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tv   Muzhskoe Zhenskoe  1TV  March 20, 2024 4:05pm-5:01pm MSK

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and i didn’t shave or stuff, but me, and that you tested my husband’s patience, provoked ours, what kind of answer did you want to see, like i ’ll shave for you, you know, he agreed with everything , he probably loved everything i said, you, so i agreed, he loved me very much , and i missed his emotions, and i didn’t know what a person was thinking about, what a person was dreaming about, because he never shared his thoughts with me, what might interest him, what. .. was carried away, but he didn’t need much from life, he was satisfied with the presence of borscht, that is, he is such a hard worker , a hard worker, he came home, had a delicious meal, slept, woke up, went to work, it seems to me that in such marriages, where there are no common interests, everything all comes together only on borscht, it’s not interesting at all, and no, there is nothing to talk about, and in the end these marriages are not clear on what. holds, if a man is only satisfied
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with borscht, then how will the girl realize herself, open up, she will simply shrink and be in her own mini-shell. why did you love him? did you marry a specific person? yes, when i got married, we - we already started having problems, and we thought that our marriage would solve these problems, that is, we became very distant from each other, and we began to communicate more like each other. rather than as a man as a woman, how old were you? i was 25 years old, do you have such an unusual profession as a car restorer? yes, how did it come to you, your dad loves cars, he taught you in the garage, how did this happen? you know, i was looking for just such a profession for myself, where i i will be able to express myself creatively and not sit still, this is a very interesting type of activity. i work with cars with leather
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, i restore it, i’m right for me , let’s see, it’s better to see once than to hear once, in the process alita removes the ru, you won’t be surprised if in a year you see how she removes, that she goes through engines and disassembles cars. it’s very cool what you do, you just compensate in this way for your cute appearance, with such masculine muscular work. i would have already looked at the surprise, i
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i want to give you gifts , this should have been done at the beginning, come on, baby, come on, this is a spring mood, oh, thank you, dear, i wonder what gift she prepared for him , she’ll take his car, take it apart, say, oh, sorry, i wanted the best, it turned out as always,
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very unusual, look at her outfit, oh, how cool, and the elite, come to me. lekutskaya fish, my little fish, i want everything to be fine with you, you are extraordinary, take care of yourself, save yourself, don’t waste your money, you are golden, simply wonderful, wonderful, wonderful , that's it, let everything be fine with you, oh, what a girl, just, just sunshine, even 31 years old you forgive, just, yes, so what, just sunshine, what do you say, ideal age, 31 years old, so what? twist,
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it seems to me, tell me how cool it is, yes, i agree, i think, well, how do you like the groom, well, how do you like it, yes, but the groom is interesting, i didn’t have time to look at him. he looked at you, i noticed, yes, it seems to me that he liked you, mindelson, tell me, how cool, i’m just in admiration, i immediately remembered aelita from alexei’s science fiction novel tolstoy, the journey of earthlings to mars , our aelita is also a real princess, and this is a real and elite choice for gregory, it’s true, i don’t understand why larisa... drowns so much, why does she protect her so much, at the same time she is working on cars, and you are arranging flowers , they didn’t talk about your business at all, i would recommend olive, they suit each other better, well, it’s true, well, it’s like larisa says,
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this is the word, you fit into this , alita is too much for you, well, where are you going listen to her, well, she will get on all your nerves. than you will live all the time in a state of well, anxiety, because she is for more, she is for something else, it’s too early for her, you need to settle down normally, get married, no, well, olivia and ilona, ​​they are all amazing, just well alone better than another , i agree, well, in general, look, i have to choose for this, and you mendelssohn, for whom, and i still for... elite for the princess of mars, well, you don’t feel sorry for her, well, give her a little , well, you can’t stay with wings, so what’s wrong with her right away? marriage, wait, well, did she restore the cars, that she will shave grigory ulsyn’s hair, or what? good, in general,
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no matter who you go to, we will support you in any case, come on in, ilona, ​​if he still chooses you, will you go to him? well, i think so. and you will need it, i invite everyone to come out and support gregory, hello , i decided to choose you, i really like your idea of ​​unexpectedly choosing me to play the guitar, it’s unexpected, it’s very funny, because you don’t know how to play the guitar either..
