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tv   Novosti  1TV  March 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:15pm MSK

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are you ready for this, now the news and then we’ll come back, hello, news on channel one, andrei ukharev is with you, let’s start with personnel from the ministry of defense, an award for a hero, sergei solinov received the order of courage, he saved his commander alexander from certain death.
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levakov, the same one who commanded the legendary crew of the alyosha tank. the whole country learned his name after the famous footage of the battle in the zaporozhye direction, one with artillery support against eight enemy armored vehicles. the feat accomplished by solinov happened even earlier, now he remembered how it was. irina kuksenkova listened attentively. by decree of the president of the russian federation, marriage from a person shown in the performance of his professional duty was awarded the order of courage to sergei borisovich solinov. this is an award that has really been looking for its hero for a long time, the order of courage on the chest of sergei solin for the feat that he accomplished more than a year ago, during one of the reconnaissance trips to the front line, then still as part of the bars volunteer unit, he noticed an enemy preparing to drop a grenade copter over its commander platoon what to do in such a situation, and says, without even thinking, he closed it. well,
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there’s an explosion behind me, sashka asks me, but i don’t hear anything, there’s noise in my head, there’s a fog in the air. sergei solinov received multiple shrapnel wounds and a serious concussion. his commander was also hit by several shrapnel, but he continued to fight. solinov received first aid right at the front line. then sashka, damn it.
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heroes of russia and a meeting with the president in the kremlin, where lieutenant levakov told vladimir putin that much earlier sergei solinov saved his life. the head of state ordered to find the hero and present him with a state award. for solinov, as he himself admitted.
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they said that he simply gave me life. irina kuksenkova and alexey kozlov, channel one. and unique footage from the front line. russian special forces reached the american abrams tank that was knocked out near avdeevka. the task of our fighters was to inspect the vehicle and collect useful samples for study. a daring dangerous operation under continuous enemy fire, drones constantly circling around, are working. artillery, scouts with the call signs izay and lesha were able to get close to the stationary car unnoticed, climb inside and film everything on camera, as it happened, they told the film crew of channel one, well , his tower was turned towards the village, he was driving away at that moment, when they unzipped him, because his caterpillar was unwound forward, that is, the left one was untwisted, his hatch was knocked down, he jumped in, they have big hatches,
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he jumped in quickly, without problems, climbed in, looked around, i sat there for two or three minutes, there is nothing special about this tank, it’s iron like iron, this tank , which they reached on... the soldiers were hit in early march, then kamikaza drone operators with the call signs sokol and patriot did an excellent job, well, in total, four have already burned down on the battlefield abrams, as well as many german leopards and other nato equipment. indian prime minister narendra modi called vladimir putin today. according to the kremlin press service, during a detailed conversation, which took place in a warm and friendly manner, the leaders discussed the development of bilateral relations, the international agenda, and also confirmed the desire to coordinate countries in multilateral ones.
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to work on all these issues together in the very near future, throughout this year, and in the longer term, almost 6 years. i would really like for us to work as constructively over the next few years as the election campaign did. all deputies, regardless of factional or party affiliation, asked to convey words of congratulations, general perception, of the results elections, your victory. how the victory of all citizens is perceived, in our country these elections did not divide, did not create tension, but on the contrary they consolidated, on the agenda of the state duma, the absolute priority is the implementation of the president’s message, but in addition to
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achieving the goals set in the message, deputies will soon have to solve the problem that sets before them, in accordance with the constitution, with the updated constitution, the parliament is now assigned very... serious powers to form the highest executive body of power, the government, you will approve not only the chairman of the government, but also his deputies and ministers of the civil bloc, this is a very responsible job, you know, while working in leningrad, then in st. petersburg , i saw how legislative bodies, when faced with these problems, sometimes stumble here. because behind every appointment there are corporate interests, i would really like to encourage you to ensure that we are not guided by corporate, even party interests, but by the interests of the cause, first of all, we select and approve people according to their personal, business qualities, their
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ability to solve problems that the country faces on the threshold of decisions, with a message to the federal assembly. the president addressed on february 29, less than a month has passed since then, and the deputies already have something to tell about the work done, we have worked out the messages in great detail, for our faction, for the united russia party, this is a program for action, today we have worked out all the proposals that were introduced, and today we have in our work, specifically 80 bills, of which 47 are: stage of preparation for the second reading. specific proposals were also made at the table by the leaders of parliamentary factions. if we had a special ministry of demography within the government, this would probably be absolutely correct. and, well, for example, the question of introducing an increased coefficient to
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the size of material capital in a region with a low birth rate. it is important for us to solve the demographic problem, no matter how difficult it may be, we must again become a country of large families. and the first step is restoration of nursery groups for children from 3 months to one and a half years, so that young mothers combine motherhood with a professional career, the leader of the party is new people.
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with you in turn to fulfill our duty to them, we still have a lot of
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all kinds of nonsense and injustice in the lives of our people, starting from the lowest level and ending with the very, very highest, and we cannot now rest on laurels, say that this is all passed, we need an update in approaches to solving the problems that we all face when our people see that...
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i want to give instructions to the committee on international affairs, to prepare an appeal to parliaments, to international parliamentary organizations, to the united nations, information about the gross interference of the west, in the internal affairs of the russian federation, in the electoral process, violations of all norms of international it is impossible to inform with facts what they did.
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workers last year received such payments; the fund’s budget allocated 73.7 billion rubles for these purposes. president 2024 has been declared the year of the family and the state guarantee program provides for medical examinations to assess reproductive health; about 6 million people will be able to undergo such examinations this year. the program provides for an extraordinary procedure for providing medical care to veterans.


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