map. return to the old borders of the empire. loyalty to ukraine is one of the greatest deeds of our time. the ukrainian people do not have a day to...
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help ukraine more, what conclusions should be drawn from this in moscow? well, the first impression is that we have switched places. once upon a time, our president, boris nikolayevich yeltsin, wondered: when you wake up in the morning, ask yourself whether you have done something for ukraine. now, the us secretary of defense is repeating, in slightly different words, but essentially the same thesis, but this thesis, unfortunately, to greatest regret. it no longer means good intentions, but means military efforts directed against our country, here the situation is of course complicated, the west, our opponents are doing everything to show that the rings, the rings of the boa constrictor around our country continue to shrink, until it is mostly some of it is done verbally, but look, in the leadership of ukraine, the west has found
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a very... convenient client, there is no need to drive him away, he himself is actually driving his people to slaughter, that’s what’s happening, these are the very rings are shrinking, as i already said, for now , verbally, look, macron’s statement, who are joyfully, with such, you know, squealing, assent, well, those who, strictly speaking, should, from whom this is expected, the baltic leaders, look at what statements they noted about the construction of the wall.
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it turns out that to the people, because, well, look at what is happening in belgorod, there is no so-called sympathy or even any words, well, even if very indirectly, but condemning attacks on the local, on the civilian population, we we can't hear, i have one gets the impression that this is an attempt in hindsight, after the fact that we won the elections, and they lost them, to mark it in some way, to take it out. will take out the anger,
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because the point is not only that vladimir vladimirovich won with such a score, but that their calculations failed, in fact failed, expressed by the whole people. they are convinced, ways are being sought to somehow extract money from congress for ukraine, attempts are once again being discussed to direct the gold and foreign exchange reserves stolen from us to support ukraine or interest
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from them, that is, the spiral of escalation continues to rise, to go upward, this cannot but alarm, cannot but alarm, look, the times. the cold war , which we usually talk about, let’s say, without nostalgia, let’s look at the year 56, the uprising in hungary, what president esenhavar does, not only does he not even consider the possibility of military intervention, and there were no sanctions, but he demands that radio liberty, radio free europe carefully ensure that their programs do not include no calls for military action, no calls for violence, and nothing that would give the rebels the feeling that america is behind them. this is what
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president renhaur was like; i don’t have to tell you his role in america in terms of organizing victory against nazism. 1968 , an event in... they were judged by the american administration, president lyndon johnson, but privately the soviet leadership assured them that, as they say, it’s a pity that this happened, but life goes on, and we need to look for opportunities to work together. richard nixon, richard nixon was a man who together with...
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jews who wanted to leave, but at the same time, russian dissidents themselves. nixon could not, to some extent, ignore this pressure, because there was the notorious jackson amendment, which simply limited the possibilities of american trade, american loans to the soviet union, unless relatively free emigration was allowed.
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to meet the pressure, he was able to meet the request, and indeed tens of thousands of people got the opportunity to leave, and then this door closed for a while when on...
