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tv   PODKAST  1TV  March 20, 2024 3:15am-4:00am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] but even then humanity became preoccupied with, well, let’s say, its best minds, what the development of artificial intelligence could threaten and how it could be brought under control, that is, you think that all these processes are absolutely controllable and, firstly, i think that they have nothing to do with human intellect, all these processes, after all, for now, perhaps, in terms of the level of development, the pace of development, the computing capacity, in the end, if you want, how many more decades will they probably have attitude towards artificial intelligence, i i think never, like this, yes, why, mikhail , the human brain is so unique here , emotions and, let’s say, the incalculable emotional component are so important that it is impossible to repeat, well, first of all, we must not talk about the brain or how at least not only about the brain, but about a person as a whole, so at the heart of everything there are some
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physical, well... in the general case, processes, but until now a person has not even come close to understanding how the brain works, these are the same physiologists, neurophysiologists, are aware in this, yes, we see something, but we are infinitely far away, it seems to me, from understanding how it works, well, i agree with you, so to answer the question 20, 30, 200 or 300 years, i answered never, this, this is a very worthy answer. it is at least clear, i really like such answers, this is the answer of a mathematician, i can only note here that pay attention to how quickly the topics with driverless cars were curtailed, and all over the world, here in russia, development of course continues, but nevertheless, as soon as the hot topic went away, such simpler problems can be solved there, such as agricultural machinery, and there are combines, here in russia we have a company , some pilot who does this, and trams, electric trains and so on, that
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is... where it is easier to arrange - automation of agricultural production is not only combines, these are sensors - on tree trunks, which, by the movement of sap, determine the required amount of moisture, fertilizers, and so on, and this is really a huge benefit, there is 2-3% efficiency when harvesting complex, so say there are alloys, this is also a colossal benefit if used. methods that we call artificial, what else are the innovations that we now have in russia, the control of drones, technologies, i wanted to speak about road transport, it has always been strange to me, uh, it seems to me that it is much more effective not to attach human quality of a car, and making it, so to speak, similar to a person, but without a person, is much
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more efficient to build. in general , the principle of controlling moving objects is different, i absolutely agree with you, when we start transferring, we immediately run into unsolvable dead ends, but these are the technologies that actually reveal affiliations and dependence, connection dependence, without formulas, they are certainly effective in... very many manifestations, working with speech, for example , here is the gpt chat - this is working with speech, we were taught at school that speech can be written or oral, which means that here we work with written and oral, in russia there are similar developments, but it’s no worse, that is, there is something to belittle here our capabilities, our competencies are by no means impossible, the implementation part and suffering, well, kaisa was eventually recognized
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in russia, and the first winner. the authors are now working here, well , we can name such achievements differently. igor antonevich, you and i understand, and i hope that our audience understands, that in the short time devoted to our program, we have to discuss a very important issue, that money can not only be invested and receive this very passive income, but also active income and significant. with your own work, and very interesting work, with creativity, with science and so on, you can, with the help of it , this very topic that everyone has heard, we discussed with you what the role of the specific faculty of educational mathematics and cybernetics of moscow state university is, we discussed how our government provides support for this industry, and so what, in principle, money is not the main thing in a person’s life,
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but what is the main thing that is needed for... you and i live in a country in a society that makes a person happy, we need this feeling not to refuse and not to run away, you need to finally understand that you and i live in... a happy, good place, in a good society. igor anatolyevich, i really look forward to continuing the dialogue, thank you for the interesting conversation, thank you for your answers and we are waiting for you again, thank you, invite me, i’m larisa guzeeva, let’s get married. maria is 35 years old, her beloved maria confused alcoholism with prostatitis, so he received the news of her pregnancy at a drug treatment clinic. maria is a private
