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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 20, 2024 1:30am-2:21am MSK

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now timur’s oath, timur ’s oath, that’s why, it was written after that , in fact, before the very, very war and death, and death, and gaidar, who came up with the whole story with timur and understands what can result from what begins here that same children's movement, leadership, and so on and so forth, as easily as possible. to make, well, let’s say, bureaucratically formal , he warns, there is mishka kvakin, like this, we remember, we remember, just in timur’s oath, this moment is shown there, the guys have grown up, several years have passed, from the moment timurovs, they have grown up, the war begins, stay in the rear and help, well, everyone has their own place.
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5 years in the month of may, in general the museum was opened in 1989, i must say that in 1947 the people who rented a bed to arkady petrovich before the war, they left klin from 1947 to 1988, it was ordinary municipal housing, and only in the year eighty-nine was the house museum opened, the museum is small, only two rooms, but i am pleased when people come and say: this is your grandmother’s house, village. i know this very well, so it’s nice
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that it was in our wedge that arkady petrovich found his personal happiness, one of the master’s daughters dormatveevna became his friend, yes, yes, of course, she became his wife, it was also a marriage, well, not the whole story in the sense that chernyshova, a noble maiden, whiled away her time in the room, sewed, washed soap, cleaned, did not walk, did not dance, even though with many guys everything was adjusted to her, all the guys got a blow, gaidar himself came to the wedge, it worked out. miracle couple, he is gaydar, she is gaydar, and it seems to me that it was precisely this simple, you know , unpretentious, human happiness, when he found a full family, dor matveevna had many more brothers and sisters, allowed arkady petrovich to write the most recognizable, the most, i say, the warmest works, timur, his team, chuka gek, he wrote in the wedge, smoke in the forest, wonderful, please tell me, like a museum worker, i’ll ask you again, but...
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in our collections, unfortunately, not everything has been preserved, not everything remains. but
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nevertheless, when we looked at what wealth we have in the library, what books we have there are, uh, gaidar publications from the thirties, the forties, the war years, then we realized that we need to scan it all, put it into an album and put it into an album, there is an electronic version, well, here is one of our great treasures, a unique publication
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than - sometimes habitual and really abnormal, the death of alka is the most historical, kibalcheshe, a wonderful illustration of kanashevich. in wonderful company, my interlocutors today are tatyana valerievna rudishina, chief librarian of the arkady gaidar moscow library and natalya vladimirovna perlina, head of the house of the arkady gaidarov museum, tell us, do they go to the library,
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such a trivial question, they go, are the library and gaidar’s books in demand, are they re-publishing them at the same time, yeah right away. a two-part question, we talked about the klin museum, now about your library , they go to the library, thank god, they come, on weekends we work on saturday, on sunday, these are most often family occasions, going to the library is a must on this day there are some events , meetings with writers, organized ones come groups, where there is a teacher who for some reason is ready to bring children from a completely different end of moscow once a week. where does anyone go? what people? are these visitors, are these residents of klina? well, somehow there are people of all ages, all categories, yes, families too, well, if i may, returning to mulchesh kibulch, they said that yes
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, the death of a child is shown there, it is difficult to tell, i want to tell one story when a group from moscow came to us, first grade children, but when such small children come, i say, let's have a little time. we'll tell you about arkady petrovich, we'll show you an animated film about the big boy. you know what one mother told me: i don’t allow this cartoon to be shown to my child, because there are scenes in which the child is abused, but it is known for certain that arkady petrovich really loved meeting with his readers, so when meeting with his readers, one day arkady petrovich heard the question when the guys asked why, why did you let your boy die, boy kebalchishe, it was possible, you and...
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boys to dad, yes, when you mom read this book, you see mom’s wisdom, how this mom can raise two tomboys, how she ’s not angry, when she arrived, god knows where, dad is not there, because no one gave the telegram, if you are a grandmother reading the telegram, and again a crossroads, if you are reading this book like a grandmother.