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.my children are my whole life, if they are in my there will be no life, that’s all, it’s a failure. my husband and i want to deprive the biological mother of our adopted children of parental rights. have you talked to the children’s mother? no, she never even made contact, we have children, it’s the sixth month, who are you to decide in mine.
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good afternoon, the most common question we raise in this studio is, who is the mother, who is this, the one who was born? the one who raised, the one to whom god gave children, the one to whom he did not give, but she took a stranger and became his wonderful mother, that’s how to figure it out, who is the mother, it’s difficult, but it will have to be, today
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in our studio ekaterina kadrova from the vladimir region, hello, ekaterina, hello, what happened, my husband and i want to deprive the biological mother of... adopted children, parental rights, but the court decided against her side, did not find any grounds for deprivation, but she does not need the children, she abandoned them. arseny, he is almost 3 years old, and vika is very tiny. months, how did you get them? we actually thought about taking custody of our children in the future for adoption, since we don’t have our own children it turns out, well, we put it together, why not take it, we found these two kids in the database, they were offered to us, we went just to get acquainted, to see what was going on, when we saw arseny’s eyes, we realized that he simply couldn’t stand there anymore, please, how old are you, 21, 21, and your husband, 24, yeah, how long have you been there? married for 5 years, when you, that is, you had a fairly early marriage, yes, yes, when you
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took the children away from guardianship, what they told you there, well, we knew that lezhnevskaya guardianship had already filed a claim for deprivation at that time parents, immediately for deprivation , yes, yeah, why immediately for a decision, because they were selected under article seventy-seven, that is , with a threat to the life of the children’s health, so they immediately left, this was not the first time they left the child one is in danger, that is... she has been registered since twenty-one, but the guardianship said that these children, well, the mother of these children will be deprived of 100%. so, how long have you had children? on october 24, twenty -three, we took them for ourselves, on what basis, if the mother is not deprived, not limited? well, what is your status? guardians, guardians, well, temporary or temporary guardianship , so for how long were you given this temporary guardianship before the trial, how well, you had to wait for the court’s decision and then, well, how... the court would rule and, based on this, they would decide what next , the court decided not to deprive the mother of parental
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rights and did not even limit the mother’s rights, yes, yes, and we filed an appeal, so your children have been living with you since october of twenty-three, and have you communicated with the children’s mother? no, she never even made contact, but what are you talking about this mom? in general, you know, if she has been registered since twenty-one, and the youngest is 10 months old, that is, she became registered with her first child, how... yes, there was no, no, there was no second child yet, then that she is underage, the fact that the mother, they do it, as if, you know, like from generation to generation, her mother did not raise her, she now does not raise her children, but how old was she when she was born first, 15, she got pregnant at 14, gave birth to her first child, that is, she gave birth to her first child at 15, apparently she was registered, yes, yes, yes, we immediately give in, and then a second child is born, and the father is deprived of his rights? no, he is now in jail. i talked with opeka, because they also filed a lawsuit against him for deprivation of parental rights, but as they tell me
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that there is no decision on the mother yet, we can’t make a decision on the father, there will be few children with whom then, i say, but what about us, well, we are now like legal representatives, why can’t you get your father’s business off the ground, especially since he’s sitting there now, i don’t know, he has a bunch of these articles, just listen, but mom, what do you think, maybe she’s come to her senses, maybe she really wants to return the children, i think no, she’s been doing nothing since twenty-one. didn’t do it, we’re already in our sixth month of having children, during this time she not only didn’t come, she didn’t even call once, although she knows where, she knows, she knows the address and, well, the phone number , now she knows mine, listen, and who is receiving child benefits now, now i am, but for you , these children have become attached to them in just six months, of course, for us now these children are that’s it, these are our children, and we will fight for them to the last, yeah, that is, i understand correctly that when she was deprived of money. she fussed a little, and so it was, because they lived on these benefits, they did not have
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additional income, anything else, they and her, i don’t know what to call, cohabitant lived on these benefits, on children’s allowances children's, yes, yeah, but of course we couldn't help but meet with the children's own mother, let's listen to what she says about this situation, it happened on august 4, 2023, i remember this moment, i just can’t wrap my head around why they were taken away at all, in principle , in principle everything was fine with us, i felt everything, that’s just everything, the guardianship authorities ran up to the crib, took them out of the crib, the youngest, the eldest son, he screamed, he cried, he was driven on his own, because there were no longer any options to try to do anything, my children are my whole life. that is, if they are not in my life, that’s all, it’s a failure, because i carried them under my