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entrepreneur who sells clothes at marketplace, lives in samara, dreams of creating his own clothing brand, admits that a man’s smell is very important, warns that he doesn’t like bright light, and once a week. i really liked it too, really, and you heard the description, the description, you heard everything about me, please tell me, well, you look absolutely sane and such a healthy girl, without such bad inclinations, and
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how could you not distinguish prostatitis from alcoholism ? and you know, laris, the thing is that i was such a girl with rose-colored glasses and i really wanted love. from such trips, but it turns out that i came , well, with one of my acquaintances to the island to relax, and there was just this young man, what struck me, tall, probably curly, black-eyed, slanting fathoms in the shoulders, such -
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no, in a guitar sang songs, gave bouquets to all the ladies, on the contrary, he is short, so light, light-eyed, blond, and he amazed me that this is the one... and the guy with whom i arrived, he began to behave very vulgarly, began to should i pester you there in front of people, that’s how i loved it, just the other way around, so that it was unpleasant for me to stop, and irina , you fool, what a daughter, when they pester you, it means that they want, oh, of course, but it turns out that yes, he protected me, this is the father of my child, and i thought, somehow well, what a great guy he is, make your relationship work. with a bouquet, but at first i didn’t want to open it the next day, he came to me already at
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the door, that’s because , somehow, this situation was still unpleasant for me, but he wouldn’t have achieved it pleasantly. ir, tell me, she would have given him the phone number , she was just waiting for me, she already put on her makeup everyone was already sitting. my heart was pounding in my throat, so i ran up and thought, should i open it in an hour or a minute, but my heart was pounding, okay, i was already ready for anything, well, in general , yes, probably, well, of course, why should we, otherwise we didn’t go through this, really fat ? yes, yes, she got into a thing with me, with my mother, when i introduced her, we live in the summer behind the wolf, and my daughter was with me, suddenly she comes on a boat, he’s just with friends, with friends, you’ve already got a good eye, well, i didn’t like it at all . no way, can you imagine, if you give her a ride on a snowmobile, wow , all her problems will disappear in one go, she will forget her name after the snowmobile, when they took him under the white little hands, yes, this was already our, so to speak, last meeting, we
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arrived at his house, there was his mother and mother, oh, god, mother’s sister, so they started , aunt, yes, they started telling me that he needed to be treated, that he couldn’t handle it on his own, that he wasn’t just having these kind of parties, but... that it was constipation, and you were already carrying a child from him under your heart, well, i didn’t know then that he had it, because he told me that he had prostatitis and... he disembodied, this is actually not just a matter of alcoholism, it’s just that if initially a person is not ready to take on some kind of responsibility, then no clinic will help him, it won’t help, we met him later, yes, he made just the connection, well, after about a month and a half of treatment, i wrote to him and invited him to a meeting to tell him, to wear a white dress to tell him this good news, i thought he would be happy, to be honest, well, i told him, he says , why do you
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need me like that? there is one, don’t be afraid, yes, we’ll cure you, there’s no problem, you’re great with us , yes, you need a good, adult, caring person to accept your child, so that means i’ll quickly now, look, figure it out. you want a man to be, well, 36-46 - that’s normal, generous, loyal, able to love one woman, so that you are number one for him, above average income, a businessman, leading a healthy lifestyle, with an unusual profession, a hidden leader , and best of all , a widower, okay, what, dear larisa, mashenka puts on her side, on the female side, which means she puts it down and is ready to cook breakfast, yeah. here, but not every day at the stove, cleaning
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without fanaticism, once a week or something, or once a month, well, the most important thing is not to get dirty, it’s clean somewhere, but it’s right, there’s no point in getting it dirty, then there ’s no need to clean up, everything’s right, they’re sitting two luxurious women, one is simply better than the other , beautiful, 35 years old, already with a ready-made child, i forgot, but this is what you want, foreigners, but why is it that a mother from a domestic manufacturer is not