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he was washing something in the basin and he said to arkady petrovich: arkady, look at what a hard-working girl, you have to take it, well, at the same time you can thank this, you can, this great one, well, you see, we have three anniversaries, 120 years of gaidar, 35 years of the museum in klin and 90 years of the gaidar library, a wonderful coincidence, of course i wanted to ask if gaidar is still published, they publish it, they publish it a lot, most often it is this. after all, timur and his team, chuk and gek, then they made gaidar a little younger than he generally wrote, he wrote timur not for the first class and not for the second class, it often happens, it often happens, we
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perceive both walter scott and fenimar cooper and yes, like children's, they are not children's, and in general it is very interesting to watch, for example, on a blue cup, through the eyes of a child, well, yes, well , we quarreled with mom, broke the cup, went on a wonderful trip with dad, it’s actually a trip around the globe and what a wonderful story, when you ask the children what the blue cup is about, they say, about love, well, that’s right, not about a cup, when you look through the eyes of an adult and read, because it’s about a family that is about to collapse, collapse a little, about love, you read about it and collapse, but something that is different it's readable, and it's a great book, so to speak about arkady petrovich, i want...
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who can a modern person or child find for himself, what he can, in what he can recognize himself, because it seems like an event from quite a long time ago, well, after all, for a child, well, the thirties, well a very long time ago, can i tell you about the book smoke in the forest , this book was written in our klin, a purely klin work, you know what ’s surprising is when arkady petrovich met with readers and read his book to them, by the way, he had a phenomenal memory, he read his books by heart, so... yes, smoke in the forest he peed in a wedge when he read this book to the guys, uh, actually,
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the book, if you don’t know when it was written, it can be tied to any time, boy, actually the boy is a slob, in geography he has two , he doesn’t know how to swim , he was completely lost in the forest, i do n’t remember this at all, it’s so interesting, and this boy becomes a hero because he can overcome his fear, when arkady petrovich... read this work, the guys were indignant, they said, some kind of unheroic hero you have, do you know what this is this, in geography 2, he doesn’t know what azimuth is, he doesn’t know how to swim, he needs to swim across the river, and arkady petrovich said that a hero is not someone who does something, a hero is someone who is ready to do something , and knows perfectly well what will happen when a child opens gaidar’s book today, smoke in the forest, the fate of a drummer, a blue cup, it is interesting for the child because... that he sees himself on these pages, yeah, no matter how the child read harry potter there, he
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understands that he will never have a magic wand, but to do the deed, every child can swim across this river when necessary, conquer himself, conquer himself, and arkady petrovich teaches this in his works, do not give up on yourself, believe in what you can do, i thought about timur and his team, who also completely translated into children's reading, but this is a romantic story and... dear girls, if each of you could find a timur who would take you to the barn for you , anywhere, anywhere, of course, this a story, including about love, is on the one hand, on the other hand, we have some kind of adults are layering things up, and we have forgotten, for example, that everything that happens in timur is done secretly. this is not a volunteer movement, for royal hooks and so on
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, this is a different story, this is a secret story, secret help, which seems to me, in general this leads us somewhere to the scouts in many ways, well, i think it can lead to the bible, by the way saying, because, because any good deed must be obvious, there was something we didn’t read, and sometimes this ideological-pioneer subtext, which later... closed, it closed for sure absolutely the same gaidar who could have been seen, initially the book timur, his team was not called that, initially, but at all it was not a book, it was a film script that was called dunka on his teams, when arkady petrovich was asked who duncan was, why his team, thirty-eighth for a moment, he says, this is the name of a simple soviet pioneer, he says no, arkady petrovich with all respect, and gaidar begins to explain that dunka is on...
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petrovich and i for this conversation with a huge how much we today we learned about arkady i am pleased to thank my interlocutors today. main library of the moscow gaidar library. thank you, tatyana valerievna, we will see you with the same feeling of deep appreciation, gratitude, i... perlina, the head of the house-museum of arkady petrovits gaidar in wedge. well, to you, our dear interlocutors, i, as always, at the end of the next episode of a literary podcast, tell you my favorite formula. read with pleasure, dear friends.
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hello, this is a psychic podcast and we continue to collect the puzzles of our lives, trying to find that formula of happiness that everyone dreams of, or at least try to do it. our today's heroine anastasia wished herself a completely happy and prosperous life. she was a hired office worker, she had a stable job. pay, but an annual bonus, everything that is due to those who work for hire , stable, good, constantly, with moderate nerves, but in any case predictable, but this was not enough for our heroine, at some point she decided to change her quiet, calm, office life as a freelancer.
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many of us actually dream about this, it seems to us. oh my god, what freedom, how cool, how great everything is, all fate, all our decisions are in our hands, but anastasia faced challenges that she generally didn’t think about. let's try to figure out whether she was psychologically ready for a change in this format, whether each of us, well, according to our structure, according to our psychotype, is ready for what is called freelancing.