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heart for 9 months, i gave birth to them, i, that is, them i haven’t heard or seen for six months now, they are with strangers whom even i don’t know, i’m still going to write to the children in all authorities, now tv news, i won’t give up, i’ll go to the last to make mine. .. the children were with me, believe her, look how they cry, no, this is a circus, even she says, now there ’s television, who went and wrote on this television, we went and wrote it, after all , children, well... what no matter how small they are, they understand everything perfectly, they lived with their mother, then they ended up in a repcenter, yes, that is, well, these are still traumatized children, at the moment, it’s up to you to cope with them, well , honestly, at first it was very difficult, arseny was like a maguli, as my grandmother put it, he was like a maguli, indeed, he was afraid of everything, he screamed, he hit the walls, hid under the beds, but little by little we
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somehow established contact with him, now it is still established, of course, this is not a month, this is not two, this may be, this may be 2 years, but we we’ll come to this, but everything is in order with your finances, can you support two children? yes, y my husband works for me, i also worked, now i’m on maternity leave to care for a child, but i won’t say that we don’t have enough, we have enough housing, at the moment we rent an apartment, but i also own a house, but my parents live there now, but we don’t seem to want to live with them, we want to live separately, with our own family, so let’s stop mobbing. and so your education, as they say, is still in hand, well , it’s helping now, listen, polina, she ’s so young, she probably has some relatives who are capable, why children ended up in an orphanage, why didn’t my relatives take me, well, my grandmother, her mother, it turns out , she wrote a refusal, the older sister also wrote a refusal, and you know your grandmother, no
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, you don’t, she’s about to go to the studio, this is polina’s mother , and we will ask her how it happened that her daughter... gave birth at the age of 15, and how it happened that when her children were taken away from her, they ended up not with her grandmother, but in an orphanage. olga, come to us, who are you to decide something for my grandchildren, why your grandchildren ended up in an orphanage, why are you making a joke here now, you are saying such words here, well, you explain why then, so that you can decide for mine. here and now answer us the question, who are you, i am the grandmother of my grandchildren, and why does she have grandchildren and not you, well, because i don’t have the opportunity to take grandchildren, no, then
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i closed my mouth, and now answer a simple question how my daughter got pregnant at 14 and gave birth. 15, well, it happened, and what time did you give birth to her? 18, well, how did it happen that you didn’t look after your daughter? well, that’s how it turned out, and how did it work out for you? why is that it turns out i knew that we would win the trial, which trial? well, what was the selection of children, you didn’t win? well, how about our decision, the court’s decision was not made, it did not enter into law. force, because they filed an appeal, well, they just filed an appeal , well, we will continue, no, you will not continue, i will explain why, where is your daughter now, why is she not in the studio, why did you come to shield her, well, with her imprisonment, yes, restriction, restriction, and why, well, there was a theft, great, it also happened, by accident, that’s it
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come on, let's imagine for a second, i just want to fantasize, right? now she’s sitting there with a bracelet, she can’t leave , this is a restriction of freedom, this is the preventive measure that was chosen for her, she will receive a sentence, suspended, non-conditional, i don’t know, she is now fighting for the children only so that apparently a reprieve there was punishment, of course, but let's assume, let's assume, they lost the appeal, the children need to be returned to the mother, and the mother is in prison, if he was given 4 months, 4 months of restrictions, yes left to her... it’s clear, but where do we all have confidence that there will be no relapse? it won’t, but how do you know? well, i'm sure of my daughter. victoria resigns, or she was dismissed. the united states of america has failed in its policy in the ukrainian direction. well, he speaks russian perfectly. she worked as an exchange worker in
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odessa, a counselor. and in 1984, he became a translator in soviet language. the white house was surrounded by tanks, it was just an amazing time, i was very lucky that i was there, her main project was not ukraine at all, russia, but ukraine, of course, has found exactly the russia that suits them, and with naive people who believe in the west, believe in america, who are ready to die for its interests, they allocate money, they enter into debt to ukraine, you will owe me 100 billion, of which you will get 15 alive, they are a family, but these are financial partners who work on projects, to plunder some country, to rob, she must do. everything so that her husband would not be soiled, how did this couple turn into military conflicts in family business? victoria, the devils go to their place of registration. dolls of the heir tutti are today on the first 135th anniversary of the birth of alexander vertinsky. daughters,
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daughters, daughters. papa and papa adored him and masha and fought for his love. we're too tired.