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suitable? my dear, what is in this woman’s head, prostatitis, foreigner, mercury, in twelfth house, what does she need, please tell me, but i found her a man, he has venus in house number 142. two on the street of astrologers, where is he? well, everyone wanted
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to get acquainted, we’ll figure it out, come out, good luck! my name is alexey, the city of krasnodar , since i am a drummer, i hope that after this program our hearts will beat in the same rhythm, cool, despite the fact that now there are about 220, this is for you, thank you very much, very nice, years old, guitar and percussion teacher, lives in the capital novotitorovskaya, krasnodar region, proud of the fact that he built two houses, warns that he is not ready to move to the city. alexey foresaw a lot of nuances in order to make beautiful marriage proposals to his beloved, but in the end he never took the ring out of his pocket. he hopes that maria will inspire him to achieve his feat. hello guys, hello, nice to see you. no , well, he looks pretty serious, well, you
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’re better than us, van, he looks cultured with glasses, okay, he looks like a nerd, tell me, what stopped you from taking the ring out of your pocket? but the fact is that this was already the second proposal, an attempt, let’s say, because the first proposal took place a year after our relationship, she accepted it, but with such wording, do i have a choice? and the second proposal was a certain time after the breakup, there was a beautiful restaurant that i rented just for the two of us, candles, waiters for us. for yourself, why are you breaking up with her? no, the fact is that we kind of broke up, but a situation happened that we didn’t communicate for six months after parting, i went to another city, absolutely, we didn’t see each other for six months, when i arrived in this city, well, it was sochi, from there to fly further to my home in the far
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east, we remember that we didn’t communicate for six months, i’m leaving, i catch a taxi, order a taxi, a taxi stops in a city that is foreign to me in sochi from a taxi. she comes out , he’s a little cute, it’s clear that he’s cute, well, i’d rather just, that is , such a coincidence arose, a city with a million people, for a second, it’s also for the new year, so you’ll notice someone there, well, in general it’s unrealistic, such a coincidence, after which we talked a little, i flew away and naturally the feelings jumped up again, jumped up in me and her. first of all, upon returning back to my krasnodar, i decided to arrange a date for her, but she thought that she was going to a friendly meeting, so when i saw her, and i saw how shocked she was, i realized that i had to take out the ring from pocket, well, a little bit will be pointless,
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the girl has already invited her twice, she has been refused, this is this, this is a shock, well, i’m like a man, this is grief for me, this shock, i read this too. mendelsohn , dear, interesting stories, so that a man, having received , say, please, and there were such refusals from a girl, continued to pursue her, well, i don’t know, in the end he achieved, well , there are not many such persistent guys, but you come across individuals, for example, in america the young man proposed to his chosen one every day, for a whole year, for the 365th time she gave in and... agreed, and now they are happily married, which means, look, maria, i’ll tell you a little about alexey, but he definitely won’t move to the city , you should accept, he writes this in conditions, and moreover, he is a creative person, he can
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run away at night, record a song, or in the refrigerator, maybe it’s after a song, well , basically, in principle, he has a drum set, his heart is out he ’s hotter, two houses in the village, which he built with his own hands, as i understand it, but can i ask a question, well, i’d like to know about my child, how do you generally feel about other people’s children, ready? well, i still don’t have a radio-controlled helicopter, so as i understand it, boy, here it is i'll finally have a reason to buy
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some baby clothes. thank you very much, telephone, since he is a musician , he will either sing or play, well, most likely he will be musical, but not dance, yes, especially since he is a drummer, judging by his story he will play drums, well, i think so, yes, probably , something will play on the drum. maria, first i would like to show how i can play the drums, and then, if you allow, teach you too, wow, if he
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thought so, that’s why in the village. yes, she will get tired of the drums, she will get tired, she gets tired, it’s like a hammer to the head, now i’m already having a headache, well done, alexey, invite her, well, you won’t be able to teach her, everything will be very simple. not suitable because she is a gentle girl, we will have a very simple song that symbolizes everything that... what is happening today, it will be grigory leps, i raise my hands, i want to surrender to you, a very simple rhythm, the leg should be placed here ,