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and my work was connected not only with some mass positions, let’s say, but i grew in my career, became an expert, developed, of course there was growth in income , in principle i was happy with everything, and i changed industries, i changed companies, the growth was very cool, yeah, gradually, of course, i wanted an increase in income and just some kind of further expertise, because i’m pretty cool .
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in a large company in a great position, i already worked with managers, that is, this is such a significant growth, but i realized that there seemed to be less freedom, that is, i moved to another region and i really liked this regime, the opportunity to move around, that is, not always to sit in the office, in moscow there was this need to be at work 24x7 and i’m not ready. such a price for that position , the functionality that i received, and it ended up that at the end of september last year i went to freelance project work, but it was here that at first there was euphoria, as you said, freedom, sleep until lunch , some kind of free movement around
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cities, exhibitions and so on, but it turned out that it was as if... they weren’t waiting for me there, that is, when you have a hired job, a built-in regime, and built-in tasks , but there is no team here, i’m alone, and i need to build marketing, design a website, and do something else, that is, i need a team, so now i ’m looking at all this and thinking , and shouldn’t we go back to hiring, because we don’t have the result that we would like naturally in finance, and in order to organize a team, you again need finance, that is, as if before going out on this freelancing it was necessary to gather people. consult there with producers, coaches, i don’t know, psychologists, draw up a plan, a budget, then little by little , perhaps, move from hiring to freelancing
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, well, that is, as if taking responsibility for yourself, and from those bosses who told you to be at work by nine, and submit the report on time, yes, but how you moved on, tell me before andrey starts to analyze your situation, here are a few more details, this is how you woke up in the morning and... i don’t go to work, when i was working in moscow, i went to work on one project, and this the project was suddenly closed, that is, i literally they reported that we were finishing work tomorrow, and i then joked that i didn’t go freelance, but the work itself left me, that is , we can say that everything happened, these are the conditions for your stay at this job, it was just this project, yes, that is, there is no project, which means your position is not there, that is, after all, this.
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either continues his expertise, that is , the expertise that he accumulated in the previous work or works, or the person completely changes his expertise, that’s what your idea of ​​​​freelancing was, you are in a new expertise, that is, in a new skin, which requires quite serious, of course, well, changes in your life, or you continue that recruitment, so i worked not so long ago, say, with a girl who was in large companies, worked as a personnel officer, and, in fact, there and as a pestilence yes .
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i’m thinking about how to formulate it, i probably took a step, not exactly to the side, but expanded it, that is, i was engaged, for example, in training, yes, now i’m carrying out some more, well, actions, probably in this regard , more, training staff, now this is more in-depth work, and accordingly, well, you weren’t looking for these students of yours, students, that’s right, you probably didn’t register them.
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companies and the company attracted people to you with its name, now you work for yourself, so when we say, when the same experts come to me, to consult, is it possible to go into freelancing and guys, first you need to invest in the name, who are you , that is , for you to come out, that is, when you separate, when you come out of your shadow of a company, from its brand, you must become a brand, well, no less, maybe even more, so was there any preparatory work for the expansion of your brand, special work. there wasn’t, the only thing i can probably note is that i began to be more active on social networks, and show my life, show myself as a person , show cases, some work with
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clients, well, everything that i can cover , for example, show what what i do, and tell what i can do that is useful to others, the important question is the scope of these actions, because, unfortunately, you are not alone on the market, for sure, yes, and they, too , these people also show something. well, the transition turned out to be spontaneous , there was no plan, so i’m just whipping milk into butter like a frog, that’s probably how i would think, now we can draw
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the first conclusion, yes, that is... if you’re in the head keep the option of going freelance while working for hire, then you need to prepare for this in advance by building a business plan, accumulating a financial cushion, making a name, starting to make at least a name, yes, because you, look, if you weren’t ready for freelancing, what would you do , if you didn’t want to freelance, you would most likely go look for another job, right, that is, another office, from one office to different, but you use...
