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tv   Novosti  1TV  March 20, 2024 9:00am-9:21am MSK

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grenade a second to make a decision, the feat of the soldier who saved the commander of that same tank alyosha, sashka the order of courage, to find an award for the hero, the president instructed, beware of the tractor driver, europe is facing an unprecedented action of farmers, in poland today they promised to arrange a transport collapse, and gold-diamonds during the search, a rich catch was found, a criminal was detained, who... so,
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a story that will probably be made into films and even the most incredible shots from them will not be an exaggeration. hunting for abrams and the main prey, video filmed inside the damaged one american tank. the unique recording is being studied by experts, and some secret data is no longer secret. well, how our fighters managed to get into the abrams, and this is a story of extreme courage, dense fire was poured from several sides, from above. enemy birds, but this is not a hindrance for the squad, which decided to act according to the principle: “i see the target, i see no obstacles.” our correspondent, alexey ivanov, met with the heroes. i sat there for two or three minutes, there was nothing like that, there was nothing natural about this tank, iron was like iron. scouts with call signs izaya and lesha, the first of our military men climbed inside the abrams tank, and even filmed everything on video, this is an operation or, as the soldiers themselves say, a leap. daring and
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deadly, they had to run across under fire from the militants. here is abram on the list of those shot down, this is the second abrams destroyed by our guys from the center group, on board this vehicle number 105, disabled on march 2. the first vaunted american tank was burned to the ground there near the village of berdychi, everything was filmed, samples were obtained, so to speak, without loss, everything in good, in a good mood, positive. they returned joyfully, the samples seized from the tank revealed to our scouts important secret information about the enemy, the short but very valuable filming itself allows us to assess the condition of the equipment, fortunately the damage to this abrams was not critical, well, its turret was turned towards the village, the campaign he drove away at the moment when they took off his shoes, because his forward caterpillar was unshoeed, that is, the left one was untwisted, inside the tank there is a designation on the instruments. duplicated on
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in ukrainian, they simply glued signs on top of the inscriptions in english, on the partition where the ammunition is located, one of the crew wrote the presence or, as an option, the consumption of shells , nine high-explosive anti-tank fragmentation, five armor-piercing sub-caliber, perhaps even with a core made of combined uranium, three anti-personnel , the inspection of abrams by the brave guys took a little more than two minutes, all this time they were covered by another group, the boys ran to the tank, then came to us via the radio.
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costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, but was knocked out a bird that costs 40,000 rubles. our uav operators neutralized just a similar drone, one might say, even on the first try, abramс, you can see this machine, it’s made of metal, here it’s aluminum, the ammunition is hung here, it’s tied up, it takes about 5-10 minutes to fully equip and preparing birds for work. drone operators on the effectiveness of air strikes. i’m already being compared to attack aircraft pilots, but the fighters say: we are in the same team, we work remotely and fly low, and the overall result is rusting on the field, western technology. alexey ivanov, valentin stukanov, alexander napalkov, andrey golderev, maxim trubnikov, natalya moshtakova, channel one, donbass. the west’s plans failed on all fronts; they tried to intimidate people before the elections, but it didn’t work. and
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couldn't get out. vladimir putin's statement at a meeting with the leaders of the duma factions discussed not only the voting results, but the social program remains a priority for the state. family support, regional development.
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work on all these issues together as soon as possible within this entire year, and for the longer term, almost 6 years. i would really like for us to work as constructively over the next few years as the election campaign did. all the deputies, regardless of factional or party affiliation, asked to convey words of congratulations, and in general the perception of the election results, your victory. how the victory of all citizens is perceived, these elections did not divide us, did not create tension, but on the contrary they consolidated it on the agenda of the state duma, an absolute priority - this is the implementation of the president’s message, but in addition
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to achieving the goals set in the message, deputies will soon have to solve the task that the constitution sets for them, in accordance with the constitution, with the updated constitution, which is now assigned to parliament. very serious powers to form the highest executive body of the government, you will approve not only the chairman of the government, but also his deputies and ministers of the civil bloc, this is a very responsible job, you know, i while still working in leningrad, then in st. petersburg, i saw how legislative bodies, when faced with these problems, sometimes stumble. here, because behind every appointment there are corporate interests, i would really like to encourage you to ensure that we are not guided by corporate, even party interests, but by the interests of the cause, first of all, we select and approve people according to
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their personal business qualities, according to their ability solve the problems that the country is facing, with a message to the federal assembly. the president addressed on february 29, less than a month has passed since then, and the deputies already have something to tell about the work done, we have worked out the messages in great detail, for our faction, for the party united russia is a program of action, to date we have worked out all the proposals that were made , and today we have 80 bills in the works, of which 47 are pending. specific proposals were also made at the table by the leaders of parliamentary factions, if we had a special ministry of demography consisting of government, this would probably be absolutely correct, and, for example, the question of introducing an increased coefficient to the size
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of material capital in a region with a low birth rate. it is important for us to solve the demographic problem, no matter how difficult it may be, we must again become a country of large families. a risk-oriented approach to inspections, that if there are no risks, what to go check, and an amnesty, in case of robbery of a business, for very small businesses, the leader of the communist party of the russian federation, among other things, touched upon geopolitical issues, i was amazed germany, which fell under the americans,
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abandoned its market, just complete idiocy, i hope that your first visit will be to the east, and not to the west, the network, comrade, is waiting for you with pleasure, loves ours very much. i'm definitely not joking, i'll take into account what you just said. summing up the meeting, the head of state once again emphasized the important role elections play in the life of the country, because they are the ones that determine things.