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uh-huh, yes, and we will hit the barrel, this is a barrel, and with our right hand hit the working one, that is, here, yes, like this in turn, uh-huh, try it, straight one by one, we are ready, we are ready, we can... start music, yes, come on , i have been reading syllables for a long time, i have not trusted only words for a long time, i have been choosing everything in this life for a long time, i know how long. i had girlfriends, i know exactly where the north is and where the south is, but i saw
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you, everything was lost at once, suddenly i raise my hands, i want you, friends, let’s applaud, i’m shining on the fire, play, play, but she doesn’t understand at all , what is she doing, i kind of make her feel uncomfortable at all. she doesn’t know where to go, what to do, what to do, she doesn’t like it she, irina, that you, as a mother, saw how you have a groom, a very wonderful, good young man, so positive, in my opinion, from all sides, just yes, it’s good that you have a good look, correct, yes, very good, and what did you see, well, i understand why he lives outside the city. so that the neighbors probably won’t sleep peacefully, you know, uh, but he’s cool, there are people outside the city who have this opportunity, which means they have
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a car, which means he doesn’t have to get up at 6 in the morning, you know, to milk a goat, then sell this is milk to earn money for a tram, he has wonderful hobbies, the hungry don’t buy drum sets with their last money, that is, somehow if, like my mother, she already sees a little further, she understands, he
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works with children, he answered perfectly ... maria, hello, my name is ivan, your beauty blinded me so much that i will put you on my snowmobile, and we will leave for a happy life in kamchatka, wow! thank you, ivan, 42 years old, former employee of the ministry of internal affairs, retired major, now the owner of a small construction company, lives in kamchatka, is fond of active sports, admits that he can change six pairs of shoes a day, warns that he is not ready for club parties or going to restaurants, ivan’s extreme hobbies regularly caused him physical injuries, and mentally injured his wife. hello
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, hello, here... let's start with the fact that i wanted to give you gifts, this is a rose for you, this is a symbol of the sun, so what is it, it is applied to a sore spot and in general it brings good luck if something hurts you, it is applied and oh, thank you very much, i know where to apply it, larisa, this a gift for you, this is the kamchatka bear, i know that you love kamchatka, it was very much, it can be worn around the neck, or you can put it on the keys, that is, thank you very much , thank you vanechka, thank you very much, this is a symbol of strength, because the kamchatka bear - our strength, i also brought with me you and shalu chivycha, no, this is not chevycha, this is our coho salmon, coho salmon, sit down, sit down, i’ll now treat the seagull. chevych is lighter in color, this is coho salmon, i cooked this fish myself, salted it myself, and oh well, well, well,
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i live here, great guy, and there’s literally a river next to me walks 100 meters from me then... you take a license, go to the river in the evening you can catch such fish for six months in advance, what a great guy, well , he came in trumps, we saw how many gifts, it seems to me that this is not the end, there is a fish, there and seagulls, there are some kind of shamanic ones, listen, well, unlike ivanda marie’s former machine, although it was, there is no alcohol, no, no, no,
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oh, what happiness, that is, happiness. ambulance vanya, it still didn’t teach anything, this bald head is already, lord, why did she become bald, oh, well 42 a year, maybe it’s already enough, no, it’s not enough, 42 years of life is just beginning, he’s still kind of dangerous, man, yes, yes, yes, he’s not a gentleman, i do active and extreme sports, this is a mountain snowmobile, this is a mountain snowmobile bike, this is skis, this is. mom, this is from childhood, probably, yes , this is straight from childhood, and fish in general, tell me, well, firstly, you can get rich with such fish, if you say that you can have so much of it there at a time, and i i’m giving it all away, uh-huh, and you’re also a good person, with a background in fishing, and this infuriated my wife, the fact that you you take so much time away from your family for all this fishing and hunting, but it doesn’t