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waving your arms, legs just came out of enormous energy, yes, but what our heroine tells us, you remember at the very beginning, she says, i started sleeping until lunch and going to exhibitions, you know, well, how a child whose parents left, yes, yes, a completely day of disobedience, yes, that’s it, the adults left, now i’m free, so i’ll sleep until lunch and at the exhibition, she wasn’t scared, we’re talking about the psychological side, the aspect of this event, let’s say,
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anticipation. yes, if a person expected that working as a freelancer would make life easier, then this is a big mistake, yes, a big illusion, for which people usually pay, and one must understand that freelancing is a way out of the comfort zone, and such a way out is tough , sometimes there you have to work two or three times more, as if at a stage, i always say, people, if you go into freelancing, by the time you are 30 or 35 or forty, it doesn’t matter how old, that is, to the point where there is zero, and a new beginning. if you feel that i want to work, i want, i want, i want, i want, then of course you can, so what was it, what is it, what is your relationship with work, with readiness to work, come on, what are your expectations, what were they, except exhibitions and sleep, no, i’m just beautiful, money, money, money, falling, they somehow do it themselves. yes,
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in fact, you were right about the plan, there was no plan, and - i now think there was it would be great to start with you, just with this dialogue, transition nazya, before you are going to do anything in life, please come to the psyche podcast, okay? this is a psychology podcast, today, together with psychologist andrei sberovsky, we are analyzing the case of anastasia, who left with a stable job in freelancing. i didn’t get exactly what i wanted, what traits should a person have in this self-diagnosis mode, from nastya, from other people who watch us, who will tell you, friends, you can go freelance, because it’s more likely everything can be your success story, you are not allowed at all, firstly, this is the most notorious hard work, that is, this willingness to work very hard, whether it is basic
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or not. let’s start with a simple thing, there is a basic one, there is a basic one, yes, that is, that is, if you can, if you honestly answer yourself that it is, i made conclusions, i realized that we need to work directly, i will repeat, we are laying the foundation, we we ask the second question, is there communication skills, and it’s obvious, yes, but communication skills exist, so to speak, in the workplace background mode, and there is such additional communication skills, which, well, with which money actually arises there, yes, because this is the ability to communicate there without stopping. 10-12 hours there right there, there is such a communicative ability , yes, i even know how i said, you asked a question about the command to do it yourself or pass it on and i realized that i now have a team of people by chance who, in principle, will help me continue to work, then yes, and you know how to set tasks for them, yes, but you know how to control them, yes, but they all respect your deadlines , i haven’t tried it yet, but this is again a matter of control
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when you create... your team, but at the same time you didn’t have a large margin of safety, you need to understand that in this team there will be dissatisfied people with whom you are there , maybe you don’t pay a lot at first, maybe you understand less than they understand about what they are doing and you. you can simply cheat in this area, in fact, when a person goes freelance, an important psychological option is to stop being good, stop just smiling, this as an expert, you can just smile , you are an expert, everything is fine, if you are building your team, especially in conditions of limited resource difficulties, you must be a little tough, so you have this understanding and this willingness to be a little tough, to be able to push people a little in a good way , i think it's something that needs to be nurtured. because i’m such a good fairy, a good fairy expert, then your task is somewhere on your refrigerator, and in the very central place of your apartment to write, you can’t be kind, unfortunately, yes, but we must
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say honestly about this, that i will now, friends , let’s do this, this is the opinion of our expert, so i object, i object, it’s normal to be kind, you must not give yourself, not give yourself the opportunity to sit down on the head, yes, but we are kind in... because the boss looked down on the report, finds fault with the report, the schedule is inconvenient, and so on, suddenly here you hire two people and become this boss, boss, now the stress of being the boss is three times more stress, other
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the thing is that you can probably enjoy this stress, all the same, yes, but it can also be creative stress, when for example, of course, yes, but that’s what we ’re talking about, that is, your task is simply to adapt to it, that is you have to understand that it will be difficult to try new roles and feelings. feel comfortable in these roles, but i emphasize that this readiness for new roles is the main thing, one of the main secrets of freelancing, so please don’t be afraid to be different if we don’t master this option, to unfortunately, the doors of freelancing will close in front of you and we will roll back to the previous position, which, in fact, as if you had, these are the first and second, visualization of your future status is very important, visualization for someone, if it is such a romantically illusory type. before lunch i go to exhibitions, then this seems to be not a very good visualization, if there is such a visualization , i work a lot there, i have a lot of people, i have a lot of money, i have a complex busy schedule, i study a lot, then this visualization is a visualization which one works better? visualization of your success, let's say in
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a year or two, how you see yourself, 5-7 hours of work a day with two or three days off, so i see natalie already has doubts. in the person of natalia, by the way, i have friends too, it’s good to be healthy and rich, friends, we, we will land this plan later, okay, listen, well, it’s definitely not 24x7, there is still a schedule, i understand now , what is easier for me in terms of graphics, even if it becomes freelance, and there is a team to which i delegated some of the functionality in which i am not an expert, probably...