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levels of power work honestly, intensely, try their best to solve the problems and problems of people, forgive a lot, forgive a lot they will look so nobly, but our task with you is to work to the maximum, well, to the maximum, the president called on all parliamentary factions not to get bogged down in party differences, to look for and, most importantly, find compromises.
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maidan will win, yanukovych will not even be allowed to save his face. transfer her across the maidan, prime minister. watch the time after the program. victoria nuland is resigning, or has been fired. the united states of america has failed in its policy in the ukrainian direction. well, he speaks russian perfection. she worked as an exchange worker in odessa, as a counselor. in 1984 as a translator on a soviet rovolovetsky ship. the white house was
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surrounded by tanks, it was just an amazing time, i was very lucky to be there. her main project was not ukraine at all, but russia. in ukraine, of course, they found exactly the russia that suits them. yes, with naive people who believe in the west, believe in america, and are ready to die for its interests. they allocate money and they become debts to ukraine. you'll owe me 100 billion you will get 15 of them alive. they are family, but they are financial partners. who are working on projects to plunder some country, rob, she must do everything to ensure that her husband is not dirty, as this couple turned into military conflicts into a family business. victoria, the devils go to their place of registration. dolls of the heir tutti, today on the first. to the 135th anniversary of the birth of alexander vertinsky.
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it looks like we have a new maniac, another corpse, but what... should we now call you a taxi driver in uniform, bombed by law, unfinished cobboy, you yourself decided to start the investigation, persistent and quick-witted, so what kind of puzzle do we have here, why are you helping me, you won’t calm down until you catch them, and what’s your name, for you i’m just a taxi driver , undercover taxi, premiered on march 25, on the first one,
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then you fell, then something else, well, here it is... how to live with you? well, you don't live. this is news first and we continue. an award for a hero, the order of courage, was awarded to sergei solinov, he saved the life of the commander of the legendary tank alyosha. by decree of the president of the russian federation , to award the order of courage for the courage and courage shown in the performance of professional duty. during one of the reconnaissance trips to the front line, then still as part of the bars volunteer unit, solinov noticed an enemy copter above his platoon commander, who was preparing to drop a grenade, closed it, well, there was an explosion behind me, sashka asked me, but i didn’t hear anything,
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there was noise head, transfer this. everything happened about a year ago, and sashka is the commander of a tank platoon, alexander levakov, now the whole country knows him. sergei solinov received multiple wounds, a serious concussion , his commander was also hit by several shrapnel, but he continued to fight, and after that, in the summer in the zaporozhye direction, there was that same battle when the crew of the tank alyosha , with the support of artillery, withstood eight units enemy armored vehicles and emerged victorious from the unequal battle. later , the tankers were awarded the titles of heroes of russia and met with the president in the kremlin, where lieutenant levakov told vladimir to putin that sergei solinov saved his life much earlier. the head of state ordered to find the hero and present him with a state award. and now there is an award ceremony, where alexander levakov also came. hello. sashka, why didn’t you
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call in advance, quietly, normal, normal, in advance. the countries of the eurasian economic union will soon completely switch to mutual payments in national currencies, the chairman of the board of the eurasian economic commission told vladimir putin about this at a meeting in the kremlin sagentaev, who took office in february. we separately focused on preparations for the brix summit, which will be held in october in kazan, and discussed joint projects within the framework of the ias. there is a lot of work there. experienced, worked in kazakhstan at the highest level in executive positions. victory in the presidential elections of the russian federation, thank you, what we saw, the election results, allows us today to note the nationwide support
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for your policies and the correctness of the chosen strategic course for the socio-economic development of the country. russia this year. chairs brix, our other countries are not members of this association, but there are great opportunities there, bearing in mind the plans of our chinese friends, one train, one track, we always talk about the fact that compatible projects, ours, eurasian development and chinese, the brix leaders will come to us in kazan, i have a big request for you to look at your colleagues and work with the russian ones, how we could include the economies of others? countries of our association in joint work with the countries of britain, this could have good prospects, we'll take care of it. poland will probably be paralyzed today. devastated farmers promise to create a transport collapse like never before. this is what the protest map looks like: they are going to block five hundred sections of roads across
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the country with tractors. at least 70,000 farmers will come. discontent flared up with renewed vigor afterwards. the decision of the european parliament to extend the duty-free import of agricultural products from ukraine into the eu until the summer of next year, the blocking of checkpoints at the border continues, yesterday in kiev it was calculated that because of this the country’s budget is in february did not receive additional $200 million. an additional group of the ministry of emergency situations flew from novokuznetsk to the amur region, where on monday evening there was a collapse in a mine where gold is mined. 13 people remained underground; there was no contact with the miners. rescue operation. removed by the fact that the passages were flooded. employees of the ministry of emergency situations are pumping out the water, but it is arriving again, now they are installing additional equipment, and now the news has just arrived, specialists have begun to drill a well into... they will lower a camera into it to more accurately assess the situation. and the latest fraud worth millions was uncovered by st. petersburg police. the suspect, a resident
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of moldova, gained access to the vault of one of the banks and...


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