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bring you any money, but no, i’m the same. lived, i seemed to have money, as if that wasn’t the question, but there was enough money in the family, honestly, it wasn’t, it wasn’t a sticking point, no, well, yes and no, well, that doesn’t happen, well of course, any woman has enough money, this always happens, that is, she asks me to buy new boots, but i kind of have a limited budget, it means i can’t afford anything from above, because this is a civil service after all, but me salary, me i at a loss. i’ll go tell you to steal or something, that’s what i told you to steal, of course we don’t need such wives, it’s true that with them , first of all, extreme sports and also at home that we don’t need this extreme sport, we need such a calm masha, really i came so that she can cook, she really doesn’t know how to clean, she doesn’t like it here, too, this is a grandmother in two
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, or let her remake herself, or the groom is generally wonderful, i... we already have a second groom, the right one, he’s calling his wife, you’ll go, well, it’s far away, well, you can travel, but there already to see what a journey , a journey, are you a visiting traveler or something, in fact, i really love my far east, my city of komsomolsk on the sea because it’s cold there, it’s cool there, when i fly there, i i get high there, and ifsha. i also like the cold, then kamchatka is a great option, my mother will lose weight because she will only eat kamchatka fish, however, ir, who thinks about us, about mothers, it’s not really my dream to live in kamchatka, i have friends living there, well, we don’t dream, no, let one wife go, but the proceeds there, everything is better, it’s better that we come to you, really , we’ll come, to fish, to the volga, yes , no, let it be a dream, not all dreams should,
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by the way, come true, really, no, let it be a dream. i think in a dream that this is also a second man, the girl won’t like it , the girl won’t like her, she’s waiting for me, i know, van, that means you’re in a position where you can not dictate terms to a woman, but offer her an offer if she doesn’t agree according to your conditions, yes, then it’s not good for you to break this hat in front of her, there are only one and a half men left , it’s normal. that's exactly what i have apartment, there is a car, a snowmobile , there is a motorcycle, there is a bicycle, there are skis , and he is healthy in himself, and we have photos and videos, let’s see, it’s interesting, wow
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, it’s you, he lives at your house, so dear where to store it, of course, the house must be very expensive, they will take you away in winter on a bike, but usually all people are on skis? here is our kamchatka fish, every morning we start tomorrow with such fish, listen, if you played with crab sticks, i think that would be enough, that’s where i
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messed up, but didn’t finish it, didn’t finish it, well look how this fish suited them, yes, these are children's sandwiches, i myself wouldn't refuse now, they say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, but it seems to me that this also works for women, dear mendelssohn, even though you are a boy, but can we have another boy? don’t compete to evaluate, well, tell me how cool it is, look at what eyes, smart, good, athletic, tell me, moreover, it’s also perfectly tailored for extreme sports, look at how aerodynamically correct the head is, exactly, show me a surprise, i’ll show you, need to prepare uh-huh, amazing, i’ll give everything for fish too, van, van, stop, but for... why six pairs of shoes, i forgot to ask, i can ride a bike a day, these are special white shoes, snowmobile, go to work, run, run in the same sneakers , boots, these are different styles, all in one
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day, i understand, oh, and friends, how they love you, well , here to cook, i think he ’ll fly into this studio on a motorcycle now, but we see, that there's something going on there, absolutely, he has an amazing swim cap, but i don't know what's going to happen next, oh, oh, wow, what a great guy, that’s what he’s doing, wow, it’s not scary at all with someone like that, oh, well done, well listen, in general, it’s simple. well, just not a groom, but some kind of feast for the eyes, thank you very much, thank you, van, the highest rating, just higher, well, for me, you say,
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she’s a little scared, you know, she’s a little afraid of it, well , like a man very much, when irochka, oh, i really liked it, i say, i love kamchatka, i just adore it, i would love to even move there with my daughter, oh, how cool it is! it’s very cool there, you’ll say it a little, he’s an interesting man, but i don’t understand, he does he want more children or not, how is he generally inclined in this regard, and you want, i want, yes , that means they will, he is the right guy, and if he gets married, of course, he will want children, i liked him very much, vanya, very much, rarely does a man come to us who is not a blogger, or a psychologist, or a sexologist, who can catch a fish, and
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you will always be well-fed.