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dozens of people have seen me, you’re lying , why are you lumping everything together, and we’ll get used to living separately, we’ll separate anyway, well, understand, it’s not us who decide, but then come up with something, so, gentlemen, from the spouses you know nichaevs, received statement, after death they want to be together, i officially declare that i, nichaev yuri nikolaevich, together with my wife, nichaeva elena mikhailovna, have begun to live in the next world together, well, what kind of love can there be? eternity, right now i’ll tell lenka that i’m leaving, after all, she’s not the first, she’ll cry and calm down, where’s the champagne, i soaked him with my hysterics,
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horoscopes, suspicions, and i think that he only loves his wife and doesn’t want to should they part, hello, lyon, frivolous conversation, are they sure that truly love each other, what are you ready for, anything, life. after the life of the premiere of a multi-part film, soon on the first one, why were the children taken away, how did this happen? and on the fourteenth the children were taken away illegally, don’t give us characteristics of whether it’s legal or not, tell us the circumstances, please, well, i’m not there, i wasn’t present there, then why are you opening your mouth? because the order to take away two imperfect mothers created a situation dangerous to the life and health of the children, leaving the children with their father in an alcoholic intoxication, the children did not have food,
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arseny had fresh abrasions on his cheek, a scratch was bleeding, that there was no unclear examination of alcoholic intoxication, okay, let’s do this, polina’s children were taken away from her before, yes, this is not the first case, right, why then they took it illegally, they took it twice, why then did they take it illegally?
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i won’t take them, he comes out and simply covers with everything he can, the person who feeds and sings your grandchildren for six months, not six months, but 4 months, this is incurable, but they didn’t even contact us,
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this will all happen, but do you think there could be such a possibility? it seems to me that at the age of 14 she was already disappearing from my house, leaving, she lived with a boy, the street girls were tormented, because do you think this will continue if i return her children, well, anyway, my friend is there, she doesn’t care even here they’re leaving, they’re walking, they’re leaving, you actually need children , where do you go, i have two of my own, i immediately said that i won’t take it, it’s like in general that it’s stuck, well, yeah, that means there’s no one there yet i haven't heard. surrounded my daughter, came out here in public, guardian she's become pregnant, but you don't want to go to the mirror, and exactly everything that you say about your daughter, about other people, say about yourself, palina and i talked, we found out why she 's wearing a bracelet, maybe it's fashionable now, but this the bracelet appeared due to my mistake, i have article 158, part one - theft of small property in a store, i learned about this scheme
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from a friend, well... and i decided to try it, and i wasn’t caught the first time, i got caught about the third time, i probably came with a stroller with a child in one hand i had a stroller, in the other there was a basket , in the basket, that is, i put bread and something else, i put the rest down the stroller, there was a lot of stuff, i don’t remember everything, i came to the checkout, what was in the basket, i paid , was about to leave. but then the director stopped me, after which the police arrived and a criminal case began, and i had already been away for two months, there are still 2 months left, let’s go for a walk, look, i forgot the box, this is nfc from...