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with the rights of russia in the post-soviet
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space, but also openly interfere in russian internal affairs, what conclusions would you draw from this? well, like some: it was a cold war, and now a hot war, that’s what they call it, feel the difference, you know, i, uh, remember that all american presidents of recent decades have used the lever of human rights and democracy. not only here, but in china, but seriously, seriously, these questions were the last, precisely the last, not the last, but the last, to be posed by jimmy carter, i don’t even mean human rights, this is what you started with, emigration, that same jackson, broom, jimmy carter, such a beautiful democratic president, talking with deng xiaoping, somewhere in the year seventy-nine, this such an apocrypha, i put it. the question of facilitating the immigration of chinese to the united states, well, to
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the west in general, why are you holding them back, to which den seoping coldly answered him: how many chinese do you need? 1 million, 2 million, 3 million, the question itself died, that’s it, it was no longer posed in such a plane. as for the historical examples that you referred to, this was absolutely true, but the world was then divided into zones of influence. moreover , our power was clearly divided, and there was a military generation, including the general isenhaur you mentioned, this is simply one of the winners, along with marshal zhukov, in the second world war , a great patriotic one for us. reagan, who ruled the united states of america in the eighties, was also a representative of the older generation, he somehow avoided conscription in the army in the forties, but he worked at... a studio, as far as i remember,
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according to his biography, he shot various kinds of propaganda videos in military uniform, there are photographs of him and so on, these people somehow got used to the idea of ​​separation, now this idea is gone, no, and more moreover, this is probably the last thing i would like to say, because there is a lot that can be said here, we are accused of revisionism, there is such a word that has appeared in the political lexicon, it didn’t exist before, revisionism, not only... but these are our chinese neighbors, so what is this revisionism? the fact that we suddenly abandoned the world that developed in the nineties. we, what is our revision? is that we are again returning to something similar to a bipolar world, after america believes that it has won this battle. they don’t want to allow this, they can’t and they don’t allow it, as we see. you know, after finishing school i lived in kiev. studied at kiev university for a certain time, then
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moved to moscow university and worked there, one people, ukrainians, russians and so on, this is one people, it is clear that, from my point of view point of view, they should live in one country, in one world, since a common religion, a common history, common traditions and so on, and naturally, the unification of the russian ukrainian people is, well... including a geopolitical force, i think that this is the only thing americans don’t care about, i mean american politicians don’t care about ukrainians, they are afraid of changes in the geopolitical situation...
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boyd, he was a four-star american general, the only four-star general who had previously spent 7 years in captured in vietnam, he was a military pilot who was shot down there, and then he became deputy supreme commander of nato, and he began to talk about the need to bring russia into nato. and one of his arguments was
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, a detailed report, well, listen , what are we talking about, i don’t know whether you saw it or not, well , a wonderful fsb operation, wonderful, a poisoning was being prepared, a poisoning was being prepared, that is, ukrainian saboteurs, and this is shown, this is proven , what is this what.
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all absolutely terrorists subject i justify israel in the form of, so to speak, destroying it there, that’s what i would do, i
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’m not meaningless bombing of civilians, but in relation to its goals, in relation to the fact that in relation to terrorists, i must say, it acts very, very effectively, i allow myself to say in conclusion one simple thing that russia did not do a lot of things, that... russia could have done, this does not mean that it was wrong, because everything has its time, and you must be sure, especially when you go for drastic and potentially dangerous movements, you should be i am sure that these movements are really necessary, in addition, you need to be sure that the people of russia will be with you in this new tougher course, so it seems to me that the people... from russia in this regard , the vote that took place gave a necessary mandate for the president, and i am absolutely
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sure that the president will take advantage of this mandate and will not wait too long. we're leaving for advertising, we'll be back in just a few minutes. the illusion of deception is a test. one person writes both letters and numbers at the same time. letters, numbers, letters, numbers, the second person writes the letters first, and then the numbers. all this is called multitasking of the brain. i won. it’s great to live about this and much more in the program. tomorrow on the first. today we will introduce you to a man whose work is becoming more and more interesting every day. this is the director of the circus and theater, valentin gneushev. i came to school to become. clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clown, a lot of brilliant people who found in the circus some kind of poetic,
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fantastic reality, this is the fleetingness that i want to grab, the circus that i i want to do it, it doesn't exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovetsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman and after 2 days i realized that she was gone, and that i needed to start from scratch myself, i knew that my homeland is my language, this is not the soviet union, this is the language in which i i’m writing, it was such a really poor moscow bohemia, who lived on bad wine on good poetry, my 49 minutes of jazz is not just a transfer for me, this is an important program for me, i know that you are sitting at a table in st. petersburg. where they play programs with 49. ciao baby. matador on friday on the first. testament of zhenya belausov. the battle for