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a feeling, so to speak, of comfort , here is some understanding of comfort, even if you have at least a microscopic one from the beginning of freelancing, or so far there are only tears and there is tension, disappointment, listen , there is comfort, because what do you measure it in, well just like that, specifically, if possible, well, this is an opportunity to be realized, because i still expanded my functionality, perhaps, in this broad functionality it’s more interesting for me, because i not only have one audience of one company, but people come to me from different spheres, and due to this i too i get richer and give it to my clients even more, well, plus you get to know other people , they recognize you too, yes, tell me, nastya, if
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you hadn’t left, yeah, at that moment, what would you have bought, so that i if you had stayed, there are a huge number of acquaintances, i would not have acquired them. but i wouldn’t have acquired a supportive environment, at work, weren’t you supported, well, there was support there, but it seemed different, that is - now your eyes are already wet from such emotions, you are being trained in your knowledge, we are making you this psychological training that will be useful to you, in any case, we actually hurt you a little, well, you know, it’s such a joy, well, probably realizing it hurts, because it’s more useful for understanding, and you know the story about when you are valuable not only within the work framework, but you are valuable as a whole as a person, probably now there is a story about such support, it’s very cool.
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are experiencing discomfort, and apparently you are experiencing it, it is important in the team that you are forming, that is, it is important either find a person in the team who... they earned me a salary anastasia, i like where you are, this is a very important option, because this option either has to be taken. i repeat, your, your employee, or
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it happens that one of the freelancers is lucky, or people have such a strategy in advance, and we find one of your new customers there as an ally, yes, then the person believed in you, the person seemed like such a strategic partner of yours there, so let’s say, it was with him that you went there for the first months or the first year, maybe when formation is taking place, so my direct advice is definitely, don’t be alone , this is a very important story, and there will probably be betrayals too, yes, just like that ... well, i said it out loud, betrayal, yes, well, someone... then he didn’t wait, for example, for the contract to be fulfilled, this happens , because when, especially when these are startups , just starting a business, someone was lured away by customers, this also happens, that is , there will be those challenges that you were not prepared for when hiring, this is how you need it psychologically, i ’ll just even detail for you what most often in practice there are challenges, firstly, maybe your close circle, your mom, dad, friends may not support you, work colleagues who... were previously considered friends may not support you, in addition, it happens that
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a person i haven’t even had time to develop myself in freelancing yet, but those who started working for him, realizing that this is a gold mine, leave you and begin to engage in the same activities, and sometimes they are even more successful than you, so a set of betrayals is what it says natalya, this is actually what i almost always do a beginning freelancer faces, and here it is important to understand that either again, either you have allies and you create them in advance, or you must... tell yourself, at the stage of this path, at the stage of the difficult path of beginning, i don’t listen to anyone, i call it in my vocabulary, in my professional language i call it the cocoon effect, because when a caterpillar tries to become a butterfly, it will first isolate itself from everyone, it will create a cocoon for itself, it doesn’t hear anyone , it doesn’t see anyone, it doesn’t care what’s going on around, she makes its own internal transformation, and one that allows it from a caterpillar to become a butterfly, so either i repeat, you have support in the form of a friend of one ally, or... you are completely in complete isolation, clenched
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your jaw, as they say, and walked away this difficult path, which strategy is more comfortable for you, anastasia, what is closer to you, what is the reality of your story, not in the house, this is the wrong metaphor, not in the house, you are in this, you know, in an armored train, locked up and rushing at this stage, i felt it right now, what are you saying, andrey, thank you very much, the psychologist has just given you a very correct instruction, i’m not talking about the train, so we speak louder. words i'm an armored train we're talking tougher i'm an armored train even tougher you have training we do it here well like in trainings listen really cool setting i like i loaded the tears pay attention the tears dried up immediately as soon as the armored train sounded the tears dried up it turns out it works or something yes it works because according to millions of people have already passed along your path before you; bicycles were invented, it is very important for a person to start something new. i really didn’t get my head around it, if you take everything
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that natalya and i are talking about today, of course it will significantly increase your chances of realizing your dream, of becoming a successful freelancer. this is a psychic podcast, my name is natalya losyeva, we continue to analyze the story of our heroine anastasia. nastya, when you made this decision, well , i understand that it was forced, but did you even discuss it with anyone and who supported you, who?
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what was missing was just a person who could come, talk, and write a plan.