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after that, when i go for a walk, i always take it with me, you can’t move away from it up to 5 m, because of these restrictions, i can’t leave the city of shui, i used to have parties with friends and acquaintances, but now most of all i have parties with my brother and sister, our beloved dog, and it’s convenient to hide behind a child in a stroller, well, who will stop a mother with a stroller , this is a scheme, it means she’s not the only one, listen
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, there are a lot of equestrian relatives, one of the great-grandmothers, galina nikolaevna is your grandmother, but she came to our studio, probably to support you, let’s call her, that’s where, where should you send your children, tell me mercy, okay, silly girl, no, where were you looking when she was going to bars at 14, when she gave birth, where were you looking, should you talk about children now, did you see what kind of children they brought? which ones? yes , she was weak, you still attacked her, the poor thing doesn’t sleep with her all night, she nurses her as best she can, but she had a decision to visit the children, when she arrived at the house and the baby, the children had already left, she went to the baby’s house arrived, didn’t even bring candy to arsenia, who allowed him to go there, what’s this, how did they go on visit, they didn’t bring anything, toys, candy, everything, we were told that of course.
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after that, as we were leaving them, i was shaking all over, i can’t, and this is the baby we brought her , she’s not alive because she didn’t move at 5 months , you can say 5 kg, she weighed 5 kg 5 kg at 5 months, and now the child is wonderful, now give them back to this family. yes, my heart will bleed, i probably won’t survive, not even under any circumstances, let’s see, now you, look, how plump, i say, come on, yeah, let’s look at children, for your great-granddaughter and her husbands, arseny , oh, this is my dear, hello, when we go somewhere on business with katya, we leave the children with their grandmothers, they really like it, this is how
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we spend time together. well, the children are laughing, arseny is happy about the snow, today i cooked pilaf, in our family everyone loves it very much, well , i cook with love, because well, for the family, and this is the most important thing, will you go help dad? yes, have you already started without me? yes, yes, my assistant, we spend a lot of time with arsen, that is, he helps me repair something, he likes to do everything in his room himself, that is , he puts things in order, the bed, when we set it up , he said that i don’t like it here, oh well done, daddy’s assistant, yes, this is maxim and mine’s room. vikusya sleeps here, maxim and i sleep next to each other, the children have become happy, that is, they smile a lot, have fun, play, he used
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to call everyone mom, now he clearly knows that mom is me, here, for example, is a photo of him mom, who is this arsen, aunt, where is your mother? we are family and we love each other , we will do everything for these children so that they do not end up in the hands of this cuckoo, why don’t you look at the screen, it’s not interesting to look at your grandchildren , i wonder why you didn’t look, why would it be more interesting to knock down the ivanovo court so that they are given all of this, please wait, this is what i want to understand - that means the children’s great-grandmother on their father’s side, she absolutely thinks that’s it. the point is not how the children lived in her grandson’s family, but that the guardianship authorities are corrupt creatures and they just want to earn money and sell the children outright, only these children have so many grandmothers who will not fit in the studio, but they are being brought up
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in a foster family, i just want to ask tatyana vladimirovna vorenkova, how did this happen, let me call. please explain to me, that’s when they took away my grandchildren, yes, great-grandchildren, or rather, why didn’t you say, i’m a great-grandmother, i’ll take them for myself , it turned out like this, we said everything, my grandfather began to collect money, we almost collected everything, he brought it to guardianship, and after that, when they took the children, they didn’t take them, how much did you buy these children for, how much did you buy the children for, what are you talking about?