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the legacy of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch. all participants in the conflict are in our studio. have you filed a lawsuit? why does a person write a will at 30 years old? roman is sure that at one time the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina. if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, formalized everything about myself. why son. the singer is sure that the widow of the star he is being deceived, and the document could have been forged, i want to find out the truth, you recognize my dad ’s handwriting as jerome, to be honest, no, but you were divorced on target, it turned out that the court had divorced us, just imagine, 26 years later, such a blow was for me, an exclusive with dmitry borisov , the premiere on saturday at the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there were still potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, i... the person i loved probably died the only love in my life, in
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there is a big game on air, now our traditional free discussion at the end of the program, anatoly gennadievich, well, after the president’s advice, a working group was created in the state duma, which will now propose legislative initiatives. aimed at implementing the president’s ideas, including supporting the economy, supporting mortgage lending, large families, i believe that the implementation of these ideas, and in my opinion, this is the most powerful speech of the president, these ideas, the message will allow our country to greatly seriously jerk, it's already has gained good momentum, and the implementation of the president’s ideas and voiced messages will allow us to continue... such a rhetorical question: why
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are there no aggressive intentions? there are aggressive intentions, but only against those who commit aggression against us. this should be obvious to everyone. in this regard, to the same one i mentioned to the latvian president, who said that carthage should be destroyed, i would remind you, excuse me, this is the first time for you, for those who are not fully familiar with history, this is not a figure of speech .
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luck to see, we know, we are adults , as happens in life, they hug you, kiss you all your life, then you find out that this person was there for you, you know, he was picking on you, this is this, this is what we saw, this is russia i saw how people treat us , and i saw it with my own eyes, not just, this
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is no longer just politics, this is the internal attitude towards russia, like...
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uh, representatives of those countries that came to us bilaterally and from international organizations, you know, i see that the circle of understanding is quite wide, these people, these countries, or rather their leaders, take a generally neutral position, but the situation is such that this neutral position is in our favor, why? because we normally perceive this neutral position, but on the other side, no, they believe that if you do not condemn russia’s aggression, if you do not oppose putin.
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on the other hand, to say that russia is alone would not be an exaggeration, it would simply be untrue. sizempin warmly congratulated putin on his victory in the elections and expressed confidence in the further continuation cooperation, to what extent do you think this is cooperation with china, china’s support is a real factor in ensuring russia’s security, of course.
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russia is sometimes compared to a bear; they say that the russian bear swings for a long time, but god forbid it falls into its arms. physiognomy that there will be little left of her, and i think that this is an unpleasant lesson that the collective west will have to learn in the near future. it was a great game,
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we'll see you on the air tomorrow. hello, this is the easy money podcast, i its presenter is mikhail khanov, and today we are going to figure out what shering economics is. doctor of economic sciences, director of the center for scientific and technological forecasting of the institute of statistical research and economics of knowledge of the higher school of economics, alexander chulok, hello alexander, how difficult is yours? at all.
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the barter economy of sharing consumption, as we see it, has been developing over the past few decades; now one of the classical definitions implies that it is an economy collective use, but at the same time the use of something, goods, services, that is, someone must produce them, someone can consume them, intermediaries, intermediaries here can fade into the background, this is its such an interesting feature, why exactly are we intermediaries, sellers or whoever, who are the intermediaries here, it could be sellers, it could be. those who inform about the availability of relevant goods or services or inform about relevant buyers, that is, in classical economics, when we have quite a lot, like we are economists , we say, different economic agents
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who build their business models on transaction costs, transaction costs, but in the sharing economy it’s a little different, there platforms, primarily it platforms, information platforms allow you and me agree directly, well, it would seem. without going to the rental office, as was the case in soviet times, or contacting manufacturers, relevant agencies, intermediaries, and so on, that is, as in anecdote, you know how a piece of butter is intact, but everything is stuck on our fingers; the fingers are left in the butter with the intermediaries, the fat still remains, if you go back, go back to ancient greece , which was mentioned, there were no it platforms, what was there in collective consumption, collective use was quite actively developed, that is, we - anything, it could be products, first of all, it could be housing, it could be labor, products, how to use them together, eat together at the table or how? well, share a piece of bread, for example.


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