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you said very precisely, you are talking about someone, it is not so important what you hear in response. write down for yourself immediately after the conversation which questions caused the most acute reaction in you, and the more negative the reaction, the sharper it will be, the more irritated this question will cause you, even if it does not come from a colleague, not from an expert, or from your mother , grandmother or some person who, in general, you are in this area. not you don’t feel like a hint, so the more likely it is that this is a story that hasn’t been worked through for you, that your subconscious, your intuition tells you, nastya, you ’re annoyed now, not because the question was stupid, because not because
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you’re incompetent, but because you you feel anxiety inside yourself, which means something here is unclear to you. it’s just that your expectations are optimistic, illusory, they tell you, they lull you to sleep, don’t pay attention, close your eyes, sleep until lunch, you’re beautiful, everything will be fine, the money will come, yes, it’s already there way, way, on an armored train, just take it, and i want to ask you something, andrey, look, there are two of these, two types of approaches to the future, in business, in life, by the way, too. this means that some managers, super-optimists , are like, yes, everything will go great, we don’t worry , we tune in to the positive, we visualize the ideal result, then, when the result is not ideal, well, there are happy people who don’t care, don’t give
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a damn, but there is someone who is frustrated, worried, there is another type of people who say, well, yeah, this won’t work here... here risk, here is a threat, here they will set you up, here they will let you down, here you got burned, oh well, or there we work along the most pessimistic path, it seems like they have a high probability of winning, but at what cost, and at the price of this neurosis, tension, irritation, well or missed opportunities, what is the path in general in your opinion? what we said in the program, according to statistics, those who are more often successful are those who were not fully prepared, who did not see, did not understand certain risks, yes, because those who sees a lot of risks, they most often
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do not dare and will not take this path, yes, because they are too smart, they are too afraid, they most often remain there in hiring, that is, those who see more, as it were. risks, they end up not going on the road, more often the strategy works when a person is somewhere a little optimistic, a little naive, but in this case, we paid attention to this today, allies are important, if when faced with reality you saw your gaps, you definitely need an ally, so your optimism, plus an ally who can grumble, sees risks , this is precisely the collaboration of two people, this is the synergy of two people, this is... the most correct form of success, therefore the largest companies, the largest structures that have developed, are most often founded not by one, but by two people, they then they can quarrel, quarrel, divide business there.
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he’s making this decision, to return to the office, to return to his boss, to return to a stable job, and i wouldn’t want you to feel defeated, but i don’t yet really understand how to behave correctly to set up this step, it seems like going back, but maybe not, you know, but i emphasize that practice shows that a successful start occurs on average in only 10-15% of 100 possible. and i repeat, that is , about 80-90% of people roll back, but about 2/3 of those who rolled back
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say: so, stop, stop, that’s it, i ’m not going anywhere else, and about a third say: so, i i get useful experience, i go back, not forever, but i will repeat for a year, a year and a half, two, in order to do additional just preparatory work work, in this case there is no defeat , there is experience simply preparing more... good - for your new start, yes, this is a restart, once again, this is not a refusal back, this is a restart, it’s simple - exiting again more prepared situation, well, let’s say it happens, we left the house, we’re leaving the house, and i forgot the keys or my wallet there, or something else there, and it’s not a shame to go back, because if you went back, took what you needed and let's move on, it's better than you walking all day, excuse me without wallet or without keys, but she didn’t just return back, she also returned beaten, yes, that is, she returned with experience, she... still enriched, even if in the case of anastasia we see that there are not only defeats, yes, there are just a lot of connections, a lot of new skills, a lot
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of stress that has been dealt with correctly, yes, that is, such a hardened psyche, we see that anastasia will no longer be the same, in any case, she will either return with gratitude to the work that she has it was, will reveal a lot of advantages in it, which will she didn’t see this and will remain in it forever, and i emphasize that this is also far from the worst option for work. you continue to do what you did for good money, with a feeling of satisfaction, this is actually also an important story, but if you returned, respectively, having gained something to go again, then it will be a different anastasia, it will be the same anastasia armored train, who will ultimately still achieve the success in life that she wants to achieve, but you will do it more rationally, yes, then you have already built up this very armor, you have already written down a normal plan, you have already returned it. for your previous job or for another job in the office, you will already know, so, i am learning this skill here, i am doing
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this, and how will this be useful later in my big plan, that is, you are already rationalizing this desire of yours, this dream of yours, and most likely it seems to me that in the second iteration a person will no longer sleep, you will be less complacent, you will be less illusory, you will be less optimistic, you will. more effective, stronger, wiser than the one that was, so no matter how your trajectory goes, in fact, the very fact that you communicate with us today, the very fact that you ask the right questions, the very fact that you find answers for yourself , shows that you...


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