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you have lived for so many years in our country here tens of thousands of women for various reasons cannot have children, we have a state program for ipc, please be silent, a state program for ipc, people stand in line to pick up their children at the orphanage, and you are sitting there, if your mouth is closed on tell the whole country that you cannot give birth there and so on, you should be ashamed after this. the will of zhenya belausov, the battle for the inheritance of the star of the nineties is entering the home stretch, all participants in the conflict are in our studio, you filed a lawsuit, why do people writes a will at age 30. roman is sure that
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at one time the entire inheritance unfairly went to sister christina, if i wanted to cheat, i would have come from the very beginning, documented everything myself, why is the singer’s son sure that the star’s widow is deceiving him, and the document could have been forged, i want let him know the truth. that the court divorced us, just imagine , 26 years later there was such a blow for me, an exclusive with dmitry borisov, the premiere on saturday on the first, when you were entering into an inheritance, you told the notary that there is more potential heirs, you see, i was in such a state, the person i loved, probably the only love of my life, died. graffiti in sao paulo is everywhere , it’s true that you can choose any place in the city and draw whatever you want, if you start drawing at some police station, then of course you will get a fine, they won’t put you in jail, but they will give you a fine, not small, like here in brazil
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men are very attentive and caring, it’s clear that sometimes someone’s husband can go to the left, we have hot blood, but our own a woman, she is always alone, i see that you mostly have women working here. we just want the women’s coffee business to develop along with the men’s in the same way. brazil, coffee is simply bliss, the life of others. premiere. you. sunday on the first, is this the same one who ratted out his partner, or what? what have you done? no one wants to work with him; behind the wheel he is like a duck to water. we are launching an experiment: a taxi, an undercover taxi, also a colonel, but is this legal? i had my own plans for this car, but one joint was forced on me, and you you'll fly out of here like a champagne cork. an interception plan has been introduced, an armed attack at severnaya 27.
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it looks like we have a new maniac, another corpse. what should we call you now? a taxi driver in uniform, a bomber in law, an unfinished cobboy, who decided to start the actual investigation, persistent and quick-witted. so, what kind of puzzle do we have here? why are you helping me? you won't rest until you catch them, yes. what’s your name, for you i’m just a taxi driver. undercover taxi, premiering on march 25, on the first then you fell, then something else, well, that’s how to live with you, well, you don’t live, when the children were taken away, you somehow ended up there, how did you end up there, so i was there, and why were you there , and dim went for polina, and where did polina go, she went to... shuya has no idea dim let her go himself, why did he let her go, where did he
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let her go? a friend and a friend came to go to shuya. for what? a friend said: “take me to a bar.” and your beloved grandson let her go, right? well, i let him go for a while. listen to your words, i’ll quote them now, and then we’ll show you the plot, as you this was told. polina went for a walk, and... left the children with dima, she was delayed, and dima got drunk, dima went after her, left the children with a friend who got drunk for 20 minutes, who got drunk, at the same time called me, i naturally didn’t come right away, now let’s let's see, we will seek an examination, what they wrote to you here, we will go further, what are you going to, let me go, we asked them to take it, if they are drunk, we told them, take it from them, polino.
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polina came in with the police, she, they
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we immediately headed here, with the police standing here, polina immediately headed like this , pushed her away like this, give vikushu, i didn’t give it to her, they turned around, okay, they left with polina, 45 minutes later, ipn and polina arrived from the guardianship authorities, they went to the kitchen, started screaming, yelling, sign, they were saying something else. i am appealing to your panel of judges, now
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we have no power over the court, we are in no way independent , we have such a branch of government, but you can, you can chase away with foam a person who cannot figure out where the children are better, worse, i raised these children, i helped my grandchildren, i did everything, i want to see a man in the studio, this is budrov, catherine’s husband, adopted. 100 wives, 100 husbands live on their own, i won’t give the children to you and your cuckoo daughter, granddaughter, these are our children, these are our children. we will fight for them to the end, who made such a decision to take two more children from the orphanage? wasn't it scary? specifically ours, no, it wasn’t scary, it was me who suggested it, since i myself am growing up, my father is not my own, that is, my father, but he is raising me with two months, i don’t seem to have anything against it,
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that is, i understand that the father is not the one who did it, the one who raised him, and the same applies to the mother, so have you ever communicated with polina, no? no, not once, no, because we know that she is now showing off her bracelet around the village, she couldn’t come to us, but she so wants to see the children at home that she got in touch with us, she is 17 years old, by the way, yes, let's talk to her, why do you need children, i really need them, i am a mother, i carried them together under my heart, i gave birth to them, and if there won't be any, that's my life. will end, yes, i stumbled, yes, i made a mistake , but i need my children, and how many times have you stumbled, you made one mistake, i wanted to ask, i stumbled for the second time, the first time they took my eldest son, i can somewhere i didn’t fully understand everything