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priviette marien love, lingalaski bolingo. vulnerable, patrick regularly caught his beloved cheating, they hope that maria is not capable of such betrayal, that’s what you wanted. hello foreigner, hello, to be honest, in the krasnodar region, the weather is so hot in the summer that i look about the same as this guy, patrick, how can you cheat, with whom, why, why did women cheat on you , what is it, no, she didn’t cheated on me, but i can just say, she wasn’t serious, as i thought, well, i was starting to feel that
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she... had - she had a different attitude, well, that’s why one day we were together and i looked, and there was a phone, there were messages and in general, it was a nightmare, and what was there in messages, well, i love there, yes i love love, it’s clear that this is not a friend, this is not a friendly relationship, but what is the difference between russian girls and congolese girls? uh, congo girl , they listen a lot, they are very polite, polite , well, here is the russian girl, they are also cute, well, they are cute and a little bright, african girls are more modest, they listen to men, men listen to men, yes, but russians are more free, they do what they want, that’s right, they don’t listen to
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men, that’s not true, russia is african, central an african country, well, imagine going to africa, there are always civil wars, this is not an option, you can’t take a child there, maria, what language do you know, besides russian, well, i know english, so with a dictionary, that means you don’t know, but our requirements are english or french, but medelson, please tell me, can there be difficulties with the language barrier? well, they can,
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of course, but in general the language barrier is easiest to overcome by studying songs. i’ll now offer you a couple of songs, and we’ll just check how well you understand languages. patrick, let's start with you, i'll sing you a few lines, and you repeat them. oh, it's a wedding, a wedding, a wedding, singing and dancing.
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please repeat. it seems to me that of all three grooms, this guy has the most demands on the bride, although it would seem that the guy is in a slightly different country and puts forward some other demands of his own, we won’t give up the russian girl, i’m still interested in where you want live in moscow, that is, do you want to learn to stay in moscow to live or go somewhere, i’m here for now, he’s studying, because yes, what’s there
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conditions, why? yes, yes, i told you, your jupiter, that the groom will be coming from afar, to africa, by the way, africa, i was there twice, i liked it, please show me the surprise, i wonder what he has prepared, but i think it might be, maybe some african, yes, they love dancing, maybe
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some african, or maybe an ibrahim will sing. the groom is at rosa sebitova's today, look at that and look at mom, look, they found the groom , damn it, look, i didn't see dad around, look , look, look, he's doing this for a long time, i haven't danced for a long time it's normal here. ok, how do you like the music? let's get together, let's, there's not even music playing anymore, but the rose continues to dance, that's the fuse, that's the woman, i
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came as a nobody, guys, thank you very much, bravo, thank you, thank you, the boys are so cool, clean, so fashionable all. m how do you like patrick, he’s good, of course , but young, i think he’s unlikely to be able to handle a child, how can i be an example for him, my son is young, he also needs to learn and somehow go out for a walk, perhaps, but what if i’m young what does it mean, it's nothing, it's nothing, the most important thing is how a person thinks, i liked vanya the most .
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in general, a unique choice for maria, kamchatka, i really liked everything, today we have conga and the krasnodar region, as you understand, we selected the grooms according to the alphabet of their places of residence. i’m for alexei, it seems to me that it’s better to beat the drums than to dribble on brains, in any case, whoever you go to, we will support you, come in, if she comes in, i’ll go after her, well done, i invite everyone to come out and support maria . i decided to choose myself, it seems to me that we have the most common interests, let's talk, come on, i think this is the right choice, yes, cool, thank you, we have a couple, maria and alexey, if you
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are single or you liked one of the participants today's program, write to the website of the first channel, and i larisa gezeeva wish that your loved one will definitely tell you, let's get married. hello, the program is about the most recent events of this day. without a statute of limitations, what awaits the new authorities, why attempts to break into our territory failed, vladimir putin's speech at the fsb board.


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