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, i understood everything, now i understood and realized everything, i corrected everything, what did you understand, what did you realize , tell us, i realized that somewhere... i did something wrong, what and what you did the wrong thing, which left the children, that yes, maybe i was walking somewhere, polin, polin, listen to me, please, here your relatives are shouting that everything here is a complete lie, we wrote out excerpts from the protocols, well, just to remind you, yes, how many times you stumbled and how many times your children were taken away from you, because you remember here, here don't remember. here are my children, i carried them, fed them, not here, let’s look at this story with you, and then tell us, maybe we haven’t remembered anything yet? in april 2022 , arseniy varenkov was placed in a health care facility due to being in conditions of threat to life and health, was
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returned in april 2022. on june 22, 2023 , anikina was brought to administrative responsibility. for drinking alcohol in a public place, the fact of leaving minor arseny with an outside family on may 3, 2022 was confirmed; also on june 18, 2023, arseny was left unattended at night. july 20, 2023 vika and arsenia are unattended, and nikina does not pay due attention to the safety of minors. on the night of august 3-4, 2023 , the young woman: created a threat to life and the health of the children, leaving them with svorenkov dv, who in turn was intoxicated, left the children with a previously convicted friend, and tried to manipulate the life and health of arseny. fresh abrasions, a scratch and bruises were found on the child’s cheek. there were no
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food products in the apartment. and how many more chances should be given. really, this is it. my last chance, this was on the judge’s table, that is , the decision, this is how this is possible, i really don’t understand, you are not in court now to ask for your last chances, there will be an appeal, everything will be decided by the court, i’m just interested in asking you a few simple human questions, but your children are in a foster family, why have you never visited them? i didn’t visit because, firstly , the guardianship authorities told me. they didn’t give you a number, did you personally call the guardianship authorities? i called, when i called this month or that month, i can’t say for sure, in this month, in my opinion, we called together with my mother, i asked to give me the number
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of temporary guards so that i, from october, your children live in a foster family, during this time you called once. then don't remember when, and as i understand, you also often grew up in children's institutions with a living mother, how did that happen? yes, i was in the heart, they gave me away because i was not at home, i disappeared, my mother gave me away so that i would realize everything and not do things the way you think, is this a normal upbringing? no, that’s why i know what it’s like for my children and, believe me, your children are absolutely fine, none of these children remember you anymore, period. giving them to you after the whole list of crimes that you have committed against them means giving them to slaughter,
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enough for your next man, drunk girlfriend , anyone, look, if my children come back, if my children come back, i’m buying a house and living with them separately, what will you use to buy it, i have maternity capital, and what can you do? buy with this maternity capital, i was going to buy a house, we went together... we looked at it, yeah, and that is, now listen to me, listen to me, that is, you are able to live alone in the house, take full care of the house, for two children, with your pathological tendency, and let's do this, look, to my it’s a great regret, but this is a disease, the fact that you run away from home from an early age, this is a disease that your mother will blatantly, meanly, unconscionably and inhumanely ignore. this is something that requires a long, careful study and treatment, just as you ran away, you will run away,
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why am i not running away now, i’m sitting at home, if i had this disease, i wouldn’t be sitting at home now, the bracelet doesn’t interfere, it doesn’t hurt, yes, you just don’t want to go to prison, you are not yet capable of behaving differently, you need to cure yourself first. understand yourself i have business with you, but you want to give me 100 bucks, for a much larger amount in another currency, i want to get out of here and as soon as possible, we advise you not to rush, the european parliament wants to impose sanctions, they demand to stop using berkut, give up the streets to the crowd, another week at most and the maidan will win, yanukovych won’t even be allowed to save his face, transfer her through the maidan, prime minister. look after the program for the time. today we will introduce you to a man whose work
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is becoming more and more interesting every day. this is circus and theater director valentin dneushev. i i came to school to become a clown, but my teacher forbade me to be a clown. a lot of brilliant people who found some kind of poetic, fantastic reality in the circus. this is the fleetingness that... i want to capture the circus that i want to create, it doesn’t exist. we continue our series of half-hour portrait programs and would like to introduce you to dmitry sovetsky, a russian writer who has been living in paris for about 15 years. i came to my beloved woman, and after 2.5 days i realized that she was not there, and that i needed start from scratch and do it yourself. i knew that my homeland is my language, this is not the soviet union, this is the language in which i write, this.
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i know that you are sitting at a table in a st. petersburg cafe, where they play programs from 49. motador on friday on the first, virtual reality is the place where everything impossible is possible. i see you, you are now in my room, yes, hello, several people can be in the virtual space at once, that is, for example, the plant is in tolyat, the customer is in st. petersburg, here they are together they can meet and discuss, for example, a car, a model, as if it actually already physically exists. our company is engaged in the development and production of diagnostic tests for determining allergic reactions, using our reagents, the laboratory has the widest range of allergens that... can be detected, the main leitmotif of our collections are sheepskin coats, and we also produce leather items, suits, coats,
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trousers, skirts, the style of our brand is everyday luxury, our everything, premiere, in saturday on the first, the law should have either limited you or deprived you of parental rights, judging by the list of records that you already have at the age of 17, this is a clear deprivation, but at the same time the law allows you to recover within a certain period of time, bring your life in order, prove to the court that you can be a mother, restore your rights, but we understand perfectly well that none of this will happen if you haven’t done a damn thing in six months, the children will be here now, they will be mine, so for me this i shouldn't have, i... will to go to the last, because i am a mother, and the children will be better off with their own mother if we don’t watch the tears, so let’s take it and
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simply remove the tears from the screen with a filter. then it will be very clear from her facial expressions that she is afraid at the moment, it’s as if something important is being taken away from her, but only if we look closely, especially at episodes of aggression, it is not her children that are being taken away from her, she is not afraid of that , they take away her money, on which she now lived, walked and excuse me, drank, disappeared somewhere and somehow carried out her lifestyle, which it’s called deviant behavior , it’s really a deviation, she has deviant behavior,
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in february of twenty-two this family was already registered with us, there were repeated drinkings of alcoholic beverages in april of twenty-two during fights arseny was nearby and a decision was made the next day to temporarily place a minor, soon polina’s mother wrote an application for the return
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of the minor to her family, there were changes, but not significant. quickly, then it all starts again, the taking away happened from us 4 august twenty-third, but we exhausted all preventive measures, and the court was issued, deprivation of parental rights. the children were already admitted to a specialized orphanage in the city of ivanovo, the children ended up in the bank data, we only gave instructions to independent citizens about the opportunity to be guardians. they began to understand perfectly well that now it is necessary to remove the children before disaster happens, because then we turn on the tv and see when the mother is an alcoholic , seventeen years old, and the children burned to death, damn it, or fell out of a window and so on, then there is a question for other authorities, where did they look, so here the guardianship authorities acted proactively, i am grateful to my colleagues that they protect the rights of children in this regard, well , here is another question for the court, it seems to me the judge was subjected
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to severe psychological pressure from her grandmothers and great-grandmothers. she has a hammer in her hand, she was afraid to use it, but do you have a lawyer? there is a lawyer, yes, that is , you had guardianship of the first instance, the prosecutor’s office, there was no lawyer, and you didn’t have a person who would shut up this that's it, yes, no , well, you get this court decision , let's keep in touch with you, i will need to send all the materials here to the first instance, we will assist you in preparing the appeal, but it is imperative that you have a lawyer physically present and a lawyer. also with a request to the prosecutor’s office, we can’t influence the judicial office, but let’s also file for guardianship for the reason that the guardianship may have somehow poorly prepared the documents, okay, we’re glad, thank you very much, and most of all the main thing is that no more...


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